Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

5 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



fiRRlGYDRUlDlON CHOIR AT LLANDUDNO 0q EISTEDDFOD. ^e«tion f C^°Ars en8a86d in the cheif choral com- u Cerrisrydruidion United," who were ^Jan XVaru Jones, Brynsaint. Mr. f^bered olUrs^ ac^n8 as accompanist. The choir if^eland d Vo^ces- They joaroeyed from Cerrig ence bv by waggonettes, and °way Yalley Railway, having chart- baet a^. £ Mn take them down, and bring be evenin cloSe of tbe Eisteddfod Concert in ^?.°fldookirfo u J 7 were a very smart, intelligent, ?. es to y °f humanity—a remark which ap- „ 0Q of tjjfl with equal force. As an indica- tha the organization had heen to wlii 8 wore ties indicating the vocal l6si an^ aii ^ey belonged. All Sopranos wore red ten0- ^traltos white ties. The males, if they fosses had ? sPor^d blue caravats, while the +ve °boir avn white caravats. On the stage, rJe 'eft, contrin a^mirably—sopranos and basses to u->ied the !"d tenors t0 the «ght. The ladies jv^Ppened ,r8' an<i the men the upper. As J"56, the' a!l n? choir was drawn to sing last. ie^6r Parties W^nCe^ad exPerience o{ the seven bnl6' to°. had I y came forwai'd- The aud- t)15ed Previously are? tbe test pieces six times re" t(,^e of fven besutifal music, like the dPf dutiful r. x 8 moi otODOHS when °f the nso iQterest was taken in every tbP7R I^arty and s and arrangement of the *eL U* row'8 of DSen' 0n tke wave ot' ^e baton, of fiv! one mar, ^ers rose wit^ absolute exact- ^P'ause. Of +i' Was a spontaneous burst singing of the two test pieces, "Worthy is the Lamb (Handel), and Seren unig" (Isalaw)—only one expression can be used, it was GRAND. The cheers which a delighted concourse of listeners—a concourse which filled to over-flowing the Pier Pavilion-gave at the close shewed the popular opinion a%Ao the performance. However, the adjudicators, Dr. Joseph Parry and Mr. J. H.Roberts, having detected two or three small errors in Cerrig's rendering, bestowed the prize upon Pendre, Bangor, who were declared to have sung faultlessly. Although, not the prize winners, how- ever, the Cerrig choir can be very heartily commend- ed on the popular approval they gained in The Queen of Welsh watering places." After the meet- ing they had tea at the Victoria Restaurant, and got home to their mountains" in the course of the small hours, having every reason to be congratulatory as to their outing,—-O'r Free Press," Mawrth 11.

Talfyriad o'r Adroddiad a…

---- Mantolen gyffredinol…

[ LLANDDERFEL-Gwener y Groglith.
