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_>hianaes ^nnmntanwnis. GUTTER E v G S! CREAM ST. HELEN'S DAIRY, 66. ST. HELENS-ROAD, SWANSEA. PURE BRITISH BUTTERS ONLY. 3090 J'UILDERs GUILDERS YARD. REQUISITES. BUILDERS RSI T~* TONES WORKS BUILDERS* I E .1 KJV,RJK^' REQUISITES. BUILDERS • "*• • WORKS GUILDERS rrvriV REQUISITES 3UILDERS AARON BOUND Y. WORKS BUILDERS RRRTR)"R REQUISITES BUILDERS M'TFRIALS WORKS BUILDERS MATERIALS RRQULSITKS BUILDERS WORKS WORKS BUILDERS 2557 REQUISITES. REQUISITES P U R N I T U R E J U R N I T U R E OWN & G O N FOR GOOD SUBSTANTIAH PURNLTURE, GEDSTEADS, BEDDING, ^JARPETS, LINOLEUMS, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSE FURNITURE. STEAM CABINET WORKS- 221, HIGH-STREET & MORRIS-LANE, SWANSEA. The Larges and Cheapest Steam Cabinet Manufactory in South Wales. Illustrated Catalogues Free on Application. IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Carriage Pdon all orders above iivered Fiee in our own vans, 4024 TX AIR RESTORER. Persons losing hair through illness or any cause what- >vnr should use JONES'S most nutritious and success- ful p'reparation. The result of 20 years' study. It thorouirhlv prevents hair from falling, clears away ,„r,,{r'duciug an abundant crop ma very short rime. Prenared and sold by J. H. JONES, 20, College- street Swansea. Pries 2s per bottle, by post ?s 4»/2d nostal orders preferred. Numerous testimonials. Origi- nals for inspection. 3180 COPY OF LETTER. Stockport, October 8th, 1891. Dear Sir, Please forward another bottle of your excellent Hair Preparation, as I find it most valuable, both as a restorer, a cleanser, and in keeping the ITair rom falling off. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. BENNETT. Mr J. H- .Tones, Swansea. TEETH 1 TEETH TEETH A MR KEALL, SURGEON DENTIST, 199 HIGH STREET, SWANSEA (Tust below the Great "Western Railway Station), tuJ, to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- «hin Guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the new Anaesthetic Cocaine. Partial Sets from 5s per Tooth; Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE. Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreaux, Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is 1Jhd and 28 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist. Cardiff: Mr Mundav, Chemist, 1, Duke-street Mr Hobb, Chemist, Roath. Newport: Messrs Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. Neath Mr j. G. Isaac (late Haymau), Chemist. Llanelly: Mr Owilym Evans. London Newbery and Son. 1033 14 ESTABLISHED 1854. X. G A N Z, WATCH MANUFACTURER, GOLDSMITH. JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, I 231, HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA, SOLE MAKER OF THE RHONDDA WATCH, RKGD. NO. 150,980. Write for full particulars. 3062 fjafcls, &r. SW ANSEA. THE OLD IVY BUSH HOTEL, JL 225, HIGH-STREET. -ci9.t nt1(tmetJ. will find Comfortable and Convenient Accommodation. Two minutes' walk from G.W.R. Station and eight miputes' from L. and N.W. Most conveniently situated for Exchange and Docks. Trams pass the door for all parts. HENRY HURMAN, Pnoviu .s OR. 3930 SWANSEA. JJIRD IN HAND, HIGH- STREET. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL. Two Minutes' walk from G.W.R. Station. Con- venient to Exchange and Docks. Trams pass the door for all parts. EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITORS FROM TOWN AND COUNTRY. JOHN DA VIES, 3275 PROPRIETOR. SWANSEA. PANTYGWYDR HOTEL, OXFORD- STREET Corner of Richardson-street) MSKTESS-BS" pass close to also the urn es trams and 'busses. OffiEvery accomm!JdatioD to Commercials, Visitor., cers, and EngIneers. Wines, Spirits, also Stouts of the best quality. 3585 H. J. ISRAEL. SWANSEA. LONGLAND'S FAMILY AND COM- JLJ MERCIAL HOTEL, ST HELEN'S ROAD. (Beautifully situated.) COMMODIOUS COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE SITTING-ROOMS. FOR TERMS APPLY — 3940 MANAGERESS. CASTLE HOTEL," SWANSEA. — ConT mercial and Family. Exceedingly convenient ? Railway Stations, Exchange, and Docks. Moderate tariff Ordinary Saturdays, 2 o'clock Established over 50 years. 2815 THE" BüVEGA," 9, CASTLE-STREET SWANSEA. pINNERS DAILY7I to 3 o'clock. IVC.AC, JOIN IS, POULTRY, FISH, GAME, fEAS, ETC, at VERY MODERATE CHARGES. Wines. Spirits, Ales, and Stout of the very best quality. • F. A. GLOVER, PROPRIETRESS. MUMBLES. Mermaid HOTTPT Oldest Hotel in the Mumbl- SITUATED ON THE PROMENADF walkfrom ,h. S,ea„ I™ £ 1 FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HODOT PRIVATE SITTING AND BEDROOMS Uninterrupted view of the Bay (Five minnt<.„>m i, from Bracelet Bay)! minutes walk 5082 SAMUEL GRIFFITHS, PBOPRXETOK. MUMBLEST BATH HOUSE HOTEL, NORTON- ROAD, MUMBLES. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY^ AXD COMMERCIAL PROPRIETOR—A. ELLERMAN (Late of Esplanade Hotel, Porthcawl). Beautifully situated, facing 1 Swansea Bay, Mumbles Head. and Oysterniouth Castle, containing about 70 Private Sitting Rooms and Bedrooms. Dinners, Teas, &c.. provided at the shortest notice. Good stabling. An unlimited supply of spring water on the premies. Steam trams stop at the door. Prmted terms on application. 3030 LlVERPOOL.COMPTON HOTEL." J'-J — Unrivalled for its Comfort and excellent Cuisine. Breakfast, 2s 6d Dinner from 3s Bedrooms from 2s 6d. Finest and most central position near Stations, &c. 627 RATIONAL JGLSTEDDVGD pRIZE JL STORY. JUST COMMENCED IN THE QARDIFF RJPIMES AND GOUTH ALES ^TEEKLY NEWS FOR FREEDOM, A TALE OF OWEN GLENDOWER'S REBELLION BY T. EVAN JACOB (Winner of the £100 Prize for "The Life and Times of Bishop Morgan, &c.) THIS PRIZE STORY, which Commenced publication in the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 26TH, U replete with interest, and should be read by every- one interested in Wales and Welsh History. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. PRICE ONE PENNY. CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES: CASTLE CHAMBERS 21, CASTLE-ST, C !RD IFl? SECRETARY f FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent Posting Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Vdvertising Circular Distributing, *fcc. All orders promptly attended to.lwt *^1 business J\bbrt55tS- JJICKS AND Co., LIMITED, MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE CHEMISTS, ARE THE PROPRIETORS OF THE RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS, THE CARDIFF DRUG gTORES, 70, QUEEN-STREET, AND 28, DUKE-STREET, HICKS AND CO., LIMITED, Are by far the LARGEST DEALERS in Drugs and Chemicals in the Principality. Their Wholesale Connection enables them to Compete with the Largest London Houses. HICKS & CO., LIMITED, Are the CHEAPEST CHEMISTS in Wales, and supply the Best Drugs, &c., that can be procured. HICKS AND (JO., LIMITED, r WHOLESALE WAREHOUSES AND STEAM LABORATORY, PARADISE-PLACE, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 58e ——— 3125 Illustrated Price List of Drugs, Patent Medicines, and' Surgical Appliances sent free on receipt of address. jpiANOS, HARPS, QRGAlfS. HEATH AND SONS, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, Invite the Public to inspect their Large and Varied Stock of Instruments, by all the Leading Makers, at the Cheapest Prices and Largest Discounts. PIANOFORTES, From 10s 6d Monthly, by Broadwood, Collard, Erard, Kirkman, Briusmead, &c. Sole Agents for the Celebrated STEINWAY PIANOFORTES. One of these Splendid Grand Pianofortes may be Hired for Concerts, &c. ORGANS, FROii 5s MONTHLY. Sole Agents for MASON & HAMLIN, &c. SEND FOR NEW PRICK LIST AND DRAWINGS, POST FREE. Every Instrument Guaranteed and Kept in Tune Free for Onl Year. Pianofortes Exchanged, Repaired, and Tuned in all Parts of South Wales. HEATH AND SONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WAREHOUSE, 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, AND 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 9131 NEW MUSIC DAILY. 1066 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAIWS PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS. Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous disorders, such as wind and pain at the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c The first tiose will give relief in twenty minutes. This fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one INx of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages they are invaiuable. No Female should be without them. There is not a medi- cine to be fouml equal to them for removing anyob- struction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore Females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are nsured bv their use. jgEECHAM'S PILLS. jgEECHAM'S PILLS. JJEECHAM'S PILLS For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and al disorders of the liver they act like "MAGIC," aud a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the appetite, and arouse into action the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS" testi tied continually by members of all classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the nrvons and debilitated is "JgEECIIAM'S PILLS. jgEECHAM'S PILLS. JJEECHAM'S PILLS Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World FULL DIRECTIONS ARE GIYEN WITH EACH BOX. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail bv the Proprietor, T. BBECIIAM, Chemist, St Helens, Lanca- shire, andi by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. In Boxes, 9%d, Is 1 %d, and 2s 9d each. 1392 G. A. STONB & CO., COMPLETE F 0 N ERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES Proprietors of Cars, llearses, Snellibiers supeib Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams' ami every necessary equipment tor Funerals! PRICE LIST on APPLICATION. 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, 1103 OAR]) I F F GEORGE'S A MARVELLOUS REMEDY \J<' FOR C COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, OUGH ASTHMA, etc. W hen other things fail, get a bottle, take according to directions, and T> A L S A M. Sf wontlerful P°wer t0 y°ur ~1 In Bottles, Is ijd and 2s 9d. /GEORGE'S I- univeI^ally adMrrred^fo VJT BE THE SAFEST AND BEST. Contain no Opium nor anything INFANTS' injurious to the youngest babe. For Teething, Fits, Measles, Scarlatina, and other ailments, they are a sure PnWTVfivRQ ;iIul certain specific. A mother's kj w .U.E1.K0 best heip and comfort. IN PACKETS, Is 1 £ D EACH. ^Read the remarkable and interesting testi- eac1' packet and bottle. POWlJKJW aud BALSAM are sold OSS«SS^ ILH0!FW>I jgOLAR ELIXIR. JLL< "TiR ROOKE'S 4^ Is of incalculable fTlLIXIR. I ROOKE'S service in the Relief -§^TTVTTJ Cure of Indiges- tjj^LIXIR. | ROOKE'S tion, Liver c0m- pi^iuts, Astliinn LXXLH. ROOKE'S ^onchitis, VAMLT ROOKE'S EUXIP- I \r iiooke's aSrai EL1XIR' ■KKEOOKE'S Euxra- | |R ROOKE'S -en^r^^ VK ROOKE'S Pat'ion" Ti^ahfbn^us" |^]LIXIB- KR ROOKE'S IE™ JJ OLIXIR. Wnting July 13th, 1891, the Rev A. Harpole, says the Bev A. PARKER, of From experience I know the virtu o, cines. I have never taken them without Lyc?l. ltle(li" and in numerous cases, where I 8Tcat benefit, them to my friends, they have always of good results." Deen Productive DR ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. DR ROOKE'S Cleanse the Stomach YVITTO from all noxious and M \R ROOKE'S unhealthy accumula- M^iltq JJ tions, quickly reliev- JJ; DR ROOKE'S ing the complaints con- OILLS nected therewith, such JL B \R ROOKE'S as Giddiness and Pains OILLS j | in the Hoad, Costive- JL TVK ROOKE'S ness, Biliousness, fre- OILLS. M # quent Sickness,Acidity J|_ "H \R ROOKE'S or Heartburn, Drowsi- OILLS. B 9 ness, Dimness of Sight, JL \K ROOKE'S Oft'eusivj Breath, "OILLS. B Piles, etc., etc. For JL |\R ROOKE'S FEMALE COMPLAINTS OILLS. JLF they stand unrivalled, JL T YR ROOKE'S and have NEVER been OILLS. -BJ* known to fail. A |\R ROOKE'S OILLS. PILL.'{ AND j^R ROOKE'S TH5^g^TAL pELLS. jyn ROOKE'S J^.fSs^at P^ "STAR ROOKE'S lsiy2dand 4s 6d each OILLS. jj the ELIXIR in bottles "I \R ROOKE'S at 2s 9d 4s 6(1 and lls ^JILLS. each by all Patent B \R ROOKE'S Medicine Vendors, or |T)ILLS. g g ^direct from DR. ROOKE, SCARBOROUGH, JCNGLAND. 1033-9024 lushwss Mbxt&zts. I — BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS JpiANOS, ORGANS, AND IJARMONIUMS. with all Latest Improvements. Cheapest House lor Cash Customers, also for New Hire System. A VISIT WILL CONVINCE ALL THAT FOR VALUE E. B. BRADER, 5, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF, IS BEST. MY UNRIVALLED ADELINA MODEL PIANO- FORTE, 28 GUINEAS. 4399 GLENTAKIT GLENTAKIT! GLENTAKIT ASK FOR GLENTAKIT OLD SCOTCH ONE OF THE FINEST WHISKIES IN THE MARKET. BRISTOL STORES.2$, NICHOLAS-STREET. CARDIFF „ CHURCH-STREET. 5565-293e SPECIAL LINES TO BUYERS. JOHN WILLIAMS & gHOW JJ^OOMS For the hist Selection of MARBLE, WOOD, AND ENAMELLED CHIMEY PIECES, DOG STOVES, DRAWING AND DINING-ROOM QUOTES, HAND-PAINTED TILES, AND TILED HEARTHS AND KEHBS, COOKING RANGES, GRILLS, &c. 9, 13, 15, 17, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. /,129 4129 HYACINTHS, OF DUTCH BULBS. HVAcci™s,FRE«IIIFNTS N0VV 1N> OF 5'TNE QUALITY, LARGE QUANTITIES OF WELL- <KC" &c. GROWN I-RUIT & FOREST TREES, P^ i J. 'r' i'OS!S, c.. WN IIT T At Reasonable Prices. A VN THORNS SPECIALLY GOOD AND CHEAP. '<wi? v Inspection of the Llandaff Nurseries u'lvv-i- Invited. Six minutes' walk from T.V.R. Llandaff Station. TAWOT? WREATHS AND CROSSES, CUT FLOWERS, QUAN11IIES FL0WER SHOP, HIGH-STREET WTREATHS ACADE, Send for Catalogue (anything required l in the Garden) to BOUQUETS. ^TILLIAM rjBESEDEB, NURSERYMAN, 1391 NURSERYMAN, 1391 CARDIFF. DAVID JONER AND COMPANY, LIMITED, WESTMINSTER gTORES, AND CANTERBURY MEAT MARKET, WHARTON-STREET. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF PRODUCE FROM AMERICA, SWEDEN, HOLLAND, DENMARK, AND NEW ZEALAND. IRISH AND AMERICAN PROVISIONS. SPECIAL for the SHIPPING TRADE. IRISH AND DANISH BUTTERS, Packed in 41b, 71b, and BIb Tins. CANNED GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY Always in Stock. SPECIAL & PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL SHIPPING ORDERS. 3762 IIGHTS OF THE BENCH AND BAR. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS,' SATURDAY, OCTOBER Contains the First of a SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED SKETCHES OF CELEBRATED JUDGES AND ADVO GATES, LIGHTS OF Un[lei thetitle^ THE BENCH AND BAR. Thase Sketches are not intended to be mere drv bio- graphical details, but to be Sketches which alike bv correct ide-1! PenfaS thCi PC!KK- Avi,U give tho reacl'i a, V itl^ ,of each subject's personality. The whlch uniT i ?nlivened by » fund of anecdote which mil add piquancy and interest to the articles. The Sketches will appear in the following order Chief Justice COLERIDGE (Oct, 17th\ No. 2. Sir CHARLES RUSSELL (Oct. 24th). £ ?rd Chancellor HALSBURY (Oct, 31) No. 4. Sir EI)\S Alt!) CLARKE (Nov. 7th). No. 5. Lord KERSCHELL (Nov. 14th). No. o. Sir HENRY JAMES (Nov. 21st). To be followed from week to week by a number of others, making the series worthy of its title. LIGHTS OF THE BENCH AND BAR. LIGHTS OF THE BENCH AND BAR. LIGHTS OF THE BENCH AND BAR. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." QROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH jgJLIXIR C~~ ROSBTS ftALIXIR BALSAMIC COUGH -5^rTVTTJ | CROSBYS ELIXIR S^LIXIR. /vpnaDv'i works wonders in cases rTvtt> a iKOisUY & of PULMONARY CONSUMI*- |j^L1X.IK. TION, and has been used £ CROSBYS with s5g|aal success in W.1LIXIR. ><ROSBY'S Asthma and Bronchitis. |^LIXIE €^ROSBV'S BTiLIXIR x BALSAMIC COUGH j| £ 4 IROSBY'S ELIXIR |J1LIXIR. i9 an almost infallible JGi 4 CROSBYS remedy for all Chest II71LIXIR Complaints, and is Jji 4 CROSBYS equally efficacious in jjj^LIXIR. Night Sweats, Influenza, -lli Quinseys, &c. ELIXIR. I CROSBY'S I^LIXIR. CJ^ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH FLLLIXIR V/ ELIXIR Sid CROSBY'S This medicine, which is MjtLIXIR. free from opium aud JLIA Cd CROSBY'S squills, not only allays 0LIXIR. the local irritation, but JtJJ ROSBY'S improves digestion, and LIXIR. strengthens the constitu- JLli CCROSBY'S tion. Hence it is used {j?! LIXIR. with the most signal JLli £ CROSBY'S success in 0^LIXIR. ASTHMA (ROSBY'S BRONCHITIS, F,LIX* FT ROSBY'S CONSUMPTION, F^LIXIR COUGIIS AND COLDS, H'U /CROSBY'S INFLUENZA, O LIXIR. CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT JCi ROSBY'S SWEATS, (MLIXIR- d IROSBY'S DIFFICULTY or LIXIR Y> BREATHING, ROSBY'S PAIN IN THE CHEST, O LIXIR XROSTiv,u WINTER COUGH, fll OSBY S and all affections of the jJG^LlXJR. /^Rn«Dw,„ Throat and Chest. ROSBY'S |LIXIR. £ !ro^Y& BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR- tf^KOSBY'S ELIXIR g71 LIXIR. v-^T>n«T5v^ sold in bottles at lslV^d, ILLl IJROSBYS Is 3d, 4s 6d, and lis each |7l LIXIR. Chemists and JUJ (] latent Medicine Vendors, Sj^WXIit. /ROSBY'S °r direct from De ROOKE, JKJ'UXIR- OSBY S SCARBOROUGH, Y?LIXIR. ENGLAND. O LIXIR. QROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH J^LIXIR usilttss ^itlJlr £ SS^S THE MONARCH OF ALL NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. •^THEATLEY'S JJOP BITTERS, IN CASK AND BOTTLE, Can be obtained from upwards of 2.000 Bottling 3 Agents in the United Kingdom. UNEQUALLED AS A WHOLESOME TEMPERANCE TABLE BEVERAGE. Observe that the Bottle bears WHEATLEV'S LABEL, S as inferior and lower-priced articles are being offered. Bottlers will find it to their advantage to BOTTLE NONE OTHER, as THIS will be found to be THE ONLY STABLE AND RELIABLE ARTICLE. -yrr HEATLEY AND SON, SHEFFIELD. 5530 rjpHE gOUTHERN J>UBBER CO., HIGH-STREET, pONTYPRiDo. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF WATERPROOF & OILSKIN CLOTHING, INDIA-RUBBER BELTING, HOSE, &c. TENNIS AND CRICKET REQUISITES. Wholele Prices on Application. 3300 jg p P S S GRATEFUL, COMFORTING. (BKEAKFAST, MAB!; SIM^ C 0 C 0 A I BOILING WATER OR MILK lq554 3909 280°- CROSS BROS., ri A"RDIFF. GAS f^tovfs BRACKETS, GAS STO\ E, tor IIEatjXg COOKING. Open and Close FIRE RANGES COOKI-VG apparatus. MAN^PIECB^M^ WOOD, and ENAI. I.LhD fiLA'l'E. ENAMELLED lR^~nfl CLAY BATHg LAVATORY SINK. HOT W ATER AHPPtRJA;U- for Public and or ICU buildings. PLUMBERS, GASpTT»rT^-> aA1CTTA"RY and ;^f r,, 1LRS, S?»I1TIIS, and SANITARY and HOT WATER ENGINEERS. Enquirie: Solicited '-analogues rrtfe. CROSS BROS, CARDIFF. 5609 THE BEST family PAPER. rjHHE CARDIFF TIMES -E. AD gOUTH "^7 AL|KS ^yEEKLY^^EWS Continu.s io lje acknowledged as THE BEST Weekly PAPER, THE PAPER J'or THE PEOPLE. PRICE ()XK pENNY. "J:c J.J ARTICLES, STORIES, L AND RELIABLE KEWS. THE CONTENTS WEEK INCLUDE: N ArflONA PRtZE Jacob. Author««A T r b-v T" hvm Jlorgan," etc. Life and Times of Bishop ROYAL RESIDENCES etc No. 6, Kensingioa Palac3 MISS.'T1oMu)rH?'S NEW STORY. PKVIL." Theb^ £ HK araSH, AND ,THE popular Authored fr™ t'le Pen of tins AND BAR pliinsoU's (.reat Congress. Mr FACTS FOR F.ARjyrivp o w Article on Cun'allt a Weekly practical Farmer °'riculUlral Topics. By a WELSH GLEANING/ "°""k;)a Mr Burt, Mr Tora 1ersonal x>otes. Jones. Welsh (Joiml aiKl ^yved, on Major Llwyvo and Llew Court Judges. Llew DE & MUSICIANS. j™ Correspondent. r^wrary. By our Special plied to any weakly*n? London Letter sup- DETECTIVE. A jlcGovan, the Kin^11 By James tive Story Tellers. b -Ueteetives and Decec- a"ll\ The b () e y pubSshed. est Welsh Poetical Column SAM°S'uShS.«^TS. An Ulua- MDSIB;4M^mn.KIl?1Jr>I)VOD NOTES. TEA TABLE CHAT. 0nam-Jolm NovLh' A Woman's Letter t„ „ journalist. 10 >> omen. By a Lady OHILDKENS HOUR Column for Boys the elhhle Labour. Olng3 in matters affecting THE DISESTABLISBIvIENT CAM- IS ADDITION TO THE. !FEIRS„UAES rfIlE CAR" rpiMKS and gOUTH"^rALE^ Y^TEEKLY NEWR c°NTainsj ALL T=f THE WEEK. PRICE ONE PEISTNY Tobehad of au ^agents; W E. AjSTD CO., STEAM-POTOR DVE^ french tLANDAPP-BOAD,' CARDIFF BRANCH ESTABL,^ ^AliDIFF. 9 OUEEN-STREET.1 lIilENTS 248' BUTE-STREET /CAIl2)IFp. 5?' COMMERCIAL.«xRl^ARTn. FE "%F'SV-,?'«K'&V¥WP0K Parcels iSJuIarly to the Morgun, ^,Agents Aberavon KSehle (Jor.^ u^d-plac8 ^K0rvll'nf^ Mr W. II. Aberkenfic, • • j) Jones, Ano>^S' Cromer Abercarne ■■ Woodwa«l ^or "ouse Lnagend j Ui),rris 'tocer, Adare-street Blaenavon J( L Jo «don House Briton i erry Miss Griffithspa *lllers-street Cowbndge • • • • jj_ Peach i>rv y depositor Griffithstown -M Lock °st-offiCe Llandilo \{r 'i'. DavieSj 'q Press Maesteg -p n, Davics, Ton?'' Castle-street Mountain Ash..U.^ juddlec^^ fashion Neyland E jia-vid cn London House Nantymoel .Wi io n bn;-n House Pembroke Dock M.S. Dimond-street Porthcawl j Robert^ ^at Western House Pontypridd M* „ R jjavi'^ °«t-offiCe Penrhiwceiber My u xim,,?- Jr:iPer f3orth > HitSriCloVh Hall Pentre i ew;x a, High-street St. David's — \Tr J Gibbon ^I033*s<luare J rejoreiit g J»J««, 88. Wood-road Parcels amonntinSnecl Carria^ ngs sent direct to works will rf; .^s^ent free on oae way. Trade books and price lists .entaeeon application/ "W "R VAUG^ AND CO., pyers, ARE CELEBRATED 5 OR CLO'I>Hp;s AND DRESS CLEANING by _a"rjor finUii Producing per- raaaent colours, a P j >, moderate charges, and pTOmptnew^P*jiz* ifti) jp A R M E li s f SENJ> YOUR 9^2SV4?Imi T° ^BE maDE INTO CLOTII from Is ^Zs >ard. Blankets from Is 2d to 2s 6d PC* o, ueJ?i from 9d to Is 6d per ard. Stocking arn u om 9dper lb Patterns f or warded to and from the TYLER AD COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS I«LAJStDYSSIL, SOU ill WALKjj, SSitsrassa^bdrsssss. gENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCHES Are the Cheapest, the Best Value, the Strongest, and I, the most Durable English Watches ever made. Made in thousands, on an Improved Interchangeable System. They are not liable to failure, but possess Extra Strength, greater freedom from accidents, and Higher quality than any other Watches sold for Double the money. jgENSON'S "jf UDGATE" WATCH Is the Modern Three-quarter Plate make, not the ordinary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other makers. In Silver Cases. in 18-ct, Gold Cases. £.5 5S' ms 128. Best London made THREE-QUARTER PLATE English Lever, Jewelled, 13 actions, in rubies, Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band, Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value, of any £558 Watch yet made. A Neat and Elegant size For Gentlemen and Youths, or in Extra Small size for Ladies. Also Extra Strong and Full Size for Work- men and Artizajis, and a Special Extra Large Size for Railway Men and Miners. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with Extra Strong Crystal Glass, any size, £ 5 5s. In 18-carat Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size. £ 12 12s Lady's size. in 18-carat Gold, B10 10s. J- W. BENSON will send any of the above Watches, together with Warranty for correct perform- ance, to any part of the world free and at his risk, on receipt of P.O.O. payable at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Cash. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the house, of every kind i in great yariety and of the newest designs IromSltoijoOO. The largest and newest stock in London. Presentation committees invited to vieivthe Show Rooms, or to send for photographs. BENSON'S CHURCH and TURRET CLOCKS. j[) Estimates and advice free. Just completed, the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town-hall, Ashton- under-Lyne Parish Church, Faversham Church Trow- bridge Town-hall, Lockerbie Town-hall, Occ., &c. BENSON'S JSTA15LK AND FACTORY CLOCKS Silent, £ 15; Striking, £ 50. Best quality, with brass wheels, steel pinions, 2ft. 6iu. dial, with ailno»d- jfnl lines, weights, &c. brass wheels, steel pinions, 2ft. 6iu. dial, with ali need- fnl lines, weights, &c. BE?S0^1S ri>l?et ,Clock Fac'ory is the largest in tne City of London, and o::ly the best quality is made. BENSON'S JEWELLERY and CHAINS in Fine Gems or Plain Gold of best London make Many thousands of novelties at manufactures' prices. The Largest and Newest Stock in London. Selections sent to the country on receipt of a reference. BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, of special jjH) and exclusive designs, in endless variety, set with the finest selected Gems, and of best London make. Speciality" Brilliant Rings, at B5, £10, and £20. Selections free on receipt of reference. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of its kind, containing over 200 pages of Prices and illustrations of ovoi v class of WATCH from R2 2s to £5oa. CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, PLATE, and TURRET CLOCKS, new edition just out, sent post free "II aptilieation to J'. W. BENS0N- Maker to H M. THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, The ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, INDIA OFFICE etc., etc. THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE-HILL, NORTON HOUSE, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, And 1, BOY-COURT, E.C.; 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, & WEST-END HOUSE 25, OLD BOND-STREET, W., LONDON. lC., CLUBS.—These clubs were first T T. originated by .J. W. Benson over 40years a^o. Applications invited for Agencies, which form a con- siderable increase to income. Full particulars post free. -e-5C9-295S THE 1-l. TLAS jpURNlSHING QOMPAKY, LIMITED, CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AN D GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, 5, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF -g«URNISH ON jgASY rjlERMS OR FOR CASH, DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS. WE CONTINUE TO SUPLY FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Householders, Lodgers, Mechanics, and all Classes in any station ox life, on their well-known lITRE JpURCHASE gYSTEM, The Liberal Terms of which are Acknowledged to be Undoubtedly the MOST^LDYANTAGEOUS EVEl OFFEREE IN CARDIFF OR ELSEWHERE. The Furnishing Department comprises EVEIIIl HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE, INCLUDING SHEETS KNIVES, KETTLES, BLANKETS, FOllKS, SAUCEPANS, QUILTS, CRUETS, FENDERS, FIREIRONS PERAMBULATORS, &c. TERMS. £ 5 WEEKLY PAYMENTS Is 6d „ Zs6d », „ 2.6d », » 6s £ 20 „ 7s 6d £ 50 „ 15s £ 100 „ „ 20s ALL GOODS CARRIAGE PAID. PIANOS ON EASY TERMS. BATH CHAIRS, INVALID, BABY CARRIAGES Lent out 011 Hire by the l1a,y 01' Week, and with Option of Purchase. CHAIRS LENT FOR EVENING PARTIES. Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery of every descrip. tion kept in stock. Prospectuses and Price Lists Post Free on Application. 1.33 Ol THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade lVImk-" Blood Mixture THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER SKIN DIbliiAbliifcj, jiruptions, Blotches, Ulcera ted Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glandular Swellings Cancerous U-cers, .Spots, Pimoles, Pustules, Boils Carbuncles, xangworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes Erysipelas, Hcll, Scuns, Discoloration of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of what- ever jiatnu and nature, are literally carried out of the system ill a short time by Uie use of this wùrld-famed medicate. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALT. PARTS. Carlton near Nottingham, February 27, 1333. .essw the Mid^id Countie? Drug Company, Lincoln. Gentleman, Some Lon years ago mv wife became lame with ulcerated legs. I tried every'recommenda- tion fot a c ire, and also a large number of doctors (some of thun very clever men with diseases of this kind), but to 110 effect. After being in this state for betwixt five and six years, I determined to try your Blood Mixture as a last resource, as she at that time appeared to be at death s door and had to be put to bed, having no use 111 her logs and I am thankful to say, after takmg 13 of your small bottles she experienced a perfect cure. Thm IS now years ago "inee the cure was effected, and there is no sign of the complaint returning. I may add that it had cost us scores of pounds trjing one remedy after another previous to taking your invaluable medicine, for which I return you my sÏncere thanks, I am, gentlemen, yours grate- fully, (J.S. P". make wnat use of the above you think nt, but in the event of advertising it kindly keep bacii my name. You can, however, refer anvone making private enquiries to my address as follows C b., A»iidland station, Carlton, near Nottingham. IMPORTAJN I ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in pimpies, erup- tions, or sores cleanse it when you find it ob- structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted tree from anything injurious to the most dehcate constitution of either sex, pro pnetors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Is sold m j>ottlcB, 2s 9d cach, and in Cases containing six times the quantity at lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors. 1005 THE LINCOLN VND .MIDLAND COUNTIES DRU« stamps by the proprietors. 1005 THE LINCOLN VND .MIDLAND COUNTIES DRU« COMPANY, Lincoln. TRADE MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE. j^OY AL RESIDENCES. IN THE CARDIFF rjpMES jL AND gOUTH^ALES^yEEKLY^TEWS YY V V THIS )VEEK -i- vv WILL BE CONTINUED A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES, Containing descriptions of WINDSOR CASTLE ti0VS1S- ST. JAMES' PAI.ACE IIOI,YlWOfJ PALACE" SAN DRIN GII AM, and other ROYAL RESIDENCES. T HIS E E K. PRICE ONE PENNY. NOTICE TO BUILDERS CON- JLl TRACTORS, AND OTHERS. J. SAINSBURY, BACK OF 47, CYFARTIIFA-STREET, CASTLE- ROAD, CARDIFF, Is now prepared to supply all kinds of CENTRE FLOWERS, TRUSSES, and ENRICHMENTS of every description at 20 per cent. less than any other shop in Cardiff NOTE THE ADDRESS. 4083 BILL POSTING AT ABERDARE (ESTABLISHED iS7G). M. PAINE, Bill Poster, Distributor, and General Advertising Agent, Rents all the Posting Stations hroughout Aberdare and District. Contractor for all description of advertising, distributing circulars, &c Also Agent for Gnion and Co.'s Mail Steamers.— Addre g :lf, Daan-streei, Aberclare. 1137 13590 Iteimss 'tkbhttzs*s. 1 IT WILL BUILD YOU UP if you are all run down, strength gone, appetite gone. SCOTT'S EMULSION will give yon H new lease of life. IT WILL CHECK wasting diseases in your children; it will bring the flush of health to their cheeks again. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hvpophosphites of Lime and Soda will do this. IT WILL STOP YOUR COUGH and aid you in throwing off a heavy cold. The remedial agency of SCOTT'S EMUL SION of Pitre Cod Liver Oil is wonderful. IT WILL FORTIFY yoursystem, so that it will not beso subject to colds or disease germs. gcorrs EMULSION is a much-needed re-inforce- ment in the battle for health. TT WILL INCREASE your weight and bring it up to a normal condition. It feeds brain and nerve tissues. The Hypophosphites in SCOTTS EMUL- SION render it infinite! v t. I-,e plain Cod Liver Oil. IT WILL QUICKEN JL your appetite, and that of your children, when it seems as if nothing was palatable. SCOTT'S EMULSION revives all the flagging energies. IT IS AN INGENIOUS COMBINATION of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Phvsicians everywhere prescribe SCOTT'S EMULSION as far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil. IT CAN BE OBTAINED from all Chemists at 2s 6d and 4s 6d. SCOTT'S EMULSION is manufactured by SCOTT & BOWNE. Limited, 47, Farrii ig- don-street, London, E.C. 1291a PEPPER S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Strengthens the Nerves and Muscula System PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Animates the Spirits and Menta Faculties. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Promotes Appetite and Improves Diges tion. It JEP.PERS QUININE AND IRON -8- TONIC thoroughly Recruits the General Health, and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces. Z^REAT NERVE STRENGTH.— VJT PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC braces up the weakened nerves, increases strength of pulse, fortifies th nerve centres. G_REAT BODILY STRENGTH.— PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC.— By enriching the blood, giving firmness to the tissues and strengthening trie muscular system, weakness disappears, appitice returns, fatigue ceases, and re* eruited hetitit results. GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, by IM supporting influences on the bodv and nerves i>ov2erS H.M fey over-taxing the brain POSLS about ^imSItol StreaSti'- 16 dREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC pro- motes appetite, strengthens the stomach, .stom'imr sinking sensations, removes indigestion, heartburn palpitation, cures dyspepsia, colistituticnai debflitv' restoring health, strength, aad energy. HALF-CROWN BOTTLES of PEP I-L QUININE aiiu IRON TONIC are now sold, bringing it in reach 01 all. Next size, 32 (loses 4s 6d Insist on having Pepper's Tonit-. No other i of an y use. QULPHOLINE LOTION cir^rs the SKIN KJ SPOTS, BLUISH ES, ■BLOTCHES, RED S E:è\S, ROUG HNEsS, DISC OLGIiATIONS, UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONABLE -4j »PEARANCES UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN DISFIGT "REMENTS, lintirely fade away. LPHOLINE LOTIOK makes the SKIN HEALTHY, SOFT, BEAUTIFUL, TRANSPARENT. sMOOJ.'H, SUPl'LE. QULPHOLINE.—For the COMPLEXION k3 SOI "TENS and PSESLSKVlia GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE CO UN'l' EE-ACTS EFi 'ECTS of WEATHEE- EMBELLISHES aud I.\D 1tt)VES. Boules, 21 ikl. S?!ld*ev«f rvwhere. T SVLPHOLINE-Tho hestKINLOTIOX. s BEAUTIFULLY FILVG RANT. COO LING and RE I'itKS-iHING. A most DESIRABJJE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS j!otr!fK. Ss 9d Sold <rerywhere. 106 SADDLER AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER, 29, TAFF-STREET, PQ NTYPRIDD. G. BOYLES has just OPENED a ^ESTABLISHMENT in the COACH-BUILDING PREMISES in TAFF- STREET, ani has on View a Large Assortment of Harness and Saddles (if tll descriptions. An Inspection Invited. 5618 All kiiieis of Waterproofing kept in Stock. LUNG SA Vl! YOUJl LIVAS I2Y TAKING TONIC K$S QWBRIME'S toxic LUNG T U N G m o N I C, TOXIC LUNG JLJ JL TON/C LUNG THE MIGHTY HEALER. 'TONIC LUN G It has a power over diseases hither- TONIC LUNG to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG Are vou at all weak-chested. or TONIC LUNG inclined to be Consumptive, with TONIC LUNG just a touch of cough now and then? TONIC LUNG "Try this Wonderful Medicine.' TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- TONIC LUNG appea.r as if by magic, and you will TONIC LUNG feel strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUCH? TONIC LUNG A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD' TONIC LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing so dread- TONIC LUNG fill in Whooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG with each dose of the medicine. TONIC LUNG "I think it my duty to state it won- TONIC LUNG derful instance of the value of your TONIC LUNG Lung Tonic. For several wek", my TONIC LUNG baby, aged seven months, has surfer- TONIC LUNG ed from croup. The doctor did him TONIC LUNG 110 good. I tried other remedies, but TONIC LUNG the child grew worse. At last, on the TONIC LUNG advice of a friend, 1 tj-ied your valu- TONIC LUNG able Lung Tonk, and the child is now TONIC LUNG nearly well. 1 know of t\o other TONIC LUNG children who have been cured of TONIC LUNG dreadful whooping trough. My sister TONIC LUNG also tried it, and found great relief. TONIC LUNG J. STALLEY, 8, Wright-street, LeicAS TONIC LUNG ter. TONIC,' LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. Sold in Bottles, IK TONIC LUNG lid, 2s 9d, 4s fx), and lis, by alt TO.NIC LUNG Chemists and Patent Medicine Ven- IONIC LUNG dors..Wholesale all London and Pro- IONIC LUNG vinciai Houses. 115^-13/11 j-ONIC '1' TVFO NAME OINTMENT. _i3l This Ointment is confidentially recorc mended as an old, tried, and successful remedy for scurvy, scrofula glandular swellings, ringworm, old woiuius, ulcerated legs, scald heads, blotches on the face and body St Anthony's fire, bums, chilblains, bruises, piles, fistula rheumatism, bunions, &c. It will boon aeai up the most obstinate eruptions of the skin of evsi-y kind Please note the Trade Mark Label on each pot. "VTO NAME PILLS. iT scurv'-v' Crated legs, ervsipeias, blotches 011 ih face, eruptions on the boct" piles fistula, glandular swelhngs, &c. &c t ^5v.e.y,i i^V k° 5-a!n ij-r persons of either sex, are I ° *8°ra-tnig, an d, acting upon the secretions, n,b vsuuablb blood purifiers, and mav be used 111 conjuncnon with the No Name Ointmenc j» any of tllelbovo diseases. 1 P°^s boxes by all chemists. Price, 7^d, Is l_rd, and 2s 9u each. No family should be without them SOLE PROPIIIKTOR — J. W III T E H O U S E 194, DERITEND, BIRMINGHAM. 3440 Agents wanted in every district.






