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k_ EBusiness Qftbuz&ts. NEW piGTION NEW FICTION NEW jplCTION DETECTIVE STORIES. JJETECTIVE STORIES. DETECTIVE STORIES. A COMPLETE DETECTIVE STORY WEEKLY, APPEARS IN THE CARDIFF TIMES AND gOUTH "Y^ALES WEEKLY NEWS A NEW SERIES OF DETECTIVE STORIES BY DETECTIVE SERGEANT WM. HOLBORN, Under the General Heading of RECOLLECTIONS OF A L ONDON D ETECTM. THREE POWERFUL NEW SERIAL STORIES, by Miss BRADDON, Miss DORA RUSSELL, and RICHARD DOWLING, have just Commenced. THE JgEST F ICTION. MOST SPECIAL pEATURES, AND THE WEEK'S NEWS, ONE PENNY. THE JpEOPLE'S pAPER 13 THE CARDIFF fJllMES AND SOUTHWALESWJEKLYNEWS J^J-OST J^EWS I jgEST JpiCTION VARrED F E-KTURES I SPECIAL A RTICLES tO The following are some of the Special Features which appear weekly in its Columns. MEN AND MOVEMENTS OF THE DAY. A most interesting and successful Series of ey Special Articles by "Salex," dealing in an interest- ing manner with the Men and Movements in the various phases of life, which make for the better- ment of the lot of the people. The articles are illustrated with Portraits. MEMORABLE DAYS. Echoes from the Calendar, dealing with Saints' Days, Holidays, and the strange and interesting individuals and customs recorded in the Calendar. WORKMEN'S TOPICS. A weekly Article, specially written or the CtrdiJ Times and South Wales Weekly News by Mr WILLIAM ABRAHAM (MABON), on current Labour Questions and the Conditions of Labour in Great Britain. Read by thousands of miners in the Rhondda, r WELSH GLEANINGS Interesting Paragraphs of the doings and sayings of Welshmen in every part of the world. SONGS FOR THE PEOPLE. Andrew Fletcher, of Saltoun, in a letter to the Marquis of Montrose, wrote I know a very wise man that believed that if a man were permitted to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of the nation.' Under this heading appear weekly Poems dealing with the life, the joys, and the sorrows of the People, culled from all sources. BOOKS NEW AND OLD. A special feature dealing with the best books published at prices within the reach of the People. GOSSIP'S CORNER. Bright Tittle Tattle of doings and sayings in South Wales. OUR SATURDAY SERMON. A Pithy Homily weekly on life's duties, selected from the writings of the "Great Ones of the Earth." MUSICAL AND EISTEDDFODIC NOTES, Bv Maelewyn, deal with all the more interest- iJfCSSS. Ml 01 s°"tb Wales. FARM AND GARDEN. A weekly column of interest to Farmers and Amateur Gardeners. —————— THE HOUSEHOLD. A collection of Recipes and Hints of value and tnterest to every housewife. — A WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. A special illustrated article on Dress and the Toilet-, written by a Lady Journalist. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR, AND ORDER OF THE ROUND TABI,F,. The most interesting Children's Column pub- lished.-Conducted by Aunt MaggieSymmgt, Y GOLOFN GYMREIG, By DAFYDD MORGANWG The best Welsh Column published. Beaa by Welshmen the world over. FICTION. Three great Stories running in each issue. THE LAST SIGNAL, a powerful New btory, from the brilliant pen of Miss Dora Russell. THE VENETIANS, or ALL IN HONOUR, by ltIISS BRADDON. TWICE LOST, by Richard Dowling. „ EXPERIENCES OF A LONDON DETECTIVE. A complete story each week. WIT AND HUMOUR. A column of selections from all sources. QUEER STORIES. Grave and Gay True and otherwise. "FROM THE SOCIETY PAPERS. Interesting paragraphs of doings in the World of Fashion. WELSH ECHOES FROM LONDON. Political, Social, Literary; specially written by our London Welsh Correspondent. "THE WORLD OVER." Under this head appears the cream of the Foreign Intelligence of the Week. "CAPITAL AND LABOUR." The Weeles News in the Labour World. In addition to these Special Features the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS contains rjrgE NEWS OF THE WEEK. The Larsrest.Brightest, and Best Weekly Journal Pnblished in the Principality. All the Features of RSS™ .»D <*• <* » Newspaper. III THE J>EOPLE'S i OURNAL. 1 72 LONG COLUMNS Of special Articles, First-class Fiction, and the Week's News for one Penny. ORDER FROM lOUR NEWSAGENT j A COPY OF THE CARDIFF fJIIMES AND SQUTHWALF,SW EEKLY NEws-i H A Y M A N' s JJALSAM op HOREHOUND RELIEVES COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. PREVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH BY TAKING en first appearance of Cold or Chill. •♦Cured mv Son of a dreadful Cough. SendJjwe more W .JOHNSTON,G.N. R. Office, Belleek Station, Co. Fermanagh. July, 91. "Danaeroufdv ill with Asthma, I can say it lias E^edm/ We.Mrs H HUBBI*, Wood pecker-road, New Cross, S.E. Sept., 1891. Prepared only by Alfred Haypan & Co., London •Id everywhere. Paice, 1« 2B 9d« 4» to. 1022 .j -{- linsittisa J\tlilrt.55tS. QREAT JQRAPERY SALE- 13L E R N E BR 0 TH E R S, AJL QUEEN gTREET, c ARDIFF. SPECIAL FOR THIS DAY. JUST TO HAND- 20 PIECES FANCY SATEEN PRINTS, TO BE CLEARED AT 4%d. YARD. ALL CHOICE PATTERNS. EXACTLY AS SOLD AT 7%d. AND 8%.d. 68e YARD. 1290 (1 A ST0NE & C°- COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Snellihiers, sutjeib Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams, ami every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICE LIST on APPLICATION. 10, 11 <& 12, WORKING-STREET, 1103 CARDIFF. AN INVALUABLE AND OLD-ESTABLISHED MEDICINE. Jg-ERNICK'S -y-EGETABLE JpiLLS. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS Strengthen the system, brace the nerves, purify the Blood, and are universally declared to be THE BEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. They are specialty recommended to Females of all Ages. Sold in 7%d., Is. 1%0., and 3s 9d Boxes of all Chemists and Drug Stores. 1214 "DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE' (OLD SCOTCH), WITHOUT QUESTION THE FINEST WHISKEY BEFORE THE PUBLIC (?ee Analytical Report). TO BE HAD OF ALL THE BEST HOTELS AND WINE MERCHANTS. J. BROWN AND CO., PROPRIETORS, LONDON and GLASGOW. 1247 SEWING M A C fi I N h S. ANY PERSON WHO HAS HAD A SEWING MACHINE TEN YEARS OR MORE Will oblige by communicating with THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 4, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF 1610 655e J^OSS'S J>OYAL BELPAST GINGER ALE AND LIME JUICE CORDIAL, &o. May be obtained from your Grocer 1232 FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark—" Bicod Mixture.' THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcera ted Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glandular Swellings Caucerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin at what- ever name and nature are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed medicine. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM AI.L PARTS. Carlton, near Nottingham, February 27,1883. "Messrs the Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. "Gentlemen.—Some ten years ago my wife became lame with ulcerated legs. I tried every recommenda- tion for a cure, and also a large number of doctors (some of them very clever men with diseases of this kind), but to no effect. After being in this state for betwixt five and six years, I determined to try your Blood Mixture as a last resource, as she at that time appeared to be tt death's door and had to be put to bed, having no use in her legs; and I am thankful to say, after taking 13 of your small bottles she experienced a perfect cure. This is now four years ago since the cure was effected, and there is no sign of the complaint returning. I may add that it had cost us scores of pounds trying one remedy after another previous to taking your invaluable medicine, for which I return you my sincere thanks. I am, gentlemen, yours grate- fully, C.S. P.S.-You may make what use of the above you think fit, but in the event of advertising it kindly keep back my name. You can, however, refer anyone making private enquiries to my address as follows C S Midland Station, Carlton, near Nottingham. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuri ties bursting through the skin in pimples, erup. tions, or sores cleanse it when you find it ob- structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, ..he pro prietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD f MIXTURE. Is sold in Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in Cases containing six times the quantity at lis each-sufiicient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases-by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors. 1006 THE LINCOLN VND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. TRADE MARK, "BLOOD MIXTURE. EPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular system PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON JL TONIC Animates the Spirits and Menta Faculties. L PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON Jt. TONIC Promotes Appetite and Improves Diges tion. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC thoroughly Recruits the General Health and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervou* and Physical Forces. REAT NERVE STRENGTH— PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC braces up the weakened nerves, increases strength of pulse, fortifies the nerve centres. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH.— PEPPER s QUININE and IRON TONIC.— Bv enriching the blood, giving firmness to the tissues', and strengthening the muscular system, weakness disappears, appitite returns, fatigue ceases, and re- cruited health results. GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH. PEPPER'S QUININE and IKON TONIC, by its supporting influences on the body and nerves, repairs the ravages caused by over-taxing the brain power, and so gives really great mental strength. It osts about lx, £ d each dose. £ 1 REAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH.— V* PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC pro- motes appetite, strengthens the stomach, stopping sinking sensations, removes indigestion, heartburn palpitation, cures dyspepsia, constitutional debility: restoring health, strength, and energy. XTALF-CROWN BTOTLE^oT ~PEP~ H PER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC are now sold, bringing it in reach of all. Next size, 32 doses 43 6d Insist on having Pepper's Tonic. No other i of an y use. ULPHOLINE LOTION clears the SKIN SPOTS, BLEMISHES, BLOTCHES, REDNESS, ROUGHNESS, DISCOLORATIONS UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONABLE APPEARANCES' UNCOMFORTABLE SK-IN DISFIGUREMENTS Entirely fade away. SULPH OLINE LOTION makes the SKIN HEALTHY, SOFT, BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT, SMOOTH, SUPPLE. SULPHOLINE. -For' lie COMPLEXION O SOFTENS and PRESERVES. GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE COUNTERACTS EFFECTS of WEATHER EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES Shilling Bottles, everywhere. SULPHOLINE- The be st SKIN LOTION. s BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS Shilling Bottles, everywhere. 1602 W A N S E A O F P I C~E OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2. COLLEGE-STREET, ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock p m. will secure insertion in next morning's issue of the "DAILY NEWS. Estimates given for Adver tiseueoa. Stl J\.trllrtSZ£5. rjlHREE YEARS' SYSTEM rjlHREE YEARS SYSTEM jpIANOEORTES BY BROADWOOD, -E- JpIANOFORTES BY COLLARD, i. pIANOFORTES BY BRINSMEAD, JpIANOFORTES BY NEUMEYER, jpIANOFORTES BY KIRKMAN, jpIANOFORTES BY ERARD, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, FROM 10s MONTHLY Until Paid for; after which, and Without any Furthe Charge whatever, the instrument becomes the Property of the Hirer. rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL LIMITED, QUEEN'S MCSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF T HOMPSON AND gHACKELL IMITED, 32 CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. FjpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL LIMITED, 118, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. I rjlHOMPSON AND gjHACKELL, LIMITED 5, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT ALSO AT 30, BRIDGE-STREET, AND 142, NEWFOUNDLAND-ROAD, BRISTOL 60, STEPNEY-STREET, LLANELLY, MAESTEG, CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTER, PENARTH, PONTYPRIDD, &e. &o. THE rjlHREE YEAR.S' SYSTEM Was first introduced into South Wales by THOMPSON AND SHACKELL upwards of thirty years ago, since which time many thousands of homes have been ren- dered happy by the possession of a Musical Instrument on such easy terms. The Monthly Payments are o low that there need be no house without it PIANO, AMERICAN ORGAN, OR HARMONIUM. rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, LIMITED, Are always pleased to send Full Particulars, with Descriptive Pamphlet, Photographs of the Newest Styles, &c free by post, on the application of any ntending purchaser. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. The most liberal Discount is llowed to Cash Buyers and a large number of SECOND-HAND PIANOS are always in Stock to select from at about HALF PRICE. rjlHOMPSON AND gjHACKELL, LIMITED, CARDIFF, SWANSEA BRISTOL, CHELTENHAM LLANELLY, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, MAESTEG, PENYGRAIG, GLOUCESTER, PENARTH, 1047 169e CARMARTHEN, ANI) PONTYPRIDD |1ARMERS, SEND YOU It OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO CLOTH from Is 3d to 2s 4d per yard. Blankets from Is 2d to 2s 6d j er yard. Flannels from 9d to Is 6d per yird. Stocking Yarn from 9d per lb. Patterns tor- warded to select from. Carriage paid to and from the Mills on all orders of over £2. TYLER AND COMPANY, MAESLLYN MILLS, LLAJSTDYSSIL, 13607 SOUTH WALES. 1139 THE BLAENDARE COMPANY .1 LIMITED, PONTYPOOL, MON. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE BRICKS, BLOCKS, AND FINE GROUND FIRE CLAY, Equal in Quality to Stourbridge Goods. The Blaendare Company, Limited, make a speciality of the manufacture of Fire Bricks, <fcc., for use in Siemen's Steel and Glass Works, and hold testimonials rom the principal Iron and Steel Works, &c., in South Wales and Monmouthshire 1120 URNITURE, JJIURNI TU R E P. F R E E D M AN & CO., OF SWANSEA AND NEWPORT, Invite an inspection of their large and varied Stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CAR PETS LINOLEUMS, and other requisites for complete House Furnishing, feeling sure they cannot be sur- passed by any firln in the kingdom. Being manufac- turers on a very large scale they are in a position to pn supply all Goods at Lower Prices than traders who must pay manufacturers a profit. Dealing with us you S A V E TIIIS. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES ARE OFFERED TO THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY. Cash or Credit. £ 5 worth £ d weekly £ 10 J3 21 £ 13 £ d „ 6s od „ £ 50 10s Od And larg3,, amoiints in proportion. For the conven- iotccofour Customers in South Wa,leg the same ad. vantages are offered at either of.our Establishments. p FREEDMAN AlND CO., 2oe—1287 1 ? 3 MAUKKT BUILDINGS, 1)OOlt-STRl £ ET NEWPORT, MON.. AND 31. HXGH-ST., SWANSEA A 1) E'S I L L EADE'S ~5T>ILI.S. All who suffer from Gou § or Rheumatism should BLADES 'BULLS. immediately have recourse fjj P to EADE'S PILLS. Hun Elf HADE'S if "SILLS. dieds of Testimonials have Jii 1 been received from all ADE'S 1 JILLS. sorts and conditions of J_ men testifying to the In ADE'S "f>ILLS. wonderful power these ij X Pllls ll.ave 111 giving relief "in the very worst cases. These I ills are purely vege table and perfectly safe in their action. t, INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORM OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, KHEUMATIO GOUT, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS, And have the largest recommendation ever given any Patent Medicine of it class. IMPORTANT TESTIMONY FROM WALES COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN. OUT 2, Dewin ton-terrace IT Lhvynypia, Rhondda JI EUMATI S M Valley, South Wales. XV, Dear Sir,—Your Gout OUT and Rheumatic Pills are %jr a famous -emedy. and one II ]; U M A T I S M of the besc I ever came k, across. My wife has been RG OUT troubled with Gout in her hands for twelve years, HEUMATISM and the pain was almost unbearable some nights OUT si16 could not sleep for 1-w- pain. I resolved to try a RH E U M A T I S M bottle of your pills, and to my surprise, after she took three doses, the pain left her hands. They are a great boon to mankind, by the blessing of God. You can make what use you like of t^-Yours Mr George Eade, 72, Goswell-road, London. EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d or sent post free for Postal Order by the Prop tie tor GEORGE EADE, 72, Goswell-road, B.C. Ask for and be sure you obtain, EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. 14527 1203 15e ADE'S jp I L L S. IMPORTANT TO GENTLEMEN. JL One Box of Horton's LX.L. Pills are guaranteed to cure all complications, whether acquired or otherwise. Also gra.vel and pains in the back. Free from mercurv. Post free for 4s from G. D. Horton, M.P.S. (from the General Hospital), Aston- rd., Birmingham Agents Cardiff—A. Hagon, Chemist, 39, Bridge st.,andll, Bute-st. Merthyr—Wills,. Chemist, Swansea—Lloyd, Chemist, Oxford-st. Newport- Young, Chemist, High-st. N,B.-Has never been know!! to fail. Letters answered free. Per-se npine paper. 2382 NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all derangements of the Urinary Organs (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address for sixty stainji.s by the Maker. The Lincoln wl Midland Counties Drug Compan s Lincoln WOo, OSTAL DELIVERY OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. The Proprietors of the SOUTH WAJ.ES DAILY NEWS beg to announce that by a Postal Authorities they arc enabled to despatch their First Edition each morning by the Mails> !e^g Clardifl at 2.30 a.m. and 3.45 a.m Country Mibacribtrs residing within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, C ARMARTHEN bHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, Ac vmrHons of BRECONSHIRE and M ON MOUTHS HIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Phvmnev VaUev Postal Districts, may now have ^Souir^Wv NEWS ^edattheir residences daily by the same post as tha, which cou- TSSlffed —e» receive their oF«rTH WALES DAILY NEWS is forwarded (prepaid) to res;idents of tiie foUow- inc: and all other places within the Cardifr Postal District in time for the first morning (lelivery St Fagan's Silly ¡ vf ,Kv Pencoed Courtyralla vertw S Brides-sup.-Ely Dinas Dowis St. Nicholas Cauoxton MarJifaeld Bonvilstone Jlp.ri'y i.mrlniiffVi Peterstone Caerphilly Llandough IKndaif Bedwas Lisvaue Rad4 Vstrad Mynach L anishen Morganstown rwllypant, Melinoi'iffith St. Mellon s Ponl-lc Cefn Mably Tongwynlais St Andrew's n pRrr WlntTreeBdgc PER QUARTER; POST-FEES .099 PER HALF-YEAR TQ N PKR YEAR •• • •* •• 1 U SOUTH WI T WS DAILY NEWS OFFICES, » Ma,rv-stJ:'eet. Cardiff. ll5ínt£ís J\bÎlrt5StZ. "OENSON'S LDDGATE ( WATCHES ^.ro the,_ Cheapest, the Best Value, the w^lP an lhe most Dnrable English Watches ever made. ENSOIN'S LUDGATE WATCHES BENa?^N S "LUDGATE" WATCHES -■ Made on an Improved Interchangeable Svstem Are not liable to failure, but poS Extra Strength, greater freedom from acci- dents, and higher auaiitv n,«n „"lr Jit Watches sold for Double the Money "OENSON'S LUDGATE WATCTt ^the Modern Ilu-ee^uarter Plate make not' 1SS'"1*1-'M IN SILVER CASES. IN 18cT. GOLD CASES M 5 Y.12 12 ENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH -*— Best London-made THREE-QU ARTER PLATE English Lever, Jeewelled, 13 actions, in rubies Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Ring Band. BENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCH Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value of, any B5 5s Watch yet made. 'r"JENsoN,S "LUDGATE WATCH. Thousands of Testimonials which are daily re- ceived at the Factory from wearers in all parts of the world. BENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCH. Made in a Neat and Elegant Size for Gentle- men and Youths, or in Extra Small Size for Ladies. Also Strong and Full Size for Work- men and Artizans, and a Special Extra Large Size for Railway Men and Miners. BENSON'S LUDGATE" WATCH. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with. Extra Strong Crystal Glass, any size, B5 5s. In 18ct Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentlemen's size I B12 12s. Ladies' size, in 18ct. Gold £10 10s BENSON'S ".LUDGATE" WATCH. Full Particulars, Prices, and Illustrations are given in pamphlet, sent post free. j W. BENSON will send the above Watch, together with Warranty for correct performance, to any part of the world free and at his risk, on receipt of P.O.O., payable at G.P.O., Bank Draft, or Cash. BENSON'S CLOCKS for the house, of every kind, in great variety and of the newest designs, from £1 to £500. The largest and newest stock in London. Presentation Com- mittees invited to view the Show Rooms, or to send for Photograuhs. OENSON'S CHURCH & TURRET CLOCKS. Estimates and advice free. Just completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hall, Asliton-under-Lyne Parish Church Faversham Church, Trowbridge Town Lockerbie Town Hall, &c., &c BENSON'S STABLE & FACTORY E CLOCKS. Silent, £ 15; Striking, JS50. Best quality, with brass wheels, steel pinions 2ft 6in dial, with all needful lines, weights, &e. BENSON'S Turret Clock Factory is the largest in the City of London, and only the best quality is made. OENSON'S JEWELLERY & CHAINS in fine Gems or Plain Gold of best Loudon make. Many thousands of novelties at manu facturers' prices. The Largest and Newest Stock in London Selections sent on receipt of reference. "OENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS ■ of special and exclusive designs, in endless variety, set with the finest selected Gems, and of best London make. Speciality" Brilliant Rings,:C5, £10, and £ 20. Selections free on receipt of reference, "OENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and -—' best of its kind, containing over 200 pages of Prices and Illustrations of every class of WATCH from S2 2s to £500. CLOCKS CHAINS, JEWELLERY, PLATE, and TUR- RET CLOCKS, new edition just out, sent post free on application to BENSON'S STEAM FACTORY, 62 and 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. JW. BENSON, Maker to H.M. the • Queen and Royal Family, the Admiralty, War Indian and Colonial Offices, &c., &c. BENSON'S STEAM FACTORY, 62 and 64, LUDGATE iiiil, and 28, Royal Exchange E.C., and 25, Old Bond-street, London. "OENSON'S WATCH, &c., CLUBS.— —— Applications invited for Agencies, which form a considerable increase to income. Full par- ticulars post free 14521—55e IG04 gEAR THIS IN MIND, IT WILL PAY YOU I TO CALL AT THE 0 Y A L gTORES, IN THE HAYES. ALM FOR JLJIGH CLASS QROCERIES AND -α-BL PROVISIONS. -A- SAME FARMS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. DANISH BUTTERS REDUCED. IRISH BUTTERS REDUCED. JflORMOZA T E A, THE GREAT FAVOURITE. ONE PRICE, Is. 8D. PER LB., To be had only at the 0 Y A L S T o R E s, IN THE HAYES, CARDIFF. Ille 1257 S. & A. F U L L E R, BATH. c OAC HBLTILDFRS, ARNESS. MAKERS. -s- SPECIALITIES-LIGHT ONE-HORSE LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS. OMNIBUSES, CHAR A BANCS, and SPORTING CARRIAGES of the Newest Patterns. PATENT SAFETY SHAFTS APPLIED TO ALL DOG CARTS and PONY CARTS. Special Department for Repairs. Estimates Free. ONLY ADDRESS- 1422 S. & A. FULLER, B ATH. frSn SAVE Y<>yR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC Sg Owbridgb's KSS TONIC LUNG N TON I 0, TONIC T'ttmp T, ,TIIE HEALER. r ttajS f a P°.wer over diseases hither- TONIC to unknown in medicine. TONIC LUNG indinel°toaLa r Weak'chested, or TONIC r tt^I^ J t *0 be Consumptive, with TONIC LtJNG Trv°lth 0fw°U%h now and tllen- TONIC Trrwr^ niu 57 !,LS Wonderful Medicine. TONIC LUNG aroeaiM if >Ve.akne3a dis- TONIC appear as if by magic, and you will TONIC LUNG hadbe^"1 &ad P°V''er you nevel" ™NIC A g&Miy OODGHT li a BtoT. £ .oW WIU' is?s T:r»»» LUNG fui n so dread" TONIC LUNG Pmg- V,oush bec°me less TONIC T1TTVP Wlfch each dose ot die medicine. TONIC Hivfl ■■had some prejudice TONIC T ttkp "f t using patent medicines, but TONIC Jour_ Lung Tonic has removed this TONIC LUNG S^{ferinS a severe TONIC I TTNr 00!™ l°n he eve of a public en- TONIC LUNG n i VeinS in a dilemma by TONIC ITTNO ? the, loss: ot my voice, I was TONIC IUNG vn ?r ? at1Sed by a friend to try TONIC ITTNP «^ Jru"S Tonic- 1 did so, and to TONIC IiTxr 1 agreeable surprise, after TONIC T ttmp ?v^ur 1 was able to officiate TONIC T TTX-n r n Perie" «ase. I resolved hence- TONI(,' 7TTMO add your valuable medicine TONIC TTTwn f°-nF household remedies, and cer- TONW TTTM^ never 1)0 without it. TONIC (Rev.) F. C. S. KIKENIG, Vicar of St. TONIC LUNG Barnabas, Hill] TO-NIC 1 ITM,- PrePared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC Oheinist, Hull. Sold in Bottles, Is TONIC 1 nm M.d' 2s 9d' 43 6d> and Us, bv aU TONIC t rrxr^ Chemists and Patent Medicine'Yen- ToNIC T TTXT;' -rs' Wholesale all London and Pro- TONIC LUNG vincial liou,;e, 1159-1.3711 TONIC LONDOK. THE SHERWOOD HOTEL, 19, ADAM STREET, STRAND, LONDON. (Late W. H. PRUST, of Swansea.) Near Law Courts, Houses of Parliament, and in the midst of all the principal Theatres. Has heen Ue-furnialied, and offers Every Home Comfort at very Moderate Charges. BED, BREAKFAST, AND ATTENDANCE, 58 6D Communications to Manager. 1253 THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING COMPANY, no-13' GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, Bill-posting an4 Advertising in all its Branches throughout the Counties of Carmarthen Pembrke, aond Cardigan. 1220 uzintzs jUiftrissgs. HAVE YOU NOT A MOIST EYE ? A DRY HAND 1 A YELLOW CHEEK ?" If so, use GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY. It has been for nearly twenty years before the Public, a.nd is increasing in popular estimation daily, in all places where it has had a fair and continued trial. It has often proved permlcUlently beneficial when all other preparations at best only gave temporary relief. It is strongly recommended to the Old and Young. the Rich and Poor, Women and Children, and all Delicate and Feeble Persons. It has been proved beyond doubt to be the Best Tonic yet discovered, and is strongly recommended in all cases of INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, LIVER DISORDERS. LOW SPIRITS, WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY, And has often proved successful when all other remedies had failed to give relief. When once tried it is always recommended. Do you need it ? Try it now. It never disappoints. GWILYM EVANS' BITTJ3RS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWIL Yl\1 lV ANS' BITTERS. It is Prescribed by Physicians, Recommended by Analysts, Approved by Chemists, and Praised by all who have tried it. Hundreds of letters are received yearly from all parts of the globe testifying to their wonderful efficacy. RECENT TESTIMONIALS. Dolyddeleu, April lltli, 1S92. Gentlemen,- lam pleased to say that I have derived great benefit from the use of Gwilym EVim, Quinine Bitiers. I suffered Thousands have been from Indigestion, which caused CURED great pain in my stomach, Eva regular course of; drowsiness, low spirits, and irs- this unrivalled disposed for work or any exer- TONIC REMEDY, tion. Having heard your GWILYM EVANS' Quinine Bitters highly praised QUININE BITTERS. I resoived to try them, and I am now free from pain, light- hearted, and in »ood spirits. and can do my work much better than formerly. Yours gratefully, JOHN THOMAS. You need not suffer any more from Indigestion, Nervousness, Poor Appetite, Headache, Sluggish Liver, Low Spirits, or the like, because you can be relieved by using GWiLYMEVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. 18, Railway-street, Lewistown, Treharris, July 2,1892. Dear Sir, Will you allow me to in- form you that your Quinine Bitters taken by me in conjunc- tion with your inCOlllljarable "Digestive Pearls" have been the means of curing me of long- standing Itidi-estjoii. I am a drapei s assistant, STANDING and found the confinement in- INDIGESTION iurious, but your meaicines AND LOW have toned the system and re- SPIRITS. vived the spirits as none of the many other medicines I had —— taken had ever done. I have much pleasure in re- commending it to all my friends, for i feel it is indeed a pieblic be-pzefit. With my best wishes for its success, Yours very truly, E. T. WAREHAM. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. The number of small imitators of these Bitters throughout the country is one of the best proofs of their virtue, for" Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Do not be persuaded to take any of these imitations which are offered under similar names, but which are entirely devoid of the virtues of this re- nowned preparation. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. BE CAREFUL, Sae that the name "GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS" is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle, without which none is genuine. Sold by all Chemists in Bottles? 2s gel; double size 4s 6d. Cases containing three 4s'6d bottles at 12s 6d per Case also sent, carriage paid, for the above prices, to any address by the proprietors. QUININE BITTERS COMPANY, 1-1 LLANELLY. í AMERICAN DEPOT: Mr R. D. WILLIAMS 1122 PLYMOUTH, Pa. 13188 13a — — j MRS S. A. ALLEN'S ORLD'S HAIR JJEstorer, An absolutely Perfect Hair Restorer and Dressing, justly celebrated for its wonderful life -giving properties to faded or falling hair. Restores the youthful colour. 1339 T-| AXELL'S HOTEL, WEST STRAND LONDON. TELEGRAMS — HAXELL, LONDON.' PERSONAL ATTENTION. HOME-LIKE. Convenient for City and Theatres. lio&Bedl°om3 ;• • • • Plain Breakfast (optional). 1/6 ^Lomloi?0'0 "^rea*a"ast-' (optional), the best in| g'fc Electric Light i Attendance J- No Charge. E NELSON HAXELL & SON, Proprietors. „„„„ 11L9 1:4¡d,.ín;I;S: O uh !inúhn¡s. Price One Penny, post free Three Halfpenny Stamps. JfAMLLY HERALD, JLI NUMBER 2572, I Contains the opening chanters of a New Novel, entitled THE ONE MAID FOR ME ..I.. By the Author of "The Wild Warringtons," "Periwinkle", &c. rpHE SATURDAY REVIEW says of the "Family Herald" :—" Its novels and tales are storie wr*kten as the best circulating library FAMILY HERALD, UMBER 2572, en titled'011 ta^nS the °1,eriins; cIiapters of a New Novel, ryiHE ONE MAID FOR ME Perivvuik'i'16" ^u^10r The Wild Warringtons," THE SATURDAY REVIEW savs VpT_„ *P, is wonderful how the Family Herald stock 0f readable novels and stories." JpAMlLY HERALD, "IVrUMBER 2572, r*^i-rT,onAa'ns t-'6 opening chapters of rjlHE ONE MAID FOR ME the Author of The Wild Warringtons," ^enwiucle," &c. ^HE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, j*- 'n reference to pure literature, speaks of The family Herald,' that joy to tens of thousands of UV-ivCen ^"S'-ish households." family Herald,' that joy to tens of thousands of UV-ivCen ^"S'-ish households." am Stevens, Limited, 421, Strand, London, W.C. and all Booksellers and Newsvendors. 2959 CARDIFF, SWANSE^r ^VND NEW- T>. i v v SHIPPING GAZETIE. ■rUolished every Monday Morning- Price 21s per m. „ annum, or by Poit &5s. Qu^.nTi:/Vj;U)ll?F. SWAN SKA, AND NEWPORT fh ai,- GAZETTE contasusa complete record or ^mppmg business of Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Neath, Briton Ferrv, Burry Port, &c., aud cir- PJJ i' among all the Merchants and Brokers «f the Channel Ports, and generally througheut the of the United Kingdom. It is filed at Lombard, and most of the Chambers sf and is alco sent to the leading Foreign Ports CHIEF OFFICES 82 and 83. St. Mary-street, Cardiff 0„T mrT„ POST FBKE, of N THE MODERN TKEATMENT OF TV x,S"J:liiVOUs BISE.USBS and EXHAUSTION So-' y Ij0cal Absorption. T„„J scientific, eifectuaL"—Tribune. 146S8 L.ond.0" NORTON. 249^ IlIGK'HOLBORN 1229 To the Young Men of England wiio sutler from Tim Debility. Just published, HE CONFESSIONS & EXPERIENCE ,lt;m°ia»ravALIl), designed as a warning and a UjeanJ nf Lif S i supplying at the same time the jinrill rcure' one has cured himself, after and ^fiackery0 USUai amo:int of Medical Imposition Single COPIeS IDay be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author, 26X1 iDIXON, Esq., 14851 Hounslow, near London. Bv T A Just PublisÍied, for Two Stamps, BY,.J. A. BARNES,M.D- (U.S.)a Treatise, entitled, How TO ENSURE HEALTH a Laws finable Book for Young Men, on the Treatmenf^i^C^*an<^ ^ie Causes, Symptoms, and bilitv Mpn'o l^seases depending on Nervous De- tho xhysicJll Depression. Palpitation of S,vi,^n i «N°,ses in Head and Sara, Impaired %r V m?lT' Indigesu7on, Prostration, Lassitude Address^—P 011 re('ei,K, of Two Stamps.— 4P A- M.D. (U.S.), • Lonsdale-square. Thornhill-roatL London. N 116*









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