Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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BAGILLT. LIGHTING AND SPECIAL 3AOTTABT RATES. The lighting and special sanitary rates for the current year were made and allowed by two Justices of the Peace, on the 29th inst., both rates being at four- pence in the pound. THB SBAI OF WAB.—On Tuesday evening, at the monthly meeting of the Debating Sooiety, Mr Jas. Reeoe presiding, a paper descriptive of the political condition and geographical position of Orete, and the seat of the war now in progress on the plains of Thessally was given by Mr Wm. James, of Bagillt Board Schools, and was much appreciated by the large attendance of members, A SUCCESSFUL CHUBCH. — At the annual vestry of Christ Ohuroh, Leicester, of which the Rev T. Roberts (son of Mr Thomas Roberts, Roseneath Cottage), is vicar, the churchwardens' aocounts showed that nearly JBIOOO had been raised by the congregation during the year. Among the items was a sum of £ 107 collected for the maintenance of thevoluntary schools; JE279 for missionary purposes; £ 57 for tho Alfred-street Mission JE45 contributed to the poor boxes, and by Communion alms, L126 for Church expenses, and L130 for the clergy fund. The Church is now practically out of debt. FOBBSTHBS' DISTBICT MEETING.—On Monday the half-yearly meeting of the Flintshire Distriot of the Ancient Order of Foresters was held at the Wellington Inn, Bagillt. Distriot Chief Ranger n m\ -Pav'e8> Northop, presided and the several nffi S in C°UDty were fully represented. The r>n™«v.-i?re8eu*i were Treasurer—Thomas Jones, Koria nn Whitehonse, Llan- w r' Black well, Thomas Roberts and -'rile contributions were received T'ho fnneral°fn dist«cV amounting to £ 186. T a Zt of th»balaD0e sbown to be £ 386, ri.l h, «nLof th^na»em#nt fand *25. The formal ffi^1,tri°t having been transacted the deleg era sat down to an excellent dinner catered by the Host and Hostess, Mr and Mrs Barnett. A BULLAE'S FBUIILKS* QU=T. -I k was discovered on Monday morning last, that the boys, depar tment of the Bagillt Board Schools had been burglariously entered, it is oonjeotured on Friday night. The kwglax, it appeared, after oarofully examining School house, Grossed the to the wiadow of the School house, Grossed the yard to the window of. the lavatory there standing on a pump, ovidenoe is given of his having withdrawn tL.t- a *> ,v ■ 11 I!^ n 5 hinges and brokei, of the panes. Oi)ta:uiug uu entry, he burst open the door of the lavatory and got luto the boy's school. Here ho forcibly opened entry, he burst open the door of the lavatory and got luto the boy's school. Here he forcibly opened | the master's desk, breaking the look and leaving the marks of a ohisel on the wood. The deck was com- pletely ransacked, but it so happened that there had not been a single penny left iu the desk. The damage to property is oonsiderable, the results to the burglar, nil. The matter was placed in the hands of the police, and investigations are proceeding.






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Family Notices