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- Hawarden Rural District…


Hawarden Rural District Council. Shotton Bridge: Who Shall Bear the Cost? PLEA FOR RE-CONSIDERATION. "Unfair to Place the Charge on the District Alone." A meeting of the Hawarden Rural Dis- trict Council was held on Friday last, Mr. A. F. Davies presiding. SYMPATHY. Mr. J. Millington moved that the Council should express their sympathy with Mr. William Newton, the surveyor, in the be- reavement he had suffered by the death of Jxis brother; and also their sympathy with liim in the serious illness of his wife, with the hope that she would have a speedy re- covery. Mr. W. Gillam seconded the proposition, which was carried. SURVEYOR'S ESTIMATES. The estimates of the surveyor for the en- suing year were as follows Manual labour, £ 1,673; team labour and material, F-840; improvements, including Castle-street, Caer- gwrle, £ 150; repair of bridges and cul- verts, £ 120; trade bills, £ 130; steam roller, £ 200; total, £3113. THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES. The Clerk (Mr. Hugh G. Roberts) stated that a letter had been received from the National Library of Wales, asking the Council to make a contribution out of their funds. The Chairman I suppose we can make a contribution if we wish to do so? The Clerk: Yes. Mr. John Jones: I think we had better wait until the Disestablishment Bill is passed and see whether the Library benefits by the endowments. I propose that. The motion was seconded. Mr. E. Mousdale moved an amendment that the Council should give a subscription of two guineas. It would do some of them good if they had a chance of getting into a good library. There were thousands in Wales who would value the opportunity of using the National Library as a great privi- lege. lie thought it was a grand thing that the young men and women of Wales should have that privilege. Mr. W. Gillam seconded. Mr. J. Millington remarked, in reference to what Mr. Jones had said as to disestab- lishment, that the benefits would only come in gradually. The amendment was carried by six votes to five. ELECTORAL DIVISIONS. The Clerk read a letter from the Flint- shire County Council, stating that applica- tion was to be made to the Local Govern- ment Board for sanction to a proposal (1) to increase the representation of Rhyl by one member; (2) to divide the Dyserth divi- sion into two parts, giving one representa- tive to Prestatyn and one to the combined portion of Meliden and Dyserth; (3) to sub- stitute for the existing Saltney and Queens- ferry divisions, at present represented by one member each, four new divisions, to be known as Sealand, East Saltncy, West Saltney and Shotton. Other applications were under consideration, but the Council, having regard to all the circumstances, were unable to approve any further alteration of existing divisions. The County Council asked for the Rural Council's approval of the proposed scheme. The clerk remarked that there was still a marvellous disparity between some of the districts. Mr. John Jones proposed that the Coun- cil express approval of the scheme. He said the alteration to the Saltney and Queensferry division ought to have been effected a long time ago. Mr. Mousdale seconded the motion, which was carried. THE SHOTTON BRIDGE QUESTION. In accordance with notice of motion, Mr. E. Mousdale moved that the charge in con- nection with Shotton bridge be put on the whole of the Union. Mr. Millington said it was a question whether it was fair to go on with that dis- cussion, seeing that there were so few members present. Mr. Mousdale said it was not his fault that the members were not present. Notice had been given of his intention to move the resolution. Continuing, he said that it was only right and proper that the charge should be put on the whole of the area. When they considered the rateable value of their district, and how they had assisted in carrying out schemes in other parts of the Union it would be most unfair to try to place the chaige on their district alone. He asked the Council to reconsider the matter. Mr. John Jones, who seconded, said that a great deal of the money earned at Shotton was spent in ether parts of the Union. They did not grumble when they were asked to assist improvements in any othe part of the Union, and they thought it hard that they should he asked to bear the whole of this charge. He was sure the ratepayers would kick. This necessary improvement, for which they had been agitating for years, would benefit not only the people of Shotton but people from all parts of the area, and he hoped that the Council would decide that the cost should be borne by the whole of the Union. Mr. R. G. Roberts thought it was very I hard that he or any other ratepayer should be asked to contribute to such an object. When the railway company were given per- mission to close the level crossing, it was on the understanding that they should make provision for foot passengers to go over it. Why the public should be called upon to help them to make that provision he was at a loss to know. He considered it was very unjust that the ratepayers in that district or any other should be asked to contribute. If the provision which the company had 1e W"IR aot. adequate, and they thought they were being asked for something more than they should be called upon to do, in that cilie lie thought Messrs. Summers themselves should pay some contribution in older to make the extra provision. It was their workmen who wanted the slope in- stead of the steps. As a ratepayer he strongly objected to being called upon to 1 contribute to something for their benefit solely. No one who was not interested in some way with these works could get any benefit. He objected to it on that ground and also on the ground of the standing or- ders. It was hardly in order that the ques- tion should come up that day. The Clerk said that Mr. Mousdale gave notice at the last meeting that he intended to move the resolution. In other respects he did not think that it was in order. The I part in question had never been adopted as a public highway. It was not in the juris- diction of the Council. Some time ago he attended a meeting at Messrs. Summers' works, and came from there in company with Mr. Mousdale, and when they crossed the bridge they paid a half-penny. A toll had to be paid, and therefore it was not a public highway. Mr. John Jones said he did not want the resolution to go to the vote that day, be. cause it would not be satisfactory. There were not enough members present. He ask- ed the clerk to obtain a copy of the lailway company's Bill enabling them to c-lcse that level crossing. He said they were in the dark now, and did not know what they were talking about. After further discussion the matter was deferred.

--.:.--Hawarden Petty Sessions


!Holywell County Court.

