Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

18 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



■> "x BABIANO MIXTURE. I ■ A SUPREME LUXURY IN PIPE ■ ■ F\ V$SMOKING. Sold in 4oe.,jlb.,&B 1 -T J, JL2«* LIFE- Tins, at 2/3, 4/6, and 9/- ■ B r >. 11 unobtainable from your ■ K tobacconist, will be sent post FL K 4(llll|0P free on receipt of postal order, ■ H •JLUJUR by the Sole Manufacturers, ■ H MR JOHN YOUMS & SONS, LTD., BQITOJ. ■ M '.VR Sena penny stamp for Free Sample Tin. W HO: RG W»r FRANKFORT. MODLI* VICTORIA HOTEL. First CLAI I argest; Finest Garden. Electric Light. Lift. 2 minuteJ JJaths & Kurhans. J. HAEffL. Proprietor. ECZEMA! ECZEMA B S 9 m Ask your Chemist or DI*ug Stores for B M fivu, FVI A ■ Is. pot of Eczema Balm, the unfailing M 9 P A I KM I Eczema Cure, A' TS like MAGIC in 9 ■ PM U.,LV| M OUT all Skin Diseases. Cures M 6,1 curf. Spots. Pimples, Blackheads,* .CX^^ AND ALL SKIN AILECTIONS. 9 ISE Post FREE 1/1 and 2*8 from ■ B THE ECZEMA BALM FRAN K DAVIS NUGGET SPORTING AGENCY, ) ( MIDDELBURG, HOLLAND. r WRITE FOR MY GREAT DERBY CIRCULAR. B.P. FUTURE, DOUBLE & TREBLE EVENTS on all Races during the Year. A PRICE LIST, issued daily, giving Latest Market Changes, free on receipt of address. ALSO A WKKKLY CONTEST For Particulars, and Rules, and Telegraphic Address, write to the above address. ICE CR1SA -VI FKEK/ K».«W> morhle ton r,abl»g, &c. Ch"tp. Write for list. RUDDOCK Si SO. OM ":T, London. POTATOES FoR SEED .—Large or small J- quantities. UP-TO-DATES. growa in Scotland, Cam- bri'V?-'shire, or Lincolnshire; AL»O other ?ort*. rru-<\< moderate. Write for quotations. WIIITIIASJ KJ?NIOSX.L.X, Seed Potato Merchant, 8mithfle!A )("ret, Ihnumgharo. ft+TAH'IAH&J marll! SO LATI oT SOUTH AFRICA^ NEWS—If your face is wrinkled from trouble, WORRY, yeiiow from,distigure<i birth marks, GO WILLIAMS', the famous Skin IF,.C. SPECIALIST, late or Johannesburg, who has DISCOVERED A process by "hlcn he will positively remove the above blemishes without CUTT,*NJ £ LANCI»IPF» D1aS8, eleotriortry, mhclt,e, POINTERS, OR creams LEAVING a beautiful swan-iike complexion, youthful oontour. piun.P, round, full cheeks. For particulars, tesrimrmiaU, call orjTite, Williams,22, Leinstwgardens, LANCASTER-BATE^ L,< lidon, W. DON'T EASE |J F 1 F7 Q but CURE LLIYLLFO WITH ANUSOL SUPPOSITORIES. WELL APPROVED BY THE PROFESSION". Box of 10 costs 4. 6; stamped. OF ALL CHEMISTS. Wholesale and Retail TOBACCONISTS STOCKED & SUPPLIED. J. L>su Frttt._ HARVEY &CO..M, Essex Road, LOXDOK, N, F^ARDEN SEATS AND CHAIRS of "M*N-O'-W»R" Tealnrood. Send for particulars TO H. Castle & Sons (Ltd.), Ship Breaker*, Millbank, London, S. W. (Manufactqrcrs of GARDEN SEATS tothe late Queen Victoria.) WILLIAM FIETCIE B, TURF ACCOUNTANT AND COMMISSION AGBNT, Bentinck Club, Liverpool. Bankers: Bank of Liverpool and Hibernian Bank, Dublin. Full starting price paid without limit, win & place. Liberal & advantagcomiterms aent free-on application. SUITS TO MEASURE, 21/- & 25/- ISend Post-card with name and address, and you H will receive Patterns, Self-measurement Form, Tape ■ Measure and Fashion Book. 9 WJB SA.VB YOU 4CX>/o. ■ WRICLEY & SONS, LTD., THE YORKSHIRE SER8E WA8EH0US E ■ EAST Ardsley, X OSXSHIBB. AI|| 11 PI M A TRDUSERS Silver Queen Cyolea. O OK MOHTHLT A Tr |t_ PATMEKTS, Enormous Stock. New IC^IY^AV and gecond-hand. FKOM riaee paid. Ir.i,trgTRXT*D \6'I^2PSR YNXW PKICE UST8 POST VREK TO AKT ADSKBS8. SILVER QUEEW CYCLE CO.. LP,TTTN,»ONELHMWCOURT RP, LOMDON. ronuni 7MATT newr LUCERNE, Switzerland. ILOUNUL.C.IVL AI I { Climfttichealthresort. 856M.a.8, Kurhaus, HOTEL "LION." Favourito family house. Pension with room from 4/- a day. Prospectus free. PARIS. HOTEL INTERNATIONAL, 60 Avenue d'lena. Newly decorated. Modern comfort. Electrio light, lift, steam heat, Perfect sanitation. Full boa.rd from 9tra. ni n i EJtn BOUGHT FOR CASH. mGHE8T IIARKET PRICE. ni n i E Ml BOUGHT FOB CASH. ULEJ LCMU HIGHEST MAEKET PRICE. QEORQE FARICTLOB SC MOM (LI1CTKD), LEAD MANUFACTURERS. 34, St. John-tit., West Smithflelrj-, ^London.' E.C. MADE LIKE A GUN. FROM Catolope n J A J n la flW/il VHkl post irtt ,rom £ 10 lflS lR>yViaWItbeENFIEL0 A AL I QI SII CYCLE CO., WITH R* PLA.' FF J Ltd., FREE 1» » ALI REDOITCB, WHEEL | >F EHSLMlD. C WL"i)-l a'O DY Iq M. weU.tnoW11 ftlUd1- purchaaed for Uaah.—H. B. BARJTAITD & SOKB,1«,Lambeth Walk,London, SILVER QUEEN CYCLES. I From IO/-per Month. 1 ILLUSTRATED PRIOT LIST, POST FREE. THE SILVEU, QUEEN CY€LS Co., LTD. ■- (B. G. Dept.). 18, Gray's Ina Rooll1. London. FOR WOUNDS, COTS, BURMS, I f (Clean or Suppurating) APPLY TOL- to ensire R»I>UI IITSOIIUFF wiÐhoat; pain. swelingi or J In bottles. Is. lid. Of all chemists, or send Is. 3D. in stamps to the Proprietors:-THE FORMALIN NVBIENFC CO., LTD., & 10. St. Mary-tMll. London. E.G. ATTENTIONjTyret n-rabbersd, made equal to new: NTRNR rorro I joply#/#; rrtnrned next dar- AltWncham CYCLISTS [Rubbfcr Co.; Altrineham. FTEARJMANR.HPHTFA'. C-YCLES. CYC LES. CYCLES. BUT AT FIRST-coar DLTTKCT Fao. OM OP THE LARGEST CYCLE WORKS in the KINGDOM. Our Motto: BonaUr^lu^^tgWor^rdji^ing, and entire satisfaction. GENTS LIGHT BOAJJgTEiiai with Goodyear ^ARANT^ED 17 6 ^WH. TWO^AJY JUWANTEE given. Our perfect EAb Y PA YUBNT 8RI FEMto -suit all classes. FR05I 3d. PER DAY, is approved of by afl. Cyele-beoon»ei your absolute property on first PAYMENT^ Write without delay for CatWogn«*nd>aH particulars. MAIN WHEELERIES. SoJao Hoad, EIKMIY<J>R AYR COMFORTABLE INCOM<> cajTeasuy be obtained by anv smart EN ergetjejp«rson {nther VXTAOT.ING A8 JLgent for the Sale of BENEFIT BA. Eioall«nt oppor- tunity. All only a limited number of Aifentscan be appointed in a town <>r district. «,7>ptioants should WTITE at once ior terms to THB BEXEFIT "TEA ASSOCIATION, 114, Cheap«IDE London. Purch.-isers of iib. at illb. of TOA. JVEEKLY are insured for a WEEKLY allowance of Be or 100c. irt C^E 01 HIUESN. TSA CEE-LOCTEIF" FSSTOFY. "HOTKI." brand, 17; 51b. tin* 711; iOio. 10. "CLUB" I/O; 51B. e 9;101b. 17.0- DIRECT from thu OArdens. Terms n«-tt IIUSH, c;irna?E RAIA. Cxk-lon Tma FAcronr, 9, M»N<-INFR.TA»». TENDON. L-C. TO WORKING HEN. Jacobs FT CO., thoe Manufacturers, Owmbran, MON., will eend you ><r R11 CK_ post, for 6-, a rtrst.c]au pair ot WOLTKLNI> BCMI eitner nailed or spned; jiousy rrtwn'd if wF ap-nmoKd oj. State gize .required, fry a pair. Write for price list, free, FREE LIST-of apartments, board residences, &c., JP town and country- Write or call, STR.MOUU «SL cJr.AIFAIIF. 219, Oxford Street, London. Ever7 8ouiT\e givptl T ONDON.—Ttidor Hotel, Oxford Street, W. XJ G«O. AA«R»MOG»FE. eloae to Cirous. W*- socve MM ilfta. «Uatnc UGO»S*llloomn,,ery moderate Tang. <CA0LETSR VARP-GSOWN CEREALS I ? a»i 8'iiHW P^TASOBS, eowprisiuB th.,S« vanetiss wiwh INIVE MMLTT in <5oimtyOlMinc»l<Te8t TNALFC Write L»r. A/IRUV^A Sasto<t QRAAAS. Ooole, Yorkshire. G1TE THE FIFIHERHAN A CHANCE! RTVTAII SPLENDID QuaJitj. Tlbs. for 3-, lOlbs. 2,6, F nrKH 14RAS!«J3. OWNWE P*1^. CLE«.nedrea4y for I lib VII NAE. Price-lists AMD farMculars tre». > RIOU TMFLLIMCBMAIPS SYNDICATE, F LUIJJ Pentoon. Grimsby. Y JR TJ APAFTDBIJD# CYCLESt CYCLES! "L- Marvellons Baraains! 2^WCYOL»*, Motors, A^OEFLM>RIEE7YAZSAU» IN Eadie & B.S.A. ^SA^^»S»LF AELKINEE. FIAS, ANY ADDREA^, M«BT inter- «OR, W Haif PTM!«-» pec cent, olwsaper than LUR^AIN*; Azeoti wanted: trade supplied. D<in t buy before I O" /LIVE se»vi our S0-p<wre new Illustrated Ontalo^ue, AN eye- | J.ier maney-iuakarto^ all inteasjtod inCycie TRADE JTHIS < ;1!m16ót Free to w CO.,W-estop-<apec-Mare._ SoMby -if,4 YPOL E IR Y Co, L td. MAYPOLE TE^'wT3tI°!iEs'w- SOLE AGENTS WANTEDm open districts to sell an old-established HOTLER DISI^CWUSTANT. Engineers or gentlemen with mciln,cal experience well known -jjiion^ steam-users p"f..>frrp.d. HoiT-r." ;1. New ()xf(n"'1-.t. T,"IT1 ,r 1. A eti_Anlip)Afil I!PARATIOV. IS i il i U [fli ?i i.;< M 'i i Hf. I A^i iHEPTiC. \Yè:\t"iI rb -r""t.h. p",¡ ,me-; Breath, L".V"6 8 d&li;h'.fI11 ¡¡.,nat¡r,n (,1 Frt»hT2e«« and CleanU. nesrt in 'he aiouth. ABSOLUTELY KAPMLESS. OF AIL INKMiSTS. 1- IW LftB6E T«"iES. Ask your C4roner or Aerated Wafc:* Manutaetuver for Pifm~P0n~KUP i A mo<(t. dolici'.us l'.on-aleohoii'i Aerated Bevf ro.»">. ARTS & CRAFTS AT HOME. Carv?n"dfelfef Burning. CATALOGUE ,400 illii»tratic.D»), 6d. pott/rrt. vyROOHAPHY Co.. 7S Southampton Row, Londnn. w .0. 4 1 ARitlAGES & HARNESS. Special Landaus V> for JOB MASTERS. NEW & SECOND HAND. CASH OR DEFERRED PA YMES TS. Large Stock ,r"«ly tor immediate use. ALFO_RD « ALDER, 53 Newmgton B'ltts. T,on don, S.E. lS-^O. li'f ln.,1 A MAR t/CLLOU8 OFFER Jiffi FOR SHORT DATE. /xli L. British-Built MERUN Cycles at half list prices. JVFSmlfc?.} £ 4 4s. to £ 8 8s. ^TfrS& Highest Class only (see Press No- A| fiT tices I. Guaranteed 1 to 4 years. The jJlfmn Empire's pride. "Tliese machines /TiSJknti% are in the very front rank."—Irish if wl xftwti Cyclist. Can be seen in most large fllv/I Hn 1A towns. Easy payments: send for list. u £ r MERLIN CYCLE CO., if /fJfZZtjj&SE MarUneau St., BIRMINCHAM. London Show-rooms^Hnd DQ^HE C' H Mention this Paper. Direct from factory to rider. K. A yearly interest assured for C&V' • V/ every jB^Sinvefrteil in thoroughly (renu- ine business. Return of capital guaranteed. Particular;; free of Sadler £ Co..Accountants,6a, Finsburyl'avfemeiit, London. TNDIAED.BBER (old) purchased for Ci3«,i.— JL Jaines Ward & Co.. Indi^r'iW>er Oe-nent ^r«,n'i-e;iu-3r», Pleasant Oiv>v.), Y-rjiTL-yvJ, s tV., -s. Lon'in, S /iHINA & EARTHENWARE Goods of all V/ kinds, suitable for Dealers. Shopkeepsr6,.&O. HAWKBSS' LaK-onhkap vTHf T)'J*V!viOOO artif^es iO. f5«ndforfres tilus. List. Aryiittr J. Mnli,"Kiug at. l'ott.'ry. j',oai{ton, Stai^ INDIARUBBER (old) purchased for Cash — "ii*,•<-> ft "vVar<! & Co., Indianibbor f'enient .Manufacturers, 10, Cliaritor. Place, Islington (rreen. I.ondon. N. T^oronation (NZUMZOMM OF V7 KING EDWARD VII.-1 Vr,ins c-oro-p'ot" de'-sils of the services to be petforrn-sl. PR I< 'K <5<t., of ail Imoksellors, or the publi-sheiij. BOOT .VOX ,'Xit<l.?. 24. <iM Baiiey, I.wi.»n, ttHAVISCi. A'il^ASURE, evtir to tile most nervous, by «stB< !l»« At;Jl'STABLE SAT'KTY RAZOR. No moie cut f*••.««. K-tra holl*,w ground, X1 quality, Hlversfceel blade, holder for sharpening, feos-t qrjiiity deetro-plated frame (all K).2li:<-Ul nutde and w»*d', en- closed in neat hoi, port T'aid. The qoiokest, olo- nest, waxiest, safest razor in tho world: will in-.t a iife' in>o: Anyon« cm use it. Send name, idln-f, and Po«ta] OrdT 3,9. C. HOWE. Pake Viita, J.en-h. MAM OH E.VfF.It. ^AKLJSLIC. Front SHOP; bost sfreot; central, V l»r ;e. Suit any busiHW- Kiak»rby's. Boteb'Tiratx, Cariisla. [i AK41-UET'' CRBAII for ail kiiidb fruits, -1 >t*v.coi'.«>. SOI.D UYGROCERS. W}u>los»leDepot: FnANUS ii-Cu.. Arthur Sere, 6 West, I ,v~cr>. 15 C. STAr# GOLLlGTOFiS!! Prisoner of war envelopes, wii!i Oranpe River Colony Stamps, 6d. eanh. Set of Abyssinia complete, fourteen stamps, 9/6. S<>reji Oranfre Free SraU^ (id. to 1/-1, L9. Set new Transvaal [5ii.. Id., and 2ii.|. 0d. Cheapest HOI: I-OR RARB ETAxtM. &r;d for our a"!>oval booVr p.nd cheap li^t. SOUTH AFRICAN STAMP CO., 31*. Strand, London. Starch Enarael, gloes iikecltiMft, Od. ) S: 1 Riofl.-s. po.y free. WiKKF.vV. Bnis *t.. Liremonl. ~8> f. 1''i{iEis.ATOItS. Tue r«-iic J,\ I)ry-Aii'forButeh«n*ivAc. Rridi-e i: Cm.. ( -1 i- r,. LaiikH.. 1111 "■" 111 ■' 11 ■■ JAisi—sew——

------------WIT AND RUMOn


! CYCLINQ riOTES. I I ---;0:-













[No title]
