Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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THE mm LEAVITT, DSALEUS IN Fancy • WORK woo s, Ladies' Underclothing, &;}., &0. CLO^MBU f The above Baaiae&s fu DWi'Oc/AL with i Iflsmsdiate POSSESSION—: CLu^e^uiice of 1he 14I38ES LEAVirr LEAVING LLANLUDNO. SHIP INN, j 316 and 318, High Street Bangor. HICHA-RD W!Li-iAM.S PROPRIETOR BREAKFASTS, Luncheons, and Dinners, are always ready. Visitors to Bangor will be «uitad *nd oharaau a reasonable price t»b thia bslab- UI"1nt. W J O r 0 Back oi st. GeoiyVs Crescent, r- LLANDUDNO k LL kinds of INVALID CHAIRS ON HIRE. A HAND BARROWS FOR BALE OR HIRE. INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE OR HIRK. 2192 J. & 8. EGBERTS, Ironmongers, Plumbers, Decorators, G A S. B E 1, 1 i .t"- ¡g E I () T PAPER HANGINGS, ) OIL AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE H 0 U 8 REPAIRS. LLOYD STREET NO. CLARKE'S B41 PILLS we warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or ooa- etitutianal Bischarges from the Urinary Organs, Grarei. and Psiaa in the back. Free from Mercury. Established ut»>wMpda 30 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all C'tsSLiw and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout tha Welita, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln -u,A,-&diuad Counties Drug Company. Lincoln. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. EPPS'S QRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA FOR BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDNO HOUSEHOLDERS. WllqG to the numerous letters we receive '-7 weekly desiring a LLANDUDNO DIREC. TORY tf VISITOR forwarded, oontaining a List ot APARTMENTS A FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET, Ve have decided to at art a Column headed, OMFORTABLEOUARTERB AT LLANDUDNO and insert it in a ProminentPositiou in ihsDirectorg .very week. This will giv rroprietors of BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS and LODGINGHOUSES a 0Ood opportunity of bringing their Advertisements <Ci«oti9 be tore tbe notice of Intending Visitors to Xilaodadno. We offer Specially Moderate Terms or Residents thus to advertise, as under 28 Words (five lines), the Season, for 25s. All the year roand for 30s. Terms for one insertion and upwards at oaaal rates. P RI N TI H fi I POSTERS for Anotioneers, Tradesmen, Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectures, Pablie Meetings, Concerts, Tea Meetings. I Balls, As., in one, two or three colours. i Auctioneers' Catalogues and Particulars of galea, Tradesmen's Price Lists, Circulars, Memorandums, Note Heads and Cards, Concert Programmes and Tickets, Tickets of Adm saion to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lecture*, Entertainments, Public and Tea Meetings, Ball Programmes, Menu Cards, and every description of LETTERPRESS PRINTING XIBCUTKD WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AND AT TO Lowest Possible Prices AT XHB Llandudno Directory PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET LLANDUDNO The Jfarmer and Chamber of Agriculture Journal BVERY MONDAY.—ONE PENNY. rtil JOUBNAL, in its 42nd year, Is now pub Ushed at ONB PENNY weekly, and ia the akaapast, and best Agricultural Paper. 11 aqgAp all the Agricultural News of the Week, the iijKiriC&rkats, and namerona origina and inte- on Farming sub jeete by the leading &CaQp2hral Writers ef the day. sgUM BB IN THE HANDS OF EVERY FARMER. Uw )m erdsred throrgh any Newsagent, a« tfa« £ j?i.MM%»sbiitiiHn, or will be supplied direct IrtXB JISMMM, MI, STRAND, LONDON, W.Q. OlftnaiimiDM post free 6s M pec IMHB, ALEXANDRA HOTEL. I L, L A is D U D N O, FIRST • CLASS HOTEL FOR FAMILIES AND COM- MKKCIAL GENTLEMEN. Centrally Situated, only Two Minnies trom Rai way Station aiid Post-(-ffice, STOCK ROOM. BOi #11' MEETS all TRAINS. MODERATE TAFIFF. ENTIRELY Re-built, Re-furnifeheJ, ana it -decorated, and will hund t" co-taiu every modern j (Jon.fc«. r.ud Couvsufc-nce. MR;:> JONES and proprietresses. IMTt MISS HAlNrOiiD -ao.rt:ih.M; !I! U i) N V 1 N C EN L' S HIGH-CLASS PFíVlt Ai i HOTEL, r-A i I'U^TED in t!ie ceut)-e m the AR,UŒ ABADE, t-(¡(1 s the mcftt. exsi-usive Sea Frontage I 'COa} rivaz,e h oorns Facing the Sed, j '}'.TY \VELL-.£" h t:" {j ED SMOKING U Hlt ¡-"O\ll\1S, EXThN Ö 1 VET I ,n l ¡ RfS. TARIFF (giadaated aocotdiug u» the etf-nwoii of the year) on applicaiui' J.I. 7t05z J aHN V IN C b N Proprietor ———————^—^fgrgaCTWwSfTru .ft.C,A2:p; -C.T";f:.i..¡.r.r'U\Ð. DEGANH i. S T L »i- s T i £ h, f-"HC. iJall ue !10 New- Uandudno. ASE of the most bvmtilmiy iiruuf.ed Hotels m North W» v-n. t taues South an. West, 4s protected rrüill North arid East wioda, and ;» ,:j.of to the aea-sbor acd the Carnarvonshire (iolt Lii.ks. if i- couii'orts Moderate char LlWN TENN'h' BOAT? iVG, FISHING, BATlUxNti, And within easy teach of all. Coaching and Railway Excarsiuns U idH the pereona) 2upel vision of Mrs TRITTON. Prnprietrt sft A Resident Masseuse and EiecCrician, certified from the", N atlOua; Hospital." London OPEN AND CLOSED CARRIAGES FOR III RE. _#- -_u- x.10.- MACHNO HUTEL, PSMHM Near BETT WSYCOED. -V asro. li COA-OH: TOURS. THE above Hot-I is picturejoaely sitnated in the Vale of Peumachno, about 4! milea off Bettwsycoed Station. JL First-class accommodatiou for Families and Tourists. brakes will be at bettwsycoed Station from 9 in the morning until 6 at idght. The Vale of Ptnmachno abounds in objects of interest, comprising the well- known EFairy Glen, Conway Palls, Pandy Mills, Old Roman Bridge, And the Traditional DEVIL'S CHAIR, and magnificent Mountain Scenery, RIVER BEING FREE SFOR TROUT FISHING. Tickets may be had at all Railway Station#. Faro for the trip, 2s each from 3ettwato the Hotel. Brake will return to meet trains for the coast. Lunch prepared at the Hotel. W. HAYDN DAVIES, Proprietor. ROYAL HOTEL, CAPEL CURIG First-class Family and Posting House. BEST VIEWS IN WALES. I RING on all the LAKEa, FREE of CHARGE, to Visitors staying at the Hotel. BOATS MAY BE USED FREE OF CHARGE. BOATS kept on the Capel Clurig and Ogwen. The Hotel being nearest to the Ogwen. GUIDES AND PONIES Snowdon, Glydars, Mae Siabod, and Garnedd Llewelyn; also Conveyances to LIanberia. Beddgelert Bango" andCamarron, A Orden by Post for Private Conveyances from the Royal Hotel, Capel Ourlg, to Bettws-y-Coed Station punctually attended to. M. Roberts, Proprietress. v mOUR No. 8.—By Rai? to Bettwsycoed, thence by Coach to Capel < iaiplliiii Curlg, ROYAL HOTEL, from the 11.2 a.m., 8.5 p.m., and6 p.m..allow lag time to see the Swallow and Cyffing Vi ater Falls returning thesame q. • TORPID LIVER, HEADACHE. 5 Biliousness. ^B^Constipation. • 8 e S 8 8 8 S 8 S 8 S 5 S 8 5 8 46 8 8 5 Is 5 IS (9 PURELY (9 SUGAR COATED. «nBS9SB9BBHflB9w S (9 All Chemists 11. ld. 8 But be sure they are CARTER'S.. A Carter's Little IAv*r are aometime* enunterfeited. It ia nmt eneuah A ™ Msfe f«r "Little Lit>«r Fills." « CAJtTJEJt" in the impmrtmnt word, an<( A be eteerve* m the outside wrapper, otherteiee the fills within VF MMMt be genuine. A talce any n*n*eles* Little Zimer Fills" that may be effered. But A •« sure they are CAJtTJSI&tj. J 8 SXALL DOSE, 7 fas, t9 seeeeeee.e (IOLNV YN BAY, NOKTII WALKS. 1^ -II.: tl, SI IK" It A IIOTElL The late Residence of Lady Erskine. THI8 ftr&t-class Fami'.y Hotel is most beautifully situated in its own finely-wooded Park, in the Bay of Colwyn, commanding spla&did views; within a short drive of Conway and Llandudno, and a few minutes' walk to the Bunch and iitatiob. 8OA Bathing. Post Horees and C&rriages. LAWN TSNHIS. Billiards. A moat desirable Winter itestsidface nicely sheltered, aiao heated throughout with hot air. 5730w J. PORTER, Proprietor. :Jno'IIf"8c'DC1ll>L.iI!7_ iaf* 'v MOON'S HOTEL, LLANDUDNO- w (D ro m Q 0 E 0 ü 0 1-1 0& H IJ. "1 œ OJ en <1) (D U ro U (t) MINUTE'S WALK Fct,))f CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATION tffflE MOST POPdJjfiAR PRTVALTE HOTSBfi. NEW BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SITTING 'ROOVIS5, ALSO NUMEROUS AC:t{\.) WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. GOOD BATHROOM. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. W. "Winch, Proprietor. 7603 J! 1, 1 L A N Pe 1' 0. (E1 Pension). OF GRAND PARADE. FACING no I) E it£. r' rl' £ R I t BiGHL Y J{ECOMMNDED. 1toI'N:'t.eø:wa F' —wwraafe—a-ui 7531 THE Llandudno Cocoa House & Temperance Hotel. 66, MOSTYS STBS H ET, S.iii.imnxo. — DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 TO 3 o'clock Good Accommodation for Tourists and Cyclists. Baths, dc. PARTIES C'ATJBBED FOA-I. 7532 REEVES-HUGHES. HOLLY BANK, Boarding Establishment and Prr.ate Hotel, VAieiSAi ftl" fft F., MidTay etween the Railway Station and Esplanade (Ono Minuted walk from Parade. THIS Establishment haa been bnilt with a special view of ensuring tbe comfort of Victors, to replete with all modern improvements, tbe Sanitary arrangements being perfect, and hvi jast been much enlarged. A LIBERAL TABLE is maintained, and a good SMOKE-ROOM provided. FOR TARIFF, Ac., APPLY TO 70t6w Mrs Samuel Roberts, Proprietress. iIW!IIå"H.i\ÖS'I. LYNDHURST (LATE TRINITY BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT), THHST1TY-SQUAEE, Close to Station and Centre of Promenade. "Decently Refurnished, and under Entirely New and Experienced Management. LIBBRAXj TABJLJBS. SPECIALLI MOD RATE WINTER TERSIS. PRIVATH WINTER*! APARTMENTS. "tLII° MRS H LIGHES, 7535* PROPRIETRESS THE PROMENADE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO- [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] OVUIiS DICKIN [LATB OF BIRMINGHAM.] FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS. WHERE Viands of tbe Finest Quality at most Moderate Prices, are Served at aft faottQft, Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors* .Ladles' Coffee IMOOIB. Enffftfti and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JELLIES Matfe to Old BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES, &c., Catered for at Moderate Charge*, 7.10 LLANDUDNO WEST. FREE IK OLD BUILD IN G PLOTS FOR SALE IN THE ABOVE CHARMING SITUATION, With Option of Buying by Deferred Payments. FIRST-CLASS VILL ASITES j Between Gloddaeth Street and suggested Site for New Church. I FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO Messrs Smiths, Gore and Co., Surveyors, 9731j. 16, Whitehall Place, Westminster, S.W. PLAS MAWR, CONWAF THE OLD ELIZAB THAN PALACE 'Open Daily. 7M4fiy ASK FOB -.00 w LLA dc c0 i w IIQ CD w Go cr. CD J!oI liP ,.Q {l} ui uj UA m z | P U r)e^li S DIRECT FROM a The STRETTON HILLS MINERAL WATER CO., « rtf 8 S^E,X3SrC3-, ? CHURCH STRETTON, SHROPSHIRE. FBOJl ALL WINE MERCHANTS, CHEMISTS, STORES, Ac. a a THE e-¥ ATEml^HOTl^^ Close to the Waterloo Bridge and a few minutes' walk from the Railway Station (turn to the left at the top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses Postina in all its branches. Large Lawn Tennis Grounds. COACHING to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY in connection with feke L. and N. W. Railway Co. GOLF! !-An excellent 9-hole Golf Course hu been opened in connection with tbia HOTEL, and is FREE TO VISITORS. BILLIARDS. Foi Tariff of Charges apply to L, B. McCulloch, Proprietor. JOSEPH WILEY AND SON, Glass, China, and Earthenware Merchant, 91 & 145, MOSTIN-STREET, LLANDLDNO. A COMPLETE STOCK i kept at these Establishments, suitable for Famishing from Kitche Drawing room. Specialitiesis now given to Toilet and Dinner Ware. Glass of every Deacriptio the Useful-and Ornamental. Prices quoted and Samples supplied upon Application. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE IVORY PORCELAIN E N A M E L E R if I IN COLOUR WITH THE ARMS OF WALES. ESTABLISHED TitLitapAme- 1 8 7 3 THOKP, BUILDER, LLANDUDNO. EDWARD THORP & SONS, JOINERS* BUILDERS, AND CONTRACTORS, BRETON WOKKS, LLOYD-STREET, LLANDUDNO (OPPOSITE THE BOARD SCHOOLS). ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR NEW WORKS, ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, AND RHPAIBS IN ALL BRANCHES-in TOWN or COUNTRY. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE. Funerals Completely Furnished on the Shortest Notice 5979o LLANDUDNO. THE CRAIG-Y-DON BOARDING HOUSE (TEMPERANOE). Accomniodation for Wo Visitors. ffime Views of Bay. and Great and LitVA Orwee. IMODERATE TERMS. Misses Middleton and Wood: