Papurau Newydd Cymru

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CARMARTHEN. DBCUKSNiNit!»ati —rv pr■ vii i Parts of Carta ar net) >u Sunday POLICE.— IHE 'IIIY irwi'i T' .» -en petty session. •.» S- *>■ rjsmond Pii iu h « it no >■■ 1tMrir,<r. 17 THE lNSTli UTK — Of 'ae idi I LIteralj In ti ¡¡ I CoLut. t- was b r av si ■?• »»>• a \i- .Oi.i y g-ui.-i •> the io; i.i U:ct tii Carm'srvbeii, "o guo °Do of »heir popular lectures. The waiter was adjOurii. d for a few d.ys. ^A&MABTHEN AJAKKETS — The supply of cast Utter at our market on Saturday last was small, ? Qold at, for new butter Prom is 2 1 3 rer I.. t. t il e P"urnt ,j [ir 2d to Is 3- Cheese: A -unill &l'PO f which sold at. froui 23s t«. 25s per q .t, t FNU*it, r»A.Tl»5T UAPfclL ~Om S;.n)'Ul>, ;:ie annual "at,> 'n' rumu delivered at this chapd I* P'"a- •• by the pastor, i-i.'v G. H. Bo »errs, to tig, nation The r v. gentleman l*'° l) i<ilv >;>»our >>« total abstinence. It may >r sate!\ s id that -h" cokgre^ati-'D <* the tbove cj.'pei ubr.i.' •« tt-etotalr-rs hari any other in lo-n. bATuuDAT* FOOTBALL MATCHES. Rugby: l' land \Vai,-s play, d u:. flu S'radey Ground-. ^O'ly — vV 2 3 miliars; Ireland, 1 goal, »*y, 1 -at .-•r. — Eug: ia 1 », Scotland played at Lo;iM,m—Scotland, 3 tjoals: England, 1 goai.— Association: !ViU-- v. England played at Sunder* Wnlesr 1 goal E-^ und played at Woiverhampton England, i.; .Ms,; Ireland, 1 goal. A. "Squabble. a■■ police court oil Monday, t ii Messrs I. Davies (ex-mayor). and C. W. Jo argaret Jones, wife of Daniel Jones, ehoe- uiakiM, Duvies's Yard, appeared against David Jones, shoemaker, Catherine-st '*c-et, for having threatened her on Saturday and Sunday week. Defendant admitted that he swore at the complainant, arid said that he could get no quiet- ness with complainant's brother-in-law. The case was dismissed owing to there, being no corrobor- ation. DR. PARKER ON THE LIBERATION SOCIETY.— Preaching at the City Temple on Sunday, Dr. Parker expressed satisfaction that Mr Spur<*eon bad ceased his connection with the Liberation ociety, on the ground of its becoming too political, e (Di. Parker) believed that religious work should Tia e undertaken by religious men, and he would tiTrinatn V* uv 7' and Agnostics in a ctti8,ian ctl'reb- 11 •» eef^cla w'mb^Md ,7r?° ?",Kkj DeIt' special when SfnffPor>+ •" i above place of worship, offidate 0„ S /nd,MrS Nash- of Swansea, will take dWp » 1^ a^ternoon,a tea meeting will Caota^n n' cinT^ evening, at eight o'clock, win tafcp yCr'f °- LLanelly (formerly of this corps) Christian i^ ?e IBeetin«- is hoP^ ail a helnintr °l.eveTJ sect and creed, will give 1 JP Ap an<^ ^his most excellent movement. mfvt BATTALION THE WELSH REGI- JQQI VSers f,or ttle week ending, March 21st, 0_J i Officer for the week, Captain Baker. SS SerST'- A- L- Davies and D. T. Inanp t^n" ?9mPany drill and Adjutants in E w °iU I )llday' March 16th, at 7.30. p.m. forage oYn ?,?m' °ffiferS in Patrole J^kets and fflenairr. ° ranks, full dress uniform and Th r.TY ReCrUltS dri!1 °n Tuesday and Ahursday, at the same time and place.—By order, G. A. HUTUHINS, Captain Commanding. MISSIONARY.—A meeting was held at the Priorv- street, National Schoolroom, on Monday evening In CODoection with the Zenana Mission, but it was not SO well attended as it should have been. The an Swansea presided. Miss Ellis delivered mi^.on"-88' B,ett-5g 0ut the objects and W01'k of the A01? ma"nei:- Addresses were also SrSev P P\ i?6V- T* B" Williams. and cla^sGlfatsCTL,rB GlRLS' CA^ARTHEN.-The Class-hats of the examination held bv the Cambridge Local Syndicate in December were issued on Friday. All nnnilK j were above school (4? !!M"5 '.h/1 Langharne, St. Clears, the onlv V V-d' honours in the district of South Wales F iTm" HCW ffJrge,TL Ii"1001' juni°r' honours'; V' Williams, 1 rallong Vicarage Brecon nhrriE;1,,uiotby men, junior pass A CkRMAItTRENSHIRE BATTALION OF VOLUN- beino-'fai, have been informed that steps are revue the separate Battalion of VOlunt"ers In this COlluty. At present the Oarmar- inensbire Volunteers are attached to the Pembroke shire Bait -ilion. and it is therefoie difficult to work up any real enthusiasm in a corps which bear* a foreign Lame, and is subject 'o fc-reigii jitrisdictiou. We earnestly hope that the movement will be vigorollsly taken up all ovet the county, and we are confident that the result will bo, tiie re-establish- a Battalion of whii-h we are proud IHE STORM —An old prove-b is •' If March comes |J ike a lamb, it *viil go out iike a iion," and already hss it proved true, ror r oa »e in iiue a 1amV a ^ew days ago, and on Sunday it assumed its ^eonine attributes, when a keen east wind set in. b ^°.nday it blew half a gate from E.N.E., tnd about six o'clock a heavy *riow form come on, wtdeb In a short time covered the jfroqnd to a depth at several inches, "^his kept on throughcut the night, ?Q(4 on Tuesday morning the country was clothed _? a white mask, in nome places a fuot in d -ptb. ltieteen s leep, belonging to Mr Jones, Pnnlan VOSR, were fo jud tin,-Ir -t saoivdy ft on Tuesday mormQg, apparently none the worse for tli,ir loooofortable surroundings, Several (lia,ster- af v^1!Mus kinds, 011 8a iiid J.Jud. have been tho°i f bard weather experienced oai.i a er. end 1890 seemed o progno-tieate nn any spring, but this weather has upset every- oody a calculations. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY.—The gener il balance sheet of this, the most sound assurance company in the United Kingdom, will be seen on reference to our advcrtisement columns, and the ly conclusion that tan bo drawn is that it is a safe investment for all classes. From the 42nd lRQn^11 rePort, for the year ended December 31st, • We glean that the number of policies in force thn 0r<Ji.nai7 and industrial branches is 9.311,74,9 f4^s qi receive'l showed an inc ease of j £ l anc' l.^e asse^s have been increased by j and in short that the company's affairs In evey respect have progi-es-e I i,apidly, showing In tb" a- • countl'y has in its genuineness. kr a'one' an agricultural oue, of which Qffiniat i' aV8< ParnjartJien, js superintendent, the thQ -we lnorsased the income by ^1,300 over- the previous year for w'^Ni?'EEB CAMP ALLOWANCE.—The Secretary to has just approved an important addition th °lunteer regulations, in order to facilitate J e ^rrangement of corps desirous of having tram- camp. It i« now ordered that in any case j.QWU a C0l'P« may require an a ivance of funds meet the expenses of an encampment such advance-to the extent of two-thirds of the amout t —wmi Pr°hably be earned as daily allowances bein issued by the War Office, application Sevn* ? • w'tniu eight days of the camp opening, ♦y. ra niinor alterations have also been made in Volun^ee^ a tendency favourable to the '^I!MPLA-RY*~A-bout eighty members were Fn i r"eetin* ^he Myrddin L clye, on nrJ 7 when the vV-C.T., Mr D. D.vies, «siUed. Four persona were initiated and three r*• posed for membership, aft> r which the f 1 w- programme was gone through: — Reading, a>8 Johns, Pensarn song, Mr J. Junes, (iu lu- an-square dta o.;ue, Misses Morgans, Kobeitsi, «J"nes compeliti"ii, impromptu dialoini e, etweeu Messrs W. Lewis and Jones, Rhyl, A LJ. v"t ihe programme had been gone through, v^r ante! Watkins, solicitor, and Mr James John, ^"ant-wad, addressed the meeting on behalf Of he Carmarthen lent of Rechabites. tb OF ^R0PEi4l'Y. — Mr Vincent Thomas, of j j. ni* Messrs J. Howell Thomas and Co a. successful sale on the property of the late !I, William Morris, ull Thursday, at the d*irS ? H i ^el The dwelhug-house of the ^nd't' a' 1:1' *,oitu'Htreet» was siaited at £ 200, r» down to Mr Gower, wool merchant, *T- '-»>reet, for £ 460. Another dwelling-house, p,Ua. at No. 8, John-street, occupied by KC. St K1^ at an an"ual r, n*; £ 10- and also a v»' Hnd l"ft, at the back in the occupation of ',r J nes, a tsie ye trly rent of £ 5, were ar ed at £ 200. and s frequently sold i" Mr j^0"1 8 'Ibams, butcher, Carmarthen, for £ 340. £ 2" c "!St-d of five new ordinary (7 per cent.) w °-har s 1,1 "'e Carm thi-. Gas Company, .u-.d jere -urcha. -d by vlr Sutclitfe, f Llaud >ff, for as iare Afterwards ho furni u»*e wa» sold r« A-ine.nhly JJ, n;s vine e it ,d -.eeu • \e f r coiive i; oee M- R. M. !,oin.i> wa 1 'ke v n i. it r. ATH«.KTK- SPORTS. — T e »p..rts to .>e !,el I on mt-Jiunday aubur to be a great success, and <arniarthen people will have something to v. i- a h «.i instead of speiidiitg. their holiday In n y n i> <in f- re- as has oeen tfie case for some > ears th spor s ill also be the means of hi in m;i"y visi ors'iii the' -wn, as hey will w 11 a ive tis i A o.,Inmittee meet,jig was j at the Nebon H tt-i on Monday evening, wiie" it was decided fc«. have nine events. c »in- m -nc wi h a pigeon ■ artitici-d) sho- ting com- pe iti n m be moi-niiig, with prizes tin,,uiiti i.g t(, close on £ 60 in que. hey wiil include f ut fo..t and four bicycle races. Mr D. Jones (Cycle Depot, Ki .g street) offering a prize for the one that wins a race with a bicycle bought of him. In addition to the above, the committee have engaged Professor Shipley, the wtll known oara- chw 1st. who w ill a-'cend to a height of about 5 000 feet and drop with a parachute. The sports will be ill strict conformity with the N.C.U. rules. The Volunteer Band will be in attendance. CARMARTHEN COUNTY COURT. On Tuesday before Ju t e Beresfod,—Mr James John applied for the discharge of W. B. Tamlyn, Cardigan, and his Honour granted it, subject to suspension till the 14'h instant.—Mr J. F. Morris applied tha! Thomas Jeffreys, Llanelly, whose affairs were liquidated under the old Bankruptcy Act, be dis- charged, and the application was granted uncon- ditionally.—Mr Morris also asked the judge to reconsider his decision at the last court revoking the discharge of Elizabeth Jones, Llandyssul, whose affairs, with those of her husband, a coal dealer, also in bankruptcy, have for some time been before the court. The Official Receiver did not oppose, and the Judge cancelled the revoca- tion, re-affirmed the discharge of the wife.—Mr James John applied for an administration order in the affairs of H. G. Powell, clerk, Carmarthen, offering 7s 6d in the 2. Mr H. B. White opposed on behalf of a majority of the creditors. The Judge suggested 15s, and this Mr John accepted, but Mr White insisted upon 20s, and the Judge said he could make no order. Mr J. John The applicant will have to file his petition. Mr White: All right. The Judge And you spend all the estate in Bankruptcy. CARMARTHEN TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. -The weekly meeting of the above society was held on Sunday evening last, at the Water-street Chapel Schoolroom, rbon there was a very crowded audience. Some of the leading temperance advocates belonging to the Chapel were conspicu- ous by their absence, whereas they ought to be present to entertain the visitors. Mr William Davies, bookseller, Johnstown, having opened the meeting by prayer, the chairman (Mr John Lewis, Johnstown), made a few remarks; after which Miss Wyndham Lewis and party rendered very sweetly In my Father's house." Rev. G. H. Roberts, Penuel Chapal, delivered a forcible address, a.nd re- ferred to Justice Hawkins' remarks at Gloucester, that 90 per cent. of the crime of this country was attributed to alcohol. Let them said, be, take the JOURNAL for six months, and there they would find the account of their county and borough potty sessions, where so many of the cases brought before the magistrates were attributable to the drink. The next item on the programme was the rendering of the chorus, "The gentle bells of the Gospel," by Elim choir, under the conductorship of Mr Tom Jeremy, Pentrehydd. The little ones performed their task with credit. Mr Henry Howell referred to the illness of "Plenydd," who was about to take a trip over the water. [Here a collection was made towards the object]. The Band of Hope Choir of Elim again delighted the audience with a splendid rendering of the chorus, "Under the banner of Temperance." Rev. Thomas Job, of Conwil, then gave one of his characteristic addresses, and in the course of his remarks, said he would be 50 years an abstainer on the 17th of October next, and be had not regretted being one.—The Rev. J. D. Jones, Elim, closed the meeting by prayer.—Three pledges were taken at the close. PENUEL CHAPEL. On Thursday evening, March 5th, the fourth annual temperance literary meet iog in connection with Penuel Baptist Chapel Priory-street, was held at the schoolroom, adjoining the chapel. Previous to the meeting, a tea was given to the members of the Band of Hope, about 300 in number. After the little- ones were satisfied, about. 50 adults were also supplied with tea. The chairman of the evening was the Rev. G. H. Roberts, pa-tor; and Miss M. M. Davies (" Mair Arfon") was the accompanist. There was a large attendance. These annual meetings are becoming more popular everyyear, and are looked forward to with much interest by the temperance advocates of the chapel. The following was the programme, which was well reiidered:-Pai-t 1. Address, the chairman; recitation, Miss M. Lewis; address, Mr Thomas Morgans; solo, Miss Maggie Morris; solo, Miss M F. Thomas recitation, Early Religion," Mr H. J. Jones recitation, Miss E. Cerridwen Jones; pianoforte solo, Miss A. M. Lewis; solo, Miss Bessie Phillips; solo, Miss Eliza Jones; piano- forte solo, Mr Sidney Williams; recitation, Mr J.C. Lewis picolo a-do, Mr Bertie Jones dialogue, the Misses S Bowen and M. Howells; solo, Mr Wiiliara Davies; duett, "The old house at home," tho Mioses S. E Davies and R. Williams. Part II:— Dialogue, Two old friends," Messrs D. G. Moses and G. Bona; recitation, Miss Gwladys Evans; recitation, "Dear Wales," Mr James Rees; solo, "I Cymrii Fydd," Miss Rachel Williams, Priory- street (excellently rendered) diale-ue, Light and the milk of the Word," Mr T. Bowen and friends; solo. Miss M. M. Davies (" Mair Arfon "), which was received with loud applause; recitation, "Beautiful snow," Mr Owen Jones,; solo, The little beggar jrl," Miss M. È. Phillips dialogue, "The Prodigal," Mr T. Bowen and friends; pianoforte SOlO, Miss Maggie Morris The meeting then separated having spent an enjoyable evening. LOUGHOR. SOBOOL BOARD ELECTION. The triennial election of members for School Board came off on Friday la-t. The contest was keen And exciting, each party putting forth its utmost strength. The Church party gained a decisive victory, and the Liberationists in the parish suffered a severe blow. It speaks well for the work of the Church in the place, and the relative strength of Church and Nonconformity. The Rev Mr Lloyd, our curate, has only been 15 months here, but his hard and zealous work has already borne good fruit. The result of the poll was declared about 8 30 p m., as follows :-Elected: Rev W. Lloyd (Church), 472; Mr D. Thomas (Independent), ¡ 262; Rev T. M. Rees (Baptist), 259 Mr Rees Thomas (Church), 205; Mr W, Clement (Methodist), 16,5.. Non-elected Mr William I fychards (labour candidate), 129. ABERAYRON. TROTTING MATCH. — A meeting of the com- mittee was held last Saturday, when it waB decided to have a trotting match on the usual date, March 14th. OBITUARY. We regret to announce the death of Mrs Thomas, Belle Vue Terrace, Aberayron, late of Pantyuyrod, which took place on Tues- day morning (2nd inst.) Deceased, who had been ill for a long time past, was very well known and much respected in the neighbourhood. She has several eons to mouin her loss, two of vylioin are well-known in South Wales, viz., Mr J Aeron Th maa, solicitor, Swansea, and Dr. Garrod Thomas, Newport, Mon. SUDDEN DEATHS. On Friday afternoon, the 6th inst., the death occurred, rather unex- pectedly, of Mrs Jones, bookseller, of this town. She wat laid up for eight or nine days with an attack of bronchitis, but i., d;ti,geo- was anticipated till the day previous tit ier death, when she got very Illuch worse, and succumhed as stated above. A nr a. deJ oil s\ mpatiiy is felt for Mr Jones and his fani'iy i'l tin., their first bereavement. -On the ait rno n of the same day, Mr John levies, Kock stree', well-known as JacK Dealer," exptrea very sudden y when sitting down at his tea. Deceased was very well known, and a history of jis life, which was full of ad- ventures, would be very interesting. SUCCESS. rhe Aberayron Grammar School master is, II" loubt, well satisfied wi, h the result of the C imb idge local examinations (junior), which was published last Friday. Eight boys were presented for examination, two of whom oeing over the proper age The other six passed, tWo being pliced in the honours division, viz., Mr D NI. Joijs, Gwlad\s H -use, Llanrhystid. and Mr T m Wifliains, Bridgend, Aberayron. The iattei: also gained distinctions in Latin. The other successful pupils were :-Mr G. E Davies, 4, Alban-square, Aberayron; Mr Johnny Evans, Mtltord House, Aberayron; Mr James Phillips, Police Satton, Aherayron; and Mr J. E. Richards, Tregynau, Llanrhystid. This result speaks weli of the tuition received at the school.



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