Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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--- --------i, Lliudilo Urban…


i Lliudilo Urban Instrict Council. I A special meeting of this body was held an Friday eveniiner, whoa* tthose pres-erot were,, E. A. Roberta, R. Griffiths, D. Jones, D. Stephens, Hugjh Hopkins, W. R. Jones, W. Jcniois, J. Young Davies, T. H. Powell, Evan. JoiicS, W. Griffiths, C. Jenkins, J. H. Hughes, T. C. Tlio-ma-. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Mr W. Janiei-s: Geiiiitiemiein. I see the time is up. I beg to propose Mr W. R. Jones take the chair pro tern.—Mr E. A. Roberts I beg to second it.-The dha.1r was then taken by Mr Jones.—The Clerk made the usual repOirt as to tiiiie reosait ell r W. R. Jones I am very mucih obliged to you for naming | me to be your ciba<irnna:ni tore this- evening. As you aire a,wall':e it is oniiy pro tern.—Mr J. H. Hughes: You don't kniow that yet sir.—Mr W. R. Janes: For .a time. A kind of John the Baptist to make room tor a, superior mtm, a, miJill the lat.chet of wilnose shoes I am not worthy to unloose. We are called together to appoint a chairman atnd vice-chairman, and I see by the agenda airay committees that may be required. Now, gentlemen, I hope in tØllè future that. whoever may to appointed here tonight, the w.'hole council will pay due re- spect to the ruling of the chair. It is very much eaeoer co do business .wlton. the chair niacn is listened to. I feel a Lit tie bit out of place Lyre soimethow, because .tih(;, business is carried on rothi&r irregular. I should like the busi- ness to be cairried on. in a regular way, and "whan anyone is speaking he ought to rise on Wis feet and say what he has got to say. It would be very miuoh easier to carry on the burliness of the Cauiruoiil, and new I must coP.1 upon you to appoint a c-tbajitrmiain of this ccunt- oil. Has alUiy gornitfemau a, name to propose. —Mr Powell: I have pleasure in submitting a name that I thlink will be,, accepted, a gentle- man who has filled the riae-ahtair for a, ooa- sideiraible period, amd in this respect, is e-TI, titled to the chair, and I hardly need tell you I refea- to our vice-cfoairrnan in the past—Mr W. Griffiur.s-I have pleasure in pre positing him -lir Roberts: I have great pleasure in Seconding. He has been a member of this Cotuncilt for about 18 years to my knowledge, and with able ctaai'irmcny and especially our last chairman, ami ideal chairman, in my cpiintkm, amid having been with him so long, he ought to be a fit and proper person to fill the clhaiiir. At amy rate, it is only faiir to give (b:m a, trial, ailld if he doe, -not act up-to-date, we sihall .have no alternative but to give; him the cold shoulder at the end of the twelve monitlia.—Mr W. R. Jawes You have heard the proposal. Is there: amy amendment P I aim very glad lie has beani proposed and secon- died. I thimk owing to his services to the council1 and town for so many years it is a maltter of grace to give him the chair. He declared him elected and called upon him to take tlhe c"h;y:r.-—On assutmiinig the ohAir, Mr Griffiths said: Well, gentlemen. the first thing, I mutst thank Mr Powell and Mr Roberts for the kind way they proposed me as your cihairma.n for the ensuing year, and the kind way you cepted it. I beg to return my sincere tihaaiks for the great honour. But I ask you again not to expect me to fill the officie like your lalst, worthy otoairmasn, and a good misin too, mind you. If you agree wito me, come hc-ire, not Gini purpose to interrupt business, but on purpose to do your best aind assist the cfaairmiaia to carry out. the business in the best way you cam. I know we can do a lot of work n the best way. Of course, you know we have game. through a very heavy expense to improve the town, to get the water scheme, and very fertuirewte in. getting rilenty of -neater, aind I doailt think anyone complains • of the expense and we were very fortunate in getting through with the scheme. We had t'he money ver- cheap. Onlly cost us 2-very 4 cheap. After that aino-their speculation'. This Jieilat referring to the electric ligiut in tare Council room) here I don't k-now exaotly whether they will pay at once, but I hope in tto future, come and be a good thing in tlhe town. I have been a member of this council 34 years, and I don't, remember we have had so mamiy new blood oini this council before, and I hope the new blood will work well. And another thing I shto,uld like to miake a. remark cf it. You know the Government Inspector has been here three or four years ago amid did not- press upoii-, us to have a. new fair or a. new market tore. Notilifino-, Hit all pressiing on' us. We ha,ve a fair in the middle of the tOWIIl and every tradesman have the benefit of the town, and if they compel us to go to the cor- ner of the town, only the corner '!ffet, the benefit. Better to leave everythifig qGIJet unlless they compel! us to do so. Before I sit down I repeat my very best thanks to you. I tihiinik tlhe next duty of the Council to perform is to elect a. vice-chairman, and leave it emt- tirely in your hainds to select whoever you like, and, I wa.'t upon you to do so for the en- suing year-.—Mr J. H. Hughes I beg to pro- pose Mr T. H. Powell.—Mr Evan Jones secon- ded.—Mr Hughes; I could say a lot, but I don't wainit to make Mr Powell conceited.— Mr Roberts supported.—Mr Powell having be-en elieeted said Mr Chairman and gentle- men, I am very much obliged for the, honour you have done me in electing me your vice, amd.1 hope I Phalli prove worthy of the confi- dence placed in me. COMMITTEES. Mr Eva.n Anything more to-night —The Cler-k asked if they wanted to elect electric light and drains committees?—Mr Evanll Jones I hope we won't appoint them. Let. us all act together that the ratepayers may be more satisfied. I don't believe ita ladle and corner meetings. I don't think it is fair. We aN live in the town and, close by. If it was la, long distance I should say noth- ing, but. as we aire all within reach, we should be open Chairman Nobody proposed ainiy- thiitng yet .M:r Evain, Jones: Thlat is my opmriion.—Mr W. Jones These committees onily repamimend.—Clerk: Last year you appointed an electric light committee- with full power to act- amd drains committee.—Mr W. Janes- proposed the committees be elected the same as last year, but ntct give them full power.—Mr T. C. Thomas said that if he re- membered right the committees had only fuill power ifn one or two manor afFati(rs. It was espeoialily given for special cases.—Mr Evan Jones opposed any power being given to the committees.—Chairman Willi you give notice for IDext meeting?—Mr W. Jones Wiliiat forP-Mr E Jonfes Let us all have a voice! —Clerk You Mr W. Jones in pea-fect ord,or.-It, was stated that the membere of the former committee were the Chairman. Tdce-chaiirman, Messrs T. Thomas, T. H. Poweilil, Rees Griffiths, mw Jenkyn Jones.- Mr Roberts moved that Mr Evaln Jones be substituted for Mr Jenkyfn Jones, who has retired.—Mr Evain Jones I will not. I am deteimined.—Mi' J. Young Davies argued if tfhley a,ppoint,ed a, commititee, the membei-s; ought to make, it a point to attend. He seconded the mat,iem,The, Clerk pointed1 out, that an electric light oommilttee, was very mecessiary, as it was often wanted in an erner- gency.—Mr Poweill said it Tvould be unneces- sary to give the committee full power. -.J8;re was notihing pressing now.—It was agreed to appoimit, a, committee for tilie eleotric light only.—Mr Evan Jones: We are all near j enough now to be called to meet,imm;M, W. Jones: Some of us are too was proposed; tlhat the committee should consist of the Clhlaiirman, Mr Roberts, Mr Powell, Mr Thomas, ainid, Mr R. Griffitbis.-M.r Roberts ob- jected to serve on the committee and pro- posed the mame of Mr J. Young Daivics instead —This was agreed to. APPOINTMENT OF OVERSEER. [The Clerk (Mr R. S. Lewis) said to had re- oeived a letter from Mr Thomas Hughes, in wlhach he wished the Council to excusa him from, acting as overseer, because of his great age and that hil; heallith would not. permit of Wis undertaking tlto duties.—On the mot mm of Mr E. A. Roberts, seconded5 by Mr Evan Jones, Mr W. Hopkin was appointed instead of Mr Hughes. THE CRICKET GROUND. Mr J. Jones, secretary to the Cricket Ctlub, applied for permission to lay a, pipe from tto main to the cricket, field to obtain, water for wateriing the pitch when necesisiairy.—Mr T. C. Thomas expressed the opilnioo1 that it wouiltd do the water good1 on that flat to flush tme pi pe soccasd ontiilly.—Mr Hugh Hopkin se<id lit. w onJid not be used except in verv dny Mr J. H. Hugi'.ios: There are several members of this council who are mem- bers of the olicket club, so you can rely on ,I ttoir taking care of the ratepayer's in/terest daughter).—On the motion of Mr Roherts, seconded by Mr E. Janes, it was agreed to grant the application, payment to be 7s 6d per annum. THE PROPOSED SANATORIUM. A letter frr a Lady DiTinmcaid to tito Canaim-man was read in which he appealed for a public meeting in the town, with a view to obtain assistance for the sainsitoiiivuu at LhHl- ybytlhoa1.—The Chaiaman seid he had been a subscrilber for three or four years, and he would subscribe, more again if wanted. He ( thought the three coumtiies^ should agree to levy a. hallf-penny rate, whiieh would produce £ 2,500 or nearly liailf tto cost of the buiMing. -.Ni-r Pcnvell proposed the cliaivrinaJi be em- poAv&a-ed to. caM a meeting, and if possible to get Lady Drummond to att,end it. loey would have to cansnflt- her wishes as to the diate.N,ir Hugh Hopkin I tog to second it. There will be no expen-.e as far as we are -eL-d. WHO IS TO BE THE SCAPEGOAT. Mr D. Stephens said there was one. thing to to done that night, and thlat was to .decide' which of the recently elected f-ix members was to retire at the end of two- years.—Clerk We siliall leave it to the six gentlemen to settle it (laughter).—Mr Evan Jones They ihave been in the hat. Let them go agiiii.- Mr Rotoilts: Is it not possible to have an election again. The ratepayers are up JIn ainns because we have got in in the way we have. I am ready to go in for a, contested election,.—Clerk I am afraid yo,u cannot now. Y'ou have been duly elected. One of you wilil ihiave to go out alt the end of two years.— Chairman: Plenty of time again.—Mr Poweill: Put off the evil day.—'Chairman: One of you may liave to go to Australia. One of you may go to Arneaica, and; your seat be vacant to someone elbe., ANOTHER VACANT SEAT. Ma- W. R. Jones drew attention, to the fad t!Iia.<t Íln consequence of the death- of Mr j Thomas Hopkin, there, was a, vacant seat on the Council.—Mr Evan Jones: Leave the question- alone for three months out of respect- to hiim,.—Mr Powell: What is the procedure? -The Clerk said the Council could declare tJhe seat vaeant and, order an election.—Mr T. THnomas: We have' no power to fill" it ourselves1, and we can leave it vacant if we like.—Cotiinmian Suppose we leave it for two: months.-—The Clerk said there would be am election.—Mr J. H. Hughes: Suppose we Ihave the other six as well (laughter). TIMOROUS MORTALS. Mr W. R. Jones next reminded the Council tlhiait the conimttee appointed to wait upon Lord Dynevor and Mil. Bislhbp, his agent, with reference to the park being open to the public had not done so. and now Mr Nicholas who was one cf the Council had left them and Ma- T'hos. Hopkini was dead. He alono was left. Would they apnoint a new Council or should he give notice: to appoint one at the next ordinary meeting.—Mr T. C. Thomas I pro- pose a Counc libe appointed to-night. His lordship is very much better.—Mr J. H. Hughes, proposed the chairman, vice-chairman and' Mi" W. R. Jones, as deputation.—Mr Powell: I decline. He proposed Mr Evan Jones, Mr W. R. Jones, and Mr J. H. Hughes.. —Mr Hugjtos: I decline to serve on any Councils1 Oillo any account.—Mr Evan Jones alos objected.—Mr W. Jones said they would have to wait on Mr Bislhcp first to get his ad'vioe.—Mr T. C. Thomas said Mr Powell had withdrawn his objection.—The original motion was thenl adopted. A NEW CUTTING. Mr Huglh Hopkin asked if he might ask the surveyor abont the cutting up of the road on tihe top of Quiay-street.—Tto surveyor said it !h.Ld to be- done because: of the water after heavy rain flowing db-wn. Quay-street.—Mr ( Hopkiiir thought it h'ad been, done in a. slovenly way.—The Surveyor said they had previously broken up the pitching that was there.—Mr W. Jones: It is well to have some.thilllg there. COST' OF THE, ELECTION. This tuje Clerk stated amounted to £3 Os.- A Member: For taking out of the hat. —

!Catarrh and Influenza.j

A Fraok Crimin a).

! Fifty-One Years ia Prison.I

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