Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

26 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



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--------------ELLESMERE PORT'S…


-'----''--_..__.._._-__ CREWE…

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MR. STANLEY A HOME RULER. A QUALIFIED DECLARATION. The Hon. A. Lyuiph Stanley, the adopted Radi- oal candidate for the Eddisbury division, ad- dressed a small meeting at TattenhaSi on Friday night. Mr. George Cooko provided. Mr. Stanley, who spoke only for a few minutes as he had to leave early, said it was often thrown in their toeth that their party were not united on. the question of Homo Rule, although the I Unionists should be the last. people to talk of a united party. In the first plave he was a Home Ruler, but they must. define what was mc.:Ult by Homo RiLe. He wished it to be cicaiiy under- stood that he was entirely opposed to any inde- pendent Parliament in Ireland, and lie was op- posed to giving Ireland the same amount of m. dependence possessed by Canada and other of our Colonies, because Ireland was so clow to Eng- land, it would be a danger to us to give them independence. While he did not believe in givmg them independence, ho would give Ireland avo; y large amount of local soif-government. He would not allow them to have the power to make tanffs againsrt us, but he would give them control of the police. He would not allow them to raise an army and navy, but he would allow them to sott,to what local forms of government they de- sired. He aid not think the question of Homo Rule would come on early in the. next Parlia- ment, because he believed there was a iarge •mount of work urgently needed for this country before the Government undertook tiie thoiny question of Homo Rule. There was the difficult question whether the. Irish should have represen- tation in the Imperial Parliament. He was in- clined to think th2y should have a certain amount of representation in the. Imperial Parliament, beoouse a,s we did not aiiow the lush to have the power of taxation in Ireland they ought to have repressor! at id n in the Parliament, which decreed that taxation" He was inchnod to think a com- promise might be made between England and IreiLajid, reducing the number of Irish members at Westminster. He believed it was quite, clear on the population basis that Ireland was ovei- ropiosented at Westminster, and if England was willing to give Ireland a certain amount of local •elf-government. Ireland ought to agioe to the reduction of the Irish members returned to Wc-t- minster. The whole question of Home Rule was a question full of details and difficult details, and it would be impossible for him to deal with them in the time available. He did not, think it would be a prominent question in the next Parliament, but tho Govern men! could improve Irelaaid's condition by administration vo:y largely. They could carry out the suggestions of the Irish Re- form Association under Lord Dunravcn, and there wero opportunities for minimising the grievances under which Ireland undoubtedly eunoicd. Some peopip thought that Ireland had no grievance, bait Ireland's grievance was that, being an almost entirely Catholic country it was administeied by bigoted Ulster men. Passing on to the question of temranoo re form. Mr. Stanley said he was not a teetota ler, but he lospected very much those who weie. Per- sonally, he found he could enjoy an occasioned glass of beer, and he found it d;d him no harm, but he also, recognised that drink was a very con- siderable social evil. It was tire duty of the politician to remedy that. He ought to do so by education; but he. (Mr. Stanley) e t a certain amount of good could 00 done by leg station. He did not, think that by pure legislation a drunken I man could be made a sober man, but it could be made harder for him to get drink and easier for the reforming influences to get to work. The prime measure of temperance reform which he was entirely in favour of was that of giving the people the right to say what the drinking facilities should bo in their own district. He believed in the broad democratic principle of saying to the people, "You' Phalli settle for yourselves whether you wish to have public-houses, and the number you wish to have, and the form in which they I shall exist.' He was not a prohibitionist He did not want to pass an Act of Pat iiainent for- bidding the sale of liquor all over the country. He believed it was taking from the people the right to govern themselves, and prohibition in the States had not. been as successful as it ought to be. He had not entirely made up his mind on the Question of Sunday closing, but he was aga;nst a general Sunday Closing Act for the same reason that he was not a prohibitionist. Again, ho would leave it to the localities. Local option would be better than a general Sunday Closing Act. Far more might bo done for temperance by way of education. Personally, he had not been taking any drink lately, but he did not feel any the worse for it. and he did not, think if he had a glass of beer or a glass of wine he should be- come a degraded creature. HiLving stated h:s viewe. Mr. Stanley told his audience that if they did not like them they had the remedy in their own hands at the next election.







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Family Notices



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