Bangor Church Hostel. tion One of the1 objects of the aoove 1 is the better organisation of oan 1 the ministry. The Lord1 Bishop1 i,s an'd co-operation of the clergy of t 12.(1V points out, in a letter issued to 't u5 jn "that a great opportunity is Presen 6 lU,rch ^lS" Wales, and that the future of the ^^aess t'0 pends, in gteat measure, upon our r- serve embrace it. The hostel is' d'esigne the as a centre of helpful influence a d esp_Iv' student community of Bangor, y0vn$. to offer encouragement and counse men of character and capac.'iy ci be dirawn to the holy ordles,- the Church in. Waies. T!tf tained conjointly by the two o1 Ksv- Bangor and 'St. Asaph. ^a5tfirS of Arthur Ogle—will be obliged, for je Univer" traduction on behalf of students ox c0lflino sity College, and others who may^ c0cpec* into residence at Bangor. There 1= i87It tion with this work a fund1, founde fca' called bhe Clerical Education 1-und, if of raised L, 15,000 within the daocefce on cofltri" clerical education. But of late year: di has butio.ns .have been declining, and t depended upon a handful of subsen oJj. a effort is being made; to r-e-establish It up fo'o.t,in:g of se,cur.i,tv. arilig The following gentlemen who are P eXijibJ" x for holy orders have been elected to B.A., tlions flfom the fund:—D. K- pvs Keble Collegie, Oxford, and; St. Ilchae (r. lege, Aberdiare, per an-rruirxi; gjiiiiJ111' Lloyd, St. David's College, /> Pe a \ttW{ D. J. Davies, St. DavicJ's, .I20' £ to\ Hughes, Welsh Scholar of St. ^a^ Je' W. H. O. Davies, North Wales (-!oUeD,J0lle;ge' ,0, J. Jones, exhdbaitianen of Jesus Oxford, £ ^0 per annum.. eJ* These exhi.bition.s are awarded a, ,set'a amination, and under guarante vice in the clioceise. Subscription Qf- iv' thankfully acknowledged by the warden Church Ilos.te'l, Bangor.

Llanrwst School Board. d AT a meeting of the above. Board, hel oil' Vlere day, last week, tLhe ^following.! r«p^> read — .sd10^' LLANR'WST BOYS' SCHOOL- ^c0i^ are are orderly and attentive, and 1 is carefully and intelligently impante,C" cues ° general quality of the work in all, brann,jfo.rv:' instruction is very satisfactory an' 0$ and' the efficient condition of the sc C'^ hea occasion reflects much credit "P'011^^ Pei's0 a, teacher and his staff, and affords ^1. ally much pleasure to bear ':ie'|or severing my official connection wit ^.ed bourhood. Fire-guards should be Pr all thei grates." ffciercy GIRLS' SCHOOL.—"The g;nera;s. e- of this department, a,s estimated! by 1 iostjrU,,i tion., discipline, and clxaracter of^ tion, is. full}^ maintained by ^'st. g-tat1^'3^! mistress. The work of the four" lTiecha however—where the teaching; bears Q{ u cal rather than an intelligent asp2^^ in equal merit and quality, and Ae single subject the uniformly good1 s^fle of tained: in. the other classes. school, is exemplary." contl{lXtal INFANT SCHOOL.—"This scb^°e^oeptl0 to be conductedl and taught wi* sch,a^ c., care, geniality and success. At jl0lle- the Vale of Conway is better wor

Capel Garmon Board sch,O!Of01Jb: ?lIXED SCHOOL.—This school ly well organised and disciplined. v -c of -the instruction, is. distinctly g°' derfully even and uniform, \t vV being, possibly, its weakest i0 ^3} be well to- criticise1 at greater le s'e record' book the progress made y,aS.cer classes in each and every subjec » jvireg1* ed at the terminal examinations. ad'^l are required for both rooms, a u,tS: aH ventilating inlets. The rain P offices are out of repair." INFANT CLASS.—"This cla^h^,h, vanced in all subjects, but jji;,grh faiirly satisifactory, falls 0f 't^f 0 of efficiency reached) 'in the r,es. readi|fll= uite The proficiency of the pupils ^t-iorL \vas writing at the first visit of exceptional. If feas,;b.le,, d:irect t,lle illf tion should be established between room and the Dlavground," 0

pities One of the most te: r.b'e Qreaj n\^° an.n'als of mountain-climbing ^r^aii,d, has occurred on Scawfell, Cum the loss of four- lives. ONS Air LIST OF NEW fop- compiled for the "Welsh Co jjir#1 George Barker, 77, Col™or^at fo'Viiliati?iI —Improvemenits i n win d i na o -[~_ „pplj purposes, J. Jones, Cardiff; *V 0- valve, L. 'B. Tucker, Bris'tal^ ance for carrying cycle teP" t^n:Sx Willis, Bristol; improvements_ io t R. C. Sayer, Bristol; "I'Pf 01 I.e^ fir? ing refilling of empty bottles^^rs itol; application of steam Sand-' ulse grates for cooling fire bars, jt0.ble ^ulC.e!Ste.j sea; an -improved' materia O fli the filtration of water, I hacV3irn; d ■backhand protector for' bar13" flg, trace points, H. D. 0f atltart'j improvement iaai iitoe .methj0' or stero^^po the ring, or bow- to teyli0R^{ortfe ^df0 or other articles, .]• AeVelopiri» an improved device r„rCj(;ff. handwriting, H. Lester,

OLD ESTABLISHED 6509 FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL SHELTERED POSITION IN 0 FINELY-WOODED PARK. National Telephone No. 13. Telegrams— > vO PV P»U,c„ch.»,c.iKI1,s^^OUV, ELECTEIO LIGHT V SEPARATE TABLES :1 Y MAGNIFICENT VIEWS, ^RECHERCHE CUISINE, POSTING, Y GOLF, TENNIS, BATHING, BILLIARDS, Its. JOHN PORTER, Proprietor. ■ -=gf ■— ..———. ——— TI-IE GRINDELWALD OF WALES. ——— m GOLF. TENNIS. CROQUET. ARCHERY. BOWLS. Oakwood Park Hotel, COInTW^ THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED AND DAINTILY EQUIPPED „ ¡ I HOTEL IN THE PRINCIPALITY. I, BOATING. SHOOTING. BILLIARDS. BALLROOM (Floor on Springs). THEATRE. < HOTEL DE LUXE OF CAMBRIA. TELEPHONE 25. Telegrams: "OAKWOOD, CONWAY." MANAGERESS: MRS. C. A. BAILEY. 7029 NANT HALL HOTEL, PRESTATYN. One of the finest Health Resorts on the North Wales Coast. Beautifully situated in its own well- wooded grounds, surrounded by Mountain and Sea. TENNIS, CROQUET, BILLIARDS, STABLING. Five minutes' from Station. 7618 MRS. THOMAS, Proprietress. THE FINEST HEALTH RESORT IN NORTH WALES. f-IF K1105 ABBEY HOTEL, COLWYN BAY. Facing the Sea, pure bracing air, delightful climate, charming scenery, water supply perfect. Elegant Apartments, every home comfort. Golf Links by the sea within half a mile. High-class Cuisine. Terms moderate. Omnibus meets principal trains. Tariff, apply FR. MEIER, Proprietor (late at the WINDSOR HOTEL, GLASGOW). 6282 VW- THE LARGEST AND BEST APPOINTED HOTEL. Highly recommended by the nobility and gentry as a "t:1 comfortable FAMILY HOTEL, standing in its own -— | j grounds, with mountain and sea t 1 SI JL views from all ^Luncheoas, windows. < fj \M vJ Teas and Dinners. ^1 A- -c Table d'Hote at 7 p.m. Sundays at 2. Suites of Rooms, Public Drawing-room, f 1 -r- £ >- Coffee-room, Smoke-room, and Billiard-room. Posting in all its branches. Bathing & Boating. — MISS AYLAND, Proprietress. ST. ASAPH (OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL). Bryndinas Hotel. LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, &C. Worthington's Ales & Stouts (BREWERS TO H.M. THE KING). WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS & CIGARS OF BEST QUALITY. Week-end Terms (Saturday to Monday), 13/6. 7368 QED. JAMIESON, Proprietor. (FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL.) 11 r Grosvenor Hotel and Restaurant BISSSSTISB*. BODFOR STREET, RJRLYL, Good Commercial, Coffee, & Dining Rooms. Large & Small Parties Catered for. 7085 A. W. JAMBS, Proprietor. 5976 National Telephone, No. 12, Colwyn Bay. QUEEN'S HOTEL, OLD„. c £ ™' Beautifully Situated. Close to the Station « £ Sea. MISS PARRY, Proprietress (Late of the Padarn Villa Hotel, Llanberis). VALUE FOR, MONEY! Our Specialities:—BUTTER and TEA. Quality:—THE BEST. Prices:-RIGHT. T. ROBERTS, Station Road, COLWYN BAY, K GROCER, BAKER & PROVISION MERCHANT. EVERYTHING WE SELL WE GUARANTEE. COAL! COAL! COAL! Unequalled for Quality & Price. THE FINEST STAFFS. & LANC. HOUSE COALS AND COBBLES, ALSO GAS COKE, FIREWOOD, &c. TRUCK LOADS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WRITE FOR PRICES. ROWLAND & SIMPSON WYNNSTAY CHAMBERS, COLWYN BAY. 4959 HARRISON KNITTING MACHINES or Clothing, or Clothing, FOR CASH OR HERE. 6130 The HARRISON PATEN r KNITTING MACHINE Co., Ltd., 48, Upper Brook St., Manchester

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Visitors at Colwyn Bay. I Hotels. Pwllvcrochan Hotel- J S Littlewood, Esq, Resident Mrs Littlewood, do Mrs Boddcn, Ashton-u-Lyne Mrs Crellin, Oldham Miss Crellin, do Geo Eade, Esq, Bromley Miss Eade. do J Atkinson, Esq, York Mrs Atkinson, do Miss Atkinson, do Mrs Gibbons, Moseley Hill Miss Gibbons, do E J Byrne, Esq, London Mrs Wood, Harrogate Mrs Ashworth, Bolton G H Ashworth, Esq, do A H Ashworth, Esq, do Dr & Mrs C Hindley,Rainhill MUs K Orme, Oldham Miss Shannon, Walsall Miss Bollgee, Mr Tyser, Rainhilll Dr & Mrs G Cowell, London Mrs Sprange, Bridgexvater Misses Cutler (3), St Paul Alan Francis, Esq, London Mrs Francis, do J B Clarke, Esq, Handsworth Misses Clarke (2), do B J Epworth, Esq, B ham J Mosley, Esq, Hudderstield I Stephenson, Esq, do A Hepworth, Esq, do Mrs & Miss Fisher, do Miss Sutherland, Leeds I W Adshead, Esq, Dudley Mrs & Master Adshead, do Henry Lawton, Esq, Oldham Mrs Lawtorh do Misses Musgrave, Bradford Mrs Evans & friend, Prescot Mrs Bentley, Barnet C E Soden, Esq, Cardiff Mrs Soden, do W Bayliss, Esq, W'hampton Mrs Bayliss & maid, do E Milnes, Esq, Bury R C Haworth, Esq. Blan'ter A Lloyd Roberts, Esq, L'pool Colwyn Bay Hotel- Walter Whitehead, Esq, Manchester Thomas Howe, do Sir Compton Donville & valet, London Hon Mrs Hanbury Tracy and maid, do Miss Tracy, do G Watts, Esq, Man'ter Mrs Watts, do Ernest iiimnier, Esq, Liverpool Seymour Mead, Esq, Hale Mrs Mead, do Foster, Esq, Sale Mrs Foster, do Miss Mallets, Nott'ham George Mellor, Esq, Oldham Mrs Mellor, do H Khxiiner, Esq, L'pool Mrs iiimmer, do Mrs Hickman, do Hickman, Esq, do Masters Hickman (2), do Miss Hickman, do C Dummuth, Esq, L'don Mrs Powell & maid, Criccieth J W Dibble, Esq, Lond'n J S Dibble, Esq, do Mrs Dibble, do E Gwyn, Esq, Shrewsb'y Mrs Gwyn, do Mrs Murphy, Dublin Mrs Colgan, do Hall, Esq, Manchester Dr Rhodes, do J W Langman, Esq,Cork Mrs Langman, do H Nisbefc. Esq, London Mas Nisbet, do G Henley, Esq, L'ington Mrs Henley, do C E Green, Esq, & friend, Sussex G A Lewis, Esq, B'ford Mrs Lewis, do S Williams, Esq, Cardiff H Jones, Esq, do Mrs Lome, Leicester Misses Lorne, do Imperial lIotel- G A Trube. Esq, Bowdon Mrs Twbe, children, & maid E Sutcliffe, Huddersfield Mrs E Sutcliffe, baby & nurse Miss Sutclifle, do J Darnley, Esq, Hudderslield Mrs Darnley, do Mr & Mrs J Sutcliffe, do Miss Summers, do Mawn, Esq, Manchester T R Lyons, Esq Glasgow Goodier, Esq, Preton E Ludwig, Baur, Esq, do — ShervvocJt!, Esq. O Cohvyn — Evans Esq, London Venn, Esq, London Schofield, Esq, Walsall Wheatley, Esq, Keighley Petrie, Esq. Birmingharu Mr & Mrs Watkin, Burslem J Axe, Esq, Derby Bewley, Esq, London Stoke, Esq, do Smart, Esq. Cardiff P Lazarus, Esq, Manchester Quick, Esq, Bristol Tanner, Esq, Saddleworth Hamer, Esq, Ashton-u- Lyne Mr & Mrs Burton, Dublin Misses Burton (2), do Green, Esq, Manchester Abergele Road. St. Leonards- Mr & Mrs Part,Manchester Miss C Jones, I-Iolfhead Emlyn House- Mr & Mrs Harrison, Widnes Maenan House- Mr & Mrs Leigh, Wor'shire Miss Leigh & maid, do Mr Cooke, do Mr & Mrs 'I'aylor, Reading Mra Garnock, Stoneycroft Misses Garnock (2), do Mr E A Garnock, do Huddersfield House- Miss Despard, Kingstown Miss B Despard, do Rev & Mrs Woodward. Leeds Mr Dawson, Manchester Mr F Dawson, jun, do Mr O Dawson, do Miss Dawson, do Mr O W Davies, do Roseneatb- Mr & Mrs Peake & family, Leeds Miss Slrnms, O.xford Mr & Mis Walker, B'gham Beachmont- Mr Q Richardson, Nottingham Dudley House- Mr & M Sissou. Alcester MfvSter Sissoi), do -Miss Gai forth, do Mr & Mrs Kudmau, M'ter Bay View Road. BrooklefL- Mr & V rs Lazeuby, Wrex'm Miss E Lazeuby, do Belgrave Road. I Cralgieburn- Mr & Mrs Pryce, S Wales Stapenhill- Miss Fisher, Burton-on- Trent Mr Fisher, do Ravaiisdale- Mr & Mrs Hancock, B'head Misses Hancock, (3), do Mlddleton Villa- Miss Fletcher, Middleton Miss Smith, Higher Bro'ton Miss Brew, Cuddershead Mr & Mrs Norton, Midd'ton Mr & Mrs Wood & baby, do Misses Wood, do Mr & Mrs Veritp, do Master Verity, do Conway Road., lvleadowcrofc- Mr & Mrs Peard, nurse & children, Huyton Mr & Mrs Hancock & child, Nottingham Mr & Mrs Moore,Erdiugton Mrs Smith, Birmingham Mrs Taylor, do Mrs Young & lriend, Folkstone Mrs Edmonds, London Misses Edmonds, do Mr Swaine, Leeds Mrs Dodgson, do Mrs & Miss Stubbs, M'ter The Cakiands- H Bickerton, Bsq, Ashton- u-Lyne Mrs Bickerton, fly & nurse Miss Borrow, do Mr Warrey, Liverpool Stretford Villa- Mr & Mrs Rnssel), family & maid, Ashton-on-Mersey Miss Hesketh & party, Sale Ellersdale- Miss A Harr s. reti eat Mrs Ainsworth, do Miss N Kichardsou, do Mr Nichelhaus, do Miss Ainsworth, S'porfc Mrs McM ichael, Malvern Miss MeMiehael, do Mr & Mrs Piatt, Staff Mrs Hnke, Louoon Mrs Burrows, foRe-o-Trent Erw Wen Road. Cuioheth — Mr Button, London Llainfach- Mr, Mrs & Miss Underwood, \V oiverhampton Glaslyn— Mr & Mrs Matthews, Leicester Master D Matthews, do Erskine oad. St. Elmo- Mr & Mrs Gezink & baby, Alderley Edge Heathfield— Miss Ketemeyer, resident Hazelwood- Mr & Mrs Blani irs & c'dren Jluddci's field Miss Blamirs, do Miss Smith, do lH!ss Wood, do M iss Thorion, do Mr Thorton, do Bryn Hafod- Mr Fish & f'Jy, Swill ton Miss Hyam, do Llys Pelig- Mr & Mrs Abbott,Mchester Master Abbott, do Mr Hargreaves, do Miss Hargreaves, do Eat Parade. Pendorlan- Mr G Wild.SitttonColdfleld Mr Wild, juu, do Misses Wild. do Arvon House- Miss Ayles & Miss Selbie Miss N'ayl< r, Barnsley Mrs Allison, Sale Miss Allison, do Miss Kobson, do Mr H Ailison, Sale Miss Philpot, do Eilesmere Road. The r-liaisonette- Mr W Roberts, Bootle Mr & Mrs Smith Halifax MIss L Smith, do Miss Denton, do The Grange- Hon Mrs Tracey, London Misses Tracey & maid, do Mr & Mrs Blunt Bury Miss Blunt, do Miss Cox n, do Kinnoull- Mrs Imrie, London 1\1r Motris, do Eryn Odol- Mrs Pearson, resident Miss Pearson, do Mr Lane. London Col & Mrs Barnwell, r. Harrogate Misses Barnwell, do Misses Corbishley, Shit'nnl Alrslsoii,Ashl,,V-,Ip-la-Zc,ll,it Misses Ison (2). co Miss Preston, do Miss Morgan, Birmingham Mr Parker, c dren & twi,cl,(Io Miss Sillar, Caruarvou Miss Westmore, New York Miss Moffatt, do Miss Piatt, Liverpool Miss Johnson, Birmiiigh'm Crove Park. Pennant- Mrs Smith. Marple Miss & Master Smith, do Fudyard Dale Mr & Mrs Henderson & babv, Ecclea Gronwen— Mr & Miss Scott, Bir'ham Mr & Mrs Dyer do Mr Pike, do Yorkbourne- Mr & Mrs H Freeman & family, Birmingham Mr Day, do Mr Roger s, Wrexham Mr Davics, do Mr & Mrs Bird, Beverley Bibblesdale Mr & Mrs F W Armitage, Hnddersfield Miss Armitage, H'field Mr W T Armitnge, do Miss A Hepworth, do Egerton- Miss Briggs, resident Sprlngfteld- Mr & Mrs Pcrd & family, Birmingham Plas MaUgwyn- Mr Sutton, Liverpool Mr Matthews, Bitkenhead Tirionva- Mr & Mrs Rathbone. S'field Masters Ratlibone (%), do Oswell Villa- Mr & Mrs Owen & baby, Llandudno Grove Jad. Gwyndy- Mr & Mrs Stevens, Brierley Hill Misses Stevens (2), do Rose Villa- Mr &|Blrs Meredith & f ly, Stockport Misses Thomas, P'maclino Miss Davits, Halkyn Lindow- Miss Hutton, Wilmeslow Mr Henley, Manchester Greenfield Road. ConeFcltffe- Misses Hulme, Timperley Cardigan House- Miss Westwel), Warri'gton High Lea- Mrs Green, Blackpool Glendale- Mr & Mrs G Coupe, Crich Mr & Mrs Almond, fly & nurse, Higher Broughton Miss Hansor, Walsall Blr & Bits Hansor, do Edgbaston Miss Hawkins, Birmingh'm Mr & Mrs Thorley, do Mr Hawkins, do Cartref Melus- Mr & Mrs Barker & family, Birmingham Miss Harris,'do Mr Pryce-Davis, resident Ms & Mrs Gray, l/pool Mrs Young, Soulhport Greenfield Towers- Mr & Mrs Smith, Halifax Master E Smith, do Miss Johnson, do Drayton Villa- Mrs Blackburn, Setrboro' Misses Blackburn, do Miss Sinkinson & party, Kenyon. Mrs,Morlock family & nurse, Leiceter I\lr &Mrs Hartley & i'IYIIY, Lancaster Mr & Mrs Blachin & f'ly, Walsall Mrs Heath, do Prestatyn Villa- Mr & Mrs Horsfteld, M'ter Misses Horsfield (2), do Masters Horsliebt (2), do Mr Borrows' Birmingham Mr Taylor, do Pendre- Miss Spetcli,?Manchester Miss Buckles, Tenbury, Worcester Miss Alexander, S'uury Hawardel1 Road. Craiglands- Mr & Mrs Easton, Lond'n Gwyndy— Mrs Haws, Liverpool Miss Haws, do Nurse Austin, do hlwyn- Mjss Clarke, Tun bridge Ws Misses Eaton (2),Southport Maida Valc- Mr & Mrs Parker &baby, Spat kbrook Mrs Kemp, Warwick Blrs & Miss Catieil, do Barrowfleld- Mrs Gi-ice Edgbaston Blisses Grice (3) do M,ss Whittaker, Birch Vale Miss Bennett, do Blr & Blrs Halstead, baby & maid, Cheltenham Allendale- A] r & M!-s I-lobbq, residents Mr Whitehead, Manchester Mr McGrath, Manchester Mr & Mrs Waterworth, Formby Newton ViIla- Mr & Mrs Johnson' M'ter Misses Dudley (3), GJossop Mr Young, do Llewelyn Road. Spring 6ank- Mr & Mrs Thompson, M ter Mr H Thompson, do Pare Villa- Mr & Mrs Hurst. Bolton Miss Roberts, Carnarvon Lawson Ifoad. Dingle Beach- Mrs Barnard Allison. Brooklands Miss Allison, do MissRobson, Brooklands Blr & Mrs Johnson, family & nurse, Wai-rington Edenderry- Mrs Johnson, Reddish Miss Johnson, do Sibberscote- Mrs Pendlebury, Matlock Miss Lancaster, Ellesmere Bryn Kenric- Hev & Mrs Dawson Buxton Messrs Dawson (2), do Rosewell- Mr & Mrs Morris,Liverpool Master Morrie & nurse, do Mrs Robinson, Southport Mount Elton- Mrs Brown, resident Miss Brown, do Mrs Dunstan, do Durban- Mr & Mrs Greenalgb, Ashton-u-Lyne Misses Mr & Mrs Sagitr, Padiham Glen Hurst- Mr & Mrs Isaac, Harleston Masters Isaac (3), do M'ses Brown, Hartford Miss Allen, do Marine Road. Lockyer's Private Hotel Mr Lancaster,|Birmingham Misses Lancaster, do Mr E Lancaster, do Blisses Hall, Birmingham Mr & Mrs Brewer, U'verton Mr & Mrs Holmes, do Airs Malliiii, Stoke Miss li Malkin, do Mr & Mrs Heap, Rochdale Miss Heap,do M iss Heath, Birmingham? Miss GillibVand, Bl'chester Mr & Blr.s Smith, Bir'ham Mrs S Hea n, Rochdale, do Rev J Toryer, Tipton Claremont- Mr & Blrs Adams, B'ham Miss Adams & maid, do Air & I\Irs Green, do Miss Green, do Miss Foster, do Tynrhyn Villa- Miss Mallalien, Delph Miss A Mallsle n, do Mr & Mrs McPherson, Bury Edinburgh House- Mr & Mrs Cross, Colwyn Master Cross, do Bay M rs Davies, Leominster Master & Miss Davies, do Mrs & Master Jolii),Lon,clo Mr Orme, Glasgow Mr & Blrs Jarvis, Crewe Bliss Jarvis, do Mr Orr, Dublin Mr & Mrs Cottam,Denbigh Piirk Road. No 75 Mr J Newry. London Brocklesby House- Mr A Croxoll, Leeds Cadnant House- Mr G Elliot, Newark Mr T White, New Jersey, U.S.A. Severn Bank- Mr H Gilmo-e, London Norris HilI- Mr & Mrs Kogers, Not'ham Master A Rogers, do No 37 Mr & Mrs Raymond, Brist'l Miss Ivy Raymond, do Elland House- Mrs J T Newton, resident Blr & Mrs Stephenson, Halifax Mrs Helliwell, do Meiriotj Gardens. Drayton House Mr &- Ntzg Lord & family, Rochdals Ocean View- Mrs Davis, Leominster Miss Davis, do Mr J Davis. do Mr Foster & partv, Bl'ter Mr & Mrs Lord, Shelton Miss Salt, Ashley, do Miss Lee, do Promenade. Norwood- Blrs Wilson, Cleveley Miss Wilson & maid, do Blr & Alrs Brierley, Al ter Rossharbour— Col Rivay, Kenihvorth Mrs & Misses Rivay, do Misses Homer, Stourbri'ge Mr & Mrs Dewhurst, Sonthport Mrs Crew, WoL-erhampton Misses Crew (2), do Balnioral- Rev & Blrs Bartle t, Grear Crosby I\Iessrs'BFtrtlett, do Miss M Jackson, London Mr & Blrs Rose, Bedford Misses (-2) Rose & governess Mr Bowde", do Cilbertville- Mrs Puniom, S Col Afield Miss & Master Purden, do Mr Truman, Nottingham Master C Truman, do Blr J Brayshaw, Bradford Mr Elbott, do Miss Brayshaw, do Mr E Ever.-st, Belfast Mr Penrose, Dublin Blr Wilson, Manchester Sorrento- Blr Walker. Dublin Mrs Warden, Buxton Miss Warden, do Miss Browning. Redditch Mrs & Blaster TaLlow Dublin Mr & Blrs Simmons,Lond'n Me SOLL, Manchester Miss Roberts, Bangor Rothesay— Miss Price Morris, Dublin Mr & Mrs Bernard, London Miss Crouch. do Mrs Young, Kiel Mr Young, jun, do Miss Young. do Mrs Blallison, Halifax Blrs BlO'ise, Manchester Blr Jones & party, London Prince's Drive. Falrholme- Brigade Surgn. Blackinnon, South Kensington, London Blrs Mackinnon & maid, do Miss Mackinnon, do Mr Andrew Blackinnon, do Miss Gill, Manchester Miss Brear, do Miss Martin, do Hawarden Tower- Mr 1 yon, resident Bliss Cowan, do Mr & Mrs Blorton, children and maid. Style Blr & Blrs Flitcroit, M'cer Mr & Mrs Hamilton, do Madresficld- Lieut-Col. Croker-King, Cheltenham Mrs Croker-King, family" and maid", do Mr & Mrs Aston, Dubiin Penrhyn- Blr & Mrs Beaty. baby & nurse, Manchester Manor House- Mr & Mrs Thompson, Whllley Range Misses (2) Thompson, do Blr & Blrs Wilcox, Moseley Misses Wilcox, do Blr Wilcox, jun, do Princess Drive. The Hollies- Mr & Mrs Allotson, Chcster Bliss Allotson, do Mr & Mrs Parker. Sheffield Miss Parker, do Mr & Mrs Boat-dmau,M'ter Mr t Miss Smith, do Mr W Board in an, do l'ofe Gerrayd, do Hagley House- Mr Beach, Australia Villa Marina- Blrs Taylor, Ledbury Mrs Bennett, do Blrs Stangmani London Ivy Lea- Mr & Mr Wood, W'stantffln Miss Brock, Stoke-on-Trent Mrs BlacConkey, baby and London Bliss Welbonrne, Derby Mr & Mrs McKeuzia Smith & party, Liverpool Blrs & Miss Walley, Hanley Mrs Bostock, do hiw Bank Terrace No 1. Mr &,Ifrs Alles, West Kirby Mr & Mrs Parrish, Fenton No. i— Blr & Blrs Stonehouse, Manchester Devonia- Mr G Morris, ljpton No 8- Mr Cawley, Tarporley Riw Bank Avenue. q Bryn-y-Mor- Mr & Mrs Gledhill, Chorlton-cum-Hardy Ml'Vi'¡n-d, Manchester Mr & Mrs Lomax & baby, Liverpool Wynqstay oad. Somerset House- Mr & Mrs Liversedge, Waterloo Ali-s & Aliss Stevenson. B'ham Master Stevenson, do Mr & Mrs Law, Bleols Miss Law, do Miss Thompson, Dublin Rev R Jennings,Glyn-Ceiriog Mrs Jennings, do Miss Jennings, do Master Jennings, do Miss Edwards, Aigburth Wynncote— Mr & Mrs Dyer, Tamworth Mr J Dyer, do Delaware Villa- Misses Barstow (3), Oldham Miss Hill, Leeds Masters James (2), do Broughton Vllla- Mr & Mrs Thomas, Welling'n Master E N Thomas, do Miss Thomas, do Swlnchurch- Mr & Mrs Bosworth, Stockp't Morden- Mr & Mrs G Toulmin, Bins well Hill Blrs Tegg, do Mr & Mrs Slight & party, Crewe Holmdale— Mr & Mrs Wilson, Fleetwood Mr Wilson & friend, do- Blr& Mrs Pilling, Lytham York ?oad. Dinorben Miss Forsyth, Staunston Hill Miss Dtiley, Fulham

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Woodland Road. Ashbourne House- Blrs J Shenton, Longt'n Misses Slienton (3), do Mr & Mrs Hubert, Bir'ham Shelbrooke House- Dr J Lloyd Owen, resident Glasmor- Mrs Wright & family, Birkenhead Mrs Home, Birkenhead Bliss Hortie. do fly & m'd, Blr & Blrs Batten, fly & m'd, Chapel Atherton, Leeds Blr Francis, do Trenton- Ashton-u-L)'ne Lytle, Mr S Schofield, Ashton-u- B'h>m Master Whitwell, Mrs 00 Mr & BIrs ''J ^e Qo'lvvyn Ka>' colwyn Bay Granville-- 1wexford Rev & Blrs k Blisses J30^0"on baby & Mr & Blrs H^Eclgbaston Misses Eaton (2)> ^—' High Water at C«lwy» Blorn Height Even + Sept. 25—Friday ..12 52 iB_ <> •• g 9 26—Sat I 30 16 9 •' oCj 14 0 If 27—Sun 2 8 14 10 2 12 2 tt 28—Mon 2 54 13 0 ^8 i° 10 „ 29—Tues 3 S» 11 l-'6io H t 30-Wed 5 24 i° 0 7 21 12 2 Oct. 1 —Thurs. 6 48 11 0 • • ■—