Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
.4t JLTS Combination. UP TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. ^e8bi, t, ^-Goals-^ P" w- L- D. F. A. P. MR5r: 1: 1 r J: §: 1 z 1 \z Iz \z Sz&z Iz i ••• i 2 1 0 7 5 4 Ch^4 £ 1i,i°n o 2 1 0 6 5 4 fflMt Wlch Athletic O 'J ■■■ 1 0 9. 8. 4 ^'UsfoM llc 3 0 1 2 2 5 2 SO 0. 2. 1. 7. u. 1 S?N, 3 0 2 1 2 5 1 l°Ugh^ 1 ••• 0 1 0 1 5 0 2 0 2 0 2 7 0 2 0 2 0 2 8 0 ^eate^0^ AthiT5 °F SATURDAY'S GAMES. Jfe-K- 1 Chirk 1 Oo^ir^ '°1 2 Birkenhead 1 vS? ;v • Rllyl 0 3 Winsford 0 ril. 5Bangor .1 5 Broughton 2 IXtuRes Fm> m" w UR TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). o lnsford v. Birkenhead ChirkvV- Hexham che8tP; NaVtw'ch Broush v. Tranmere Rovers Cite t

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
]fr and District League. t eaerve 3 Chester Ambulance 0 2 Rhyl 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
^'ntshire League. Bridge Tm DlYISI0N L I Works 2 Flint U.A.C .0

Combination. Osw Oswestry v. Bangor. j^1 tourjI^(i^rit;ertained Bangor in the Combina- tjj6 a'lten(jar €nt on Saturday. Unfortunately, A ]S ^Ptoveg6, Was on,1y moderate, and1 unless ^isi^ ^ace S treasurer will soon be pulling .v"*ay §ame opened in a very pro- an !id,e couIh P;te 'a series- of attacks, the h hari n,0!t ^nc^! t^e n-e'c until a quarter ^«l<sk Hght in. Pse^ Then: Hampton put the sh CUstodia Bangor goal, and Owen, the hiSl n' Unf°rtunately put the ball in k ^inon^6 to Save. Four minutes >^e. ^J^ugh an,!ent a straight shot from a 11 tK ^isi wac. sec°nd goal fell .to the home rIQ the, 's'wrs all the scoring in the first half. re c fi50a'lst a J°Tr,tion Oswestry pu't on three ^atl8or^ score J Jones scored for Bangor, fi^^ov'1 g°al. °Sw«stry' 5 goal's 5 S,rst t,: game t 6 ome side played a much- W11,6 this L am Parry, who playedi for the 1 1 ov^^en anSOn' eing a distinct success, •'t? erkea2erness ra°U?d' P,layed' a Plucky game, ancea -pn Wl'd shooting spoiled* a a sterlin„ arryJ 'the home custodian, mH game in goal.

Wrexham v. Broughton. The meeting at 'Wrexham between Wrexham and Broughton United was productive of con- siderable interest. The home team once more had the assistance of "Di" Davies at full-back, and he was played1 in: place of Griffilths, injured. The first half1 was fairly even, and at the inter- val the score was one all. On, crossing over, the United went away with a great daslh, but they died away to nothing, and Wrexham quickly registered three goals. A penalty kick ,enabled; the Brqu.ghton. men to score, but before the close of thme Wrexham got still more ahead, and' finally won by 5 goals to 2. Their victory was due in the main to superior stamina, but 'the visitors' forwards were also wanting in finish, and. here it was that Wrexham showed up to advantage.

Flint U.A.C. v. Hawarden Bridge Ironworks. (Flintshire League—First Divison.) These teams met on the ground of the former, I in the initial 'league match of the season. The U.A.C. were short of six of last season's players, Rush, Burke, Flaherty, Roberts, Evans, R. Evans filling up the vacancies. The visitors had the pull, and were the first to s'core. Evans netted 'the ball for the Chemicals, the referee disallowing the point. Evans robbedl White- house, when in a good position, by a piece of determined defence. Jackson got away, Hewitt getting the better of a tussle with the clever U.A.C. centre. Half-time Hawarden Bridge, i Flint, nil. Final result: Hawarden Bridige, 2; Flint, nil. o

Llanrwst Guild v. Conway. The Conway eleven openedl lHeir season on Saturday with a friendly match against Llan- rwst Guild on the 'Morfa. The weather was de- lightful, though a stiffish north-easterly breeze gave an advantage to the side playing from the Deganwy end of the ground. The "Roosters" were a comparatively com- pact iteam, but soon after the kick-off Evan Jones, one of their best forwards, slipped upon a piece of glass hidden in the graSs, injuring his knee so badly that he had to retire for the afternoon. (Most of the old faces were seen on the home side, though Tom Jones was absent from the back line. Tom is reported to have deserted his colleagues in favour of his newly-acquiredl friendis at Penmaenmawr. However, his place was filled with conspicuous success by "Now" Ellis. Walter Parry played on the inside left, he and Wilson shaping splendidly together, especially in the first half. E. 0. Davies part- nered "J. R." on the other wing, while Ben Evans ran out at centre. Fr-om the kick-off to half-time the visitors were outclassed completely. Walter Parry opened the homesters' score, and one by one the goals were notched despite the efforts of Goalkeeper Thomas, the whistle sounding with Conway to the fore to the tune of six goals to nil. In the second moiety the Guild showed to better advantage, and little Llew Parry was beaten once. With this exception, however, the home "goalee" had little difficulty in nego- tiating everything that came his way. To his credit be it said', Thomas also brought off a few beautiful saves during this half. Conway added) another couple of goals, and eventually ran out easy winners by eight goals to one, Walter Parry and. Ben Evans sharedl the honours' in goal-getting, each man being responsible for three.

Colwyn Bay v. Llandudndno Amateurs. This friendly game was played! at Colwyn Bay on Saturday last, in beautiful weather. The kick-off was delayed for a quarter of an hour, owing" to the non-appearance of the visitors. On the home side there was one alteration from .tbf advertised team, J. Llew. Owen taking the place of W. Jones on the extreme left. The players faced Referee M'eirs in the following ordter. Colwyn Bay: Goal, C. Croydon; backs, J. Owen and E. Allen; halves, E. Griffiths, A. Downes, and O. E. Williams; forwards, T. McCann, E. Reckless, T. Wellings (capt.), D. H. Skelsey, and J. Ll. Owen. Llandudno Goal, Roberts; backs, G. Davies and Pearson halves, J. Williams, E. Williams, and G. Jones; for- ward's, IR. Parry; W. Lunt, W. 'Owen, F. Roberts, R. Welch (capt.) The visiting skipper beat T. Welling-s in the spin of the coin, and decided to kick towards the Penrhos goal, with the slope in his favour. There was a good at- tendance present when Dr. Brooks kicked off. The opening exchanges were in favour of Colwyn Bay. Midlfield play followed, and Llandu-d'no were granted a corner, from which J. Williams scored their first goal. The home eleven soon made tracks for Roberts, but nothing resulted. Continuing the pressure, Colwyn Bay were given a corner, and Skelsey equalised with a splendid shot. The excitement had scarcely subsided ere it was seen that from a pass by T. McCann the same player had threadbdl his way through three of his opponents and added a second goal from a most difficult angle. From the re-start Bob Welch worked his way down in splendl:d fashion, but was not properly supported. A foul against the Bayite-s let the visitors in, but the free kick was put over the bar. Both ends were visited- in turn, but the home forwards were not in their usual form in front of goal. There was no. more scoring up to the interval, when the boardl read. Colwyn Bay, 2; Llandudino, i. W. Owen re-started, and with the slope in their favour it was thought Colwyn Bay would show their superiority. In the visiting custod- ian, however, they found an obstacle, which could not be overcome. There were shots to the right of him, shots to the left of him, but still he kept his goal intact. It was easily per- ceived that Bob Welch was the backbone of the visiting attack, as he was continually given'the ball, though he was too closely watcheidl 'to be dangerous. Keeping up the pressure, the Bay- ites 0 did their utmost to score, but in this were unsuccessful. T. McCann triedl one of his "teasers," but it was brilliantly saved. A breakaway by Llandudno ended in ElPs Wil- liams just topping the bar with a goodl shot. A corner for the Bay was the next item of in- terest, but "Jacob" cleared! with his head, and the forwards getting away, W. Owen equalised with a most lucky shot, Croydon being under the impression that the ball was going over.. The Bayites continued, to. have the bulk of the play, but could not get the lead. Time arrived with the scores Colwyn Bay, 2; Llandudno, 2.

NOTES. For Colwyn Bay, Croydbn, in goal, was not seen at his best. Of the backs, J. Owen and E. Allen, too much cannot be saidi, and, indeedl, it would be hard to find a pair to equal them on the Coast. The halves were .not up to the-r usual form. They continually fed the visiting ibacks instead of their forwards. T. McCann, on, the extreme right, was -in ;goodi "fettle," and greatly troubled the custodian with his sting- ers. T. Wellings was unable to give his usual display owing to his suffering from a weakened knee. Skelsey in the inside left position, was the pick of the forwards, and he will prove a great acquisition to the team. He was ably supported) on the wing by J. Ll. O)wen. Taking the Bayites all round, they will-when they get into working order-be difficult to beat. To the Llandudino custodian great praise is due, he certainly saved his side from defeat, and the way he dealt with dTcCann's favouri'ce scorers evoked rounds of applause from the spectators. The backs were very good, G. Davies being the pick, andi the halves also fed their forwards in nice fashion. Bob Welch, the genial captain, played a sterling game, though very closely watched!. The rest of the advance guard diid well; and when it is taken, into consideration that the team was only a scratch eleven, great credit is due to it for making a draw with the Bayites. The bulk of the regular players had gone with the Artillery to form a guard of honour to Major-General Baden Powell at Bangor. •

The Jones Thousands. More Claimants. CLAIMANTS to the fortune of the late William Jones, who died intestate at Melbourne, Vic- toria, Australia, leaving 657,0o0, are multiply- ing. Evidence on commission has been taken at Liverpool by Messrs Stone, Hill, and Stone, and an adjourned! sitting is to be held on the 28th, but on Friday 'the Commissioners issued a circular intimating that owing to the addi- tional claims which have since come in, a fur- ther adjournment will be necessary till October 26 to complete the case. The claimants -come from all parts of Wales, and also from Southport, Blackpool, and other parts of Lancashire. 4.

New Flintshire Tramway. Proposed Line of Route. THE promoters of the Flintshire electric tram- ways scheme have issued a map showing the proposed line of route. Starting from Queen's Ferry, the line will run parallel to the Chester and Holyhead' line to Bagillt, and thence inland up 'to the town of Holywell; from there through y Z, Halkyn .and Northop on 'to the town of Mold, thence to the colliery centre of Buckley, and) down again to Queen's Ferry, a circle in all of some 26 miles. There will also be a branch line from Flint and Northop. The overhead or trolley system will be adbpted1, and; both pas- sengers and goods will, it is understood', be car- riedl. The route traversed-with the exception of the eight miles from Queen's Ferry to Bagillt —is at present devoid of railway facilities. «

St. Asaph and Bangor Ordinations. ON Sunday, at St. Asaph, the bishop of St. Asaph ordained the following:- Deacons: John Lewis Williams, B.A., St. David's College, Lampeter, and St. Michael's College, Aberdiare (Dyserth); Henry Ordern Lewis, B.A., Hertfordl College, Oxford (Wrex- ham); David Charles Davies, B.A., St. David's College, Lampeter (Brymbo}; John Francis Lovel Southam, B.A., Ll.B., St. John's College, Cambridge (Buckley); Wililiam Bennett Hughes, B.A., Jesus College, Oxford (Holy Trinity, Os- westry). Priests: Leonard Bottomley Fleming, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin; Robert Edwin Rob- erts, B.A., Durham University; Robert Peters Roberts, B.A., Trinity College, Dublin; David Richards Griffiths, B.A., University of Durham and St. Michael's College, Aberdare David J. Bowen, M.Sc., Liverpool: University College. By letters dimissory from the Bishop of Ban- Ir,or:-Deacons: Thomas Davidi Jones, L.D., I St. David's College, Lampeter, and Robert R. Roberts, L.D,, St. David's College, Lampeter. Priests: William Titus Jones, B.A., St. David's College, Lampeter; David James Jones, B.A., non-collegiate student, Oxford; Jenkin Thomas Jones, B.A., St. David's College, Lampe'ter, and; St. Michael's College, Aberdare. 4

Juvenile Smoking at Bangor. Proposed Conference of Teachers. AT a special meeting; held, on Thursday, of the Bangor School Board, the Chairman (Principal John Price) presiding, a long discussion took t, place on the question of juvenile Smoking. Mr H. O. Hughes, in moving a resolution that a conference of the head teachers in, the city should consider the question, saidt that juvenile smoking was on the increase. Soon after leaving his house that day, no fewer than three boys, two from a National and one from a Board school, pestered him for ma'tches. He thought that a guildi of non-smokers should be formed in connection with the elementary schools. Some of the members of the Board were guilty of smoking, and) they should not condemn, the habit entirely, but they might ask the children- to sign a pledge not to smoke until they attainedl the age, say, of 16. The children. should be impressed that it was not manly to smoke when young, that it did; not improve anybody, and! that it was a harmful practice. After further discussion, the clerk was in- structed to. summon a meeting of the head teachers in the city to consider the question. The resignation of Miss M. E. Williams, Llys Deiniol, Garth, as assistant-mistress at the Garth School, was received, and!, out of five applicants, Miss- Pollie Pierce Jones, Bangor, was appointed to the vacancy.

Happy Fels-Naptha soap is a musical phrase; and the woman, who washes with it, is musical teo-con amove e con expressione. Your money back if you want it. Fels-Naptha 39 Wilson street London E C Hollo way's IV PILLS & OINTMENT 4N Are Blessings in every Household, THE PILLS Care Indigestion, Headache, Biliousness, Dizzy Sensations, and other ailments arising from disordered Liver or Stomach. They cleanse the Blood and strengthen the system. Females will find them of the greatest value. THE OINTMENT Is a splendid remedy for Old Wounds, Sores, Abscesses, Boils, Poisoned Cuts and Skin Affec- tions. It is invaluable in all Chest and Throat Diseases; also for Sciaticx-, Lumbago, Sprains and Stiff Joints 4364 T 0 M I\T Tobacconist and Stationer, ABERGELE ROAD, COLWYN BAY, For Pipes, Walking Sticks, Cigars, Cigarettes BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN. Pirst-CIass Hair Dressing Rooms. Umbrellas Made, Repaired & Re-covered. St. PAUL'S ARCADE. r'-40M liOMAN Clo-e t T0MH0MAN,S™». Colwyn Bay KQQA 13T,,v,,„c CONWAY ROAD, COLWYN BAY, 13RANCHES >n(| Io QUEEN ST.. RHYL. £ 100,000 T FURNISHING GOODS THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF BEDROOM SUITES, DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, DINING-ROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, CABINETS, OVERMANTELS, BOOKCASES, HALL STANDS, AND OTHER FURNITURE. CARPETS. LINOLEUMS, FLOORCLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS, CURTAINS, AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN ENGLAND FOR CASH. 7o03 RAY & MILES, 34 to 48, London Rd., Liverpool. COLQUHOUN'S Genuine Scotch Tweeds, Yarns and Hosiery. The name of COLQUHOUN has for the past twenty years stood for all that is genuine in Scotch Woollen Goods. They are guaranteed to be manu- factured from pure wool only, and go through the various processes to the finished article in the mill, and under Mb. Colquhoun's supervision. BOX OP SAMPLES POST FBEE, containing a select range of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'5 TWEEDS, RUGS, BLANKETS, KNITTING WOOLS, HOSIERY, etc., latest style and shades, will be sent on request. Any length cut at Mill Prices. All Carriages Paid. Write for Samples. TO WOOL GROWERS? WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR WOOL ? Do you make the most of it? You can do this by sending it direct to my mills and having it manufactured into any kind of Woollen Cloth. I have ovor 400 patterns and pay carriage on all wool sent me. I send patterns post free for patrons to select which cloth and pattern they like their wool made into. A. COLQUHOUN, Largest ^tlc0«aanndufacturer WAUKRIGG MILL, GALASHIELS. Please send ail Wool and Orders through Local Agent, Mr. Isaac Jones, Bryn Tirion, Llanelian, near Colwyn Bay. AGENTS WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. 3270 FASHIONABLE MANCHESTER TAILORS. KENNEDY, CHEW & THORP ARE NOW SHOWING A SPLENDID SELECTION OP 10- NEW SEASON'S GOODS Gentlemen's Business Suits from £ 2 2s. (^^1) Ladies' Costumes-A Speciality. CUSTOMERS WAITED UPON AT THEIR OWN RESIDENCE UPON RECEIPT OF POST CARD. 5036 CATEATON STREET, MANCHESTER. DUNN'S 0 BLACK OILS For Man or Horse, Have come to Stay. WORTH P,5 A BOTTLE. A Powerful Embrocation and a Perfect Antiseptic. FOR MAN.-Cure all Wounds, Bruises, Ulcerous Sorep, Sprains, Whitlows, Gatherings, and Rheumatism. To be ob- tained at all Chemists. Price 1/1 and 2/9 a bottle. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE.—Extra size and strength. Cure Strained Tendons, Broken Knees, Sore Shoulders, Quitters, Pole Evil, and all Wounds. To be obtained at all Chemists and Saddlers. Price 2/- a Bottle. 5291 Sole Manufacturers :-DUNN'S BLACK OIL CO., Darlington Street, WOLVERHAMPTON. R. CLAMP & SON, Portmanteau, Bag & Trunk Manufacturers TOILET BAGS. HUNTING KIT BAGS. 37, 39, 41, DALE STREET, and 12, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL. 7304 1 W. H. EVANS AND SONS LIMITED, Letterpress Printers, CHESTER « COL WYN BAY.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
^bdits Tf;e^ue'-D«vision I. U-r TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. :finio ,-Goals-^ ?• w- L. D. F. A. P. 5SS»&5 1: I: Iz I: ? | S; 8: S; l: j:: Noteastle tinitprt4 3- 1 0 11 5. 6 I: iz }= i~ Iz I iiljSat,* | ■" 2a: § ™ *2: Cl»«U: I; ?; |= ?; J; Iz t S^'« 1: ?: Iz Iz 5: Iz I 4 1 3 0 8 8 2 Vst1,8hl'0«Sh 0 3 '2 8 15 2 liv^°Wich Ai'K 0 2 1 3 7 1 etPool CJl Alb. 4. o 3 f 2 6. 1 3 0 3 0 3 7 0 fchestefc>tiTS °F SATURDAY'S GAMES. PqLrV 4 Wolverhai pton Wan. 1 Heath 0 Blackburn hovers 0 ■Dm?5rland 2 Aston Villa 2 ^ent i-Coi»ty 2 Liverpool 1 wich AiK: 0 Notts County 1 ■K a Weflnesdav°n 0 MiddlesbrouSh ? t)yei,i •> 1 Bury 1 3 Sheffield United 4 %ed on'I-V. 4 Newcastle United 1 Ie ground of the tirst-nurned club. BlackWnUjfES P0R tO-MORROW (SATURDAY). tiW 0vers v- SliefMeld Wednesday T Kirkliam p0°l v. wl r, adee and H Cookson ^idtii cat, Br°mwich Albion J H Strawson ttle%ouoh T r. lckard and T Pearson W 8Vi&ma11 Heath TP Campbell v- Su,id^i.7 a?to;i aud T E Thompson Ue,.„ w^dm J Lewis Ue,.„ w^dm J Lewis c&stle UnifL Thornton and R Watson xv J- St°ke J T Howcroft fortune and H Rawlinson VVan. v. Nottingham E orest -4mr,^ m r, „ W Nunnerley 11 VUla v pvA ig^in and A Wood ■Shea. ton H Shelton lj t*nitp,i v ^nninb'to,) md W Perry -IJotto,, ,,v,Tr?,erby County H Boldison 8 Countv v nr ^ngton and N .Tubb f ??.a?cllester City A Millward leldsend and R Pitchford

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
e'ESULTq ^ea £ ue.—Division II. UP TO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. Wivvi • r-Goals^ IW5ch Ai-smnai P" w- L. D. P. A. P. ^&North^ 3 3 0 0 13 0. 6 C\Sby Town ld" 3 3. 0. 0. 9. 2. 6 Cley 4 3 1 0 6 3 6 4 2 ••• 0 ••• 2 3 0 6 &Cey«rels- 4. 2. 1. 1. 6. 4. 5 City 3 2 0 1 5 0 5 itiJfi^Citv 3 1 0 2 4 3 4 4 2 2 0 4 5 i eicpoies'ec Unit"j"" 3 "• ••• ••• 1 ••• 7 4 ■" 3 t'ockt ^osse 4 1 2 1 7 5 3 CoiiSt 3 ••• 0 1 ••• 2 3 5 2 7 3 1 2 0 4 7 2 PortVni 4 1 3 0 1 13 2 Ches?WoJ £ Vale. 3 1 2 0 3 4 2 &C«rfieI<l 3 1 2 0 3 5 2 ^CPool 3 0 2 1 1 3 1 88oP 3 0 2 1 0 5 1 3 0 3 0 0 11 0 ^at88oP-IlESU:L,rS 0F SATURDAY'S GAMES. &rJ]f'ey 0 Manchester United 5 2 Gainsborough Trinity 0 ntocth ^anderp^ 1 Bristol City 0 M^Coum,? 0 Preston NorthjEnd 2 y 2 Leicester Fosse 0 I'lcni 5, 0 Grimsby Town 1 *0015 1 Burslem Port Vale 0 T*ch Aral^'V 0 Blackpool 0 %ed o« A1 8 Burton United 0 « the ground of the first-named club. ^S!e^Po^fS F0R TO-MORPtOW (SATURDAY). t1* G1°ssop E Case > 1 City v ^Matthews and J J Wilson v" Woolwich Arsenal F Kirkham E'0B!e«V- ChesterfierdaTownen A G Hines Wi. s i G F Allwood n °Ugh Twr,U rey and G w Allen GtituHK E p ny .v ,Llncoln City J B Brodie v Qsbi' TownVi? ugh ^nd H Dickinson acW F P hfr'i i ^V'anderers A Green r, l0°l v. Stoo.i r^ V11??11 and E E Barwick estoi, x, Ii E T vtu 0oui\ty W Chadwick vt ^orth Ei,ri l ?>0e and J K Broughton Vf WH^Qrnlejr 11 Horrocks Ster Unitli Siears and T Lomax ulrn Bradford City J F Langford 1 M. QUeen and T H Bushell