Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

16 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

[No title]


r: tdies and Disostcr?. alter Jar vis, aged nineteen, was found ,d at his mother's house in Marsden-road, \#lworth, on Sunday, with a bullet wound "hís right side. Robert Jay, aged 78, who had been in the service of the London and Chatham Railway Company ever since the line was constx'ufcfced, was killed on Saturday at Dover by a slniut- ing engine. Tiio body of a young woman, about 28, with blue eyes, bTown hair, and of-mcsfiuxn figure, was fouud on the shore at ITewfisven on Saturday. Her clothing was marked c. N. L." in red cotton. A man aged eighty-two, who is wanted by the police at Mayeace, entrenched kllnselw a mill and killed one of tho policcineji sent to arrest him. During a ball game in a field three miles from Mobifc, Ala., lightning struck a crowd of spectators, killing five and injuring twcnty-i-\ e others. Eleven men were blown to pieces and five seriously injured by an explosion in a dyna- mite factory near Pequea, rcjiarylyauia. A septuagenarian, William Bretherton, was missing from his Preaton home on Sun- day, and a bloodstained razor was found and a quantity of blood in a bucket. Later ii^ body, with a wound in the tEroat, was found in & canal. Police-constable Charles Bradfield, who distinguished himself in the South African war, walJ found dead with a revolver wound in his head at Dudley on Saturday. He liad been missing since Thursday, on which day he was reported for a breach of regulations. | Written on a postcard found OIl a Leeds boot-clicker, who had taken laudanum, was hfin following message to his wife: "I will fiaunt you like a thief in the dead of niglit. you have deceived me and others. Good-bye. took at me and reform. I am dead; Second-Lieutenant Davidson, of No. 80 Cofepany Royal Garrison Artillery, com- mitt-cdsuicide by shooting himself in the DTiin of a steamer which arrived from Singa- at Colombo. 4 A 1og mat), supposed to be William Gal- lagher, of honAdXh who has been staying at ft convalescent home at Eastbourne, was drowned whilst bathing. Accident s, 5 Whilst a gang of men were repairing a break at tho Preston Colliery, North Shields, on Saturday, another fall took place. John Hall Knowles was pinned to the ground and fliod 20 minutes afterwards, and three other Hiftn were injured t Rectory, hear Cambridge, was de- fuc on Saturday morning. The Conn ell family, of Bomford, have met Spell of disaster. On Saturday Alfred Con- ttell, aged nineteen, had his teeth loosened L1 a crMket ball; on Friday Roland Conncll, hifi brother, broke his noso in falling from a Swing; while on Thnir8dily another brother Gained Leonard had his fingers badly broken «™8 ^d S ^a^ma1:e accidentally treading on A. W. Champncss, of the Grove House lavern, Camberwell-grove.died in Dorking liospital on Saturday, as the result of in" juries • received in a brake accident whilst O^klc^ Wl'Lk a P^easarc party from London to Diving into the water when bathing at the Perseverance Mills dam at Bradford on Sat- tu-day, the head of a boy of fifteen, Robert Haslam, became stuek in the mud and he nied of suffocation* When rcturnil1[(fom the wreck of the Ger- man steamer Leros to. Alclernev on Sunday, Witfl a dozen salvage men on board, the tteam launch Life ran on a rock and foun- dered, but all on board were saved. The Thameshouseoat Caprice was de- ■tj-oyed by firo above Marlow-btidgei The owner, Mr. Hill, who was sleeping on board, narrowly escaped 8nSoaation< A collision oceurrcd at Eastgate between motor-cars driven by Miss Ryland, of War- wick, and Mr. C. K. Phillips, of Petiybont. Mr. Phillips' leg was injured, and Mr. A*. J. Goldswortb, of Coventry, who wfes with hiia, Lpj böfh legs broken. The occupants of the other oar were not hurt. John Campbell, Sunderland's onee-famous footballer, has just died suddenly at the age of thirty-six through the bursting of a blood teasel. Traffic on the London District Railway was delayed nearly an hour by a breakdown at Chariug-cross Station. Cases Told in the Courts. For falsely representing himself to be 8. de- tective, and "arresting" a man for street betting, a Hollcway plastered fiamed George Allen was fined £10, with the option of a j month in gaol, at the North London Police jBourt. On the charge of breaking into an iron- mongery establishment at Nottingham j where Was tvrit £ (tti call again with ehalk oR ihr l&fo and six Doxes of cigars Were stolen. Refiry Simpson, a labourer, was committee; on Saturday. While tending her father's grave in Coven- try Cemetery recently Miss Anne Harwley was strttek from behind frith tt botild feedered unconscious, .avid on Saturday Ed fe&rd Foster, 81 labourer, Charged niih the cfi'enee, W&s Committed for ffrial at tha às- mes. At Stratford Police-court on Saturday fifevon bookiiiakers were fined street betting. Fojf being in possession of, »-knife, candle, and matches, d jcninly, a piecg of brown- paper containing a sticky fcubsfaricfi, and a rof gfpves, ail of which heSai belonged tö a pal," a porter nanied. Alfred Cole, Was sent £ ox tfial on B^farrday. iris amounting to .£.1Ó, in addition to were imposed Hpon mo'tbrisis at E-fe'i- oiT&itu'rdij- for Exceeding the speed Discussing the Jtfadiid outrage in a cafe, ^.Clerkenwell, Michelj JFrafe- Sbini.aiid Umber to IJgaitfi, quarrelled the fitter being ba<lly aasSulled. Tire facts were ^platLncd to the ClerJtenv.'ell magistrate^ Vao ordered both rneli to be""bound"ovei. For falsely representing himself to be a de- fective, and arre'sfciiig a msia for street J fcptting, a Epllowajr plasterer named George Allen was uned £10, with the option a J month in goal, at tlici North Loridoh Police- court. At Westminster bail was tendered and ac- cepted foi fjfc, AAcock, who had been irr cus- tody. since tyk. pfy returned a of manslaughter in relation to the death 6f Major Whyie. A defendant at Tower-bridge pourt asked feat the evidence of a witness who could not Intend be taken over the telepnona. The Magistrate I cannot 00 that Commercial and Indusfrial. Owing to the inroads made by the sea in recent years, the London and North-Westera Railway contemplate ihaking an embankment about six miles long to protect their line east of Abergele and Rhyl. The level 6f the line trill ålso be raised where possible. The open- ing of the Prestatyn to Dyserth raihyays and the extension to Newmarket is rapidly open- ing up the district. The scheme of a light Railway between Rhyl and Prestatyn is to be tevived. The N.W. Railway on Saturday com- menced the duplication of thè mai line from Crewe, leading to Liverpool, Warrington, ind the north. Lowestoft emacks are returning from the Hoi-th Se" laden with deal planks, part of the Cargo of the siearner Yorksliire, which was wrecked on the Leman Sands, vviiii 2,000 loads of wood on beard. A thousand mackerel were captured quite Close to the marine promenade at Dover on Bunday afternoon amidst much excitement. It is reported that the-Russian Government k&s given large orders for warships to Clyde builders. A Valence (France) workman has patented process of great value in the silk industry. kills the silkworm chrysalis by gases, and obviates a long and costly process, p N inety-six million telegrams are sent in ■~K -lid annually,, according to statistics $uoI$*ed in Hamburg, while French mes- sages total fifty-one milIioii=L, and G'erman telegrams forty-five millions™ The American meat packing revelations shattered the faith of the British pub- SHhi tinned goods. The sales of this commo- have fallen away, to'nothing, and dealers ar threatened with enormous losses. J-he proposal to rebuild Regent-street in f^ordance with tho plans proposed by Mr. Staw, R.A., for tlie Crown, aiithori- resented by the various lessees, and a ^*5 fin the subject is being prepared. iil cad King LêopQld sCites-the Cfeggo Free State has been htsilB up hy hm toil and money, that the Powers hiive Ito nght to interve&ej BIr. Seddon, the New Zealand Premier, speaking at Sydney the day B^^re'Itis deah, said i £ wfe a BixxcKlar policyvfc^j||e .Colonies to &&d dB to forfeign. tptjJiSfeieSi thus en- abling them. to stre^gih'en navies. "Wade should go to assist in sfcrengfthening tlie. British^Navf-; 3ti\ Trade Unionist Tariff Reform AgS^i^tiOO that he I hopes tlie Go veram^t .will bpcfrvxi respon- sible for. the f^^fltrbdtidtioa* of tlioLaboui Aliehs Bill. Lord Ridley hopes ,they wil. give consideration to ifi t)il1$Ji. heLtMuks iii ita; jreseirt focm it is võr Zululahd is in a gfafe'of ojmplete restless- ness, and serious developXheSts in the rebel- lion are anticipated. Sir Eiiwj&d Grr¥f?.B|atC3 that the Belgian Government hAs iš8ûed inyitafidhs for another internatioEia^ c&nferieace j^espectihg the liguor traffic in Africa, to meet in autumxt, The foreign OlSco has informed the secre- tary of the Congo Reform Aasociatiog that it has been, arranged that Yice-Consnl, Arm- strong g&U act as counsel for the IJdv. Ed- gar Stannard at his'trfal at Coq^BiatviUe. Hope is expressed 1n Garmatiythat more cordial relations with Great Britain will be established. From Other Lands. A great demonstration against Hungary took place in Yienna^bn Sunday. An elJigy of Kossuth was hanged on a lamp-post before the RatMaus, aiid thousands of persons as- sembled before the Hungarian Ministry and smashed the wircdowa. Hundreds of blofilcs of stone arc ready te fall from the famed Cologne Cathedral. Ten girl students have been plteft" by eating poised chickem: made at a •v^il-febcrtrr factory III Co. 3Sfr. Upton Bincla?^ de- c-lares that nunmerleM castes of ptomaihe poisoning have been set tip by the same cause. Great excitement was caused, in Rome by the report that an- attempt was about to be niadèou the life bf'the Chiles Fremin^, a literaxfy. man who shot himself in Paris oh S^day, left a better re- questing that his body and th'at t>f "a toother who died seven years:ago might he CTemat>4. the ashestmij;ea, and theu placed in 'an urn inscribed, They Iewed t^eir<»untry. A inaa named Syefeely, in Hungary, hag beeii jtaarried four" th;nes>v and. had £ £ ty-twc children/foity-'eig^if of whom are still alive. A German fleet., cmisistihg of twecty-sis batiieships crriiser8,"imder the command of CfrancL Admiral Von K.oeffter,"hEexpcctedly anchored.oi^de Frcdrikshajn, Denmark. The BeSfTrnst oScials a're naming frantic haste to complete eanlta^i!>^CTeaifl^.ts ir tlHir Chico packing res before tho next Goveromenfc inron. fa the Gewnan lmperial StatisticaLDcpart- ment nearly sixty clerks have received noiicef of dismissal in order to make rijom fox fomak clerks, who will be cheaper and workv longer hours. From various parts of Andalusia, Spain, earthquake shocks are reported. Other Interesting Items. Elaborate" hathing-dresses of silk and other delicate material will this year the place of the old cosimme of, Bite-serge. Poems'by, jCr." Kipling,Mr.vLaurence Hous- man, and other of the younger'poets are in- glided in the hew edition of the "English Hymnal," which will be a formidable rival to to ."Hymns Ancient. and*Sloclerri," A swan hasjjiade Several attacks upon oanoes in tils Dee. at Chester; ana it Has been iound necessary to have the bird'3 wings clioDecL Music and the Droma. Mi's. Brown Potter, recited "The JLifo- büt" at tho Yarmouth"Aqiianum on .S&tur day evenifig, stirrounded on the sta%o by mer- of the YaruiouQi, Gorleston, and Cais-> i;febcat crews. During the day" she v, • photographed yifh the,erews^aatl. gave tut. negative m aidcf the lifeboat fluids. Mrs. daughter 'fivliss Doroth} Grimston) toot,Sirs. Patrick Campbell's par, of Undine m tHeplaj of. that name, for tlh latJoùr nights of it's ran* at the Oriterior Theatre. Miss Ada Rehan, the American actrens who ià very ill, sailed froS Ifew/Tork on thf Philadelphia on Saturday. She'was" carried on board, and is accompanied on the voyag by her cousin, Lady Barrtegtcrh. b Mr.Albe#t Chevalier in" Pantaloon Miss Maris Tempest in "The Marriage 0 Kittj'" v. erd particularly succossful in tlh new bill at the DtIka of York's Theatre o; Satardijy; After a very long interval Mr. Georgr Grossmiih mSde Jiis reappearance;in one o his humorous and mroeical recitals1 in Londc; at the BecIîstm Hair. Tfiere was a large audience to welcome him, and he kept their, in constant laughter. Mr. Charles h'tphman has concluded an ar rangement for Mr. Cyril Maude to appear under his direction for the coming season in London^ commencing, in September, and Ur Miss Winifred Emery t# appear with him i1, certain pi aye. John Philip Sousa, the well-known Ameri- can ^bandmaster, has jtisL made a vigorous protest agamst phonographs, which, he de clares, have pirated his compositions and brought about the decay of singing. Military and Navel. Orders have bcenjsued directing explo- sive operations to begin on June 18 to dis perse the wreck af H.M. frigate Forie, which sahkjn the Medway, off Port Victoria, after partial destructidh by fireje The 16th Lancers have been engaged ir- teaehingthéir horaes to swim- in" the sea at Dovereourfc The troopers were hi bathing costume, and the horses bareback. Mr. Winston Churchill and the. Duke of Marlborough, taking part in the field opera- tions between the Oxfordshire Imperial Yeo- manry and the University Volunteers, mi Saturday, led three squadrons in the mimic campaign. On Saturday a party of 89 German enpi ueers paid a special visit of inspection to the Dover Admiralty Harbour. The Red and Blue Fleets were very active on Saturday and Sunday taking up thej. positions for the great manoeuvres, which be gan on Monday. A Blue destroyer wem 'ground in Quccnstown Harbour, but was re iloated. During 1905 the strength of theVohmteeI torees, according to a return issued, wa 249,611, M compared with 253,909 in the pre VLOUS year, the total number of efficient beinr 241,549. The Army Medical Corps, as regards personnel, its equipment, and its internal or ganisatxon, is second to none in the world,' says Sir Frederick Treves in a letter to "Tlu Times," "but in the held it is—in the mcr: important part of its duty—almost helpless. Social. Prmcess Louise of Schlcswig-Holsteiu wa: inspecting the first-aid ambulance tent at !;he Suffolk Agricultural Show on Saturday, when a case n was brought in, and the Princess remained to watch the treatment o. the patient. ThePriuce of Wales will ODen tho ncr buildings of Christ's Hospital*Girls' Schoo] at Hertford on Monday, July 23. Tlie King on Saturday the Roy a! Victorian medal Inspector J; C. Stevens, of the Metropolitan Police, on hi" retiring after twenty-nine years' gervice. ten years of which have Been spent as chici inspector at Windsor Castle. Mr. F. B. Meyer, president of the Bap tist Union, will shortly start on a motor-ca: mission tour on the lines of those Inaugu- rated by General Booth. The last of the French University profes- sors who have been the gnest3;<of the London University lcftvictoria Station on-Sunday afternoon on their ren to Fran. Father, Vaughan uttered a.gcatfiit^ denun- ciation of London society in his sermon at Farm-street Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lcmgworth arrived in Lon- don on Sunday from New York, and were enthusiastically tdceived by prominent American residents. Miss Vivien Chartres, the well-known child violinist, in company with ltermotlTer-, paic a visit tp the Hackney Workhouse and-at an impromptu concert delighted tfco inmates her jjlaying^,




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jThe Education Bill. --

