Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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Ursbtsmta's JJMrrtssts. %#OriNE PILLS. For Tic, Pace Aehc, T&othaahejte. It Boxes, 7Jd and Is •BLOBODYNE AND HOREHOUHD BALSAM, For Conghs, Colds, HoopinglCough, Shortness of Breath. 18 Bottles, aid, is lid, aad 99 N. BILIOUS AND LITER PILLS. For Indigestion, Hetkrtbufffl, Jcc. in Bottlei Gd and la. AMERICAN HAIR RESTORERS. A safe and certain remedy. Im Battles, Is fid. ^fftNINE AND SABSAPABILLA. The best Blood Purifier, Ja Botttes, 2s td and 4s 0d. The ahove preparations to 1M obtained cnly from J. F. E D 18 B U B Y, M.P.S., FHAJLHAOTOJ, 3, HIGH-STRBBT, WBBXHAM. Mth 1 JOSN H. KIDD ft CO.. MmmtHatarvn »t RAILWAY WAAAON JUh (JART Y.B- LlMJI SBEMT&, AH afcea bf* fa alMfc. BRATTICE CL.TJI. HOUSE CUMMM, WIANNT •«, INDIA BUBIH • • • » S Rocyxng Mrj Mrnir, madMtitm- Fdt, SACKS, CXITTtll LAMP WIQB& OfFicss PTJRLIO IAL4 VMllltHtW. em. For the Blood is the ehap. xii, versa H. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for CLEANING and Clearing tbe Blood from All Impurities, cannot M too highly rowm vended Cures Old Soros Cures Ulcerated Sam m the 11'- Cares Ulcerated Sore Cures Blackhead*, or PiznpMS « Faee Cures Scurry Soreb Cnree Canceroas Uleere > Cures Blood and Skin DUMMM Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impare Matter, fawn whatever cause ariaag- As this mixture is pleasant to tie taste, and warranted free from mercury—which all filla and moat medidnet IOld for the above diseases contain—tke Proprietor solioita sufferers to give it a trial te toe* its valae. THOUSANDS OF TBSTDfOKIALl THOU All. FAIWB, Bold n Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in Cases containing bottles, lis. each, sufficient to effeet a permanent cure in long-standing cases, by all Chemiate and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address on receipt of 80 or 1,s, stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, CkaBiisty Sighsimt, UNCOLB WHOUSAU iians:— Barclay & Sons, Loudon, and all the Wholesale Houses 9097 iANE BOX OF CLARKE'S 111 PILLS V is warranted to care all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either x, Mwired er eoastitutional, Granl, and pains in the back. Sold in boxes, ia 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors; or sant to any address for 60 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, can- suiting chemist, High-street, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, Londan, and all the Wholesale Houses. 1303 HEALTH FOR ALL 1 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amongst the eading necessaries ef life. FTTHESE famous Pills purify the Blood, JL and act most powerfully, yet soothingly an the LITD., STOMACH, KH>XBT% and Bowels, giviag tone, energy, and tigeur te these great Main Springs of Life. Tkey arc confidently recommended as a never failiag remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efjcacUui a all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEBICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the werld. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, OLD WOCWB8, 8GKM, ill WUI8a, itfis an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, ani even Asthma. For Glandalar Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, 94tTl, MLETJXATISM, and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never fceen known to fail. Both Pills and Ointmen are Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the Civilised Werld. IOCS YDYWY SOQAETH, JL (THE PRINCIPALITY). Published every Friday, Prú. OM p: A GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWY80GAETH has a very extensive circulation, being sold by Agaata in almost EVERY TOWN and HAMLET in North and Sonth Wales; also, in Londen, Liverpool, Manchester, Chester, &c„ tc. Y Btwtsocazth is net a kut NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a widespread circulation. Y Dtwtsogaeth—Advertisers may feelaasarad—is the best if no t the only medium whereby their announce mants can be SIMULTAKBCBSI/y perused in every county THfiOUSHCDT THE WHOIK OF WALHS. All Orders, &c., to the pablisher, J. Morris, Y J)yWY&JlJAJmT Office. Blult, Flintshire. # SCALE OF Q H A 2 G 1 S FOR ADTEBTISHMMTS. Auctions, Books, Trades, ^mmaemenit, and Charities. Seven lines and under 28. ed. Per additional line. Ot. 4.d. MiacelUin*«iu—PHbli« Co^panim, IAfCÙN ContrmeU, ok. Five Mnes, and tinder 9s. 6d. Per additional liae —. #«L PreepectuiKt of XeMJ Ompanim, PmKmttmUay Notices, mnd ELedin. AdmertiaemmXt. Six lines, and under fis. M. Per additional liae Ca. W. Diql-.¡ Adorn U»tumits. Trade, Ac Putfio K»#ioe«, &• 4spe»ia«h. If set MrweB twa niwr, deable. Tradeemea's AdvertieeMenta fH a Sariea takso by Special Contract. Chec* SMlA f PrepmU Admi-lfawwrts, Admitting under it the fallowing or headings only.— Situations Wanted I Artiales Wa»ted Situations Tacaat Miaoellaneoa. Wants Hcra-M Wanted Artialea for Sale *y Houses to Let Private Contract Lodgings, &c., Wanted I Articles Lost or Lddgings, &c., te Let Fouad One Tkree Six Words Insertion. Insertioas. Ingertieas. s. d. Ii. d. s. d. on 1 C 2 6 4 « ™ 1 « 4 C « « 2 • 6 e « « j&rtfis, Deaths, and Marriages. ( One Shilling for three lines. No Credit Advertimhargad less than 2s. 6d. ( Remittances not exceediag Cs may be made in halfpenny postage stamps. post-ofiee Orders, and Cheques be made payable to W. Oanatt-Jones THB w R E X H A M MANURE COMPANY, AOHXTS TO ft. PHOSPHO GUANO COMPANY (LIMITED), r I THE above Companies supply OBITOTNE Artificial Manures, freo on rails from their respective works, at Prices JL stated below, which (with reference to gnaranteed^ajialysea) are much lower than thoeo neaally charged for inferior manures. CUABAKTBBD ANALTSBEL PBICBR. No. 1.—The Farmer's Friend," a compound suitablo,) 3*S per cent. Ammonia like Farmyard Manure and Guano, for any crop, if j £ S 10a per ton, Are or aix cwts be applied per acre to Grass, Corn, or V18 per temt. BOM Phosphate lees 5 per oeat. Turnips, and a larger proportion for Mangolds I oash. or Potatoes J No. S.—Phoapho Gomio (speoiai). 26 pm owt. SOL t6 Pm cent. 910 Its per Ion Amaooiua. No. 3.—Ditto ditto (ordinary) 88 per oeaK m 3"i do. ^o. 1#b Ko. 4.—Paotfle Guano Phosphate. H per eent. „ *o No. J.—Superphosphate of Liioa. M per eont. £ 4 6a „ s» No. #.—Ditto ditto. Sdporooafc. ♦' 3 § No. 7.—Beaa Sapera. 37peroaa&. m •* •> 3 AU is Bags bearlag Trade Marks, mad MId188 lj owi. ead. WaadasHAFODTWEBN FABM, and RAILWAY WHARF, Crfapfaa Lms, near Bailiray StatiOBj W. Works of the Phospho Guaao Coaj«rSNACOMBB, Ckalbim. Applf to Lt.-Ool, JONBS, WBHXHAM. i f 5, lAH'STEBIT, DJIBIflH. WILLIAX A. NOTT, BtOISSLLBR, 8TATI Oil S, N P NBWli AGENT, bnwAisUt YALE NTIN 18, I COX|f TALBNTIlf S9, 91HTIM1KTAL. VALENTINES, FOX CHILDRBIW. TALBNTIHB8, AT ALL PBICia no ALSO A NBW STOCK OF NOTE PAPBB AND EXTBLORES Of every description, which are beiag offered oa most adraniageoaa teal. A CARD. < I. '). rjl H O M A S 10ICHABDS No. 3, YO R K E SorB B II T WREXHAM, PRACTICAL TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. • i Gentlemen's first-class DRESS MATERIALS ia an extensive variety, at the most economical prices. A PERFECT FIT Guaranteed. A large and Superior Stcck of Gentlemen's HOSIERY, Hats, &c. 115a CHURCH CUSHIONS, BRAT MATS, HASSOCKS, CARPETS, PEDE MATS, CLUNY AND OTHKR DAMASKS. [ forded and Damask Silks, Orphreys, Laoea, Fringes, be. Alfier Cloths. Banners. Embroideries in Tapes" l and Crow-over ititch. Altar Linen marked f« working. Coammnioa Mats in Berlia Wod. I CHORISTERS' CASSOCKS AND SURPLICES. IJI H O M A S JJROTTN AND SON, MANUFACTURISS, „ T • r 14. ALBERT STREET, MANCHESTER, .v.. Are paying special attention to the Furnishing of Churahas, and reqaeat applications for estiamtes and amplel Their eetablishment, being si mated in t e middle of the manufacturing diettieta, offers advantages in prices smd low ratM of carriage. THE NEW BAPTISMAL GOWN. 108SIO REVOLVING SHUTTERS IN WOOD, IRON, AND STEEL; ALSO, WINDOW BLINDS OF EVIRY DBSCBIPTION. THE WINDOW BLIND OF THE PERIOD, OR PATENT METALLIC TENBTIAN. "j" ODKINSON AND c LARKE, CASTABA WORKS, HERBERT ROADv SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM, AND 2. CHISWELL STREET, FINSBWRY, LONDON. loato WREXHAM. JE POWELL, General Furnishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- J ment Depot 6 Town Hill, and 6 Abbot Street. 6727 SFWTNft MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess Wales, Peabody and a HFirst-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street 6408 LIAM SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, I y illGH STREET..08 1 III FURNISHING Warehouse and Depot of the Patent Metallic Coffin Co., 31, Bridge Street JP WILLIAM PIERCE, Proprietor. 61 r a • „ I,, JOSDPH JPIBNTON AND SONS, Manufacturers of Oraeible Cut Steel Castings, Patent Colliery Wheels, Axlea and Pedestals, Colliery Cagee. Cage Slidee and Gaides, Winding Palliesaad Frame*. Bail Croseings, Poiats, &s., &c. SYKES WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Please address inquiries and orders MB W. GAMBLE, 13, Queen-street, Wrexham, and the same will have prompt attention. 113of ABIDE TO KHITA CAPTAIN PRBD BUBNABT. Boyal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :— •« Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken; and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied whea travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the nativoo of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and'body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when admisteredto hun five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and friend ot mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of coaversation in Uba bazaar." gan BURNABT'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. A GOOD PAMILT MEBICINE CHEST with a prudent use, has saved many a life; and yet wa think the idea might be improved upou, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBELIO GTS PILLS, and we find that the desired end may be obtained without scales and weights, or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLB'S PILLS as teated by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set down as the host.—Observer. A RIDB TO KHIVA A BT CAPTAIN FREJt BTJRNABT, Royal Horse Guards. Page 11 says « pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken, aad for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling In out-of-the-way plaoea-some5 qui- nine, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medioine and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible suooeas. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who nas impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him fire COCKLE'S PILLS win never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine mam' had not died out, but that the marvel- low cure was evea then a theme of conversatioa in the Bacaar." SBB BWRNABT'S RIDB TO KHIVA, Page 13. "lOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS J THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. Ta Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS ..J Pa age amongst all classes of society SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In bcokes at Is lid, 2a 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. 4g New Ormond Street, Louden, 29Qa BSTABLISHED 1817. I J)YEING! J)YEING! JJTEINGI First-elass Priae Medal, Certiicatc of Merit, Awarded 1874, | Awarded 1874 THE LARGEST DYE WORKS IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS IN TIlB ART o. DTBOfft AJil) .FRENCH CLEANING, AT TIUI MIDLAND COUNTIES- STSAIE rolwai DYE WORKS, LEICESTER, LICHFIELD. ANIP ? BPRTON-OW-TRBNT. JOHN SMITH, SOLB PBOPBIETOB. AGNNT8 IN THIS DISTEICT WREXHAM: THE MISSES WHITING, FANCY REPOSITORY, 3, HIGH-STREET. OSWESTRY: MRS. E. REASON, FANCY REPOSITORY, CHURCH-ST. titT Goods seat te and received from the above Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED ia Rnabon, aad Varear^ seated Districts. BeT The New Price and Colour List for 187* ta be had Gratia or Post Free. I I WILLIAM PIERCE, GENERAJJ UNDERTAKER. BRIDGE-STREET, WREXl/AM, AG ENT to the Patent Metallic Air-tight J-JL Coffin Company, Limited. Works and Offices: 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black and crimson eloth or velvet, and every design ef eolonred nd metal nrnitarei s ucocL 'l'h'7 ara only 1-Jtc t ha weight of sad Coffins, and are more daraW Tlle } expense is so small that they can be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest elaa Various sizes kept in stock. j 1 IELLISIS RUTHIN WATERS. I pURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS.—Orjitol Springs. Soda, Potass, Seltaer, Lemonade Lithia, and for Geut, Lithia and Petass, Corks Branded R. Ellis and Son, Ruthin, and every Label bears their Trade Mark SOld everywhere, and wholesale of R. ELLIS AND SON, Batbia, North Walee. rahtsmm' s bbttSSts. RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. f SODA WATER, t LEMONADE, j SELTZER WATER, POTASS WATER, { GINGER ALE, | QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. L f' _1 ■ ■ 'g ■ J — II gOIAI, WELSH gAUCB. ¡ ¡ HQIMNT, DELICIOUS, AND PURE. f k r gOIAl W E L a H S Å U C E. | SUPERIOR TO SAUCES AT DOUBLE THE PRICE. ¡ ROTAL WELSH SAUCE. IT HAS NO EQVAL. ROYAL WELSH CAUCB.. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. f n i) ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. ) SOLD EVERYWHERE. j ROYAL flTELSH SAUCE. SOLB MANffFACTTOERS, RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. 14 • n r- -n ii BIRKENHEAD. ARGYLE-STREET. c; /HR. S. WILLIAMsV 4r late f "¥MT WILLIAMS & EVANS, .¡.. A CARPET-STOCK SALE (ACCUMULATIONS BEFORE DISSOLUTION) OF ABOVE 200 PIECES N. BEST BRUSSELS i o- (Five Frames) at 3/11 only. v. /.<> <3° This is a genuine concession to o hia customers. v7 # ? N.B.—Remnants, Oddments &c., in all Floor Cover- X ings at Sellers' Loss. | ARGYLE-STREET. BIRKENHEAD. I CAUTION 1 BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OF t JJECKITFS pARIS JJLUE. I if* tvia BLUE over all others, aid the quick appreciation of ita V A-™ br th? PibUc, has been attended by the usual result, vii., t flood of imitations the | of the latter mainly consists in the ingenuity exerted, not simply in imitating the square shape but making f J?6 appearance of the wrappers resemble that of the genuine article. The Manufacturers hei? ^"on -ckei-soid WSBD BT OTE LAunu&ESfiSS OF THH ^ErNC^S OP WALES AND THE DUCHESS OP 8450 1 THE "WREXHAM GUARDIAN" gTEAM pRINTING O R K s HOPE STMET, WREOAM. The Proprietors beg to intimate that 'they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT 1 NOTICE, UD UPON THE MÐBT REASONABLE TERMS. Placards and Posting Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Catalogs Faeatif Societies's Rales, Balance Sheets, Accemts, Memorandums, InTwces, Programmes, Circulars, Boskess Cards, &c. BxammtAum Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Ckeoue and Beoeipt Bosks Tuna Zarioeptcy Fonns, Articles Association, CmàltieDs of Sale, &c., &c. EesncAxss given UPON AWIICATION AT THE "GUAEDIAN" OFFICE, 26, HOPS STREET, WREXHAM. {ahtsmtn' s hht'.esSts. TIMBER, SLATES, BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES, And: all ether ^Building Materials, AT E. MEEEMTH J ONES' TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW MILL CHARLES-STREET, 1240 WREXHAM. WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Inowporated under the Building Societies Acte, 1874 Sharee SW. Entrailce Fee' Per Share or part ofU if ,now Prepared to make Advanoes, remv- ln a certain number of years, on Mortgages. A Meeting is held on the first Monday in nimh f„_ receiving subsoriptaona and enrolment ofmemb^ For further particulars, apply to the Secretary, f J. B. SHIRLEY. 18, Temple-row, Wreacham. "TJBNSON S W A TCHB8. Waíeh and Clock MaJror to ii,* Ql'I.een rmd RoynJ F'mniIy, and by 8peOiøJ appointment street, and (3team Faotory) Ludgote-hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHBS of overy desartnti« V1 all climates, from £ 3 to 300 unrouometora, Keyleas, Ixmsra, I?«^Vi^Slogr?>hs* Guarda, Soldier style of arohitocture or furniture • !Jfy presents. Made aolely by Bewo^T 6)1 BENSON'S PAMPHLETS on TU EE. RT nTru^T Watches, docks, Plato, and JewJilrf post free each for t»ro sttaniDs. Elafltaraied, seat &on-s new w^ •• P°Bt' — — UD IRf TONIC puriiiee aD. enriobes the blood. TONIC ItzoengtbeDl the nenell and muecular system. PEPPEB S QUININE AND IBON TONIC promotes appetite and improves digestion. promotes pEPPER^ QUIM^r AND HiON TONIC animate 1 the spirits aud mental faculties. «m«naio PEPPER'S QUININE AND IBON TONIC, in scrofula wasting diseases, neuralgia, sciatica, indigestion, flatu T>BPPBB^S QUINnrH AND IBON TONIC tho^irM. Jr~recruite the general bodily health, and induc^^ron^ healthy condition of the nervous and physical forces sold by chemists ererywhere in capsuled bottles Kabtl?n;r°rinkZ#'118- The name tf J" PEPPEB if oa the label in rei ink. TABAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIN.—A fluid oomhina- ?a d^ngemeot of the liver, ptirticularlr ^"11 Sflhf liver ind TJT™' ?7 g6llti* «timulatin/ actio? or tne liver and slightly moving the bowels, the heav* sen^tions of fulness, often headache, pain beneath the shoulders, at the chest after eatmg, unple^Jmt tastein th2 mouth, and othor^ indications of dyspepsia are removed. Taraxacum aad Podophyllin is safer than oalomel or blue niH T nmi^0Tlnf Prepared in the laboratory of J. PEPPER QCLPHOIINB LOTTON.—An external remedy for skta O <iíseasee. The moet inveterate obstiaate eruptions and pimples are ubdued by Sulnboline, and a ear hoolthy skin deTeloped. Thoøe complluuiq ot teader, reddened, aD. irritable skias, or affected by the gun, rough winds, kc and even sufferers frcan constitutional skin diseases, will derive great benoht and comfort by using Sulpholhie Lotion • which hw ^worfuicflworving a^d salutary actioa, r emovei the efieSt of cousUntpi rspiration, and maintains the cuticle in a free healthy condition. Bottle*. 2s 9d. sold by all chemisL. CBACBOrr'S ABECA NUT TOOTH PASTE "R» using this delicious aromatic dentifrice, the enamel of tne teeth bpoomea white, sound, and polished like fine iyorr It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removinir iSS&r11 y 1111 chemisu- Pot^'18and II DEAF1TESS, NOISES IN THE lSABg **9 E^SKNCB • deafness hi proved an c^-waordinary remedy. It alway* relieves generally cures. Sold in bottles at Is ljd and 2s 9d, by all^keS T T™!™™ SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER-For _1_J roscoruig the colour of the hair. SULPHUB HAIR RESTORER will darken J-U gr«y hair, and in a few days restore completely the natural oolour. The effect is superior to that produced by an instantaneous dye, and the Sulphur Restorer does not ufj^-e m 13150 b°t,le6' 13 6d eacU' cheS'Za T OCtYEB'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER whUe f v1 !W i'roI,or colour, is useful for removinir growth new haa tl0UbelU5 BWe^>-y to enoourag,tba 110t> RUPTURES-BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. M Whites MOC-MAIN PATENT LEVER TRUSS requiring no steel gprlng round the body, is recom, menaed br the following peculiarities and advantages i*t facility ofapphcation; 2nd. perfect freedom from liability to cliate or excoriate; 3rd, it may be worn with equal comfort in any potion of the body by night or day; 4th, U admUsSf ol 0,xorci8o> the slightest inconvenience to w, S an<J 'i PortectiT concealed from observation We do-not hesitate to give to this invention our nn approbation; and we strenuously advise the use ef i* to all those IT bo stand in need of that protection, which thew cannot so fully, nor wiih the same comfort, obtiin from other apparatus or truss as from that which we have thi iU 111113 recommendil'«- Church and State Recommended by the following eminent surgeons—Sir William iertusou, Bart., F.B.S., Surgeon and Professor. Surgery m W's College Hospital; C. G. Guthrie EM Surgeon of tb) Koyal Warminster Ophthalmic Hospital w' Bowman, Es<i, 1 R.S., Assistant-surgeon to Kind's Colleira Hospital; T liallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant-aurgeon to GHJ^S Hoayitftl; W. Coulson, Esq., Surgeon to the Mandate* Hospital; r. Wizard Curling, Esq., P.R.S., Sur^eonfoth« London HospiUl; W. J. Fishei-, Esq., Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Plic8 .Furce; Mhton Key, Esq., urgeœ to many othsre. Societ7 5 Erasmus Wilson A descriptive circular may be had by post: and the trnas (which cannot fad to tit) can be forwarded by post, by send- gAsgsy < taa.U. •V'SJ. MB WHITE, 238, PICCADILLY. A Single Truss, lss, 21s, 96s 6d, and 31s 6d; "postage free .p^ssssrw,Mi' NEW PATENT. .TflLAS'ITC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, fee Tha LLU matenai of wiuch these are made ia recommended bv 'the Faculty aa .bemgpecui^ly elastic and compressible and the best invention for giving efficient and permanent sun^rt in all casee of weakness aud swelling of the legs, vanoSw veins, sprains, &c. It is porous, ight in texturl and pensive, and is drawn on like an ordinary stocking > Price, from 4s 6d, 7s 6d, ] 0s, to 16a each postage free. UottK WHITE, Manufacturer, 238, PICCADILLY LONDOv fanecimeas may be seen at the Crystal Palace. fSs THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE [ thing in ita jrtalceM^ole o! ^h^golde^ ma»mf carried out. But in all places, aid undw S ldo,a Lwhere the Bight Thing is to be found in the riKht^Tacp11^ Applied at the right time whether in the mafsioa the'St- rUge, or the workshop, such a place will beam w*th tT^^T light of Health, Happimes, and Contentment" And as heal this one oic he greateatt emporal blesstogs hat m^,n ?»? h.est™ uP?n another, andlTthe greatrljtortr of health is to be fouad la 6 restorer BEECaAIC'S PILLS lr.t is no wonder that the h11UlJUt family with oae Tolet ,-ould pronounce them THE RIGiU TItiG IN TKE RIGHT PLACE. BBECHAM'S Pir T are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea 'a Box for Bilious and Nsrvous Disorders #n,.h.Iw' iPain at the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness [Swelling after meals, Diziiaesa aad Flushmgs of Heat, Los, of Appetite Sn^ fcVi1^ Costiveness, Scurvy, Biotchea oil the Skin Diam^had^ >s^s "d mons. &c., &c. ■all agea to sound and robust health ^es <* "found to work wonders upon the most important onSfsS the human machine. They streagthen the whole m £ 2 ^system restore the long-lost complexion, bring back th^ w £ ■edge of appetite, and arease into action with the 'health, the whole physical erx^TTtChwln^t t S i a°ts admitted by thousands, embraoinir all passes of society, and one of the beat guarantees to Wow and Deltilltated is that dp eecham's PiHs have the largest bole of any patent medicine in the world. largess BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for coughs ia general, asthma, difficult* mt breathing, shortness in breath, tightaess and opw^io^ 5 the chest, wheezing, &c„ these pills stand unrivalled^ BEECHAM'S PILLS have now been before tweeu Twenty and Thirty years. Thousands ia ev^gphe £ medi.ciae Ín the world. wordfl7Beecham^Up! 1 k to notice that ment^tamp affixed to eaih iSffa fig a Prcpwcd only &nd sold wholctftiA &nri fpfQii lw /l prietor T. Beecham, Dispe^ini Cht^ st w^Z..thf Pr°- shire, boxes at Is' ijd' ud #d ewh' left 15o^3ft stamps. Sold by all druggists aiid patent medioiSi NiB, Foil directioos arc irea with oaoh box.