Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Bmm EASTER VESTRIES. St. David's. The Easter Vestry for the parish of St. David's, Brecon, was held on the 14th inst., when the Vicar (the Rev. D. Saunders Jones) presided. Others present were Messrs J Conway Lloyd and W Oram (retiring churchwardens), J D D Evans, Tom Williams, Enoch Evans, R T Norbury, N Cootes, T Grant, D T Griffiths, W Price, C R Owens, T Watkins, J Norbury, William Williams (Church House), W Hargest, D Chambers, W R Price, W Williams (Llan- daff row), D Morgan, W D Parry, T J Parry, Joe Williams, J H Norbury and W G Barrington. The statement of accounts, which showed the substantial balance in hand of £ 29, was adopted, and was considered very satis- factory. The Vicar expressed the thanks of himself and the worshippers to the church wardens, sidesmen, choir, Sunday School teachers and superintendent for their loyal and faithful services during the year. On the proposition of Mr Tom Williams, seconded by Mr J. Norbury, Mr J D D Evans was unanimously elected parish warden. The Vicar nominated Mr Joseph Williams as vicar's warden, and in doing so warmly thanked the outgoing warden, Mr W Oram, for his loyalty and faithfulness. Mr Oram •fead Qnl; missed one Sunday, and that owing to illness. The following sidesmen were appointed— Messrs W T Isaac, J Norbury, T Watkins, W Parry, T J Parry, R Evans, W Williams, T Grant, H N Kettle, R T Norbury, W Rice, W Hargest, J Beverley Jones, C R Owens, W Oram, W Lewis, W C Watkins, W Powell, Enoch Evans, D T Griffiths, John Williams, J Conway Lloyd, Tom Williams, N Cootes, W G Barrington, H W Powell, WF Jones, W Price, W Williams'(Llan- daff row), J H Norbury, Dan Sullivan and W R Price, 2 Newmarch Street. A vote cf sympathy was unanimously passed with the relatives of the late Messrs T Williams and J Campbell, two sidesmen, who had passed away during the year. Hearty thanks were given to the follow- ing for gifts to the church during the year —Mrs Evans, Ffrwdgrech, green alms bags; Mrs Peel, white and purple alms bags, purple altar frontal and sanctuary hangings; Mrs deWinton, Tynycae, sanc- tuary mat, and Mr J D D Evans for notice board in churchyard. The Tower Committee presented their accounts, which showed that they had spent £4[; odd on the pointing, etc., of the tower. Thork was considered very satisfactory, and Messrs T Griffiths and. Grant were heartily thanked by the vestry for their great interest in and attention to the work. Diocesan Finance Scheme.—Mr Conway Lloyd lucidly explained this scheme, and after discussion it was resolved to adjourn the vestry to April 28th to receive further information on the scheme and to consider the advisability of appointing a Parochial Church Council. Organ.—It was pointed out that the American organ was in a bad state. The question of procuring a pipe organ was discussed, the difficulty being its location. The matter was left in, the hands of the Vicar and churchwardens. The Tower Committee was appointed to see to the troughing round the church. Mr Conway Lloyd, in handing the Vicar a cheque for nearly £22, the amount of the Easter offerings, remarked that in view of the very attractive military parade, which detracted considerably from the attendance at the morning service, the offering was more than satisfactory. The Vicar feelingly thanked the vestry and worshippers of the church. St. John's. The annual Vestry for the parish of St. John the Evangelist was held at the Priory Church on Thursday night last, the Vicar (Archdeacbn E L Be van) presiding. Others present were the Rev. E E Davies (curate), Messrs Molyneux F Thomas, J P Jones Powell, C J B Hughes, John Meredith, A J Wallace, E T Hyde, J Matthews, F G Alway, John Morgan, C Powell and G Plunkett. THE ACCOUNTS. Mr J P Jones Powell, one of the church- wardens, presented the accounts, showing that there was a balance overdrawn at the beginning of the year of £ 188. 3s 9d, and that at the end of the year there was a slight increase in the deficit, which was now £191 Os 6d. The Vicar That is to say we ara to the bad by £3 on the year's working. It is not a large amount. Mr Jones Powell said the subscriptions to the clergy fund were a little less than the previous year. The other collections were about the same. Last year the statement of accounts showed a slight reduction in the balance overdrawn, but one of the first things he (Mr Jones Powell) had to do was to pay a big coal bill, and that accounted for it. (Laughter.) The Vicar The offertories were a little better ? Mr Jones Powell: Yes. Mr Wallace, in proposing the adoption of the accounts, remarked that they owed Mr Jones Powell a vote of thanks for keeping the expenditure down. Mr Hyde seconded and the accounts were adopted. CHURCHWARDENS. The Vicar stated that Mr D W E Thomas had come to the end of his two years of .office as churchwarden. He had been a most admirable warden; he had devoted himself to the duties, and it was with very great regret that they parted with him. He (the vicar) nominated as his successor Mr A J Wallace, who had been connected with St. John's Church as a member of the choir and sidesman for a considerable number of years, and was a most assiduous Church worker in every direction. Mr Wallace thanked the Vicar for the honour conferred on him and consented to act. On the motion of Mr Alway, seconded by Mr Hyde, Mr J P Jones Powell was re- elected parish warden. SIDESMEN. The following were elected vicar's sides- men—Messrs J H Rosser, H Meredith, G Plunkett, John Meredith, C J B Hughes, E T Hyde, H William, Joseph Morgan, D W E Thomas and A H Shaplend. The follow- ing were appointed by the parish—Messrs F G Alway, A J Corbett, J C B Morris, B L Pritchard, E J Peck, C Powell, II Lambert, J Bufton and Parry deWinton. Mr A T Mellor was re-elected church- warden for the hamlet of Vennyfach. Messrs D W E Thomas, J P Jones Powell and E T Hyde were elected lay electors. Mr A J Corbett was re-elected auditor. THE RESTORATION FUND. The Vicar stated that as regards the restoration fund there was nothing to be commented upon. They had bad expert opinion upon the rent in the tower—one of the best opinions that was to be obtained in London to-day-from one who was con- sulted with regard to St. Paul's Cathedral. The opinion of Mr Carroll was that the rent in the tower had been caused by lightning, and he thought it was a serious matter and ought to be dealt with. The cost of dealing with it and other defects in the tower would probably amount to about £ 700. They had postponed any action in the winter in view of other demands, but it would be a question for the churchwardens to consider whether it was safe delaying dealing any longer. Dealing with the churchyard fund, the Archdeacon said it was possible, although he did not think it probable, that that would be the last time that that account would appear, because in the event—and it was an unlikely event-of the Church Bill passing the churchyard would pass out of the keep- ing of the Church and would be included in the charges to be paid out of the rates of the parish. J I THE DIOCESAN FINANCE SCHEME. The 'Vicar went on to refer to the Diocesan Finance Scheme, which they generally approved at the last vestry meeting. Mr J P Jones Powell suggested that probably they would be responsible for about £30 or f40 to be contributed towards the scheme. If that was the case they would have to alter their method of finance, but before anything was adopted it would have to go before a meeting of the con- gregation. Then they could discuss the method of contributing either by weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly sums, and each member would sign a guarantee to be responsible for a certain amount, with a minimum of ld, to the Finance Committee, who would be responsible for the working of the scheme. They could raise the money by the envelope system. The Vicar remarked that they could arrange the method of raising the amount at the meeting of the congregation, when they would appoint a committee of seven who would be responsible for the scheme. The principle of giving weekly offertories had been in vogue in that church for a number of years, and it was sometimes overlooked that that system was carried out regularly in connection with the church. It was very important that they should impress upon the members that it was no new departure, as it was really an extension of their plan. It was decided that the matter should be gone into thoroughly at a meeting of the congregation of the parish. PROTEST AGAINST DISESTABLISH- MENT AND DISENDOWMENT. Mr M F Thomas proposed the following resolution:—" That this meeting enters its most earnest protest against the proposals of the Government (1) to break up the constitutional unity of the National Church by an act of civil power, and to disestablish and disendow the Church in the four Welsh Dioceses; (2) to divert to secular uses property which was originally given for, and for centuries has been devoted to, the pur- poses of religion, and pledges itself to do all in its power to defeat this proposal." Mr J P Jones Powell seconded. Archdeacon Bevan said that one very interesting feature in the controversy at the present time was the very widespread protest on the part of Nonconformists against two of the most prominent proposals of 'the Bill, namely, against the alienation of their churchyards and against the secularisation of money which bad always been used for religious purposes. That protest, which originated with Nonconformists, had been of very great service to them; and it had made quite clear to them who were their friends and who were their foes. There had been a great deal of talk disclaiming hos- tility to the Church, but it was useless Nonconformists persisting in asserting they had no hostility to the Church if they did not associate themselves with the protest. They thanked those Nonconformists who had placed their religion before their politics. They would always have the strongest feelings of gratitude to those who, in face of all kinds of misrepresentations and in face of a great deal of persecution Ifad had the courage to come forward and stand by their side in that particular crisis in the interest of justice and in the interest of religion. The protest had done a very great deal in regard to the feelings that they would have in future towards those who bad made this self-sacrifice. He had said before that if any proposal came from any body to take from either the Plough Chapel or the Bethel Chapel the endowments which they had; he for one would only be too proud to do all in his power to withstand that proposal. The resolution was carried unanimously. The Vicar expressed his thanks for the great assistance given him personally during the past year, and welcomed amongst them for the first time at an Easter Vestry, the Rev E E Davies. They greatly valued all he had already done in the parish. He also felt grateful to the members of the choir, the churchwardens, sidesmen, and all those who had co-operated in the work of the church. He also thanked the congregation for the Easter offertory, made on a very generous scale. While they might have wished that the veterans and old comrades bad been able to come on a day other than Easter Sunday, yet they were all very glad to see so many coming together for the Easter Service. St. Mary's. Subsequently the Vestry for the parish of St.. Mary was held in St. Mary's Church. ArcVlparon Bevan (vicar) presided over a good attendance which included the Rev H J Church Jones. CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Dr T P Thomas presented the accounts. The receipts amounted to 9266 3s 3d, and there was a balance in hr,nd of 10s 2d. The Vicar stated they all regretted very mnoh the illness of Mr C E Weaver Price, who had been kind enough to act as auditor l for some years. They trusted he would soon be restored to health and return to his accustomed place in St. Mary's. The accounts were adopted on the motion of Mr B Elston, seconded by Mr A Quarrell. ELECTION OF CHURCHWARDENS. The Vicar nominated as his churchwarden, Mr A Daw, who he hoped would serve again. His services bad been much appre- ciated by the parishioners. Mr Daw said he would be glad to serve another year. In proposing the re-election of Dr T P Thomas as parish warden, Mr T Jones said they all knew how well Dr Thomas had fulfilled the office for the past twelve months. He was sure that the whole of the parishioners would be pleased if Dr. Thomas would continue to act for another year. He had now started on the work of improving the church and as he had taken it in hnd he (Mr Jones) would like to see him complete it. Mr F Care seconded. The Vicar said the last reason was a very strong one why they should ask Dr Thomas to continue in office. He had started on a great scheme for the improvement of St. Mary's Church and when it was completed it would not only be an improvement to St. Mary's but also an improvement to the town. Dr Thomas said he was much obliged for the kind remarks, but he did not altogether agree with the idea of the same man con- tinuing in office, he liked to see a change. The Vicar said there were special circum- stances this year which made it undesirable that there should be a change. Eventually Dr Thomas consented to act. THE SIDESMEN. The following were nominated as Vicars sidesmen, Messrs L Lewis, J Vaughan, J Gunter, D W Davies, J Hando, James Morgan. W Smith, T Jones, W Gwillim, W Watkins, and David Ashton. Nominated by the parish:—Messrs F Care, W T Davies, W H Gimson, 0 Jackson, Hills Orton, A Potts, II J Roberts, Dr Shingleton Smith, W Tudor, D Thompson, W P Evans and F G Scarrott. The Vicar expressed regret at the death of Mr John Williams who served as sidesman with devotion for some years and was always a great supporter of church work. The following were appointed lay electors: Messrs T Jones. C E Weaver Price, and James Morgan. Messrs C E Weaver Price and J Matthews were elected auditors. THE DIOCESAN FINANCE SCHEME. The Vicar explained the Diocesan finance scheme as it affected the parish. The sum which St. Mary's would be expected to con- tribute that year was about X35. Next year they would be assessed. It was decided to call a meeting of the congregation of the church to consider the matter and appoint a committee to carry out the scheme. The Vicar said they would be interested to know that a supplementary confirmation service would be held at St. Mary's shortly, owing to illness and other causes which prevented a number of candidates attending at the service held at the Priory. It would be the first confirmation service held in St. Mary's for a considerable time. PROTEST AGAINST SPOLIATION BILL. Mr T Jones moved a resolution similar to the one passed at St. John's vestry against the Welsh Church Bill, Mr Burt Elston seconded and it was carried unanimously. The Vicar tendered his thanks to the Revs Church Jones, Aneurin Davies and E E Davies, the sidesmen, churchwardens, bellringers, etc., for the work they had done during the year and he was also grateful for the very generous Easter offering amounting to fl8 9s lOd.






————————= 1Marriage of the…



-_._._-_----Spinal Failure.


Crime in Breconshire.

