Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



LONDON, Friday, September 6. IVispatches. we u d rstand, have been this truiv, Gibi-alo-,v Lord Ex ti w ai under weigh on i!i»- I4'b August, t,, A 'I'he fleet is descrift,,d in hl--I) health and sanguine spirits.— The Ad aural Capeller, with six frigates, bad asked perm ission t<> unite his squadron with Ins Lordship's, and it is presumed this was agreed to, as the squadrons sailed foge thf-r. We are glad to see this revival of an union, defensive and offensive, with our old friends the Dutch • tlioioah, of course, in ihe service ot forig. or a sowiii their frigates, any more than our own, cannot be of nuy great use. The success of sisrh aa a• Iack must evidently o« the Shtj• s <>t the line and the bon>l> hut »e re- peat it, we are rejoiced fo see 11»<• 'Dutch flag I .nct' more fiying in active friendship with tiie British. Plymouth. Sept- 2 -Arrive(i this morning the Jasper. hrig of war, from Gibraltar, which pi ,:e she !tt the 17111 nil. with dispatches from Admiri'l t i-r(i Ex nouth. Ttie fleet were joined l Gibraltar by the Dusrit Admiral Ca- peller, hating six incites aid a sli»«;p of war Wilder his commas <t #1" was Jo Co -operate ■With Lord KsuiuMiih !> fleet The whole sailed from Gibraltar ou ti.e 14'h nit wrth a fair wind Algiers, and expected to arrive tlierr ia twi or three d;i\s. fleet ct)iistste(], ,f Ihe following ships: tQaeen Charlotte, Adou ytellrus SS l ord Exuiouth M ni me 18 Impregnable, A din. Milne Heron 18 74 j 71 f Albion. U( XeaRilei 5i> J :eq>"1 4'1 )' o 41 4; Brigs. J}"fch Squadron, Six Frigates and a III-iz. A message was .eiit to the Hey, and, I he See HI lake advantage oflh«I! opportunity to Bi<»" nd prepare '«>. aclinn.. (ibra'iar, nig 12—Lord Ex mouth. still Temitns herewith the fleet, practising the gun. ijjoai-s■; I tit- moment there is u change of wind they are off. The English Consul from Gran is •»! Malaga. Nothing new from Algiers. ( or,si/nitinople,duty 25 —The Ambassador had a solemn audience of 'he Grand (lie 16¡1¡ of Ihis month. This cere- mony falling upon the same day when the troop# rectnved double pay, the Marquis of Jlmere was obliged to wait twelve hours till the whole was finished. The magnificent presents from France had beer. sent the even- ing before to the Seraglio. Thy Sultan evinc- ed great satisfaction that the dynasty of the Bouillons had been re-established,, and upon She rent-vval of the ancient relations of friend ship between the Court of France ami the Gilonms Porte. On the 22d of July the Grand Vizier gave a solemn audience to the Envoy from Algiers, who was nut admitted into tilt, PI't"s"J)ce ollheSisl!all The presents from the Dey amounted to a1;" II 1 150 000 piastres, and «(insisted of Moorish slaves; of llofh sexes 5 three beautiful hordes tire Hnr> «eh<s«etl wuti gold diamond*. and other pre ,rit,tj,,4 %t-iieq iitso lions,.tigers, ostriches. &e.. &c. All these presents were carried 11 grand procession if rou^h the r-irects ot CouManti. nop'e, and the wild beas « were put fit cages and sent 10 the pallet ot the G'and seigi)ior. TheFremh admiral at ronton has wnj ■&, •to the €ha»-he< ,t ( -iiiiiierce at Mitrs, i"ies, Statin^, that he has received an ircmut fmm Algiers of the 27-th ot July, infot iniug him, that the Mediterranean swarms w,¡h piratical •vessels, which plunder all snips they meet ■with, and massacre the crevss. Fie liad ne ■ctMilingly sent some from Toulon, to cr(itze t,?r (tie Itrolt-clioii t)f'lr.ide An official Dispatch' published at Madrid, announces the en!ranctvmi > S'aiue Fe, fhe ca pit ki of t!ie kingdom of Grenada in America, of the Koyal troops, wilhout firing a gnu, on the 6'h of Mny. %t learn from Cambray, that a general (HI campflient of-She British forces in France will j be formed on: 'he 8U1 of September, near | Vai ucienries. l'he conrenlrlll IOflof the troops s for she pisrpose of tfieiv being exer- cised in the various evolutions in large bodies, whtr ) previous extension of cantonments lias lit,-velifett, ft is expected 'thai his Royal Hi^hncss'the Duke t>f Keul, and a numerous Staff, will attend his Excellence the Duke ot Wellington at ihe various ensniug Teviews. 'it gives us nll.plt..astire I(- that the grratest harmony and mnsi perfec; goodwill prevails between the British troops and. the inhabitants throughout their various cantonments A aples, .-lug, 12. —On the 7th instant, at foui o'c'ock in the afternoon, a vloleotjshock, "which wiade ail Ihe environs ot Vesuvius tre lible, aniiouuced a new eruptiun of that terrible volcano Some inofuenTs after for. rents of iiames began in dewnd from (he Slimmit ot the mountain, otic (it which flowed towards le Manro, ajid the othijr towards k-s Camaidnles, foifowing the traces of former etirresi,s 7t IAvit, Happily the eruption ceased on the approach of tliht without havingdone any dam .e An article from Mentz of the251h tIlt. itale. that in future ihe garrison ot that place will be wholly con; osed of troops of the same natlÙII, w h idl was also expected to he tiie case in all tht oilier fortresses ot the German Con fodei<;lion. This regulation, it in si-arc, necessary to observe, has been adopted in Consequence oi 'he late dislui b.auces at Men 7. between tlx- Austrian and Prussian troops,— The same article adds, \\e nail too nmci reason for kilarm some days ago for Ihe Sove reigns not lo turn their attention It) tht: i;¡CO/l"'t'IHcllces of 1\ mu,(1)re of 11'0111'8, tholl: we tranquillity, and harmoi- is re-established among the wh»si discipline is remarkahlv excellent." Hit B11'al flisliness the Pr nee Hegcnf, fl iiutg himseK perfectly recovered Irom hi» la. seveie indispos;!inn, left the Mud House at ffantpton Court, on Monday for Warwick eli 1 re. His Koyal Highness will go'bv Beati- disirl to honour the Marquis ot Anglesea villi a visit,, ft is expected thai his Roval Highness will make » tour through Norfolk and Suffolk visiting the M trquisCholmondeley previously Ui'his return I" town and that IK will be absmt ihree weeks, or a mouth. His Royal iiifciiuesl first visits Ragley, t


LIST No. i.

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