Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Lord Cochrane, since his return to Ungate, bus, we understand, received hundreds of containing inquiries after individuals never been within several thousand mites of lite and M many more inquiries afterseamaii, to wilth no satisfactory reply could possibly be giver by his Lordship, since it is, we are assured. the mi. form practice of these men to change their nate- and conceal the places of their nativity whit Q foreign service. JAMAICA, JUNE "A yellow snake (the O& Coluber, of we believe, for we havt not seen it) between seven and eight feet long, wuch had been kept In a barrel on board the Ship Cirn berland, lying in this port, was misled on atur. day se'nnight, and it is scarcely possible that ()n jecture could have suggested "the place of it* re- peat. It was not found till the following Nor day (by soma seamen going aloft,) twisted rtund the main top-mast stay of the ship Volunteer, which lies at a distance of forty or fifty yirds from the Cumberland. It is surmised that it lad contrived to find its way out of the cask, tholgi covered with a mat, which wns secured downb- something ponderous, had gone thence into water, swam to the Volunteer, and had found way on hoard by the cable, or some loose tor or other conveyance up the ship's side, to wiere it was found. THIEF CURIOUSLY DETECTED,-On IVeinsiday se'nnight, Wm. Armous, dyer, PaUley, was son- victed before the Justices, of having stolen a quantity of silk yarn from his employers, Messrs John Gilchrist and Son dyers, Donend, and Sell- tenced to 30 days' confinement in Bridewell — The manner in which the theft was discovered and the thief detected, is rather carious. For some- time past, Messrs Gilchrist observed an unaccount- able diminution occasionally laking, place in their stock of silk. Suspecting that tome of their ser- vants were acting dishonestly, they concha loaded musket, on full cock, amidst a quantity silk, and attached by a stfing several heads silk to the trigger of the piece. The strata. succeeded. On Monday afternoon the discha. of the gun proclaimed the operations of the. thie and on repairingto the spot, tha unfortunate e:- prit was found trèm blillg by the aide of the tel, tale musket. From the following account of a robbery takr from the Gentleman's Magazine if appears th in former days thieve," were as ingenious as tre- presentrtlce of pilferers —" July 29,177,1 ft-- following audacious robbery was committed all apothecary's in Princes-street. A fellow wer, in at the private door, which happened to be ]e< open, walked up one pair of slairs, packed tip the bed, mattress, and all the bedding, and furuitu of the bed, and came softly down stair-, with it By some accident his foot slipped in the passaV as he was going off, and the load fell from hi head. The noise brought out the apothecary — Hev day. friend,'said he, what are-y0u there V Sir,' replied the man, without the ieast hesitation, 4 I have brought home the hf-d ^d bedding you purchased at an auction t» Was the answer; I was at no auction, nor have I pur- aiiv I'm sure,' returned the fellow my master told me it was at an apothe-nry-j I.. I; though perhaps he might say it was near all af)o- thecal y's. l'iti sorry for the mistake. Sir, am] I hope you will be so good as to help nw up with my load again, that I may carry it to the ri?ht place.' The apothecary very civilly did ns"h„ was desired, and the tnan marched off with his prize but lo when the apothecarv and his wife withdrew to bed at night, all that presentedit$eH to their view was a roped four-post bedbtead, and the party robbed discovered that he had lite- rally assisted in the robbing of himself. DESTRUCTION OF SIIEKP By DOGS.In night of Wednesday last, eighty-five PW lambs, part of the highly esteemed Soutlu flock, belonging to Mr. John Bawtree of So minster, were destroyed by two dogs' a pointer and a terrier: but for the presence of the she- herd, a more extensive destruction appears i. have been contemplated by these-canirje anima' Fortunately the shepherd had that morning ris somewhat earlier than usual, and when he ? reached the spot where he had hoped to firld objects of his care in perfect safety, the dear dying presented themselves in such numbers cause the most poignant grief to his mind. S^,y of these inoffensive animals were lying dead, and presented a most shocking spectacle 't^cnty.fiya others were so mutilated as to be past recover*, which were humanely relieved of their sufferings," but which produced but little beyond the offal. Even after all this damage the murderers had not fully satiated their thirst for blood, but were pur suing the remnant of the flock, as it would ap- pear, with a determination to its final destruction. The Rev. Gentleman to whom the dogs belonf: was from home, and this truly lamentable occur- renre is said to have arisen from the negligence of his servants in not confining the dogs as direct- ed. About forty *sh-?eP were destroyed in a simi- lar manner a short time since at MamfaM Wyek Farm, in Tolleshunt Knights, the property of Mr. Wood, of Langford. "The shepherds of an- cient days "watched their flocks by night, to protect them from ravenous wolves it appear& equally necessary in these days. in ordjsr to secure this valuable property against the like disposi- tion, which the most domestic animals appear to retain. 0- PRINTED & PUBLISHED by C BROSTER AT BANGOR, CARNARVONSHIRE Orders, Advertisements, and other Commu nicalions will be thanltfully received by the Pro- prietor, and by thefollowing Agents • Messrs. NEWTOK& CO Warwkk-sqrwT^ London. Mr. R. BARKER, 33, ileet-street ditto, Messrs. J. K. JOHNSON & Co. Thihlin Mr. DAVIES, Upholsterer, Chester. Mr. GEE, Bookseller, Denbigh. Mr. SAUNDERSON, ditto, Baia Mr. R. JONES, ditto, Ruthin. Mr. CARNES, ditto, Holywell. Mr. PUGH, ditto, Dolgellau. Mr. R. EVANS, ditto, Lianymst, t Mr. ROBERTS, Postmftter, Counuy. Mr. SALTER, Bookseller, Nenton. 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