Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



NORTH WALES SANITARY INSPECTORS. SESSIONAL MEETING AT LL ANDUl.»;O- STERSUSA7ICN OF BOTTLES. A sessional ri-cel-ng of the' S:ini:. £ Lr7 Inspec- tor' A6.-<ltlO1J, North Ce.itr. was ne.d on Saturday aUeruooc, at the Town Hull, Llan- dudno. Mr W. Little, sanitary 1 as peeler Llan- dudno the -<:1IW.L rriau, prerided rH the absence of k chairman, Mr R. 11. Parry. ELECTION OF Oi'i-i''I'.RS. The Exe.-utuvo Coanmitbco retomuwsaded that for tiio future tfec ctMurmun should be •ctcotoJ for one year* but that ito should bo eiiRibie fur re-eJecti-cn. for one acditiona- year only. They further rocommcmkxi Uiat, in crtk-r to stimulate interest in the meetitfj<s. an occaa.onai paper ehouid bo presented m Welsh, aad Mr n. H. i'aiTy was. invited to prepare the ur.oJt. oi such papers. Mr William JCIlJOj. M.P.. was rc-olecfcsd- prcaMknt aid Mr W. ohaamaa ior t«>e ensuui.<j year. A oordial vot«> of tJbanks to the roiiriBjj chairman ¡¡:n<1 t., other was P;sxAl on tiio motion of Mr Lowe (Hhyr!). Mr E. Roberts (Ca,nj.rvon) wai, elected vice-choir- man. Ihe next meeting will be at Bangor, when tho n.omberj wi-l be given an opportu- nity of noiiiR through uhe new L'niver-sity Coi- le-jjc buildings. THE STERILISATION OF BOTTLES. Dr G. Jjowio. Travis read a short paper on tho sterilisation of bottles at LLndtrd-no, bassd on a rcjxjrt by tho cha.-jrrr.aii. In ApnJ, 1809, ovv 1 rr* to tbe large number of bott.e comey1 AtnoDfist thir house po.ukc to the de;triK'-tor. jhich bottles the owners 11 lowed to remove anytiLing but a cleanly coirurt.««> tlie Lan- ifudno ilea.tii Ccmmitr-e decided to d.troy all the bitt _,e" unies they were ^ertisiaed before oeing removed from tiie cLstrut-tor. Ihe North w sent xepros.vntet.ves to interview tho oommIttec, who decidad to uai dowa a sfcerij«insf tas..k> and ordered that all bottles rrruot bo bot'.ed for twenty minutes b> fore beiirvs taken from tl^o promts. Ihe tank cost iJ 10. and the oharjc? now made uroti the • •/mora of tihe for the oosit of stord nation ":].3 2d pc'r dcaen. Tho bott&w were placed in tho tank, which was then, ft ed with coJi water. The water was ;r<ld¡J!J; ly risxf to bailing point. 60 that there were few breakages. -L?p to tibe end ot Juno 2fco7 boltl-es had bne-n treated in tins way. or aboul a quarter od the number of bottle3 passing through the Land .Kino Bot- tlens' Exchange <harrn-z the same period After sterilisation t bottler were as el-ean as when now. and, while be ft re tb3 adi.pticn of this- system, dl-rty bottles were rather freq-iMM&tiy bluut to tho henith department by v suors and others, siinoe its rntrcd'uetioii there bnd not been any cvmi>ia»nta at all. It would ba a it op in tÎl: ri-ht direction if the Bottlers' A socnatiori. at tjhejr department in Ltenchtdno, would fix «p a steTifiziUg of thcJr own. all bot- ties pesc rnr through the e.xcheii^o before they wore returned to their owm-xs. li>e i 0.3:1 on oc wa&hoxi; bcytL-bA &t ttie stores was far from per- fection; after a bottie had onoe been u- ed it ootH1 nor. b& cleansed with caid or merely lule- warm water. Tho Obaarrrian ha-ttded round a spocimen bot- tle oi beer brought to tho Heailh De|>ai'tnaerifc by a vl-itor before the atoiiiaataoti piaaH came into otwration. TOO liqaiid had a heavy sedi- uent. It was gratifying now to know that there had been ircy com-plaint of d:rt or &eck-- meast of <n.y kind in the bottle supplied to cu¡.- tomeri bv the tradespeople since t £ e Council's e-I t, an. Lest year the liottieri Aamci.,atiori paid the Cwacil E20, but tho charge -was then 3d a dozen. It had now been re- duced to 2d a dozen. Mr LoW-I) (tihyd) sz-d his authority refuecd to collect bottlta witii bouse reof U;t.oC, but i tiior- oug&v agreed chat otikvent aterilabaticm was sssefttLu before y were urod again. Mr Worrali (Banffor) contended that empty twttises vveie h-o refii^e, and the autnorrty tnujt collect t.heni. t Mr K. J. Hughos (P«narM«masr). the hen, BoereUu y, omuiendeJ iho liiandudn^ ncil xfirt of all, t he cjuejUon of Jjie public haalth, and not the strictly iegal point as to wthey had any right to ini-ta- Lhii system of sterilisation,, Wa6 realty soM- suppoTtin-g. t. t. Dr. L!wl-; Travic, in replying, said tie objact of the Ile-kith CoainaU-ee was not to em'oerk upon a new enterprw. but to foot a good eox- *wnpk> to the Bottiew' ^aoc.ation end to tho bot sfcor^-a tperKTaJly. Thtj system adopt,d had been proved tobo cheAp and e&icient. aJid tho users of botties ought- to take the hint INSPECTION OF DAIRIES AND A dueiwsion foi 1 o\i, oi iijTon the p>«or.ioaa.L that a cjuai-iiiod itsspector cf dairies and cwwihocb t to be appointed for omah county, in order that a. urriorm system Tni^ht be adoptoo for the pretention of milk poliution. It was d^owfed to pai» a reac»-\iVJon oxprcJ:ing of the bradm.c,li on the zyl-itier aL. the next irtoetiing. PRESEUVED TOMATOES. Tiio fIxairman oow.e.d the inwiing two tim of preserved tomatoes, one in the state mL which it woaid bo safe to buy It, and the other with tho cylinder heads bulging out owing to the fermentiv eaves formed witlán. II", eAtct that it orw the practice of dixhonost trad'es^ieopJe to ttrrn down a portion of the label parted roiaid the tins wbxh were in t.hat state, to perforate the> tins and let out the g-as. so enabio the iLoads to flatten again, and then faell the article to the next unsuspicims customeir. That W. a orimi- n&l trrlck, which it was iiewreary to be on one's cuard ajjajinsL by not c-nh- ^eein^r th;it the en-de, of tho cam were properly oonoave, but Uiat the label had not been t&.mp with. At tho inviteti-o-n oi Mr E. E. Bone, tihe ahairnaan of the Urb;m Di^triot Coimcil. the in- spectors a.nd tfaecr wives were afterwards eaMer- taiood to tea.






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