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Presentation to an Ex=Police…


Presentation to an Ex=Police Inspector. Faithful Services Rewarded. A PLEASING function took place at the Alexandra Hotel, Rhyl, on Friday evening, when ex Police Inspector Minshull, of the Flintshire Con- stabulary, and who has resided in Rhyl for some years after his retirement from the Force, was the recipient of a tangible appreciation of the esteem in which he was held by the Scottish National Key Registry and Assurance Associa- tion, Limited, he having recently resigned the appointment of chief representative of the Association for North and Mid-Wales. A small company of gentlemen were invited to an excellently prepared and served dinner, the proceedings being presided over by Mr Henry Cass, managing director of the Association, who had journeyed specially from the head offices at Edinburgh to be present. The guests included Mr J. H. Piercy (Rhyl), Police-Inspector Pearson (Rhyl), Mr C. Adams (Chester), Mr Holt (Shotton), newly-appointed agent; Mr Jones (goods agent, Rhyl), Mr T. Min- shull (Rhyl), etc.—Apologies for absence were re- ceived from Mr T. Whiteley, J.P. (chairman of the Rbyl Urban District Council), Mr Griffiths (North and South Wales Bank), Mr Joseph Jones (Wellington-road), Mr J. Frimston, and Mr W. Kelly (St. Asaph). The Health of the King having been sub- mitted, The Chairman, who is a captain in an Edin- burgh Volunteer Regiment, gave the toast Im- perial and Civil Forces," and pointed out that the Volunteers were being more recognised and placed on an equality with soldiers and comrades- in-arms. After referring to the past services of the Imperial Forces, he spoke of the Civil Forces —the police-and said they were deserving of the greatest recognition by the public. He coupled with the toast the names of ex-Col.-Sergt. R. Davies, of the 2nd V.B.R.W.F., and Inspector Pearson. The toast was enthusiastically drunk, and acknowledged by Mr Davies and Inspector Pearson. The Chairman next proposed the toast of the evening, that of the health of Mr Minshall, who, he said, had acted as superintendent agent for the Association for North and Mid-Wales during the past eight years. Mr Minshall had, owing to failing health, resigned his position, and the directors greatly regretted losing his valuable services. Mr Minsbull had been a very faithful servant of the Association, having discharged his duties with conspicuous ability. There had never been an occasion to question his actions in connection with cases which had been brought under the notice of the directors. (Applause). That was a great deal to say. The company had, however, secured the eervices of a worthy successor in Mr Holt, of Shotton, who had been employed by a similar company or association. As the Association desired Mr Minshall to possess a token of their esteem, he had the greatest pleasure on behalf of his co-directors and himself in presenting him with a handsome gold-mounted walking stick, suitibly inscribed; and the Association expressed the hope he would have long life and happiness in his retirement in Rhyl. The toast was duly pledged. Mr Minshull, in acknowledgment, said it was in consequence of his illness he had found it im- possible to continue his duties with the Associa- tion. During his servitude he had always worked most amicably with the Association, which was thoroughly straightforward in all its transactions. He was greatly obliged to Captain Cass for making the presentation and for the sentiments he had expressed, and he hoped his thanks would be conveyed to Mr Clarke, the secretary of the Association, and the other directors. So far as it was possible in the future, he would be only too willing to render further services for the benefit of such a flourishing Association. The health of the chairman was received, and he said he would convey the thanks of Mr Minshull to the directors. The concluding toast was that of the Press," ably proposed by Mr Minshull, who allucled to his long associations with the two representatives who were present that evening. The compliment was acknowledged by Mr T. Chambers ("Rhyl Pioneer") and Mr R. Davies (" Denbigh Times ") A most enjoyable evening, in which Mr T. Minshnll contributed pianoforte solos, and Capt. Cass, Mr Adams, and Mr Jones solos, was terminated with the National Anthem. 4-

Mr. Artemus Jones on TariffI…

Llanrwst Electricity Works.

Mr. Chamberlain's Proposals,…

[No title]


ILlandrillo and Eirias United…

