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Labour's Big Bid for Merthyr.■I


Labour's Big Bid for Merthyr. I Winstone as The Workers' Candidate. I Why You Should Vote Labour. I BY JOHN BARR. I When George Bernard Shaw came to Merthyr some years ago to support Keir Hardie's candi- dature, he declared he had not come down here specifically to address the working man be- cause the working man who did not vote for Ke-ir Hardie was only fit for a lunatic asylum." While few of us would be prepared to endorse :this Shavian dictum, I confess I cannot under- stand how an intelligent working man justifies an intention to vote against Labour representa- tion at any time, and especially at a time like the present, w hen the very grave problems of .after-the-war reconstruction has to be tackled. The great lesson of the war to the most ob- stuse section of society has been that Labour is the one determinant factor in economic sal- vation i.e.. in national housekeeping, and the sacrificing manner in which the working-class allowed trade union conditions to be subverted to national need during a very critical period ,iliows a ready adaptability to the highest in- terests of Government and a moral strength which will not be denied a foremost place in the work of the future. The Coalition is ended as far as Labour is concerned, and in the coming Parliament a free- dom and independence to promote its reconstruc- tion policy will be resumed. Analysed, this means simply that the struggle organised La- bour carries on every day of its existence in the country will be properly reflected in the House of Commons by a Trade L nion Party free to use every tactical means to enforce its demands. How, then. can any sane working man register a vote against an authorised Labour candidate? He is painfully aware of the necessity of organi- sation in meeting the employing class, knows the advantage to be derived from a solid united front, vet fails to see the struggle with the capi- talist is fundamental in our system of society and should be reflected in the legislative cham- ber by representatives of Capital facing repre- sentatives of Labour. To be logical, this type of worker should put an end to all Trade Union activities and attempt to realise his faith in the philanthropic ability •of the capitalist class to look after his interests. This would be putting the clock back with a vengeance and the assumption that there is such a type of worker left in our midst to-day seems so ridiculous that we may with confidence look to Merthyr workers returning Mr. James Winstone, the accredited Labour Party candi- date. to Parliament to carry on the same work as they elected him with all confidence to carry on in his capacity as President of the South Wales Miners' Federation. Has the other nominee, Sir Edgar Jones, any claim to be considered at all by the workers? Is he an accredited Trade Union representative? o. Whom, then, does he represent? An agglomeration of Liberal-Conservatives or Con- servative-Liberals, known as the Liberal Associa- tion. a small body so lacking in strength that they are not fit, to keep a Liberal Club together and composed for the main part of the same type as sits in opposition to the Labour representa- tives on our Borough Council. They have long since formed a coalition there against the La- bour Party, a movement which is now going to be reflected in our Parliamentary election by a Conservative and Liberal combination attempt to return Sir Edgar Jones as a supporter of Mr. Lloyd George, whose recent exhibition of dancing on the political tight-rope has been found pleasing alike to a gathering of the Ministerial Liberal Party and the Conservatives, a feat which led the "Morning Post' last Thursday in an article headed Need for an Ideal" to declare that "the arrangement be- tween the two parties is indeed a judg- ment of Solomon; every baby of both Central Offices is out in two, with results that should ■be pleasing to both mothers." This arrangement for a rush election means to stifle public opinion, not by getting a national decision, but by obtaining a majority for the present Government (formed to carry on the war) at the expense of all that is contentious in political an d social legislation, and to prevent Labour taking part in the Peace Conference. The Opposition in the House of Commons is now to be vested in the Labour Party, and perfect unanimity is to be found on the Government benches between the erstwhile Home Rulers and the Oarsonites on the one hand, and the Welsh Non-conformist Disestablisher and the Chureh- jman on the other hand. Such a combination breeds the suspicion that there is an economic ;axe to grind, and we have it in the cry Away with Government control." Last week's "Economist" declares that "the Labour Party at least knows what it wants, and much of the programme adopted on Mr. Sidney Webb's motion at its meeting on Thursday, will be recognised as sound sense. But its craving for nationalisation will be. a fatal bar to the support of those who recognise the deadening in- fluence of bureaucratic government." Here you have a confession of the principle of State Con- trol with capitalist bureaucratic management, .and consistently carried out means that you should destroy an institution such as the Post Office because a Capitalist Government chooses to manage it badly. Obviously the principle of ■nationalisation, whether of railways, canals, coal .and iron mines, banking or life insurance, rests on the truism that national co-operation is bet- ter than individual competition, quite apart from the fact that bureaucratic Capitalism may :mismanage national enterprises. One fact has been hammered clearly into our brain during the last four years, and that is, that during a great crisis in our history private enterprise completely broke down and had to be substituted by State interference. I advise readers of the Pioneer to glance over Mr. Jowett's article of November 9th, and I they will find plenty of matter touching on the l plan of replacing State Control of materials by .capitalist monopoly. "Away with Government Control" advocates mean to turn the State-owned munition factories into private capitalist concerns and thereby pre- vent the country from "turning them on to making goods for ordinary use to meet the enor- mous demand there will be, and at the same time keep down prices. 1, Keep the Tory out, as an old Welsh politi- cal battle-cry is now to be substituted by Keep Labour out," shouted from the housetops of Tory Squiredom as well as Radical Nonconfor- mity, but the game is so transparent that when we have a Labour candidate as in Merthyr the issue can be safely left in the hands of the worker. Winstone for Merthyr. I During the past two weeks Mr. James Win- stone, the Merthyr Miners' Nominee for Par- liamentary honours, has been visiting the out- skirts of the constituency, and has held meet- ings in such important centres as Treharris, Merthyr Yale, etc., while visiting also the more sparsely inhabited centres of Pengarnddu, Moun- tain Hare and Clwydyfagwyr. The meetings in all cases have been addressed by local speakers and the candidate. This General Election will be unique in many respects, but one of the fea- tures, viz., all elections on the same day, will do away with migratory speakers to a great ex- tent. We have to make this fight ourselves, and we intend to do so. Winstone himself is in great form, and has the physical strength neces- sary to a strenuous fight. He has done with D.O.R.A. and has determined to speak without fear or restraint. The meetings have been well attended, es- pecially by the new women voters. The women are taking great interest in the fight. No doubt they are influenced by the threat of Conscription. We are all wondering what will become of our boys as they reach 18. If this miraculous Coalition Government pro- mises anything—then look out. Remember the broken pledges of the last four years. In fact, the making of a pledge showed the final result. It is more than ever necessary to get a strong Labour Party in the House. Merthyr intends to send Winstone. The local organisation is as good as any in the country—but it can be made better still. We want all workers to join the Ward Committees. Organisation wins each time. Meetings are Bl, but Organisation AI. Already some of the Ward Committees are over 100 strong, by next week we shall publish the strength of each working Ward Committee. Cyfarthfa Ward is in great form, taring ex- perienced a preliminary bout, forty women acted as active workers. Now all wards must follow suit and beat this. We are informed that the "other side" at Shiloh last week indulged in personalities by bandying terms about. Well, let them. We in- tend to preach our principles and ignore the "other side" altogether. We are not fighting for Winstone. We arc fighting for principles. We must not be drawn off the track. Winstone is the chosen candida- date to represent our principles and no more. All Labour men should close their ranks at once and march shoulder to shoulder to register their belief in those principles. The Coalition Party is promising great things, but a little analysis of their lip service will show the hollowness of the whole plot. Note first, as Welshmen, the game going on with Disestablishment. Xote also, as Irishmen, the side stepping on Home Rule. Note, as con- sumers, the flirting with Tariff Reform. Is it any wonder that Sir L. Chiozza Money, M.P., has resigned from the caucus ? Reconstruction is the golden word to catch votes, and Money says it is a phantom. Money is a great Econo- mist and a Liberal, and sees clearly the short- comings of his follows. So serious are the faults that he has parted company after warn- ing the caucus. Workers! you must have your own methods of Reconstruction, the present basis is wrong. The whole of our social fabric is built on im- moral and unjust foundations. Before we reconstruct we dig under and lay a proper concrete foundation. We think that nothing can be better this wpek than publishing here the Labour Party Programme. We are cool enough this week to look over it carefully. Workers, study it well. The National Party will issue special leaflets dealing with immediate questions. These leaflets wil be distributed to each house—therefore join your Ward Commit- tee to assist. In the meantime study this pro- gramme:— The Labour Party is the Party of the People whose labour, mental and manual, produces the wealth which, equitably shared, would suffice to maintain a fair standard of life for all, and pay the cost of reconstructing society in harmony with the principles of justice, equality and free- dom. The chief Objects of the Labour Party are:— To secure for the producers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry, and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible, upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service. Generally, to promote the Political, Social aud Economic Emancipation of the People, and more particularly of those who depend directly upon their own exertions, by hand or by brain for the means of life. "—(Constitution/ Section The above Programme is) first and foremose, an Anti- Profiteering Programme. It calls for immediate legislation to effect a drastic reduc- tion in the Cost of Living in the direct and In- direct interests of all the Breadwinners of the Nation—including workers in every profession- Civil Servants, Municipal Employees, Teachers, Salary-earners and Wage-earners of every class and degree—as well as of persons dependent upon pensions, annuities, and small fixed in- comes. The Labour Party demands that the Supplies of Eood and other Necessaries of Life (especially Bread, Meat, Milk, Sugar, Butter, and Mar- garine), Water, Coal, Lighting, and Transport by Rail, Steamer, Train and 'Bus (now almost entirely controlled by Monopolist Combines, Trusts and Rings) shall be acquired by the State, to be administered, nationally or muni- cipally, solely in the interests of the public and of the consumers, without prifit. It further demands the Nationalisation of all Land, in order to secure the adequate dwelling accommodation required for the solution of the Housing Question, which concerns every class of breadwinner. It also recommends that every grade of Edu- cation, from Primary to Technical and Univer- sity, should be free'to every citizen able and willing to make use of it. In International policy it proclaims the ideal of a League of Nations as a practicable solution of the problem of war, involving the establish- ment of international courts of conciliation and judicial arbitration for the settlement of dis- putes between nations, and the setting up of an International Legislature for the development of international legislation which will definitely bind the consenting States. This International system further implies Democratic ontrol of Foreign Policy, the aboli- tion of Secret Diplomacy and the publication of all Treaties, along with the complete democra- tisation of Governments and the concerted aboli- tion of compulsory military service and standing armaments. The Labour Party, in short, seeks to set up a new social and economic order, based on co- operation instead of competition, and in con- junction with the democratic parties in other lands seeks to establish a Society of Nations, which will guarantee the widest possible free- dom and security for the peoples of the world, and involve the exploitation and subjection of none. To achieve the above—work with Winstone. I The Labour Party is determined to increase pensions to soldiers' widows and dependents- the present grants are hopeless. Winstone is the father of two soldier sons still at the front. All ex-soldiers and present ones should note this fad. Women—work with Winstone.

Rents—Warning. I

ISouth Wales Trafficmen I

German Republic. I


The Block Vote and Candidates,…

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The Electric Theatre
