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War: The Art of the Devil.I


War: The Art of the Devil. I IV. OFFICIAL CHRISTIANITY I AND WAR. By Philip Frankford. All that is left of Christ's reli- gion is mendacious and fallacious pre- tence. Between the Church and Christ there is nothing in common. —Count de Rennesse. In the compaign of lies, hatred, malice, and, worst of all, in the deep-seated desire for revenge upon our enemies, the capitalist press, the priests, parsons, and politicians of this country have revealed themselves as the enemies of Christ—the meek and lowly one, who preached the spirit of forgiveness. Of Jesus it was written, When He was reviled, He reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not." Revenge and ha- tred are the texts upon whic1 nearly every article lecture and sermon are built up on to-day in this country, which is supposed to be wedded to the doctrines of Christ. The desire for revenge upon an en- emy may be a just one; it may be that we have a very big score to wipe off, but the way of Christ is, and must be, not through the darkness of revenge and hatred, but through the happy lanes of charity, peace and love. He who loves his friends only is very far from Christ, for do not the publicans and sinners do the same? Never has the Christian and ortho- dox showed himself so plainly to the world as during the preseut war. We see now. as never before, that bet- ween Christ and the Church there is nothing in common." In times of peace, the Church has insulted the Prince of Peace by en- couraging Militarism in every shape and form. During the war she has in all the belligerent countries excelled all her past efforts by reason of the war-like utterances, and in her at- tempt to stir up hatred and revenge. In short, the Church has directly be- trayed Christ by siding with militar- ism, war and murder. In peace time, the Church is busy poisoning the minds of the young with its Church Lads' Brigades, Boy Scouts, Itille Clubs, and dabbling in every form of militarism since the outbreak, the clergy, from highest to lowest, have, with a few honourable exceptions, vied with one another in their eagerness to kill the enemy with their mouth." In all the belli- gerent countries, the clergy are blas- pheming God by praying for the victory of their arms." That is to say, they are begging the Mighty Creator of the Universe that He will allow the other side to be slain and slaughtered. Each are demanding to conquer the other for their own material advantage. And this they ask for in the name of Christ, whose religion is one of love, and who taught us to "do good to them that bate us." It may be a IVery wise and prudent thing, from a wordly point of view, to hate our enemies, and pay them back in their own coin, etc., etc., but it is not Christianity; and no am- ount of juggling can make it so. The Catholic Church has specially placed herself in an absurd position. Being wedded to capitalism in each country, it has to support the pow- ers that be, and this makes enemies amongst her own children. For in- stance, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Westminster prays for the success of the English arms, and thus is ag- ainst his brother Bishop of Cologne, who, no, doubt, curses the Archbishop as a hated Englishman, and so on. Where s Christ's teaching here? Once more, the treatment of "alien enemies" is most deplorable in all the belligerent countries. Many an alien enmy is only absent from his Fatherland because, under capi- talism, he cannot get a living there. Yet the "alien" is subject to con- stant persecution. The fact that since the war the alien enemy's living is gone would, one might think, awa- ken a little pity; but no, he, for the faults of his rulers. must suffer all the punishment due the militarists of his own country. He may be wedded, not to foreigners, but to the daugh- ters of his adopted fatherland: it matters not. He and his are perse- cuted, and the so-called Christians have nothing to say. The spirit of Christ is far from his pseudo-follow- ers. but the spirit of the devil is with them yesterday, to-day, and for ever. During the last few years the Churches have lamented that they are empty. Ts it possible that al- though the people are not as a rule real followers of Christ, that they have seen through the- hollow mock- ery of their would-be teachers? The clergy are for ever ranting about sin and asking their congregations to confess their errors, amend their ways, and atone for their sins. But these very men encourage the great- est sin of all-war. If there is one thing in the world in which we can pin against the Creator it is -,in the horrible work of slaying millions of His children. And yet the clergy sup- port this sin. Again. the priests support the system which makes for a never-ending warfare. The strife bet- ween the possessed and disinherited. Between Christ and the Church there is nothing in common. Finally, we would ask all those who not being orthodox," and who think that a campaign of lies, re- venge and hatred is about the limit for those who call themselves Christ- ians, to range themselves on the side of the anti-militarist and the promo- ters of peace. We wonder sometimes how he who bears arms, or who loves things military, can enter a Christian temple. For the first few centuries after the death of Christ, no Christ- ian would consent to become a sol- dier some early Christians died ra- ther than bear arms. The spirit of love that so often conquers in an individual's life and in individual quarrels would also carry the day in international dis- putes if men and women were real Christians; that is to say, if the spirit of Christ entered into their lives. And it is perhaps rather strange that Socialists—who have always been stig- matised as Atheists ''—stand as the only peace party to-day in the world. The anti-militarists who have stood their ground in every belligerent country against the war are those of the Socialist Party. Since the out- break of hostilities, orthodox Christ- ianity may have gained a few adher- ents by selling its soul to the Devil, but we believe that the tide of mili- tarism will shortly turn. In Sweden, America and Italy, the anti-militar- ists have scored during the last few months some remarkable successes. When the war fever is over, we be- lieve the Church will reap where she has sown. She has helped the Art of the Devil; she must must sink with the Devilfs ship, Capitalism. _By her reckless compact with militarism and her love for war, she has bred Athe- ists and scoffers. And her attitude all over the world during the great Eu- ropean War will not be forgotten even by those who most profited by it. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap," is also true of a body of men. The spirit of war of militar- ism of hatred, revenge and "getting even with your enemies is not, and never has been. compatible with the Man who plainly taught us to "love our enemies." But the Church has ta- ken the narrow path that leadeth to destruction. And between the modern day church and Christ there is no- thing in common. And War. the Art .of the Devil, never can be reconciled with the teaching of Jesus of Naza- reth.

Why Weds the Warrior? I

The Palace. I

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