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"LEADER" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCALE OF CHARGES. 20 WORDS and under-3 INGERTIONS -ONE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three Insertions-one shilling for 26 words, and 3d. extra for every i words more. tOST AND FOUND. Three lnsortions-One shilling and six- pence for 29 wards, and 4d. extra far every five w#ds more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. One insertion-Two shillings for 29 words, and 6d. extra for every 5 words more. This scale does not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFiCE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). Telegrams: Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET-STREET, E.C. Telephone: 227C Central. « LLANELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINGS, THOMAS-ST. Telephone: No. 174. NEATH OFFiCE- ALFRED-STREET. Telephone: No. 250. TRADE SPECIALITIES. 0 EWING Machines of all makes cheap for cash; Oil, Needles, Shuttles, Parte; IrOctl Machines f mm Ll; all mcukes-repaired. Yates, Sewing- Machine Mai), 11, Waterloo- street, Swansea. 75A5-J.5 "I^iiiE:•! OH SONGS on Putbe Records, cheap. .r. —T_ Laurence, Dealer in Second-hand irumiture, Antiques, Old Chine, etc., Royal Etores, 64, Oxford-street, Swansea.. Tel.: 900 Cent. 72A5-12 RAZORS, Scissors, Shear*, etc., Groun<i t and Repaired.—T. Ward Davies, 7, Nol- ion-street, Swansea. 70AH1 BOOT DYAT, RS.-Buy your Want Sizes D at LLOYD'S Wholesale Warehouse, Swansea. Dall. 'phone or write. Kew Lines Now on Show. T.C. CM. MORRIS, 19, Union-street. Swa-nse? ?* Tailor, etc.. for Value and Fit. T) MOLY?EUX, 1" Fis? Meivhants, P. 12.0, .Hish-?re?t, SW, C%? House in Town for Fish of all Varieties, Wholesale a.nd Retail. Trial Solicited. T.O. Myrddin Oavies's Announcements. rpsRUSSES! Trusses! Trusses in all sizes. double or single.—Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., 238, nigh-street, S>v^nisea (bottom of Hieh-etreet). T.C. ELASTIC Stockings, 4s. 3d. pair, 3d. extra postage; Anklets, Is. 1d. each; Knee Cape, 36. 6d. per pair; Legginga, Cs„ all sizes; British make.-Myrddiu Dairies, M.P.S., Chemist. 238, High-street, Swansea (bottom Qf High-street. T.C. "VyYRDD £ N'S Indigestion and Liver Mix- ture, an Excellent Preparation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Paine in the Pit cf the Stomach, Vomiting, Fla0«uency. Gas- tritis. etc.; per bottle, 1/12 & 2/3.— Myrddin* Da vies, M.P.S., Chemist. 238, lligh-titreet. Swanaea (bottom of High-etreet). T.C. DR. NOBLES Backache and Kidney Pills, Specially recommended for Kidney Troubles, Backache, Congestion of the Kid- neys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, etc. Per box. Is. and 2s. 6d.—Myrddin Davies, M.P.S., Chemist, 23S, High-street, 6wensea (botLOjn of High-street). T.C. MYRDDIN'S Liver Granules, a moot effec- ill. tive little Pill for Torpid Liver, Biii- .ousneso, Dizziness, Headache, Constipation. Bold in bottles, 55. and lOJd—Myrddin Davies, M.P .S., Chemist, 238, High-street, -•■Swansea (bottom of High-ctre,-t). T.C. npHE American Corn Plaster, is nndoubt- edly the most effective Corn Planter manufactured. Try it at once, then judge; no failure; no harassing corns; no pain or burning; easy to put on; readily cures; 71.. cy post SJd. Myrddin Davies, M.p.S., E38. High-street, Swansea (bottom of High- eireeti. T.C. MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c., FOR SALE. /"RENT'S Chater Lea Sturmey Archer c- three-speed Cycle; oilbatb gear case, Special. Roadster Tyres, Accessories; re- cently purchased; quite new; maker's war- ranty; bargain. £5; approval willingly; car- riage paid. Adve-tL- c, r, 35, Rother-street., Str:.>Uorù-on-A von. 73A5-i6 ~C*>R SALE, 3J 1912 Bradbury, 2-speod, N.S.U., with Sidecar, Lamps and ail Spares; only ridden 2,000 miles; £ 35.—"B.W. Leader Office. nA5-13 Andrews and Watson's AnnouncementsT pOil Bale, One Second-hand Ton Van, in first-clas6 order.—Appiy Andrews and Watson, Uplands Garage, Swansea. 72A5-12 IMMEDIATE Delivery of any of the famous ikze Cars; prices from £ Z&— wtpply to the Sole Agent; Andrews and Watson, Uplands Garage. Tel.: Central 72A5-12 1 QU BELSIZE Four-seater Touring 0", '?'—? for Hire at very cheap terms.— Apply Andrews and Watson, Uplands Qarage, Swansea. 72A5-12 Albert Ace's Announcements. OENT.'S New Hudson, newly plated and enamelled; unolaimed by owner; must he sold to realise. Our price: f,3 156. 'G. TŒT.'S New Hudson, Armstrong 3-«peed, roller lever brakes. A real bargain: !0s. 'GET.'S Fleet, girder frame, new bars and brakes, wheels, etc.; equal to new; 10s. 1912 3J Bradbury Motor Cycle, complete J- £ 7-L^ with Sidecar; lamps, horns, etc.; -any trial; £ 40.-23, Diilwyn-street. 72.15-12 Ivor C Roberts' Announcements. » O ECOND-HAN D Motor Cyclee to clear; B.SA.'s, Triumphs, Enfielde. Premiers, ""dinger's, Bradbury's, Rudge, Precision, etc.. etc. Prices from £ 5 upwards. All in rtfcoroujph working condition. Send for list, or inspection invited. C5-13 MOTOR CYCLES.—Orders now being ú. Booked for early deliveries of the fol- lowing makes:—Douglas, A.J.S., Rudge, B.S.A.. Epfielri and Williamson's; also the Calthcrpe Junior Two-speed Model, 25 guineas. C5-13 PEDAL CYCLES—Agent for E.S.A., En- field, Rudge Whitworth, Humbert, etc. Prices from £ 4 19s. 6d. Easy payments »r ranged. Send postcard for lists and terms, post free. C5-13 L IGHT CAF.e,Bo<>k now for delivery C.J. the Humberette, Enfield, Autolette adti Ferry Light Card. Send for list, terms, etc., to Ivor L. Roberts Motor Expert, 323, Ox. I<hÙ-6treet. Swansea. C5-13 POULTRY, DOCS, LIVE STOCK, Ac. LARGE White Wyandotte 1913 Cockerels, W.P.F. Strain, 6s. each; also Black Leghorn and A noon a. Cockerels, 5s. Ap. |»roval.—Jones, Bryndilo, Resolven. 75A5-12 EARGE Black Berkshire Eoar for Sale, 5 years old; good stock-g-etwr; pedigree. not regisiefed.—GiiberteoE. (Jlyateg, Ponitar- ttawe OS-12 I APARTMENTS, 4c. COMPOSfTABLE Lodgings, suit young lady or gentkman; terms moderate; with or withput board.-APPIY Mrs. Richards, 105, J Itocfblk-stareet, Mount Pleasant, Swansea. 7aAS-ii ,rrTywrbN-SUIJt^MAKl<L—FeiT'Vue 'PF Warding Hon«e. Elienboro' Paxk- croscent; oomforta'jlc:; well recommended; separat-a tables; 2Sbl—m.; week-ends. 5s. è.a.T. 66A^-3fl DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. I 'IT?T'AKTE.U. experiene?i General; &leep in or out; &mall family; liberal outings; good wages; must have good refopencscj,— io, Hawtliornc-a,venue, Uplands. 7iA5-15 "VVrAJ<i'i'ED, General Servant; c a pable, reliable; good references.—Walters, 15, Hea^htield, Swajisea. 74A5-14 II -i-NTED, ait once, respectable GirJ. as General; another*kept.—Appiy Mrs. T. I Tobacconist, Morristor.. CS-4 good General; faiuoly four; v early riser; -iefererce.-Appiy 5, Sketty road, Swansea. 74A5-14 A^AA'TED, capable General !?rpe,nt; W reference required.-Apply 1?. Prior- toii-terraee.. 47A5-14 ,A.:s'I'ED, good General, with reference; plain cooking; ironing; no washing.— Apply aft-er 7 p.m., Mrs. Hall, Glauriiyd Hoizee, fti.rmarthen-road. 72A5-i2 ~\VA^Ti:u, a gcod General (no wasting).— I Apply, elating references, to Hun kin, Grinllt. Is oath. n5-12 COOK-CENERALS. ~Y\T ANTED, Cook-General; also Kitchen Maid, a.bout 16 years of age; four in family.—Mrs. Bevan, Che mis;, Morriston. 74A5-11 "\7C7ANTED, immediately, an erperienced GooK-General.—Apply by letter to Cilweodeg," Swansea,. 69A5-1 .1 TT "ANTED, an experienced Cook-G-eueral.— Apply by letter to Cilwendeg," Swan- see.. 69A5-9 WAY,TED, Cook-General at once.—Apply -1 E. Tucker, 31, Glanbrydan-avenue. Swansea. 72A5-U I ERRAND BOYS WANTED'. Two Boy Cyclists, for Delivering Work, Wanted at once.—Apt^y, "J £ lJ." Leader Offioo. E NEBGETIO Salea Boys Wanted to Sell the Leader in Penire Estyll, after school hours.—Apply Mrs. Watts, Newsagent. Pent re Estyll. T.O. QMA.BT Boys Wanted for ouick eales of the Leader and also Herald of Wales and Mid-<Jrlamorgan Herald good mcney can be easily earned by smart and deter- mined boys.—Apply to following offices and agents. John Morgan, Woo(ifield-erea, Morriston; Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- street, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Brynymor- road, Swansea; Cteaton, Humbles. CLERKS. Y OT,'TH. quick and intelligent, wanted for Shipbrovers' Offim.-Apply, stating age and expenence, 11 any, "Yoi^th," Ijeader (groo, Siwaneea. 75AS-12 OFFICE BOYS WANTED. TXTAOTED, Office Boy in Coal Exporter's Offiee-.—Apply in own handwriting to Coal," Leader Office. 7QA5-11 TAILORS, &r- Dressmaker (good at Quilting) Desiroa Situation—Box T.5, Leader Office, Swansea. S.T.C. APPRENTICES. "DAKBB'S Apprentice Wan-too for Knead ond OD-nfectionerjr Trade.—Apply Tom Griffiths and Co., St. Thomas, Swansea. 74A5-15 ..e d for Prin4,in. APPRENTICE W&n-ted for Printing.— Apply Watkins' Priming and Stationery Co., But^and-strdet. Swansea. 74A5-U W A-NT UD, aji Apprentice to the Printing Trade; alao Bookbinding.—Apply Ernest Davies and Co., Ltd., Swansea. 73 A 5-13 SHAILP Improver Wanted or Junior; roust be a good canvasser; state full parti- culars.—Apply Tom Daviee, Grooar, Cae- mawr, Morrison. C5-:Z w ANTFD, smart Youth as Apprentice for Ha.t and Hosiery BuiJine«-s; muet speali Welon,-Apply Paiik and 00., 17, High-atrcert, Sv.-fc.nsea. 72A5-12 AGENTS, &c., WANTED. T -ilLOR'S Traveller Wanted.—Apply C. C. King, St. Thomas, Swane&a. 74A5-11 QQ /« WEEKLY.—PerspD? Wanted for 3,-) Cirular Addr?sain?. etc. (work home).—Write, enclociing s-tampetl envelope, Advertising Co., 43, Theobalds-road, Itondon. 70A5-18 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. A7"6UNG Man wanted, able to drive; one with experience of Grocery Trade pre- ferred.—Fred Morgan, Beach-strcet. 75A5-12 MAN Wanted to taki) charge of two Gas 1, Engines (only one working at a timo); Swansea District; good job for steady man; must be thoroughly capable in every re- spect.—Apply, stating wages, "Itex," Leader Ofiice, Swansea- 75A5-12 TTirANTED, a Paving Cutter and Banker M a sen.Apply Williams Bros., Con- tractors, PoiHarda-we. 75A5-12 CMABr Youth Wanted in a i'lrgc-olass Groe-cry Business in Swansea, splendid opportunity to learn the tra4e; wayes to oommeiice, 10b. per week.—" P«rse?eraaice, 1-ieader Ofike. 74A5-11 wag, eom, and p-erinauoiicv to rig'iit man.—Apply Waddington, Ltd., SUi-.ion-road, Port Talbot. 74A5-11 \'V.iN'fla>, sinart Youth as Porter;.good prospects to suitable applicant.—Apply John Purser and Sene, 263, Oxford-street, Sweuaea.. 74A5-U pAMp COOK.—Cook required fci August 1st to 8th next, Camp of Lads in Gowtr; wages 20s.—Apply, stating experience to W. J. Alden, 37, St. Alban's-road, Brynmill. 73A5-13 lT ANTED, a, competent Doubler for Sheet Mill, immliatdJ". Apply personally at The D-uffryn Tinplate Workc, Morriston. 05-13 XXrA-^TKD, immediately, a Railway Wagon W Repairer at GoHMry.—App]y. with full particulars, Berthlwyd Collierx. Ltd., G' ton, C5-12 I'CANTED, Settwre and Drawers for Brick Works; must be uoed to plastic fac- Brick Works, Kiilay. CM2 ED. Colliery Smith; must be able to shoe.—BerthlLwyd Colliery Op, C5-í2. TTT PHOLSTIERER Waited; must l>e ex- pcrienoed in Oarpet and Linoleum fit- ting, Blinds, and Loose Covers; good w; permanency.—Apply South Wales Fur- niehers. Queen-street, Neath, 7QA5-11 LEADER" Sales Boys Wentea im- L med??ly for Uplands IMatrict —Appty Ch.arlea Evans, Newsagent, Gwydr-BQuare, Uplands. T.O. MECHANICS and Engineers of all claesres 1. in great demand at home and abroad; handbook and guidip to aecure be^t posts on application.—The Provincial Engineering College, Imperial Buildings, Newcastle-on- Tyne. T.O. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION Required as Cook House- keepcir to ba,ohelor or widower, where maid is kopt; highest references.—S.E., 12c, Gotham-road, Cotha<m, Bristol. 70AS-11 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED, in Swansea, a Milk Round.— For 8a??, ik4rigexUing MhiDE, Hall's No. 2, with brine tanks and drtumf"Apply Box V.2, Leader Office, Swaneea. 70A5-11 "O ATH & West cf Bcgland Show.—Required, for the Shoeing Competitions: Friday, May 29th, '8 Nag' Horses; Saturday, May iftt-h. 21 Oart, Horses.—Any i>er;-ons having Horace, an,1 are wang to lend for thie puT- pr»i», will they kindly ccmnaDnicate with 'he L^oal -ot.a,ry, Pr?ed J. Parker. Plymouth- stræt, Swaneea, for p?rticu?n? C5 1? MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ¡ X^OR SALE, good, Siaeboard, Sitting Gil.t-fr-?z Mirror, Hall Stand, Wardrobe, Ma-ilcart, Baby Chair; purehaser.—For particulars epply 45, Cariton-terrace, Swan- sea. 74A5 11 LNO, oT1ginally S guineas, oniy few P montha' use; a. rcaliy g">Od instrument; great bargain; cash or hiro.-Sims. 2, Walters-rc-iid. 74A5 11 Godfrey and Co.'s Announcements. j TTFRIGHT Grand, our own manufa-cture, just returned from shorn hire, in prac- tically new condition; iron frame, full tri- chord, check action, very fine rich tone, rosewood case; originally 36g~as., reduced to 26gns. cash or lùs. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 7QA5-11 T>0MIN10N Organ, slightly soiled, in prac- -*— tically ne-w condition; 12 stops, eels reeds, knee swells, v-ery powerful tone, solid woJnut case with handsome mirror top; 16gns. cash or 5s. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Lid., 22, St. Helen's-road, Swansea- 70A5-11 GE.-NULNE Bargain .—The famous Wa.lcT- stein Uprigin Grand, only used a few times for concert work. in new condition; I 50 guinea model, reduced to 3Qgna. cash or 14s. 61. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helen's-road, SViie-ea. 70A5-11 Thompson & Shackell's Announcements. p .LAXO!IoltTE TUNING—T-unera from Broadwood's, Colla.rd'e, Brinsmead's, eent to cny part. Testimonials from Sir E. Oowen. Broadwood's, Collard and Collard, e tc. —Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Caetle-street, Swansea. PIANO, nearly new, very superior, check action, stoel frame, all latest improve- ments; 2e. per week on our easy payment ochome.-Thompso-.i and Shackell, Ltd. 39, Castle-street, Swansea. ORGAN by Malcolm, 7 stops, Knee Swells, Two Sets of Reeds, Octavo Oouplers, nearly new; 14 guineas; reduced to 8 guineas, or 6a. per month.—Thompson and Shackell. Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea. PIANOFORTE, in handsome Rosewood Sheraton Case, Compound Steel Frame, Check Action, by Kelly, London; 36 guineas; reduced to 24 guineas; 10s. 6d. per month Ov, our eaey payments. Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea. PIANOLA Piano Player, in Rosewood Case, cost 50 guineas, very little used, and quite equa,l to new, reduced to 30 guineas; 20s. per month on our easy payment system^ or £25 cash.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Cast)e-atreat, S-wansea. PIANOFORTE, by Neumeyer, Overstrung Steel Upright Grand. only used for a few concerts; 60 guineas; reduced to £38 I cash.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39, Caetle-street, SWH1w:.(>Q. TTARMONIUM, in W-alaizt Case, very good tone, and in perfect order, reduced to £ 2 10s. to clear.—Thompson and Shackell, Ltd., 39. Castle-street, Swansea- -J FURNITURE, 84c., FOR SALE. L|ILL'S! HILL'S!! HILL'S!Weddings! JL-L Weddings!! Wetid;iigs!! !-During the last few weeks there hao been many pretty weddings solemnised, which are bound to turn out happy and successfully, ha-ving been furnished throughout by Hili's, Centra; Buildings, Cower-street, Swansea, the most up-to-date Furnishing Establishment 111 Wales, who, owing to the enormous increase in their business, have been compelled to largely extend their premises. We are bound to give ycu satisfaction, as all goods are made at our own works, and guaran- teed. The following are a few of our prices. Couches from 16b. 6d.; Fu-ll-uize Bedstead a frostn 14s. &-I.; Bedroom Suites from 5J guineas; Dressers from 3Ds.; several Hand- some Shop-soiled Sideboards to be cleared below cost Largest Stock of Fenders, Fire Brasses, etc., in town to select from. Please rote the Addreea:—Hill's, Central Buildings. Gower-street, Swansea. Absolutely the cheapest place in Wales for Cash or Easy Terms. Also at Oardifi, Aberdare, and Barry Dock. 74A5-ti QECOND-TtAND Furniture.—Best Prices M given by me. Drop a, postcard and will call.-W. Ja,mes, 8, Fabian-etreet, St. Thomas, Swansea. TpOR SALE, 3 Sitting-room Chairs, one Easy Chair, one Kitchen Table, one I pair of Bedsteads, and one Mattress.—Ap- ply to "Chairs, Leader Office, Swansea. 70A5-11 B. D. Ward's Announcements. CHEAPEST HOUSE in SWANSEA for 1 Home-made Eiimiture is B. D. Ward's, q aud 29, Goat-street. Bedroom Suite, I Doubla-door Wardrobe, Swing Glass Cheat, from £ 7 7s.; Suites in Best Leather for £4 s.: guaranteed to last a lifetime. C5-23  D. WARD'S SFECIAL OFFEE?Kitdten B. Chairs, 2#. 6d.; Arm Oha?rp. 7s. 6d.; Kitchen T-a,bloo, Ils.; Driers from 3Cs.; All- Br4ao Fenders froai 1206. 6d.; Breiss-rail Fen- ders from 5s.-B. D. Ward, li and 29, Goat- atreet, Swansea. 05-eJ GRAND SELECTION ofSolid Walnut A Sideboards, from £3 10s. A Massive 5ft. Bow-front Solid Walnut Sideboard, £ 5 12s.; worth £3 ids.—B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat- eitreet, Swansea. C&-23 OVEH-MA NITiLS and Pier Glasses in Great Variety. Walnut Pier Glasses from 14s.; Black Chippendale Overmantels from 18s. 6d. Oall and inspect our stock.—B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat-atreet, Swansea. C5-23 I LEATHERS A >TD mLLP U FF ^A~ ~G ra nfl Lot of Purified Feathers from 64d. per lb.; 3kilipulf from 2d. per lb.; MHlpuff Bed Sets from n, 6d.—561b. weight.-B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat-street, Swansea. C5-2.3 EDSTEADS ami BEDDING a Speciality.— -D We have the largest and best selefftion in Wales. Come aud buy at your own prices. The Heaviest Bed in the Trade, 27s. 6;1.iote the Address: B. D. Ward, 18 and 29, Goat-street, Swansea. OS-25 A HANDSOME PIANOFORTE in Walnut Case; Strongest Patent Vertical Iron Frame; Full Trichord; Overdamper Cheok Action and Nickel Rail, to bo Sold; a bar- gain.-Can be seen at B. D. Ward's. Goat- street, Swansea. 05^23 NOTICES. IP-q. KEIttilAKE, Buyer of all kinds of J.. Second-hand FTirniture, Pianos, etc.; also Second-hand OLo'thing; good prices given; poot^ards and parcels receive prompt 000 OARPEN*I*pRS and Joiners tn Wanted to Keep Away from LlaneHy during Diopu1<e. 74A5-11 PALM1-ST-RY and Clairvoyance.—Oonsult Prof. and Madamo Virgo ort all affairs of life at her Select and Private Rooms z., High-street (over Myrddin Davies, the Chem-iwt), two doors from Hotel Cameron, near Castle^t reet. 73A5-13 'T?ADAME'DRUSILI?, F.B.I.M?S.TPalm? 111 CiÜrVOva[:t: American Mystic Read- i ngf; advice daily; hours 31 to 9.—Address; 49, St. Eelen'a-road, Swapsee. (Latip of The Royal Spa, Harrogate). 73A5-13 -pALMISTHY— Gipsy Lee (late of Wind- street), the famous Gy-lwy Palmiet, may he consultad now at 56, Argyle-st.reet, from 11 a.m till 8 p.m. uatil further inotico. TAA5-12 A-RTU'10IAL I4mbs, Eyes, Crutches, De- formity Boots, Steit.l ??fit Trusses, Flat Foot Supports, etc. Lady Attendants. Belts. Beit-Co reeta. Trusses, etc. •—A lion Pearoe, 23, Charlee-street, Cardiff. Tel 1282. T.O. 64-PAGE BOOT Abput Herbs and bow to use them; free; send at once.—TRIM- 4 4, R-ichmond-mad, NELL, The Herbalist. 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Established 1879. T.C. PIANOFORTE TUNING. 1ANOFORTK TUNING, 3e. 6d7; reooS < mendaMons from Dr. Turpi n, Gladstone and Broadwood end Sans. Pin no. froai Bachstein, Hopkinaon, Collard, Birns^noad, etc., Sale or Mire.—Charles Eadou, 5;), j B rune wick-street, Swan-sei, T.O. HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. J rpo IjET, Detached Residence at West Cross, 7 bedrooans, 3 reception; large gard'en, ei'able and coach-houe-e; fi-eld.Apply Mrs. Lloyd Rogers, West Groee. 74A5-15 HOUSES WANTED. ANTED to Purchase, a 9-13 Boomed House; good locality.—Apply Box V.10, Leader Office. 73A5-15 HOUSFl Wanted within easy distance of Swansea any time before September; I three reception-rooms, about six bedrooms, and usual offices; purchase or G. Biggs.. Ifigh?eid. Neath. T.O. G. Ifig-h-?ield, -?eath. HORSES, CARRIAGES, &C., FOR SALE. DOG CARTS (Kallfe), light. stylish, high- claee £ meh; immediate delivery; prices mcdeI'atc.-l<'letoher's Coach. Works, Oxford- street, /G OVERNESS Cars, light, stylish, high-class finish; delivery from stock; prices moderate.—Fletcher's Coach Works, Oxford- etreet, Swansea. C4-11 EDUCATIONAL. CLARK'S COLLEGE Bring your BOY and GIRL for a FREE TEST and REPORT regarding their abilitie and prospects in the Civil Service and Business Bring them TO-DA Y. Yotz will not incur the slightest obligation. CLARK'S COLLEGE, SWANSEA BRANCH. LTD. Pagafjeid House, St. Swansea. TEL. IG3 DOCKS.  MISS AMY JONES, 83, Cecil-street* Mmoel- ?IS?MYJ<5NE??s7 c?ci?str€e? M<H!? R.A.M. and E.O.M. Local Examinations in Pianoforte Playing, and having gained the Special Certificate, will give Lessons at her own or at Pupil's Residence.— For terms apply at above address. 73A5-13 m INL-RS desirous of improving their -prk)* pects should secure their Firemen's Certificate. A descriptive leaflet explaining lcw this may be done will be sent post froe an request by The Secretary (Dept. M.), The Provincial Engineering College, Im- perial Buildings. Newoastle-on-Tyne. T.O. STUDENTS Trained fo speeds of over 100 Words a Minute in PITMAN S Short- hand. Candidates Successfully Prepared for Civil Service and Local Marine Board Examinations. Lessons given in Arith- metic, Book-Keeping, Navigation, German, etn. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. J. Har- ris, 5S, Oxford-street, Swansea. Day and Evening Classes for all Subjects. The FULL BUSINESS COURSE The DE BEAR SCHOOLS, Ltd. is the best possible equipiiieni, for a boy or girl for a place in the Busuifist World. In rptara for the expenditure of A MODERATE FEE AND A YEAR OF STUDY there is a thorough and excellent training in subjects of tirst-rate importance, with an absolutely assured future ..d t, certain means of livelihood. New Membership can 00 commenced at any time, either for the Pay or Evonin# Swansea Commercial College (The De Bear Schools, Ltd.), Castle Chambers, Swansea AND ALL IMPORTANT TOWNS IX GREAT BRITAIN- Write or call for completo lllu^lr&tod Prospectus. Telephone—CehtJ'^I oST. MISCELLANEOUS SALES. for Sale, in good order; price 10s.—Apply "Letterpress," Daily Leader, Swansea,. 75Aii-15 OR SALE. Ship's Cabin, 12ft. long, 8ft. 6in. wide, 7ft. 3in. liig 1; splendidly fitted with Chest of Drawers, Bunk, Washup, Cup- board, Lockers, Wardrobe, Wine-chest, Mos- quito Door and Maple Panels; Cabin made of teak, containing five windows. Also large Quantity of Galvanised Iron Bedsteads suit- able for camping puri-,oses.-Apply Thos. W. Ward, Ltd., Britonxerry. C.5-13 OR SAIF,, Cow with Calf. Apply W. H. Edwards, The Hill, Sketty. C5.13 TO riitchero.-For Sale, ilewt. Sausage .1. Biscuit Meal and 28-gallon Portable Boiler; cheap for quick sale.-—Astley Samuel, Auctioneer. Swansea. C5-12 MATRIMONY. MATRIMONY.-Lady, residing in Neath, 1.L young, homely, aocomplished, income £ 400 per ann., worJd consider Marriage to gent, who: haG a position; state age and position.—" G. c/o Neweing, 3, Haintnn- pla<-e, Kensington, London. 74A5-U BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. mo LET, a. commodious and well-built -t- Workshop at Morriston; suitable for joinery or similar trade.—Apply Edwara I.ta,i-rili Solicitor, Swansea- 05-13 'I-LANEIIy:aoutn Wa.l.-Uuiquv OppoF- -?.? funity to secure com modious Busmesti Premises in very best position, in this pros- perous town.—Apply W. David, Auctioneer, i et(J.. Old Town Hall Chambers, Ltallolly. Cfi-l'? TO LET, Shop and Premises, No. 112, High- street; now occupied by Messrs. Eagit, mans, Ltd.—Apply Lake, 5. Fiffher-st-ppet. 72A5-12 N'EATH.-ll'o Let, good Stables and Bild- ing, suitable for Garage or Stores.— Apply 2, Commercial-street. Neath. 70A5-11 SA I L I NOS. CANADA, United States, South Africa ana Atwtra,lia.-Fe,r Low-ast Fares and all Information, apply to Roberts' Steamship Passenger Booking Agencj-, Morriston. T.C. EMIGRATION. For Cheapest Rate& and Earliest Steamers for tfanada, Atistralia, South and East Africa, Unit.ed States of America, Argen- tine, etc., etc., apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co.. Ltd., 41, W.( ND-STTiEET. SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOOKED BY All, LINES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Telegrams—" Houlders." T« lephonc—Central 1216 (2 linee). ABSOLUTELY FREE. BERTTE PERKINS A.ND 00., Paegei3ger Stearuehip Departments 11, Somerset-plaoe (opposite tlm I'own Hall), Swansea, BOOK PASSENGERS to America, Australia, India, Canada, Africa, New Zealand, and to all parts of the World. Handbooks otf in-formation and all par- tic u lara absolutely free. No Booking or any feel3 charged. Cables arc received daily, of the arrival of various Passenger Steaww at Ports Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Official Agents for the Best and Largest Passenger Steam- ship Lines in the VI o-rld. LADIES! LADIES! Mrs. STAFFORD-BROOKES, the Eminent Lady Specialist of a.11 Female Complaints, has qmch pleat.ur-6 ii4 announcing that her BE3(isj>y for retoring- regularity WITHOUT MEDICINE is the only positive, gafe, certain and speedy one known. It. acts almoet im- mediately, and does not interfere with household duties. I guarawrtc« every caee. Send at once stampedTadd r¥.s«ed envetopo for full particulars and most convincing tietttimcmials (QuaiT.nteed Genuine under a penalty of to MRS. STAFPORD- BROOKES, 2S Dept., Ardgowan-road. Hither reen, iondon. TRADE ANNOUNCEMENTS. I 205th YEAR OF THE OFFICE. SUK/r.™ JS??L& ?? OFFICE THE OLDEST INSURANCE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Copied :fM<t t<?<? ?te6 1:? Inaurajioes ejected on the foHowing risks: FIRE DAMAGE, „ Eesultant Loss of Rent and Profits. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, SICKNESS AND DISEASE. FIDELITY GUARANTEE, BURGLARY, PLATE GLASS. Swansea Office:- VICTORtA CHAMBERS. 7 and 8, OXFORD STREET. TOM A DAVIES, District Inspector. TRY Beec h am's Pills, they &re just t h e thing as a family medicine. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countl ess household* and the name an d fame of Beecham's Pills have spread all over the world. Experience has shown that there is nothing better for dr- rangements of the stomac h and digestive organs general l y. Taken in accor d ance with directions, B Mam'S Pills give quick relief, stimulate the organs to healthy action and have a tonic effect upon the whole system. They are unequailed in regulating the stomach, bowels, liver, lLnd kidneys, and restoring the powers of digestion. They increase the appetite, promote assimilation of food and establish good health. No household should ever be without a box.. Many thousands of families have proved the value of Beecham's I. PILLS DON'T BE SHABBY! LET US BE YOUR VALET. For 3/9 we Clean, Repair, and Tailor Press your Suit, Lady's Cost-ume or Over- coa,t (which may be soiled, creased or spotted), make it look like new, and return within 3 day a carriage paid. Give us a trial. Money returned if not satisfied. On receipt of Post Oard we collect your Parcel. THE EXPERT lAILCRIHC AND REPAIRING CO. 2, CROVg PLACE. SWANSEA. LADIES! LADIES! Without Drugs, Pills, or Medicine, Nurse Ross guarantees to cure irregularities and lie, fel-Mala ailments iu married or single women, from whatever oau-se arising or how long standing; no disappointments; every case a cure; numerous testimonials; send stamp for free adyiee.— NURSE ROSS'S LABORATORY, ALMA VILLA, OH A K MIN- STER-ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH. HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS I fRE- TO LADIES. In a few days correct all irregularities and remove all obstructions; also cure antemia. By poet 103. lid. or 2s. 9d„ irom HORTON AND CO., Chemists (Chief Dispenser from the late Birmingham Lying-in Hospital), (89 Dept.), Aston Manor, Birmingham. Sold over 40 years. Seldom ever fail. All Ladies should send penny stamp for q. free sample of Pills; also improved Sanitary Towela and intertating Booklet. Post Free. IMPOSSIBLE VETAEZO HECMclME. Never before was there anything like it, nor can ite marveil )us properties ever be equalled in 2-11 casee of poorness, impurity or other .imp?rfeotMQa of the blood fr?m whatever cause a-rising. N? sooner ia it imbibed into the eyste-fn than it permeates and penetrates to the miuuteet capillaries, overcoming and expelling disease, where- soever and in whatsoever form met with; removing all blotohw. p tuples, scruff, scurvy, scofnloua and glandular swellings. discolouratione, roughrttee, and unsightly Batches. Its effects are almost magical in the treatment of gout, pheuxuatism, sciatica, lumbago, pain and swelling of the joints, blood poisoa, ecaema, lepra, psoriasis, bad legs bad breasts, abecee&ee, ulcers, wounds. fcorels, goitre or Derbyshire peck; it improves the general health, and quickly removes long-standing bronchitis, asthma, and hack- ing, straining, spasmodic pough, too often the pvecurtpr of consumption. VJFE WITHOUT HEALTH IS LIVING DEATH. VETARZO „%rE ;0»» NFRVE FOOD. The latest discovery of modern times for ptemature decay or deficiency of vital forces. Bracing up the system generally, it gives tone to the exhausted nerves. re- stores the failing energies, and imparts new life and vigour to those who Beamed played out, used up. and valueless. Sand ptain-ped addressed envelope for Free Booklet or P.O. 2s. 9d. for Trial Bottle of either remedy to THE VETARZO REME- DIES CO., Gospel Oak. wnrlon. Unpj-in- cipled vendors may try to sell you some- thing else for extra profit-, do not accept it, but insist on having VETARZO to avoid disappointment. The. genuine h6 wprds "Vetarzo Remedies" on Government Stamp. m w BLACK ENAMEL With tJ1 ?? ) SOFT RICH LUSTRE 7 f For Gra. Bicycles, 8ew- } Sf ing Machines, Railings, ||1 « T anil all Iron Work. More JJ useful than any other. ?r?& 2?d., 4d. and ?d. per tin; W 19 1/10l per quart; 3/1 per l. II M gallon; of all Ironmoa- M ? gers, Stores, etc. JAMES RUDMAN: Manufactnren of "Cambrian" Painta, BRISTOL. IADIE5-—'St. Dominic's Thjreaputio pilloi I ADIES.3t, Irominic's 'hfpqtio Pi1¡Qd8 cure all irregalarttf^. They fict in a ..J eure &;11 lTegull}lÍtt. TI:1y t. in few hours. Marvellous reeulte. Every case a enre.—Stamp for particular, Jfadajap Macdonald, 210, Wunbome-road, Winton, Bournemouth. 05-9




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