Papurau Newydd Cymru

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< SUNDAY SERVICES. h B C/??r KA?.C.?4. ?4M?c?. j Sunday, Feb. ???A. 1915. 1 VJSTT OF FA WO US MISSIONEH IN KLONDYKE GOLD RUSH, I Capt. J. PRINGLE, D.D. I (Chaplain to 17th Batt. Canadian Expe< £ itionary Force). a ti aAl. and 6.30 pm.-SE.RVICES at ARGYLE CHURCH. Speciai Anthems by Church Choir. |1 Organist lAr. Ueweiyn Bevan. 1 3 p.m. MEN'S MEETING At Y.M.C.A. A<y»mp«nist Mr. Arthur E. Davies. MUSICAL SELECTIONS BY GWENT GLEE SINGERS. COLLECTIONS FOR Y.M.C.A. | WESLEY. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1915, REV. C. ENSOR WALTERS (0/ London). 11 and 6.30. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 th, 1915, LECTURE, 7-30, by Rev. C. ENSOR WALTERS, on "DARKEST ENGLAND." Chairman. lMr. H. B. MORGAN. COLLECTIONS. pEJMITITB IVIETHODlST CHURCH, L j C.E. ANNIVERSARY, To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. SoloiA.-Mim GWBX JjA-WSOii and, Mr. A. PRLNG. ELIOCUtieFp,iet-"Mifa O. COLLINS. VioLinist—-Miss M. KOWE. Speaker: REV. S. BRYANT. kamir to be taiiesn a4, 2.4o by Mr. PERCY K DA.VIES (President). Collection for Christian Endeavour Funds. fcerrices at 11 fum, and 6.30 p.m. Pnwicber; REV. S. BRYANT. UTALTER.ROAD CONGREGATIONAL \'f. Qiiuaoa I To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher: Rev. D. Eurof Walters, M A-, B.D. Servioes at 11 a.m. and 6.30 cm. r^XPOBD ST. IJNITEffl 1NIETRODIST ¡ CHUECH. I To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. P.rr ait 11 amd 6 JO: 'Rev. F. SPARROW. Evening Ooiaaumion. On TU i .>r>AY NEXT, Rev, R. wulro-N" of Bath, mil liBOTURE on A OUSVEB CORMSH OOBLEB." Mr. A. W. Pile will preside at 7.-0. Hearty Welcome to Strangers at ail the &rvie,es., I j^J-OUWT pj^i-AiSAjN'T SWANSEA. I To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. II Preacher: REV. H. C. MANDER (Pastor). Services: Morning e.t 11, Ev#ninf at 6.30. ^HBiSTAHELPHLAN JUSTING R0034 ST. HELEN'S HALL. ST. HELKN'S-ED. TO-MOEBCW (SUNDAY), &t 6.30 p.m.: Subject: "JiUSSIA A-ND BELTALSf EN By Mr. E- A. B.USSEM< OL/ajntfoa*). £ <OOL&Tr OF J^-BlENDfly 200, IELigh-street, SUNDAY. 9.15 am.: Adult School. U &m.: M,*eting ior W-urabip. 3 p.m.: Sunday School. 6.30 p.m.: Evangelistic Meeting. WEDNESDAY.—The Meetins House is open for Best, Quiet and Worship from 2 to 4 o'dW&; 1..30, lleetlagr for Worship. free Ministry. All are Welcome.  LBBBT IEL ALL. SWANSEA. TBS RET. 080AP, gWKUJlffl Will Preach (D.V.) maT SUNDAY in the ALB EST (LLRGZ) HALL, ii U aja. and 6.30 p-sn. Bests All free. qp»8JU^&4BOAD O.M. CRUOOH. f-r.- —'————" ;?;.y), February 14. at U IUId 6A. Preaoiier: RBr W. W. L"™ CPuor). Bebool aad Bible Ciase at 2J5, A- GotdAaa WeLoocua g^pMJJT ZION BAPTIST OHTJBOH. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Profielter: [REV. E. ;^OKTO,no OWori. Services: Morning at H, Evening at 6.M. ST. PAULAS CONGREGATIONAL OBCROH, SWANS&4 (near t-lio Aoapital). To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher: REy J. QILBE»T R (Paefcor). Servteee: Morning at 11. Evening at 1.30, am"w saboal and C a..46.. WESLEY BROTHERHOOD j [ COliLliWE STREET. It. OPEN MEETING ?*\ To-rr.-arrofw (Sunday), February t4. (3 to 4). REV. ENSOR WALTERS (0.:( London.) will speak on IS LIFE WOITH IjIVT^CL? Oliairin,a,n: Aid-mian E. EV AN8. Sr>Ioi&t: Mr. GE02>GE PARKES. Si>3^ci«).i Singing by the BaOTiTEBJfOOD Pa2T1 vCoiiduotxi^: Mr. E. 3. EvaneJ. SUNDAY FOLLOWING: Rev. F. BALLARD, M.A., B.Sc., D.D., will speafc on "P-he Fight. for Life." r MAESYRHAF CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, NEATH. An ENGLISH SERVICE Will be Held at the above C-buroh 03 | SUNDAY EVENING NEXT, FEB. 14th, At B p.m. Minister Rev. W. E. DANIELS, B.A. (Cantab). Subject: "THE CROWN OF CIŒATION.u The Ccoir will render Mu?ic from .1 Part of Haydn's Crc-ation." PUBLIC llEAixi'LLl INVITED.  P4-fAAL HALL. NEXT SUNDAY. REV- W ,V A.TKIN ILLLUœ. Everybody ILade Athome. Ä ^"ylSLEYAN~" CRA-PEL, ST. HELEN'6-EOAD. To-morrow (Sunday), February '14. I'reach«a"&: iloa-nins at U: li-ev. T. WHEATOjEY. Ewai::1g o^aO; Jtev W. R. GRFEN. BaPIUST G±i L' xMJ'H, WAJLTEii EOAD, SWANSEA. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14, Pr«a^aer: J^EV. j^Aii DELS, BJL. (iLeuwihceiyfca- Ooliege). Serrioes: Homing at 11. Evening at 6.30. Hearty Invitation All. Seata. U EKRUhTI'A-ttT. WELSH OON6. OmAPKL, SWANSEA. To-morrow -(Suriday), February 14. lcher: R BV. D. J-JAi<,iX>:BI> EvanS (O.roes Hands). fiecrices: X<MTung at 11. Evening at 6.30. I Simday School aJi 2.45k REYDDINGS CON itblLBG AJaOK A j. .R OHUo.H. FiMbuTy-Aerr&ee. I To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher-. I REV. J. T. M<),r3aiRz at 13. Evening at 6.30. p.m.: Bujuiay School and bible daeeea. ABALAETHEN JtOAD CONOBJ5SATIONAL OHUBCH. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher: IV V. JNO. JpHlLiilPS (Peator). Berrioce: Morning &t 13, Evening at 6.30. Of. HEL&N'S BAPTIST QHULMBL (Jii<? ST *t?Mt). To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Pieohcfagj*— REV. J. W. CAC5TON CPaebor) Servioee: Morning at 31. Beeaing at *■ M. tichool aad Bible Claesee at, 2.46. O QT. RE-LR?'??AD C?GBJ:<aA?IONAi. s?E CUlWlL To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher: REV. rpEOS. glNOLAIB EvAx& SerTlcee: Morning 11, Evening &t &J0. RliYDDLN«8 PARK CM. CMJJfEL, L lifi.YD5>INtr6 PABK-BOtAD. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. PieacSier: RF E. P. HUGKEõ (Pastor). Serrioee: MorniDg a.t 31, Evooing at 6.30. Prayer Meeting at 30.36 a.m. CAPEL GO ER. SWANSSA, To-morrow (Sunday). February 14. Preacher: ?HV. T EDW ARI)$. B.A. (AJberyeturyfAf)  Servioee: Yoming t 11. Evening at 6.30. &ohooi at ZJa SUNDAY SERVICES. MANSELTON ENGLISH CONGREGA. TIONAL OTreraOH, Manseltoa-rd. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preaoher: REV. G. J. EV-ŒB. B.A. CPeustxw). Services: lioming at 13, Evanics at 6.30. I Afternoon at £ ..10, tbe ANTfTJA_L FEIZE I DISTRIBUTION to the Stmdecr School BctoQiars will take pla-oft. The Prizjes will be presented by ili-as BBCT BOBEBTPS, Bryn. Newydd.Tpeboeth. —A Heaxezy Welcome to AIL— fJXABEBNA-CIjE J>NGLIfiH J^AiTIST (jRAPEL. Skiancr-atreet. Watmwea. To-morrow (Sunday)* February 14. PTesjoh^np—15<wning at It; R. R. 1. WILLOUGHBY (Pastor) I by Priva/ba WHHtTE BBQHAEDfi, Common Highlanders. Aftcrrtoon at 2.45: SUNDAY SOIOOTj, when Private WILLIE RICHARDS, Cameron HigtbiJasders, mil givo his exPerienePe at the Front. Evening at 6..30 Rev. R. J. WILLOUGHBY (Paster), ST- A MXRETTS PRESEYTERIA-N QHUBOH, ST. HELE5FS-EOAD. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14-. Preacher: Rev. Robert GreenshieUJs, }[.A. B.D. Servioee: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.3A, -jy^OUNT QALYABY JgAFUST QHUBiCH. MANSELTON. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. At, 11 &ud 6.30. REV. W. F. KNIGHT (Pastori, will i»r.»ae>h. THE MANSELTON BROTHERHOOD Will moot at too -.bove Churoh from 3 to 4. Speaker- M r. W. J. H U G H ES, B.A. (Manselton). Pianoforte Duetits by Mies Doris Davi.æ and I Mias Maxiel Jodm (Xyryuhyiryd). I Aceompanifib—Jiiss G. Ho wells, C.B.A.M. i Ohuirman—Mr. JAilES SMITH (llac&eluvn^. ——. Pantygwydr Brotherhood. (UNDjc-NOMINATIONAL). TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) at 3. Speaker: Rev. W. F. KNIGHT Qhainmaar-Mir. T. R, WTLLLAJilS. YioliniEt—Meeter Gilbert Boeley, L.O.V. Acootmpauast—Mx. F. V. Thompson. i pANTTGWYDB, gAPTIST QBAPEL. at U and 6.30. Rev. A. Beynon Phillips. SKETTY BROTHERHOOD (UN&fcOTABiAN). To-morrow (Sunday). February 14. at & pja, Speaker: I Rev. A. W. WARDLE, Obamrmwi—Mr. T. W. STOiGKWOOD. Organistr-Mr. 0. St. Ervan Johns. A.B.C.O. ALL MEN WELCOME yORK PLACE BAPTIST CM. A PEL. ———— To-morrow (Sunday). February 14. I Preacher: REV, w. QAfiNOj^tN JgHYS (Paetor) Services: Morning at 11. Evening at 6.30. School and Bible Claeeee e4 2.45. BACKED OONOEST AT & PM. Programme arranged by Mz. T. Ejsetey. ? ALEXAJ?RA (C.M.) pHUEOEE, A SWANSRA. c To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher- R NV. EVA-N JgjVANSi (Pastor). Sorvicee: Mornins at 11, Evening at 6.50. Sunday School at Z-JQ, All Seate Free. TgpWTOtnA (BEDYDDWYB CJYMBEIQ), ABEBTAWE. YIOUY (SUIi), OHHRTEiKBOiB 14, 1916. pxegahwr: pA-ECH. D. P IUCF, (Gweioidog). Borcn 13. Hwyr 6J0, Yegol Sul 131L Seddan rbyddiou a w 1 ha-irh. ARGYLE CELAPEL, ST. HELEN'S-BOAD. SWANSEA. To-morrow (Sunday), February 14. Preacher: QAPTT. J. piKENTIXJi, D.D. (Cfcaplain 17th. BttfcU. Oamadian Ex-pedrtioiLaxy Foioo^ Onileertiona for Y-MJCLA. Funds. Senioes: Morning at 11, Evening at 6.3A. COLLIER AND HIS PIPE. At NeMh County Sessions on Friday, Evan Daviee, collier, employed at the No. 4 Pit o fthe Main Colliery Co., was fined 206. and coats for working below with a pipe in his pocket; and David Davies was similarly fined for riding on a jonrnoy of trams. They axe telling in the War Office the story of an Irishman who tried to enlist. I'm afraid you won't do," said the attesting officer, "your teetli are no good." I Ärr what's the matter with them, thin?'" said the recruit in(ti,nantly. Did not me cousin Micky Ryan get through with these same teeth only last wtiek?" — ■ ■ • r t WALTER TATE, Dental Surgery, LONDON-ROAD, NEATH, IS NEITHER DEAD NOR MISSING. STtLL IN ATTENDANCE.












