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PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. .)+.).<+: ❖ AMMANFORD Y.M.C.A.* ♦  t GREAT I HOUHTAIH-MQVIIIGI Mmmu — CAMPAIGN — i A ?!  UlipAI ♦ TO MOVE THE DEBT ON THE NEW BCILDING £ ? OPENED THREE YEARS AGO, AND TO ADAPT THE ? SPLENDID I.ARCE SWIMMING BATH TO THE PUR- ? POSES OF A GYMNASIUM IN THE WINTER MONTHS, ♦ AND MAKE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. <♦ |  ? APPEAL FOR PROMISES OF ♦! ?4,000 in 5 DAY?! ? Great Camp&igQ in progress ? MONDAY to FRIDAY NEXT. j HEADQUARTERS: THE v.M.C.A. BUILDING, i; Corner of Iscertnen and Talbot-roads. «*< Open Daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p. H'" •J» Call or Son-rl for one of thc V FREE ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOKS All about the Campaign. PROMISE on the Campaign "Spade" is all that is ♦♦♦ asked during the Five Day.s; for fulfilment as con- í veuient within the next 18 months. SEND SOMETHING to help more this Mountain of Debt and make this important Institution in this Col- V liery Town a still greater power for good. The Associa- I T tion is wcli worthy of it. There are over I ..ICO Members, Y fully 800 of whom are young Miners contributing weekly V J to the support of the Work, and taking a. real interest in the Association. Come and hitve a loo-k at the build- .1 ing for yourself/ any time this or next week. You will gladly be shown over it. In any case,, send in i. <? Promise for some cnotribution, and make it as big as von ?, ? can, for therR ;.? a lot to raise. Address It to either th? N- J. P T)qiffrvn. President, ALDERMAN W. N. JONES, J.P., Dnffryn." ♦ Ammanford; or to THE CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR (MR. ♦ GEORGE W. RANKIN), Y.M.C.A., Ammanford; or to ♦> THE GENERAL SECRETARY (MR- SAM JENKINS). ♦ £ AND DO IT TO-DAY i "Invest your Money in Manhood, especially "i oung Man- hood."—Rusk in. ♦ 4 .o. SPEC I ft". SERMONS TO MEN in al! Ammanford Churches this Sunday, June 23tih. AEso TWO GREAT MHETINGS <* to launch the Campaign, in the PataoeTheatrs, Amman- ? ford, this Sunday, June 28th, at 3.15 p.m. for Men; at "5* 7.4S p.m. for ALL. Principal Speaker: Mr. JOHN J. ? e.* 7.45 p.m. for ALL. ? ITXHiGrO, ? Lately of AnstrAha, now Secret a ty at Central IA:>ndon t A Y.M.C.A.'s Great New Build?. <? $ Ammanford Y.M.C.A. MALE VOICE CHOIR at both Meetings £ ? AI?L SEATS FRI?. No CoHectioDs. & BE SURE TO HEAR VIRGO! J co v .a,a.a.a.a.a.A4A.a.a,a,a. ❖ I. 88r; GRAID THEATRE j SWANSEA. I COMMENCING MONDAY, J U-NE 29. For Six Nights at 7.30. Matinee Saturday at 2.30; Early Doors at 1.30. THE WEliVK N ATI ON A Ti DRAMA MOVEMENT. ChairDlan. Lord Howard de Walden. MONDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY: CHANCE." TUESDAY: "EPHRASM HARRIS." WEDNESDAY: II AR Y CROESFORDD." FRIDAY—I Plays. Pont Orewyn." Ble Ma Fa ? The Path Across the Hills." "The poacher." I PRIVATE BOXES: 10s. (x1. and os. Tlvese Prices admit 4 Persons. Extra Sea.ts, 2s. 6d. and Is. fxl. each. ORCHESTRA STALLS: Separate Chairs, 2s. (x!. Booked in. Advance, 3s. 'GRAND CIRChE: First Three Rows, 2s. 6d. Booked, 3s. Other Rows, Is. iXl.: Booked, 2s. jPIT STALLS: Separate Tip-u-Chairs, L., Booked in Advance, Is. fid. .PIT: 6d. GALLERY, 4d. I THE CINEMA WATER STREET, ABERAYON. MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY (June 29th, 30th, and July 1st) We shall present the Great Drama, "THE JEW," Also UNDER THE BLACK MASK." Each in Three Parts. THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY (July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) A Sensational and Spectacnlar Production in Five Part.s- "PROTEA II." Besag the Second of the Famous IProtea, the First of which scored S.ich all Enormous Success. ffiglrtly at 7.30 p.m. Saturdays 6.30 Slid 8.45 p.m. Matinee 2.30 p.m. I POPULAR PRICES:—3d. and 6d. hats m he fcoofcad (TM r4 charge, ) CRANO THEATRE, ABERAVON 1 MONDAY. J f NE 291 h, and during the week. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday's Star Picture: A Greit Drama, exolupivo to this Theatre, in Four Parts I FEDORA." Don't Fail to See this Grand Film. Another Week of Special Attractions. Direct from the London Coliseum^ Special Rngagement of t.h<: World's Greatest IMy Ventriloquist- MABEL SINCLAIR. Expensive Engagement of RECO and ftENDEL, The Binciny Fishermen. Thursday, Friday &. Saturday's Star Picture: The Great Dramatic Film, entitled FIGETERS OF THE P LAI NS," In Two J'arts. And Other Popular Pictures, j SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2.30. Peoples' Popular Prises: 3d., Gd., 9d., is. TWICE NIGHTLY 9.0. FORGE ROAD ELECTRffC THEATRE, PORT TALBOT. MOXI) A\ JCXE 29th. and during the week. 8-11 Continuous Performance 6—11 Brightest and J3j:st Pictmeg in the District. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, "BESS, THE DETECTIVE'S DAUCHTER." "Ways of a Mother." "Bold Venture." "Red Hicks Defies the World." "Palidor's Dream." By the Sea." A Case of Burglars." "Beetles." THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY: "CAMBLER'S DAUCHTER." Redeeming Angel." "The Gringer." Corsican Brothers." Palidor's Nightmare." "Hypnotising the HypootLst." "Didums at School." Popular Pritvs:- 1< (Reserved), tki., and 3d. Seats Booked in Advance Without Extra Charge. CHILDREN'S MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY. Door& Open at 2. Commence at 2.30. DR. HOPKINS' BLAST PILLS! DR. HOPKINS' BLAST PILLS! Perfect Reaith. If you wish to recover or retain perfect health, cheerful spirits, con- tented mind, consequent on good digestion, you may attain the desired object by t*k- I ing Dr. Hopkins' Blaut.PillA. The finest Pill ever sold fof Nasty If.-wto in the Mouth, Foul Tongue, Pain in the Stomach, lieal. aobe, Giddiness, Nausea, and even Vomit- ing and Purging, frequently of Bile—there- fore this justt'-celebrated Pill, commonly called BLAST TIDLS, is indicated, and may be taken with the beet TCsults in all eases ¡ of Inflammation, Fevers, Skin Disea^ea, Glandular K:ila.r<^meu16, Catarrh o 1 t?IO Jaundice, Dropsy, Gout, Headache, Imligefition, Bilious and I-Tver Compiaint6. Sold in boxes, lB. jid. and 2o. 9d.; by post, Id. estra; and prepared solely hy ABTHTTH ARTHTjTi, Chemist k Pharmacist, 6, *vott Square, Carmarthen, PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. I Parish of ST. THEODORE, PORT TALBOT. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. A Monster THREE DAYS' BAZAAR will be held at the Riding School Buildings, PORT TALBOT. on I October 15th, 16th, and 17th, I 1914. Under Distrngutshexl Patronage. I i The Proceeds will be utilisc-d for the I purpose of liquidating the balance of indebtedness upon the St. Agnes' Church Chancel Building Fund. A mast^jDKjue .series or Entertainments, Side Shows, and Competitions will be held, and, as a choice and varied assortment- of most desirable goods, articles, and works of art will be 011 off c-i- at bargain pirces, it is anticipated t-hat the Basaar will be one of the most successful on record. Kindly note the dates, viz., October 15th, 16th, and 17th next. Port Talbot, June, 1914. GWYN HALL, NEATH. NEATH WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE SOCIETY. A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held on THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1914, At 8 [. fa. LADY BETTY BALFOUR Will speak on How Wonren use tha Votes#g Aud the REV. EDWARD MORCAN (lale Gnoll Koad Conyresrational Church) will speak Qn Weman: Her Work and Her Claims." A certain number of Tickets for Betserved Seats will be issued free', and may be ob- tained on application to the Hon. See., Mrs. A. Fi .Tonner. 22. Rupby Aventie, Neath. SITUATIONS VACANT. rpEACHEIiS Wanted to Represent Educa, tional Publishing House at Conierenced, etc., in dpare time, in following districts:— Cardiga,u. Lampcter, Llandovery, Llandiio, Carmarthen, vind Pembroke. M," c/o Hayes and Matthews, 32, Gowcross Street,, I E. C. (fo n do n). FiOYAL NAVY AND ROYAL MARINM.- .l.\¡ Men and Bots from Z8 to 3 54 years— Stokerr., Painters, Garpenters, Armourers, Shipwrights, Electjricians and other ratings. —For all information apply 121, Victoria- street, Bristol; 7. Ejchmond-terrace, Car- marthen; or 138b, High-street, Swansea. 1 ■ L'.B- FOR SALE. F,IOR HAlJi; by PrivaLe Treaty, Two lease. -■ hold Attached Villas, with Ruabon brick frontage, TANYBRYN and DUFFJlYN HOUSE, near Ffairfach Station.-Particu. lIars from W. Walters,. Glynheuloff, Ffair- fach. T)(JljlJSTfS.—Layinpr, 3s. each; Week old, I [ 6s.; Two Months old, l&s.; Three Months, l&e. dowen. Thirty Breeds Egg-a, 3a. witting; 12 Prize Buff Orpingtons and Mother, 12s. 6d. Turkey Eggs, 9d. each; 78. 6d. sitting.—*List; Goodwin, Stratford. Essex. BICYCLES DIRECT FROM FACTORY.— àYou are aife in buying a Warwick Cycle. Twenty years' reputation, British throughout, best value obtainable. Strong, reliable machines, which will give la&tintr service and satisfaction, Z5 19s. 6d. cash. Eaey Terrcj from 8s. monthly. Three Speeds. £ 4 19s. 6d. Fully guaranteed. Approval. Delivered free. What others apend in advertising we give in extra value. Send for Catalogue, and see the bargains we offer you.—Warwick Cycle Company (Dept. 31) Birmingham. MISCELLANEOUS. ROlifi TICKETS, is. 1,000, for Eitdfod8. 'Concerts, etc.; po&t froc, on men- tion inc i hw papei .— Roger. Printing Worka, T AD1ES' Hair Coombinga Wanted .-Value by return. Any quantity.—Horrocks, oEa, Portland Street, Brighton. MRS. KER^JjAICE, SSa, WaeBail-tscrhckre, ..l Srwantsea, Buyer of Second-hand lurnl- tnrsr. Pianos, etc.; also Second-hand Cloth- ins, Boots, etc.; lt. prices given; poet/cards ami parcels prompt attention. A RTlFlClAIi Limto, Cnltches. Eyea, L Deformity BtJOUi, Flat-foot Supyort» "Steelier Easifit" 'l'l."liJåS<J6, etc.; lady a, ter:d>ant; Belts, BoL'-Corseis, Elastic Stock- ings, Trutfeea, etc. Daily, 10-6 Wed., 10—1; .sa.t., 11)-8. List fre-f. Tel. I=.-Allen Pearce, 7..), Charles-street, Cardiff. }f'!RS. KATE KES.'?LAKE, 25a, W,il .r:.t. eou?re. Buyer of all kinds of "urniture, Pianos, etc.; ellea Second-hand Clothing of every description, Boots, etc.; best prices jiven; postoa.rds and parcels receive per- sonal attention. « AUCTION SA4.ES SUMMARY. Jun- 27.—Sale Freehold Farms and Smalt Holdings, Llandiio, William and Waiter Jaaiics, at 2.30 p.m. June 27.—Sale Freehold Properties, Llandik), William and Walter James, 2 p. iii. July lst.-Sa.1e of Business Premises at Own.avon at .) o'clock, Messrs. James aud Jaires. July 1st.—-Sale of Semi-detached Hoiist^s at Part Talbot at 7.:30, Messrs. T. JotK's and Son. July 4t.h.-SnJo of Furniiiiro at Crwaun Dl. Jcnkiius and Sons. J*illy He.. at Rhor«mman, 4 p.m., .M,t:rs.. HI. Jerikias aiwl Sens. July Oth.— S.?te of Hay at Br;yna.mman. 4.30 p.m., Mesas. DI- Jonkins and Di. JA-,nklT-xs %nd

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