Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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ISusnwss ^ti&resses. XTHE GKEAfKST DISCOVERY X/ ?T? OF THE AGE ?-?. For COUGHS, CüLD, BRONCHITIS, IXFUJ??ZA. COLD IN THE HEAD. RUNNING FROM THE NOSE AND EYES, AStHMA, WHOOPING COUGH, CilOUP and aU iiisord; rs of chei T.iroac,, j.uugs. Thousands of Children cured when all other lnmkilies titii. WHAT IS IX? R1 ILUDOK WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF 1JU¡ Y -au IlIlCcJqJOUUÜÙ prodllc of Nature, secreted :u tOe petals of ¡'h(JIU and gathered by tue Honey Bee. Do not let yourself,children,and irieuds die. Do not persuade yourselves you have tried every remedy until you uaye had a bottle of 1 udor Patens Balsam of Houey. thousand* of Testimonials from all parts of the world. WoNDHUFUL CUUKS. TESTIMONIALS. I consider your iJaisam of Honey the most wonders ful remedy 1 taave ever tried, possessing properties which &re short of marvellous for cure of tbioat, coughs, and consumption, Had I known of it some tno years ago 1 am confident 1 should have enjoyed my usual good iieal&li. Fioi:i the moment 1 took it lielt relief. AL" a ("IV doses inV Hfe, wnich had been a burden to iuo, is no* a pleasure. — Y ours truly, tiUWKi fc'luiNKSS, oo^Hirkby, Umlders £ <ld." THJf GHAT (JUHi SPUAKS HIGHLY OF XUUOU WILLIAMS' PATENT OF UO.NftY Having ha.11 » HOlY bail cuill, sore thro1,t 801111 cough-in fact, so bad that. I COttlti not sins or xpeuk from hcar-eness—I wai iii'iucad by a professional riend, «h<> bad ha<l his voice restored by Jutior Williams's Balaam of Honey, to try the same remedy, and 1 purchased a bottle at a chemist s in Bl&cKburli. 1 took a few doses, autlth" elfect was UHt.rY6i!(JU<. loe medidntl gave me immediate rdlef, ami 1 was nule to attend to wy std.(e duties :1;; once. 1 wish ti) state that! bad tried many other well-known cough and Voice medicines, but none of them did me any stood. I consider this a golden lemedy.— Yours faithfully, N. C HOS'WC1L Lyceum TLeinre, B?c&buru.—?'o'. 15H) 1389.' I Ta? PLbLIC .?MAK UiUHLYOt'ifAbLOVt?< XML WOiiLl). A child of ours has been completely cured of a hid Cougu by your Patent Balsam of Honey. His breathing was so tigm, and ho had such terrible pains in th" chest, that we had given up all hopes of recovery. Silica then .1 have always kept a bottle of your wonderful remedy in the house in readiness for any emergency. The chl.ldn:m are loud of it, and take it eagerly. — Yours truly, Mrs M. HE WARDS, 19, Woodlaud-street, Moun- tain Ash. Mr LOMAX, Chemist, Uarweu, states ludor Williams' Balsam of Honey is very popular here. Wonderful cure^daily. Wond CUKES INFLUENZA IMMEDIATELY. Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World in 1» lid, 2s 9d, and -Is 6<1 bottles. Sample bottle sent post paid for Is 3d, 3s, and 5s, from the inventor, IJ. Tudor Williams, It.D.S.D., Medical Hall, Aberdarn :) l'-1 ARE YOU WANTING A BAG OF ANY KIND ? ARE YOU WANTING A PORTMANTEAU ? If so, you wiH do well to call at C O R D E Y'S, THE MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES GENERAL SUPPLY STORES, So AD 35. HIGH STREET, NEWPORT, Jfou will get a Good Article there at a Reasonable Price. Hand Bags, Gladstone Bags, Brief Bags, Satchels, Knapsacks, Hold.all", Ladies' Handkerchief and Hand Bags, Purs, Portmanteaus, Dress Baskets. Coat Cases, I fcJac Cases, X^ug^age Straps, Parcei Straps &1;. CRICKETING GOODS. Lilly white's renowned Bats, Lalls, Stumps, Leg guards, Gloves, &c., all at fct';re Prices. LAWN TENNIS GOODS, A Good Selocti.mof I Well-made and Well-finished Requisites, all at Store Pr.cea. THE Tyj^ONMOUTHSBIUE AND YpLES GEERAL S lPPLY STORES, I 35 AND I JJKWPOBT. MON. 140 T. COHDEY, PROPRIETOR. I SPRING CLEANING. DUST HAGON'S POWDER UNDKR CARPETS, BEDCOYERINGS, BLANKE'IS, &c. KILLS ALL INSECTS. SOLE MAKER: H A G O N, CHEMIST, BR1DG l-ST REET, CARDiFF SOLD EVERYWHERE. 338 J G.A.STONE & CO., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS. EVKUV liEQUlSXXR FOR FUNBBAI.S OF ALL CLASSKS. proprietors of Cars, lJearsea, Mhellibiors, superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broughams, IUtI every necessary equipment for f unerals. FRICE L'ST ON ——— 24 n. A 12, WOItKlMO SCUSKC CARDIFF. JiGAKtt 1 (JitiAiifc) GOOD AND CHEAP, 2,000 BOXES CIGAK8. 4s 9d PER BOX OF 100 EACH. SMALLER SIZE, 4s 6d PER BOX. TERMS, CASH. SOUTH 'V ALES rjlOBACCO 0OMPANY, NEWPORT, MON. 43 11EETH.—Complete Set One Guinea.; J) Siu¡. Xooth, 2? &< FiTa years' warranty Re W'?1;. repairs, Xr. P;\i"hs" ()t;;)ti?try. Ga<. ic.— liK'f 'MN CO., 56, Q\\eell.trcd, Cardiff, ?"d 238, I Ii^j-Ureri, Xewuort (?exr,do?- to the Vidoria Te? '0., MMkt? tAt-e). lIusíntss ^.t»5rBS5cs. FROM THE TEA GARDEN TO THE TEAPOT. 2D. PER LB OFF LIPTON'S TEAS. IG give" mtJ g, en pieasu e to inform all Ta. Drinker that in consequence of the reduction of 2tl pr lb un toe Ten Duty, I am in \v atle to make a Further lieuuctioa iu tile Prions of my Tea". MAGN'IFXCiiXX OKYLOX, INDIAN, AND CHINA i!LE?D,Pnre!mdF?K?a.nt, Is, PEt LB. SPECIALLY SELECTED CEYLON, INDIAN, AND CHINA Hi.END Is. 4d. PER LB. This qnality is sold as tins Highest Class T»i by many of the J.padin Tea Merchants, and at double the price. tXTKA CHOICE! IXD A?< M't CIYLON BLD, Is. 7d. PER LB. This is the Finest a!HIlJJu;t Delicious Tea lhe World cau produce, and i, equal, if Hut supjiior, to wlta, is soid by mot Tea. DealtWi nd Grocers at 2s 6d to 35 6d per ID. GOSCHEX S BUDGET STATEMENT. The Chancellor of tha Exchequer, ia hi great Budxel speech of 17tu April, distinctly stated ttu th" public pay as much tis 2s, 2s tut, and is for IV t whicu practically does not cost more than ILl (;1' 1>1 per lb. He proves plainly that the Middleman walks away with the largest portion of the pi ice pairl by the maS3e{ for their Tea. This conttims v.h .t I have ahvays ciearly demonstrated to the public. Tnere is no need to pay such >1, extortionate.price a", 2, pr lh for l'eJ.- to lit) >10 is unquestionably throwing YOl1r money away. By purchasing y,mr Tea. at 1.ipton's yuu save at least half-a-dozen lJ¡tfer.IH Middlemen's prodt" and get Tea. direct from tbo Grower. Bein6 sole proprietor of eveml of tite most tamoU3 Tea Gardens in Ceyion, 1 am in a DOOiitiou tQ gupply my customers úirect at Planters' Prices. WHO PAYS THE MOST TEA DUTY TO THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT L I P T O N Unquestionably pays more Duty to Her Majesty's Customs for Tea supplied direct to consumers than ItY other nnn 1'1 Great Britain or Ireland. This un. doubtedly is the trollg"¡; possible proof of the Extra- ordinary value and high-class quality of FAMOUS TEAS. Why pay the extortionate prices that ara now beín charged by the Trade, wilen you. can buy the Finest Qlvllities Absolutely Pure Tea at about half the money from LIPXON, THE LARGEST TEA AND PROVISION DliALEXt IN THE WORLD. a, 7, 10, and 2U lu., Tett Packed ia Patent Air-tight Canisters without extra. charge. CARDIFF-St Mary Street. SWANSEA—Anxtde BuMdicgs, High Street. Bra.nchs all over the Kingdom. 102 TEA SALEROOMS—?7, Minciu? Lane, London. KU. WHOLESALE TEA BLENDING AND DUi'Y-PAlD STOUES—2C5, Old Street, London, E.C. TEA GARDENS Shipping Warehouses—Ceyion. THIS DAY gPEClAL _"7 HITSU.NTJDE f jQXHIBLTION, MILLINERY. j I ANTLES, DRESSES, ETC. W. A. BURTON, 88, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. I 857 ¡ INDIAN TEA SEASON, 189.90. Last year, during n, visit to India, a Contract was made for all the | Contract was made for all the JbTRST C RO P TEA. | PRODUCED BY j JEi JIBELEE, ORORUM, ASD WILKISS TEA GARDENS, NEAlt CALCUTTA. THIS TEA IS NOW OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT PER LB. I GEO. HOPKINS, I HAYES MARKET, CARDIFF. THE GLOBE JpURNlSHING ^JOMPANY, 19. CUSTOM 110GSF STREET, CARDIFF OFFER ADVANTAGES THAT CANNOT } BE OBTAINED ELSEWHERE IN CARDIFF. 1.Ve aro not sellers of chsap ready- made rurnituct> 2.—Being the actual makers, we can friva Ii better quality aud Rell at lower prices than auy dealer, however bra IDay he his purchases. 3.- Our extensive and increasing business has been acquired "ol¡y hy giving the best possible value for money, and not by 'P8CIO'1'> a(iveri¡;el1\erlt, ¡ 4.—Those unable to pay cash we supply on the easiest terms, and at I, prices than other houses charr; fwr cash for equal goods. We ask you to see our R°°tlsi, and compare price and quality befora purchasing?. Wears determined tj maintain our titla—" Cheapest aud Bast." Our terms are :— £5 WORTH FOR 2s. WEEKLY. J310 WORTH FOR 4s., aud so un. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE WITfHN 100 MILES. Our only Address is— I THE GLOBE JJlURNIssHING QOMPANY, 19, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET, -CARDIFF. 823 IF YOU SUFFER FROM BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHES, INDIGESTION, OR LIVER COMPLAINT, TRY KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. j They are easy to swallow, being very small, re- quire no confinement indooc@1 strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS strengthen the system, braca the uerve3, and purify the blood, and are universally declared to be the best medi- cine ever discovered. They are specially recom- mended to females of ail sgas. Sold in 7d. Is Id, and 2s 9d Boxes. Sold by Chemists,&c. or direct ol KERN ICK aud SON, Wholesale Druggists, 12, Nuw-streel. Cardiff. 89 SHORT'S WALL PAPERS RAPIDLY INCREASING IN FAVOUR WHEREVER SEEN Offices and Showrooms-35, VICTORIA- STREET. Wholesale Warehouse — 125, THOMAS STREET, so R R J & T O I. { 58nsiness ^ttosscs. I GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS IS THE BEST TONIC EVER DISPENSED. I Keccmmended ljy Phjsiciaus, Analysts, and Chemists for 1I\diesíon, AKecticus of the Chest, Nervous Dis- orders, Liver Complaints, Dspr saiou of p¡ri8, and Debility, as well a* numerous Complaints to which Females and Children are utject. It ii unanimously admitted by ail who have given it a trial to ba thu bt?r TO?IU MKUICi?M yet m roduced. The cbii inet?iC;Ll men in UUV on a!M foreign coun- tries ai1) unanimous in recommending Quinine as a safe I ■ind certain restorative in seasous of pruatr&tion of their patients, after suffering severe attacKs of Fevers and other n1,.]a.dibt!. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVAN.V QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Kach taidespoon'ul vf tliij preparation contains a full dose 01 ^uniiue, and a suitable quantity of the active priucipies of the following well-known medicinal l1e,1.Js -a.r"al'a.ri.lla, <Jelltia-n, Burdock, J-atiron, lavender, and Dandelion, coinbinelt in most Lappy proportions, and cOllC"lhr"-tell in a pure state, as well its being scientifically prepared to b-j .suizabie to all ages, at all seasons ot the year, and forming a i'onic Bitters l'vsitively unequalled. GWILYM EVAISS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANb' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIALS. LlVEg COMP AIST, 2. Aibeit-sireet, Wediiesbury, QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BUTEItS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTEIIS QUININE BITTEUS QUININE BIPTEKi QUININE BITTEKS QUINXNE BITTEaS QUININE BITTEKS QUININE BUTEKS QUININE BITTEKS QUININK BITTEKS QUiNINE BITTEKS QUININE BIT I E US QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTEitS QUiNINE BITTEKS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTERS QUININE BITTERS QUININ U BITTERS Staiiordshire, February 3th, J dB:? To Mr UWILVJL TVAKS, Dear >evL-n years I suffered very sever.y from III- digestion and Biver Complaint, lcuultl eL kJu little sleep with the pain tuat I suifereu, and Hie had become a burden to mo. I can say truly that 1 0<1.\1 spent scares I pounds on aocuirs, "ull triett many of tho medicines wiuon I 3â.W advet- tised, but could j.vt no relief, umitl had almost given up all hopes of ever revaluing my former health. I "v;vs lHletl one day to try (Twm-M l\'A;'¡S' un;¡rlt:; blTTLRS. and it w:ts -.vuii some raiuctaucj tnao 1 coiisenteil tél ;;et a bottle, but i nave had occasion sinca tõ biess the day it was brought to my notice. The lira: few doses IK- lieved tho pain that X always had after eating, to such all extent tliat I could enjoy my iuoll. One Kottle so changed me tliat instead ûÍ being airaid if eat- ing one meal a uay, X leltX cuuJd eat four. I have been able since Locolitizitiii my worlc wituout a break, a very un. usual thing ior me for years, and 1 atii quite another man. 1 can conhdentiy recommend UWILYM EVANS q LT I.N I Ili E Bu iisiis, and alii anxious tUat others who have anil do sulier as I u d .should obtain tile sa.i o wonderful reiief as I Jnv" h:tu.-i am, (t eilr sir, your. respectfullj, JAMES OUIFFUHS. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUiNINE BiTTERS. THE RENOY/NED VEGETABLE I TONIC. 59, Libra-road, Koiaan- road, Bow, LOiaiou, E., Sept, 1, 3889. Sir,- PIea3e s ml me anotiier 4: 6d bottle or GVIILVM EV \.NS QUI.VI.VI; bl,rTi..Rs, I havo tried loany remedies before, but I have never L-,iowzi a specitic so-rewaikablein its erfects as the Quinine Bitters. It Feeins to build up the exhausted nervous system by a flow cumula- tive process, which imparts force and vitality to ail the >.r.ans of lire. 1 consider it ol inestimable value to ;.11 nervous sufferers. Your-,tKf. AI. J. VAUGIJA: NERVOUSNESS ( N IW. VOU,X E-;S N E RVO UrsN KSS XKKV't^U.i EsS N E it V O L" .N E SS GWILYM EVANS* QUININE BITTERS GWILYM 'VANS' QUININE BITTERS THE PERFECTION OF MKDICINAL Pit 'PARATIONS. At n-is 5«»asoa (If rlie year no ria u()u!d be without GWILY.m l-<,vA' QUIM.nk BITTEHS. A course taken NoW will be ,nv.Unable ;11 giving tone to the system, new life to the blood, and in bcaciug one nerves. ur CAU no: Ask plainly for (; WII,y){ E\ê'iS' QOIM.VH BlTXKSS. and see that the namtJ UwiLVM Evan's is ou label, ( stamp, and bottle. Soid by an Chemists in 2s Oil and 4s Od liottles. or direct from tl1(j Proprietor carriage free by Parcels Vost, for the above prices. Quinine Bin'ittts MANLtwcT-Jiitxa Comvanv, i LIMITED, LLANKLLY, tiouin WALKS. America;: Depot—Mr E. D. WH.LIAt\IIS, Pharmacist, Plymouth, Penni. 1l2 i oc 'Lr 1,- 1 ?va H A M B, FINEST IN THE WORLD, PER '¡D FOUND. OTHEi: QUALITIES FROM PER POUND. SPECIALLY SELECTED LIGHT WEIGHTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. MPT?N, THE LARGESC TEA AND PROVISION| DEALER IN THE WORLD. CA i: Di FF—ST. MAR Y-ST i i EET. SWANSEA — AR'ADE BUILDINGS, HIGH-STREET. And in all Principal l'owns of the Kingdom. 175 EXTRAORDINARY PI A N O S, JL4 BARGAINS, NOW ON SALE AT DUOK, fjOS, & INKER'S, NO SUCH VAliUE JN WALE. Guineas. PIANO, Maliogany Case, excellent condition 9 BROADVVOOD PIANO, good order 10 CAPITAL PIANO. Black and Gold Case. 15 IRON FRAME PIANO, Elegant Wainut C'e 17 IRON FRAME PIANO, Full Trichord, Handsome Walnut Case 18 BROADWOOD PIANO. Rosewood Case, Check Action, Trich",d 2D CULLAKD PIANO. Handsome Rosewood :tnd Gotd Case 22 KIRKMAN PIANO, yeven Octaves, Hand- l "lUe Ito5ewoo(! alld Gold Case 21 HOJ'KIN:o)!" PIANO, Seven Octaves, hi. cbord, Eieg'-ius Walnut and Gold Case 26 KRARD PIANO, Ciiosk Action, Trichord, Ac.. BLICK and G0i,1 Ciise 28 BROADWOOD PIANO, Seven Octaves, Tri- chovii, Walnut and Gold Case 28 :FnH particulars of the- above Marvellous Bargains, v.'ith EASY PAYMENT TERMS, post free on appplicadon to & LINKER DuCK, SU: & f>INKER THE GREAT PIANO STORES, I B A T n. 178 ) J. NEWTON & CO., HIGH-CLASS PRACTICAL TAILORS, HABIT, AND BREECHES MAKERS, 53, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. DRESS SUITS FROM 31 GUINEAS. I BLACK MORNING COATS AND VESTS I FROM 45s. BUSINESS SUI i'S FUOM 50s. DO. TROUSERS FROM 13d. THE ABOVE ARE CASH PRICES. J, iN EWTON AND CO., I TAILORS, HATTERS, AND HOSIERS 53, QUEEN-STREET, I CARDIFF. ESTABLISHED 1865. 4 t R EM JjJlVIB ER the old adage j i ime i" ftWIIÚY." OEM^MBER the moments you have JLw lost through the ina-jcurata watch you wear. X>EMEMBER the money yoa have spent \J in ha??i g it consc"nt y'repaired, OEM EMBER that the WATERBRY \J WATCH hM no rival a? ?? Pdrfec Tim-'k eper. 1>EMEMBER that the WATE KBXTK Y WATCit is worn by more than a million. SEniEs E-l' THii OLD FAVOUhllE is the s. d. best form of the oriind Waterbury. A good, cheap, seiviceable Watch, with Nicitel Ca-e, Keyless; ryiiabie, durable, accurate 10 6 EIUF J-Is the NEW WATEliBURY, Short- wind, jewelled, du-i-prouf, with all the latest iinproveiuents. Non- magnetic. For ail climates 17 6 SERIES L—THE LADIES' w ATKR&URY is the late.-t. Small size, Keyless, Short* wind, Jeweiled. A lJerfect Ladies' Watch .17 6 SERIES ".T" AND L" CAN BE OBTAINED IN HANDSOME SILVER CASES (HALL MARKED). OF RELIABLE WATCHMAKERS EVERY WHERE, HEAD OFFICE J 7, fWSOW-liiLU LONDON, E.C. ;goo laie for (Klassificaiion. w ANTED, for large school. Head Laundry Woman experienced, good ironer also good second, well up in work.-Addres3 Laundress, "Echo" Office, Cardiff. ° 44 '1. ANTED, a young girl as Nurse er? from the 't country preferred. -Apply 149, Commercial- road, Newport. V FOR SALE, Bay Cob, 35 £ hands, 7 years old, vtry fast. splendid worker; price 216.ipply C. Bounds, Machen, near Newport. WANTED, a good General Servant, able to cook and iron.—Apply, by post or after 5 p.m., 7, York-place, Newport. fg^EA TBADE.—Wanted, a smart Junior.—Apply jL Vi-tori? Tea Co- Cardiff. 44 WAN ED, cieau, respectable Girl, about 14 or 15; wmu' t have good character.—Appiy M, Gordon- ro?d. Cardiff. 42 WANTED, smart I /-id for -brewerffice;-g;;(i writer r.nd quick at Hgures.—Apply 9, Work- ing.sket, Cardiff. 39 HOl' Window Blinds.—Odtside Shop Window Is Biinds M 'da and ReoMr?d by John L. Edwards, ?1. Mavi ?-strt et C?rdiH. 29 WANTED, youn Person about 19 ol ap- -?ipply 'I*h, C?stte Cafe Restaurant, 47 and 49. CMdo Arcade, Cardiff. 25 w ANTEDat once, » Genr:tl Servtnt.-Applr-tt 2o. Loudoun-square, Cardiff Docks. 26 WANTED imruediatelr. a good General Servant It two kept country girl prefe, r,cl. -Apply at I No. 16, Richmond-terrace, Park-place, Cardiff. 23 WANTED, by a respectable couple, without en- 'V cumbrance, the care or offices or offices to clean by the week.-Apply A 30 Ech., Office, Cardiff. 30 P L¡AANT Unfurnished Apartments every con- venience no children or lodgers.— E. G., Echo UtRce, Cardiff. 2 WANTED, immediately, good General Servant, I i V good character. 16 to 18.—Apply 83, litydee. stieet. C;i h-dial-road, Cardiff. 13 ADAME BRYTHON THOMAS, R (soprano) for Concert Engagements, Oratorios, Miscellaneous, Operatic Music, &c.. tsrms moderate also take,; Pupils for Singing, Pianoforte Playing, pre- pares pupils for Examinations and Campetitiolls.-7, Clare-street, Cardiff. 17 B>AUGAINS.—Lady leaving didtdct wishes to sell ?j? Lmolfum, Mattresses, Chairs, Fenders, and other sundries.—Mrs Davies, 25, King's-road, Canton, Cautiff. ?' 9^2 WANTED, Geuer i Scrvaut, at, once; good w reference squired.—Apply Mrs Leach, 25, Wood-street, CardiS. 931 -i l ANTlm. youg-ä¡(,ï:¡;õuT B, to a;Sïgnï0u-1 vT work used to children good character.— Mrs Armstro g, 47, Tudo t-.i ot d, Ca?diff. ?80 W OUI,D kind, reopect ible coup:e adopt h;lltl;Ÿ I r t, baby boy, a mouth old ? .small premiam given. -\QdrEH;¡AUU3. "Eclw" Othc, Canlitf 92' t. GRAND OFfEr,. *from -t-Rnd peii of ri. Houdan.s reduced to 2s 61 dos. every egg war ran ed fertile tew puliets. 12 months 6d eacu (laying); cocserels, 5 raonth-, 33 each.—Hollins,Chep- I stow. 907 ()ft Sale. Safety (Kangaroo), balls, nearly new 1 also Singler Apulb, balls all over; splendid machine.—Apply 108, Arran-street, ltoath, Cardiff. Odb WTANTED, General Servant: 18 to 20.—Apply 1 r t 205, Richinona-road. Cardiff. S83 HAIRDRESSER wanted, about 17 obliging and JL-IL well up to his work,State lowest wages to Jt T95, Echo" Office, Cardiff. 9.5 \t; ASTlm;- General :'ervantb'ut-17.-Appiy: ,y between 7 and 9, to No. 35. AIbMy-3.d, Caruiff. 935 MARUIAGTST GWILLYM—PROUD.— On May 27th, at Guildford-street Chapel, Caruit", by the Uev George Hargreaves, pastor, David It. Gwillyn:, of Messrs Reece anti Cit-villym, wholesilt) ptovision merchant-, James- street, Bute Docks, Cardiff, to Hannah, eldest daughter of Richard Proud, 69, Oaktield-street, Cardiff, GWf:'iN-GoSS.-On the 23rd inst., at All Saints, .-•ouchport (oy special license), by the Rev Dr Porter, William Henry Gwynn, of New York, to Emmie Itidnwny Goss, youngest daughter of Mrs T. T. HaIe, (If Soutuport. E.- LLB>1A'S ROYAL EMBl{OCATION. ?fj Ff?SP?ALKS and CURBS, Iri LLI MAN'S 8PJ I N ■ SP;,RuLr^N.;G vlL,V'J,"in-' i PRUG SINE,Wv?FT, I^ ^XriXr HTViNiAAN W b CAP?HD HOCKS.  OVERREACHES, X 'J BRUISES and CUTS, E?LLIMANS BBOKHN KNEBS, Eli SORE SHOULO.?S. A r T 1'1"  SORE THROATS, jr jHj S ?Q?E BACKS. &c. LLIllAiN- -S SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES IN DOGS. Y- -.A "1 think it is very useful. "RUTLAND, 1-11 Master ot Beivoir Hounds.' •"ajlLLIMAN'rf   i I conlder lL IIHllwensable in ?'?r?-r??.?-' a ?''? st?hie, l?,?t especially in the st ?tble of ? Master of H ouud. JH HADDINGTON, 97 ELLI.MANS "Master (?f Berwicltshiie Hounds.' jLL?.-i. 2-i5d.2.?t', E!.i.I?IAN..SONS& CO.. Slough SYMINGTOi^ DANDELION COFFEE I For Persons of Weair Digestion and those Suffering I from LIVER COMPLAINTS and BILIOUSNESS. SOLD By ALL GROCERS. 61



-1 The Man About Town. j

ICourtship. v

I Cowardly Affair at I Solihull.1





! Wr Gladstone and the > IAmateur…

IPublic Opinion._I



-,.-.-. - - !DROWNED IN A…
