Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

22 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



ANGLESEY COUNTY I COUNCIL. GENERAL 0. Tl' SCHEMA &Cr- I POKTED. 6-iiop Closing; hours at IIOLYIIFA D. I The quarterly meeting of t tlf-- above Council was held yesterday at Llangeiui. Mr S. Owen !<-iiairman) presided, and the oilier mem- boio ■ iiiuw an.i (\ ice-chali uuui), L>r. Jones. Dr. Jj. Parry EdH-arui*, Lh\ Ji. illiarns, Dr. W. 1I. Williams, Messrs Hugh Thonuip, A. McKiiiop, H., L. KdwartL, W. Hu-giies .Jonee, Lewis Hughes, Thomas Williame, R. j £ Jones, ii. W Roborts< H. e. pie.roe, J. 11. Burton, O. ll. Fonikes, II. Rces Davies, D. J. liiius, Owen Roberta, Hugh Evanp, C. 1. Mort-ion PricUud, W. H. Jones (Aocrttraw.i, J. G. Hughes, H. O. Ilugiies Robert Wiiliame, O. William*. VV. Thomas, Pritch-ard, S. rT. Chad wick, W. (LlandegfanJ, Jl. 1 Jwma, jiUl., 1I. O. Williams, John Jo not, H. R. Jones, J. C. Jones, with the Clerk (Mr Walter 0. Jones), and the other county olhcials. GENERAL OWEN THOMAS' SCHEME. I SUPPORTED BY THE COUNCIL. I Brigadier-General Owen Thomas addrüE;@('(} the Council on the proposed Wt>]t>h National Scheme lid fcaieguaiding Hie iiiiervsta ot \\i'l#ii aokliers Mid sailors and their dependents after t-lie w&c. He elated that he had had some connection with the Angle-"} County Council, being amongst, ;1.; firet eiected iiienibciarid wao afterwards elected alderman. lie then went oUt to South Atrica, and it during the war there t.hat he gained the experience w inch now compelled linn to come out ui favour of this Welsh National scheme. He saw men from all igirt6 coming to the yrvice of their country in South Africa—men who sacri- ficed all for the honour and welfare of the Ent- pire—-and it made his heart sore to we these men after the war was oves begging for food and clothing. Our young men jiad again gathered to the colour* in vast numbers, and in proportion to its population no part had done better flum their little Principality (hear, hear). IV o hund-red thou and men had been raised in Wales alone—h bigger army than the Duke of Welling- &on had on the field of Waterloo. The total killed and wounded in the South African war was 45,000, of whom 21,742 were killed; in the pic- t tCJK war the killed alone 11 um bered 128.138. and the total cf.tiiialties already reached 549,467. he army nowadays was drawlI from all classes; t was not the same as in olden time4. What were we to do with the men who had given up good app-0, I; Li I c 11 There wa« a moral respondbd ty that thould be felt by every man k,ii(i every woman in tile Jand. This was a voluntary jcheme, and he wanted voluntary workers and not trust to big <-alaricd officials in London (hear, boar) lie did not want the scheme killed by "red 1,IPC," of wnich he could give plenty of instances: when it A%ac, desired to transfcir a 801dier from one regiment, to another it required reams of paper (laughter). Kipling had said that in wartime the soldier WHS A liero; in tune of peace lie w at- forgotten. Tiiii should not be so The speaker went on to eay that it wea pro- posed to have a conference at Shrewsbury on the 25th February, when he' hoped to see pj-e-senfc sceme hundreds from ail parts of \\ale<. Jt was oug,ge-t,ed that five provincial conferences be formed with one central executive council. Mr W, Edward s moved the following resolu- tion :—"That the Anglesey County Council thanks the Brigadier-General Owen Thomas for. hie ad- iire-s and welcome the National scheme which be has introduced for safeguarding the interests of Welsh eoldiers and sailors and their depend- enU. This Council wish es to express its hearty approval of the scheme, and commend its objects to the support of the inhabitants of the county. lIe said he felt sure the niembe'K of the Coun- cil were I sympathy with the scheme. I cit it i, h l i the As an agrienltitn.-f. he thought it was one of The industries that could bo developed to help this ■ch^nie. Mir-t of the men who had enlisted in these part were -acquainted with agriculture, :,nd thk would be the means of putting them in their element on the land. Dr. Thomas Jones, ex-eha.i ma.n. in seconding, laid the way the Council listened to the of General O ven Thomas augured well for the tuccese of the scheme—(hear, hear)—and 't rfiowed they were imbue-d with a feeling of roe- sponsibility. lie thought he would ¡¡ he justi- fied in including the inhabitants of the eonnty generally among tho-e who would support such a noble proj>o;tl they hud already shown their sympathy* by contributing nearly £5000 to the Prince of \Vnie«s' Fund. lie hojied "Mori Mam Cymru" would give a leai it) ilu-, matter. Air Tiiomu; Williams (supported. He re- marked it was not surpr sing to those who Knew General Owen Thomas in day« gon-p by that he felt so anxious for the weifare of his fellow- oountrymen in ali stations of life. He liitd Iiiiii- .df seen tiie iv.-ulte of war, and it was a great credit to him that he conceived this *eiierne. 'Ie (the speaker) hoped the scheme would be worked ihiough local committees—even parish commit- The n't5o!u4ion nas carried imaniinoutdy. SMALL HOLDINGS. I Mr R. Lewis iidw«.rd$inovej the adoption of the report of the committee which has c-hao-gc of ibe above. In connection with the taking over of Brynnuuilihi Farm for the purjKx-ew ot Small Holdings, it was H'1>(Kted that the valuer a.p- pointed bv the ptojxj-sed iucorning tenants h,l agreed upon the tenant r,.glit at 1;286, af which Jdr W. Robert Jones to pay jBlb3 15s 6d, Mr Hugh Jones JB121 Ór;, and the otiiey three ten- ants L-11 Os 6d. Till." gum ha-d been paid by the Council to the outgoing tenants, but. upon appli- cation being math-, for the amounts from the in- coming tcri irite Mr W. Robert Joney tk-clined to VAY the whole amount of the claim. It wre re- solved that tile Co-uueil in.-ier, nposi payment- of tbc w hole a mount of £ 153 15s til in accordance "with the f'ignfxi agreement. There were alto claims for eompen-ation by he outgoing tenants and eoanter-ckiinis "by the Coun- cil and the valuer app(Jint.ed by the Board of Agriculture iitd made fiis award as follows:— Claim* made £ 529 19?; allowed, £ 275 13« 6d; counter-claims. £ 29 12s—all allowed; net amount payable by <ouj»cii, £ 246 h 5d. The Clerk ,ra« instructed to app'y to tlie Board of Agriculture for 'k'l IIlt.tlt of a p-oportion of the aincniTVt far as the iime related to claims in respect of unreasonable disturbance. ANALYSIS OF FEEDING STUFFS. In the report of the Agricultural Committee, sulmltkt.(-qi I)V Mr W. Richard Jont-, it INt- •tated tlwtt no aniple* li,,td been submitted to the a»al.\»t untJer the Fertil isers and Feeding' IJ Btuffi Act. Mr Lewm Hughes s-uggeeted that the Council fkliould revert to the old arrangement, by which the police were authorised to take samples. The Clerk pointed out that under tine Act it wa« for farmers themselves to eubmit sampled), but they did not take of the Act. Mr Ilughee pointed out that neither had iny iamplfj been sent to the analyst under the Food a.nd Drugs Act. The Clerk obeerved that thei'e was to be a joint meeting of the Finance Committee and the and Measures Committee that day to de- cide to the future administration of fclieee de- pa i t merits. On the motion of Mr MeKillop the joint com- mittee was given power to act. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. A ie't?hy report by the Suneyor ??n the ?tatc of the roads w,a incorporated in the report of ttie above committee, submitted by Mr Burton. Mr CiKuiwick complained of the bad state of portions of the Beaumaris coad. and Mr Bmf?n ¡Il'ep!ie(! that the exceptionally wet weather of the isMt months ju?Jo it impracticable to repair the ix)-t. hole* complained ot. Mr Burton went on to expluin the reasons for the incrcaseii expense. Mr W. Fvdwards said that a number of roads had been Utken over, and the increased expense | wa» inevitable. Th(. expense of the District! Councils should accordingly be less. He thought these facts should be made public. HOLYHEAD SHOPS CLOSING ORDER. I 1 he C;erk read a report of a conference held at Holyhead respecting an application of a new d<"i' lixing tiie time of eiot-ing the shops of the towj> iit o'clock on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday an<! Friday one o'cloi'k on Tiie*<l«y, and nine on Saturday, with an extension to ten o'clock on the Thursday before Ge«d Friday and the day preceding Bank HoljdaJ. 'The local members for Holyhead were unani- mous in supporting the Order, and the report was adopted. It was also resolved to take the necceoary steps to revok e the Order in force in Men-ai Bridge and to make ft new Older embodying an exemp- tion making it lawful, for all shop> affected by the Order to keep open to 1G p.m. on a week day immediately preceding a, Bank Holiday. THE ESTIMATES. f Mr JI. Rees Davie*, in presenting the estimates f(?r tl,,<, -ell(tilig M<trch. 1917 ",ád they were £ 1200 to the bad on lE6.ty<?r'scett- lHllt;t';g. The cuLprit u d to be the EJucHiO'n, but now they found the county rate going up very rapidly. In 1914 it was 92(1, in 1915 lld, in 1916 Is 14.1. and for next \car they nfked for Is 3^d. The Road and Bridge Cum- mittee liad bei'n re«pponsible for much of the in- crease, through not keeping to the estimates. These weire exceeded as regard» the Mcnai Bridge to llolyhead road by 1;241, ttid other roads pro- portionately. Mr MeKillop seconded the adoption of the estimates, and observed that they should impress upon the Road and Bridge Committee and its officials to keep within the estimates. Mr Burton asked the survey or to explain the increased expenditure, and Mr Jonee proceeded to show that the estimates had been out down by about, £ 1000, and at that time the exjienee on the Valley and Llanrhyddladi road had not been thought of; this accounted for £ 850. and they had now worth £ 700 or J6800 macadam in the quar- ries. Labour and team labour had increased considera bly. After further discussion. during which Mr Me- Killop Mid he cast no reflection whatever on the surveyor, the NA-e,e







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