I Part 8 now on Sale ANOTHER EXQUISITE NUMBER! BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN. "WESTERN MAIL" COUPON. For one of these Coupons lof any date) and SEVINHNCI HATFPENNY in Cash or Postage Stamp,, we will deliver, post fre, to any address ?' United ?;?.om. Portfolio Ho. 8, any previous part, of our Ornnd Art Album, entitled I' Beautiful 6fitain. If delivered «( any of our offices or by any News Agent, the price will be SIXPENCE. Beautiful Britain THE SCENERY AND THE SPLENDOURS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. i) k h h I PART 8 of this Superb Work, which is £ now on Sale at all our Agents, is A REAL WORK OF ART! EVERY VIEW IS A PERFECT GEM. The pictures are excellent examples of the beauties of British Scenery and of aneien end modern Architecture. In the whole of the beries, no part contains a greater variety of river and woodland scenery than Part 8, while the interiors of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are grand in the extreme. Purchase Part 8 at once. It will be a revelation to you, and you c will wonder how we can afford to sell so magnificent a series of sixteen of the most exquisite permanent views for liD incon- kiderable a sum as SIXPENCE PER WEEK. Bear in mind that there are but twelve parts in all, eight of which are now on sale. ,"Vit;.b tone T-oIL-t.h. P-t; _ill b Îssu.ed a"" JHpy&My Arranged Index, and when bound, you will possess a work of art the like of which has never before been been. "Beautiful Britain" is no ephemeral publication. It is a work for all time. It will, as time rolls on, become more and more valuable as an educational and lartistic production, and will always remain I A SUPERB VOLUME. I Purchase Part this week, and order your Newsagent to obtain the previous seven parts as early as possible. I Cut out the Coupon above and send or bring it with 6d. to any of our Offices or to any Newsagent. Per post, 7id. for any Portfolio in the Series. Contents of Part 8 lismore Castle-The Cottage near Haddon Hal Eaton Ha -Leeds Castle-Dover Castle-The Blue Drawing Room of Buckingham Palace- Dromanna Castle -Abergeldie Castle-The New Forest-The Grand Reception Room at Windsor Castle Hurstmonceaux Castle — Launceston Castle -Raby Castle-Kentciiurch Court-St. Leonard's Hill-Chirk Castle. Stoddard's Portfolio ol Photographs I 0> I Famous Cities, Scenes and Paintings. COVERS FOR BINDING. WE h??? ?.? p,,p.d handsome COVKRS for W.?r A, They are ??p,Iy desigDed for Binding tb., Series of Sixteen Parts, and we offer them to our readers at the following very low prices Clotb, richly embossed and lettered in"! gold, from any nf our Offices or > 1.8 New.g,.?t,; ) By Pod, od. extra. If the Parts are sent to us, we will "J supply the Covers and bind the Parts > 2/6 complete, as b.,?, for ) Cat'ri«jiet pJ.M?'a. Persons desiring; Superior Covers can have their Parts bound at the following rates Roan backs and corners, superior cloth, 316 gold emfcussed I I! Call hacks aud comer*, superior cloth, > 4!6 tooled and gold embossed í Morocco backs and corners, oound in j 6/6 the highest style j J'it. extra. On Elsgant New Year's Pieseni We can frupply the whole 01 the 1 arta elegantly bound in Cloth, richly embossed and Lettered iu Gold for 10/6 Kuan Backs and (",rue. superior Cloth, (Jold Embossed, 11/6; Calf Backs and Corners, superior (iloth, Tooled and Gold Embossed, 12,6 Morocco Backs and Corners, bound in the highest style. Ko more us" or elegant New Year's Present than 0111 4 sf tbste cfaadsowe Volumes could be desired. jfegmfgg gftBregtifg. rpHE "JjWENliNG J^XPRESS." NEW SENSATIONAL gTORT, BY MR. ALLEN UPWARD. OPENIG c HAPTERS ON s ATLTRDAY NEXT, JANUARY 5, 1895. Tho Proprietors of the KToning Egress" hare stoured the right of publishing A NEW SENSATIONAL STORY, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT, JANUARY 5, 1895, Entitled- THE JpRINOE OF BALKISTAN BY ALLEN UPWARD (" MAENIIIR"), Anther of The Queen Against Owell," A Bride's Madness (.about to appear m Pearson's Library), &0, Thin is a story on "ntirely original lines, deal- ins with the attempts on the life of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. ('"The Prince .f BalkisUn ") by tfce emissaries of the Russian C'ltr. The most secret machinations of the Russian Secret Police are laid bare by the author, while in the person of tho arch-intriguer, Tataroff, we hav" one of the most formidable villains ever conoeived in fiction. The gallant struggles of the Prince, aided by the trusty Krplisli detective whom he calls in to assist him M?a?t the plots to take his life, are fully set forth, and /he story oulminates m a gigantic undprKrounS oen aict, in ,bi?h tho Ic?dcM f the NihihatN bring to bear the resources 01 their terrifio organisation with startling results. ON gATURDAY NEXT, JANUARY 5, 1895, THE OPENING CHAPTERS O. MR. ALLEN UPWARD S NEW STORY Will appear in the jgVENINU EXPRESS." Do not fail to buy the "Evening Express S,,t,?,d.y next, -??a thus s?'ure the opemnf chapter*, f T?l,, ,,h" to ARTEST ?he?ADH?'?A?Tt?'Ho?'?ROM 1\'fJ. TO FINISH. It will be found to be IN- TENSELY DRAMATIC and of ENTHRALL- ING INTEREST. THE pRINCE OF BALKISTAN, By MR, ALLEN UPWARD (Barrister of the South Willes Circuit). See tho "EVENING EXPRESS OF SATURDAY NEXT, JAN. 5, 1895. PRESS OPINIONS. Mr. Allen Upward (of the South Wales Circuit) is a writer of some repute, as the follow- ing Press opinions will testify Narrative after narrative somewhat in the Wilkie Collins manier drawB you on until the mystery that surrounds the crime disappears, aiid then you draw a breath of relief; but not before."—" Sporting Life." "We have not for a long tirH read anything more intensely dramatic."—" Weekly Sun." Sueveeds in arresting the reader's attention from start to finish."—London "Daily News." It is of enthralling iuteorest. Star." Full of fun." —" Daily Chronicle." 1, The conclusion will come as a startling sur- prise to all readers, except those possessed of a Sherlock Hol moi. like power of scenting out a cJne, Publishers' Circular." The denouement will come as a complete 8u.r:r!¡:L!JI:e!ele;< ÅtbCn_H1%%i_" Buy the "E VENING EXPRESS OF SATURDAY N E Xf, And read tho QPENING 0HAPTERS Of TYTR. ALLEN UPWARD'S NEW STORY. LUNG SAW YOUR LIVKSBY lAKIXQ TONIC 5:^ QWBRIDGE'S To?c I,nW TONIC   TONI C TPifIC LUNG T UNG mo NIC. TT CON1,;TTc L(i T 0''qlC LUNG It has p wer o??? di T 0'?41(' LUNG uk,,o- in medicine. TOIC LUNG Are yon at all 01' in' TONIC LUNG dined to be Consumptive, with just TONIC LUNG a touch i Cough now aud then .y TONIC LUNG '°T??i)! O.d??f,?l McJ'eiM." TONIC LUNG The Cough and Weakness will dis- T INIC LUNG appear us if by inatfic, and you will TONIC LUNG feel a strength and power you never TONIC LUNG had before. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COUGH? TONIC LU\G A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD? TONIC LUNG A DOSE A BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LUNG Bronchitis and Asthma it reljves TOIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG "My family bare used it for years, TONIC LUNG aud have found it Matchless. My TONIC LUNG }jtLl girl Ims been taking it mire- TONIC LUNG miM')N?)yforafortDightf?rwh?.p Tolt LUNU 109 ,,?gb, which h- n?.?l?- dlJl" TUlC LUNG nearer!. TONIC tg3 y?''H.,7.?.'Mr'?.tf)re?.Bt?f?.- :gf8 LUNG f'ilt, L'-fih. TONIC }t:g "A f?? weeks L;] caught a :f.gg LFXG severe cold. which attccted r*y TuNIC LUNG breath so that I ?n'M ".t 1.y TONIC LUNG in bed. A relative told Ute of yeur TONIC LUNG Tonic. One hot tl completely ?.r?d TONIC u N(; S-?,,l bot, f medicine TONIC t:g ?"' )o?)*)Ictor did'me uo t:d." Ó}81 LI NG S. L?:,?l Hùllwoy Ifead, TONIC L?G L'irM.i.?<mm. ? TONIC LUNG Prenarod by W. T. OwBRii'Gt, TONIC LUNG C?'e??, Hull. Sold iu Bottles TONIC LUNG I'- 1" 9d., 4,s,. 6d., ani ll, TONIC .1i 'Ch?.i.t. and Patent TONIC LUNG Medi?mevf?m.wSoitmte.ttU TONIC [,t7NG Mb,, .di.i. :?d Provin?;ial Houb(is. TONIC LUNG London and Provincial Housea, TONIC L11410 Wo E *VAUGHAN AND CO (LIMITED), STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, Ac., LLXNDAFF RQAD CARDIFF. BIUKCØ ESTABLISHMENTS 32 QUEEN-STREET, ) CARDIFF. 248.BUTE.STMET. { 1, CLIFTON-STREET, ROATH. 6o i: WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARRH. SKINNER-STREET, NEWPORT. 8J1, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLE-STKEET, SWANSEA. 19, ARCADE, PONTYPRIDD. AGENTS IN ALL TOWNS IN SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE, Who Receive and Forward Parcels Regularly to the Works. Agents' Adresses snd Price Lists sent ID answer to Post Cards. POSTAL SERVICE. Parcels tlmountiug to Five Shillings sent direct Works will be returned Carria!(t: P:¡irl one way. W. E. VAUGHAN AND CO. (Limited) DYERS, Are doiug the largest trade aud working the 1I\0"t efficient Machinery within a radius of One Hundred MU?." !tnd ARE ? CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHE* Miles, DRESS CLEANING by FRENCH PROCE, producing permanent colours, a nperior finish, mod. rate charges, aud promptness f 2S B ROU'S INJ BOTION HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, AND PEESEKVA- TIVE. Cures promptly, without additional means, all reeut or dlronic disorders of tlij urinary organ- Price 4s. 6d. per bottle. Paris J. Ferre and Ok, PhannacieuB, 102, Rue Riehelieu,: London Wiley and Co., 239, Oxford-street, who will forward free kox Parcels Post on receipt of P.O.O.; and an Cheaaist L11217 rnHE BURDOCK PILL MANUFAC I TORY, 44, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA.- The Executors of iitCu;J;n:Ha;P:8s: I d,?i,? to inform th,i, Customers that the BUS- NESS will be CARRIED ON BY THEM as u?iual. usual. wi'"?c«ite Prompt Att..ti.,? All Orders wii (.fyeeive Prompt Attention 009J MESJOMS. ??M?Mtt 33«sinfss{ L ipARRT AN D R¡OCKE WELSH WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS, SWANSEA. Mannhcturers of Guaranteed Welsh Hosiery Flannels, and KnitHufl Y",rns. ?' our '??'?'?t"? ?th our R?gi.t..d Tmdc Mark for tho Pm?ction of UMr? Should there be ?y difficulty in your -bti'ing onr Manufactures please drop us a t.?d, ..d w'? wi? '? eii(i you addresa of ne?tm,?t Draper or Dealer. S?'PMT YOUR HOME INDUSTRIES WHOLESALE ONLY. ELIIO85 To h. had of retailers in ttvery town in Wales. I-MPOR,T-NT,-One box of Horton's! I X L 'PnL are warranted to cum all priva. cases and complications of the urinary oN&n? whath?.r acquired or otherwise, also ?ra?,el aud Pa4 ri in the hack. Fro frow ??'r?.f° ?t' pMt fM.fur 4a. by Proprietor, G. D. Hnrton. E.P.S. From th? UcneM) Hospital, Aston-road, tli?-i. ?P. F,n tl,, C?rditt-A. l!\1\:1 3r).tteO;ld )1 Butc-etrt'et. Morth7r-W))h.Chennst. 1'ontmor I.i. -d Geor!towu. SwMBe.-Uoyd. Ch.mMt Oxford-street. Newport—Young, Chemist, High street. N.B.—Hare never lenknown to fail. Letters THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POST INU COUPANY. 13, BRIPOE-STKEET, CARMATHEN. BiU-po»tiiiK and AdiertisuiB iu all its Branche Throughout tue Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager

LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. On Saturday -nomine at Pmarth ro)iK- Kt.ationMr.H.M.H?cp(corom-r) hld an in()UPston<)?bo)Yufaptun.bt-r,of28,Arcot- !.trt?t.af!?50.whosudden]y?pir(-dat6?vpn och.(k"nUo<in?Xinht?tPmarth. t'r. Dunn was of ihe opinion that death ensued from cardiac tronliles. The jury returned a veixliet of "Death hum Batura1 causes. SMOKERS tiadiui lllld Tol»ec» tblil ter.gues whould .-nii-ke Ar; t:irl Gtulfn Kftur'is (rei'ikteiwl) Medium flavour. luily matured FOUl Y, is Mod before being cut L11312 A ,k,;tructiw tiro occurred at ahout .n p.iii. on in a buildin at the rær of G\>ortf«*-streot. PontypcK)!, and -,ipid as a )?' ?'or? bv Mr. >V. ]>avies. )?y d(-a[?r. The Wilding was practically (jutU-d, and <hucon- t<-ntshun?tout Mr. Davits, who is not insurfd.?iUbeain'avyIo?r.Tht)bmMmt; was covered by insurance. CARDIFF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY —The annual hall will be held in the Town-hall Assembly- rooms on Wednesday, 16th January. Fred Robertas Baud. Tickets ma.v be obtained of Mr. W. C. Peace, Sueen-street; Mr. H. B. Crouch, 16, St. Mary-street; r. A. W. Pike. 3, Windsor-place; Mr. F. J. Ferris Bailer, Custom House-street; and of any member of the committee, or of H. Gillett, secretary, 66, Wood- ville-road. 34309 At. Pontypool Police-court on Saturday (Mr. A. A. Williams presiding) Michael O'He^rn was charged on remand with committing an unprovoked assault on Elizabeth Davie- at Abtrsychan, on thv 22nd inst., and, having a l?ad record, was sent to gaol for three month" with hird labour. Walter Lewis, a boy of eight-, for stealing a purse containing bd, from a little girl at Pontnewyuydd, wa^ ordered to | receive six sti-oke,, with the birch, and tined 10s. Ellen Nelmes, for stealing Hel'1I bottles of whisky, the property of Ann NNatkiiis, land- lady of the Chivnce 11111. Blaena-von, wa se n- tenced to month's haul labour. Prisoner had been convicted of th :t j>reviously. DOWN AND SON FoiC FUHNITURB —The largeit aad vheapeit cabinet mauufacturei* by »a y hioery in Walea. Immen øtück to select from, tarr-ags r,t,id on all orders ,h(.,t. £]0. or deliver free in their [.1". van*. lIhl14trawd latttlc)gl1f's free on applica- tiCll.-Stpam Cabiaet Workh, Hi^h-street, SWAn.ea. The London and Provincial Bank have made arrangements to erect a branch bank near Port Talbot Station, at which their business for "oth Aberavori and Port Talbot will be transacted. MR FRKr?, Pukf:-«treet, Cerdif, be tf itate kl,.? he till Pkoto^r^ph* Vi.iter to VI. Tlir liavo been rt p r^-Nema- ,}£ l:)l:;d r:a1:rir Towr   v;z" .lfsSJ'L'. 1), t;. Stephens, solicitor, Traw'smawv; Thos, Thomas, A. Lewis, engineer, pasuoi-ks; and David Lewis, 6.shrmatl. BALL SEASON, 1394.-Me8damÐ" Whitakw and Jones, 19, Westbourue-crcscent, Cardiff, arc now showing the Latest Novelties in Eveniug Dress Materials, Trimmings, &o. An inspection invited. 34363 At Bridgend Polii-o-oourt on Saturday ni. Fvans. (.oilier, Tylagwyn, was fined in the aggregate £ 2 15s. for obstructing a railway ser- vant, using obfeene language, and assaulting the signalman at Llangeinir Station on Decem- ber 1. Mr. JBP)lA:O;'S \'HO'l'O(jI\AI'HS are the favourites, they do n«t !ade. 27337 Mr. Studt, of show time, has written to Sir John Llewelyn, late ehairnuui of the Swansea Board of Guardians, offering to open his enter- to the children of the workhouse and f'otta? Homes on ?'' Year's Day, a?d! to Plmide break:; to convey them to aud fro. ::III'. Rtudt. i. about to )Jl'l'Sl',J! th., H\\nl>l<lj Hospital with a vei3? ?.?tlv banner for u_e on nvblic occasions. NEW Turkish Ihthl. Alfrei itreet, Keatb, spea daily Ladies, Tuesday*. 27 On Sunday afternoon an organ recital was given at St. Teilo's Chuioh, Cardiff, by Mr. y S. 'F'i,h,r, B,-k. The recital was inter- spersed by neverd sacred frongs and carols, rendered by members of the church choir. ¡;;IEDL BROS. Swansea, the Best Phots- grark* 6744 At the invitation of Mrs. M. Lindsay, of Yfitrad Mvnauh Mansion, the children attend- ing the ITolv Trinity Church Sunday School were entertained 1>,1' her to tea, provided for them at tJ", old "11001room on Fridnv evening. Mrs. Morgan, tho housekeeper at the man- sion, supervised tlic preparing of the feast. NEW YKAI<H GII'TS in Keal Gold and Silver, Jewellery, &c., goo to HelTY Taiush, who bas a entire 'N? 8to,-k of"t?)'MvJ. 2. ?it."MM't-'Jt'?;M?i? 34176

AKCHER'S INFANT PLANT CIGARETTES, pronouueed by H R.H. the Prince of Wales to be the 1JeHt he ever smoked. Pure and fraprantand, of the finest «\iality. In foil packets or tin. of all dealers. T,11306

CARNARVON BOROUGHS. SELECTION OF UNIONIST CANDI. DATE. 1m. ELLIS NANNEY TO CONTEST THE DIVISION. A largely-attended meeting of delegate. for the corti ibiuor*' homon;. took place on Saturday at Carnarvon, under the presidenoy of Mr, Issard Davies, to meet Mr. Ellis N-?y and to receive his reply to the invitation given by each of tho b?,?gh. ¡:t il:i¡d mh:an%rtir;h ¡ date of the party at the forthcoming election. The attendance included Lord Pmrhyn, the Hf.n. F. G.Wvnn.theHon. Hcnrv ?otvn, Mr. A?heton Smith, Professor Hughes (candi- date for the Carnarvon Division), and other i.ti?c,nti.1 gentlemen.-Mr. A?.,h,tn Hmi moved a resolution asking Mr. Nannoy to come forward as the Unionist candidate for the con- stituency at the forthcoming election, and pledging the meeting, individually and collec- tively, to do their very utmost to seenre 10,. return.—This was seconded by Sir Llewelyn Turner and enthusiastically rarried.-lIir, Kiis Nanney expressed his readiness to accept the invitation 0' the party, and delivered a speech ill tlu. course of which he declared lii* intention, if elected, to givo general support, to Conservative mea-Jur. s and to hi- independence with regard to anv other measures which ho might consider beneficial to the coun- try at large.

CHESHIKE GAOL ON FIRE. FEARED ESCAPE OF PRISONERS. A fire broke out during Friday night at Kmitsford Gaol, Cheshire County Prison. Tho Hames first attacked the store*, and, fanned hv a strong wind, spread rapidly to other portions f the premises. It ?. not until :Iton;n °ka;d:;ehttht fi: t ei\:1 guished. The prison was partially destroyed, and preat damage was done. Fearing that some of the prisoners may have escaped, infor- mation was* forwarded to all the county police to keep a sharp look out,

CARTER'S Little Liver Pills will psfitively curs krpid U.,er, Ld preveut its retum. This im ..t t*!k but trut I 3 lid. Lhtith ?pft, 46, Holtora Viaduct, Lsmdsu. L1125

BOARDS OF GUAltDIANS. FIRST MEETINGS OF THE NEW BODIES. CARDIFF. Tlie first meeting of the newly-elected guar- dians for the Cardiff lillion took place at the board-room of the Cardiff Workhouse on Satur- diiy morning, when there wad a large atle.i- duiiee, tlia room ijeing uneoinfortabl.v crowded v. itli the new administrators of tho lV&r- law." The lady guardians jittended in (food ftirce, were cordially wehomed, and gi m:\ seat -t of honour in "the inner riiele. Air. Keiiert Forrest was voted to the chair pro tein., allll the new board started on its career of use- fuh,.B:; by tho clerk (Mr. Harris) making cer- tiiin oBioial iiivnouncenients. He afterwards read communications from Colonel Woods, Mr. J atlie" Howell., and Mr. H. J. Evans, previous ex-dtHeio guardians, expressing their willing. nefs to nerve as additional guardiasis, if elected by the board.—The appointment of chairman until April, 1895, wa. next proceeded with, Mr. O. H. Jones, former chairman of the board, being unanimously elected to that position, 011 the motion of the Kev. J. R. Buikley, seconded by Mr. F. J. Beavan.—Flattering references were made to Mr. O. H. Jones's administra- tive ability, and the newly-appointed ctiair- maii, in acknowledging his election, said he had no doubt they would find amongst the new guardians many who would bnn)! v'b¡ deliberations and the work of the I),- ?g -1-1--bi- qua'ihMtioM. (Apptau?.) 'Ih?y ?' that the presence of I.dim amon?t th<m woul d be K ?idld a d vantago. (AppbUMi.)— On the proposition of AtdcrmM Ri.E"?,i ndd b, Mr. J. M. G,,hold, the Kcv. J. R. Bucklev was unaniiTiously elected vice-chairman of the 'Wuird.—The Chairman nevt proposed that the board co-opt Colonel Woods afl a member of the board, and the resolution was dulv seconded.—Dr. Rhys Jones proposed, as an amendment, that they abide by the member. ship of the board as at present constituted. He did not know hot. this co-optative proviso, which he considered "a relic of barbarous am"<h<mid have mme into the Ad. Colonel ootls ointlit to lmve sought election in the usval way. It was an insult to the eleotor. to !?"ro ?.i? h? in !h'? ?.Mr? Cro? ?'conded the amendment, He had the greatest respect for Colonel Wood, but he objected to tho re introduction of the ex-othcio principle again.—Mr. F. J. Beavan said lie was sorry that Oolonel Woods's name had been brought- into the mutter. It would liave heen better if they had ??,ttid the que.tion whether they should .-o-opt an'vbo d y.- M r. Al.Mnder w'd Colonel wt 1:dr.i;I"v"t:Ñ:i::gcocO;¡ finanoe and assessment rommittees.— Alderman ?chard'"Cor? ?u?'i'tKl'"CMonet W-I. ap- pointment as memher of the hoard but the Rev. W. S])urgeon om?sef ) as ,I?o did Mr. Mthton and :,ni? ,J,:i;ii(l,l¿i:>f rx:A\:¡ D,.ll:16,?ld and Father Hayde supn"rt?thu].rf.p<uitionofthef:hatrman. -Tne board divided .?d the proptMitum was carried by 44 votes to 36; Colonel Woods will tit to take his seat at the next meeting of tho guardians.-Mr. Bircham, "Poor-law insiiector, next addressed the tKiard, and said that, on behalf of the I.oca Govern- ment Board, he wished the ship which they had just launched hon voyage. He con- gratulated the guardians upon the introduction into the personnel of the lioard of the humanis- in and refining element—the Iftdies nnd IIpon th" f:?,?t that 44 out of the 85 present men"bers of the inr,t had )xwn members of the old board. The total number of members of the old loard was 67 elected. Having tendered some valuable advice, Mr. Bircham concluded by remarking that he knew of no union where the work had been done with such unremitting attention, and ? .,?gr?dg- ii?giv as here. (Applause.) The board pro- ceeded to the appointment of the ?;tan yinit committees and the tranS3ction of the ordinary ?.'?ine?.—Mr. F. W. Brett F'YC notice to movo at a future meeting that steps he takel1 I to divide St. John's Parish into two wards. NEWPORT. I In consequence ot the ooiU'd-rcoin at tho workhouse being too .maJl 10 accommodate I h increased Jiumbtr 01 members, Ih" lust nuetiug uJ ilie newiy-elK-itd Umrd uJ guar- diuiis at jNowjjor: LOOK pl,e 111 the A.odIlUJy. room at thó 'iown-iiall, Aew]X)it, on Saturday 1 ri.uning. 'J lit re were about eighty luemberd }.iI"e,:Ult, among the company bellig the follow- ing- ladies whù wen? successful at tlw polls: — Mr;" A. R. l("r, Mrs. M. K Jacob, Mrs. T. M. l.ittle, Miss S. A. John, Miss Margaret Driscoll, Mits A. M. Lewis, and Miss Bertha Davies.—Aldernun Jones was elected chair- nami (pro tern.) by 41 votes to 34 votes for the Kev. «l. C. S. Varbv,Aldorman Jones th,n took ihe chair, but before the business was proceeded with the Mayor (Councillor J. < Sai-dtrs) welcomed the board to their tempo. rary hc me-1'he Chairman thanked the mayor on behalf of the board.—Mr. H. Krown said that before the eltction of chair- man took place he wished to move the follow- jng resolution :TI:t, considering the mem- hu, constituting the present board, and the tar? projXH'Uou of thj old guardians elected by it?, ,t,, y(?,? it l?ighly d,?ir.bl- th.it I all ctti,.r,? S?ol?ld'be chosen from among the electcd guardians."—Mr. T. Dutiitld contended that the proposition was out of order, but the Chuirma)) ruled differently, and Mr. Edward D:.vies then moved an lIlTiél¥ÙÐC\ut thst lh1 ouUide person should be precluded from beiiiij ■disci on, ;i »otf ^vas ta W », h en 44 vote d for dIU amendment, and 35 il.g-,Lillst, vile lady remamed neutral.—Mr. W. H. Brown proposed ISIr. Moses AVheeler as chairman of the board. J I', Wheeler had been a vkv-ehair- man fr tevcral veavs, and he was eminently fitted to ')«npy'tL''ptM)tton.—Mr. Charles West second M) .— T he Kev. J. f. S. Darby mmed the re-appointment of Colonel Lyne a;' Colonel Lvne in the past had n'ade an admirable chairman, and hi", v:»st intimate kllowlerke of the husiness of the hoard was most useful. — Mr. T. DutPeld seconded, and Mr. John Yorng. j, supporting pointed out that Colonel Iivne had been a guardian for 30 vcars, :mr1 (.1nlÎrmnn for eleven years. Votinor took T)Inm, when 45 ,"ote. wfre recorded for Colonel I/vne. and 35 for Mr. Mo. Wh^"1or. Thp result was received w'th applaii-e.—Mr. Wheeler fomnllv moved the re-election of Cr-hw«»l T.vn<>. r^'>- lction was carripd.Mr. AToses Wbeeler ,WM bv 41 vote* to 38 for Mr. Thomas DutfiMd. the retirimr yiœ.phninnRn.- Mr. 'r n"tfi"J,i ind Mr George Jones were unanimou^y elected additional ^re-chairmen, ami the hoard then proceeded to e1cct commit- ,CC" MONMOUTH. The first meeting of the new board was held on Saturday, Colonel.Tames Davis, the former chairman, was unanit lously elected chairmaB of the now board. and Mr. S. C. BoRanquet, the former vioe-chairman, was also re-eleoted. The appointment of committees was the principal business. There i. a largo p-oportion of former guardians returned as district councillors, and all the names of those formerly serving on com. mitcs were allowed to remain, the veanoie8 only being filled. The nnion being situated in three counties, the group of parishes in each county forms a district. These bodies held their first meeting after the business of the board was concluded, and the following gentlemen were elected chairmen of the respective district councils Whitchurch District, comprising Herefordshire parishes, Mr. F. E. Sbeppard Monmouth District, comprising Monmouthshire parishes. Mr. S. C. Bosanqnet, J,P,; West Dean, comprising Gloucestershire Wishes, Mr. S, J. Msom.

RURAL DISTRICT COUNCILS. CARDIFF. I The first meeting of the newly-elected rural district council of the Cardiff Union, whioh will, henceforth, be known under the title of the Llandaff and Dynaa Powis Dis- trict Gounoil, was held at the boaxd-room of the workhouse, Carcim, on Saturday. There was a full attendance of mem bers, and during the proceedings the board-room presented a scene of unwonted excitement. Major- genaral Lee was voted to the ohair, pro tem., and after certain preliminaries had been settled, Mr. 0. H. Jones proposed Mr. Robert Forrest, the Windsor Estates office, as chairman of the counoil until the next annual meeting in April. In doing so, Mr. Jones mentioned that Mr. Forrest had previously filled the offices of chwirman to the rural sanitary authority and LlandafF Highway Board for several years, and had discharged tho responsibilities thereof in a most satis- fado' manner.—The R?e?. J. P. BoFktff ,iid,d the proposition, which carried unanimously.—Subseouently, Mr. 0. H. Jones was appointed vice-chairman.—It was decided that in future meetings of the council should b* held on the second Wednesday in each month, as formerly.

CRICKET. ENGLAND V. AUSTRALIA. A Renter's telewam from Melbourne says: -The second test match between Mr. Rtorl, ,1:>1't'< cricket team and all eleven of all | Australia commenced here on Saturday. The weather .is fine, but the wicket has not re- covered from Friday's downpour. At the 1nnohPOn interval the Englishmen, who lost the toss and had to bat first, had lost five wickets for 44 runs. A telegram from Melbourne, at 3.40 p,m.. on Saturday ",v:The first innings of the Englishmen closed for 75 runs. The Austra- lians are all out for 123.

THE GRIIAT CTIPF FOR Vlridin* ,-Uli further testimony. A Chemi.t wrltn "Will vou .nll 111' I bottle of your Viri- dine; it ia f, iy o.) ute. I jet plenty of com cure* of the same colour, Itut none of them to equal you. No one oufht to connlder hil corns incu- rable until he hae worl "Viridine." Thouf»»tdi have b#en cured, some of whom had luffered for oyer 50 i yi'fcrt. Bewail of imitations Sold in battl. 111. by post Is 2d.. by 'th, Fropiletor, J. Mnndaf Chemist, 1, Hifh-ftreet, .Cardiff, aid aU Mteaista.

LOCAL BILLS IN PARLIA- I MENT. VALE OF GLAMORGAN RAILWAY. DETAILS OF THE NEW BILL. I The Bill which hAA been deposited for next session by the Vale of Glamorgan Haihrav Com- pany seeks power to conftruct just over three miles two furlongs of new railways. These raihvavs are intended to be in substitution for the H-bole of the railways authorised in 1889, with the exception of the ¡¡reater part of the ma.il1 line of flint railway (referred to in the Aot of 1SW) as "Haihvay No. 1'), and with reference to which the preamble states that "the com- panv have acquired or contracted for the greater portion of the lands required for the purposes of that railway, and aro proceeding with its construction. II NEW WORKS. The new railways sought to be constructed are divided into two sections "Railway N' 1, whioh will be two miles peven furlongs 4*25 chains in lenth. will (onunenco in the parish of Coit," hl a junc- tion with the railway now in course of con- struction, and will terminate in the same parish Iw n. Junction with th* Llynvi and Ogmore Section of the Great Western Rail. way, at a Iinf 40 yard* from the post denoting one mile from Jlrid¡¡en.1. "Railway No, 2 is a short junction rail- way. three furlongs six chains in leno-th, whollv situate in the hamlet of Coitv T/Ower. fommennincr by a îunrtion with the above-mentioned RS.'IWMV NO. 1. at a point where il will cross the Cowhridl(e,r08d. lead- iinr from Bridcend to Cowbridge. and ter- minal.;n- h" a junction with the Great Wes- 1 tern Railwnv 220 vnrds from the southern end- of Bridgend Station." Tn the construction of thA n !>oVA Railway No 1 it Is proposed to alter two public ro-id g to an inclination not. steeper than Ift. in 20ft., and to "ro" five pubb'c rood. by bnidsres 15ft. in k^i^ht ftnr1 with s^nns of 2c*f4 Tn the ("ase of R,1i\wny No. 2 one public road will be crossed bv H. hrioll9 of a similar npiq-ht and Rpan. The time sought for tlip completion of these works is three years from the IJO"in¡¡, of the ,40t, which i? two year« leva than the time usually ?k?rt for ?)r) f?ntp? J?' f'ia? 20 of th? ?i)) the n('erY' powers are «ou"ht to almndon the railways authorised in 1889 which will be ren- dered unnwessa-ry by reason of the corifltruot.ion of the substituted railways. The railwavs thus abandoned IJTB DWIBED AS ^Railways Nos. 2, 3. and 4. and Railway Nn. I from tho «^om- mcnoement thereof to th- point of junction therewith of tho substitu*e<l railway." NEW CAPITAL. For the pur])o*e of constructing the subw- t1l'Pd railways power is sought to apply any monev which the company is already authorised to raise, and jn MJrlition Parliampnt i. asked to sanction the creation of £45000 additional f',p;la1 and to horrow a further sum of f15 000. Out of this capital the TIiI111ropnRe. to authorioe the company to expend £4.000 in ¡hp payment of interest at 3 per cent, during the construc- tion of the railways, and hv Clause 34 the pro- visions relating to agreements with th" Rarrr Railway Company (contaitmd in Section 52 of tho Barrr P;. Iwav Ac-t. lfqll, fire apt)li- cable to thi. new share and loan capital. ADDITIONAL LANDS, ftp. I The remaining clauses -in the Rill authorise the company to acquire certain lands at Rhooôe for general purposes, and for making the rail- way now in course of construction an exten- sion of time is sought for two years witliin which to purchase certain lands set out in a schedule attached to the Bill in the parishes St. A than, St. Bride's Major. Penmark, and Porthkerrv. By Clause 24 it s proposed to enact, that "the company and any company law- fully working or using the railway may collect, store, and use any water which may be found or obtained under any of the lands of the oom- pany.

FATAL ACCIDENT AT DOWLAIS WORKS. A FALL OF SIXTEEN FEET. Mr. E. B. Reece, district coroner, held an inquiry at the Town-hall, ('?,rdiff, on Saturday night touching the death ?f Rbert Baker, agM 4i, of &. tht.i¡,;erobna\l:,ker labourer at the Dowlais Ironworks, Cardiff, who met with an accident at the works ou Thursday morning, and died in the afternoon at h ? axdiff Infirmary. Deceased %a? in the habit of oiling the b.1t?? on the hot,blast completed this job on the morning in qIWS, tion, and was returning, when he slipped from the main, and fell distance of 16ft., his I..d coming in contact with the brick flooring at the bottom. On the main along which he had to walk, were two water-pipe" D,, ceased Was conscious for only a little time after the -id,nt, and, (lut?stimc?l by a fellow? ,.],. in the li. had workman as to how it ?ouii-t?d, he said, "I caught the pipe ?id it broke. "—Mrs. Baker (d:N ¡r.:) said ierbrh:b;?Ií; plained to her that the place he had to walk over was dangerous, but it was stated that he had not ?inplained to hi8 foremn. He died at the infirmary, as tb,;llOuae surgeon (Dr. ?Ji(?n) certified from eoneu??ion of the brain, death! j"ry r.t.rt.>ed vo>rdiQt. of u_4.ocide.uh.l

A FATAL FALL. I DEATH OF A CARDIFF CLUB I MAN ACT ER. SAD ENDING TO A CHRISTMAS I PARTY. At Cardiff Town-hall on Saturday night I )!;t EaBi,diÎi,t úJ'¿;;rlid ;f1il' quest on the body of Riohard David, aged 40, manager of the Dumfries Club. 78, Harriet- street, Cathays, who fell downstairs on Thurs- day morning and died the same day from the injuries received. From the evidence of Mrs. David, it appeared that deceased was weak on his legs, that he had only one arm, and that his eyesight had latterly been defective. There had bten a party at the Dumfries on the Wed- nesday. which broke up at six o'clook in the morning. At that hour deceased was playing with his two little boys and ran after them downstairs, whfln he fell and alighted on the stone floor at the bottom. He was picked up in an unconscious state. Dr. Corrigan was called in, but deceased never rallied, and died in the afternoon at 2,15,-The jury returned a verdict) of "Accidental death."

VOLUNTEER INTELLIGENCE. ARTILLERY VOLUNTEER DANCE AT CARDIFF. Our Lady Correspondent writesA very enjoyable and spirited ball took place at the Park,haJ) nu Friday evening. given by the eel" R'wuts of the Artillery Volunteers. The gi,?et? were numerous. Among them we noticpd Captain Brain ;,n d the Misses Braiir, Captain Cook, Captain and Mrs. Stallvbrass, Mr. and Mrs, Gilling. Captain F, Knsor, Captain and Miss Jenkins David, Major W. Jones, Dr. Morris. Colonel and Mrs. Fisher, Mr. D. Caple, Mr. Bradley, and many other officers of the Artillery, HiBes, and Submarine Miners' Corps. The room looked very pretty with the scarlet and blue uniforms, and the 'flashing of gold and silver lace. Among the ladies 1 noticed some pretty dresses. Miss Brain wore maize, anil her sister pure white. Mrs. Gill. ing's dress was very stylish, consisting of a black skirt and crimson velvet bodice. Miss Fisher wore a pretty black and pink dress. Mrs, Stallybross was gowned in pale mauve, with a relief of dark heliotrope velvet. Miss M. Tuoker looked charming in white. Pretty pink and white dresses prevailed among the younger ladies. A very remarkable costume was a deep red velvet, with a broad front panel of yellow velvet and shoulder revers of the same. Miss Kelly's band played with much ex- cellence, and dancing was kept up to a lato hour.

A DOCTOR ARRESTED. I CONFESSES TO ROBBING A I SHIP'S PAYMASTER. A Dalziel's telegram from Marseilles says: — A dispatch from St. DenM. in the Island of Reunion, gi,. particulars of the arrest there of a doctor of a Marseilles mail steamer under peculiar circumstances. When the doctor left France it was said he was rather hard pressed for money, Knowing that the P.?,ma"t", had a large um entrusted to him, lie conceived a novel plan of depriving him of it on the return voyage from Tamatave. First of all he managed to tamper with the par masters rations, with the result that the offi- cer suffered severely from dysentery, and. naturally applied to the doctor for relief. He advised morphine, and prooeeded to administer several strong injections. While the patient was lying under the influence of the drug the doctor stolo all the money he oould find ui the cabin. The paymaster, suspecting what had occurred when he recovered, charged the loctor with theft, and, in the end, the latter had to con/ess, though he denied having drugged the paymaster for the purpose of robbery.

LATE BISHOP OF HEREFORD Tho remains of the lato Bishop of Hereford were interred in the close on the south sid of Hereford Cathedm) "n Satnrday. Amoig those pre.eut were the widow, children, and relatives of the deceased, Lord Bateman, the Karl- of of tht? deceast d LoT%i Bat(iffian, N fr. Biddulpb, Chesterfield. fr, Rankin, M.P., Mr. Biddulph, j M.P., and Mr Radcliffe Cooke, M.P.

Thousands of children die annually from that terrible disease, CROUP. All may be mved by giving them ortimw' Cro!ipXixtueiu time. May 6e obttined of all ehemute at I& Hd. per Mttle. ??

SEAMEN AND THEIR I FRIENDS. MR. J. H. WILSON, M.P., AND THE FEDERATION. ALLEGED SHAMEFUL LIBELS. DENIES AUTHORSHIP OF THE I CELEBRATED CIRCULAR. I i Mr. J. H. Wilson writes to the "Times" in answer to a letter signed" by Mr. G. A. Laws, general manager of the Shipping Federation, which asserted that an alleged forged circular WIIJj issued, by .Mr. W ilson's instructions, to several organisers of the Seamen's Union, Says Mr. Wilson: — "On my attention being called to the letter containing this shameful iibel my first impulse was to enter an action for libel. This, how- ever, I cannot do at the present Illolllent, as to take such an action against a wealthy body like the Shipping Federation would require at least some JS500 or £600, I have. therefore, decided to reply to Mr. Laws for the present, and to enter an action for libel all soon as I have t.lHI meaDS to do ,;(), "1. No suoli circular wns ever prepared by me or by my instructions or authority. "2. No such oircular was issued by me or by my instructions, and 1 repudiate the statements of Mr. Laws as a gross and shameful libel." MR. WILSON SHOULD FIND THE I AUTHOR. The "Pall Mall Gazette" says: —After a very long and very interbsting ,,¡.en"ce, Mr. J. Have- dock Wilson informs the "Times" that when it printed "the copy of an alleged forged circular, and also an extract from a letter supposed to be signed by me, per T. A. H. it printed a shameful libel. He is too poor at present to undertake an action again ,I. the Shipping Fede- ra Hon-the last bRlalloc'8/UI of the late but not lamented1 Seamen ail'! Firemen's Union show a handsome deficit—hut so "grass" and "shameful" a slander will in time be brought before the courts. We cm quite understand Mr. Wilson's dislike of libel actions. So far that diverting form of sport 11. not done much for his benefit. Now. however, the question stands thus: Someone forged a circular pur- porting to come from the Shipping Federation, intended to .1I.a,.h th'e Seamen and Fire- men's Union. That circular fell into the hands of the Shipping Federation, accompanied hv a 1eftf-r supoosed to have been issued by Mr. instructions. Who wrot" the letter? Who forged the pwt?r? Nnt Mr, Wil.on, Who for?-e,(l the suggest that he can only clear the but we must. ?,,FgZt !b,,t lh,? ing Mr. Law. to i??i out the cri., al 'd ounish him, I C THE FABRICATED LETTER. Commenting upou the matter, tfte St. James's Gazette" says:—Mr. Wilson contents himself with saying that he did not issue the forged circular or give instructions that it should be issued. Very well. But, surely, the matter cannot rest here. As an M.P., a publio man, a per8ûn who has been entrusted by the members of the Seamen's Union. Mr. Wilson must be naturally anxious to "Ipar up the matter. How comes it that a forged or fabri- cated document is issued from the offices of the Union of which he was general secretary, with his own name attached and initials correspond- ing to those of his confidential clerk and ama- nuensis? Who was tlw I'igott? Surely, Mr. Wilson will try to find him.. Our columns are open to him if he would like to explain. It may be worth while to set forth again the •overing letter issued from the office of the Seamen's Union, enclosing the forged circular of the Shipping Federation, asking officcr* of ships not to engage Trades Union sailors. This is the document: — "I enclose you a circular picked up from the Shipping Federation. I want you to read it to the men on board sb;T). hut do not allow it to go out of your hands, or the man who gave it me may get into trouble. Keep it private, ind do not let the press have a copy. Please bp careful about this,-Your, faithfully, J. H. Wilson (T. A. W.h generaT \|r, Wilson declares that thio letter ;s a. fabrication, and to sav that it is not is a libol on him. But who forcred it. and how nd^H be "t tI, chance of sendw it out from the 1'n;on of ",>eo!, he was secretary with his name attached?

I LOCAL AMUSEMENTS. I I 1, BABES IN THE WOOD AT I CARDIFF THEATRE ROYAL I The rehearsals and performances of Nr, Fletcher's latest pantomime la"t week have all served to lick it into shape, with the result that the "Babes in the Wood" now runs as smoothly as can be wished, and the various and numerous artistes have all settled down to their respec- tive parts wth an assurance tliat comes of expe- rieti?, and a. completeness that augnrs success. The t,,? "ISaltis" re now tl,d by the ti(J tŠt;J::Ir;' f,: ë;;dfft1rl: "t havo a future before them, and their perfor- mances are in every way satisfactory. Mr. Harry Mountford now plays 1 Simple Simon with commendable results, and lIJe,rs. Shelley and Allen as the "Barm." and "Baroness" have fuêiioiitïii;r iiiîproVênínr is"ImpwHeT' xiic other artistes have alio reached » lugli standard or efficiency, and the whole pantomime is pro- duced on so elaborate a scale that Cardiffians may rally look upon it as the best that has as yet been produced in the Metropolis. • ROBINSON CRUSOE" AT CARDIFF GRAND THEATRE. Wldt ¡,as been .aid above the Royal Pantomime is equally applicable to "Robinson Crusoe" at the Grand. At it« very jj¡t performance the latter was a suc- cess, and now that the improvements which only time, can suggest have been introduced, the puce goes with a swing that is perfectly delightful, and is one of the most provokingly- mirthful pantomimes that Cardiiffans have ever hpil the pleasure f ?,e?iug. I- addi- tion ¡:hltaeciaïf vai:grtes a;t are ".I1¡.¡a¡¡ed in the pieoev the celebrated Lis- bon trio of skaters will appear- nightly in the performance this week, Amongst the new F.t,,r,, that have been introduced into "Robinson Crusoe" since the opening night, Mr, Walter Unwin'. famous and dramatio descriptive song, "Dreaming," calls for special mention. Mr. Unwin has scored an enormous success with this ditty. Several new songs and dances will also be introduced into "Robin- son Crusoe" this week. THE EMPIRES. I CARDIFF. The Keene and Reeve's combination were such a "terrific" success at Mr. Stall's Queen- street hiub,, last week that Cardiffians will hail with delight their re-engagement during the present week in the famous musical rustle burlesque entitled "Lubin's Secret. The other artistes are Verno and Voyce, comedians; Petri and Elise, in "Fun at, the Toll-gate"; F. V. St. Clair, the topical rhymster; I !\I:tthews'. educated goats; the two 1'etries, singers and dancer.: and, lastly, the Mills, two inimitable Am.>rimn artistes, in "Flirta- tion." NEWPORT. The premier place in this week's programme for 1\Ir, Stoll's Newport house is devoted the Booths, America's sensational gymnasts. Other artistes appearing liightlv this week are O'Connor and Traynor, .in¡fer8 and dancers; the Sisters Haycroft, duettists; Sam Jcsson, comedian; Wills and Dare, eoeentrio come- dianfi Maud Hazlewood, mimio and banjoist; Graham and Vine, comedians, and Crowley, the famed female impersonator. SWANSPA. I An unusually attractive bill has been arranged for the entertainment or patrons to Mr. Stall's Swansea house during the present week. The Clarke and Glenny Company in "The Ghost of Skeleton Jim," an amusing and mystical sketch, will be a popular turn, and the others are Phil Reymond, aotor- vooalist; the Wood Travelli Trio, in "A Trip to Colney Island"; George Neno, comedian; Allan and Hart, in their attractive speciality On 'Change Topsy Levaine, The Coster Girl"; Harry Brett, ;,3:; and, finally, Pallas and Cassick, the iniaitable comedians. 11 PANOPTICON. CARDIFF. The novelties at Mr. Stoll's famous St. Mary- street house this week aro Zeolah and I.ep- wohl, the Rosicrucian 8Omnomists and Mahat- mas, a la "The Baldwins"; the Four Etherdos, in "Chameleon's Glen"; Blitz, the plate charmer; the Lucases, two Nubian vocalists, and Davies, the Welsh whistler; Professor Codman's "Punch and Judy" show is retained this week, and a Christmas tree containing I' 400 toys will lie distributed amongst the first 400 children who enter the Panopticon on New Year's Day.

NOVEL MENU CARDS. Messrs. Liebig, of the extract of meat fame, are issuing to hotel proprietors, &0.. a series of very handsome and smart menu cards, printed in the brightest of celours, illustrating the uniforms of the differc-iit regiments in the British Army. Another set is composed of views of the principal Atlantic liners with their various house flags. These cards are in use, and are very much admired, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff.

SHIP ON FIRE AT CARDIFF. On &tl1rdav morning ?me. matting caught fire 1. the forehnld of the steamship Ragu^a, now under :i tip in the Roath Dock, Cardiff. The circumstance was reported to the Bute Dock police, and in a few minutes the Bute Fire Brigade, under the direction of Superin- tendent O'Gorman, x < at the scene of the out- break with the ho*o and reel, and extinguished the fire. Thanks to the promptitude of the fire-, tbrriiflgiaodge., the damage doae to the vessel WM very i ixidiog,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I. MARKETS. I I LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET. I LIVKRPOOL, SatnraaT Bacon: Stongcr cable advices and small hog receipts have created a steadier feeling in the market to-day, an transactions, although still confined to small orders, are more numerous, and there is morA dispoAition for business gene- rally. Shoulders remain steady at previous currencies. Hams move moderately at recent currencies sustained. Lard on tho spot, owing to higher o.i.f, quotations, is held for rather more money, but traoillg is on a small bas s. Cheeso continues to present a steady appearance, although demand is yet within narrow bounds. American butter is nominal Eggs are fcteady at unchanged rtftes. Beef and pork are quiet, without quotable change in value. ,°" or PliO\I"tON.. 'n å 8. 2 I'! Jê « ■ p »j| « « g H I-r- -1- To.day. 1 l(j1)i 35 1126 83.31 32 167 I ¡: 47lrs 36m 6371,3115U16 17fl46i, L..t y. .42378: 3,l2891211.1475m 1157849'3ó06 C0BUBMT ^DOTATIONS. Beef, per 3041bs Extra India me.ss WsSd ts 77*. Pork, per 2001bs: ???'?ru 60? 0 1 t?M Bacou, P" II 46.? ad t,. 48, 0-1 SS?'=.r.??? 4M 8* M, Limerick 4iis 8i to 47. M Centineutal 45.tMt. ?M 33? 6 IoIIK clea.r, 551bø a.eragó. h:t; il!t;t. g'1 Sh.rt rib, 251b. dit,. ? 33i 0 ,1 t 35, C-b?rl.?,d out, 28 to 321b. ditlo. 32,6,1 t. 36 0 Stafford cut, 38-4()ibH ditto 36- Qi to 38 • • Clear bellies, 14-I61ba ditto 42- 01 to 46 J Short clear b.?k., ISI-)?,ht to o4^ §d ? -3b 0 Slioulders, N.Y. cut, 10-Mlta 29. Od to 30 6 Ditto s(itiai,? cut, ?7. 7 1 M?ti p.r 112 b?: 0" t-  Long clit 35* 17 ,v I. ::t \l.r. ::g ¡ <: f>ar<l, per « Prime Western Steam ,n' 36 ? 6.1 1-36 01 1121bs firkius, 35a 6d to 36* 6d per cirr. Cbeet, per I12Hm Fmear, Sfates and Canadian, '6? Od to 52R 6d. C)?.?M' 55, 9d t. 70* 0d. Hu<ter, per 1121b. Danish—1Choicest, 100a to 108 Jrjlll cre&merif). 100a to 103:-1; luctorie*, 9, to »4a farmers, Od to O, American, ils to 75s; Hue, 08 to On. Oauadimt cMn«.iies, 90s to 93a. AuatrwHau, 106::1 tb :;J1!Jø; to 60. to Ms o*, 32* to 40a. Kir-rs. Tier 120—Iriali Hen, 10* <M to 10* 41. Cana- dian, 7s 8d to 8:1 6J. CHuadiaa pickled, is 4d to 6d lOd. Continent* 8< 001 II. &, 81. LIVERPOOL FORKIGN PRODUCE. jjivKitPOOL, aaiuraar. The Foreign and Colonial Produce Markets will be elosea from to-day until 11Xt Wednes- day morninp for the N- Ye"r h.lid.y.. Sugar The rk, t l?? --p?-i- after the holidays baa been very lull, and no buai- nes, hns transpired, refiuer. eOJltinning quite apathetic towarlip the raw artie'e- Prices, con- sequently, hare net been tested, and remain nominally the mune as last week. Crystals are unchanged Tate's No. 1 15* 3d, Mnall 14s 9d, No. 2 14s. granulated standard 13s 3d, coarse and fine 14s 6d Egyptian, 12, to 128 6d; Demerara grocery, 12s no 13s 6d per ewt. Beet is dull. Values 12.30 p.m.December, 8. 74d January, 8ri 7'ii buyers February, 8s 9d; March, 8- 9d; April, 8s lOjd sellers: May. 8s Hid; June, 9s 0|d; July, 9s 2id August, 9s 3d sellers: October-1 December. 98 41.d noœÍ1UtI. Coffee has a steady market, but 125 bar. of African boid berry seld at 69. 6d per ewt to arrive transit. Cocoa has continued dull of 8alo and value. are unchanged. Rice has a dull market, and in the absence of business priivsaro unchanged. Sago ftouris sclling slowly at, late rates. Linseed aud cotton seed are quite dull and values are against sellers; 300 bugs of Turkish linseed sold at 36, 6d and 564 bags of Maranham cotton seed at t3 17s 6d per ton quay. Canary seed is steady at 458 for Turkish. One hundred and seTenty-five bags of palm kernels sold at £9 to £ 9 13s 9d per ton transit, and about 1,050 bundles of African piassava at £ 12 to S212 15s per ten ex Fifty-six bags of African copra sold at JE11 5s per ton ex quay. Dye- woods are dull and unchanged, and little or nothing is in to the holidays. Tallow is dull of sale, and prices are not changed. Palm oil is quiet; u small busi- nes. was done in Salt Pond ,t ;619 5s. Accra £2055, and Cameroon at R21 per ton quay and transit. Seed oils are steady and unchanged. Resin has ruled firm, but dull. Turpentine is without change. Petreleum is slow but steady at late rates. CORN Cardiff, Saturday. — (From Messrs. Janes Tuoker, Limited.) — There was a small atten. dance at our market to-a"y. and the business done was of;t, restricted character. Wheat of all descriptions was quiet at last week's quota- tions. Grinding barley WR. A tride dearer. Maize was firm. Oats were rather cheaper. Beans were unchanged. Gloucester, baturdiiy,-(Fiam Lucy Bro..)- English wheat was in small apply at our market to-day, and prices were without quotable alteration. Foreign held for previous rates, but business was very limited. Grinding barley wa. 3d to) 6d per qr dearer. M..iz8 and PRODUCE. London, Saturday.—Sugar Refined quiet, Tate's crystals and granulated 6d lower; others unchanged French dull beet weak Decem- ber, 8s 8id sellers, 8s 6;¡d buyers; January- March, 8s 9d sellers, 8s 8id buyers. Coffee ttio, January, 64s 6.1 sellers, 62s 6d buyer., Oils Linseed, 19. loid to 20s 3d rape, 19s 4d to 19s 6d; crude cotton, 15s lOAd refined, 178 9d to 18. 9d: turpentine unaltered petro- leum, 4 3-16d to 4 5.16d others unchanged. PROVISIONS. Whitland, Friday, The quotations were as fit. — Fresh butter in casks, lid to 11W per lb ditto in lib rolls. Is OM to Is Id per lb. Fresh eggs, 12 for Is. Live fowls, 3. 6d to 4s per couple. Heef, 8d per lb mutton, 8d per ,b i veal, 7d per lb. (Best joint!? quoted. ) thin NaumouLh.S?tmdfty.—There was a thm attendance at our market t?-dy. but trade generally was qu at. The quotations were as follow :—Fresh butter, Is 4d per In. Hen eggs, 12 for Is. Dressed fowls, 4s to 5s per couple; ditto ducks, 9d per lb geese, 9d per Ib; turkeys, 10d per lb. Butchers' moat (prime jointsi Beef, 7d to 8d per Ib; mutton, 7d to 9d per ib and pork, 7d to 8d per lb. Game; Phea- sants, 5s 6d to 6. 6d oor brace rabbits, 104 to Is each. Fish: Soles, Is 6d per lb; lemon soles, 8d per lb; turbot. Is per lb; ood. 4d per Iii: whiting, 4d per lb dabbs, 4d per lb; ling, 4d per lb oysters, 20 for Is prawns 6d per qt. MEAT. London, Saturday.-Beef steady and quiet. Quotations —Scotch, long sides, 3s lOd to 4s 2d; short sides, 4s to 4. 4d English United States, Liverpool and Deptford killed, 3. 3d to 3s 4d; American hind-quarters, 3s 2d to 4s; ditto fore-quarters, Is lOd to 2s 4d. Mutton tteadv and quiet; Scotch, 4s 8d to 5s English, 4s 4d to 4s lOd. Veal steady; Eng- lish and Dutch. 3s 4d to 4s 2d. Pork quiet and steady; Enjjli^h, 3-< 4d to 4s 6d; Irish* 2s lOd to 3s 8cL BulilTER. Cork. Saturdav.-Or<Iinary: FilAs, lOOa; Seconds, 83s; Thirds, 62s: Fourths, 43s Kegs: Fourts. 40s. Mild Cured Firkins: Superfine, 105s: Fine, 94s; Mild. 65s. Iu market: 72 firkins, 4 keas and 31 mild. FISH. Grimsby, Saturday.—About twenty smacks and ten steamers arrived, w;tli a f:1Ïr supply; brisk demand. The fish dock is full of vessels, no more being admitted. Smacks have to go into the general dock. Quotations:—Soles, Is 10d to 2s; turbot. Is 2d to Is 4d; brills Is pr pound; plaice, 4s 6d to 5s 9d; lemons, 7s. to g, 6d per ,t.. li,. akits 3s 6d t. 5s 6d; ditto dead, 2s 6d to 4,? 6d each; k't haddocks, 10s 6d to 14s per box. Many kinds not in market. rOrATOES? London, Saturd.ere only moderate snpplins on offer,and demand wa' moderate. The quotations were I\Ia¡¡nnm;, 70s to 90s regents, 60s to 70s; kidneys, 60s to 70s abun- dance, 80s to 90s snowdrops, 80s to lOOs; main- crops, 80s to 110s; Hebrons; 70s to 90s; othe:* sorts, 55s to 65s per ton. HAY AND STRAW. London, Saturday.—The supplies were short and trade quiet. The quotations were:- Best clover, 75s to 132s inferior. 4b* to 120s; best liay, 60s to 120s specially picked, 130s inferior, 36, to 60s; mixture, 90s t8 120s; straw, 22s to 388 per load. HIDE AND SKIN. Bristol, Satnrrlay.- Hides93fHs and 11]1- ward., Od to 0,1 per lb (American), 3d to 3$d per lb 831bs to 921bs, 0,1 to Od per lb (Ame- rican), 3d to 3kd per lb 731bs to 821bs, Od to 0d per lb (American), 2Jd to 2Jd per lb 631bs to721bs, Od to Od per lb (American), 1 jd to 2d perlb; brands, OtH.oOd prib (Americ"): 541, ts 621b, lid to 2<1 per lb 531bs and under, 1*1 to lid per lb cows, 631bs and abore, Ii" to 1 per lb; light, lirl to ljd per lb; bulls, lid t.,14 per lb heavy cuts and Iva.rl>led. 3d to Od per lb light ditto, 12ft to Od per lb irregular, lid to Od per Ib, Catf-skillS: 17110. and upwards, 3Jd to Od per lb 12U>s to 16ibs, 4,d to Od per lb Ib. to lllbf. 4§d to Od per lb under 91bs, 4d to Od per lb cut and irregular, 3d to 0d per lb clunce, Od per lb. Horse kides 9s 0d, 12s Od, 13s 6,1, 14 6d, 15s 3d. 1st kips, 2,d per lb 2nd kips, l?d per lb. F.t: Mutt<B 2i? beef l?d. rough I?L sweet beef 2?d. WooI, I D,9d C. Is lOd IS. 3s 6d A, 5s Od X, 6s 2d; XX. 7. Od. Forward price to Thursday Wools: D, 9d° C. l? 10d B, 3, 6d: A, 5H Od: X, 6s 2dXX, 7a Od. Ftt.l?, Hd, 2?d, sweet beef 2?d. LIVERPOOL METAL MARKET. I LIVERPOOL, Saturday.  Only a small business h? been done in the Glasgow pig iron wamnt market, and prie? are easier. ?t?h 41s 9d, 41s 10?, to 428 and I 42, ld; Cteveiand.M? 10d.34slld,Md 358 he.&- tite.42s9d, 42s 19d,42s 1JA aad 43s. The Scotck shipments last week were 4,310 tons, as agin46 2,649 tons for the corresponding week lart year ??pper nrmer—jE41 5s, £ 41 6s 3d, Mid ;Mt 7s C61rfMsi2:, L41 13. 9d, ::l ?4115s. forward. Tin much the same— £ 61 7s 6d, i61 15s, £62, to ;M2 2s 6d prompt; and ?61 10?, 16l 17s 6d, 62£6;8.: p; 6d, ;fO111 English (common), JE65 10. to £ 66* Lead at-,Iy-E.gli.h, 49 125,6d to iC9 153;1 Spanish, £9 12. 6d. Spelter easy— £ 14 5s, i 14 7. 6d, to JE14 10s. Silver weak, closing at 271d. Tin-plates.—'There has boon nry little busi- ness done this week owing to the boli. days. The tone of the market remains much the same, prices remaining very weak. Bessemer steel cokes IC 14 by 20 haTe been sold at 9, 91, 9. 10d. 10s, and 10s lid f.o.b. Liverpool, and 9s 4i, 9s 6d, 9s 7id, a id 98 9d f.o.b. Wales; wasters 14 by 20 lull weights Bessemer steel cokes are still in good demand, and have been sold at 9s 1M, 98 3d, and 9s 4jd f.o.b. Wales, and 9s 6d. 98 7M, 98 9d, and 9s 10id f.o.b. Liverpool, 1001b. wasters 14 by 20 at 8s lOfcd, 9s, and ? 31, 9. 41d, -d 9? 6d 9, ld f.o.b. Wales, and 9s 3d, 9s 4d, and 9s 6d t' o.b. Liverpool Bessemer steel cokes IC 14 by 19i and 14 by 18i at 9s 7Jd, 9s 9d, 98 10d, a.nd 10s f.o.b. Wales. and Siemens- Martin steel cokes IC 20 by 10 at 13s 10W, 14s, and 14s lid To.b. Wales, nominaf quotations being :-For IC n by 14 Be" -te?l cokes 9s 6d, 9s 7. 9, 9d, and 9s 10d f.o.b. Wales, and Siemens- Martin steel oolt". 98 9d, 9s 10d, 18s, 10s 3d, 10s 6d, and 10s 9d f o b. Wales, aud cboap charcoals 10s 6d, 10. 9d, lis, an* 118 3d, and ordinary charcoals lis 6d, lle 9d, 12., 12s 3d, and 12s 6d f.o.b Wales, and best charcoals 12s 9d, 13s, 13. 3d, 13s 6d, 14s,. 14. btl, anJ 15s to 15s 6d f.o.b. Wales; terne pht? IC 20 by 28 Bessemer steel charcoals 13s 6d, 18s 9d, .d Mb, 11 b:cde;8s..t619.186d,9d198..ngd, lJ 20" fob W-1?ll and Siemens-Martm Meet charcoals 21s, 21s 3d, 21s ód, 21s 9d, and 22s f.o.b. Wales, and 22s 6d, 22a 9d, and 23q f.b. Wales. BALTIC REPORT. At the lialtic to-aaj ^oaturanj; iu* WDo,La.OCV<f for cargoes of wheat continues inactive, hut' seBel's are not disposed to give way in price." N,? crop pi.t.3 offered at 22" Febr?ry to April shipment. Šsd oft,.1 descriptions do not offer at all treely. 9,<? j quarters Califorui= J?uary February =. aaked. sea damage, sellers. Russians un-j changed. Maize quiet and oasier-21. 3d asked Tr?edn?, ?.000 Danube, due Gib?ttM-, qn&rter I new for 10.000 quarters, ali old, Danube loa.d. invf, 21. 3d would be accepted, 21s lici obtain* able. Parley steadily held-12s 9d value afloat, and 13a lid spring shipment. J Beans dull. Freights very quiet.

THE LOSS OF THE STEAM- SHIP CANTON- BOARD OF TRADE INQUIRY AT CARDIFF. The Board of Trade inquiry into the loss of the steamship Canton in the Straits of Magellau, ill Oetober last, was resumed at the Town-hall, Cardiff, ou Saturday, before Mr. T. W. Lewis, (stipendiary) and Captains Partitt and Ward,, nautical assessors. lIlr. Waldron appeared: for the Board of Trade, and Mr. J. P. Ingle- dew represented the master.—Captain Bell was- further examined, and stated that in his opinion everything possible was done to save the ship. The fires were drawn from the boilers becausa the water was rising so rapidly in the engine- room. The standard compass, by which he set. his courses, had been unshipped by the storm, and he could not rely upon it afterwards, although in rough weather it worked fairly well. At the time of the disaster he was steering by the land, which in some places r08e to about 3,000ft. above the sea,-Richard Brown, first officer, and Patrick Donovan, second mate, gave corroborative evidence. The latter said he had been 27 years at sea and never experienced uch weather in his life, although he had been for twenty years in the Atlantic trade. Just before the stranding the ship was. steering badly owing to a strong current.—Mr. •I. Morrison, chief engineer, described the working of the en¡:ines fore and after the casualty, and evidence was given by two able, seamen as to the shifting of the carso.—Tha. court then adjourned until to-day (Monday).:

MISSING MEN AT CARDIFF. The Cardiff police are endeavouring to dis- cover the whereabouts of the following men, who are reported as missing from their homes: William Hees, aged 33, a milkman, residing at 59, Trede^ar-street, left his home on Friday, and has not been heard of >inoe. He is aboub 5ft. 6in. in height, dark-complexioned, withdaric eyes, hair, and moustache, and \is attired in a black coat and wst. light corduroy trousers, lace-up boots, and block hat. George Gray, aged 65, a mason, or :0, 25, Crawshay-street, ha, been missing since the 29th inst. He^s erf dark complexion, with dark moustache turning grey, and was attired in a black jacket, cor- duroy trousers, and felt hat. Charles Henry Jamee, a coal trimmer, of 35, Tredegar-street, has alfo been missing from h., home since Satur- day. He is 31 years of age, of stout build, fait complexion,, mid sandv moustache, and. whe lust seen ?a? dressed in a. pi\ot-clotti coat ai.c ,,?t. black cloth t, u,a 1-up boots, had round IÙ neek a red-griped muffler. J

WELSH COAL TRADE. V MINERS' MEETING AT SWANSEA. Tho monthly meeting of the Western District Miners' Association was held on Saturday at Swansea.— Mr, Isaac Evans, agent, reported that work would be resumed at Pencoed Colliery, Llanelly, on Monday on the old te^ms, pending the result of arbitration. The report also stated that a strong and general feeling existed in the district in favour of a miners' federation for the whole of South Wales and Monmouthshire. THE INDIAN SUPPLY. At the half-yearly meeting of the Great Indian Penil1lm!a.r R:Úlway Company it was stated that the company baa been in the habit of importing 43.000 tons of coal per half-year. They would now only require 807 tons, and would raise the remainder themselves.

LATE SHIPPING. SIGNALLED OFF THE LIZAED. Dec, 3O.-1'aR8elt Nast Irene, ot ialmontB V steamers Dungeness, of Glasgow; James Speir, of Cardiff; KUlarney, of Cork; Lady Hudson Kinahan, of Dublin; Marengo, from New York for Portand Roads; La. Normandio, frem New York for Havre; Lionel, of Newcastle. Passed West: Steamers Melrose and Beaver, of Lon- don; Lady Olive, of Dublin; Activity and Quickstep, of Cardiff; Newark, of Newcastle; Anselm, of Liverpool; Ibis, of Cork; Zrinzi, of Budapesth.—Wind, N., fresh; weather, squally; with snow showers; bar. 29'67, rising. Lowered north cone 12.40 p'm.

FIRE AT MUMBLES RAIL- WAY STATION, SWANSEA.' On Sunday m.rni-r at about 11.30 a fire broke out at the station of the Swansea and Mumbles Kailway Company, Swansea terminus. The hose and reel was taken from Goat-street Station, but when it arrived the company's servants had use4l the standpipe with good effect, and the fire, which was confined to a shed on the premises, was speedily extinguished.

PROPERTY EXCHANGE. CARDIFF. On Saturday afternoon Messrs. roweII. Lewis, and Co, otfered for sale by publio auction at the Royal Hotel a villa reeideno* stble. and outbuildings in Roath, and cottage property situated in Pendovan-street. LotJ 1, No, 27, Richard.-tprraœ, Roath, comprising first and second parlours, kitchen, and scullery, four bedrooms, backyard, and large shed and ,table, was knocked down at £560 to fr. Hopkins, Claude Hotel. The house, it should be stated, is let at a rental of £36 8s. per annum, and the stable at a rental of £20 per annum, tenant paying taxès, The shed, it was stated, would let from £10 to £15 per annum. The property is held on lewe for a term of 99 years from the 25th of Marcfc, 1873, at the yearly ground rent of £3 3s. 6d. Nine cottaees in Pendovlan-street, let at from 8s. 6d. to 9s. pt r week, held for a term of 99 veirs at the low annual ground rent of E12 17s.-6d., were withdrawn, the reserve price not being reached.

Czar Nicholas II. is below rather than afcova th > middle height, and gives one the impression of bin in delicat" health. His subjeota are somewhat disappointed at thi? falling off in the .t:ttme of their ruler Alexander I.. Wi?hl?o I.. Alexander II., and the late Czar were giants. ANTONE c»* take Gtrter'i Li tie Liver Pills,rttJl are a* very soull. No ti'O'ibl" to irallew. N't' ruiti or cripiig after taking. 18, lid Filial 01 II riii*. »

Coo late for ClasfstiSratton Housemaid Wanted at once; good refert-?.L Strsnaglian, Marine-parade, Penarth — Lost7 Five Foxhounds following description—IV_o (; .ew?h.'olï n Witcii, One White Itough?ted Bitch, One White Do* :o..JoU::d1O'a.¡ar:.bl Ck Co?. Tr<M)aw. 3L4613 most tA good waitress and understand lamps.—Write, stating. prtioulare, to W 19, Western Mail Oiffce Qwrtitf. ""Wanted,for"SmaifFamily in'the Suburta of Cai^ diff, experienced Cook; to assist in housework; all found except beer; write, stating wages and refe- renow.—Apply Un* Jncksoo, Bircbwood Uraage, Pen-f.-laD.