Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



CARDIGANSHIRE. I we, of course, duly appreciate the kindly feelings which appear in the numerous Cardiganshire communications, tint we have this week received, on the subject of the "literary larceny" so long, so perpetually—and, we may add so coolly committed on our columns by a contempo- rary whom we can no finger consider as a competitor; for the TfkV</n:<« has fairly beaten him out of the field. But one general acknowledgment must suffice. Having stated the fact-a fact which everybody knows—that our news is always dished up to the twaddlers who read the "journal" a whole week after the Welshman's readers have been supplied with it, wc have nothing mnr? to say, The subject gives «»• no concern %vii?i-,evcr. It the pf'nticm?n and ladies who spell the journal" like ?tM!p w;irM.whatri?ht has anyone to sncr at them j They h?vc a ri?ht as perfect to Hldule thctr pemiiar tastes as other people. I" London, s?te pastry h sold at half- pricc-a'id coil I),e is the consumption thereof by street-sweepers, hungry apprentice hoys,^ lamp-lighters, ??(j Vhe luxurious poor generally. Do the respectable n'ade'r? of the "journal" alio get their treat at naif-price ? 1,) not, ti?ey O-LI;?liL. F\r?L AcriDr.?T.—CnRC?ER's I?m'EST.—An In- quest was on Tuesday hmt held by D. Hich.trd Williams, at Lhcst G villhn, near ???''ys??''?'p?"??!ebody(d' William 11 tubes, ■'> R:ie youth, aged Jf>, and son of Ir. Lewis Hughes, of Lhiest Cwii!i;n, farmer. — Samuel Jones deputed, tn-'t ubomf'o'clock on Monday morn- in last, he heard the report of a !?un, in the immediate neighbourhood of ids co?t?,:e. After going out be saw thc dfce.tscd?tth his head lying on a mound quite dead; his ?<:nwasm the ditch below, and two dogs h,m( by. The; wife of the l?t?;t to) lt,?vii)g ti)(,n • up, and 'I.. s.w thc deceased as lat described Ins sh i t and cravat were on Sire, which she put out: he was bleeding copiously from the left side of the head. As the unfortunate youth had evidently come by his death through- his gnu accidentally going off in crossing the mound, the Coroner charged the Jury, who immediately brought in a wI,1i, ut Acc;dclltaJ Death." The de- ceased appears to have died in a moment, and without a struggle. AiiiiRYsTwiTin —Great anxiety is felt at Abcrystwit.i, respecting the fate ot the sloop tinnis, Thomas Williams, master, belonging to th;s port. She sailed fiom Llanelly, on or about the 5th instant, far New Koss, aim has not been since heard of. If any of the readers of the flelsh- can give any tidings of her, it will be thankfully received. Herrin". Fishery.—Last week bcrntig fishing com- menced at A beryatwith. The "take" was but few. Since that, the weather being fine, the boats have continued their exertions and have brought in frem ,1 to 8 maise eacli (the maise being oOO) and the herrings are now selling two a penny. Besides the above, 9 vessels have arrived from Douglas, Isle of Man, having on board about 100 maise each, salted. There is an abundance of herrings i:i the Bay-—in other words —there is an abundant crop of the necessaries of life, and lost for want of looking after. Here we spend our money in giving the Isle of Man fishermen employment while our own bay is full of li,!i, confesse. 11 v suoerior in flavour o those (it' the Isle of .vlan. How this is we will soon explain—out fishing season does not commei.ce till late in the year, when it requires hrgish I boats to stand the weather—our boats are all small and wholly incapablc of encountering weather the least rough. Then why not get larger ? Aye, there is ilil, r-ib-where is the money to come from We have now come to the rea! difficulty of the case—want of capital; and the next question is, how is that difficulty to be removed for it is quite certain that things must remain as they are unless a stouter and a larger class oi boats be employed. As matters arc now, it is absolutely a disgrace to Aberyst- uir.b that whilc fih is so abundant in the bay, they should yet be dependent for a scanty supply upon strangers; but it is difficult to point out where the blame lies, The handsome offer which Capt. Ilinde ami Capt. Vv. Powell made at a recent meeting of the Fishing Club .shows a disposition on the part of the gentry of the town and neighbourhood to "fend a willing hand" in removing the chief c.ilHculty—- the poverty of the fishermen. It is well worto the experiment to pet one boat ready for the next herring season to be of the necessary size and stoutness and to be employed during the rest of the year as a dredging boat for all sort of fish, and thus to supply the market with flat-fish of every sort. We merely threw out the suggestion —hoping the subject will be taken into serious consideration. The Cardiganshire Quarter Sessions will be held at Aberystwith on the 18th of October.


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Family Notices

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