Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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L d. "CI I!fi I Ai t ..i. 1.1 t "Leader" Classified Idvertisewnts. NEW SCALE OF CHARGES. I 20 WORDS (and under)-3 INSERTIONS—SHE SHILLING. PRIVATE NOTICES. Three Insertions.—Gna shilling for 20 words, and 3d. extra for every 5 words more. LOST AND FOUND. Three Insartijns.—Ono shilling and six- penco for 23 words, and 4d. extra for every 5 words more. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, AND SYMPATHY NOTICES. r-' One Imartion.-Two shillings for 28 words, r and 6d. extra for ovary 5 words more. This Scale does not apply to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Publio Bodies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Netices, Sales and Let by Tender. HEAD OFFICE- LEADER BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. Telephones: 1234 Central (Eleven Lines). Teiegrams: Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151. FLEET STREET, E.O. Telephone; 2276 Central. LLAKELLY OFFICE- LONDON BUILDINCS, THOMAS-ST. Telephone: No. 174. NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET (Telephone No. 250). I TRADE SPECIALITIES. ,"EWlG 1,{a,ciÜ:aoo of all makea, cheap fcr o cash; Oil, K«edka. Shuttles, Parts; good Machines from £ 1; all makee repaired. —Yates, Sewing iiachiina Man. 17, Waterlotf- etreet* Swansea. 70A6-2 UEiTj^KW~MlLK delivered twioa CAULY, holt>öa.le and retail; new laid e¡;gl, butter and cream; prompt deliveries, j Samuel, fat- Ca.àog Dairy- Central TL. 173Y4. illN 7^A3T-Oi'F Clothing Ilona i'uraituro ot 1..  l y fverr description bought to amount for cash; p?tc?da receive promp. ?r?u; c.? prices s.v?.-?o? addrem: Eu-k 15 and ? ¡'rinoo d Wol.roaü, SI',L  ?a. ToBu?e?. AL?rg. S?iectMn of go^ to cbooB? fMK'- C6- -H MUOT"D?A1?K?.-?H up b..?cTk r?? ?'?.'t? quired from our Wholes^ ^are- ho??. I?adiug Brands Stocked- ft LLLiA LLOYD, Ltd. Gower-stroet. Swansea 1i tOE L'MBKKLLaS &?u ?..?i??. ?? ? Nob?.??S?-a'-r?t'A??? ??' r spseiali: v. _— H- OTKL Bar Fiuei-g, Aaar^aG"V^* ot Beer Famines, Wasbups, Corkdrawars, Spirit Moa?ur? S??C.. Tablea.  ° all kinds, Hkitt?-W. i. Vaoitbwi. Queen. lplace, Oarditt. ^OMPORTABLE Work at ?' M?Mn?. l?t and C??P?; <?° 0. Hire. Al? ? ?w S?d ?r?B. -? Cll'¡ hand H.Oit.ter? fcyuai to J?M: ?? '?? (? 187'J-—W. Urim.? M. QU.D-éiU'¡;4;t. Neath- nV* il), aud id BAIAAAit ûuUl) ",ary Liu, 2 advice to b?io..?? ?1.0 d.? pa! <? ag??Lcy; CMY tenuis catalog  May. 571, e&adp:?. Birmingbr,m, 01.1'  — ?T?t?uYr?i?.?'? ?.?-'?-?? 1 1M. aiKu-*tr<^u>waw*». Bouse in 'io?u to* mail of an Vorit,?io, ?ho!eM:o a?a Retail. ?IS? ohc.?t??- _? HyrdiiiA Daviao* Annaunoeujania. ;i.j.'L'8 l?ii??t?? ??? l?V? 'J.i: ?-???"r? ? ?-/?i?? pttpuiaU-Jii i°r Indigeeuon. ?<M.r?ur?, 1??? w ?c Pit ?0r? the bM?ach. Vomiting. Fl?t? ??cy. Uwa- tiiLie ?. 1? butt?. 1? and ?.-?yrd?d? Div?, M-P .S., Chem?t, ?. iUgh^trcet, Swansea (bottom of iligu-sl.tee.tK NOBLE'S Backache and Kidney Plila,, 6peci«Jly recoaaiceuaed for Sidney Troubles, Backache, congestion of the Klll. neyti. Iniiammation of the Bladder. travel, etc Ver box, lfi- and 2s. 611. iiyiddui Davies, M-PJ3., Chemist. iiish-btreet. Bwamjea (bottom of High-atreoO. If.L. MYiiDDlN'S Liver Granule, i most e £ tc- 1.l\'J. ti"Q little Pill tur 'lorpid LiyeA. ihi. lioaenees. Dizaineee. Ht>a,daohe, Gonstipc^ tion. Sold in bottieti, 6d. and lOid.—Myrddin Davies. M-P.B., Otieautit. 2o8. iiish^tr«et,. Bvvaneea (botiom of liigh-str«*t)- f JL i^ilK imerican Corn ?last?r ?6 undouot. .1 cfUy t? Mo6t ett?cuvc Corn Pi?Mi- manufactured. Try it, ouce. then judge; no failure; no haraefiimt oorna; no burning; easy to put on; readily cuxoc., Hd.; ? po.t. ?d.-Myrd?n   ?' PC.I. POBE. tbotmm Qi IU,Q EU66t. '1'.0. STOCKINGS, 2a. 6d. each, 4tJ. 6Ú. J r pair; Anklets, 1a. 10d.; Knee Caps, &s.; Lsggingfi. all eizes; British mah-,e.- llyrddiu Davies, M.P .8., Chemifat, iligh- euoot, Swansea (bcttom of lii^h-t>troot). u, !rX nnUoS^S! Trusses! Trusses! in iill sizes. L double or oiugie.— ityrddin Davioa, M.P S., lioC, High-street, Swansea, (tott-ooi 01 T.C. EDUCATIONAL. 2nd, 3rd, -4th, Oth, Sth, I Oth, 11 th and 1 4th FLACES in the laó Female Learners' Ixaxjiination luCûrdllt were tocured by students of Clark's College. Such a splendidly success- ful result as this clearly proves the highly enicient training given ut Clark's CoiJeg-e. Students who have been trained for tfiusi- us. Clark's College are placed out, at "Han of 1f>o.. £ 1, end £ 1 6d. a "eek. DAY. EVI'j?i?T?i) POSTAL CL.AES. ) llustraiad pTo?pt?.tu?. ?ivmK full parti- C!a?? C?!!ege? The Civil Service and Business Luivorsity of London. PAGEFIELD HOUSE, St. Helen's Road, Swansea. (Tel. Dockfi 1611. Centr&l College & Oihcea Clark's College. Ltd BOOK-KEEPŒG. Complete Correapond- ence Courte. Text and Exercise Books supplied. Terms strictly moderate, payable your convenience. Coaching until success- ful for any exa,millation.-Partioulars, W. D. Jackson, A.i.S.A., Alderman's House, Bishopsgate, Loudon, E.C. 71A6-3 COLijlEEY Ofhciaia, Surveyors, hlec- triciane.—Study Privately at Home. Lessons by poet. Instruction book fme.- Cajnbrian idining School (i>ept. C.LJ, Porth, Glom. 70A6-12 X^NOWLEDGE a Young Man should have. "—Send Is. to Vital Knowledge Co., 44, Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. 68A6-10 STUDENTS Trained to a 8peed of 100 Words a ilmute in PITMAN'S Sbort- band. Civil Service Candidates Successfully Prepared for Examinations. Numerous llecen Successes. Learner* and Sorters. Svran&ea aud T.ondon. LessoIl9 given in ■J> rithinstic, Book-keeping, Trigonometry, 8tc., Ladies and Gentlemen. Success Guar- «uteed.—Mr. J. Harris, Shorthand Teacher, 66, Oxford-street, Swansea- Day and Even- tile Claiaaes. APARTMENTS, An. .fCTTESTON SUPLB MAKE. Oomfortabie L -AI)art-.e.7ito. moderate, and inclusive; jiftno. Affhcomlw Villa, Milton-road, Wetiton-su por-M-are. 71A6-J TWO Unfurnished Rooms to L?t; every Tc,o n veniez)cc.-Ap ply 27, Pinewood-ro?d. Uplands. 7.1A6-3 TWO Unfurnished Rooms to Ijot, Bryu- mill; ra3>1)t,.cAab-e. quiet people; gas and ii*a of t^-cilery.-Apply Piie'.=i Now "Leader' Tel. No., 1234 Cent. i j LOST AHiS rOUftiO. T OST, on Thureday evening, a Lady's Gold — Watch, between Alexander-temaee, Brynmill, and Brooklands-teraroe; number known.—Finder rewarded on returning «ame to Miaa Mortimer, Aishieigh, Eiynone. 70..1.6-2 II Uai*lfeSTiC S E "I A i'' ó) KAHitu, 'T,?7'ANTItD, a very gQOÙ Oook; help given; NIV? baking; wagc?o ?M a year.—Mrs. II Buckley iioderiek, (ioodig, Burry-port, Car- marthenshire. 71A6-10 W A3* TED, experienced Uenexal, at onoe.— Apply, between 6 and 7 Dra- Dann, 162, St. Helen's-road, Swajisea. aN WANTED, immediately, superior pereou for housework; good home to suitable person.—Apply Mrs. holers, 89, Cecil-street, Manaelt^n. C6-5 > WANTEI), L good General servant.- Apply Matron, Borough Hospital, South Dock, Swansea. 70A6-2 '\fAI"¡'rED, a good G?ner?I Servant; Mo?I ,y i-ily; age about 23; good wagœ for I Buitahl" applicant,.—Apply David Evans, A bergelly Stores, Treb-oetJi, near Swarwou. VyANTKD, a good (ionbral; tllreo in iamily.-Apply Mm Cocks. 11, Grotwonor-road, Sketty. 69A6-4 TANTED, a good clean Geperal; able to do plain oooliing.-Apply Mxe. Paul, Bradford's, Oxford-eire&t. T.C. IV A-iXTEI), a good Geneml Servant, able to do plain cooking three in family.— AprJy -Mrs. Ma-rquiss, 18, N icholl-tstreet, Swansea- 67AA6-2 ERRAND BOY WAWTED, O ilART Ernand Boy, just left school, Wanted immediately—Apply 222, High- sti-eet. 7U6-3 O ALAliT Boys Wanted for quick sales of the o "Leader." and also Herald of Wales" and iLid-Glaxaorgan Herald"; good money can be easily earned by email and deter- mined boye.-Apply to following offices and agents .—John Morgan, Wood field-street, j Mrorifiton; Edwin Hemmiug, 59, Queon-etreet, Neath; Charlie Evans, 72, Biynymor-road, Swansea; Coat on, Mumbles. TAILORS, &.o, TOASTED, yjrstroiatis Coa.t Ta.i.lortf 0.100: Troiwens and Vest Iwlors; work out. doors.—Addreaa E-6," Leader Office, Swan- sea. T.O. MILLINERS, 40. TAEAPEKY. Thoroughly experiencen Iouny Lady Required; good sales- woman and btock-keeper.—Ldwards, Draper, Abertridwr, near Oardiif. 7u" QOUNTKK Hand in General Department Wanted; also Improvers in Millinery Workroom; IVeleheeeential; liveout.-Aplly Eliaa and Emmanuel, C6-4 TT7"ANTED, an Aesistant Millinor for Bueaitta in the Swansaa District.— Apply, giving full particulars, etc., to "Mil- liner," Leader Office. 6SA6-3 AGENTS, &a., WANTED. A GEN i Wanted-by important manufacture ing concern; must be energetic and I good salesman; very liberal terms.—Apply Box E-16, Leader Office, Swansea. APPRENTICES. IVANTF,D. at once, Imprcver for the f. Motor Cycle and Cycle Repairing Trade.—Apply, giving particulars, etc., to The Goreeinon Motor Cycle Co.. Goreoinon. 6B116-3 W ANTE!), an Apprentice to the Painting and Decorating.—Apply W. H. Hard- ing, Uplands Yard. The Grove, Uplands. T.C. MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. /^l ANGER W&nted. used to ro&d-m?i? and sew'ÛT6.-1Œ1. Contractor, ?ke?ty. 70 A 6-3 EiiL1 IT Drapery & Tailoring.—Eiwrgatic Young Man, good experienoo, Wanted, at once.—Apply, with references, to K. Mac- kenzie, Draper, Port Talbot. 7U6-3 OAUPENTLSS. Wanted, immediately, Improvers, used to fixing; eJso good Fixer.—Apply II. Rogers, Builders, Mansei- ton, Swansea. 06-6 \y ANTED] Good Bough C^featers for Wagon Fetling.-Apply on Works at Ltangyfelaeh, Walter Scott and Middleton, Ltd., Contractors. 06-3 WANTED, Machiniifft Joiner; must be able to work spindle moulder to best advantage. State all particulars and wages to "Spindle," Daily Leader, Swansea. 71A« AD Wanted, about^16, for Wazubcuae.- Apply Waukins, Printer, Butland- I istreot. 71A.6-J WANTED, good, steady BrMklayera.?- Apply Office, Port Talbot Steelworks, Port Talbot. Regular work. C6-6 Yl/ANTED, I1,.t onoe, exi^ei'iemifcd Chauffeur, 11 V. used to ford Oar; good salary to smart single man. Apply Hotel iletropoJe, Swan.ea. íQA6-Z INDOW-OLEANEES.—Wanted, a Few Smart Young Men for South Wales Town; must be hustlerssand experienced; permanency and good wages to men. of right e¡tamp.-Box }}.1S, Leader Oflice. 70LA" ",7(\T AN'iDõBtj;n but reliable men V V need aijpiy —'Willis^A Birchgrove, n C6-? Llansamlet,. T??AKTED, S??raJ smart I?da as POrter6. W -Apply David Eva.?a and W., Ltd., Goat-etreet. 70A 6-2 BODY-MAKER. Whler. and Shçeing Smith. Wanted.—Apply Phillips, C< ooh- builder, Neath. 69A6-4 I 'U.ANTÈ"D, strong Youth for the Shoeing I » and GeneUail Suuthing.—Apifly Vic- toria Forge, Peivclawdd. 68A&Z SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED, position as Lady Book-keeper W and Oafcfaiev- three years' exporienco; excellent ,oiaces.-AI)ply D-9, Jjeadsr Office, Swansea. O.T.TJ. far" When reflytn# to please mention the 18 USiCAL I ?ii £ THU IV! ENTS, FO it SALE, a gcxid Org&n; cost iSgrrw., sell for £ 7 Ice. Also large Dining-room Table and a Leather Parlour Suite, L-2 10s.— 73, Maneel-terrace, Swansea. 7CA6-2 X^ TlOLiNS by the beer, makers; finest Italians; Strings for all Instruments; Expert Hepairs to all SUinged InstrumenUi; Bows Eepoired by J. T. Wooding, Violin Maker and iiepairer. Z2, Gower-street, Swan- sea. Godfrey A Co.'s Announcaments. GENUINE BABGAIN.—Second-hand Piano -? by WooUey, of London. Patent iron frame; very fine txsne and touch; in good condition; 10 guineas cash, or 6fi. monthly.— Godfrey and Co., Ltd-, ZZ, St. Helen's-roau, ') GI ENUiSe BABOAIN.—Second-hand Piano I by Beiny, Paris. Iron frame; full trichord; action; ivory keys; rose- wood oase; in porfeot ooifcditioTi; 12 guineas cash, or 7-j. 6d. monthly—Godfrey and Co, Ltd, 22, St.. Helen c-road, Swansea. C6-3 BLUTHNEB Upright Grand; slightly .B ociled; the "wt German PÜmoiorte possible to obtain; used by all eminent pianiets; noted for their exquisite tone, flexibility of touch, and lasting qualities. Original price 85 guiueas; reduced to 56 guineas cash, or 25s. monthly—Godfrey and Oo., Ltd., 22. St. Heiei»s-rotui. Swa.Liaei, CJ OLD JiEDAL PIANOS WADDINGTON & SONS, Ltd., STATION- '1.").r'c. 'I, n.rll {,+" ("r-I.t- Y'I' ..u.UAV, I'UitT School). Establisheil 3838 AOTUA L PIANOFOKTE MAjs UPACTUREBS. PIANOS from 20s. 6d.; OBUANS 1 rom ó6. Monthly. SOLE AGENTS for the Kaetner Autopieno and the Celebrated Stems Interior l'layel Piano, ateo Ritmuller Double sound- board Piaao. Einnerman, ),Idort and other well-known German SiaE^rs. SPECIAIj AGENTS for Pianos and Orgcme by all the Leading Makers, includiug Bord (of Paris), Allison, Bell, ALaeon and Hamlin, Karn. Furrand, Hamilton, Samevs, Dominion, Packard, imperial Co.. Springfield and others. WADDIKGION S always have a Good Selec- tion of SHOP-SOILED and SECOND HAND Instruments for Sale at Lov< Prices. Write for Catalogues ami particulars. WADDINGTON'S Allow Kailway Fares to purohaseiiB. WADDINGTON'S, STATION-BOAD (opposite the County Schools), POBT TALBOT. And at Cardiff, Portli a-nd «lsew l»er». 6.ü::ij N CS U ¡. .iJ. ú; ITUtiti and Chip and General Restaurant Bustmeee for Sale, known as Bown's Tea and Supper Booms, South-street, Cbeld; established 10 years; owner retiring; will leaoa premises; roomy accom- modation; posfiessaon to suit, purchaser; price £ 150.—Inquiries on premises. 71A6-10 "87fOB SALE, Pope's Famous Pie Shop; oldest established pie shop in Wales; ill-health sole cause of selling; established 4D yeai-a; 18 years' lease to run; very low rent. Apply Pope, 34, Caroline-street, Cardiff. 69A6-4 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. iX,)R SAJF?, in good condition, complete .r and unbound Ca?s&ll'e Edumtor (? paxts), laving Baoes of Mankind (24 parts); prices 12s. 6d. and 8s. 6tL—Address Oelaa," Leader Offioe. 70A6-3 for Sale.—Apply Henry Biiiixigs and Sons, Jeffreys Arms Hewl, Oxford-otreet. 70A6-2 FOR. SALE, £4011 National Benefit Truer Bond, £ 105 paid in, with interest; fully ripe for advance. Hoot olt'ar—Box E-14, Leader Office, Swansea. Œ>J1 SALE, Butcher's Blook and Stauc, -L' new, by Avery; aleo new Chopping £ lcc,k by Poole; Avery's Balance Scales and Weights, good as new; one Salter's Spring Balance, 2i>Ciltx> new; sell cheap; leaving neighbourhood.—Apply 1, liegmald-street, St. Thomas, Swansea. 67A6-2 rjpOGLy for kiale.-Iland Saw, Tennant J- Saw, Jack Plane, Smoothing Plane, Spokeehaves, Chisels, Square; almost new. —Apply 42, Hawthorne-avenue. 67A6-2 F Olt SALE, a Shed, measuring 12 x 7 x 7. —For further particulars apply John John, 4, South View, Gorseinon. 6SA5-Z6 ELL TlSvTS 'i'or Sale.-60 Complete re- •iable Bell 'I'ents, 32s. 6d. to Yls. 6d. each, and Sleeping Equipment; prioe-list on application.—Williams ami Bone. Maasteg and Porthcawl. OS-51 TAACHINERY, ltc., FOR SALE. BOILEIiS (60), up to 1501 ba. pressure; aleo Machinery, good eecoud-hand.—John Stringer and Son, Dept Na. 65, Blackbujrn. C'7.3 FOR SALE, 14-16 N-H.P. Loco type boiler by Bobey; quite ad new; fitted with Donkey Pump.—Apply to ü. b. Richmond, Eugineer, Lianelly. T.C. AUCTION GAS ENGINES AND PJjANTS Fislding's Pa,teat. Gold Medal Awarded. Size 9 to. 300 B.H.P-; 10 B.H.P. foi Id. per hour. Cheapest power known. Hundreds working. Catalogues Free. Write present cost, and we will show saving to be e-Tected. Few Second-hand Jas Cheap. Engines for Cinemas a Speciality. -Sola Makers: FIELDING AND PLANT, GLOUCESTER. pOR SALE, 500 Tons Steel Rolled Joists; various sections;; Built-up Girders, Angled, Teea, and Bail. Also a Large Assortment of Tanks, Stretching Screws, etc., etc. Inspection Invited.—Shipbreak- Ing Co.. Ltd.. King's Dock. Swansea. O.T.D. NOTICES. 13 EATH-ROAD, Hafod.—Left-off Oloth- 13 9 ing Bought and Sold; cleaning ana pressing- done; postcards receive prompt attention.—Mrs. Isaacs. 71A6-3 QMABT Turn-out for Hire or Sale; Com- mercial VarA Honsee, Poujoi, Traps, Waggonettes^ Governess Oars, Ealli Cars, Brkes.-W. Jarvis, Victoria if ewe, 6, Francis-street, Swansea. Nat. Tel.: l £ 4yl. 69A6-4 TVTOTICE to Tradesmen and others.—This is to give notice that I, Edward Parr, 49, Walters Boa-d, Melyncrythan Neath. wiU not be responsible for any debts incurred iby my wife Mary Pu,rr (living apart), afler this date, May 29th, 1913.—(Signed), Edward Parr. Witness, Edwin Heanming. MASSAGE and Kl(:.C, including High ?-1. Frequency, Radiant Hea.L, Electric Kan- heim Pine and other Meaicated Baths, given by Nurse Evans, at la, Ffynone-etreet, Swan- sea. 64A6-24 ME JEANNE LECLAIREParisian Palmist, Phrenologist, Ladies' Special- ist, Advice daily, 10 a.m. till 9 p.m.—Alex- andra Arcade, Swansea. Engagements ar- ranged for Bazaars, Garden Fetes, etc., at Special Reduction. BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. SHOP to Let at Glanamman, suitable for fruiterer or jeweller; good position.— Write" F-l," Leader Office. 71A-6-10 ITfOB SAl-E, new Wooden Buildings, 2 £ doors, window, house tshape, measuring 14 x 18 x 10; suit shop or iitable.Apply James, Mountain Bungalow, Gorseinon. 70 A 6-2 ABER.A. VON .-To Let, large iiali and An Lt, rooms; central position; suitable for conversion into business premises; rapiaiy developing district; splendid opportunity; immediat0 pcsa?Ecion.—Apply Ley?-hon Ed- wtrds, 6, Gi-u.?ot-?'Taoe. Port Talbot. 06-3 I ri^O LET, O;:¡mbrl-Hm;-ree.tpi-ê I Swansea.—Apply James' Ship Stores, Ltd., Swansea. 06-2 OUSE and Shop to liet, on PantYgYUQn- road, Amrnanford; suitable for baker, grocer, or any other busiiiew,Apply Morris. Old Cross Inn, Ammanford. Cs-2 HOTELS. T> IYNOLDSTON.—kiiifr Arthur Tin toll to every aacc)mruoditiol-I for visitors; piciri?, parties snf-ially cal wed for at ¡ moderate terms.—Apply S. Mitchell, Mltllil gereba 71A4-10 1 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. HORTON, Gower.—Seven-room Cottage to Let, June and first half July, twenty yards from shore.-rMajor Perkins, 11, Somerset-plaoe, Swansea. 71A6-3 QIX-ROOM House for Sale, with attic ana ciellar.—For further particulars appiy at 40, BeUevue-Btreet. 71A6-10 1-3 EECON;31ilRE.-Catage to Let, i nished, June to August 20; lovely neighbourhood; 4 bed, 2 sitting-rooms, kit- chen, pantry; wacler laid on; outside sani- tation; croquet lawn, garden; stabling if retinired; country village; church; post office. station 2 miles, Brecon 6, Talgarth 3. —Mrs. Price, Rectory, Ll-anvillo, Talgarth. 71A6..J FOR SALE, Four 7-room Houses Noa. 27, 28, 29, 30, Margaret^sireet, St. Thomas; long lease, 999 years.—Apply Thomas liees, ivy Villa, St. Thomas, Swansea. 71A6-10 U ill> LES.—To Let, ~WelffurnlSed House, every convenience, July and August three bedrooms, bath (h & c); near station and bays; terms very moderate.—Apply E-17, Leader Office. 71A6-10 T ON DON HOUSE, Uaiiesmlet-The aLo,Ve Houee and Shop to Let or for Sale. Apply, E. Thomas, 666, Neath-road, Llan- samlet. C6-2 yoR SALE, Housa. "Derwydd," Manor- road, Maneelton; 6 rooms, scullery, bathroom (h & c); modern conveniences.— Apply after 7 p.m. 68A5-& "TCpOB SALE, Semi-detached Villa, situate Park View, overlooking Cwmdonkin Park, containing all modern conveniences; also Semi-detached Villa. situate EateD. Crescent. UPiandti.-Apply W. H. Harding, Uplands Yard, the Grove, Swansea. EC WiOTuR UARS, CYCLES, &o., FOK SAL E. Q H-P. Riley Sweater Oar; reliable, fast, climb anything; tyres as new; electric lamps; perfect order; XC,8 10e. or n<M.r.— Thomas, 11. Ooldtslream-etreet, LLaneUy. 71AW XIOB SAXtG, & Lady's Bicycl6, in excellent TDOB SALE, ? lady's Bicycle, in exocllem —Apply 54, Malvern-terraoe, Brynmill, öwan- sea. 70A6-Z f (JU SALE, good Bicycle, 00IDplete with pump, tool bag, and bell; price £ 2.— Apply any time, loa. Maneelton-road. 70A6-2 "IJiOB SALE, Renault Landaulette, 1S12 Model, in perfect order, only been driven by owner; bargain.—Jackett Brce., Motor Builders, Swansea. 70A6-2 1 Ct 1 i}ii PP«EilIEB Ui) Motor Cycle; splen- w did condition; take any hill; £ 22 quick sale; bargain.—Apply "Premier." Leader Office, Swansea. 69A6-31 1^03, SALE, 7 h.p. Indian and Mills thilforu Sidecar; both 1913 models; not on the road 3 months; cost with all accessories £110; reason for selling, owner buying car; sacrifice Jif:lr £ 90.—Apply W. Ernest Tate, Dental Surgeriea, 128, London-toad, Neath. 67A6-2 J. Brayiey's Announcements- rpRIUM.PH. 3? h.p., £ 20. T C.T.D TTUMBERETTE Cycle-Oar, new end March, Perfect condition, uusomtched; trial with plesjsure-, £110. C.T.D. 1912 6-6 H.P. Clyno end Sidecar; all in perfect condition, E56. O.T.D. iJ h.p., late 1311; free engine, 1913 Spring Forks, XL-all Saddle, new tyre; perfect condition; £38. O.T.D. TMMEDIATE Deliveries from Stock of New Hudson, James, Ariel, and Rex; also Agent for Rover and P.N. Motor Cycles, and Singer Cycle-Cars.—Call or write lor list, free.—J. Bray ley, 215, Oxford-street, Swan- &ea. C.T.D. Ernest F. Sutton's Annauncements. A LL C;?ra or Motor Cycles offered for Sale Aby me, either nav or second-hand, may be purchased by Deferred Payments; only 2 per cent. extra being charged for 011.> wiiveni-enae.-Below. 677A6-2 i C) Q ARGYLL Touring Car, 12-18 h p., o;?? as new; C.A.V. Lighting Outfit, Speedometer, Spare Wheel, etc.; £ Sov; inatalments 2 per cent, extra.—Below. 67A6-2 1 Q1 2 FLA-NLDFRS 5-seater; run 800 miles 1 2 only; £ 155. icgtalments 2 per cent, extro.-Below. 67A6-2 1Q1 9 slIjENT Knight Rover, 12 h.p., X4 cyl.; two eeate with dickey; beau- tiful car; £225; inetaiments 2 per cent. extra—Below. 67A6-2 1 O11 ?-??-LER.. Silent Knight, ? h.p. 1JL?<.71-L1 -L Tcuring Car, ?380; instalments 2 per cent extro.Below. 67A6-2 npRIUMPH Engine Motor Cycle, £3,); -L instalments 2 per cent. extra. 67A6 2 IMMEDIATE Delivery of B.S.A. and Enfield JL Motor Cycles; cash or iucttilmerits.- Ernest F. Sutton, 0.A.F.A.I, Consulting Motor Engineer, 58, Woroester-place, Swan- sea. 67A6-2 Ivor L. Roberts' Announcements. TTUMBERETTE Cycle Car in stock. Please L Call and inspect it. Ordera booked now. Early deliveries guaranteed. C.T.D. BOOK Now for Early Deliveries of A.J.S., Enfields, Douglas, Humbers, Budge Motor Cycles; aloo Swift Cycle Cars. C.T.D. I HAVE in stock several up-to-date Second- hand Motor Cycles, including 1912 Indian, R.SA.. s, Triumphs, Enfields, P. and M.'G, BfOflbury'e, N.S.U., New Hudsons, PrCTuieitj and A.J.S. Prices from B10 to £55. Send postcard or call for List.—Ivor L. Roberts, Oxford-street. Swansea. C.T.D. Hedge's Announcements. ?r? H.P. C.P.T. Delivery V&n for' Sale; 20 u,,ed only for ??nQ?tra.tionparpoeee; cost je500 new; splendid value at £220. C6-4 1A.1 9 ??' Two-Cylinder Darracq Car. Xw —"? ?UT-e?a.ter, hood, screen. lamps and tools; in good running order; £40. C6-4 BC A & TRIUMPH Motor Cycles, B.S.A fitted with fN)e engine c!ntchæ; 3J h.p., 2-speed chain drive Jamec, 1912 model, with new Cauolet Sidecar, in splendid order, JE60 cash.—Apply at Hedge's Garage, Neath. C6-4 FURNITURE, &c., FOR SALE. Hill's Announcements. T yABGEST Stock of Bedsteads in Town to U select from, 13a. 6d.; Bed&tea?, com- plete with overlayand wire, 27a. dower-street, Swansea. 70Ab.i& QEVERAL Handsome Shop-eoiied Side- boards to be cleared under coat; no reasonable offer refused; also Fenders of all de3criptions.-Rilla, Furnishers, Swan- sea. 70A6-2 QTEONG Kitchen Couches at 16a. 6d.; Handsome Dining-room Suitea from 3J guineas; Overmantels from 9s. lid.; Qarpete, Rugis, etc., at your own price-—Hill's, Gower- street, Swansea. 70A6- LARGE Selection of Bedroom Suites, com- plete with Wardrobe and Chairs, from 5J guineas; all goods purchased can be stored free until required. Hill's, Central Buildings, Gower-srtreet, Swansea. 7QA6-2 "V/TTE Are Prepared to make KH-me to suit V' Cnstomen' Convenience. Abaolutely the only place in Wales where YOU 'get Easy Terms at Oaah Prices. Hill's, Gow'ër- street., Swansea. 70A6-2 DON'T Fail to Give U8 a. Call whether you want to purchase for Cash or Easy Terms. All Goods made at our own Works, and"ant.eed.-Hill's, Osntral Buildings, Gower-et-neet, Swansea. Also at Cardiff, Aberdars and Barry Dock. 70A 6-2 M SCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTFJ), GentPa Cyc 1 e, 26in. fi-ame, 1911 or 1912 model; good make; state lowcKt price for cash.—Write "Alpha," Leader Office. 71Ae-3 'TT?TA?TED? strong, light ;n.y-tQü aJao for Sale,, nearly new, carry eight, cheap; dealers. J ?.mes, Mopntajn Bungalow, Gorseinon. 70A6-i2 HOUSES WANTED. ?Tt.rA?TED' to Purchase, a 6 or 7 roomed House, UplandR or BrJinwjU district preferred. Write "Purchaser," Leader Offirae. 70A6-2 ar; :L.7:I;1 ?<'<e mention ? L«t?. » CARRsACES, HORSES, &C, FOR SALE. FOR SALE, Governess Trap, in exoeUerct condition, suit pony 13 hands; also Chaff-cutter, in good CKynditaon.-Appiy Emiyn Thomas, The Square, Trebanoe, near 71A6-10 Pontaxdawe. 71A6-10 PIANOFORTE TUNINC. PIANOFORTF, TUNING, 3s. 6d.; reoom- ,mendatioils from Dr. Tar pin, Gladstone, and Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from Bechstein, Hopkinson, Colla.rd, Brinsmead, etc. Sale or Hire.-Charles Eadon. a3. Brunswick-street. Swansea. SWANSEA TRADE DIRECTORY. ,NEEDHAM'S MACÚC-COUCHCURE.I COSTS LESS THAN AN UNDERTAKER. A Compound of the best modern Cough Remedies known to the Medical Profession. One dose relieves; one bottle cures. Price Is.—NEEDHAM'S DRUG STORES, ELAFOD, SWANSEA. 06-21 CARRIAGE, VAN & CART LAMPS, CLIPPING MACHINES, HORSE RUGS, Purchasers of the above goods would do well to call and inspect our Stock. Car- riage Lamps Repaired. New Glasses Fitted. —SWANSEA SADDLER Y CO., HIGii-ST. ARCADE. Tol., lOoy Central. LEATHER AND CRINDERY. Real Useful Sole Leather Pieces for Boot Repairers can be had at the Cheapest House in Wales. SWANSEA SADDLERY CO., Leather Merchants, ARCADE, SWANSEA. C. M. rORR fs- 19, UNION STREET, — FOR VALUE AND FIT.  WATE?PRbQ!FS?MEPA?REO? Where to Co on Rainy Days:— Send your WATERPROOFS to FURSLAND AND CO., AEXANLRA-IIOAD, SWANSEA. Waterproof Horse Loin Cloths, Tarpau- lins, Cart, Truck and Wagon Covers, Nosebags, etc. Hauliers, Contractors, and Rorse Keepers, before Buying the above Goods, kindly call and inspect our Stock-SW AN SEA SADD- LERpY CO., HIGH-STREET ARCADE, Tel., 103y Central. MEQICAL. T ADIES.—St. Dominic's Threapm ic Pilloids cure all irreeulariti-et*. Tixoy act in few hours. HarveUous results- Every cas? a ciire.-Stamp for particulars, Madame Mac- donald, Homeleigh Villa, Coventry-road. South Yardley, Birmingham. Oil-6 WEAK MEN. Nervous and Physical Weaknesses, Genito- urinary Troubles, Lack of Vigour, Vanco- ale, and all the Allied Troubles. Send for ireatise with full particulars, including Hundreds of Testimonials of complete cures. No electricity. Sent sealed for three stamps. U. L. MURRAY, 125, High Hcslbor n, London. LADIES7 The Safest and Most Reliable Remedy is Deakin's Special Mixture. It is made from Pure Herbs, and is backed by a reputation ot 40 years. Safe and Harmless. Price, 2s. 9d.; by post, securely packed in plain wrapper, 3s.-Døakin. Herbalist, 14, Alex- audra-road. Swansea. TTERBAL Cure for Eozema, Indigestion, Bleeding Piles, Bad Legs, and other oomplaintc,M,adame Jones, 89, High-street, Swansea. 71A6-3 LADIES LADIES Mrs. STAFFORD-BROOKES, the Eminent Lady Specialist in all Femtile Complaints, has mucn pleasure in anuouncing that her REMEDY tor restoring regularity WITH- OUT MEDICINE is the only posjtive, safe, certain, and speedy one known. It acts almost immediately, and does not interfere with household duties. 1 guarantee every case. Send at once stamped-addressed envelope for full particulars and most convincing testimonials (Guaranteed Genuine under a penalty of £1.000), to Mrs. STAFFORD- BROOKES, 22, Dept., Ardgowan, Hither Green, London. LADIES I Irregularities, dc., lemoved by an nr,-licrdate 9 method without Aiediciuaor i iils, ltisspiioaya ■ —tiomeUmea immediately. Medical soienca l a knows nobettar euro. Letters of testiwonialsB | received daily. fc'end at onca stamped ad- d rcsed envelope forfll11 particulars and tcsh- 8 monials, Munranteed go-nuiiie under a penalsy j | of £ 5,0.XJ—Mm. D. bTAKMAN MOBBIS. 162,1J g Stolro Nawiimtoa Roai. London, N. S THi? KEW FREWSH .Mt?b?. ?0 No "'< ? THERAPIONKfca i.A\\ r Ii Chcm¡r.ts. cua î:\ii. SET?D S-rANiF A 1)? ?nF, ENVRLOPE FOR FRIEF- UOOKLHT TO T-R. LE C'ERG & £ !>• CO,HAVBRSTOCK R 1', i:IAMPTHADr LONDON,32?^ oT^iGiGAL RUFBER APPLIANCES, IJ Enemas, etc.; samples, Is.; best quality; securely packed. Price List Free. J. Kitt, 230. Bute-street, Cardiff. SUHGlCAL RUBBER APPIJIANOES, Enemtss, etc.; samples, Is.; best quality; securely packed. Price List Free.—Lorraine's Mill-lane, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. MARRIEI) LADIES. MRS. LAMBTON, BRIGHTON STREET, SEACOMBE, has a SAFE, RELIABLE REMEDY. Particulars Free. Send stamped envelope. Pleake name paper. FREE TO LADIES. If you write, mentioning this paper, I will send you a large Free Trial Packet of my Pills for all Female Ailments. They super- sede ordinary Apiol, Pennyroyal and Steel, etc., and are recommended by all why use them; or send 15 stamps for Large Box, with full instructions and advice, in plain wrapper, from MRS. ELLIS, 27, bLRREY- LANE, BATTLKSEA, LONDON. LADIES! LADIES! Without Drugs, Pills, or Medicine, Nurse Rose guarantees to cure irregularities and obstructions, female ailments In married or siD. i ? female ailments in mari-ei or tiingle women, from whatever cause arising or how long standing; no disap- pointments; every case a cure; numerous testimonials; send stamp for free Wvice.- NURSE ROSS'S LABORATORY. 13, CHURCH. STREET. LEAMINGTON. C8-29  |LAD! ES—FREE] LAD!ES-FREE I J "Lwiè should write to me before parting a I with their money on so-called cures, and 3 ■ 1 will send them a FREE SAMPLE of my B renowned American treatment for all irregularities. I guarantee one box only to be quite effective even in the most | obstinate and unyielding cascs, No nau- 1 seous drugs—no useless injections. Acts like magic, failure impossible, so why worry. Send no money, but write to me and I will send you a FREE SAMPLE packet sufficient for a cure, and testimo- l uiais. Mention this paper. Price 2/9 & 4/6. MRS. EVETT KINCAID, The Renowned American Specialist. B 3. New Oxford Street, London, W.C. H m !1.i.l. ,i HI, i ,nr HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS FREE TO LADIES. In a few days correct all irregularities .and remove all obstructions; also cure anaemia. By poet Í8. lid. or 2s. 9d., from HORTON AND CO., Chemists (Chief Dispenser from the late Birmingham Lying-in Hospital), (89 Dept.), Aston Manor, Birmingham. Sold over 40 years. Seldom ever fail. All Ladies should send penny stamp for a free sample cf Pills; also improved Sanitary Towel and interesting Booklet. Post Free. j DRINK I PFThhe eKing of a;i S O The K<M? ef a? Ten?era?o | Dr?Rs. | PLEASE NOTE—NO LJJilXL ELEVEN V-i 4. ,v EIGHT EIGHT (1188 GENTRAT, THREE LINES) Are the ISew Numbei-« for T. BAKFOOT, Turf Ooiomission Air-Af MONEY. GOLD GOLblTGOLD II! A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. NOW READY- HOLIDAY LOANSt £ 5, £ 10, £ 15, £ 20, £ 50, £100, On SpseiaJ Easy Terms. No Sacurltites Required. Either Sex. Any Distant*. Write or call, stating amount required, South Wales Loan and Firsanee Co., 3, MELBOURNE- PLACE, ST. HELEN'S'fiQAD, SWANSEA. A. C. CAFFIKii4. Res. Manager. 1- MM.EDiATBLó-:LS.Old-esta.bI1¡;hed London and Provinœs Discount Co., Ltd., continue to LEND Immense Sums Daily from zClO to £ 5,000, on NOCE OF HAND ALONE or other security. Moderate Interest. Easy Instalments. Special Rates for Short Periods. NO PRELIMINARY CHARGES WHATEVER. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the kingdom. Thousands of our regular cus- tomers have expressed their entire satis- faction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman will wait upon you at once with F,9hCali or write (in confidence), to Manager, Mr. HARPER, 48, STOKES CROFT. BRISTOL, or to Local Agent: Mr. Bourne. 1. Willows-place, Swansesk  WILLIAMS and Co., 17, St. Mary- T street, Swansea, make Private Loans to Respectable Borrowers. Bills Discounted. No Fees. Strictly Confidential. Terms Moderate. Easy Payments Arranged to suit Borrowers.—Trevor Williams, Manager. I JONES Financier, ma?ed Cash Ad- D • vances from £ 5 and upwards to Re- spectable' Householders at Reasonable Rates of Interest, without delay. Apply per- sonally, or by lcter. Distance no object. No feei. Easy repayments arranged to suit convenience of borrowers. Private and confidential guaranteed.—Apply 3, Grove- place. Alexandra-road, Swaimea. JYJTON EY LENT W ITUO UT SECURITY. LADIES or GENTLEMEN can have their own ACCEPTANCES DISCOUNTED or POST DATED CHEQUES CASHED without any security, sureties, or interviews. security A'NS GRANTED BY POST, Lb Strictly Confidential, on NOTE OF HAND ALONE, by Mr. LEWIN, to Ladies or Gentlemen, Merchants. Manu facturers, Hotel Proprietors, and Shop- keepers, from L-20 to £ o,0G0. No ft-es, commission, or before-hand charges eye.- made Borrowers dealing with others can have their loans paid off or increased, and those who are about to borrow should write for lull information, which will be sup- plied gtis and post free by the actual Lender. NO ASSUMED NAME. MR. D. LEWiN, 114, Bold street, Liver- ?JL pool. Before paying fees, commission. etc. you cannot dQ better hau apply to above, as No Charges whatever are made if the Loan is not completed. TMPM<TANT?Wh'y''PRy" Heavy Interest Iwheii you can Horrow Money on Watches. Plate, Jewellery, etc., at the Re- duced Bate of Fourpence in the £ per month. Established lfii2.—Mr. Henry Bar- nett (successor), Plate Repoitory 5, Heath- fjfcld-street, Swansea. £10 to 910,000 to LEND on your promise to repay, or on Life Policies, Furniture, Household Property, or any Security. Principal remains, or can be repaid by Easy Instalments. Promp' ness and privacy. On receipt of letter a gentleman will call and hand you cash at your house if desired. Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements locally Deal with the actual Lenders. F. LAWRENCE, Ltd., (The Oldest Company in the West of England) Don Chambers, Chossa Market, Bristol. £20 to £ 5,GeQ ADVANCEB By Private Lender on Simple Promissory Note No Bills of ale' taken, and Abso- lute Privacy Guaranteed. First Letter of Application receives prompt attention, intending borrowers are awaited upcv ul a Eepi?,?s(?ntative who is empowered to t?.<: pletc transactions upon terms mutn!kiL arranged. No CHARGE being made Uil63 Business Actually Completed. Special Quo- tations for short Loans. Write in confi- dence to C. Wells, Corridor Chambers, LEICESTER. I^O AWB« £5 to L500 ADVANCE:) promptly and pri- vately on your written promise to pay. Repayments by easy instalments to suit your income. For agreed periods— ;95 REPAY Y.6. Lba REPAY iSS6. £10 „ £ 11. £ 100 „ f.23 £ 22. „ i.±2i. SPECIAL TERMS TO FARMERS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN. No Charge unless business completed. Im- mediate attention gaven to inyuiries by Post, 'Phone, or personally, and strictest Privacy Guaranteed. GEO. FRY & GO., 11, Dyrievor Placs, Swansea. i 'Phone, 36 Docks. Under New Management. MONEY YO LEND. The DISTRICT LOAN CO.. of ST. MARY'S CHAMBERS, Church street, Swansea, are! prepared to make CASlI ADVANCES to Respectable Householders on Promissory Notes Only. Rates of Interest Moderate. Repayments to suit Borrowers' Oonveni- I ence Call or Write to Manager. SAI L I NGS. P.S. BRIGIITON. SPECIAL EVENING CHANNEL CRUISE, I TUESDAY, JUNE 3, LEAVING POOKETT'S WHARF, SWANSEA, AT 7.0 P.M. FARE SIXPENCE. PO CKETTIS BRISTOL CHANNELSTEAM a PACKET CO., LTD. REGULAR PASSENGER SERVICE AND EXCURSIONS-SWANSEA to ILFRACOMBE. THE P.S. BRIGHTON goils aB follQwe. weather and other circiun^Jcy ices permittijug- Leave Leave Swansea. Ilfracombc Wednesday. June 4 8.30 a.m. 6. 0 p.m. Thursday, June 5 9. 0 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Thursday, June 5 3. 0 P.m. 7.30 p.m. Saturday, June 7 9.15 ajn. 8. 0 Saturday, June 7 4. 0 p.m. 8. 0 pjn. Monday, June 9 £ -30 a.m. 5.30 p.m. Farea, Swans-ea. to Ilfrucombo—Day Return on each morning stated above: Best Cabin 3/ Single Fare: Best Cabin, 3/ Fore Cabin 2/ Three Days Return: B-eet Cabin 5/6, Foro Cabin 3/6. Chea.p Half-day Excurecf-,nf» each afternoon stated above 2/ ABSOLUTELY FREET BERTIE PERKINS AND CO., Pesseripe• Steamship Department, n, Somei-eet-placj' (opposite the Town Hall), Swansea, BOOK PAK>i-NGERS to America, Australia, India, Canada. Africa, New Zealand,, utui to aii parts cf the World. Har-dbocks of information and all Par- ticulars absolutely free. Cables are received daily of the arriva.i of various Passenger Steameue at Portfi Abroad. Bertie Perkins and Co. are Agente for thf Best and Largest Passenger Stoarasbip Linffl in the World. EMICIRATION. For Cheapest Rk-cs and Earlieet Stosmer- for Canada, Australia. South and East Africa, United States of Ameriaa, Argentina, etc., etc., apply at once to HOULDER BROTHERS & Co., Ltd., 41, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. PASSAGES BOQKED BY ALL LINES TO ALL PARTS OF Tag WORLD. Telegrams, Honlders." Telephone, Central 1216 (2 lines). HOLIDAY CRUISES. ROUND CREAT BRITAIN without change of steamer, from Swansea oace fort- nightly, from end of June. and calling al Plymouth, Hull, Leith (Edinburgh), Dundee, Aberdeen, Stromneee (Orkneys), West Cootst of Scotland, Bristol and Cardiff: 14 days; fares from .£6. inclusive of meaLs.—Apply to M. Langla nds and Sons, Liverpool; or F. H. Tucker and Coy., Adelaide-street.   INNOUM£N !iuRNISH? IN I HASTE, AND REPENT AT LEISURE! T HAT'S what h.un&-eds.of I I — people are still doing | every year. Instead of tak- ing time to weigh the 5 I matter carefully over in 1 tir judgment, thay buv | furniture anywhere and everywiiere, haphazard— I | | just because it LOO KS cheap. §1 And they find out later—to I I their disappointment—that it is II I cheap" I Painfully "cheap- So 1 I "cheap that it wont B* last. So "<:heap" that a 8 | 1 it falls to pieces and makes t the home disreputable and I., uidovely. 'i I Take tmlB to ae?&ct your Ftrna- 8 | tare—buy from th-F. and I II make sure of getting Funajttira which will be a real credit to I1 I your hoane—-always* 'I' CASII OR EAS-V TERMS. f THE STHE B mm COMPANY, I | 23, Slatlaa Rsad, Fort TaRwL | Chnrch Street. High Street, 1 ABERTILLERT. BAJgjQOKD. | Taff Street. 61, Holton Road, I PONTYPRIDD. BÁÀoEY DOCK. | 89. Ceimner cial Street, Tredegar. SHE AD ESTABLISHMENT? HEAD ESTABLISHMENT! 42, (W:-V ROAD, CARDfFF.. Do Well For Yourself and get fid of those digestivt7f j ) disorders which so greatly j interfere with your enjoy- ) ment of the good thingsoflife. I I j Think for a moment how j | much is dependent upon-ha*- ing the digestion in perfect order, and you will find that you can benefit yourself most effectually if you have rew- I course to a stomach and liver ] medicine of the proven quality of Beecham's Pills. Success, I energy, popularity, health, -1 cheerfulness, all these become | possible k I by taking j Beecham's Pills. j Sold ererfwhety in bores, ■ price itti (56 pHls) & 219 (UiB ptUA H if »a* w-  mm\ imbi—w— (DYEING and] CLEANING 00d l. I is a modern method I of money-saving. I xjj HY &pend money on a new W dress wh?a you cam saw yi fully threequarters e, the 1 | amount by having your oklidreasee dyed or cleaned? .=.- I Many women are doing this just now. We kaew this for a fact, because we are getting sacit » number of drosses to be akffmft I treated at our works. Dyeing and cleaaiag is there done in perfection. 4g W&clean Gent's Baits and Over~ I coats, and return looking like now. Feathers, Furs and Gloves I Cleaned or Dyad, I CuriftiaB and all Hooseboid | j§ Fabrics Cleaned and Dyed. The Oldest Established DTEfltS an)t t CLEANERS in SY?AN??A. I v W. E. ?MM ) & CO., LTD., I 2, Gower Street. IMPCZSIBLE VETARZO SmE. ?ever before was there aDythin? like iL uor can its marvellous properuea ever be CQiiu-ilcii in all cases of poorness, inigurity. or other imperfections of the blood from hatever caute arifiing. No sooner is it imbibed into the system than it permeate* and penetrates to the minutest capillaries, overcoming and expelliu? disaase. w "re- st)ever and in whatsoever form met with- removing all Motches, pimples, scrnflf' scurvy, scrofulous and glandular sVc-llimfa! discoiouraticns, roughness, aud unsightly l-vitches. Its effects are almost magical in tiie treatment of gout, rheumatism soia- tica, lumbago, pain and swelling of the joints, blood poison, eczema, lepra, psorl- asis, bad legs, bad breasts, fibscessej* ul- cers, wounds, sores, goitre or Derbyshire neck; it improves the general health. and quickly removes long-etanding bronchitis, asthma, and hactang. straining, spasmodic cough, too often the prcuiraor of consnxmp- t¡i=E WITHOUT^ ??.TH ts HVtM DEAïH. VETARZO"?'??. NERVE FOOD. The latest ciscovery of BMdBrB time* for premature decay or deficiency of vital forces. Braceing np the system genera,] it, gives tone to the ex hausted nerves i? Btore? the failing energies, and imm?rte new life and vigour to those who e?j?d played out, used up, ind valueless. Send stamped addressed envelope for Pree Booklet or P.O. 2s. 9d. for Trial' Battle of either remedy to THE VETAR&O BJEfttE- PITiS CO., Goepel ORk. London. LM cipled vendors may try to sell you aome- thing else for extra profit: do not aooent ft. hvt insrist. on bavinfr VETARZO to tnnjm| dieappoiiitmcut. The genuine has wotrdg "Vetarzo Remedies" on (rovermncgit Stamp. c ANADA. United gUstsO. SOutb Afrim s,ll,,i Anstraiia^—For low.t. fanes aud aij fnformaticn. apply to Roberts Stw. Paessager Sookins Aaoaaw. VnrriiKwii