Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

13 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



JOHN WILLIAMS, Me Old Rt<<t6!t<M FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY ESTABLISHMENT, LONDON PLACE, BANGOR, T?ESS to draw the attention of his friends and patrons in North Wales to thelar?e assort- D m?t.f DINING & DRAWING ROOM FITRNIT?E. BEDDING AND BEDSTEADS, and ?P?"? IRON BFm ?of tU kiud! which he keep!, in atock. Md offered at a. tow a Sgure m of any houae in the kingdom. a" p.uticnlarly nY?. M iMP<-cti.a uf a l..r? ?tock of FEATHERS. CURLED HAIR (of thebe.tqu.? ??S.E?? y U?ON PLUCKS, which for purity M. unm.tch?. If found not to be of the ?litywh? J. W i-ktresents them to be, they may ?'c teturned. '???r???"nt?a ?VE?hop?d Show Ro??. LONDON PLACE; Wor?hop and W<u-ah_ ou?, OLD B? A?T?rHu&& — ASSEMBLY ROOMS. DEAN-STREET. T0 BE SOLD, a Semi-detached Vitb RtMidence, con- .l wimtiii,, Mf Drawing I)inillg, .md Bre.'kf.Mt Rooms, Retlroolll:i, Servant's UitU. Kttchea. &c., it gwd G;a- 4en, with room for orectitig Stables and (each Huuse.— Appty to W. Mr. Kv&as, Buitdor, Danduduu. LLAXFAIRFECHAN. '110 BE LRT FIR"IHED, PEXMAEN VILLA, 1 ClHltainil1g l 5 ]!ed I I)oit'ole the most beau- <it'ut Mud n!)nv.)Ued sefn.!ry,<Ut( %vitliiii eitsy )tecej.-ito t.h. H:\il\ \p!/ t) :.Ir Piiilii-i, Peu)Uiteu V!)!'t,Lhmf.tirif('ti.)u CHESTER HOUSE, M s) S T Y N S T 1: H H T. L A N D U D N 0, FIRST.OLAS3 APAR.TIJ.JTS. L:nge l>J'WiH HO;JIU, Sitting ltlJfJJU, ingle &1: IJou¡'¡" lIedl'Uoms. with extra Bedrooms if realkiire,l. b(wd GJ\lkiil:j a.uJ Atten- dance.—Terms Dlodemte TheM's.,)'mCHAiU)S. N.B.-Tlll1 wh"le tll l> ¡,ct 01' ill Ap:huenta, TUDNO CASrL< ],I,ANI)i I)NO. r?? R? f?T. i'?'!?') A''A'.TM:NT? c..ut?cin:i<'ivcS.iti')';R?"'ns. t''i!t.c.-« );cdrM)?, W?t?rCi<?"t<,t'.tntr?s. ''ier?.rit?' ii)tU..t:'d ?ttttcro- ,u.isitt' oi c\)mforth!o f!sidciH'e. A Ú(l';l.ilOue aud .Sn)')<u.')r.?"r.f)'r.'h.?. Attr;aPn.??'dm .r<.it 'j)'t,t.i"t'<iUf,whtchMMjwIy<!<L?t.;d.c?.n'o.todi) v)?ws"{ b.t:tL!.<y.<tudt?3C?r.htrv".is)[?oRnn,{eot Mountain! R. \Vi!¡iêLm, olt tIt! prer'j..)3'). NOTtCE OF REI[t)VAIi. jt??VH) KOnHKT. bc? tf) tiotify t;) Vi- JL? stttr<.tbtthoh.t-.rem"v<i.tfr)".) Denbigh Hou''e. < ) hurt;b M'.ttk' t? N.) Gtu(td.?t)) C'o.tce?t, 'yhara he ,II a larJ6 >lu.! cc>m:ao(liu:,¡s huu<e, with Apl'tmeut,¡ to liet. RHYL. CARTES i'EVtSITE. \?IStT<)R-' <? Rhy! are rt?pi'ctfutiy rcqn?t- V ed I)o%'L,i-e )nv.i'?<))oirI'!M?tn?rj))h!t..kcnt?6x- Mnine T. HrwJl' SPECIM E, the WMt PArade, and ?fu Puotographs ts-.ucd inferi 'r to pocimenii exhibited. Cartü. iUd tho fit-,t, L!llzlm. 6a.t!)ehdfdn2e;). We have neTer seen fhotcgrapha no clear Md life'Ukt M). Uruwu't." — tF/tttf/ttMt lit ruld. ??a ?? '<f'«<ef the PatrotMpe of HER MAJBSTY <HK< the late DUCHESS OF KENT. t BEAUTIFUL COLLHOi'tON of WELSH AIRS 11 )trrangt'<) for the H.trp or PMaof«n), by ttte late <t. 3. H Ynt,(, CArn.trvou. Price 10j. 6d. red!'CMt price .5. 6d. For CopiM. apply at No. 2, GtM-y-Mor Ten-Me, U*n- 4ndno. Pfice One ShiUiag;—Post Free for 13 Stamps. MARTIN'S WEEK'S WANDERINGS IN WALES. NEW EDITION. Et<TIRELY REWRITTEN. WITH AN APPB"IX OF NATURAL HISTORY, A MAP, AND VIEW 07 THE BBIDGES "bliabed by J. K. DonoLAS. at The North H'ale# CArcHt'c/t OSce, Bangor. BEAUMARIS. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT A LL that CM)itat Le?pMd DwdiiMg ?Y. Hotme &nd Gtn?en. No. 4, Bulkelev Terrace. r3 The Hoase oontMn'' 3 Ulttiug-rtm'), 8it Bedrnoms. WAitehens, and umces. The sitwttinn is one of the beat imbeaumaria, commMdins it iatgiiificcnt view, <tnd httvicg tfrontage to Castle Street iu well aN tow&rd the Sea, The Lease hM 74 years te run. and the ground reut is f«tderate. ikpplication to be made to Meaan. J. and R. WtUiam< ftotioiton, Bemm&n)i and Hotyhettd. CONWAY AND LLANRWST. f?lHE !nhnd Company'8 Regular Packet JL "'ST GEORGE," intended time of atarting t'other and other causes permitting.) wiU be as foUoW) <<f the month of JPLY. 1964. From Cottttftw. Prom rre/rtM. -t, Saturday .13 15 even 2 40 even. )t. Monday 210 even. 3 a5 even. At Tuesday X 0 even.440 even. M. NVedneiday 4 0 even Sieves. H. ThurxdtT. 5 0 even. 6TOeven. <?. r'ridtT .( 5 45 morn. 7 30 mom. ? 6 15 eveB. 8 Oeven. 14i gatnrdsy 7 0 even 8 40 even, RES :—0<hin and Quarter Reck, 1' M. Fore end, b. Return, ditto. 29. Ud.; THB CONGREOATIONAL CHAPEL, UPPER BANGOR. The pubUc tre renpeetf'*Uy tntormed that A BAZAAR T* Mqtud&te the Debt upon the ftbove place of worahip, wi)i be heid in the PRNRHyN HALL. BANOOR. $* Wn)!fMt)AY. July 27th, 1864. aud throo following day. from 11 a.m. to 9 M p.m. each day. THE BMMr will contain a large assortment tL of UMfut and Ornamental Artietee. e foIIOWiLg haTO undertaken to furnishand president "fltlÙ.ls, Ytz :— 'M«mttJCbti. H. KENWORTHY. Glyn y &!trth ?cd Hurst, M r<. Aohton-undoi-Lyne. ttrft. COOKE. Bryn "wen. Men<u Bridg& )tra. DANIEL WILLIAMS. Upper Bangor. Mueeit PAKRY. Treborth Hall, tOM B<ngor. Mr!). CREED, Garth. Bangor. A BAND WILL BZ M ATTNSCANO!. A Refreshment and Confectioatry Stall will be provided. i.¡)!IlSION :Wl-dneøJay, the 27th. from Hto4.2o.M.; f'tM 4 to 9 3(), Is. on ThuM(by )md Friday, 1'. and on M.: Seitoon Tioketo. 3<f. 6d. 6Mh; Family -'¡tA;etd, Od. LLANDUDNO NEW CHURCH. ?mK Committee have the satisfaction of Tannouncing the union of the Mvend Fund);?! On? of the Origin? Committee, the Ladies' Com- tht BaftMr, tfuountiog to t24t8 0<. 6d., -.tIteh, together with the Donationis tlre*dy promised, -make a total of ne<u-)y i' SOOO. The Committee therefore mtend to by the Founda- t<«t Stone in the course of the present aummet, as soon <* the p!)HM Md e<ittmttee can be completed. The church ia to oont-un not tcM than 1000 sittinge, aa4 M the outhy wiU neceM.tnty be very large, the eom- mat,ee eMneetly requeet the co-openttion and aMMtance «f )tL to enAbte them to provide the church fM'commod&. 'tMt. which H Ho urgently needed, with the teMt poMtUe The pecuniary aid nfthe VMiton M etTMaHy Mticited, tad My sucM, however small, will be gratefully re- «<<e<i. Two memben) of the committee will attend every M<t<i*y mommK from eteven tilt one o'otock, at the ttfttte Omce, Church Wttk9. UMdudno, to receive (_tributiol18. UoMtion* mty be t!M paid to the t'r<!«ureM, the Nttiomd Md ProTinoMJ Btnk of Eng- lwd4 Mottya Street, every Wedne«t*y and Saturday, or <t. 0'nway daily; and to the Hontftfy Secfettriea, Mr. ?!<hB WitUama, EOate Omue, Mtd Dr. T. C. Boden, No. -), "Mill CrMctnt. -4)Andudw, May tpth. 1M4 ) BANGOR DIOCESAN CHORAL ASSOCIA- TION. 'DOCKS of the words, music, and the? ?) anthemx f f o tr h tch efestival to he hc!d in Bangor Cathcdra) on tbt; 7th of September next, are now ready anrll11'y be 11,1 on applicatiun to MI'. J. K. Dougla., iVoftA H'M/ex (7[)oft«"'c Omce, Bangor. Bonksottttewordsaud music, priceed Choirsanp p)ied with the abovu at 4d. each. The i'.nthems, price 1),(I. tntl .,(I. I Foui']Jtnc' will co"cr thc Po,c of I:! copie. of the Book of Words and Mttsie !U)d One Pen II!! wiU cuver .he Postage ff 12 copies of either of the Antheni' ???4 ..t f:i 4 tl.; ;1: ,;n' ,0.1' II< :I"c 'A..f' .>t 'f¡ 11 'If nt., i.<, _o(,AT" THROUGH DOCKING BETWEEN LLANDUDNO AND HANGOU. ALSO FHOM RIIYI. AND ABHR&ELE. Commenchig on Mon<1.ty, June 29th. FOUR BDRSE CnACHES. rJ!R f!AIL TO PER COACH, Via !'eflic8 y C,C(I, the S.'('It1!OW lJ'ido:fit! Cuni¡, I'lic T'irle of .,Vti2it aad tlt,- Great l'elli'lu¡n '.lat Q't';r/-if. all) 'il/,r¡ ample f¡1/I' for partir,s to al¡d ;Jf,:ilrti IJl'i"!}!:i, bcjul'e Ute R¿fnl'll li.ItÙ¡ hares Banyji-. ??im Pn'ttic ?rono'-it rcnpectf())!yinfor!n- I i od t'-?! PH1NOE OF WAU? F 'UR- ':Ol:)¡'; ('0 lCd, ueing the Origiii,,tl Ct);,cli o)) tni -i mueh..uhnh\ H!Jl\te, wil) run every day the Summer Se.MU), from OUTHf., f;AN(,Oj:. at 8 am )nsA)a through BETiIESDA, the CHEAT t't'j\ft,)\'X SLATE .)H- through the much. a,hllir",¡ PASS())'' XA.<<' r LAKH, bv CAPKL ;;UBLG awl the SWAtJ.OW \VA t'miFALLS, through HKTr.\S- Y.COr:\) tll LLA:>i It \S'1', in time f"r the 12 ,jO P,\I1. Tram for C"uway, Daududuo, Abergeie, Mhy), Uhetiter, amtLondot). Heturns fr.'m LLA\RWST on the arrival of the 12 15p.m. rrain, rea,hiug the BRITISH HO i EL, BAN- GOKatl4Up.m.,iutimeforthe rraitis to Cariiaryon, Holyhead, Conway, Handudno, ttt'yi and Citester. I'hi-,)tigii Ticketa can be h:l.1 at the ttailwtty shtiona at )<hyt,Abt;rge]e,L)anduduo,audL)andudao Junc- tion. A n,l I'a"eogc" mnst be careful to exptaia, at the thnH of Booking, tlitt they require Ticketa for the Coach Tour, to prevent iiii8tkke,3. Through Fares Rhy) toBMgor.or j FiratClMs, Second CLlss. Yi e Ver-i,,L. Ha 3d. tOs. 3d. AberKdeto fiangor, ) I Os. m 9s, 6d. or Vice Versa Llaiidiidoo to BaDgf)r, 98. 3d. g, 6d, orViceVeiM ) Daududuo Junctiou ) to Hangor, or Vice ? 8a. 6d. Ss. Od. Versa ) The {oUowing TaNH will ahow the approximate time the Coach will be pu,3ing the different localities :— AM. RhytpM-Rait .1()4< Abergeie .<) 56 L)andudno.11 0 LiaodudBoJucc.J135 f.M. Lianrwat(arnva]) .1215 Llanrwst,- Victoria Hote), (depar- ture) .2 40 Bfttwayeo?.-Ruyat O.)k )tut.e).I 25 CapeiC))rig,—Tbe H..tei. 2 25 BeUicsd.t,—Uoug)M Arms.340! Bangor,—British Hotel. 4 40 AM. B&ngor,—Briti sh AM. Hut<;t. S 0 Bethefxia,—Dougtaa Arms. 9 0 Cape) Curig.—The Hotet. 101.; Bettwaycoed,— HoyaIO.tkHoteIH 0 Daorwat,—Victoria Hotel.t'2 0 Lhadudno Junction.t 30 N.B.—Trains leave Danrwst forLtMdudne Junction, atI2CO:X40;and62op.m. Partif" leaving Bangor, can have 6 houM Fishing at Ogwen L.the before the Keturu COACH pit&,es. Perfonned by the Public's most ft'edient Servants, DEW & WILLIAMS. LLANDUDNO. TO CABINET MAKERS AND PARTIES FURNISH- ING GENERALLY. Extensive and highly attractive Me of elegant and superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising numerous Dining, Drawing, sitting Room and Bedroom suites, in Walnut Wood, Mahogany, and polished Birch; a large assortment of .Metallic Bedsteads, Beds and Bedding of every description, handsome Pierglasses, &c.. &c., being<leof %Jr. Wni. Allen, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, Moatyn Street, Uradudno, Under a deed oj As8ignwnt for <A< benefit of C)-«<tt<M-<, MR. GEORGE FELTON Has been instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, without reserve, on the premise. as above, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. the 12th and 13th of JULY, l$<i4, THE Whole of the weU-setected and sub- stantially manufactured Stook-in-Trade of FURNI- TURE AND C \BlNET GOODS consisting of 3 elegant Drawing Room suites in carved walnut Wttfd. each com- prising 6 chairs Sewing and Easy Chairs and Settee, upholstered in green and crimson rep walnut wood Cen- tre Tables, with deal oval tops and oildoth covers six beautiful walnut Cheifoniers. with panelled doora nUed in with p!at<! gtass, aud shaped mouided miu'Me tops on carved consotes; Beveral elegant London-made walnut wood Cabinet' with gilt enrichments; a handsome wal- nut wood Lady's Wardrobe, with plate giaos centre pane!. and handsome cornice and mouldings ten large-siud and brilliant Pierglagies in moulded and enriched gilt frames; walnut in-laid Chess, Work. Coffee, and Sofa Tables; Fancy and occasional Chairs; a number of Birch Ameri- can Chairs. MAHOGANY DINING ROOM & SITTING ROOM SUITES, comprising several sets of substantial Chairs. with moveaNe hair seata, carved e-My Chairs in hair and leather handsome and elegant mahogany Sofas and Couches, with richly carved backs and elbows several massive carved Sideboards and Cheffoniers Dining and Loo Tables; Mahogany Dumb-waiter on reeded supports, on casters; mahogany Secretaire Bookcase and Bureau; polished birch, mahogany, and Gilt Cornices and Poles. with enriched Snials polished oak and mahogany Hall Furniture handsome Bedroom Suites in mahogany and polished birch, comprising numerous sets of elegant half- tester Bedsteads, with carved footposts. enriched Foot- boards and moulded Cornices, massive mahogany and po- lished birch Chest of Drawers and Toilet Drawers, Wftdi- stands and Toilet Stands; circular, oval, and square Toilet Glasses, on twisted supports and marble stands; Napkin Airers and Commodes. A large &sMrtmcnt of superior and handsomely finished Metallic Bedsteads, in every variety of form, size, and colour; and &Iso a number of sets of excellent Painted Bedroom Furniture; new Brassella and Kidderminster Carpetting and Felt Druggetts; Lobby and Floor Oil. doths and Mattingx. and Hall door Mats; a great number of well made Curled Hair, Flock and Wool Mattrasses, and Straw Palliasses; a few excellent Feather Bed-t and numerous prime Feather Bolsters and Pillows; Bronze Cast Fenders; a quantity of Materials and Timber for Cabinet work. most uaeful to the trade; together with the whole of the Household Furniture, Beds, Bedding, and Kitchen Requisites now in uee, Chandeliers and Gas Fitting, and other vtJuable eNects. On view the morning of each day of Sale. Catalogues of the whole may be had five days prior thereto, md further particulars in the meantime on ap- plication to Henry Kitson, Esq., solicitor, Wolverhamp- toa; Metsm. W: H. Reeoe and Farrant, oolidtors. HM- dudno; or of Mr. George Felton, Auctioneer Md Survey. or, Moetrn Estate ONces, UandudM.

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LLA 1) [D ,,0, I






Family Notices

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