Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

12 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



C CRONICL CYMRU, PNICE ONE l'EN'NY. A A WKEK.LY NLAYSl'.H'EU, Pill NT ED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE. CONTAINING- well-sulected Articles, Re- 1)ort s,Iiitellieace.-?pirit of the Press, Agri- tulture, Markets, &c. It is extensively circulated among the Lu?'' ami M'?'?s Classes of Wales, and among Welshmen generally in London, Liverpool, Winchester, Bristol, and othei towns iu England, Ireland, and Scot- laud. Au excellent medium for advertising, as its pre- sent ciiculation exceeds U,UUO copies weekly. Subsciibers to the NoitTU WALKS CHHONICLE are respectfully reminded that one red stllmp will cover the postage ot the two papers printed at this Office-in,- presso.t stamped copies must be sent separate. Orders tor papers, Advertisements, &c., must be sent early in tho week to the Proprietor, Jons KENSH LR lioieU.AS, Chronicle Office, Baugor. 44, LORD STREET, LIVEHfOUL, 1ST OCT., 18G7. rpiIE Ships containing the First j. Cargoes of NEW TEAS for the English tiarkets have now arrived—and although some fault has been justly fouud with much of the crop, the quality, iu some instances, is found to he "TllULY FINK, while the quantity shipped from Ciiiiia to this country, up to the latest date, is very laigu. NN e have now selected our usual Annual Stock of Teas, which is admitted to contain some of the tiuest qualities imported this season. The above facts euablo us to make an impor- tant reduction iu the price of our finest ILAb, viz. :— Formerly. Now. The Choicest K AISOW TLCA, ) y 3/^ r<?/ r/?«?'< 'M? jUvotw. j T; 'Hxr?A FINK SUUCUONU ( 1 O1,T CHUiC?i"' ) The qualities of the above Teas arc too well known to require auy comment.— The First- ClassOOXOUu, JtickXottdioii'fjlavour, 3¡U-aud the V LUlV FIN10 CONTGOl\ Strong Pekoe- Souchong kiwi, be found excellent Teas, the former being the early pk-kings of the first crop, and the latter a good selection of the second growtn, possessing great strength aud flavour.—The FIXE CON GO IT, Strong Ankoi kind) 2s. 4d—and the STKONG CONGOU, Souchowj kind., 2s. Oki. -,tre well worth special atteutioubliug very good useful Teas. Medium and ordiuary kiuds very much lower. All parcels for the Town are delivered DAILY withill a radius of Four Miles of our Establish- ment, aud for the Suburbs—Cheshire, &c\ — WEEKLY.-Tlie Vans are despatched at Eight o'clock A.M. aud Oue o'clock P.M. precisely. ttt* Goods for the Country are despatched punctually 011 the day fdlowiug the receipt of Orders. Terms -Not Citiii.Ilityiiieut on re- ceipt and approval of Goods. ELLIS DAVIES & Co., 44, Loiu) SXIIEET, LIVEWOOL. TO AM) I'AUUaMLYI'AUY AUKXTS. We loe(v to remind Solicitors, Parliamen- tary Agent*, lingiueei*, &c" that the A'OUTll WALES (.'HliOMCLE allortls excellent facili- ties for the I'liblienlion of NOTICES OF AP- PLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. All Notices received on or before FRIDAY, the loth of NOVEMliHR, will be in time for the three statutory insertions, viz., the 10th, 23rd, and 30th November.


Family Notices




[No title]





[No title]