Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

27 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

_- - - -FESTINIOG.


FESTINIOG. TllnT TO TilE SIIMOI.S. 1'Yi.lay, the 20tli illhclIt. th, tlii umiiveiwiry ,,1 her Majesty's ncce3-,ion, will he a iluv 1>HL' l .niK'iiibortd by the setiotol-childreti of Ffes- tiniog. Tlio pupils (If the two sehwl--Natioual and British—were treated by Mr. T. T. Barnard to tea at the Market hall At 10 o'clock a.m. they marched from t'seii- l-espectivs schools to church. On meeting at the clinch yard gate, the two j>r xiMsioiw were combiued in* j ue, and in this order they entered church. The service for the day wa; read by the ]I, I)- E,I,vitr(l, vector, and the Rerm m w., l'reaclwd by Rev. D. Wil- tv the number of 225. Grace before meat having boea !'uu:, the young guests m.?eagraud and 6!lt:,??.ful at I uk on bam bl'it/, whieh to the oodit of th?e wh h?thetM]:insufit.,wMoft'?'?'?', Tea be:ng over, the folbwing dehvered "1lOrt ..4 h?.e. b the juvcui)e andjuce -_th? Mc?. D. Ed- v.irds D. Wi11i.m ,d It. a,,d Ni. ?.?th.Avo'e?th??t<.tf.?h?r..)t!uoroft? f .t was !« >;» >se.l by Mr. William* « "d seconded by Mr l\ivrv, a? then carried uinmmmsl}, the clnldrea Ki-i;i(t eMHvs'ion t- their -rateful W the hliwt t.t' 'tt?ch-e''h?.Tht-pr?et hn? ot tbsMtM':R'.? w' lv oi'OMK'it to a c!'WO by "i:i.iiig the National Anthem 'j;{;:i1::[:\r:tf;{\ v').-?.t.-)''v?.B'?? w'??r'???Ty'? t)i[-tw.").-)':n.):o' preached that ?y?'??' ?'??'?''? ch rvh by the rect ir and curate. We w:>h this libud U'I. I'd 'lJ tnly Christia I gentleman a long stay <w- 'ho evening a Welsh s/rvicj was held M th?, ee. -a'e an d l-eet vr oliiciating. "c:¡- l :I,l')i:<t;¡,(): M V \e in t .m t having been opene d the !>■ e I. j h* wiien the v i ce was roi. by the I' ?,.r'?a!; t !t: ::li;l: ( "/t!>; i \¡ I'wUiuli, 11l. 1.1.. Tlis tumv.iuj; service of r? .)t?w!')!)'.ybt?t'?.r',t!m'<t;rvL?rc:'dbyt:? ?.U. J..?., Tra.vitynydd, and t'?i?v. Mr. ?)t'?<, \*vv:v, preeehed from Matt. v. <>. In the after'ao in, t ■ itJv. I?. Oirthth, U. CJri'Vith., K:))t:?I?- ?. H?"dsJJ.M)du)unY?,o.?ute),tt.e latter pv.'a"hcd from Dent. xxxiii. 8. The I^it.'ny wa. v • 1 in the evening by lie IL,. Mr. INI '?,g:ul" I ho I >!r. Jones preached from 1 John iv. IS. This '■as ,•« >i th" best meetingi uf thi. kind W0 have had tbe 1:' e uf att-ndhig ror a time. Th.; weather w.u "I il'11l"Ù:' t!!î'on:{1JIf tile: day, the c.iu^ivgutioli < I • and 1i. i1 L c, an. the preaehing was j ( Ln" Wt anie i\ iVeshment iUI" tho Strang- i". e'evieal a:i i III ai 'u .<c'iu J-roj.'n, so that the body i,, tit naiad v. h ta'<e:i care ol. Be nd« tl? c,JI v, v.lioi • are no ive meatinn ;d. thvtv were ivi -en* ) so, J t evs. 1>. li l'.var d s and iWii h ains, rector a .l curat. an t the ia ae; o. li-^yaoeurh >ad were | v. represente d nOLYUlvU). MA .;STK. '.T::S' UOOM.-— l 'r U iav, Jun 20, —Before the I-I W. O. Stanle/, M.P. .V ti'.nnp. who gave hi) name -T aiae. j.) u csun, cni- r. It ed to the county j al i- >r seven day. under the ve.g- l' aet. Sa.nida'v, June 21jt. Before the II JII. W. 0. Sein- ) ■ M.f. .f<' StaVtHj.—Owen O\rJ}.; was brought up ill eU- tody "f lnspeetar Ellis ch"J'ôe,1 with e-tialiug two ewe la; be on the night of the 31st iut., the projierty of Wil- ii,, Oa-t-ii, Street y L'yn, an,1 Ilichiu-.l 'l'IJ"UJ'H, 1-'<10' tay. Idcehvlfhed. The l .vo lambs Were found uy tlw oiiie r ill possession of Hugh Thomas, l'ark i Iawr, near Melbra. th, having llt'Cl1 said to him early 011 the 111orn. i;-»»-f the 211d iast. by a stranger. Description of the granger was given t > the ottieer, and from the deoerip- tic-:t given it led t<i the apprehension of Owen Owens win was apprehended in Carnarvonshire. Hugh Evans and Ellin Kvans jlllleutified him at onee, t, l e the man who sold the two ewe lambs to them oil till lUoruing uf the 2nd inst. A Is i K,-ese ltoberts identified him at once to be the tu rn whom ho saw driving the hIll1. early oil the morn- ing A the 2nd inst. near Park Mawr. Committed to take his trial at the next Quarter Ses- sions. PENMAENMAWR. TIF WHEAT CROP.—Among the agricultural produc- tions which are exciting so much interest ill t:ie Interna- tional Exhibition at South Kml8Ïngton, Halkett's Pe- digree Wheat" is not the least interesting. This wheat far:ns a part of the Fruit and Food Trophy," in the nave, and wa; raised, or rather has been ennobled, by Mr. Halkett, a gentleman resilling near Brighton. The process has t'en that of selecting, annually, not only the Sniwt enr8, but also the finest grains from each year. At the commencement of his improvement, the finest ears were less than four inches long, the two original ears containing only 87 grains; but after four years repeated selection, a single ear contained 123 grains, whilc in Id¡flt !Vey now average from 6 to 11 inches We men- tbu t:ti ;?, an example to fanners to improve the i".i: ous corn crops, as well as the breed of animals upon their farms, by careful selection, and using the best parents hr if Mr. Halkdt can accomplish this im- jirovement in one variety of wheat, why should not every kind of corn or root crop be improved in the same maimer. Viit?,. to P"nma;>nmawr may ""e a plot of tt? variety of wheat on the fdrMt?S. D. DarUshire, t.?..renydytrrya.ThHt[e[Jb?yther(.tJ<Uc,M(t c:,?c to the parish church of Dwvgyfylchi. It is now in a most promising caudition, and certainly superior to any crop which we have either seen or heard of in North \L Ie The seed was planted in November, in single grains, nine inches by six inche, apart; and thus, it is I,v ix inel,?, net improbable, the thiunest seeded" plot of wheat in the country carries the heaviest, and, for the extent, the mest valuable crop. ST. AS AM. BO VUD or GUARDIANS.—The fortnightly meeting of lhc Guardians Wai hlltl on Thursday, the 27th instant. Preieut—licv. Thos. Williams, "illt George, presiding; B. Wnme, Es p; Ruv. Mr. Evans; Thomas Evans, E3'1'; Messrs. Win. l'arry, Hugh Hughes, T. G. Lunt, Den- bigh; Thos. Sleight, Kobeit Griffiths, Win. B. Parker, Kiehard Jones, John Jones, and Thomas Evans. l'h0 minutc3 of last Board were read and confirmed. In the case of Ifr. Owen, medical-officer for Abergele, applying for £:3 for medical extras, a communication Wa, read from the Poor Law Board stating the matter « euhl receive their attention. -VIFAWE*.—Mr. PABRY enquired if the officers' salaries were to be paid that day 1 The CU;UK replied that the balance in hand woulù not admit doing st). The bills and salaries amounted to n heavy sum. Sir. PARKY said he had heard it complained that the c'lieers were not paicl regularly. To be deprived of wages in due ti:ue might occasion great iucoiivenienee t > many, and he thought the officers should have their money that day aud let the bills stand over till next Board day. The CLt:HK stated it was possible for the salaried to be pad by leaving the bills unpaid for another fort- night. Au order was made accordingly. 4 claim, upon the parish of Dywrth.—Mr. Sleight handed a communication to the Chairman from the p vish of Whitford claiming t24 4.i. from the parish M Dyserth, overpaid to oue Selina Jones, threatening, in case of refusal, to pt.ce the question in the hands of ;j!1 attorney. Mr. SLEIGHT said the subject had been before the Bo trd several time?, and that a letter of enquiry had bceu forwarded to the Board above, but no answer had yet been received. It was decided to send another letter to the Poor Law Board, accompanied by the communication sent from Wbitford, requesting a reply forthwith. N o other business of special importance transacted. irremovable 13s. (id.; non-settled poor, ,i"15 18s. Cheques granted to relieving-ofticers — John Jones, Thomaw Griiffths, £ 135; and Win. Jones, £ 95. Balance against treasurer, C1013 19s. lOd. Number in the House, 09; less than has been known fi> a long period. AVIZEXTIAM. BOROVOH MAGISTRATES' COURT, MONDAY, June 23,— I'.cf .re the .Mayor, Ex-Mayor, E. \V. Williams, Esq., aud Captain Me Coy. kc 'hlinya /i"'»/.—Martin Gill, of Peiitreicliu, charged J me Roberts of the same peaceful locality with having thrown a pan of hot grease aud water ovei- his child on Tuesday, the 3rd inst. The complainant's wife having beeu sworn, &iid--f li%,e,,tt PeiitrefoJin, near the d'fendant. On the day in question I was in my own house between seven and eight in the evei iug, when I heard a child scream. I ran into tlw yard and saw my own girl, who said Jane liaberts had scalded the baby; 1 went into defendant's house aud saw her (defendant) w h my child in her arm s from the appearance oi the child I thought sh e had been putting it in a pan of water, it was dripping wet. X took the child off her and sent for the }Jolice, Jones came and said something t, the defendant; when I took the child its face and head were covered with blisters, Dr. Davies had at- tended the child. The child is eleven mout hs old. P.C. •Tunes stated that the girl who was nursing the baby was apparently sitting on a stone behind a low wall in front of defendant's door, tho Wllllmigbt be tour or five feet hih. In defence, defendant said she had no proper drains in her yard, and was iu the habit and had b en for many years of throwing all the sloPd" over th wall allude,1 to. Oil the day stated she had been c > >kiag some meat in the pan, and threw the grease O'v tije wall, not aware that any one was behind; she I -u_ heard a scream, and at once took the baby oil the girl and threw the water over it in her fright, thinking to ease the pain, she was very sorry for what kui happened. After some consultation the bench decided that defend- ant liav' the doctor's bill, and 5s. compensation, the to be called on ill a fortnight to enquire if this had been done. Stealing a Watch.— William Broadhurst and William Mullins were in custody, charged with stealing 1\ silver watch, the property of Mr. Parry, watchmaker, of Ab- Uitt-street. Hugh Davies siid-I am a joiner, aii(I live ,,>, the end of Well-street, near Abbott-street. About half-past seven on 1 huraday night I saw a crowd of people run past my house d' or and heard some Ollt) cry, 'stop thwfI rushed out and following, caught the prisoner Broadhurst. As soon as I took hold of him he pulled out a watch, and offering it to some one in the crowd, said, here, take this." Mr. Cooper, who calHe up at the time, said, I will take that," Itookitut hilll. We (Cooper ald 1U.lf) then took th3111all to the bri,lewël1, amllw was locked tip. William Coep r said—Oil Thursday eveuing last I was returning from illY work nJ. I 8aw a crowd running down IVel! street towards reutrefelin. I followed and saw the witness Davies collar the prisoner Broadhurst, I just got up at the tÎlne tVH! saw him hold out a watch to some one in the cru .'d, he -oil, "here, take it," I said Of I will üke it," and X took it off him. Davies iud I took him to the bridewell; on tho way Broadhurst said, Co 1 couhl have got (,ft if I liked," but nothing more. \rhm ia tho bridewell he said "there was another with me." and l anib out and brought the other pr soner .ui'ih:s HI. John PI;:IT, said—I 'u a and jive in Au'.1ott':1"l\t. On Thursday evening, a'out eight o'clock I saw the prisoner at my s'.liop wimio.v, directly after 1 heard a Cr,t3JJ a,, liion Ihurst grasping it wa-teh, he ran and 1 followed him, t'lt I B')o!1.1kjt Sight of hÍll, lie ran in the diivetion in the last witness's home. I afterwards heard that the prisoners wer" in custody, and went up iiie gaol in tire evening, when I ideniiiied tho watch, I had tlw numVer, thú watch was worth abauo 5lU There w,, a gold watuh hanging 0:1 tho pane tile prisoner lhl broken, hu tlt blow knocked it n th" couuter. r.0. PI3\co('k said he was ih the bridewell He the time the prisoners were brought in, and took the watch off [ Mr. Biu'Uln.v who had hitnseif taken it off the witness tho watch in court was tho one. He charged h e prioeiers, but thjy eaid nothing. The usual ehargj having :i by tin mryor, the P1'i:3{'H1I.d fSd they h:h.ll:nt!inb toO say ill defence, aud we: accor d ingly committed for ir i it l The Î:; ::1 1.)\I11111i:¡tl('d(;L; 1'tnl\t:;JO) Da:iu '1(1 C'oop .r in "tÜt. 111,101' wnic.i they had ac,eJ. and said th" fieri; would rceoinmend ihat a reward he gir\U ;'ae.n at uie next q lartcr session

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