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SCOTTISH WIDOWS' tTXn t Ji11 K A S S U 11A X C E SOCIETY. —— p., -IV- \v:! MAY «■: W:-mors OF KFFKCTI.NO AS- S^CIIITY AUE PAr.Tlt'L L.-UIL^ r,Tri> TO NOTICE, Tuvr Pnoroaua MUST nr. ,»• I.'I I:!IFO;IE TIN: 31ST DIXEMBEB CURBEXT, .U! IO sKCCttE T.U BKXKFIT OF THIS lfARS Xotin- to Munhers. 7'?o? by .V'?''s. ?'<«,.V.f?'f'? ?'? lle,,ibc,- ?,-ho a??,,ot h,?, (. :>a ("'}' m» !W:'t -e oil application at thr S.,? < < '?'/ ?7'?' JOHN MACKENZIE, Manager. WM. I.INDESAY, Secretary. M. Andrew Square, i'.?'ibm'gh, liiih Dccrcbcr, A<HINT F< > U Cim-run \NP NORTH AI.I:S, JAMKS SMITH. OLD BANK, CHESTER. rnics o.\i: SHILLING, -1- R, I; T. on the Restoration of Sight, by the forma- krtificial Pi,,i?, in si pi,tic,it t' St. '?tin?'s iv. Liverpool. BY JOHN NOTTINGHAM, M.1)., T 'U 'Ssuior Sllreon at 8. Anne's Dispensary, &C. L:vtrj-wi • Howell, an.I Dvigliton aiul Laughton \V. h}ne. 31 <) X L Y. RP!II; ■-■VCIMI suns of i'2,">90, £ 00!), £ 401), £ 40FT, £I, a,i I £ '•<) are NOW ready to bo advanced on "t"approval rt'ce))?M Property. NL?,io will be di?i,lct into sniii to suit 3- :ANK each sum not be ing less than £ 150. '.xi tk? be akl(,Il.?6se -Ito Pi?.ic 1, iitt&in, 1 >ce. 17th, 1850. BANKRUPTCY. r, 1': i"'l'"rbnt and cxtcush'c Sale of cxtrrmely valuable Machinery and l')Mt, Steam Engines, Sawing Mill, lVierns. 'Diei, Moulding Bo,w, newly manufactured >c'in-Tr.t)c,ot?an? new Iron, in grtat variety, S Hearths, Bellows, Tools, See., Inrge quantity of .-vorted Timber. Cranes, Sand-Mill, 1-ans-, Working N. "OIL TOIH of Railway Chairs, Points, Pins, and J: 'lt>. large new Boiler, &e.. &C., at the IRON FOUNDRY, CHESTER, IiVrcmpt-rily by or?cr of 'ht Mortgagees and Assignees uf we Ls:utes f -%Ic,, J?'uC.tay:md CO. l"L TESSUS. CIIURTO?% h?ve received most positive unreserve 1 instruction to SELL BY A CC. J 1".N, upon the Pre'nise.? situate near the Race Course, 'i I stel-, ailjk-iiiing the I)te?, tiliki tile (h(-?ran.)Sr)rcus))ury, Chester and I Jul) HOUD, ai;d C.T-ster ami Mold Railways, Till: ENTIRE STOCK-IN-TRADE, STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, AND PLANT, i < 'N TVESDAY, the 7th of JAKVAJIY, W:,I, and many M- !VINIR (Jays, v.ithout interi'iisiion, CUIMCMINS AT 11 O\I IR'; -ach dav t,, A minute. Tat MACHINERY and PLANT consist of an C I T' \U-ighin-; machine, beams and scales, hydraulic test- "¡;; machine, lever for te::3tinJ girders, numerous smiths fcearths with blow pipes, cisterns, anvils and tools, large rind wiMught-iron cranes with all necessary appa- ratus two large iron furnaces, complete, with tools; I>. MLID £ anJ BLOCKING NIACIILUES for railway "1.. [Is, \*C.J brass melting and other furnaces, stoves, M'INDER with rwo rollers, large and small tans with 1 ajip-N'situs, pumps and water-pipe. large lathe, V t UR face plates and four slide rests for turning four V.: 1. oil their axles at once; drilling uiachiiiei; other !SV and powerful lathes, planing and screwing ma- chines. horizontal and vertical vices; valuable and very I 1""e,1 punching and slwaring \Ul\chinp, c'Hn1'\ete, with '»• .-e sets of puuc'ies and dies: new horizontal crane, with traversing block powerful machine t >I bending and T URNING Spokes; large and small cupolas; boring mill of G; V. power;:»L irge cast iron bed piates or gantries, with L A- pair of IMhe huad stocks and slide rests; planing 1 groove cutting machine; circular saw mill, with ^'1 I'IN^ a|>paratus; together willi the whole of the ex- T:VIHVI\ valuable louis, work-benches, vices, scales, ",¡,d:ing machines, ,xc, See. TIIV STEAM ENGINES, &< comprise one very twenty horse power black Engine, the whole T WHICH ha" beloll very recently renewed a raiall Steam LIMINE, with apparatus and connecting shafts; one new li .iler 27 feet long bv T; fed diameter, belonging to T-.E a'jove engines, lit'EJ with n"ke's patc'" tuvnuce and A.I gr,t.. another quite new l;}re size Boiler, &c. T.'t i.U?CT?tXS (.?.nsi.tof?e?eraUargeaud sm?) ?r'h?.s.S?uds,i)nIStu)e-rooms. TAV STOCK-IN-TRADE is far too extensive to de- within the limits of ail advertisement, and as the '••i. ■ wiil :,O fully described in Catalogues, it is merely iiii-ite T. State that it colt ists of nearly every descrip- tion O; article usually found at a largo Foundiy. T.A. PATTERNS are extremely numerous and va- AMI as the greater part have been in constant an inspection of thejo, as assorted in small lots, is ri r-HMi d. K. II.—The whole will be exposed to view for three I T •ITS pivvioits to the Sale. Inscriptive CATALOGUES may be had (by post, on I rc.ip; I F stamps) FHKK at the Auction Mart, L ore- -TRIIT, liester, on and after the 21st instant. :I. BY WILLIAMS AND PARRY. VAI.L'AIJLI: FREEHOLD PROPERTY Y IN 11.LNTSHIIU: & DEXiiICtMHIRK. 'J'n ?LD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. WIL- f LiAMS and FARKY, on Wr.MMr.AY, th 2Uth :¡ ot January next, at Tiiree o'clock in the Aftcrnoon, M ihc Ho\L OAK INN, in Moid, in the following or other Lots, and subject to such conditions as shall I f ^Lrreed upou at the time of Sale. L i 1. The Observatory or Penygroes, situate in Tr.Hyn near Mold, consisting of a HOUSE and UUILU- "11,1 t; acres 2 roods andperches, or thereabouts of Lv now in the occupation of Air. Roger Bellis, and 'V l. T J. A ( lose or Parcel of l and, called Caelierson, '■fa! to the last Lor; containing I acre 3 roods and 1\1 Riches or t,¡erC:11,uUh, in the occupation of r, John 1 oulkes. L'ji ;1, All that Messuage or Farm called Caeymryson Lor TrfyJdvu ai'ortaaid, with Dweliing-liouse, Out- buildings, Two Cottages, and 10 acres 1 rood and I [I Cn-hes. or thereabouts of Land, in the occupation of s .id Joan l'v1l1ke;, and bis undertenants. t. LOT 4. All those Vour FIKLDS near the la>t Lot con- ji;"iag 13 acres 1 rood 10 perches or thereabouts, in the of the said John Foulkes.  ?. -?ll that FJULU caUed Caemynydd, situate u-ar Ticyddyn af>resail, containing 3 acres I rood and "I l-trdies or thereabouts, witli a thriving Plantation, i" the occupation of tbc said John Foulkes. '} .f above Lot? are within half a ?IHc of the Church ??.'< V??<ot' Trevdtyu. a?d ?oiti VmJ belonging ot 'i llev. ? Davie?, Mr. ? h!te, Ir. Peters, and Mr. nlm l>aVK-s. The first l?? is a desimh1c residence for a  ?m?.t ?[nih', and immediate possession can jjr/T bns of Two Mccl'cnt pieces of Land, ad- h (? ?<rfCt)yn house, in the parish of Lbnf,ä V, OwrJ. in t).p county of Denbigh, containing 12 sc"-4 r?.? ? ? perches, be the same more or less, in L cpat\<j!l uf Mr. Haiph Lewis. in thJ Au that Allotment called KINO'S ALLOTM ¡;T, ?.?h '.t lir\it L.'t?ya, in the county of Denh?h, "? )  MrM 1 rood and 23 perches, or therc- a 'U* ?itiM into ?ine pieces, mclu,lmg about lnacvf \S Pi:ntatiou in the holding of the said ?. tS. ?- a"d adjeining land belonging to Col. Y.t\. s ?'? Wi't"s, Edwaid Huyd, E?j. of !'? ??t't M. .jJ.j.?,? ES'j, This L an ts<|. h 'ate (: miles from Huthin, on the Turn- }.i? .?"'?Meto\Vrcxhan]. KrT Cr pMticutars app)y to the AUCTIONEERS, at M, ? '?". ?? a maP "I tl?, can b? seen Mr. (I'j I-)M' /??"? (?'-r??yd, Moid, Mr. UoBMTS, I Kv. ?n), ?" ???"'? HLOXAM and ELL'sox, ?. t "lu'6 hn Fields, London. VN English Lailv, accustomed to tuition, is desirous i-t of mooting with a Situation, either as Governess in n Family, or as Companion to a Lady. A(ldress L. J. I-I., Langston Street, Strangeways, Manchester. DENBIGHSHIRE INFIRMARY BALL. rpIIE Annual BALL in aid of the Funds of this ,L C."rily will take place in the County Hall, Denbigh, 011 Tuesday, the 7lk ul January next. President, JOHN EDWARD MADOCKS, Esq., Glauywern. Lally Patroness, Mrs. JOIIN WYNNE, Coed Coch. Dancing to commence at 0 o'clock. A first rate Quadrille Hanl from Liverpool will attend. The Annual Meeting of the Governors will be held at the B >ard Room, in the Infirmary, on Wednesday, the (lth of January, The Chair will be taken at One o'clock. ROBERT ROBERTS, Secretary. Infirnia v, Denbigh, Dec. 14,11150. FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY. rpHE ANNUAL BALL in aid of the Fuuds of this Charity will take place at the ROYAL mid Wurni llonsi: HOTIIL, Holywell, on THUKSHAY, January 1C, 1851, under the following distinguished patronage :— VATROXESSES. The Lady Harriet Mostyn. The Lady Helena Cooke. Tnc Lady Sarah Ilay Williams. The Lady Dinorben. The Lady Mostyn. TATUOXS. The Hight lIon, the Lord Mostyn. The Hon. Thomas Pryce Ltoyd. Sir John Iliinmer, Bart. M.P. Captain Morgan. LADY PAT1IONUSS roil THE £\"1::>1:>0, Mrs. Mather, Glynabbot. Si L'VA!U>, Captain Mostyn, Saithaelwyd. Dancing to commence at Sine o'clock. Ladies' tickets, 7s. (id. Gentlemen's, 10s. lid. to be had of the Secretaiy, at the Institution, and at the Bar of the Hotel. Mr. Gribbins' celebrated QuadriPe Band will be in attendance. RICHARD PARRY JONES, rvnnmittee Room, Holywell, Secretary. Dec. V, 1(150. EITEnDFOD TREF AIADOG, I'W CIIYNNAL YN ALBAN ELF ED, 1U51, "A NODD0 D U W A SOtDir, AM yr Aw ll oreu ar Heddwcb, Testun y Gadair. A t'? a ri?i?s Aur. Rhodd Mrs. Madocks. Am y Brydclest oreu ar Ddoethineb Duw-LI5 a Thlws Arian. Hhoùd- Am y Cywydd gnrcu ur loan yn Ynys Putmos— £ 7 a Thlws, Am y Bryddest oreu ar "¡Jliam Alexander Madocks, Ysw., A.S., (sylfaenydd Tremadoc)—,C1"> a Thlws. Am yr Awli oreu, Marwnad Dowi o Eifion- £ 10 a Thlws. Iihodd Am y Cvwvdd goren, Marwnad Robert ab Gwilym J)d,i o Rhodd Y Morwr. I'r gorcu ar unrhyw fesur rhydd— £ 5. Am v Bcnr.ill oreu-llir a Thoddaid (wyth llinell yi' nil) ar fiwymp Jerieo i-' -'o. a Thlws. JUlOdd Am y Deuddeg Englyn goreu i'r Hvspysai Gwefrol (Electric Telegraph)-.0 Its. a Thlws. Rhodd Am y goreu. unrhvw fesur rhydd, i'r Plentyn Am- ddifad, (nid i fod dros 100 llinell); Merehedyn unig yn vm"eisyddion— £ 3 a Brooch gwerth ?:i. Hhodd- Vm yr Englvn goreu i'r Wenynen—TIws. Rhodd — ï:,I the I,c,i T-?atise in h:n;is];¡;;gt( O n the Work in™ Classes in Wales, compared with the same classes in England, Scot)and and Iretand—Prize JE:?'. Am y Traethawd goreu ar y Moddion mwyaf efl'eithiol i uellhau mocsau ac awerion y Cymry—Owobr £ 10. Am y Traethawd goreu ar Ymddibymad gwalianol Ddosbeirth Cymdeithas ar eu gitydd-Cwobr £7 a Thlws. Am yr Anthem Gymreig oreu ar Weddillabbacuc — Owobr £ 5. I r C"r Cymrcig g,weu-£1O 10s. I'r ChHareuwr' goreu ar y ^Delyn Uymieig i.10. I'rDatguimad?'Sy'"?'' T?"? For tbc best Painting in Oil by a N."ive Artist. Sub- ject-the Arms of Prince Owen Gwynedd and those of the 15 Tribes of Wales, properly quartered, on can- vass, 6 feet by 5 feet. The Painting to be the property of the Eisteddfod. Prize L16. Am y Certiad goreu ar Dderw— £ 3 3s. Am v Cerfiad goreu ar Faen— £ 3 :18, Am y Deg LItho Wianeii Wen oreu, oWDeuthuriad Eifionyddac Anludwy-Gwubr £:, Am y Pnr goreu o IIosanau Cochdeu—Givobr £ 1 Is. -y jj Anv further Subjects, for which Prizes maybe offered, and the time of delivering in the compositions, will ppear in future adilertiseinelits. It was suggested, when the Subjects and Prizes selected would be advertised, to leave a blank space after each, in case of any gentleman or lady feeling desirous of award- illg any of the subjects separately. The blanks in future advertisements to be fillel1 up with the nances of the doiiors, in the same manner as the Chair Prize. THOMAS JONES, Assistant Secretary. Ccfnymeusydd, Dec. 11th, 1850. TOLLS TO BE LET. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Tolls arising at the Toll Gate upon the TJieaumaris and Menai Bridge Turnpike Road, will be LET BY AUCTION, to the best Bidder, a' the Williams ISnlkeley Arms Hotel, in the Town of Beau- maris on Tuesda'v, the 24th day of December next, between the hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Three in the Afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of his late Majestv, King George the Fourth, for regulating Turn- pike }toads," which Tolls produced the last year the sum of !J;, above the expenses of collecting them, and will be put up at that sum, to be Let for one year from the First day of January next. Each person at hi. nrst bi :ing will be required to produce or name his sureties, which if not satisfactory, his bidding will not be taken, and whoner happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security with sufficient sureties for the due payment of the rent by quarterly instahneuts, or in such other proportions as shall then be declared shaUthenbededared?? ?LIAMS, Clerk to the Trustees. Deaumaris, 23rd Nov., 1850. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpiIAT the Trustees under an Act passed in the third Lyc?r of the Hcign of his late Majesty Kins?'iU'am the Fourth, iutituled "An Act for more effectually re- pairing and improving the several Hoads comprising the l-'Unt, llolv ivell, and Mostyn Districts of Roads, in the County of Flint and for making new deviations and exten- sions of Roads to communicate with the said Districts, will meet at the house of Mr. JOlIN MAKSDEN, the Royal and White Horse Hotel, in the town of Holywell, on MONDAY, the twentv-third day of December instant, at twelve o'clock at noon, in order to consult about erecting an additional Toll Bar or Gate, upon a certain part of the Road belonging to the Mostyn District or Division of thc said Roads, situate between Coed Mawr Farm, and the Greenfield Turnpike Gate, ill the Township of Greenfield, and Parish of Holywell, in the said County, and that it is intended todemand, lew, andcollect,atsuchnew loll Bar or Gate, the same Tolls and Duties as are now payable at the several other Gates belonging to the said Distnet and Notice is hcreby further 6 i?-iel?" ?, t" hat the Trustees of the said Road will proceed to the erection of loll Houses and other Conveniences thereto, and also tako in and 111- close suitable Garden spots for such Toll Houses as they may direct and appoint for that purpose. ?iolywell, Ileceiilber, 4th it;i"o, EDWARD JONES, Clerk to tho said TfusMes. NORTH WALES ASYLUM. 'VTOTICE is hereby given th?t a Meeting of the Sub- 1 (cribers to the above Institution, will be held at the Board Room, on 'i'n.isiay, the 7th day of January, 1851, at 12 o'clock at Noon, for the Election of Visitors for the year ensuing. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Annual Meeting of Visitors appoin -,id tor the several Counties in Union, and of the Visitors appointed by the Sub- scribers, will be held at the same place, on the same day, at One 0'c10ck in the Afternoon, tor the purpose of up: pointing a Chairman and Clerk to the Vi,?iti?ig Com- mittee, and for other purposes connected with the Insti- tution. JOHN ROBINSON, Clerk. Denbigh, Kith December, 1850. AX«H.KSE¥ ftMSTIStt SESSIONS. XOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, milAT the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of Tthe PEACE, for the County of Anglesey, ,ill be held at the COUl\t)" HajJ, in Beaumaris, on TUESDAY, the 31st day of December. 1850, at the hourof 10 o'clock in the Forenoon, at whieh time and place all Business, Matters, and Things appertaining to the Assessment, Management, and Application of the County Rate or Stock of the said County of Anglesey, which by any Statute or Statutes now in force, the Justices of the Peace are authorised to do and transact at the General Quarter Sessions, will be commenced, done and tran- sacted publicIy in open Court. OWEN OWEN, Chrk of the Peace for the Coul/ty of Anglesey, Beaumaris, 9th December, 1S30. CO U N T Y OF t ILINT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, flYHAT the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for J. the County of FLINT, will be held by Adjournment at the COUNTY IIALL, in MOLD, on WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of January next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon when all business relating to the Assessment, Applica- tion, or Management of the County Stock or Rate will commence. AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, That the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace will be held at the COUNTY IIALI, a foresaid, on Thurs- day, the 2nd day of January next, at Ten o'clock in tho Morning, and all business relating to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County Stock or Rate will commence at Noon of the same day. All Depositions and Instructions for Indictments must be sent to my Oiffce, in Mold, it practicable, Six days beloie the said General Quarter Sessions, otherwise the costs will not be allowed. ea A. T. ROBERTS, Clerk of thc Peilce, Mold, 3rd December, 1850. CARNARVONSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, fPIIAT the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS 1 of the PEACE, for the County of CARNARVON, will be held at the COUNTY HALL, in CARNARVON, on THURS- DAY, the and day of JANUARY 1851, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the Forenoon, for the dispatch of the Civil and Criminal Business, and will be continued by adjourn- ment fr",m the 2,id day of January aforesaid, to be held at the County Ilall aforesaid, on FRIDAY, the 3rd day of January aforesaid, at the hoar of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which last mentioned time and place all Business, Matters, and Thillgs appertaining to the as- sessment, management, and application of County Rate or Stock of the said County of Carnarvon, (which by any Statute or Statutes now in force the Justices of the Peace are authorized to do and transact at the General Quarter Sessions, or at any adjournment thereof,) except as here- inaftcr mentioned, will be commenced, done, and trans- acted publicly in open Court. "?°A?? ?T?CE''IS (L() HEREBY GIVE?, That at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the said 2nd day of January, the Justices then ami there assembled, will proceed to take into con- sidcration a proposal for providing, or altering, enlarging, and improving a LOCK-UP HOUSE, at the Yillage of BETIIESDA, in the said County. Dated this 12th day of December, 1850. RICHARD A. I'OOLE, Clerk of the Peace. County of Merioneth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rilHAT the ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER ?ESS?0-NS of the PEACE for the County of MEmOMi'm, wiU be held in the County Hall, Bala on Thursday, the 2nd ,b' of January, 1851, and the Fi- nance Committee appointed to udít all Accounts,will meet for that purpose at 11 o'clock in the Morning, when all Business relating to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County Stock or Rate will com- nience. AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, That the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PE VCE will be held at the County Hall aforesaid, on Friday, the 3rd day of January, 1851, at 10 o'clock in the Morning and all Business to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County Stock or Rate will commence at 11 o'clock, A.M. All Depositions and Instructions for Indictments are to be sent to the Clerk of the Peaee three clear days be- fore the Sessions. DAVID WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. December 10th, 1859. M A N L Y'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, BRITISH WINE, AND GENERAL PORTER ESTABLISHMENT, VICTORIA BUILDINGS, LOWER DmDGE STREET, CHESTER. P RIV ATE Families and Gentlemen, are respectfully JL invited to make trial of the above celebrated PALE ALE, so much admired in India, as being a most agree- able tonic, and sanctioned by the medical profession, in this kingdom, as a light beverage, and recommended particularly to Inoalide of delicate constitutions. Your attention to Messrs. Hall and Prout's opinion herewith, is a sufficient guaraniee as to the good qualities which BASS'S INDIA PALE ALE iiosscsses .— "Br. Prout, who has analysed this Ale, in his work on diseases of the stomach, &c., after condemning common ales, especially recommends this to weakly persons; and Dr. Marshall Hall, in his reaper on Consumption, pub- lished in The Lancct of the 20th April, lo44, speaks of Bass's Pale Ale as the only stimulant admissible in the diet of persons threatened with symptoms of the inci- pient state of that disease." Sold in quart and pint bottles, in fine condition for immediate use, also in casks of 18 gallons eaclt; with a choice a-sortiaentof British Wines, viz., Rich Edinburgh Green Ginger, in great estimation, Red Currant, Straw- berry, Cowslip, Malaya, Elderberry, and Raspberry Wines, at 15s. 9J, per dozen; delicious Pine Apple-a lady's wine, Is. lid. per boti!e; also Quinine Wine; the latter is strongly recommended as a tine tonic and sto- machic, for strengthening and invigorating the general healtii-at 2s. (jd per bottle; Rheim's Grape Sparkling Champagne, 3s. 9d. pints, do. 2s. 3d. per bottle, with a reduction of Is. per do, on taking 10 doz. Wine assorted London and Dublin Porter, in half barrels, also quarter casks-in fine order for present consumption; likewise in quart and pint bottles. Prime rich Edinburgh Ale in Bottle. All goods forwarded carriage free within GO miles of Chester Station. Orders addressed through Post will meet prompt attention. W Agent by special appointment to the United Kingdom Life Assurance Co., London, (for Cheshire, North and South Wales.) Chester, Oct. 1850. LEGAL NOTICE. ESTATE OF THE LATE EVAN ELLIS. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of the late Evan A Ettis, of 7?, Stanley Street, Liverpool, Cabinet Maker, who died on (jth day of June last, are required forthwith to pay the amount of their respective Dchts to the Administrator, Mr. John ElJi., 3, Ranelagh Place, opposite the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, and all persons having any Claims against the Estate are requested forthwith to furnish thc.n, in order that they may be examined and paid. BRONTE MADEIRA WINE. MESSRS. WOODHOUSE and Co. beg to inform m the Public, that in conse q uence of the numerous applications for their BRONTE MADEIRA WINE, in BOTTLES, they have resumed that branch of business. The charge will be as heretofore—26s per Dozen, Bottles included. 47, 'Henry-str*et, Liverpool. ,HAltVEY'S FISII SAUCE. ELAZENBY and SON deem it necessary toreiter- E. ate their caution against spurious imitations of this approved Sauce. Every bottle of the GENUINE description bears the name of" WILLIAM LAZEX- BY" on the back, and the signature of ELIZABETH LAZENBY" on the front label. Their ESSENCE OF ANCHOVIES is still prepared with peculiar care, and held in the highest estimation as Sauce tor every descrip- tion of Fish. Manufactured solely at their old-established Ware- house, (j, Edwards-street, Portman-sqnare, London. IMPORTANT LETTER. JUST received, another Proof of the wonderful effi- cacy of the Celebrated Oriental Botanical Extract. EXTRACT. Dr. Cockburn, M.D., Southport, Sept. 9, 1850. Sir,—I bog most respectfully to forward you tliii letter, with many thanks, and hope you will pardon the intru- sion, but having derived the greatest benefit from the use of your invaluable Botanical Extract, I think it but justice to make the same known to you for before seeing it advertised in the Southport Visitor, I had used almost every other preparation for the complexion, but never found the least good result from them. At last I was induced to make a trial of your Extract, and, ac- cordingly purchased from Mr, Kershaw, in this town, a small bottle, who, at the same time, informed me that it gave the greatest satisfaction to all who used it, and I am truly glad to state that in my case it was most sue- cessfu), nor can I speak in praise high enough for the great benefit I have received from using it, also the application is very agreeable and pleasant. Should you refer to me I will answer the enquiries with much plea- sure. (Signed) II. C. COMPTON, Mr. WILLIAM HUGHES, Chemist, is appointed Wholesale and Retail Agent for BANGOR, and has inst received a fresh supply of the above celebrated EXTRACT. ANGLESEY SAVINGS BANK. A STATEIIE-NT of t]?e Accoiint with the  Savings Bank, fronithe 20th Noveml)cr A STATEMENT of the Account with the Depositors of the Anglesey Savings Bank, from the 20th November 1849, to 20th November, 1850. To Amount due to 21150 Depositors on the 20th November, 1849 f,GO,il4 13 11 To Sums received of Depositors from 20th November, 1(140, to 20th November, 1U50 *7>5C2 8 3 To Interest on IJrpo:;its. 1'5J1 2 9 g 1K{ 11 0 09,800 4 II By Amount paid to Depositors in Principal and Interest, in the year euding 20th -No, ¡u;.û 10,005 c 5 58,902 )8 6 To Balance due to Depositors on the 20th November, 1850, viz:- To (;41; I)epositoi-s at Auil",Cll 20,096 IC, 9 To 502 Depositors at Beaumar^ is la,4oJ 1- 9 To 433 Depositors at Holyhca. 12,7 4 U < To 4? DcpositotS at LiMgefni. ?.0? ?? ?? ? 58,9r,2 13 6 2074 Statement of thc Funds of the Anglesey Savings Bank. DR. £ s. D. To Amount due to 207-1 Depositors, M ?'?'???'/?.?????M,? 18 0 abo,e r'¡¡,!)() HI 13 To the Separate Surplus Fund 525 0 0 '1'0 Surplus reserved on the 20th Noem- To Surplus reserved on the 20th Novem- ber, 1S50 239 5 19 I CR, 9 S. D. £ S. D By Amount due from the Commissioners of the National Debt, bearing Interest. 58,316 11 7 By do. do. not bearing Interest 525 0 0 ——————— 58,841 11 7 By Amount due from Sir R. B. W. Bulkeley,Bt., M.P.GeneralTreasurer, and standing in the Bangor Bank, 524 7 G By Amount due from the Local Treasurers:— At Amlwch 93 8 10 Beaumaris 102 7 11 Holyhead 135 9 8 Llangefni 29 18 10 3Gl 5 3 k59,727 4 4 I Examined, settled and allowed by us, J, Two Trtistees. LHOYD J, PlUCE, Two Trustees, JOIIN JONES, Secretary. I Beaumaris, 19th December, lOoO. JOES, Secretary, FIRE INSURANCE. (This Company has never been connected with any Company or Association insuring against diseases in Cattle.) ROYAL FARMERS' and GENERAL FIRE and LIFE ASURANCE, LOAN and ANNUITY COMPANY. Established 1810. Empowered by Spe- cial Act of Parliament. Capital E500,000, subscribed by 1,800 shareholders. Prirate Houses alld theit contents, Insured at Is. 6<1. per Cent, FIRM INSURANCE of every description effected at moderate Premiums. LIFE INSURANCE.—FOUR-FIFTHS, or EIGHTY PER CENT. of the PROFITS of LIFE INSURANCE divided amongst the participating Policy-holders. Loans granted on Po1icies, Four-fifths (or SO per cent.) of the profits divided amongst the Insured, The Bonus added (March, 1843), averaged 2G per cent, on the Premiums paid. Life Policies indisputable, and Free of Stamp Duty. A liberal commission allowed. Medical attendants remunerated for their Reports in all cases. Every species of LIFE INSURANCE effected- Agents are appointed in all the principal lowns in the Kingdom, of whom Prospectuses and every information may be obtained, or at the Office, Strand, London. °° WM. SIIAW, Managing Director. Agent for Bangor, Mr. G. DAYIES, draper. President. The Right Honourable The Earl of Rosebery, K.T. Vice-Presidents. The Honourable Lord Moncreiff. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, K.G. The Most Hon. The Marquess of Tweeddale, K.T. and C. B. Sir William Gibson Craig, Bart., of Riccarton, M.P. SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND AND LIFE 0 ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Founded A.D. 1815. The whole Profits belong to the Assured, and are divisible Septennialiy. accumulated CAPITAL TWO MILLIONS TWO HUNDRED AND FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS. Annual Revenue, about THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. Average Amount of Assurances effected Annually for the last Twelve Years, HALF A MILLION PER ANNUM, PROBABLY A LARGER AVERAGE THAN HAS YET BEEN ATTAINED BY ALMOST ANY OTHER OFFICE, AND SUCIl AS AFFORDS TilE TRUE TEST BY WHICH TO PROVE THE ESTI- MATION IN wnlClllT IS HELD 1IY THE PUBLIC. N.B.-No Member is entitled to participate in the Pro- fits of the Society unless the Policy be of five years' standing. The Buoks of the Society close for the current year on the 31st December, and Policies effected before that time have the advantage of a full Year's standing over those delayed bcyond it. ea.yc HKAD OFFICE, EDINBURGH, 5, ST. ANDREW SQUARE. JOIIX MACKENZIE, Manager. WM. LINDESAY, Secretary. AGENT FOR CHESTER AND NORTH WALES, JAMES SMITH, OLD BANK, CHESTER. BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. t3 1, Princes Street, Bank, London. Empowered by Specia) Act of FarHament, IV .Vic. c. IX ADVANTAGES tf,t nfNxsit'lx, IX HALF CREDIT lUTES OF I'lmI!U}I. Persons assured according to these rates are allowed, credit (without security) for half the amount of the tirse seven Annual Premiums, paying interest thereon at th t- rate of Five per Cent, per Annum, with the option o paving off the arrears of Premiums, at any time, or hav- ing the amount deducted from the sum assured should the Policy become a claim. FOR SECURING LOKNS AND DEBTS. A Table adapted especially for the securing of Loans and Debts, by which the fullest security is obtained on very low, but gradually increasing Premiums. Policies revived, without the exaction of a fine, at any time within twelve months, if health remain unimpaired. A Board of Directors in attendance daily at 2 o'clock. Age of the Assured in every case admitted ill the P.1?,, ',Nle?ico.1 Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports. Extract from ?tf f? Crcdit Rates of Premium. Annuall'l'emiuterdJ:11n Assurance of £100, for the Whoi? Term of Life. A Half Premium for Whole Premium A e. seven years. after seven years. D. s. D. 30 1 1 9 2 3 0 40 19 2 2 18 4 50 2 2 G 4 5 0 00 3 0 8 0 13 4 E. R, FOSTER, Resident Director. ANDREW FRANCIS, Secretary. Detailed Prospectuses, and every requisite information as to the mode of effecting Assurances, may be obtained upon application at the office, I, Princes Street, Bank, London; or of the following Agents:- Bangor-Mr, Morris Griffith, Solicitor. Chester—Mr. Matthew Harrison. Wrexham—Mr. S. T. Baugh, Penyadole Cottage. Manchester—Messrs Rowley and Taylor, Solicitors. Southport—Mr. Robert Johnson, Lord Street. Ilol),well-Afr. Rupert Smedley, Solicitor. Liverpool—Mr. John Bewley, Brunswick Buildings. GLOBE INSURANCE, pALL-MALL AND CORNIIILL, LONDON. Directors, Edward Goldsmid, Esq., Chairman. William Tite, Esq., F.R.S. Deputy-Chairman. George Carr Glyn, Esq., M.P., Treasurer. Henry Alexander, Esq. John S. Brownrigg, Esq. Thomas M, Coombs, Esq. Boyce Combe, Esq. William Dent, Esq. James W. Freah6dd, Esq., :f',R.S, I 8irI.L.OoldiimM,BMt., F.R.S. Robert Hawthorn, Esq. JohnlIodgson, Esq, Hieh. Lambert Jones, Esq. Itobert Locke, Esq. Boyd Miller, Esq. Sheffield Neave, Esq. Fowler Nevvsam, Esq, William Phillimore, Esq. W. H. C. Plowden, Esq., M.P. Robert Saunders, Esq. Sir Walter Stirling, Bart. Wm. Thompson,Esq., Aid., M.P. Henry J. Wheeler, Esq. Josiah Wilson, Esq. Benjamin G. WiiidusEsq. ESTABLISHED 1803, FOR FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE, AND ANNUITIES, AND THE PURCHASE OF REVERSIONS AND LIFE CONTINGENCIES. CAPITAL ONE MILLION STERLING. The whole paid up and invested, and entirely independent of the amount of premiums received. Insurances may be effected on Single Lives, on Joint Lives, and on the contingency of one life surviving another. Insurances for short or limited periods may be effected at reduced rates, and with the least practicable delay. Fire Policies due at Christmas must be paid on or before the iSth of January. (By Order of the Board) JOHN CHARLES DENHAM, Secretary. London. Swansea Messrs. Murray & Rees. Brecon -Mr. James Price. Carmarthen I-lowells, in". Alerthyr J. W. Edwards. Llanelley „ T. W. Davies. Holywell „ P. M. Evans. Welch pool „ Samuel Salter. Amlwch Benjamin Roose, NOTICE NOTICE! JUST NOTICE!I: I AA Very, very superio-fed LONDON NATIVE 1 OYSTERS, and a nr.t-ctass Billingsgate OYSTER KNIFE, packed in a neat mat envelope, sent free of carriage, per address, within live miles, for Five Shillings; or on receipt of 75 postage stamps, or post- oliice order for the same amount, sent, free of carriage, to address, in any direction, on line of railway, within one hundred miles, from. C S II A W' S METROPOLITAN SHELL-FISII ESTABLISH- MENT, (8S?' Directly opposite the Old Rainbow Hotel). 31, BASNETT-STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE LIVER ESTABLISHMENT, CHURCH-STREET LIVERPOOL. WINDOW AND BED CURTAIN PRICE-LIST, IIOUSE-FURNISIIING GUIDE AND DEPARTMENT ADVERTISER, FOR DECEMBER, 1850, IS NOW READY, And may be had GRATIS at the Establishment, and sent, post free, to all parts of thc Kingdom. J. C. and CO. are now prepared to undertake the most extensive orders in House Furnishing; also Ships' Cabins. For particulars, they would direct attention to their PRICE-LIST of WINDOW and BED CUR- TAINS, BEDS, and BEDDING, MATRASSES- TABLE LINEN, BLANKETS, Sc. Gentlemen re- quiring Estimates will be waited upon in any part of the North of England, and supplied with every information. NEW ARRIVALS OF CARPETS. LATE LIVER THEATRE, LIVERPOOL, J. C A R M I C II A E L AND C O. THE Public lire respectfully informed thllt the i PWLLHELI MAIL leaves the PENRIIYN ARMS and CASTLE HOTELS, BANGOR, and the UXBRIDGE ARMS, CARNARVON, every morning ufter the arrival of the Mail Train from London, and returns from PWLLIIELI every evening in time for the Mail Train to London, and other parts of the kingdom. Passengers and Parcels booked at the Penrhyn Arms and Castle Hotels, Bangor, the Uxbridge Arms, Car- narvon, and the Crown Hotel, P-lilleii. CHARLES BICKNELL,\ ProPpl.ietore. ED. EDWARDS, J 11'0pl'letol's. Uxbridge Arms Hotel, Carnarvon, 5th Nov. 1850. NOTICE. THE P.bli. are ?lly in furmci l that ar? g e- T llnrsïl: bI:dtilii ;iûL:,(i:'t haí,o::s General, for the conveyance of the Mail Bags between Bangor and Beaumaris by Coach, which will leave the J'enrhyn Arms and Castle Hotel, on and after the 6th January, at 0—30 a,iii., enabling Passengers coming by the Mail Train to proceed on to Beaumaris, via Menai Bridge; returning from the Williams Bulkeley Arms Hotel, 5-,15 p.m., arriving at Bangor before thc arrival of tho Mail Train to Chester, Birmingham, and London. Passengers and Parcels booked at the Castle Hotel, Bangor, and W illiams Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Beau- mads. CHARLES BICKNELL, Proprietor. Penrhyn Arms Hotel, Bangor, loth December, 1S50. 1HE Pnblic are most respectfully informed that it is the intention of Messrs. RAE & PARRY, to continue a Coach, as usual, from BANGOR to PWLLHELI every day, (Sunday excepted) for the accommodation of the Public, affording thcman opportunity of visiting soms of the most interesting and picturesque scenery in North Wales, with every facility of Cheap Travelling. The Coach will leave Bangor every morning at 8 o'clock, calling at the Sportsman Hotel, Carnarvon, at 9, arriving at the Crown Hotel, Pwllheli, at 12 o'clock. On its return it will leave Pwllheli at 3 o'clock, p.m,. ,al in, at the Sportsman Hotel, Carnarvon, at 0 o'clock, arriving at Bangor in time for Trains to Chester, llirmingham, London, &c, Performed by the Public's most obedient Servants, JOHN RAE, Sportsman Hotel, Carnarvon. JOHN PARRY, Ship and Castle, Bangor. Carnarvon, Nov. Bth, 1850. "jTT EMIGRATION TO AUSTRA LIA. ,/?? AJEW LINE OF PACKETS ?ej?r?,' N FROM LIVERPOOL, for ?tm?j? PORT ADELAIDE and SYDNE ^E^ME £ landing Passengers at Port Philip. latsF£:, Purt "?' 1st Cabin, £ 45, 2nd Cabin, £ 25, Intermediate, E15, Steerage, jelo. Accommodation, Provisioning, and Equipment, second to none. Tons. To Sail. CONDOR. 1500 10th Jan,1351. OSPREY 1200 10th Feb. A 1. New Ships, Coppered and Copper-fastened. For further particulars apply to the Owners, GIBBS, BRIGHT, and Co., Liverpool. WINTER SAILINGS BETWEEN Menai Bridge and Liverpool, THE PRINCE OF WALES, or other of the rr<HE PRINCE OF WALES, or other of the Sailings, and leaves MEXAI BRIDGE on MON- DAYS and FRIDAYS, at 10 o'clock in the Morning; and PRINCE'S I'llii, HEAD, LIVERPOOL, on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at the same hour. Further particulars maybe had on application to Mr. E. W. Timothy, Menai Bridge Mr. J. Jones, Ship- agent, Carnarvon or to lIlr, J. IC. Rounthwaite, 24, Water-street, Liverpool. City of Dublin Company's Office, Menai Brid»e, December 1st, 1850. LIVERPOOL, BEAUMARIS, BANGOR, AND LIVEHl'OOL, }:XiImGN:\XGOR, AND THE POWERFUL AND FAST-SAILING STEAMER, CAMBRIA. Capt. HUNTER, NOW leaves the MENAI BmccE on THURSDAY N and SATURDAY, at 10 Morning; and PRINCE'S PIER, LIVERPOOL, on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 10 Morning. At the Menai Bridge, apply to tlr. JOliN HvaaBS, at Liverpool, to PRICE & CABB. Liverpool, 9th December, 1850,