Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Business Announcements. .ø- IRON FRAMED PIANOS. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AT A. R¡ICHARDSON'S, SUCCESSOR TO BOUCHER & Co. '.VALNUT COTTAGE, Seven Octa.ves. Pa.nel Front, Curved Tnisses, Sconces, &c. 14 Gun:EAS. Iron Frame, BriMs Pressure Bar. Seven Octaves, Bracket t 15 17 Trusses, Panel Front, Sconces, &c., &e. tt ) Iron Frame. Brass Tuning Pin Plate, Cornnsating Bar,) Metal TreMe Bridge. Brass Pressure Bar, -1 ctill Trichord, if Seven Octuvoa. Panel Front. Bracket Trusses,nd Sconces J Iron Frame, Brass Tuning Pin Plate. Compensating and, Briiss Pressure Bars, 'Metal Bridgea. Full Trichord, Seven 19 Octaves. Piinel Front, Bracket Trusses. Sconces. Ac., Ac. A NUMBEH OF GOOD SECOND HANDS FROM SIX GUINEAS. ORGANS. ESTEY CHANCEL ORGAN, Twelve Stops MGumEAS. COTTAGE „ Ten 14 Otiters from Five Guineas. HARMONIUMS FROM THREE GUINEAS. OUR SPECIAL THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. Money retHrncd if failure to complete payment. NEWEST MUSIC: 3o DISCOUNT IN THE SHILLING. SPECIAL CHEAP LINES. A "plcndid opportnnitv to ..cure a btr-min in VIOLINS, 'CELLOS. BASSES. VIOLAS. MELODIANS. MANDOLINES. BANJOES, GUITARS. &c., &c. GENUINE CARLO STORIONI VIOLINS (selling price Five Guineas) Only 50a VIOLIN, CASE. AND DOW COMPLETE From l2a 4H, BHIDC.E STREMT ROW, CHESTER, & CENTRAL ARCADE, WREXHAM. 1472,t TORPtD LIVER ? T 'HEADACHE. "c, CI) bD dl I All Chemists Is. HeL I All Chemists Is. Hd. Srn3.H P?! Sma!t Dose Sma!! Price< rnaH Pill Small Dose Small Price. 12? I\if: ",? :c r, !13 ? 0 ? ? ??' ? ? ?' ? <Ð I' Thesw Remedies have stood the test of ?S FtFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family use. THE PILLS j Purify &e Ðlooa, correct all disorders of the LivER, SroMACB, JrIDNEYS ana ¡ BOWELSI and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of all ages.. Ii THE OINTMENT Ii Is the only reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, eoREa, ULCERS, and OLD 'Wou?Ds; for BROMC?T!). SORE THROATS, COUGHS, 'C??S?, GoUT, RHEUMATISM, GLAND L??R SWELLINGS, and for all SxiN DisEASEa it has no equal. GLixDE,&R SwELLwas., and for aU Sux DispAs-vs it has no e q ua l II! Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, late 533, Oxford St.,LONPQN, SOLD BV ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. jj??'? Advice Gratia, at the above address, daily between the hours of 11 & 4, or by letter. ?? !f ?_ ? ? ? IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. OO(tPonATION OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. THE MANCHESTER CORPORATION CONCENTRATED MANURE, FKOM BLOOD, BOES, USH, & DUIED AMIMAL. MATTER, &c.. 'F, rdiii the City Sl,,tuglitcr-lioiise, Market; &c. .Co.lLoloins froM 3! to 4 per cent. AMMONIA. a.uJ 8t to LOperoenL BONE PHOSPHATES. A ,1:1.1 Yi'is Runra.ateed. The Manure is sold in BaRs con- ttMct:t" 1 cwt. each, tn:d is in the condition, and has the ,tl)pearaiice, of iiuc soil. Suitable for a.!l crops. :£3 PER TON Free), doUvcrcd at the nearest HaUwn.y Station, caj'riape paid in 4ton lots, within 150 miles. Supply strictly limited. 8o"ci!U r'rico for !<?< than 4 tons, and for delivery beyond JA mUcs -[,'01' Sa.'np!es, Testunuuials. &c., apply to- nY. WTIILEY, SLTEKINTENDEXT, 'J.7G TOWX HAIjIj. MANCHESTER. THE COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1887. NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. H M. Inspector of Mmes, HENRY HALL, EsQ., tovhig certified these Rules to be now correct, has as the uo:c33ajy special authority to issue them. we ?.t:a now m a position to do, both in BOOK AND SHEET FORM. P.["E-i \[1 rARTrcrLABS «X APPLICATION. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, ADVERTISER OFFICE, WREXHAM. fT?mrr??n Lr?M=«M 1-13 -CHU RCH- ST-LIVERPOOL )VAT,-4,1.itwELLEP.Y ILLUSTRATED MQ)PHL6T FREE ON APPLICATION PATCH SJEU)ELL€RYREPA)RS,PRgn)PT& RELIABLE 2032 ESTABLISHED A.D., 1848. THE "WREXHAM ADVERTISER," lDeiil)i.illis7iii-c, Fliittsltire, ilfei-ionctlis7i ire, C7icshii,e, Shropshire, and Korth li-(iles flcgister. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. UXBTAMPKD. In Advance. Nine Shillrngs per ftnnam. On Credit, Ten Shillings per annum. STAMPED. In Advance. Eleven Shillings per annum. On Credit, Twelve Shillings per annum. The County Paper for all Official Notices in Denbighshire n.nd Flintshire. WRLISHF.n ¡.:VERY 7'f/)jr ,f HA TFIWAr. CIRCULATION, 5,500. BAYLEY ( BRADLEY, PROPRIETORS. Business Announcements. TIMBER. SLATES, BRICKS. TILES. CEMENTS, LATHS. SEWERAGE PIPES, And a.U other Building Ma.teria.1. E. Ty/TEREDITH TONES'S, TIMBER YARD. AKD STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET. WREXHAM. Best Red BUILDING BRICKS at the Bric!< yards nea.r Wrexham. TELEGRAPHIC ADDimSS :— MEREDITH. WREXHAM." 1816f NEW VIBRATING SHUTTLE MACHINE. ARE BEST. I SINGERS SEWING MACHINES I LARGEST SALE. BEWARE OF GERMAN IMITATIONS. SINGER'S MACHINES CAN ONJ.Y BE PUltCHASf:n IN WREXHAM FROM THE MAKK)!S. THK s INGER MANUFACTUIIIN(,' CO., 7, CHARIjES STREET. 695z There are Mia,ny Brands of COMPRESSED CORNED BEEF. ea,ch repreacuted to bo just as good as Libby's." THEYJARE NOT, but like all imitations, they lack the wholesome a,nd appetising qualities of the genuine Ask for LIBBY'S COMPRESSED BEEF. and insist upon having it. 'Tia sold everywhere. 325u LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG LUNG SA VB YOUR LIVES BY TAKI-VG OWBRIDGES LUNG TONIC THE MIGHTY HEALER. It has nj)OM<'r ofcr fK&'ea.fc hitherto urthnoMTt t)t ?)!CfKcutc. Are you at all fVlJak-chesten, Or !7!- c!t7t<!d to be CotM!tMp<!rr. with just a <OK<t of Cough now NMfZ </«'?t T'7' this Wo?zderfitl ltrc.(liciiie." r/tC Cough and weakness will disappear as if by magic. and you M'PP! a strength HM<t power you never 7M<! before. HAVE YOU A COUGH ? A DOSH WILIj HKMOVH IT. HAVE YOU A COr.D A DOSH AT HEDTfMH WILL REMOVE IT. .BroyK'7nfM an-(Z Asthma it relicz,cs instantly. The Spasms of Goitg7ting, so dreadful in Whooping Congh. become less with c<M/t dose of the Mcdtcutc. "I was down at den,th's door. M)d shonid never have recovered hint it not been for year valuable medicine. No one couid have been worse than I have been. It most certainly has saved my life. J. A. ORCIIARD, J'!?/mp<o)t, DeroH." "I have used your Lung Tonic now for myself and fa.mily (which consist.?; of uhie) for nearly ten years. and can testify to its cajcioncy. Mid to its suviug me nmny tv heavy doctor's bin. J. CoEElt. Paragoij, Sta, Hull." JPrcpa?-e< W. T. OWnRIflGT" Chcmi.t, H,¿ll. SoliZ in Battles, 7i. 7M. 4,ls .9<?. 4.<! 6f!. and l1s, by all C/i<'MM!fi< ltmZ Patent Medicine 'Vendors. Wholesale, all London and ProuM<-tft! Houses. TOXIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TOXIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TOXIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TONIC TOXIC TONIC 1969o WALL PAPERS. A Large Stock of the NEWEST DESIGNS for 1892. B. COPLESTON, DECORATOR, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 265c BE A MAN BOM T WORRY about your weakness and incapacity, hut send at once for our pa.mphtet, which describes how you ma.y be thoroughly restored to health ;utd man!y vigour. Post free for 6 stamps. MARSTON BEB'EEDTT CO., 249. High Uolborn. London, W.C. J33 A LL Orders for PRINTING. LITHO- jf? GRAPHY, BOOKBINDING. &c., mtended for the "ADVERTISER" OFFICES, will be received at the Offices, MARKET SQUARE, ONLY. there being NO CONNECTION with any other firm. Office hours, 9 a..m. to 6.0 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a,.m. to 1 p.m. BOILING WATER OR M)LK. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMPORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. 1738 GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, "ADVERTISER OFFICE. MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING, PROMPTLY EXECUTE ID. PuUishers (by authority) of the ABSTRACT OF THE COAL MINES REGULA TION ACT, AND SPECIAL COLLIERY RULES FOR NORTH WALES. To he h:tù in Sheets and Books in hoti' English and We!ah. HAYLEY AND DRADLEY, PROPIiIKTOKS.



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