Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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.v.1* iii- (Cinued from Page 1.) CARLTON B?nk. Limited, London, advances 95 tn £200 quickly and cheap;C'urdiff Utlie.lJ9.P..n'mh rd. MR A. J. WesUaoughtmi, S6, St. Wooilos road, Nuw if'" port, M.m.. ia prepared to Advance mon^y 10 business people nod private h useboitit-rs :tt reasonable rates, 390 PONTYPKlDIi to Mertkyr aod all the surr-ninding dis- tricts. \1-y lunt without. delay.—Wallace wid Compniy, 9S. Queen-strei't. Cardiff. 300 MONET. t*ir rate ut iniertur. .,tva.c"l 1. z,.y .?1w" ..l' without delay disfance uo oujeci..—Apply, by letter Daly. to W. Williams, 21. Graver street, (Jraig, Voncy pridd. J- 1. EDWARY)I, -1 25, 1ri%tol, J. i* grove,ed hmti f moi 220 to £ 2,uCJ privately,proa>ptly and at lower interest tban charged by n:oIJiy-leud"!8, to reapectabla people iu any part oi the kingdom on their nmoie written promise to repily witbaut fees or charge* of aur daacriplioa No Bills of Sale taken. Write or call, CASH Adi"?-o mada w any amount promptly, privately c'nd%t- fair rae of i:iwresc; (liK?aves? no ob4ec?.- .A.J, hy letwir only, to Mr C Llewellyn, 3. Oak street, Uaerleon-raad, Newport. Mon iïge ??a?MSEOKT *OF*MONHy!whau l?m prept?d vl to advaucafroin £ 15 to CI,000?, responible persona of all classes ou their ISote oi (land. Interest very low Distance no object. No inquiry foes or charges whatever ao4 the strictest privacy observed in every transaction. A ply to W. T. Hatttte. 13 ^iunningdale, Clifton, Bristol.920 MS L. Read, ä6. Kailway-street, Moors, Cardiff, advance .11. from £2 to LAU Borrowers receive courteous and prompt ..tIAtDtiott. 590 _0 £ >0,000 to Lend by the Provincial Union Bank in rasas 0l;1 01 £18 to £500, on Note of Hand alone, or ou any other Security, at a few hours' netice, to all classes in any part of the country repayable bv easy instalments: wilg tod witnnut sureties uo delay. This old-established bank does the largest business in the kiugdom.—Write or call HMOII the Mauager, Mr Stanley Dowding, 1, Queen-square Bristol or Mr h. W. Wobber, .5. Worsing-street, Cardiff. MONEY Cheap, :\Ioocy Proanjn. Repayments easy- ;5 leot for 75 Em for 14s 225 for 30s: £ 50 for 57s td i ^payable by 20 weekly iastalmrnts. Other sums at Manila raies. Repayments extended if required..Special Verms for large sums on deposit of deeds policies, he. fttiU discounted. Ail business conducted with privacy and lespateh. Prospectus free,—Apply Western Finance Association, Limited, 8, Queen street, Cardiff. C'hos. d. Arthur, Di* fi,t Mauagei 7ile nSíJU55 -IDDresses. V OR y X DEAH ME! X I had almost forgotten do give TCDOB WIIXIAKS'S BiUUH or HONEY to my children for their Coughs aud Colds before they retired lo bed. This < unable Medicine now finds a larger sale in Every Town and Village. from Land's End to John O'Groat's, than any other Cough or Lung 0. Why, rjiCDOR yyiLLTAMS' -gALSAM OF ON F. Y ObotfMM the Fun Welsh honey and an e-?s?nce 1Jf the pureel and most efficacious herbs, betas; fathered at its proper season. when its virtues are in full perlection. A Swansea lady declared tfcftt this famous Balsam acts like magifl en her sfcildrar, sod gives linmediate relief. BRONCHITIS. THKRB are thousands of children who die annually from bronchitis, whoopiug cougu, and 2roup. This is a grand discovery for the cure oi Hoti complaints. IT I8 INVALUABLE for weak-chested naen, dolicat" women, and children. Is euros whsn all other remediee fail. It caree Coughs, Col<lf>, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest, Is cures thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whopping Coughs. It cures for Oae Shilling trim Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT If yon bave a Cout;b, try III; if you have a Cold, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It losaens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces mtrmtb and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when yoa have lost nights of rest. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS. Thousands 8f testimonials to hand from all fits of the world. COUNTY MAGISTRATES COMMEND IT Sold kj all Chemists and Stores in Is l%d, 2s 9d, 4s 8d bottles. FURNITURE. FURNITURE. YOU CANT AFFORD TO BUY RUBBISH. It YOtY WANT THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOR MONEY, GO TO-, WILLIAMS'S FORNISBING E1.1PORIUM, 14. H I G n s T r. E B T, CARDIFF, no we aaannfaoturers of a large proportion of the fCoods they sell, and whoea reputation for sterling value is seoond to none, WILLIAMS'S do not qnote prices aft which they are not PORrARiCD to sell. The following prices are for substantial goods, and Williams's believe they will be found AT LEAST 10 PER CENT. below the majority ot other furnishing booses. SEE THE GOODS. NOTE THE PRICES. S a. d. 0 17 11—GOOD SOUND LEATHER COUCH. 3 0—LEATHER SUITE, padded back Small Chairs. 4 13 6—EXCELLENT Spring stuffed Leather DINING-ROOM SUITE. 6 16 6—SADDLE-BAG SUITE of good pattern. 0 10 11—CHAIR BEDSTEAD and CUSHIONS. 5 Vt 6—BEDROOM SUITE oomplete, with plate-glass door wardrobe. 16 16 0—Very handsome new design BEDROOM SUITE, 2 glass doors to wardrobe, and side rt-flecting mirrors on dressing chest. 3 10 o-WALNUT 4FT. SIDEBOARD, very clean and well made. I 1 O-LARGE SIZE OVERMANTEL in Walnut frame. 0 10 6 to 3 Guineas-An immense selec. I tion of Biuss Curbs. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. 35e u CROSS BROTHERS. WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. BRAT QAL^AJJlsED CORRUGATED SHEETS— ft. lane 18 Id each. I 8ft. long.. lsKkl each. ttt. „ ? M „ I 9ft" 2s 2d 7It. ? 7d I iOft 2.i M BJBST QTTALJLTY ROOFING AND OTHER PELTS 3s, 3A lOti, per Roll of 25 yards. WIRE NEITING IN 50-YARD ROLLS. & b by 2ft. wide, 1<1 I 2ia. mesh by 2ft. wide. 3sl0d = 7 by Sit. „ 4.% SiId d i I 2in. „ by 3ft. IUd by 4fL 69 2in. by 41L „ 7s lOd Terns, Net Cash in Warehouses here. 57e Qsleaoised Barb Wire, Open and Closed Tanks, Ia.. Mowers, Rollers. Garden Seats and Arches. &e. jp ujifiEDMAJi AN D CU., ENTIRE HOUSE FURNISHERS, NEWPORT, SWANSEA, AND NEW TREDEGAH. H.? a T.ry L?eSe?ion of HOUSEHOLD FCKNI Tulm CA"ns R&DDI?Q. &C-. MttaMe 101 tAeeSMEM?.H.?, Md Hote?, which can be $%P- lÑ OD their woll-knwa EASY PURCHASE SYSTEM. Ceaernl terms subject to alteration to suit customers conven once. to worth, 1/6 per week, 6/- monthly. *10  ?6 12/6 £ 15 5/- ZO/. ? £ 28 „ 7/6 20/- £ 80 1W- 6?0/ iaOO 27/6 100/- Witheot any Special Payment or Security THE OLDEST J'IBM IN THE TRADE. PIONEERS OF THE HIRE SYSTEM. SW,OM OF STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PROSPECTUS FREE. PRIVATE DELIVERY. NOTS ADDKKSSES— 9? HMB?OttBT. SWANSEA. ? d MARtCM BOIM?XNOS. NEWPORT, MON ?HoiaOCOWN. OW waop=Ajt | Jnblit JCMOSMUNTS. CARDIFF. rp H E A T R E R 0 Y A L Lessee and Manageress. Mrs EDWARD FLETCHER. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT MR ALEX YNDGK LOFT! VS COMPANY IN "NEWMAHKKT" FKOM THE OPERA COMIQUE. i :f1k/Ohlr;rci9E. KULL CHORU S! TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, MAY 24TH, The OTiginal Racing ami Musical Comedy, entitled | j^EWMARKET, Including the following; Musical Numbers—"The Pedigree," The Brass Band Finale. Act 2, John Crook. Say I've Nothing To Do," My Society Mnsic Hall," Fa I Lai," J. M. Capel. "The Naughty, Naughty City," by Afred Plumpton and J. A. McWeeney. Other Musical Number* by well-known and popular Composer. Prices, 6d to £2 2s. Early doers 6.30, doors open 7, commence 7.30 Half-price at 9. Seats not guaranteed. Booking offices Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Ld., Queen street. Telephone -No. 521. MONDAY NEXT, MAY 31ST, MR. CHARLES WYNDHAM COMPANY IN TD OSEMARY, DIRECT FROM THE CRITERION THEATRE, LONDON. PLANS NOW OPEN. LOOK OUT FOR THE SORROWS OF SATAN. 'lis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do, more—deserve it." THE EMPIRE. MAIMEWA DIKKCTOK OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT 1 Miss ALEXANDRA DAGMAR, Vocalist and Burlesque Actress from Drury Lane Theatre, London, :tnd the Prince of Wales' Theatre Birmingham and Mr E. DE CELLE, in their unique duets, as given with unqualified succesn for NINE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS AT THE LONDON ALHAMBRA. QUlfiENIE LAWRENCE, one of the most prepossessing and charming ladies on the sta^e. The COMICAL CAB ACT by THE ELTO:N: The Start! The Chase Tlie Explosion 3 Screams of laughter all through. A General Favourite —Harry CHAMPION, with more new sougs. Everybody knows his songs are always many. THE OTTAWAYS, The bone players. The mock encounter is originaL IDA DALTON, Songstress and Dancer. GALE ST. JOHN and NERUDA DWIGHT, Dnettists and Dancers. WILL BELL, Irish Singer. Miss FLORRIE GALLIMORE, In New Songs. Notice I-Ventilation Perfect. The atmosphere is cooler inside the Empire than outside. Lit by electricity, which is cooler than gas. SLIDING ROOF and PATENT EXTRACTORS to remove hot air. Next Week Grand production by John Tiller's Company of "SAUCY SUSAN," An elaborate ballet sketch with Forty-three artistes Two Performances Every Evening. First Performance between 7 r.'clock and 9. Late Performance between 9 (/clock and 11. Notice to Cyclists- visitors from a distance on bicycles may store their machines free of charge during their stay in the Empire. For- particulars apply to doorman. G R A N D T H E A T R E. i.KSSH A Maimcm* Mr CLARWNF'F SOUNE3. To-night, and During the Week, Mr ATyltED PAUMiEB and COMPANY, in liass Challis's Powerful Drama, II IHE URATE. Doors open 7 commence 7.30. Box Office ooen daily at Theatre from 10 to 4 (Saturdays. 10 to 1). Telephone 7-5, Special Notice.—Revised and Popular Prices for the summerseasoxi G iliery, 4d Pit, 6d Stalls and Balcony, Is; Orchestra ;tdlls. Is 6d; FAMILY CIRCLE, 2s. MONDAY NEXT, MAY Slat, by arrangement with Mr Wilson Barrett, HOODMAN BLIND. SWANSEA. fr?HEEMP IRE" JL MANAQtrtaDmMTOR.OSWALDSTOLL. TO-NIGHT! The original Lumiere With the pick of the Pictures. A record Programme, From the London Empire, under M. Trewey. Kate James, The Highleys, Paul Langtry, and strong varieties. Next Wsek-Dagmar and De Celle, Florrie Galli- more, Harry Champion. NEWPORT. THE EMPIRE. JL MAHAatNG DtMCTOn-OSWALD S'RVLL TO-NIGHT I BUNTH, RUDD, AND BABNABD, The embodiment of eccentricity. WALTER STANTON and COMPANY, in "The Lover, the Lady and the Bird." CHARLES SUTTON, Spirit-reviver. These and otbers-all good. PONTYPRIDD. t>OYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, XV PONTYPRIDD. PKONMKTOKS Messrs TRENCHARD and JONES MANAGER Mr TOM JONES TO-NIGHT at 7.45, The hiehly successful Drama, NEVER DISPAIR. No. 1 Company, under the personal direction of Mr Nugent. Prices, 6d, Is, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Booking Office, Messrs Thompson and Shackell's Music Warehouse, Taff- ttreet.. 74e (fearsums. P. & A. CAMPBELL, LIMITED. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON By the WAVERLEY. (Weather and circumstances permitting.) MAV Leave CARDIFF. I Mon. 24-9.15, 1L10 am, ( *1.0, 3.0 pm I Tues. 25-10.0 am, 12.5,2.0, j 4.0 pm I Wed. 26-U.0 a.m, LO, 3.0 Thurs. a1-12.15, 2.15,4.151 Fri. 28-1.0. 3.0,5.30 pm I Sat. 29—*7.0 am, 2.JO, 4.3C, I 6.30 em Leave WESTON. Mon. 24-*10.0, *ll.bõ am, *1.40, 8.30 pm Tues. am, 12.45, 2.45,9.15 pm Wed. 26—*1L45 am, *145, 5.30 pm Thur. 27-*1.0. *3.0, 6.15 Fri. 28-*L45. 3.45,7.0 pm Sac. 29-*7.40 am. *3.20, I 5.20,7.30 pm. NOTE.—Steamer leaves Peuarth ten minutes later Cardiff except trips marked REGULAR SERVICE TO AND FROM CARDIFF AND PENARTH TO LYNMOUTH AND 1LFRACOMBIS. I By the Magnificent Saloon Steamers BRITANNIA, CAMBRIA, WESTWARD HO, &c. MAY. I Leave CARDIFF. Monday—24 9.30 am Saturday—29. 8 JO am I- Monday-31 8.45 am I Leave ILFRACOMBE. I Monday—24 6.30 pm | Saturday—29 1.15 pm I JHonday-31 2 JO pm SPECIAL CHEAP THROUGH FARES o TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, In conjunction with the London and South-Western Railway Company. For further particulars, fares, Ac., see bills. SPECIAL SAILINGS. MONDAY, May 24th. LYNMOUTH, ILFRACOMBE and CLOVELLY.— Leave Cardiff, 9.30 a.m. Clovelly. 5.0 p.m. Dfra. comb, 6.30 p.m. Lynmouth, 7.5 p.m. combe, VEDON ?i? WESTON.-Le?ve CardiS, &0 p.m.; Clevedon, 7.30 p.m. TUESDAY, May 25th. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO CLEVEDON AND BRISTOL.—Leave Cartliff 10.0 a.m. Penarth 10.10 a.m. Bristol 3.15 p.m. Clevedon 4.15 p.m. CLEVEDON VIA WESTON.—Leave Cardiff 4.0 p.m.; Clevedon 8.15 p.m. WEDNESDAY, May 26th. SPECIAL AFTERNOON TRIP TO ILFRACOMBE DIRECT.-Leave Cardiff 3.0 pan. Penarth 3.10 p.m.; Ilfracombe 8.30 p.m. NOTLCE. -The Britannia will make a CRUISE to SPITHEAD for the ROYAL NAVAL REVIEW. For full particulars see future announcements. A limited number of Season Tickets axe now being issued. For further particulars apply Mr WM. GUY, 76H <57e 70A, Bute-street, Cardiff. LORNA DONE COMPANY. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON (CaDing at Penarth t by the fatvourite steamers LORNA DOOJNE, SCOTIA, etc. Wind, weather, and circumstances permitting. MAV. Leave CARDIFF. Man. 24—9.20,11.30am,2.30 ( pm ) lues. 25—10.15 arn, 12.30. I 30 1>m ) W6d. 2&-1L15 &m, 13°. 3.30 pm ) Thurs. 27-12.15. 2.30, j Opm- Frt 28-2-15, 5.0M Sat. 29—2.0, 4.0, 6.0 pm Mon. 31—8.0 am. 3.15, 5,15 Tlftve WESTON. Mon. 24—10.30 am. 12.30, 8.15 pm Tues. 25—11.15 am, 1.30, 4.30 pm Wed. 26 -12.15, 2.30, 5.30 pm Thar. 27-1.10, 3.30, 6.15 pm Fn. 28-3,15, 7.0 pm I Sat. 29-2.50, 4,50, 8.0 pm I Mon. 31-9.0 am. 4.15. 7.30 Calling at Penarth Pier ten minutes later than Car diff except steamers marked ^J~P ECIA L S A I L I N G S WEDNESDAY, May 26th. SPECIAL TRIP TO CLEVEDON AND BRISTOL. —Leave Penarth 11.0 Cardiff ll.<!0 a.m Bristol, 4.10 Clevedon 5.0 p.m. A limited number of season ticket* are now being ishuetl ^For' f?ther p?rticoh? apY to J. and M. Gnnn and I Co., 11, Mount Stuart-square. or t-o the Agent, A. ¡ 7831 1519o 6flice. Pier Head, CaTdig FIWPORIXF 1 0 B 8 I -L?t 07 TKB SOUTH WAIJSS DAILY NEWS," ,,OUTH WALM DAILY HUSH«S2 ADDRTSSTS. FOR ACHES ANa PAINS I ELLIMAN'S 82°' 2 A NEW SIZK. 82° 82 f was called in a great hurry to a family where the mother had ad- ministered Elliman's in error for an emulsion to four children of ages from one-and-a-half to seven years old the next morning the victims were not a penn the "orse.- M.R.C.S.. Oct ?'?96." ?°'?' EMBROCATION. Rheumatic Pains, Lumbago Sprains, Bruises, Slight Cuts in healthy persons, Sore Throat from Cold, Chest Colds, Neuralgia from Cold, Chilblains before broken, Cornil when painful, Tired Feet, Stiffness from severe MMrctae, &e., ?re pains ?U relM?ed by a. prompt severe exereiie, of KtM?Mn's Unirerwd Embrocation. and free use of 8%d, Is ll/od, and 2s 9d, 101-1 STO N E BROS.. I Sons of the late Aid. Gains Augustus Stone, COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli- biers, and Coachaii, uperb Flemisli Horses, etc. Price List on Application. Please Note the Only Addrem.- 5, WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address "STONE BROS., CARDIFF." N>vtioaal Telephone—No. 704. 915e MASTERS & CO.'S CLOTHING IS JgEST AND CHEAPEST. 955* A SECRET UNFOLDED AT LAST A.t i, positive fact that no one ;n the world h; been sble to put a beautiful pearl-iike Gloss on Line Caffs, Collars, etc., so easy and quit-ir, as by nsing the NEW GTAZE. It is the pride of the world. The work of ironing is turned into pleasure. Try it and judge for yourself. Child can use it. Sold by Grocers, etc., everywhere, in Id and 3d packets. MANUFAcrrtntKKS—G. TURLEY AND CU. 91 le 59, Edgbaston-street. Rtnnin^ham. G. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. 10, 11, 12, WORKTNG-STREET. CARDIFF. to Telegraph io Address: SroKK, 11, Working-streeli, Cardiff. National Telephone, No. 931L

IThe Man About -Town.I


I Cardiff Elopement. I







! Wife Murder,I








---R,fTo day's Miscellany.I


! Betting Prosecutionj Betti…


TO-I)AY'N , WEATHER. 4.30…


Chilian Army Scandal.


- - - . - -CARDIFF'S WAIFS…





