Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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tBuSltWSS Àbbr.ess£s. XOH! DEAR NURSE, YOU "V/ FORGOT TO GIVE nnuDou YY U'T'Tams' J>ALSAM OF 1-1 ONEY zS TO MY CHILDREN BEFORE THEY RETTRED TO BED. I am certain they will cough all nighb without it. There is nothing on the face of the earth equal to it —thoroughly up to (late. No mother should aeglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in ihe house ready for any emergency Bemember that t i-, wiser to check a slight Cough at the commencement than toillow it to develop into ft lingering complaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Balsam ot Honey, and see that you get the right art icle. An article that should be in every family. A preparation containing Honey gathered on the mountains of Wales. An essence of the purest and most efficacious Herbs. A remedy always pleasant to take. "An Analytical Chemist" writes:—'I consider ador Williams' Balsam of Honey the best cough Iscre on the market thoroughly up-to-date, and Contains no poisou.' Absolutely Pace, therefore Best. Thonsomls of children die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup, it is invaluable Jul- weak-chested men. delicate women, and children. h cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Tightness of the C'aest, loosens the phlegm, a.nd promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refresh- leg sleep when nights of rest have becu lost. Is tores for One Shilling when Pound have been spent 1b vain. LARGEST SUJE OF ANY COUGH AND LUNG MEDICINE IN THE WOPJ.O. 20,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND. A bag of letters in every day, and what they say ■boat Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey is "some- thing marvellous. A Magistrate states I find your Balsain of Honey most effectual for Bronchitis. /l Lady, Nlrs West, Felix-place, Stroud, writes "Yonr Balsam of Honey cured m v little sou of whooping cough. Send me on another supply. I baTe a daughter subject io croup ihat I fold it fer., beneficial. The British Army reports highly of it A ge, lvin-vma I ieel it my tluiy Lo Inform you that I have been using your 'J'aOor Willil'.l\1s' n'!I> of Money in my ("Hll!y, which is large one, for tunny years and have proved its great ralne, having used nothing elite for Congli iluriug Measlet, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, and can highly xecoiumend it to all Parents for sitiolicoin- plaints.—Yours gratefully, WM. HARDING Agent Tredegar Witsrf Instate, Newport, Mon. VBold bv all Chemists and Stores iu If;, 20 6J, and Is 6d bottles. Sample bottles sent (post paid) (or Is 3d, 3s, and Su rom the Inventor— D TUDOT: wrr.r.uMS, H.D.S.L.. He Medical Hail. Abrll,rr. Wale3. o-JL I R F, Two gBBATEST (gT ATESME N ON EARTH ARE JpPvICE AND QUALITY. THEY ARE BOTH WORKING FOH THX JjIRECT rjIRADIXG OMPA XT At the following Addresses :— 286, BUTE STEEET 138, COWBPJDGE ROAD 9A, CARLISLE-STREET ASD 240, CASTLE-ROAD. I08a 33?!? 0 E O S S jjROTHEJiS WORKING-STKKE T, CARDIFF. BEST GALVANISED CORRUGATED SHEETS 5ft. long Is 2d each 8ft. long Is lOd eac 6ft, „ Is 5d „ 9ft 2s 3d Kk Is 8d „ I 10ft! 2s 7d „ BEST QUALITY ROOFING AND OTHER FELTS 3s, 38 9d, per Roll of 25 yards. GALVANISED WIRE NETTING IN 50 YARD ROLLS. 31n. mesh by 2ft. wide 3s Od 2in. meah by 2ft wide 397d din. by 3ft. 4s7d I 2in. 4ft. „ 7s 7d fin. by 4ft. „ 632d I Terms—Net Cash in Warehouses here. Galvanised Barb Wire, Open & Closed Tanks. Wrought Iron Hurdles. Gates and Railings. 63e N.B.-All remittances should be crossed and made payable to to1 Arm. R. J. HEATH & SONS. LARGE STOCK OF MAGNIFICENT £ j.RAND AND £ jOTTAGE pIANOFORTES AND 0 R G A N S Aa supplied to her Majesty the Queen and all the Roy a! Family. THE LATEST CREATIONS of the HIGHEST CLASS MAKERS. The finest that have ever been produced. T HP. NEW HIRE SYSTEM. ENORMOUS DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. Shippers supplied on the best export terms. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. 1066 2e MANUFACTORY. LONDON. RT TTEATH AND QONS. •) XX 94.U O 1066 IF YOU WANT THE MOST RELIABLE T Y P E W I* I T E R TRY rjUlE JJAMMOND. INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE. FORK IN SIGHT. STANDARD KEYBOARD. For particulars address- THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO., 607e 28, MOUNTSTUART-SQUARE, 5566 CARDIFF. F IRE WORKS. Jjl IRE WORKS J. E. 0 OMLEY AND SON, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, 23, MOIRA TERRACE, CARDIFF, aRE NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR ABOVE FOR THE COMING SEASON. Special Prices for Quantities. Free delivery Free eases. Sent direct from Manufactory. 130e 4325 SESSIONS AND y ONS LIMITED. D Manufacturers ami Importers of CEMENT, SLATES, TIMBER, RANGES. GRATES, AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS. PENARTH "OOAD, /CARDIFF. 83c_ n 3038 DON'T COUGH-USE DON'T CO UGH-USE j^jON'T COUGH—USE There is absolutely no remedy so speedr and e;TectaaI. One Lozenee alone gives relief; can be taken by the most delicate. J^FATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, J £ EATING'9 COUGH LOZENGES, J^EATJNG'S COUGH LOZENGES, If you carinct sleep for ccnghi'S one Keating's Lozenge will set you r'ght. Any Doctor wi'5 toll you they re ill A' UNRTVA LLED. ■J-TTTERLY UNRIVALLED. y TTERTA* UNRIVALLED. Sold everyw!isre in tins Bid eaeh, or free on Sold everyw!isre in tins 13*d eaeh, or free on receipt of from THOMAS KEATING, C!*e»J»;s*, fhtblir ^musenuuls. CARDIFF. rjl H E A T E E ROYAL, LESSKT; AND MANAGER ROBERT REDFORD. THIS EVENING, at 7.30. Last Two Performances of this most Interesting Play. Mr GEORGE ALEXANDER'S COMPANY in rjlHE rjlBEE OF J^NOWLEDGE. From St. James' Thea.tre, London. MONDAY, November 7th SIX NIGHTS AND A MATINEE- MISS FORTESCUE AND HER CELEBRATED REPERTOIRE COMPANY. New Box Oliice an Theatre (St. Mary-street Entrance) open from 10 till 5. Se.its can be booked by letter. wire, and telephone (No. 362). Tis not in mortals to command snccesn, bnD we'll do morn—dewrvf! ii." T H E JSM PIR E. MANARMIN DTRKHTOB 0awAirn ftnLT,. TO-NIGHT. One of the sreatest favourites of London, seen by some Cardifflans all The Princes Thentre, Bristol. The Coon," ESSIE ^fENTWORTH, The Coon." Melodious and artistic in the highest degree. ERNESTINE AND THE FOUR lWYS, Acrobatio sketch art^tes. From the London Emnire— LENA PAN'L'Zir.K/ E^ii^ordinary dancer. T. W. BAURETT, Comedian. TOM VINE, Topical vocalist. THE JACKLEY WONDERS, Society marvels. C I, A RAN E S n l' T, Songstress and dancer. THE NEW WOMAN'S CLUB, A new pantomime, a series of comic ^tu itions an irresistible laughter-maker by the AUGMENTED KARNO COMPANY. Next week-The celebrated mimic, c ISSIE L OFTUS. jT^OTTIE ROLLINS IS QOMING. Box Office open daily (with exception of Saturdays) 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m. to a p.m. Plan of Boxes, Fanfceuils and Grand Circle. No Booking Fees. Telephone No. 625. 1141 22e /~1 II A N D T II E A T li E \TT Lessee and Manat:eT.„Mr CI.ATIENCE SODKWB. LAST TWO NIGHTS OP "JTNCLE rjpOM'S ^1ABIN. SPECIAL ILLUMINATED DAY PERFORMANCE, TO-MOKEOW (SATURDAY), at 2. I Popular Driccs and time :vs usual MONDAY NEXT, November 7th, A FIGHT FOR LIFE. SWANSEA r si II E E M P I It E~. T MANAGING DIRECTOR-OS W ALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT. 1 'ter a long absence, during which she has made a remarkably successful tour of the Australian Colonies, Miss ALICE L E A M A E, and a company, including Dnisy De Roy, Palles and Cr.3sick.~B. H. Douglas, Charles Dillon, Valoni, LILY MORRIS and W. J. CHURCHILL. Next Week-BESSIF, WBNTWORTH. NEWPORT ii E- E m P I R B. a STAMAOT>TO T)IRK(JTOB—OSWALD 8TOLL. CLOSED FOR REBUILDING upon an enlarged scale in modern style. The Cardiff Empire first performance each evening is convenient 1143 for visitors from Newport. 25e Y C E U ig, N E W P 0 R T. J Proprietor rfe Manager, Mr Cf-.mRXOK SODITKH. TO-NIGHT AT 7.30, Messrs Morell and Mouillot's );0. 1 Company in rjlHE ^j_EISHA. MATINEE, SATURDAY NEXT, at Two o'clock. Prices, 6d to Al 1". Box Ollice Open Daily 10 1,0 4. Telephone. No. 158 Nat. Next Week—UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. Matinee Saturday, Nov. 12th. ,hipping j&atkes. 1ARD1,1 AND BORDEAUX. /Z^T rhh, r J The CARDIFF STEAMSHIP ,J(^g|^g^COMPANY'S FIRST-CLASS SCltEW STEAMERS v/ii sail asfollows,circum- stances permitting :— USIC Cardiff for Bordeanx Nov. 12 USK Bordeaux for Cardiff Nov. 5 With good3 and passengers. For Rates of Freight, ifcc., apply to Mr A G. TOfld, Agent. 31. Quai des Chartrous. Bordeaux and bo W. It. CORFIELD, 151e Telegraphic address, Exchange, Cardiff. Welcombe." National Telephone, No. 154 Fare:-Sinalf, JE2 10s S4. 1071 RltS bn .Ãudiøn. UNDER DIST'RESS FOR RENT. MAINDY HOTEL. MAINDY, CARDIFF. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TRADE UTENSILS, STOCK OF WINES, SPIRITS, BEER, CIGARS, Ac. MESSRS BAILEY, GILLER, and I TELFER will SELL by AUCTION upon the premises, as above, on MONDAY, November "ch, 1893, commencing at One o'clock, the HOUSEHOLD FU K NITURE, Appointments of billiard and smokc-rcoms, trade utensHs, bar furniture (not fixtures), measures, glasses, etc., and the stock of wines, spirits, beer, cigars, etc., etc N.B.—No spirit can be delivered to purchasers until permits have been obtained from revenue authorities. Auctioneers' Offices, 24, Duke-street, Cardiff. 403e SALE OF ETCHINGS. ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS. WATER COLOURS, COLOURED PRINTS, PHOTOGRAVURES, &c. MESSRS WM. FOWLER and SON will SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT, November 7th and 3th, com- mencing at 2.30 and Seven o'clock p.m., a choice Collecbiou of 500 ETCHINGS. OIL PAINTINGS, &c., In oak and gold frames, by McSinchir, Hal Bailey, T. Seymour, Tom Salt, Beat tie, E. Cole, &c. On View Two Days Prior vo Sale. 398e St, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. WELL PRESERVED FURNITURE, CARPETS, PICTURES, SHEFFIELD PLATE, Etc., Removed from LiandaS by order of the Exec a tor?, and from the Parade. MESSRS WM. FOWLER and SON will SELL by AUCTION, en THURSDAY next, nber ICt-h, at 2 o'clock, p.m., at 59, Queen-street, Cardiff, the whole of the C, EXCELLENT FURNITURE, Including a handsome 6ft. chevai bedroom suite, 4ft. walnut ditto, 4ft. walnut robe, all brass Parisian and French bedstc-ads, bed furniture and bedding, two, pairs toilet cables, inlaid rosewood cabinet, two iron frame ijianos, two drawing-room suite! noble 6ft. walnut sideboard, 811. dining table and suite in leather, 6ft. walnut bookcase, secretaire bookct3e, oak pedestal writing tab! oil paintings and engravings, carpets, rugs, aquarium, card table, octagon tables, kitchen and outdoor effects, etc. 412e briORT NO'lICE "m/fB H. J. GOODALL will SELL by ltJ. AUCTION at bis Sale-rooms, 25, C;:stle-st.reet, Cardi"?, on FRIDAY, November 4th, 1898, a large- quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including mahogany chest of drawers, suites in gllùùlb:'1 and leather, overmantels, centre tables, brass and iron bedsteads, also Singer sewing machine, lady's bicycle, etc. Sale at 2 o'clock. Also on Saturday evening ;J,t 7. SHORT NOTICE: 923 24, CASTLE ARCADE. MR F. WALL will SELL by AUCTION on FRIDAY and SATURD \Y, November 4th and 5th, the STOCK OF A FANCY DEALER, including musical instruments, pipes in cases, sticks, &c. Sale at 6.30 p.m. Office-19, Dllkv-treet. 413e .=- ==-=-=-.= RODERICK DHU" OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. THE LEADING SCOTCH BRAND. RECOMMENDED BY ANALYSTS AND, PHYSICIANS. t I THF, BKST VALUE IN THE MARKET. WRIGHT k GREIG, LTD. GLASGOW. This fine old Scotch Whisky can be had from most of the leading dealers in Cardiff. 48e Cardiff Agent:-Frod Dankley, Black Lion Brewery, Wharton-street. t JJAYE Y°U A BAD T FJG' With wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps surrounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it eaves the impression ? If so, under the skin you have poison chat defies all the remedies yon have tried which, If not extracted, you never can recover, but jo on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, tho joint-; being ulcerated; the same with the ank,o, round which the skin may he-dis- coloured, or there may be wounds the disease if allowed to continue wili deprive you of the power to wilk. You may have attended various hospitals and had medical advice, aid been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to but do not, for I CAN CUBE YOU. I don't uay perhaps; but I WILL. Because others have failed is no reason for not now itemg ciired. Numbers have consulted i )e and been cured, after suffering from one to 20 years. If pos slble Call, or send Postal Order for 28 6(1 to M. W: ALBERT, 73, Fnrringdon-street, Loudon, and you will receive a box ot GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS, which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Carbiiuclet;, Poisoned Hands, and Ivunoris. Registered. 68 W~a"N~S E a O if' F l c E~S OP THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," }I(\. 7. COLTJ'IGE-STRftET. public$oit«5. RICHMOND POAD CONGREG-A- TIONAL CHURCH. OPENING OF NEW THREE-MANUAL ORGAN 't, (Builders, Harrison and Harrison, Durhari), at 7.30 p.m.. FRIDAY, November 4th, 1898, by Mr ARTHUR HARRISON, Durham. Collection in aid of Organ Fund. SS6 -&a ^LL JJGCTORS A GIIEE THAT 3vi- Ax G REGER'S IVIAX '|jrREGERS JJUNGARIAN TT UNGARIAN WINES. ^NES AIm REJUVENATING A;;P INVIGORATING. BARON LEIBIG, in a letter which excitee, much attention at the time, announced boldly the reason of his belief in the usa of Hungarian Wines. MAX G-REGEE'S ]^JAX Q.REGER'S JJUNGARIAN jUt UNGARIAN -^TINES ■^yiNES « RICH IN PHOSPHATES."—Baron LUlig. RECOMMENDED, aiike for tho Ansamic it;:d RECOMMENDED, aiike for tb0 Ansamic the Robust, by the highest Medic&l Authorities for over 35 years. See that every cork be.,ir- t-ic brand MAX GREGEK." Without it the Wine is not genuine. In Bottles and Screw-Stoppered Flagon?. From 15s to 60s per doz. TO RE OBTAINED PROM — F. L. CHURCHILL and CO,, Ship-lane, West Bute-street. FULTON. DUNLOP and CO., 9, Duke-street, Cardiff, and Windsor-rovd, Penartb. R. P. CULLJY and CO.. 92, Qucen-3treet. CULLEY'S STORES, Queen-street. CULLEY'S STORES, Clifton-street. W. W. NEIJL, LTD., St. John's-street. J. WEAVER and CO., Queen-street, and Masonic Buildings, Penarth, near Cardiff. 721b STONE BROS., Sous of the iale Aid.Gains Augustus COUPLETE FU NEHAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli biers, & Coacbes, superb Flemish Horses, et c. Please Note the Only Address :— 5, WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address:— "STONE BROS,, CARDIFF." National Telephone-No.701 50 G. STONE & CO., U NDEETAKERS. 10, 11, k 12, WORKTNG- STREET, c A FTDIFF. Ee Telegraphic Address: STONE, 11, Working-atreet, (Tardiff. Nat onal Telephone, No. 339.

The Man About Town.

Safety of the Panama.



-_-rro- DA Y'SW EArHER.4.30P.…


Landslip in the Rhondda.

-_.___-_--THE FORTRESS OF…










[No title]














-=-.-.-INKERMAN DAY. 16:93,
