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Abergavenny Town Council.…


Abergavenny Town Council. 1 Deputy Mayor's Busy Time. I The monthlv meeting of the Abergavenny Town Council was held on Monday night, Alderman Z. Wheatley (Deputy Mayor) presiding There were also present Councillors S. J. Ruther, l\ Telford, Major Williams, T. A- Del afield. Alfred Graham. Horsington. J. R. Beckwith, Meale, with the Town Clerk (Mr. H. Il'opwood) and other officials. Deputy Mayor's Busy Time. _1 I I ?- The Demitv Mayor explained tlie steps lie iuu taken since his appointment by the Mayor. Early 011 Wednesday morning Lieut. Fry asked him if tlie troops could use the Market Hall. He met Councillor Rather and informed him, and Councillor Ruther agreed that they ought to do all they could for the convenience of the Territorials. About mid-day Capt. Sm'thers called and asked if lie would, on behalf of the town. accept the colours for custody while the trcKips were away. He agreed to do so, and as soon as possible asked the Town Clerk to notify all the members of the Council At eight o'clock Colonel Ford handed over to him the Kind's and Regimental Colours and the silver bugJe presented in ISÚL These, as they would see, were now in the possession of the Council. On Thursday morn- ?lic-(l Ii i iii that the ?ia-or ing the Town Clerk notified him that the Mavor had appointed him as Deputy Mayor, with power to act in his absence. They all knew that he had previously refused the office of Mayor, but as it was their wish and that of the Mayor, he readv and willing at the call of duty to give of his best for the service of the town and of the King and country. (Hear, hear). On Tliiirs- Jay the Vicar of St. Mary 's suggested that a relief fu^d should be opened, and on Friday he telephoned to Eridge Castle to the Iarquess of \b-rgav-nnv asking for his approval. His Lordship replied that lie would licad the list with --150. (Applausel. On Saturday, in their name, he gnve an official sc nd-oft to 12 men of the St. John Ambulance Corps, who had gone to various parts of Ireland to do duty at hospitals. That evening he took upon himself the re- sponsibility ot consulting Col. D. Steel, Col. Morrall, Major Williams, Dr. Lloyd and Supt. Uyies (Deputy Chief Constable) as to the ad-I visability of forming a civilian volunteer force for the town, with a view of training the young men for any emergency which might arise. It ] was decided to form such a force. They would -not be sworn in, but would be simply enrolled, Col. Steel would take command, and lie ap- pealed to the voung men to come forward and offer their services. He had consulted the. ministers of religion, both Church and Non- onfonllbj. with a view of making Sunday a day of intercession and of holding official services It was suggested that they should attend, officially, St. Church next Sunday morn- ing and the Frogmore Street Baptist Church in the evening, and it was agreed to give the whole of the collections to the War Relief Fund. In conjunction with the Mayoress, lie had called a meeting for Wednesday night of women in the town to interest them in knitting, and in making Balaclava helmets and bandages for the troops He asked them to give this movement their .svmpathv and Support. He appealed to them personally to give hin all the support they possibly could. It was a responsible position, and he trusted they would all be united in one desire to do the best they could for the King, the country and the Fmpire. A Loyal Resolution. The Deoutv Mayor proposed that they adopt the resolution carried by the Monmouthshire Countv Council That we place on record the devotion or members of this Council to their country, and resolve to do everything in their power to support the Government and safe- guard the honour of the country and integrity of the Fmpire." Two of their employees, added the Deputy Mayor, had gone to serve their country, and he hoped the Gas Committee would bear their families in mind at the next meeting. Major Williams seconded, and the resolution wascarried. The Deputy Mayor proposed that an entry should be made in the minutes of the handing j over of the King's and Regimental Colours to the Town Council. Such a tiling as the handing over of :uiEeaty colonrs to a civic body had never happened J1dóre.. I Major Williams seconded, and said they appreciated the confidence of the .\fd Battalioil in placing the colours in their hands. He him- self might not live to see it, if the war was to last for some time, but he hoped the colours would be handed bsck in a proper manner. Councillor J. R. Beckwith supported. Councillor Telford said he had much pleasure in proposing that they adopt the report of the two committees mentioned, and that they have a civilian volunteer force, and also that the Council attend divine service at St. Mary's and Frogmore Street Baptist Church on Sunday. He desired to congratulate Alderman Wheatley on the amount of work lie had got through during the past week. It had been a very trying week in more ways than one, and lie thought that Alderman Wheatley had carried out the duties which had fallen upon him in an excellent manner. He had spared no time and labour to do anything he possibly could for the honour of the town and the good of his country. He had much pleasure in congratulating him on the excellent manner in which lie had carried out his duties. Councillor Meole seconded. The Late Mr. Way. I The Deputy Mayor proposed a vote of con- dolence with the family of the late Mr. W. H. Wilson V/av. vho had, in his capacity as a re- porter, attended their meetings for many years, and previously the meetings of the Improvement Commissioners and the Urban District Council. They could do no less than place on record their condolences with the family. Councillor Horsington seconded, and expressed regret at Mr. Way's death. Fire Brigade Delayed. I At question time Councillor Horsington asked if any explanation had been given as to why the Fire Brigade were kept waiting so long for horses the other night on the occasion of a fire. The Town Clerk said that a report had come in from the Captain of the Fire Brigade, and it would be laid before the next meeting. Councillor Horsington It is a very serious master. Councillor Meale said he was present with Councillor Horsington on the night in question. It was a perfect disgrace to the town that the Fire Brigade should have to wait for horses as they had to do. It was a matter tliey sliould take up very strongly. The Mavor said the committee had the whole or the Council behind them in this matter. It might be a matter of life or death. The com- mittee would deal with it the following night. FROM KKI'ORT OF FIXAXCH AND GEXERAI, 1,:? C(),nlll i ttee are still Railway Facilities The committee are still pressing the G.W.Ry. Co. to give better railway facilities to Abergavenny, and the Town Clerk was directed to forward certain information supporting the application. Fairfield Fencing The committee considered letter from Messrs. Gwatkiu Bros.' solicitors, offering (without prejudice) i'5 in settlement of this question, and decided they could not accept the am Hint, and instructed the Town Clerk to offer, without prejudice, to tinally settle the matter for the sum of IOS,-Po;t Office Fetter read from the Postal Authorities in answer to the Council's request for the post office to be opened at 7 a.m. instead of 8 a.m., that they could not see their way to alter their (le(-.isioii -Aii(litor's Report MrHubert Leicester, chartered accountant, has audited the books and accounts of the Corpor- ation for the financial year ended 31st March last, and has reported same to be correct. 1Iembers of the Council can inspect the report in the Town Clerk's office.—Monk Street Im- provement Resolved, 01: the proposition of the Mavor, seconded by Alderman Wheatley, that the Town Clerk be instructed to complete the purchase of the property known as No. 50, Cross-street and 4 Monk-street., and that a cheque for the purchase money (, £ 2,100) and costs be drawn. Resolved also that the common .seal be authorised to be affixed to the necessary documents. On the proposition of the Deputy Mayor, seconded by Councillor Telford, the report was adopted. I KOM KKI'ORT OF WATKR WORKS EXTENSION* I CO?I?m'TtY' (The Mayor, Ft.-Col. J. H. G. Bishop, Ch3r1llan)'1 Reservoir Th? committee considered the question ,f the fencing of the reservoir. At the present time the reservoir is fenced onlv on the no nth and west sides. Air. Dixon (waterworks engineer) submitted a specification for iron fencing to be erected on the unfenced sides, namely, the north ayd east sides. Resolved, on the propositoin of Councillor Bevan, seconded 1)," Alderman B'shop, that, subject to the con- tractors supplying and fixing in accordance %,vitil the specfiicat:on a fence uniform, in s'xe and height with the fencing already erected, at the price of 10s. per vard, their tender be accepted. 1 If the contractors (Messrs. Barnes, Chaplin and Co.) will not accept this price, then it was re- 1 solved to authorise the sab-committee to obtain quotations from local firms and accept a tender for carrying out the work ? The Deputy Mayor proposed and Councillor Meale seconded the adoption of the report. Councillor Horsington asked if the contractors had agreed to do the work referred to. The Town Clerk replied that they had, and added that the clerk of the works had been given a month's notice. The Mayor said it would be advisable if the whole of the Council were called together at an early date about the waterworks. The works were neariug completion, and if the Town Clerk thought advisable lie might call the Council together. Councillor Graham Would it be out of order if we had a meeting up there soon. The Town Clerk The engineer is coming down early this month. Councillor Ruther said an appointment should be made with the engineer and the whole Council. FROM REPORT OF GAS COMMITTEE. I Wages Increase The labourers at the works have applied for an increase of wages. The consideration of this matter was left over for the present. Account for Work Done The committee are dissatisfied at the delay of Messrs. Foster & Hill in rendering their account for repairs done at the Cas Works, and also at the charges made, and decided to deduct 5 per cent. off the account. Councillor Delafield proposed and Councillor Craham seconded the adoption of this report. Councillor Meale said he saw that the work- men at the (as Works had asked for an increase of wages. He should like to know why the application was left over. The Deputy Mayor said he did not know whether it was fair to ask the Chairman that question, as he had been on his holidays. Councillor Delafield said he was not at the committee ■meeting, but he had confidence in the members. He should think it was left over until there was a larger attendance of members. The Town Clerk said that was the reason. Councillor Delafield said the matter would not be lost sight of. Councillor Meale proposed that a report be brought up at the next monthly meeting. Councillor Graham said that what Councillor Delafield had stated was correcL. There were onlv three members present, and they had other business to get through and wanted to get away, so they let the iiiatter stand on-er till their next meeting, which actually occurred within a fortnight. The report was adopted. FROM REPORT OF SANITARY AXD WATER C< )MMITTEE. Water Supply The water supply is at present 209,614 gallons per day, or 23 gallons per head per dav. The supply for the corresponding period of last year was 25.V gallons per head per dav.—Fishing The committee have instructed the Town Clerk to bring forward each year for confirmation the issue of a free fishing ticket in lieu of payment, for superintending the Council's fishing. The Borough Surveyor was instructed to cut the bushes on the river bank where necessary, for the convenience of the fishermen.— Underground Convenience The Borough Sur- veyor was directed to report 011 the question of constructing an underground convenience at the junction of Merthyr road and Brecon-road, on the site of the old cabstand, and to submit a sketch to the next meeting of the committee. Maternity and Child Welfare Letter received from the Local Government Board stating that the Board would be willing to consider applica- tions for grants in respect of any work falling within the scope of a scheme outlined in an accompanying memorandum in respect of maternity and child welfare. Councillor Telford proposed and Councillor Meale seconded, the adoption of the report. Councillor Major Williams asked if there was any further information about maternity and child welfare, so that the public might know of it. The Town Clerk said it was a matter which the' Comity Council would take up in conjunction with the Medical Officer. The report was adopted. FROM REPORT Oil MARKETS, TOWX lULL I IXCS, CASTLE AND PARK COMMITTEE. (The Mayor, chairman). Town Hall In reference to the letting of the Town Hall for a period to Mr. Maher, the com- mittee are still negotiating and will report as earlv as possible.—Bailey Park The committee have directed that no tradesmen's vehicles or motor cycles are to be allowed to go through the Park, and a notice board to this effect is to he erected at the. entrance gates.—Cattle Market Messrs. George E. Morgan, Ltd., wool merchants, Hereford, have applied for a double space in the Cattle Market for the erection of a shed, instead of the single space granted them last meeting. for which they are prepared to pay double rent, namely, 5s. per week. The committee agreed to this.—Cattle Shelter: The Farmers' Union have forwarded copy resolution passed at their meeting asking the committee to consider the question of erecting a cattle shelter in the market similar to those provided at Hereford and Monmouth, and also asking the committee to see a deputation on the matter. The committee decided to see the deputation on the nth of August.—Horse Show The Abergavenny Horse Show Committee have asked for a reduced fee for the hire of Bailey Park and ring fence for the Horse Show. The amounts usually charged are i'5 for the Park, f3 3s. hire of ring fence, and the cost of erecting and taking down the fence. The committee decided to leave the consider- ation of this application until after the holding of the show. British and Foreign Bible Society Mrs. (ones, Laurels, Llanfoist, has applied, on behalf of the members of the British and Foreign Bible Society, for the free use of the Town Hall on October 15th or 22nd. The committee will consider this application at a later date.— General Market The Town Clerk reported that Mr. Harry Berry, china dealer, had submitted the names of the stallholders in the General Market on whose behalf lie had written com- plaining of the noise caused through the erection of the stage on Whit-Tuesday last for the purpose of the boxing tournament, and that Mr. Berry had since withdrawn his complaint, as he had come to an amicable arrangement with the pro- moters of the boxing tournament to commence the erection of the stage not earlier than 5 o'clock on any date of the holding of a boxing match on a market day. The adoption of this report was proposed by Councillor Major Williams, and seconded by Councillor Horsington. Councillor Graham asked it anything had been I done in relation to the letting of the Town Hall to the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Deputv Mayor said the hall was not wanted till October 15th, and the committee would consider the matter. Councillor Major Williams They want a replv in order to make arrangements. The Town Clerk said the difficulty had been the letting of the Town Hall to the gentleman thev had been in negotiation with, but he thought that, the following day they would be free to deal with the matter. In regard to the letting of Bailey Park to the Horse Show Committee, Councillor (;rahm asked if the Council were not making a pre- cedent. In other instances they had said either )r I-Ic proposeci tl,Lt the para- graph be deleted from the report. Councillor Telford seconded. Councillor Telford It is a question whether they will hold a show at all. Councillor Craham I am speaking on the question of principle. The renort was adopted. Six Deputy Mayors ? I Councillor Graham Has the Mayor the right to appoint more than one deputy ? The Town Clerk He can appoint a deputy from time to time. The Deputy Mayor can only act in the absence or illness of the Mayor. Councillor Graham Is Alderman Bishop still Deputy Mavor. The Town Clerk The Mayor cannot- revoke the appointment of a Deputy Mayor, but he has power to appoint six deputies if he liices. Councillor Graham All acting at one and the same time ? The Town Clerk No. Councillor Graham This appointment will not upset the previous appointment t The Town Clerk No. Councillor < .raham: There will be some scrapping when they come back. (Laughter). The Mavor It is a peculiar position. I would rather be called Acting Mayor. Councillor Beckwith Who are you g ing to appoint as vour deputy i (Laughter). Depleted Committees. I Councillor Horsington asked if it would not he possible to augment some of the committees. Thev would undoubtedly have trouble on some committees to get sufficient members present. Was there any way by which other members could be drafted in in order to get a quorum. The Mayor said the number was laid down by the standing orders. If they had eight or tiine on a committee they would be a majority of the Council. J Councillor Horsington Is every committee up to strength ? The Deputy Mayor Yes, with the exception of the Markets Committee, from which Coun- cillor Ruther resigned.

Flower Show at Llanddewi Skirrid.


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