Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



MPERIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN MONTH I Y DRAWINGS. rriz.s: £ 25,000 £ 22.000, £ 20,000, £1:i.OOl\ £10,000, £ 5,000, &c, &c, .luvvu ■ UARANTKl.U I'V '.li« Imix f'"1 <t>T rn" T „ nil".tie t.mler MipoiiWeT done* J IIICIII, 1)|H« mi'K "l p!J"H< "■ r •of Govermi't ni OW*'l<*In. —-SliHre* '» r ilMrter i<» n cli.m.. ul wiim>ntr u", 'Ve 1 .<.anhehad fit tt coli.-><* "V ,,¡; t,. It r..H. A'). — Al'l'IV »"lv »\ I'V A^.ncy FOR JPVMUC KVM>» IN GICNKVA ). cut- ih,n.e <o -enl MKKCI »<-» G.1'N,V A- B»i'k Notes, Ml Cl-q-ey Order- payal.l.- at the G.i.rrH, P't Oftoe «■» .Ii.. Mst-ov- r, .l\Ir UITO HOSli i» (i, t,, will* «o supplj Pro. speeiuscs rrllllf1 on prepaid iipplicatiur T>A1\"< in the BACK. GRAVEL. LUMBAGO, I RHEUMATISM. GOUT, o! ttic KIDNEYS, a d JiLADDK'A, b'1K1C i'Ul'L, &c. Dr.De Rooa* Cor.»yr T!«nal Fllla Are eelebrAtt'd uyer 111& v or,a íU ¡ bo moat mle and apeedv remedy for tIn* alv>ve dangerous complaint*, Di»charges of any kind-Ft^ne in thu H'adder, and lli* •asos of the Kidney Anti Urioltrr Organs generally. Possesion ionic pio ^ei'tici, ilicy agree with tin; mos-t delicate stomach. «' rengthen ill" digeetito organ*, in crease the appetite, improve tlve general health, and in three day* WillOI!, Ct a cure, wfeeti o )pai t>», eubeb>, a ml •II dangerous me'ileines of that ol«*s have utierly lailed Is .$■ ■-> 1>I. if, (id 11. anil .V,s p*r box. These celebra'ced Pills Are an infallible remedy in the mu»i obstinate. By their u«e alone, many thou. Bunds ha'e drent Annually restored to health, when -e,verr other 'jK-dJ-euie tiha tailed. Their vast superiority tOTer everyi'jiufl else. in the Cure ot iheahovecoinplainti is utiiver,,alii,,Kckiiowle(igt..d, "I the t .vi aordinaiy de- mand f ,»r ihern ever «ine. ilieir first introduction i* without pflftjgdtont. In no instance hare they ever been knowutu mil, i,r pmducc tliu.-e dangerous symptoms so often renu;tiii< troni copaiba, cubei)*, turpentine, and other mp<!v'jne* usual y renorted to. 1 bey rci|uiro netHter-Ntttttnement nor change of diet, and uimy juitly be oousidnred thu only utile eilicacious roiuedy lot" all •t«K«>f> ««.C those disorders lor which they are recoiu- iu«n«Mr. 7-J M MOST VVONDEKFUL PILLS IN THE WoRLD, Dr. Do Roos' Pilnlee Vitse, or Vegetable Life Pills. ALL nutlererx froni'Reneral nervousfiei-p, and morbid feeling* low »^pirif<. Iocs of»lee( ,harrast>ing dreamt^ p nnnece«»ary fears, mental irritability, lailure of the InCII- tal and bodily powers, weakness of the nerves, bead- ache, noipem in the head, giddioe*s. indifitestioll, and other urmptoms of olironnv di-<-a*e, will bail with joy the discovery of Dr. [)e HoolI' Life Pit s, which speedily and almost roagioally remove pain and diBeiise ol what- ever linfurt-, re-ture rhoerfuitji,tin to the o|iirit, vigour to the bi dy, a id Mrengtlien nil the organs on which health and life depend. They do not contain a pai ticle of mercury, bill are purely vegetable, and for all nffec- tionn ot tbe liver, 'flatulency, bile, cick headache, dizziness. i<t*s"Of appetite, lownesa ot t-pirttw. oeiioh. tions of fullneHc at tlie pit of the Htomaeh, pains be- tween the Mboulderc, and the distrens arising from tudig<*aitii>(i««d general debility, they will be found of uncKaira,pled «ftiuacy and it is no sUlall advisniage that ttBfy Oftli he IlIken at any time without dllngerfrolll wet a,r,cold, or iieceasity lor restraint. ieo-n business or plea- ssure. They act mildly on the bowuls, without pain or igriping, impart strength to the nirmach, promote a iheaitby nation ot the liver, thus preventing, or, whm I present, curing the jaundice Mnddrupay, clearing the skiii, rernt)virg P(iliowness and pimples, purtlyinf; the • blood, bracing the iierveft. andtuttrfetcuety invigora- ting tbe whole system. Females of all aues will find I thein ilivsitittble. and should never be without ttieiu. Price Is lid., 2, 9d., 4s Od., llf., and Us pw (Pax. Life is real, life is earnest, And this world in not the goal: Dust tliou alt-Io dnlit returned.' Wan not spoken 01 the soul. Nor in many ca«es. may these s\d words be so early •aid' over the Body, if only recourse be had to Dr Re ROW World famed Gnttee Vitse, or Lifo Drops. wbo" "tttelg are really rocgioal in restoring Inst tone to tbeeystcm (arising from whatever cause), reinvigor- aUn< and enlivening the whole corporea: frame, and gTamsallv, bnt effectively, building up the most that- constitution. Although thir truly wonderfnl reeupfrative tonic is mot pnt forward as imparting immortality, it is not too onucti to say that by its means New Lite IN at it were, ilmpaned to the nervous «Dd debilitated, who were -evidently sinking into an early grave; whilut to those »of maturer years It will gently al.d serenely protract tbecto«eof life. Thousands of apparently hopeless .cl\!lefl. J[iyen np by the faculty, lire now in the enjoy- imcntot healih, (life'a greV*« blessing), a living testr*- tmony to tbe unspeakaMo value ot this remarkable 'medicine. Uundr-(is of testimonials, tco nutuwirts to 'publish, may be wen by any one. 'I bis 'l*reifafafion Is • extremely pleawntit to take, and 'nwrse need suffer whilst such « Hiir-.culous niedicametit ts In existence. It Is ree(itnewnded with the ntmnat confidence in all eases of Nfrvfvup Debility, defective Circulation, Im- purity of the fHood, Lamgeor, Latitude, Depression of tile SpiAlp, Itidigetvtruii, Tain and Palpitation in the 8»«te, Harrassing Dreams. lice, Persons ot sttidious Itabtt, d-elblhiuu841 Pewales, and those on whom the wear •tid ««ir ot life is beginning to tell, should persevere flteariiiy with this Lite reviving Tonic for one month, imd tiiey ^tll tie astonished »t lis results. All those wholiaswfried other means, galvanic and electric ap- lplioIK",&(, without any beneficial result, are car- mrtly treewmmended to make lair trial of this medicine, wtiKA feeing concocted on Lbe highest scientific prin. ciptoN, invariably succeeds, The great sucress atten- dawtHin this wonderful discovery has led to a host ot buirihle and worthless imitations, ^tice lis., and 83s Tttotu* „ -IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PDBLlc — TEvery package of Dr. De Roos' Preparation bears the IGoyernUJent Stamp, with the words • WXLTKR I)E tjRooc, Louaon; in White Letters on a Red Ground, by -order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners, .witbout which nonecan possibly be genuiue. VR. ue IRoos' worlit famed medicines are sold by every patent Mediolnv Vendor in the world, of most Chemi"t- or .-thon)d the least difficulty occur, will be lorwatdeu '(Carriage Free) per return, on receipt of the amount, by ÙR. DE Hoos, 43, Hottfo d square, London, W.C. Debilitated 1&00 nervous sufferers should read the 4 M edicat Adtfaer,' by W. liB Rooe, M .D., which contains "most important information, interesting to every reader <ent post tree on rpeeipt of twelve stamps S? MT ILAWBS, Medical Pallishvr, 14, Uaud-court, odborji, iLrfNidOD, W.C. Marriage rightly understood, Gives to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below., Just Published, Post free 6 stamps. ANew MEDICAL WORK ON MARRIAGE.—By a Physician of many years' praoiioe. A practical .guide to butt) loxell before entering the wedded state, with plain instructions for the speedy removal 01 all •disqualiifcations and impediments which too olten tåebar bappinraa therein; it aleo treats on the caut-e of premature decline, I oss of manhood, nervous debility, jfialos in the back, Fperniutoirliavi, impoicnce, eitreioo lasKitude, shyness, incapacity lor study or business, •distaste lor society, and tbe numberless infirmities, >re(,uJling from youthiui abases or excei-ses of adult life, together with Ibu hIghly siiceesnful and thoroughly infc mode of treatment, whereby sufferers may speedily be restored to hesltb and happiness.—Address Air Johantone, Publisher, '27, Verulam street, London: E.C. The Marvellous Remedy for Cotigrha, Ooida, HoareenesB, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Chest Affections. PECTORINE fold by ail Chtmists, in boOlr*, at Is l|d, 2s 9d> A* 6d, and 11* each. Sent by the proprletrrs upon rpoeipt of stamps. From Rev. J. 8TONEHOUSE, St. Saviour'a Vioarage, Nottingham. August 1874.' DtAnSiR.—tcan stronply recommend your Pecto- rlne as nn irnaiusible Cough Remedy. I have given it a fair trial in my own family, and have alto supplied it to persons suflering from lough in my parish, and In every inManee it has given immediate relief. In some cat'cn, af'er passing fi'.epless nights, one or two dosee of the Pectorinc have had such a food effect that per- nons I)R,,r A), » good night's rest hf:d tho Cough has •peed ily d Isappeared. MI A. KuLFL, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, S»ys:—"Your t'cctorinp is superior to any Mcdioln'el t. 've ever tried for Coughs or Colus." PECTORINE cures tbo worst forms of Coughs and toldi) PECTORINE egge* Hoarseness FECTORINEfgivea iiniucdtate relief in Bronchitis PECTORlKEna tbo best medicine for Asthma rECTOHINE rure# VVb«tr|ting Cough PECTORINE will cure a trO*W#SSOKi tickling Cough, PECTORINE i»mvaluablo in fctagtsof (-on- suni|i!iou PECTORINE relieves aU Aflections ot the (Jhflst, Lungs, dllll Throat. Prepared only by SMITir OL A IKE, Mannfaciu- ving Chemfbte, Park 8t: t, T.1,u >>!n, ) ) *t* Vico Clianuellor Sir C. liaJi guw-tui 1 (M pfctuaV Injouction, with costs, again* jv ..honiiatj Ilother hain, for nsisg tbo word 'iKpteriiie.' Sold by G. Htiilie*. 1 Aetnist, )M^| \V. H. ROOP. IJaveofordwesi. \R. HUNTER'S Speciiil Lectures to Young Men J on HEALTH, ITS EKSTOEAT1 ON, AKi) HAri'Y MAKR1AG-E8.—Wliun to marry, with to those who eonlemplate marrinpfe, pointing HArrY MAKR1AG-E8.—Wliun to marry, with a.flv.cctc those who eonlemplate marrinpfe, pointing out certain impediments which render anried li e uuhappy, and direction» lor their speedy ranovi'l, Sh(in)(i be vend by :>11 wlm value health, strength, ami manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old a^e. — Pnst free on receipt of tw« stamps.—Address. Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. IIf f t2 Old Sores and Old Skin Diseases. The seeds of disorder-: nre rffpctnnllv ex-pollfd by thin fmetratiiig Unguent, not only from the :"I\1erlki,,1 but from the internal tissues likewise. Any cfi,c, cvou of twenty yearii standing, sreedily yields to its influence. A Certain Cure for Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Asthma, &c. For eurinc sgre thfoaty 'iipbtheri.a. brnnrMtis. asthma, ♦■isrhf- Uees of the chfst. sn<5 pain in the side—which instant treatment alone rreviewts 'dej^neratiu-]; into more serious maladies, thu Ointment has the same powers over chett complaints as a blister possesses, l.ithout causing pain or debility. OH asthmatic in- vnlids wi!l derive marvellous ease from the use of this Ointment, Vlm h has brought rouud many such f-ufteren, nn,1 re-established health after every other menus had signally failed. Bad Leg-s, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, and Ulcers. By rnbblntr the Ointment round the affected parts, it pene- trates to the tissues beneath, and exercises a wonderful power on all the blood flowing to, nnd returning from, the diseased part. The inflammation diminishes, the piin becomes less intolerable, the matter thicker, and a elIre is soon effected. In all long-standing ell «e«. Tills should also be taken, as they will thoroughly expel all depraved humours from the body. Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. flout and Ttheumnti-m nri e from inflammation in the ptrilm affected. To effect a permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, drink plenty of water, hke six of Holloway's .Pills night ami morning, And rub this Ointment most eftYctualiy tvrtee n-dfiy into the suffering parts when usod siniuHflneo»isly, they drive all inflam- mation and depression from the sysAenv, subdue and remove all enlargement of the joints* and leave the sinews and muscles lax and uncontracted. Eruptions on the Skin. In this class of complaints, no matter the age, the Vex, or fh*6 place, or under what umno the discn, e may be Ossified, it will IIp cured if this Ointment Iwell in') i,e "N-.sf,tn. and Holloway's Pills t-ikea night nnd mor*rf>vg to purify the Mood. There is nothing deleterioiw iil. the composition of Holloway's Ointment, hut, on the contrTt v, its ingredients possess the most soothing, purifying, and .slien.thooing qualities. Abscesses Erysipelas, Piles. Unvnrvinsr offends "n who treat these disFarrs according 'x' I'ltn simple printed directions wrapped round cach Pot. i Jittie attention, modi r ite prseverance, and trifling ex- petis*. enable the most diSident to conduct any case to a issue without exposing their infirmities to anyone. The Ointment arrests the Kpremlins; inflammation, restrains the excited vessels, cools the overheated skin, alleviates throbbing and smarting pains, and gives immediate eiue and ultimate cure. JBoth the Ovntmrnt. and Pill.1 xhrttthl be Used in following com plaints *— End T.efrs Corns /Soft) j KenTfty Bod Breasts Motulas Sore ThYonl* Bums <5<>nt £ >lem Di^easfs Bullion* fffandnla'r HweP^gf ^eWf«y Chilblains L'tfrnbajjo K-ore Heads (,'bapp^ Han4« Tumours Con I raeted -aniK fW-P ^vheutnaii.-ni 1. ken; Joints AV"uu(lg Tb' <r* 'V'Tim* pud I'ílh, arc. ];I nt. Professor T.Tr BsTabli.-bnient. ftW. (hloM Ptr-et., Tendon; also by nearly every respectable endor of Jitediuine throughout the OiviH^ed World, in Poti and Uoxe, fit, 1" 14'1., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d., lis 22s and 33s. ench. he smallest r..t. of Ointment contains one oiwic#11 Mini tlio :-junlU;st l!ox of I ills four dozen. Full printed directions are nfhxed to each Vnt and yiox and can be had in any lauKU'ige. aven in lurkish, Arabic, Armenian 1'eKia.n, or Chinese. • No. 16-1. THE most ofTectivo rom,"ly Tnt ARTHMA, tin I ot.her alTpci-iom of ibe Tain((». No treatment, Ies~ A »xpensivo. Thftse prepa. t*fi )' fftt.ions conf.ain onlj rtvugs Which ore known to curt AHh'^h treatment more easy to follow. *'l^Hcer.: Oi-jdts (:1'; in number) 3s. 9d.; Paper (IS (♦!? btaees) 4s. fid. AI<B! Sf KYfiRii' EPISPA.STIO PAPER.-The most con- for k M»nitii U|> niiston wir.nout. O,IIM. re/T\V .tri.-V tiros K. -X-vb-v ,d 8 'v<dj>ll_fih«.mht,«. TIIY PAI,-L I'V'IALL DRESSING BAG, WITH TI nrri* ROUP siLvicn « IVOUY FIITINQS, TOIt T,AI)V> OU OKXTl.KMAN'S USE. Price iEll Us- METCALF AND CO. IXVKNTORS AND SOLE MAKERS. .19, COCKSPUE STREET, LONDON, S.W. Tj!ui!j-ntPjj»rl,.c Xjist, of .f"\vllerv. Rr., po.^t ATv'li'vir '\ir/-vT>i5-' cotonipit wrupix?! l'ogi, free. rt,>u WUT. iiv Dr. LAVILLK -Q,-triNINt I I'F/AUl' DSNTIFRICB & 1 he teeth beautifully white, nrrIJ>\b¡ j rt \\v rlccal', and It It nlso impnrta *Vj '\Iv nstlng fragrance to thn linli ° 1,C"Uhtul brlUi«ncv "F — fn thsirutt*. in boxes. Is. lid. and 28. 9ll;. r.n r>Hi,ui^s tor by post for 15 or 36 etntDplI of J W PhilliPP", T'lrs-naveutical Chemmt. New-eroas London. VVlrieTN^W^ 8o«. 37. NeWgate.street. Loudon, ,B.C. l%TOfirfi'Vr A Gentleman i8 open to I'^Np M varying from £ M,o ^00 from amount borrowed may. be rppnid «'rrower. No law costs, enrtof n tf»nuof ypnirt, as mny ^u'v Knr further partieulftra HUnateh Willi >pcrooy m»y be relied un.»r to Mr. j. lend mirae and address and state un] lfl ({ants, who IMwhMj. 8. Kin,;s-,oad S;mth^ is strictly will Te\t\v ii«r roMirn. L»iw nui^i' priTRte, nun don* not nmnnnte from nny f^oa • TirtVirstKATEj:>.J.'i'r-i^rmQ pnHT 100 > BIRTHDAY Plt^S-^NTS POST Kf pRBK. L.H.^n.R Novelties a < W « »^ "'l *"ts rus cLwiiG-Y"BijaSCTpjay for 1874, A- e <i,t. a l.i-'»r Ilvi Oku-Kty. w>'b •"■nd of I'.cr.efirft-. wnh their vntnes. Sc. &I0 I a*.t.s, 3*. pu., or b« posr. l'ho:iiH^ I fcjYlTeces^! CHI M.NEY Piecosll MIIANU fttlOHAl/ ft rnoitliK^S, Vienna, 1W3. 9 TjEWTS KO-RI) ft ('•> Gloucester. a "etr Iltii^trn-ci] Oiwntixne «'>w rend.v, poht free. WEI.LINGTON ESTA- A Co M i"»llon W'M-cVr'uu'l^vv1^ K-H.-Mir l'rln 'ps» of Wales by IJurton nvvr.»ii-».-IJ f-,v LADES' R^I« <Kn,'» S»»'«I«TSR.(.\h TLU; UJOHJ. fj»shi«»n- < r,vt, •"shados nont free. r\EiNOUA Ii LI'JRUVia.N AiI vTIrK'.K CAP 1 J theti-str-inodv known, ftverv „t ,t.lm (,uie fid R|.e. ily cnr.-i, ui-.y hoi?K".V"?? f'° b"sa™ (orSGS' umps ol J. Deruninl. V, JSew Uios.s-Tottti J^Cheraiats, oi J LLUSTEA.TED TRADE CATALOGUES and J L1>TS. I'I iated in best etylc. Ko Charge for Blocks to iloti«e Fuvnifhers. !?lioW CARliS and TABLETS, Cheap, Brilliant, and A it rw live. Estimates and Specimens on Application. S Sl'ltAKBli & f-ONS, Bisliop.<gHle Avenue, London, E.C. "CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! JAMES LILLYWKITE, FROWD, aud CO.'a New Illuatrated Price Liiat for 187'! is now ruvij, zoi will be sent post freo to any ippli .int. «. Manufacturers of evo.'y Articlo used in Cricket, and British Sporta generally, of tiiu owt qualityr-ad moderate price. Observe the nadress, — 4, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY. EOVDON. UPPER ASSAM"TEA COMPAN'i* (Limited). -Agents in ali Provincial Towns for sale of Assam Tens direct iromtho Company's Plantations. Prices per lb. 2a. 6d., 8.q" and Ss. 61. For furthor particulars apply to Head Depot, 69, King Wi: innvstreot, Ixmdon. A^cntR wanted. 1 OltOlDE^GOLD-'ALBEliT-ClIATNS, equal in appearance to lb'-carat gold, will wear a lifetime; post free for as. 6d. and Ts. 6d. Ijong chains, 7s. Gd. and 10B. 6d. Clnster rings, dot with 6d.,5s. (id., and7s.0d.; single r.toae ring, 6s. iid.; f-ii of lingor obtained byoutring hol« in • oard; bruocii, <g. 6<i.; earrinifc, 4s. fid.; scarf pit; Gd.; crosses, 2s.; necklets, 2s. (id.; lockets, Ss. tid.; sleeve links 28.6,1.: shirt studs. 2s.; solitaires, 2s.; penci' oa.-o, is. (id.; braco'ets, 5s. Oil.; •carf rin:;f. 2s. tt<l.; AlbcrtkayB, 2s. fid. Post free. Prioo T i =>i free. —W. HOLT, 85, All Sainto'-rond, West.h iurne-p:k, ond.jn. 'V. NOTICE OP REMO METCALF AND CO., fc,Byr^LVttUSMITHS'AXl) WATfnnr\Jv!RS, ,-Av>^bSitiUfcAVEIiIiINO-UAO MAKERS. ,-Esla&Usbev at 8. FuQ Msll. in the year 1S25, have removes, to Jf. their new •19, OCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. Vi?iiorh Troadon »ra Inritcd o inspoct tbeir largo Stock, »m uoie Tor, wmtf it very Vo^vpi ees. Ever* articlo marked iV.'w-' 10 par ceo-"1 -ount ♦flowed for cash. A»{urr far* -'f desired. -sent 1 fre„. T ~P +- Royal Agricultural Society Taunton Meeting Stand 259. Seed and Model Shed. ESTABLISHED 18 12. I-I. AiNI) Ir PROCTOK AGRICULTUEAL CIIENRISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, OKKJINAJ. M A N U K ACTU li K |{ S OF fH'ECI¡\LI.Y PKtP A KKD BONE MANURES. FOR. GRAS8, CORN", ROOT, AND JIMIER CROPS; A mn, BON-IJ ,S (J PK IF Pi I OS I'll ATE OF LIME. WUI! KS.—CATiiAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—IWr (■. Griffiths, Wine Morcliant, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker. Cardiyan J. N. Evans, Ahc:rayron. Full Particulnrs with Prices, Post Free on application, Beynon's Brewery, Bridge Street9 Haverfordwest. JAM E S ROC H, (Formerly Manager to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for tlic last throe years in the employ of Messrs. Mary church & Daw,) FARM & FURNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c,, BEGS to announce that he has commenced Business at the above place, and having just returned jD from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cuttery, Electro-plated Goeds, Furnishing and Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints, Colours and Oils, Bar Irou. Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, &c he is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those of any other house. Purchasers can rely onbein^ well served, and orders promptly executed-. In soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use every exertion to merit the coB&kiftSe of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. Seven and a half per cent, off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. ALL IvJNDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. R. wishes to cull attention • totlis selection uf Frullch and Half Tester Bedsteads, Straw and Flock Matresses Baths, Travelling Tr&ufcs, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, Oils, Colours, Varnish, Slates, Bricks, Tiles, Laths, Nnils, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Sheet Lead, Zinc Felt, &c. All kinds of old and new Tin Work done to order. 0 THE SHOW ROOMS, ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. JOHN HARRIE S, BOOKSELLER § STATIONER, (Opposite the Town II till J IIIGU STREET, H A VE E FOE I) WEST, Begs moat respectfully to announce ttwit fe-e has opened A GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE at, the shove address where lie will Ire hepip.y to execute ordeis for all Kinds of 1,VTTI.-R Pit true T>IJ I K,TIV,. MACHINE EUIiING, NUMBEfUSO, kc &«\ 11|j|t 1 Kb8S riUN^INU, lJIeUK nmniNG ORDERS PROMm.Y ATTENDED TO Elfil-KA SPKCiACLES ANI) KYE GLASSES. l' Surpctss Rcbhlfs of t1/k'ê finest Quulity. PICjrON PLACE, I1AVI^F0R1)WEST OUSERMI (Late) GEORGE R. LEWIS, CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE,' ESTABLISHED 1832. ELIZABETH E. LEWIS begs most respectfully to. return hrr sincere thanks for thA kind I patronage bestowed upon her late husband, and to inform her friends aml the public in general, that she intends to continue the Business in all its branches, and shall feel most grateful fur any support she may receive. 1\. E. L. trusts by diligent attention to all orders entrusted to her care, and by supplying every article of superior quality at a fair and reasonable price, to be favoured with a continuance of pub. lic patronage. A. large Assortment of Carpetting1, Floor Cloth, Cocoa Manilla A1 Mattings- Damasks and Table Coverings: so a Quantity of remnants of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets at a Reduced Price. r U N E jj A L s F u n JV i ,v h E IJ. CARSONS'A%^ PAINT, patronised by HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOABD WORXS, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THE COLONIAL G,VERNMentr 'l RAILWAY and CAWAL COMPANIES, THB INDIAN GOVERNMENT | THE RUSSIAN GO: EKNMENT COLLIBBMS. Iron MASTBUS, &«. L 8,000 OP ■.HBNoBH.-TTAKB'GBKiT, V A J For ail ki ids of *fe OUT-DOOE. -WOBK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to any other paint. It is especially applicablejta/ Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, CarUyjjtra1$ Waggon«, Gate^, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a f Saving of xSore 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and asts twice T ;S Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN Bill LAID Gfcitf .BY\ UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any fcngth o»f time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil I4ixtuie," according to "Directions for Use." thus avoiding the waste of painti sold "mixed ready for use." s. WHITF # TerCwt. COLOUF?S. X Per Cwt$$ LIGHT STONE i TRADE WARtO* BATH STONE j* TSLE BROWN* 26/ CREAM COLOUR F32/ kzB QBBBN LIGHT PORTLAND STONE j H QOLAl'E 20/ PORTLAND STONE K 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .j 'IT tV^'EEN LIGHT LEAD or SLATE 28/ IBi -i».KEN OAK COLOUR 26/ •• LEAD COLOUR 2b/ ^mrri'T *r «fj; Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-GorroalonrTvn ia, amlshes, Bruah^fto. CARSONS PmU 'T, For-PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Con £ c., is unrivaUed, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the tira of'the sui ,pon rt ^—CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom, PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FRE^S ON APPLICATION. T d WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE 6AUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILl!, LOSDOIT, E.C. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALU, DUBLIN. A TslO AGENTS. • *w>>— » mi ■■■ li.- m 1 q* -1- ■« <i -1. _n- Communication between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. DAYIFLAIB BEGS respectfully to announce that lie has contracted with the Postmaster General for the t ) conveyance of the Mails to and J'ro between Haverfordwest and St. David's, auti that his contract authorizes him to carry passengers. On and after the first of January the Ilail will leave the Mariners' Hutcl at 6.30, and arrivo at the Grove Hotel at 9. Too Mail will leave the Grove Hotel at 2.15 p.Ill., and arrive at Haverfordwest at 5 p.m. Passengers' faros to aud fro 7 ö 6d each. Singly far" 5s, Haverfordwest, Dec. 31, 1874. JOHN RO BINSOFa¥D Co. j <ESTAfiLIS»fii> 1842 ) MANUFACTURE MANURES, 01 high Quality, which are sent out iu good condition, and at moderate prices. In SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD MANURE CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO. BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey,), Kilpaisou House, Pembroke; Nicssi-s.. R. artd J. Jones, Haverfordwest. CLIBDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, (i E O K G ft mT G R E E N. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. G¥EEN_& JOHN9 WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, Q IT A Y S TR EE1 HA V E It FORD WEST, AGENTS FOR LAVVES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIlIE, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANUEE SALT FOR SALE. elH TO. SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, K \T"n SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and M ANUrACTUKFR of th« AiV1'f OSBORNE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DKjiKS & SEA?H, 1^. t Wluoh emhconthino r Sloped Desk, Flat TrtMe, and B-»ekcd Sest for Lectures, -lJA YII OOL liliiMrated CHt>(jjtne ol I)e>k.H, Su it?, Tab>e», Galicne*, Entit'l*, BIackboards, fto. Tost lrecTwopenre. The Methodist College, Belfast, atid a larce number el Otber MANAGERS Colleges and Schools have >>«»ei( fitted hy (T M H. J. 108, ST, MARTIN'S LANE, CIIARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS,! Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. OuRBVBlcin of DcblCollcctmRiB much approved— j Our Ue^iflcrs And Uefcrouce to Correspoudeutft nt oncc snow Debtor'* ability to pay. 2—No Spending good money a(l»V bad. 3—Special facilities in County Courts, 4—Judgment against Debtor in twelve dayg. I .5—AUehd"t)ce to prove debt, unneeessary. U-—Com in iRR ion, 5 per cent. under X20, 21 per cent. above. 7 — Prompt UomiltHncos. ^NOTICIS—ID this OiHoe, a debt, sfter application is made, is not left to die natural debt. Prompt, efficient, and voluntary advice Is fiivon to Subscriber a« to he«< mean* nf recovprinp ^arne. f \r» London, aclerk waits upon bin (-n the oouotry by po*t,) an(t obtain* fro^ «,ich iu^ructiniis h' will en- be Srnwcr«a7yr d0W 07 SubKribvr* and wlU,0u* attendance oJ Subscriber UK(-FEVER AMD com (ta.ik if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give Immediate relief, and generally cars in one day. It contains no nan. otic, and never produces any unpleasant effect?. Address DB. DUKBAR, care of P. NEWBER. 7 AND OONB, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, BX, rOifEJKVOUS SUFFERERS. READ I rlE "SECRET FRIEND." tilills Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the A i «u!>e, but sbows how a pernianent cut'j can be sDccted in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression Spiritfi, Timidity, Impaired S'gbi and Mfinory, Peins in tho back, LaaMtnile, Spermatorrl cea, |m. Peiiimrnts to Marriage, Stricture,S^Bndary Symptonia, and All Veiieieal D:*c*se!<, wilb"uf^^fc u^e of Vlercnry. Dr H..mux's loi.g (Xpericnce in i^ptreattnent ol all S xual Diseas^i? linn enaMed hltn^W treat the uiost luvctcra'r rases wi'lt nmrkt-d success This "Uunb)e work TilK* hECl'.ET FRIEND," is itlustrwrea with nunrictous cneek and testimoniait froru Patients ex- pteKt-it.g their deepest gratitude for having been re- stored to health and manly vigour. IUlirrll'cI Hnd single thtook it, in "tillable. rc(; secure Irooi observation on teceipt of dress, Dr. Barnei, 1, Lonsdf,113 Square iCarnsburT, London, N. Important to Country Patients..1 I i5A|LNES ma/ be consulted personally or bjr .1J letq^ipjill pi i »ate and confidential cases and Klwtlie Nervoug Kiifferers who eanntit visit hiro, he yy/oti receiving a rieseiiption of tbeir case, •er.rloMng iM»tanipcd en*eh>pc for reply- be rci.dy to j igivc hia opinion upon the naturo of tbe caae, anil tlie principles of treatment uece^bary to eQaci perfect euro Address, DR. BARNES, 1. LoDadale. ^uare( Bamsburj, Louduo, N. ,b! Si; THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.- .c n«utn ronoiny, chap. xil. n-rse'28.—(Iml-es World ed Hlocd Mixture—Trade Blj>od jMixtme" the great Blood Further- aUG anr H) <'or< r. for cleansinfi and clearing the brubl) frotyt all.impuritii-s, cannot hH too highly rect>mice:id«»j; for &70IuI8, Scurvy, iki#i Di canoe, ami Sore* of all htntift I M n never failing and I ermanent cute. It Cures Old Sores „ Cores UlceraUd Sores on the neck Cures Ulcerated sore legs j Cures Blaekbeads or piisi lcs on the lace Cores Scurvy Borf'S Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and fkin diseases Cures Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood frup» .4U tm^nre Walter From whatever oaqse armiiig J As this mixture iti la;thlt (s»t,e, and w ranted tree from aoyUJlO¡,:HI'J',f'JI tl, u.. most de cate constitution oi eiVrec sex., cfyimor solicit "■ Thousands 01 Testimonial 'r' i. s Sold in bottles 28 (id oontaini'- six tiroes tbe quantity, lis «- jermanenl cure ii> the Krcelilju- oasep,—by sil Cbeniistf and 'brousbout the Ijnited ei,t to any address on re«eeipt F.J CLAKKE, Obt,m^ Wholesale All P**«nt a Sold by G. Hairies, Cheaii averfordwest. accidIvNts vv ILL H APPEN J I I Provide against the "of-fts that follow by taking I a Policy AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KIND3, OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. f h.^wd.?Atxa"d Largest ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE tOMtANY. Hon A. Kinnard, M.P, Chairmic. Iflidnp Capital and Bescrre Fund £ 160,WO. An- nual Income, £ 180,OUO. Compensation Paid £ 915,000 j Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Yearn' Standing, Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, tbe j Local Agent*, or 1)4, CORN HILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLI AM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent (or Haverfordwest: Mr 11. BARHAM, Railway "tation. PEOPLES EDITION I' NEW SPECIAL MEDICAL WORK. By DR HENRY SMITH, NOW READY—FREE JSDiTIOJT. I By po:t, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.! DEBILITATING DlSKASESt their CAUSK and l-LRK. A WARNING VOICF. TO Y01JT1\ AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH M.D n f tlie Roval Univefoity of Jena, Author of The V n| untrcr's Manual,• The Warning Vnice," &<• This, work gives Dr Smith's Treatment (the resu't of Tweflfy AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH M.D ,nf tlie Roval Univefoity of Jena, Author of The V n| untrcr's Manual,• The Warning Vnice," &<• This, work gives Dr Smith's Treatment (the resu't of Tweflfy ■Si* years speoial praetfee) for tbe Cureot a\lDi«ea»esof i •the Norvousa/siem,Nervous Debility, Mental'4 Pby»i- t ealDepression Palpuntien ol the Heart, Noises tbe \iHead & Ears. Indecision Impaired S«rbt and Memory. (-Indigestion, Loss ofEnergy, Paif" in iha Back,CoD»ti. pat ion. Blushing. Hysteria, Timidity, Self-diStrnst, Dfiginess, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fear*. Mdsea l4r Relaxation, &r., resulting from pxhaustien o I Norvii P"wer, the effect of Overtaxed Fnergie*, Uner j vatinjt Habits, and oiher abuses of m# system whic" if neglected, end in pnwatore d«'cli''e and death, GIVES INSTRUCriONS AND PRESCRIPTION-. Illustrated with Testimanialo Trow Bfatefnl pattenta with means of CUI u used in each • a'C. Alao ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT IM- PORTANCE. Sent-free by poot on receipt of one penny ftaiffp. r ••This itr is work which every young man should read. Tbe moral tone which pervade" every page wltt soand advlee in invaluable, eaperially when conii- from the pen (If a physician whoee Fitcc.-rti I. him » place amonust ewincut Speci^fU age,4'— ih( rning Chr.niele. Third Thonfand. By po-t ^even silampi i WOMAN f.,od. Subjects •• ^'GtrJiK.od, ,A.; J '"ourti-bip, Mariiaae^-• f? i j Female Health, Fe-'Me TIv» h if uu- •! Hiiee r, v\»>rtiae tut." t ivl'' > I ^ASSELL'S RVPUPE UHCOUWRU ^JTBiRS^fc CASmiSiCflFWS lu, SVIIL'S ORIENTAL COFFEE orilinWii of a «• j Vy lection of the finert growth of East India. In .be proeesB of rOaviing and grinding the fdll atrarifth aromii aif* prrs Tvcd. rendering It "gji*' tl'1 ') t r'offee ao retirh prized in ORIENTAL COuHTRIE>. THE PERFECTION ot .<X)FKEE Priee tf per Ibw C^ASSELL'S COFFEES are supplied at I# fa 8di Is 4d.. 1 »(:< nnd i«Hd., and li indpfrH)., !v Canl'terai 'id iiir-tiglit Pock sees frum oa« omjgf* toona pouud, by Agents, Grocers. Che.minJa, Conlvioners, 5rc..thrnuc4i. I.injJ'l.'itti CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOURED TEAS. C ..JSELL'S TEAS are nure and free from any facing: powder or other injurious mitt'T, tbe oreen as well us fbe H). < is itic natar. 1 colour of the le'af, it hfk- ro(.t orti ti-, lwr;!ht qrcen hut of ordinary Green Teas, which are faced by the Chlner* with roiuera powder or other colonrinc matter to give theni appearance. By the urn? of CAJSFI L'S TEAS rea purity and uniform good quality are at all times ell Nured. CASSELI/S PUKF. UNROLOI'KWI TEA 2.< and 'is 8j., per ib. CASSEtt/8 PuRf: I Tr.A, finest qualf. ties, S».. "s (»d, ana 4-, per lb., in Packets ol i ox to 3 1 "8iJl y Agelilt, Gntcors, etioners. Ae. throughout tlte Kingduln, 'I AGENCY —To place CASSKM,'«« well known THA jLjL axt> COKFPKS w ithin the reach of every family in f hp. Kitigdom. Agents are required in every neigh* bourhood no' yet fully supplied. For terms, apply to CASSELL, SMITH, & Co., :0 Fencburch Stieet, London. CT WORLD'S < A Pk EEk, ESTCK z -Z t_ | ONE HUNDRED REASONS MJpht be glvrn why Mr». S. A. AltXM's WORT.D'S HAIR RESTORER should be N5ECT by every intelligent homan beinjr in pre. ference to every other Preparation for the flair; but ton will aufflce, and bere they arc:- teT.-lt never falls to t-cww, revive, nnd restore tht original youthful colour and app*"ra*ec of tlte. Hair, In every cam ot Sreyness, no matter from what cause tt ariaes. 2N.D,-It will revive the growth. 3RD.—It will give the Hair a natural Ottt—Tt ftH restore life and rigour to tbaroota of the Hair. foTIl.-It will stop the Hair from falling off. 6TH-It is a superior dressing for the ITalr. *TH.—!t< perfume is most agreeable. :TU.—H&<[ Oil or I'erfome ts nevar required with It MH.—Its good effects are permanent. 10TH, Aim LAMLT.—Forty yean of trial have established its superiority and ex- cellence. No preparation has ever att such renown as ME& S. A. WORLD'S HAIR RESI, j Imitators are many sapienti." hICK 6S.. I pamr 114 and 1t 35, Bonier And Sold I Perfnmerp hTA qA N'PS J^ACNOLIABa. -r- BEAUT f -1 lew j.ica»!0M Of nj XOUAl' '1'1 sr' '1 :¡J