Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Business :db))rt5SgS JESSE ILLIAMS JgRONCHIAL rpABLETS. NOTICE These Tablets are entirely free from apium or any poisonous ingredients, and are [J, SAFE as well as RELIABLE Remedy. After a lengthy trial in this country and America they are unhesitatmgly pronounced THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE For the Diseases in which they are indicated. BRONCHIAL TABLETS i-xert a most soothing- tfiect upon the BREATHING ORGANS, the CHEST, and BRONCHIAL TUBES, COUGH is lessened, EXPECTORATION made easy and gradually stopped, as the membranes heal under their tœuc influence. iS'iS'S'lCULT BREATHING is quic-idv overcome, and the worst cases of BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA improved Biter a short use of the Medicine. Under their use a180 the Appetite will improve, and the food be better digested. Flesh and strength is regained, and frequently cases that haye RESISTED ALL TREATMENT are rapidly re- Stored to health. THE ENGLISH CLIMATE, And especially that of our more thickly populated tOWDS. is eharacterised by great awl sudden changes. Prom warm to colù, and dry to dalup; changes, which are fraught with great mischief to the constitution, but cspeeiaHy where the chest i, Clt all delicate. We find Colds and Coughs, Bronchitis, and Inflammation of the Lunss universally prevailing. To prevent the bad effects of these 'i,es, the occasional use of the BroncL. ? vil] always be effectual, and the system r- resist any attack of cold, or any prevailing eyiutjuiv, Influenza, which invariably enters tbrough a weakened chest, can be safely guarded against. onchial Tablets {price 9d.}, can be procured at- JESSE ^yiLLIAMS,! PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. JESSE "W"1 L L 1 A M 8 v ? MEDICINE FOR JNDI GESTION Is a convenient and suitable combintion of severa- well-known Thgestive Drugs of repute. It is, therel fore, no llew thing or experiment, but a thoroughly good, reliable mixture of genuine old-fashioned Medicines, which are daily prescribed by all the Medical authorities on digestive complaints. Indigestion is, unfortunately, too well krown to a laxge number of people to need any description but we may say our Medicine will promptly relieve many of the" symptoms-sl.1Ch as Wind, Pain between the Shoulders, a sense of Weight like a lump in the Stomach, Headache, Drowsiness, Acidity, Heart. burD, Eulness after Eating, &c. JSS SE ILLIAMS' MEDICINE FOE INDIGESTION Being composed entirely of Pure Drugs can be taken with safety and beneiit by all who suffer from Indigestion. PRICE Is.; BY POST, Is. 3d. i- HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. jjE ICHAM'S jp ILLS 'yOB ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. I LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD, In Boxes 9ld., 13|d., and 2s. 9d. each. t jg EEC HAM'S fjpOOTH pAS T EI —EFFICACIO US—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH— PERFUMES THE BREATH ) Collapsible to bp. Is. each. JQ¥ IRE jgYSTESI FOR PIANOFORTES I FJYHOMPSON & gH ACKELL.J^ IMITED I JL JLJ NEW HIRE jgYSTEM I FOR AMERICAN ORGANS I fJlHOMPSON & ^HACKELL. J^ IMITED I ¡ NEW "|I|"mE QYSTEM. I FOR HARMO N"I ITMS rjlHOMPSON & ^KACKELL,-| IMITED QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. ¡ Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTH7R, GLOUCESTER. PONTYPRIDD, And PENARTH. largest nd Best Stock out; of London to Select from I A 11 Instruments W. arm.uterl and. it not I approved. FSTTTTS—From 10s. Monthly, on NEW HTR.PI SysTiCM NB.—New Catalogue with Photographs an-3 full detailed'iars sent POST PEER 011 app;]cabio11. ^^TIITCTAL r^TEETlI JL. A COMPLETE SET ONE GUTNi'l SESSLJD TOOTH 2s. 6d. » Tive "Wanautr. Prize Medal. | GOODMAN AND CO.. f 10, DUKE-STBEET. and 56, QUEEN-STSERT, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTEU by Atmospheric Sucho1!, at o11e.tbird tlliJir n8na1 eharges. No Extractions nacessary perfect and per- manent- life-like appearance; special SOFT I PALATES for Tender Gums perfect for Mastication and Speech. COUNTRY PATIENTS Supplied in One Visit, and Eailwav Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS, STOPPING. Ac. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. ANDREW WILSON (late R.N.) says:—"I can jeeointnemi Mr. Goodwnu as a very slnlftti anrt bninaiie UenMst. His reasonable charges should attract to him ail chases." ".tr. E. VYSE, of Plaisiow, says :—I fun very weH plessed with the attention I have received from you. 1 he Arii.rseiai Teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, ;us previous Set I bad from another aentisr, were by no means com tor table. I am indebted .Andrew Wilson, editor of for reeom Jne g m9 to your establishmeut." Free. S!)E!C] ty in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILL INGS, AMERICAN DENTŒTRY,:1.ud P L AT BLESS i PALATES. Before entering look for the N'ame— GOODMAN & CO.. 10. DUKE-STRKKT, and 56, ^UEEN-STKEET, CARDIFF. Houre 10 to S. Attendance EAST BARRY every TUESDAY, at Mrs. Boyes, 25, York-miaee: and PONTYPRIDD WEDNESDAYS. «.t Mrs. Pritchard, 25,Taa-sfreet. BUY FROM TIn; MAKER. PA R S L E Y 9 S Celebratel Hand-made I HATS. ONLY fWO PRICES :-ALL FUn., 2s. 9d 4 REAVER FELTED, 33. 9d. 15. W Y N D IT A M ARCADE ]3uSÍnt55 Stresses* GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVELi PILLS. "THEY A_RE MORE THAN GOLD TO ME, THEY SAVED MY LIFE." For over a QUARTER of a CENTURY these mar venous Pills have held the l1rst place in tbe world 3:8 a Remedy for Pile and Gravel and nil the disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver, and Kidneys. There 18 not a civilised nation liuder the sun hut that experienced their HEALING VIRTUES. GENERAL SYMPTOMS.—Pains in the Back, Loins, between eh* Shoulders, and in the >.j >>' the Heart. Stomach, Liver, and Knc •> tion. Wind, Gnpu'r, Colic, Billon si. and Retention of Urine, Pains in tin- ■. J: tiou. Giddiness, Depression of Snirus. jL»r- Swellings, General Debility. THOUSANDS have been cured by these Pills, and the Proprietor lias iu his possession an enormous iiiua ber of Testimonials from all parte of the world and is daily 11 T hie L the fo 1 JW, nir. from one or the most. vio-milar and respected of Welsh minis"1- is a ran- ssmnm:— From wh J L 1 r t a I more ueservp ll i 1 l v aha a Georsi i I :> tnd I have tf ) hear of their ■> d til n pleased to iin^ 1 i 1 I w id m America when l vi ti t ar j. I Thisremedv is nor. a quack nostrum eeruiieu to care all the ;!is re< wmch flesn JS n«ir. On me con- tra • D 1 lr are "a 1 ;vs for i-nes ami j is I .tar aches ana jxuns. Mr. Lreorire my 'I'd aoi d wishes m his efiorts to relieve m v 1 »f tw Oi n-» greatest enemies." ti. C. EVAJTS, Bax>tist Minister. Cohvyn Bay." I. Illis Remedy may be had in the following forms :— No. 1. GEORGE'S PILE AND GilAYEL PILLS. No. 2. GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. I No. j. GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. S0Jd Everywhere, in Boxes, la. 2s. 9d. each 2717 |> J J__JTE ATll AND ^ONS ABOUT, JpONTYPRIDD, AND JL I LONDON, I Aj piAXOFOIiTE AND QRGAN jlj ERG HANTS. I'FROM SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 9TH JANUARY, 1894.) I VERDICT Ol" NINR HONUBED."—Under this titie Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queeu-street, Cardiff, pianoforte makers, builders, and lllnsÎc ware- housemen, brt,ve collected an 111lpOSlUfÇ array or testl. monials and Press opinions relating- 1:0 the quality of the musical instruments slipplied by them. The iirm is so well known iu Cardiff, and, indeed, throughont South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to dwell upon irs influence and commanding- position. This collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than certify to the excellence of tbe instruments furnisned by Messrs. Heath :l1lÜ Som;, It shows, ill a sense, how steady is the growth among tbe general public of a I desire for '1 knowledge of music, aud how lltcreasingiy numerous, even m the homes of the working- classes are uianos, orssinss. and harmoniums. The great majority of the letters ill this list relate to pÜW06 and while man" of them have reference to most costly instruments containing all the latest improve- ments, supplied to tin' well-to-do, tbe greater num- ber relate fo serviceable instruments nurcaased for the homes of the wage-earning- portion of the community. This growing love for so reÜl1iug 3.11 art as music is a most favourable sign. For though in the PrinuijHi.lily mr.sic has for generations been the chief recreation of the people, It has for the most part bcen choral music in COllllcctioll with churches- ami chapels rlmt hits OCCTijJled attention. £1)3tru. mental music ;3 now, however, receiving its fair si-are of atteu'ijoii. and all these in true syiupathy wiih the art must tru.Vt that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimonials have been re- ceived frolli every quarter of the Principality, while not a few ceme from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some tr0111 America, Iudia, and other distant countries. All speak most favourably of Messrs. Heath's business methods as well as of their instruments. J> J "JJ|'EATH AND jgONS INVITE INSPECTION. FULL ILLUSTRATED LISTS AND VERDICT POST FREE. 53407 WONDERFUL VALUE For a Weeks Only. BUY AT ONCE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. pHIL JpHILLIPS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER I ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF Has received a large consignment of ELECTRO-PLATED CLOCKS, Also a new and ingenious ALARM CLOCK. Either Clock gS. |I»D. Either Clock Usually Sold by Jewellers at 5s. 6d. SPECIMENS CAN BE SEEN IN THE I' WINDOW, 2^ ST. MARY-STREET, £ JA jg E R R Y AND 0 °. j COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 84, Q. üEEN. STam ,J ^1ABD IFF I ARE NOW HOLDING THEIR I 4 NNUAL CLEARANCE gALE I PREVIOUS TO i*-K U'pq STOCKTAKING. p<j IMMENSE BARGAINS ^2 IN 1 A.CJI f-) tq 1 DEPARTMENT. Or DINING, DRAWING, 5gh3 .«u '&t O EIDl )0?.l SUITES, •' i ^TEADS. C11 J "5 OILCLOTH, ElS >1 i i K E'O-PLATE, G GLASS, CHINA. c!^ -and 9^ 53 Q j EARTHENWARE. i> cs i 0|?q g| IMMENSE STOCK TO CIJU 11 REGARD LESS OF COST. TERMS: BEST POSSIBLE VALUE* FOR CASH ONLY. ALL ORDERS OVER ONE POUND ¡ CARRIAGE PAID. I 34, QUEEX 8TREBT I CARDIFF, e2925 I I I, HORTOKS ORIGIN AL' F°V(Siyf BENEDICT PILLS j For OUly. ¡.J '1 ,)Uly- THOUiSANDS of Testimonial's havs been received from ail parts. Females of ail ages should tale them. They at o:;ee remove a. obstrucuous, no rswtter liow obstinate or from wkit i ever cause arisinsr. In boxes V,d., Is. ]>< and 2s. ?d- Sent Post Free, under wover. Id. extra, direct by tbe Proprietor. G. D. Horton. X.P.S. (from tbe Birmiusr- bn.m and Oe»»ra.l Lying-in Hospital). Aston House, Astou-road, Birmingham. —Agents: Cardiff—A. Hasron, Chemist, 39. Bridge-street, and 11, Bute-street, Merthyr—Wills, Ctwrnist, Pountnorlais, and George town. Swrvn-sea—Lloyd, Chemist. Oxforvd-street Newport —Young, Chemist. Cannot be had ftotu other Chemist*. X.I;.—N.B.—None Genuine J i.dess bearing "G. D. Horton." in red across each t, Letters answered, free. ~]\/|' ANUFACTURSJR, Horst'orth. Offers his i ? I OWl: Goods direct from tue Loom,atMi]I Prices, viz :— Series Fa.1JI.:Í&>, Cashmeres. Beiges, Meltons, Mantle Cloths Patterns sent tree on application. Save all intermediate profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all shades, at por yar-l. Address MANUT"ACrU;iEE. HORS- pOTfTT1. N>T f.T'TTiS. Siistnrss aasressfsi. HOW REFRESHING! AFTER THE LONG SPELL OF HIGH PRICES TO BE ABLE TO QUOTE THE FOL1 OWING POPULAR FIGURES DA. VID JONES AND 00.'S CELEBRATED MILD .BA<JON! PER ^1D 02 A MONSTER STOCK TO SELECT FROM THE "^TESTMINSTER STORES "LITTLE BEAUTIES!" I SMALL, LEAN, AND PLUMP HAMS, iPEK 01D. LB. VERY FINEST I B U T T E U PER -|^S. < £ |>D. LB. GRAND VALUE A" -j^S. AND -J^S. "J^D. J^AYID JONES AND £ JO (LIMITED), "^fESTMINSTER jgTORES, ^THARTON-STREET, 0ARDIFF. E29 wmnnywa—II Iiaii > BBrWPffPrfBB ^uljlirationsf* PRISON LIFE SOUTH WWALES. THE EXPERIENCES OF A (jARDIFFIAN IN THR Q.LAMORGANSHIRE GAOLS, A JSERSONAL ^"ARRATIVE OF A YEAR'S yNCARGERATION IN CARDIFF AND gWANSEA J>RTSONS. i; :BY A 1 13 SEE •gVENING JgjXPRESS.' APRIL 3, 1894. I IN THE "EVENING EXPRESS" OF j APRIL 3rd, 1394, There will appear the first of a series of articles on Prison Life in South Wales." These articles are the written up experiences of a man who spent a yt-a.i- ill goal. e are not pennitted to say who the writer is, but if his name were published, it would be at once recognised as that of a man who was once very w dely known in this locality. The articles will JJB nine in number, and will appear in the follow- ing order: — L-A DAY AND NIGHT IN A CARDIFF POLICE CELL. IT —A PRISONER ON REMAND AND AWAITING TRIAL. 111.-THE WEEK OF THE ASSIZES AND A RIDE IN THE BLACK MARIA." J V.—A PRISONER IN THE FIRST STAGE. V.—A PRISONER IN THE SECOND STAGE. VI.—A PRISONER IN THE THIRD STAGE. VII.—A PRISONER IN THE FOURTH STAGE. VIII.—SWANSEA PRISON. IX.-SOME OF THE MEN I MET IN j CARDIFF AND SWANSEA PRISONS. publtr .:t1.0tltf'S POPULAR SUNDAY AFTERNOON JL SERVICES—PAKK-HALL, CARDIFF. Closing Service. SUNDA Y NEXT. at Three p.m. Address by the Eev. J. D. WATTEBS, M.A. Sub- ject, The Market Place." Choruses, Hallelujah and "The Heavens are telling." Soprano Solo, The Soul's Awakening" (Haddock), with violin obligate. Violin Solo at 2.50 p.m. Select Orchestra. Chairman Tue MAYOR OF CARDIFF. Collection in Aid of the Funds. 25612 Susttnrss SblnTSSfS, DO YOU KNOW THAT /~1WILYM EVANS' VJT QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. By its wonderful Tonic properties gives Tone to the whole system, increases the appetite, braces the nerves, improves the spirits, and thus greatly assists iu enabling the system to withstand the attacks of various disorders? DO YOU KNOW THAT WILYM EVANS, HJT QUININE BITTERS Cures every disorder of the Stomach, and is universally admitted to be the greatest remedy extant ? For Sick Headaches, Wind ,and Pain in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Disturbed Sleep, Dreams, and all Nervous affections, there is no medicine to equal WILYM EVANS' \JC QUININE BITTERS. It is of exceptional value to females of ullages' and none should be without it. By using these Bitters all obstructions or irregularity of the system is removed, the health is re- stored, and an invigorating digestion im- parted. BE CAREFUL. See that the llallle" Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters" is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle, without which none ;ire genuine. Sold by all Chemists in bottles at Is. Ijjd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Cases containing three 4s. 6d. Bottles, at 12s. 6d. per case; [Llsu sent, carriage paid, for the above prices, to any address by the Proprietors. QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. iimiii ifIMI IU nm nwim MMHIH IIIIH !!■'■ iwpii II ini IS J4_NDREWS AXD 1 I FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. I 8 Every Requisite for Funerals of all classes. 1 1 OPEN CARS, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS, | § SHELLIBIERS, Belgian Horses, &e. | I CHIEF Oii ICE 30 & 31, WORKING-STREET, I CARDIFF (Ojjposite the Mouumeiit). j Branches:—The Mew", Castle-road, oath, and I j 'Bus Ornce, Glebe-street, Penarth. B Telegraphic | OMNIBUS," CARDIFF. | 'inuMnrMNaiiiii imiiiin iiin»iimiii»iiiiiiiiII'IIInmnnH'IUHI1 mniim IIUMIIIIII iI J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J^AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J^AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J^AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J^AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J)3L JJAYES WORSDELLS PILLS. AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. They purify tbe Blood, and as a Mild but effectual Aperient are unequalled, and beyond th it<.3Brace up the Nerves and set every organ in Healthy Action, thus ensuring complete restoration to perfect health. Thev are A CERTAIN CURE for INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. FOR LADIES OF ALL AGES THEY ARE INVALUABLE. Of all Chemists, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4 s. 6d. per box. E3315 GPRING QLEANIN G CARPETS BEATEN by Gold Medal process. CURTAINS CLEANED Tinted from 9d. per Pair. WINDOWS CLEANED. All appliances found. WASHING LAUNDRIED in superior style. Shirts, Collars, £ c., a speciality. RED CROSS VANS to All Parts Daily. Penarth Office19, WINDSOR-SOAD. CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY (LIMITED), MINNY-STREET, CATHAYS, CARDIFF. Send. post-card. GRATEFUL JILPPS'S U COMFORTING. BREAKFAST OR SUPPER r<ocoA J BOILING WATER OR MILK 429E SESSIONS AND SONS S IMPORTERS AND MAN'UI'ACTURETFS OF TIMBER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS, CHIMNEY PIECES, RANGES, GRATES, &c SHOW ROOMS: — PENARTH-ROAD. CARDIFF eSrio




Broken Up in Sections. .










His Brains Battered Out. .








Silk Hat for Cleveland.


IA Too Confiding Maiden. ..




A Princess Tak .ig the Veil.…


Welsh Wit and Wisdom. .






NOTE 8 .

NOTE 8 .