DW R D is pure DWYRYD TEA I delicious Sold in ''asfcet-s.

Just Ask Your Grocer FOR 801-TH WALES JAMS A MAKMALAD3. South Wales Jam'& Marmalade Co. Ltd.. CARDIFF. I

Family Notices
Births, Marriages, and Deaths.' A prepaid charge of Is. 6d. is made for announcements under this heading. MARRIACES. MORRIS—WILLIAMS.—August 8th, at Edge Lane C.M. Cliapel, Liverpool, by the Rev. Dr. Edward Williams (uncle of the bride), assisted by the Rev. J. H. Morris, Mr. David Owen Morris, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Penllwvn, to Miss Dora Olwen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Williams, Laurel-road, Liverpool. p680 DEATHS CARSTENS.-Rill,fd in action in France on April 12th, at the age of 28 years, Kenneth, beloved third son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carstens, Wvnberg, Cape Colony, and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hughes, ironmonger, Bridge-street, Aberystwyth, and nephew of Mr. R. S- Hughes, the well known musical composer. IN MEMORIAM. In ever loving memory of our dearly beloved Mother, Ann Hughes, High-street, Aberyst- wyth, who fell asleep in Jesus, August 6th, 1902. Her memory is as dear to-day As in the hour she passed away. p685. —Her Loving Children. In ever-loving and most sacred memory of Thomas Williams, who died on July 11th, 1915; J. Also of Arthur Doughton Williams, who died on August 7th, 1913; Also of Edgar WTynne Williams, who died on August 4th, 1916. )( "Eu henwau'n perarogli sydd." Ever remembered by Mother, Brothers, and "Eu henwau'n perarogli sydd." Ever remembered by Mother, Brothers, and Sisters. p689 Ailsa Craig, Aberystwyth. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and family, Mill-street, wish to thank all kind friends for letters of sym- pathy, kind enquiries and floral tributes sent in their recent sad bereavement. p686

PREPAID SCALE. Houses to Let. Houses Wanted, Situations Wanted- Situations Vacant, Apartments to be Let, Miscellaneous Wanted, Articles Lost and Found, j No. of Onf Three Six Nina Words fn?ert on Insertions Insertions Insertions s. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. 21 13 26 2 j? n *28 19 36 o0|60 85 2 3 4 6 6 0 1 » 0 42 29 5 6 7 0 8 0 49 33 66180 90 N.B. -it Box Number given 3d. extra charged for po&tage of replies. Wedding presents, 2d. a line. Musical and other successes 2/6 prepaid not more than 5 lines. 6d. a line afterwards. Lists of wreaths in funeral reports, 2d a line. 1m all cases the charges are for cash with order. If not .prepaid an extra charge of Is. is made. NOTICE. The greatest care is taken 'to insert advertise- ments on the idate and in the position ordered as well as to secure their being correctly printed but the Proprietors cannot be responsible for linaccuracies n either of these respects, or for tny consequences arising therefrom. Every care is taken to ensure the prompt (insertion ef all advertisements and accurate delivery to advertisers of replies to their advertisements, but the Proprietors do not ^guarantee the insertion of an advertisement in any specified week, or at all, and will not be liable for any loss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement to appear in any specified week, or at all from any cause whatever. Advertisements amd replies are accepted only jct to the above conditions. SITUATIONS VACANT. OOK-KEEPER. Wanted Young Lady, must understand booking and be able to take charge of -Branch Dairy.—Apply, Waiters, 61, Roupell-street, Waterloo, London, S-E. »fi5 7 jlO /8 CLEAN ACTIVE GIRL required for liouse immediately.—Apply, Wilkinson, North- ,parade, Aberystwyth. p455 DRESSMAKING.—Smart, experienced Head Dressmaker required; good salary and comfortable berth for a reliable and up-to-date hand.—Apply, Jonathan Davies and Son, Cor- wen. p677,2418 GENERAL SERVANT required, ,perman- ency; wages, C20 (railway fare paid, con- ditionally) .-Apply, with full particulars first letter, Edwards and Thomas, Drapers, 3, 4, and 5, Grand Parade, Sutton, Surrey. p642/17/8 HOLIDAY ENGAGEMENT. — WANTED, Educated Lady Help, companionable and domesticated; small family, light duties—Apply Box 174, Cambrian e" Office, Aberyst- wyth. PW71018 T. AD\WANTED, one just finished school pre- IL ferred.—llheidol Boot Coatpany (epposite Station), Aberystwyth. p674/17/8 LEWIS LEWIS and CO. require experienced and junior young ladies for Lonodn.—Apply 28, High-street, Swansea, or 281, East India Dock-road, Poplar, London, E, 14. pt78 LEWIS LEWIS and CO. require .Kitchen and Housemaids for London.—Apply to 28. High-street, Swansea; or 281, East India ..Dock-road, Poplar, London, E, 14. p579 WANTED, milk carrier, male or female, in- eligible; experience unnecessary.—Refer- ence to Mr. Joseph Stephens, Dairy, Neabh. p663117fb -V17ANTED, Caretaker for Y.M.C.A. Rooms at Aberystwyth; full time to be devoted. —Apply, staring wages required, v.ith age and references to the Secretaries. Envelopes to tie marked "Clretakcr." e4N7 WANTED, Apprentice to the Bookbinding Department, "Cambrian News." Good opportunity for a lad just leaving school.—Apply, personally or Ly letter, to the Works Manager. WANTED, .several smart boys lor printing works.—Apply to Works Manager, Canj_ brian News," Aberystwyth. WANTED,' Gfcoks, Cook-generals, 'Waitresses, Housemaids, and General Servants.—Mrs Mackenzie, North-parade, Aberystwyth. p487 YOUNG LADI required as assistant; per- manent.—Apply, Sydney V. Galloway, •Bookseller and Stationer. 21, Pier-street, Aber- ystwyth. a457 SITUATIONS WANT ED. DVERTISER, business man (ineligible). nctive and energetic, seeks position of li,tist. Beer, wine, and spirit trade preferred.— Apply, "T.D. "Cambrian News" Office. Aber- ystwyth. p665/17/8 CtEMETERY WORK.-Town or country roonw. J ments, headstones in eranite, slate, or marble, cleaned, old inscription re-painted or gilded new inscription cut. Moderate charges. -NVrn. Sonm 6, Gogerd&an-cottnges, Aberyst- wyth. p561 TO BE LET OR SOLD. A R OSOt).—Ty Capel, 'ftrynkir, M.C., ar saf!^ ddymunnl vn .ymyl v Station. Am v telerau, etc., ymofYtl-er a D. J Evans. Llvstvn Tsaf. Gam, S.O. p681/24/8 CARDIGANSHIRE.—Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties, with Land, situate at Pentrellyn. Llanilnr. near Abrrysfv.-vth, for ale.-Arrlv to Recs and Evans, Estate Agents, Aberystwyth. e453 WILLOW LAWN. CARADOG ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. fTK) BE LET OR SOLD, the al,r,Ve -ool! and substantiallv-built Freehold Private Resi- dence, standing in its own grounds, with pardon. greenhouse, etc. Immediate possesion. —Full particulars on application to Afr. T. 1Y1' 7gn. Architect, etc., Aberystwyth. I p675/7/9 TO IE LET OR 80LP. A BERYSTWYTH.—To let, with immediate il possession, 33, Bridge-street; bath (h and c.)—Apply, Captain Jones, at 15, Terrace-road, I Aberystwyth. d738 BARMOUTH.—To let or to be sold, im- mediate possession, Tudor House, con- veniently and pleasantly situated; moderate rent.—Apply, Rhvs Jones, Penmount. HOUSES TO LET, 29 and 31, Portland- street, Aberystwyth.—Apply, Mr. Vigars, Baker-street, Aberystwyth. HOUSES TO LET, with immediate possession —No 9 Queen's-terrace, Aberystwyth. No. 117, Queen's-terrace, Aberystwyth. 30, Marine- terrace, Aberystwyth.—Double-fronted house, good back premises and garden. A Furnished House with Garden and Motor House in Aberystwyth; for a few weeks or months. No. 46, Marine-terrace, Aber- ystwyth. Warehouse in Queen-street. No. 7, Stanley-road,.—Apply to Messrs. Roberts and Evans, Solicitors, Aberystwyth. d619 SHOP TO LET.-I, Chalybeate-street.—Apply J. Walters, 4, Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth. p488 TO LET, two Fully-licensed Premises at Portmadoc.—Apply, R. Price Lewis, Port- madoc. e448 TO LET, ABERYSTWYTH. Part Old Rheidol Foundry, Smithfield-road, with Siding.—Apply, District Estate Agent, G.W.R., Neath. p679/17'8 TO LET, Brynheulog, Penrhyncoch, Bow- Street, for August, and September.—Apply, S. M. Davies, Grocer, Talybonfc, Cards. p655/17/8 TO LET, from May 12th, Somerset House, Bath-street, Aberystwyth.—Apply, Wilkin- son, 8, North Parade. el07 TO LET.—Beautifully-situated Small House, 7 rooms, orchard, garden, near the Waen, top of Cwmpadrn (2 miles Aberystwyth.—Apply Bonsall. Pendibvn, Llanbadarn. p584 TO BE LET OR SOLD.—Cottages at Llan- badarn with large well-stocked garden. Also house with good sea view containing Also house with good sea view containing rooms and basement.—Apply, 4, St. Michael's Place, Aberystwyth. p546 TO LET, on 29th September, 1917, Llywernog Sheepwalk, containing over 249 acres, with Cottage let off at £ 7 per annum; also Fully- Licensed Inn called Rhydlydan Inn, with fishing lak. called Bray's Pool.—Apply to the owner, G. W. Parry, Esq., Llidiardau, Llanilar, or to Messrs. Smith, Davies and Co., Solicitors, Aber- ytwyth. P65. HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. IF YOU WANT VISITORS from South Wales advertise in Brecon and Radnor Express" series.—One insertion, 14 words, 9d.; 22, Is.; three insertions, Is. 9d. and 2s.— "Express Office," Brecon. p601 ONE Sitting, Two Bedrooms required on front or near during August, inclusive terms to Tasker, 38, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. p649/10/8 WANTED.—Board-residence for a month for —— a girl of ten. Preferably at a farm vliere there are other children.pply, Lex H., Cam- brian News" Office, Aberystwyth. e449 WANTED, October, 6 months or longer, TT small furnished house, preferably facing sea, 5 bedrooms, 2 sitting bath (h and tff—Apply Box 173, •' Cambrian News" Office, Aberystwyth. p676/24 8 WANTED TO RENT, detached or semi- detached house, with garden; containing four bedrooms. Must be dry and sanitary. On Cardigan Bay Coast or on the hills near station.-Apply, Evans, Arlyn, Pencader. p6ôl/17 (8 MISCELLANEOUS WAWTEP. PAVID WILLIAMS, St. James's-square, Aberystwyth, buyer of Scrap, Wrought and Cast Iron, Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinc, Pemp and Manilla Ropes, Ship's Canvass, Pewter, Horse Hair, Hare and Rabbit Skins, Rags, etc. Best cash prices given. j477 TT^GGS! EGGS!! EGGS!—Wanted, new- J-J laid Eggs and Farm Butter, any quan- tity.—Write, Russell, 403, Stamforth-road, Attercliffe, Sheffield. p635/10/8 ]%/TcILQUHAM'S, Aberystwyth, want Wrought JlTJL and Cast Iron, Scrap, Old Machirery, Brass, Coper, Lead, Zinc, Pewter, Hemp and Masilla Ropes, Ship's Canvass, etc. Good prices given, any quantity. h830 RABBIT-NETTING.—Long .Field Nets Lines complete, in brown, green, and tan colour; also Gate and Purse Nets and Special Netting Twines. List Samplec.free.-E. Parnall and Co., Netting Works, Bedrsinster, Bristol. 6 p647 /21/9 Td ESTATE OWTNEKS anfi LAND AGENTS. —Advertisers are open to purchase Larch, Spruce, and Fir Plantations for cash; state full partictilars.-Apply, No. 28, II.-C-ambrian News" Office, Aberystwyth. p656/7/9 WANTED, immediaieily, several good large ricks, Hay, Clovers, and Straw for prompt clearance, and se, with offers, full particulars, Clarke, Hay Salesman, Gilfacli- Bareoed, via Cardiff. p604/17/8. IXT'L-tNTED, thoroughly 'brokes Sheep Dog or W Bitch, must work sheep perfectly and be under proper control; not more than 2! years old: approvaL-Horace Rayson, Dodsley, Leigh, Stoke-on-Trent. p648/10/8 W I NTED TO T,LTK 711-i^E OTt RENT, Small Farm or house with good garden, and land sufficient for Poultry Farming. Also, wanted for three months, fur- nished house near ATjerystwyih, Clarach, or Berth districts.—Apply, 'Messrs. Cooke Bros. nttd Roberts Auctioneers, Aberystwyth. e424 TONS old Waste Taper wanted, 4s. to 14s. cwt. Old Broken Cement T*ags, 40s. per tcm. Motor Tyres, 2s. cwt. Heavy Machinery; Brass. '100s. Heavy Plumbers. 75s.: light (65s. cwt.): oM Portables, 75s ton. Any waste or surplus sto^k purchased. Offer anything.—Thomas Horton. Government Contractor, Merthyr. MtStfELLANEOUS TO tit SOLD. CASH WANTED.—Lady offers, privately, valuable L-guinea Set TaMe Cutlery, con- sisting of 6 table knives, 6 dessert 'knives, pair meat carvers and steel; unsoiifcd. Accept for meat carvers and steel; unsoiifcd. Accept for immediate cash, 19s. 6d.; approval wiULngly.— Write Box 144, "-Cambrian Newr' Office, Aber- ystwyth. PW FOR SALE.—Gett's Bicycle, good condition. Also Outer Covers and Tubes; ch<^ip.— -Evans, Carn Ingli, Elm Tree-avenae, Aberyst- wvth. V660117,,8 IT^OR SALE.—Bamlord Grinding and Crush- ing Mill, No. 46; a great, bargain, £ 10-— Apply, Box 169, "Cr.-nbrian News" Office, Aberystwyth. p658/17/8 FOR SALE.— £ D14 'Ftrd Touring Car, good order; £ 65. 1913. 15/20 II.P. Studebrtker Car, 5-seater. good order; price, £80. Spletdorf 4-cylinder Magneto; suit Ford overhauled as new price, £ 7 -Address, HugheR, Tsfryn, Trawsfvnvdd. p673/17'8 IAftA flOO PLAN'IjS FOR SALE.— Wv 0au]jflowev. Broccoli, Savoy, Cottagers Kale, Curled Greens, Brussels Sprouts, Autumn and Winter Cabbage, Sprouting Broccoli. Is. 6d. per 100, carriage paid; 1,000, 12s. 6d., carriage paid.—Percy Fraser, The Abergavenny Seed Stores, Abergavenny. p562 KILL THAT INSECT, TOMMY. SEND Y6UR PALS out "vonder" some tins of HARRISON'S NURSERY POMADE— they'll be very acceptable. When you haven't time to wash there a big chance you'll have "companions." A little HARRISON'S POMADE KILLS EVERY INSECT on hair and body. Insist on having HARRISON'S POMADE. "Tins of Comfort" at 4id. and 9d. Sold bv all Obcnists-or by post from HARRISON. Chemist, Reading. Agent for Aberystwyth: W. M. Jones, Chemist, 33, Terrace-road; Dolgelley, R. and G. )'square. Williams, Chimisw, Puper 14 < < MISCELLANEOUS TO BE SOLD. j SHORTHORN CALVES for rearing, from SHORTHORN CALVES for rearing, from record Cheshire Milkers, by pedigree bulls. Quotations to any station; no fancy prices.— Frank Dobie, Littleton, Chester. p687 NEW NAMES ACT.—Buy a Rubber Stamp and use your usual stationery. Catalogue und samples on receipt of post card.—" Cambrian News, Aberystwyth. T3ATRIOTIC MEMORIAL CARDS —We ■ have a large selection of altogether new designs at best prices. These are 'really high-class designs only just issued. |—"Cambrian News" Stores Aherystwyth. j"r¥!0 LET" notices, apartment cards, window bills of all kinds, all stock printiii gs. "Cambrian News" Stores, Abervstwvth RUBBER STAMPS for all purposes. Date stamps signatures. All shapes. I diamond, oval, etc. Sunday School card stamps. ttc. Lowest possible prices.— "Cambrian News" Stores, Aberystwyth. SALBS BY AUCTION. GILLART AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS, MACHYNLLETH. AUCTION SALES of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, Furniture, Farming Stock, and Timber, etc. undertaken on moderate terms. VALUATIONS made for Estate Duty, Trans- fer, Mortgage and other purposes. SURVEYS made and Plans prepared. ESTATES managed and Rents Collected, Property owners advised in regard to the Pro- visional Valuations of their properties under the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910. Register of houses and lands to let for Sale by Private Treaty. t960 Machynlileth Stock Sales. MESSRS. MORRIS & MARSHALL AND GILLART & SONS will hold the next Sale of Cattle. Horses Sheep and Pigs. On WEDNESDAY, 5th SEPTEMBER, 1917. E:irly entries are respectfully invited, to be sent to Gillartl, Sons, Machyulleth. SPECIAL SHEEP SALES will be held on the following date:.— WEDNESDAY, 12 h SEPTEMBER, WEDNESDAY, 26th SEPJ EMBER, land TUESDAY, 16th OCTOBER. n462. JOHN DAVIES AUCTIOynEER and VALUER, VICTORIA HOTEL YARD, LLANBEDR. IMPORTANT SALE Under the auspices of the United Agricultural Society of Llanbedr and Dvffryn Ardudwy, of Fat & Store Cattle, Fat Sheep and Lambs, Store Lambs On MONDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1917. Sale at 12.30. Farther entries for catalogue may be sent to the General Secretary, Mr. R. G. Richards, Pen-" er sail)- Llanbei' or the Auctioneer, Blaen&u Fag. -1 tiziog, and IWllheli.. PWLLHfiLI SMITHFIELD. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22nd. till". Prize Sale of Ranis and Ram Lanf'c*, Breeding Ewes Fat L-imbs, Cattle, etc. Full particulars next week, '1146i SALES BY David Roberts and SOB. CORWEN and DOLGELLEY. E,v Direction of the Right Hon the Ear.] 'trf Wiuchilsea and Nottingham. HARLECH—NORTH WALES. SEA AND GOLF. Charmingly Situated Freehold Residences III this Healthy, Picturesque Seaside Resort uaid close to the famed Royal St. David's Golf Course. BROivYGRAIG with a long carriage approudh, of stone elevation,, containing .8 Bed and Dress- ing Rooms, Bath, Dining, Drawing, and Moroiiig Room* and Domestic Offices, Gaxage -i, e and Stabling, and Extensile Ornamental Grounds. NGXDDFA. overlooking Course Sea, ako stone-built. wTell sheltered from the east., and containing 8 Bedrooms Bath, Dining Sea, akio stone-built. well sheltered from the east, and containing 8 Bedrooms Bath, Dining and Drawing Rocms, and Study, with con- venient offices, Pleasure Grounds, with rocky bank and cliff path over waterfe.il nearly tws acres in extent. J Also Eligible BuiHing Sites, Acvommodation. Pasture, and Arable Lands, and "2 Cottages at Fronhaul, on the road to Barmouth. To be Sold by Auction bj MESSRS DAVID ROBERTS ATSD SON, at I the Castle Hotel, Harlech, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th 1917, at 2 p.m. Particulars and Plan of Sale may be obtained of Messrs. J. Charles Huglitt- and Co., Solicitors, Dolgelley; Joseph Stover, Sur- veyor, 43, Chancery-lane, W.C., and of the Auctioneers, Corwen and Dolgelley. E. R. Davies, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE aad ESTATE AGENT. Auction Rooms, rear of the Mart, 28, Great 'Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth. Property, Farm- ing Stock, and Timber -Sales undertaken-, F-jmiture Warehoused, Bought Privately, or Sold by Auction. Open daily. Llanrhystyd 10-50 (Wednesdays), Llanon, 11-30, AberayroK (Crow-aJ, 1 p.m., Glanarian, Llanfarian. Barmouth and District. WALTER LLOYD JONES AUCTIONEER and VALUER, SALES of Property, Furniture, and Farm Stock conducted on moderate term* and promptly cashed. For terms, etc., apply the Auctioneer, King Edw&rd-street, oF Mr, JQJl Roberts, Ripon House, J SALES BY AUCTION. COOKE BROS. & ROBERTS F.A.I Etc, —— Agricultural & General Auctioneers, Valuers, Insurance Agents, Land A Estate Agents, and Fire Assessors. OFFICSS » 28, Terrace Road (Old Post Office Chambers). Telephone 3. ABERYSTWYTH also at Newtown and Llanidloes. pi55 ABERYSTWYTH. SALE OF THE RBMAINLRR OF THE VAUGHAN REES' COLLECTION. To Collectors, Connoisseurs, Art Collectors aLd others. MESSRS COOKE BROS. & ROBERTS JV are instructed to offer for Sale by Auction at TtIR RINK, ABKBYSTWYTH, On THURSDAY, AUGUST 23ra, 19.7 the remainder of the Valuable Collection of GENUINE ANTIQUES Loluding many Fine Pieces of Old English and Continental China, Furniture, Bric-a- Brac. Pictures and Rogravit gv, Old Silver and Electi o Plate; also a qutlntity of Jewel, ery, Fossils, and Stonee. Sale at I p n.. a460 ABERYSTWYTH. TO ANTIQUE DEALERS AND OTHERS TO LET or FOR SALE, the comroidious I Premises situate and known as Nr. 14. The Terrace Aberystwyth, for wafiy ) e .r", 111 the occupation of the Misses Vnupban Reis. Apply. Messrs. Cooke Bros & Huberts, Auctioneers, ferraceroad, Aberystwyih. SALE AS A WHOLE OR IN 294 LOTS. CARDIGAN BAY, NORTH WALES. —— Across the Estuary from Barmouth-about one Mile from Barmouth Junction (G.W.R. and Cambrian Railway)-and with Fair- -bourne Station on the Estate. THE VALUABLE SEASIDE RESORT known as the FAIRBOURNE ESTATE and including the YNYSFAIG HALL HOTEL and the FAIRBOIJRNE GOLF LINKS and comprising an area of about 370 Acres. The development of the Estate has been commenced by the erection of a number of good class houses and the residue is laid out in suitr able building sites to meet the needs of all classes of purchasers- GOLF. TENNIS. CROmypT, BOWLING, j BATHING from a fine stretstTb of solid sandl absolutely safe even for chilifeen at all states of the tide. Boating. Sea a*d River Fishing. Romantic Mountain Climbing- The Estate so far as it is developed includes The Estate so far as it is developed includes Lodging Houses, Shops and Bungalows. MESSRS. KNIGHT, FRANK, and RUTLEY I (Sir Howard G. Frank and John F, j Knight) will "offer the above for Sale by Auction! at THE PAVILION, FATRBOURNE, on Tues- day and Wednesday, the '28th and 29th August, T917, at 11 o'clock a.m. and 3 o'clock p.m., precisely fX) each day, unless previously soM private -m an entirety. SoliCit01-Ir. F. H. Swallow, Egypt Street. Warritlg)n. Surveyors and Arcilitects-Messrs. Pnlegtcm Jones -aLl Co., Fairbo-iirne (R. L. Jones). Auctioneers Offices—20, Hanover Square, Lon- don, w:i and 100 Princess St., Edinburgh, Particulars, Plans, and Conditions "Sale of any eT xhe above-named. e391 TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th, -at 2-30. IMPORTANT SALE OF THE NTTUADD j NEWYDD ESTATE, » Sitllle about li miles from Pontdolgoch Station ] and 7!from Newtown. T1EANK LLOYD and SONS will sell the abcrvt -F Desirable Pi-operty by Auction at the Bear Hotel, Newtxrrn, on TUESDAY, 28th AUGUST, at 2-3f;-prompt, in4 Lots, viz.:— Lot I-The fine HILL FA tM known; es NEUADD NEWYDD, occupied by JStr. Samutl JoBec; 324b acres. LOT 2.—SMALL HOLDING, aear Lot H, eallefl CROSS GATES, occupied fuj' "Mr. 'B. iDavies, 9 acres. LOT 3.—DESIRABLE COTTAGE HOLDING, adjoining Lot 1, etlled CRAIGIA1X; occupied bv Mrs. Price, 10 acres. LOT 4.—DESIRAfcLE COTTAGE FOLDING, on N.W corner of Lot 1, called COED CAT.; ooctfj ied by Wm. Ea wards, 13t axrpee. Turther particulars from the Auctioneers Wrexbam; or Meser.. Longueville :and Co., !'Solicitors, Oswestry. e416 CARDIGANSHIRE. TC» TIMBER MERCHANTS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS AND OTHEES. Mi^RS. BEN EVANS and EVANS are] instructed to offer fur Sale by Auctions at the TALBOT HOTM., TREGARON. OL TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1»7, at 3:30 p.m. punctually, the following 1 Larch and Oak Pitwood and Timber. NÖI. Situation- Area. acres r. p. 1.—Pwlkenawon, Capel Battgor, near Abfe-ystwyth 20 3 1 2.—Pencrfr* Sunny Hill, Tregaron 2 0 28 3.-Great Abbey Farm, Strata Florida. 35 2 31 4.—Great Abbey Farm, :Strata Florida 32 2 20 5.—Great Abbey Farm, Strata Florida 52 0 8 16.—Great Abbey Farm, Strata Florida 12 3 17 Particulars atid Conditions of tlaie may be obtained from Mr. Jenkin Lloyd, Tregaron, or of the AuctionetK at Pencader and Car- marthen. e442 TANYRALLT PONY STUD. Seven Miles from Aberystwyth. Nearest Station: Llaadre (late Llanfih&ngel). BREEDER OF HIGH-CLASS Hackney Ponies and Cobs. A large selection of Young Stock, all age«, and several from 4 to 7-year-old, broken to saddle and harness for immediate sale. All bred from London and Royal Winners. Inspection invited from intending purchasers. (The home of the Cream of England's Pony Brood Mares). Apply to Owner—D. R. THOMAS, Tanyrallt Pony Stud, T.aJjbonfc, Cardiganshire. SALES BY AUCTION. MORRIS, MARSHALL AND POOLE, Agricultural and General Auctioneers, Valuers and Arbitrators. ———— PERIODICAL SALES of STOCK conducted A at Montgomery, Welshpool, Caersws, Bishop's Castle, Westbury, Berriew, Newtown, Kerry, Anchor, Cemmaes Road, Llanfair Caer- einion, Llanbadarn, Craven Arms, Ludlow. Church Stretton, Knighton, Towyn. Monthly Horse Sales at Montgomeryshire Repository, Welshpool. The most careful attention is given to Sales of Agricultural Stock, Estate and House Pro- perty, Timber and Antique Furniture. A Speciality is made of Valuations and Arbitrations of every description. Head Offices: Chirbury, Shropshire. c821 Montgomeryshire Repository, WELSHPOOL, Saturday, Nbxt August 11th. t HORSES, including Heavy Geld- 1 JU i' gs & M^res ;md Vanners>, Colts anc Ride and Drive Horses. UPWARDS OF f.50 IN PRIZES. Entries clo-e first post Monday Morning next. THERMITS will be granted for farmers to sell ■ Horses at this Sale; and the Government are making this Repository a collecting centre for the district, and will buy Horses suitable for Army purposes under the hammer as ordinary Buyers. Prize Schedules and Entry Forms from the Auctioneers. CAVES & MORRIS, MARSHAT,LK POOLE Welshpool. t447 MR. JOHN PUGH, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Arbitrator under Agricultural Holdings Act. Undertakes Sales of all kinds of Property, Farming Stock, Furniture, etc. upon reasonable terms. Strict attention given to all business and prompt settlement guaranteed. Will attend personally at Aberystwyth on Mondays and Thursdays and by appointment on any other day. Offices- Aberystwyth Great Darkgate st. CARDIGANSHIRE. SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY. JOHN PUGH has been instructed by Mrs Jenkins to Sell by Public Auction, at the Halfway Hotel, Tre'rddol, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1917, at 3 p.m., Subject to conditions to be then and there pro- duced, the DESIRABLE RESIDENCE known as PLASPENRHYN. It is 21 miles from Ynvslas and 4 miles from Glandyfi. It contains 2 Reception Rooms. Kitchen, Scullery, and Pantry, 4 Bedrooms. Bathroom, and Lavatory, hot and cold water j Stable, Coach-house, and good Kitchen Garden! At present two small fields adjoining the Residence are rented from the Gogerddan Estate, For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Machynlleth and Aberystwyth e438 Re G. H. ELLIS. Deceased. COUNTY OF CARNARVON. I PARISH OF DOLWYDDELEN. -f-mpor-taat Sale of the Leasehold Interest in the Prince Llewelyn Slate Quarries, with the -Modern Plant and Machinery thereon, to- ge-tber with the six WorkmenCottages. MESSRS. ROBERT AND ROGERS JONES have been instructed to offer for Sale by Pubfic Auction, at the Eagles Hotel, Llanrwst On TUESDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1917, ■At 3 o'clock in the afternoon (subject to con- diliions to be then and there produced and Teadjk & £ i those Valuable Quarries and I Premises Known as the PRINCE LLEWELYN or BWLCH YNYD QUARRIES, and the ADWY'R DWR SLATE QUARRIES, situate in the Parish of Dolwyddelen. u. the County of Carnarvon, and extending to a total acreage of 82 acres, 3 roods, 28 perches together with MODERN PLANT AND MACHINERY thereon, including Tram Lines. Waggxms, Mill Machinery, Band Saw Tables, Circular Slate Dressers, Natural Water.power Operating a Gilkes Turbine (100 B.H.P., Hcracontal Shafts), Tables, Winches, Incline Drum, and other Sundry Utensils, Office j Fixtures, etc., also the 6 WORKMEN'S COTTAGES, erected on the land of Bryn MoeL I near the road leading from Uetfwsvcoed to Dolwyddelen and usually occupied by Quarry- men workitg at abo-ve Quarries. The whole erf the above is held under a lease for a term of 60 years, from the 1st day of November, 1902, at fixed rents, amounting in all to JS64 (for Quarries. Surface Rent, and Cottages), Royalties -merging in The rent of the said Quarri-es. 1 Further particulars can be obtained on appli- cation to Messrs. 'Woodcock, Ryland, and Parker, Solicitors, "15, Bloomsbury-square, London, W.C. or to -the Auctioneers, Ty'nfyn- went, Llanrwst, and Cefni Chambers, Llan- 1 gefni. e434 PUBLIC NOTICES Cambrian Railways. TRAIN VARIATIONS-July 23rd te Aug. 31st. ) BETWEEN the above dates Important Varia- tions wiD be made in this Company's ¡ Passenger TraiL. Service. For full particulars set Time Tablet S WILLIAMSON, Oswestry, General Mt-nager. July, 1917. MACHYNLLETH COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCES. ALL applications by Parents and Guardi?.ns of Pupils attending the above School for Maintenance Allowances shculd be sent in writing to the undersigned on or before tie 22nd day of August. 1917. Applications received after that date will not be considered. Dtti>eA this 28th day of July, 1917. H. MEREDITH ROBERTS, Machynlleth. e436 Clerk to the Governors. CARDIGANSHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. WANTED, Certificated Head Teacher at GARTHELI COUNCIL SCHOOL, to com- mence duties on 1st November, 1917. Salary. C80, rising by biennial increments to £100, together with a War Bonus of £10 per annum. I Applications, on forms to be obtained from the undersigned, on receipt of a stamped foolscap envelope, should be accompanied by three recent testimonials, and should reach me on or before Friday. 31st August, 1917. JEXKTN JAMES, M.A.. Director of Education, Aberystwyih. August 3rd, 1917. e454 PUBLIC NOTICES The Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910. N MiCt AS TO SENDING IN < LAI MS TO BE TREATED AS PERSONS INTERESTED IN LICENSED PREMISES. UHXTY OF CARDIGAN. ^'decidetl^thfi1' G1VEX,lhat lhe Compensation Authority fo. the above area having i *i i principal meeting held on the 5th dav of Julv 1917 to refuse the the saii licence o< the premises specified below all persons claiming to be interested in e said premises for the purpose of the payment of compensation undef the L d 4ct othS than the licensee and registered owner of the said premises, are retired iTind to the nT«°f their dain* the third day of ont • *t L ? and Seventeen for t,hc- purpose of enabling the Compensation marTe7 prm,ded b-v thc ^c<^ng Rules. WIO. Uie persons entitled compensation under the said Act m respect of the said premise* ,h, P,„ 1CV°f mUSt be.?,ven ln th« form annexed and may be sent to the Cierk of <;en-sa ion uthority at ais Office at 50, Great Darkgate Street, Abervstwvth. LICENSED PREMISES. Name and Situation of x- Premises. >ature oJ Licence. Licensee. Registered Owners. Pntchard Arms, orth Road. Six days PublicanT" Hannah Jane Isaac .1 os^ph Blcks, Cardigan. Licence. Hicks.Grange husband of Licensee. Town. Cardi- gan. Farmer's Arms. North Read. Six days Publican's Thos. James. Thomas Jamet., the Cardigan. Licence..FarmersArms. occupier. Cardigan. Three Horse Shoe. Pontrhydy- Six days. David Owen. Messrs. Dd Roberts beddau, m the Parish of Tre- and Sons, Ltd.. The eirig, in the County of Cardi- Brewery. Trefechan, v ^TD* Aberystwyth. eW Cwmerfin, in ihe Parish Six days. Margaret Margaret Jane James, of Trefeirig, in the County of Jane James. the Licensee. Cardigan. Red Lion. Mydroilyn, Parish of Six days full licence Hughes. The Licensee. Llanarth for sale of intoxi- cating liquor. -New Inn, Pont 1-1,1-dfencligaid. Publican's Licence. David3enklll, DaN-id Jvnk.i. the Ucc'lpler. King's Arms, Lledrod. Publicans Licence. John £ vans. David The T-. Green. Abervstwvth. Drovers Arms, Adpar. situate m Seven days. ,Thos Jon€fl. C. H. LL Fitzwilhams, the Parish of Llandyfnog, in Esq.. Cilgwvn. New- the County of Cardigan. castle Ernlvn. 1 enllwyndu, in the Parish of Six days Publican s Thos. Daniel David Morris Jones, Llandygwydd. Licence. Roberts. Blaeneifed Farm' Llandygwydd, Bon- cath. S.O.. Pem. The Clettwrs Arms, situated near A licence for the rale Evan Evans.. Racliel Evans, wife of Pontshaen. in the Parish of of intoxicating liquors the Licensee. Clet- Llandyssul, in the County of 1.1" retail for con- twrs Arms, Llandys- Cardigan. sumption either on or off the premises. | F. R. ROBERTS. Auer^stwvth, CleiK c-f the Compensation Authority. Dated August 6th 1917. The Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE TREATED AS A PERSON INTERESTED IN LICENSED PREMISES. COUNTY OF CARDIGAN TO THE COMPENSATION AUTHORITY FOR THE ABm~F AREA. "V^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1, A.B., of claim to be interested for the purpose of the payment of compensation under the Licensing 'Con- solidation! Act, 1910, in the Licensed premises known as and specified below. The particulars of my claim are as follows (The claimant must give full particulars of his claim and specify any instrument or document on which he relies). LICENSED PREMISES IN RESPECT OF WHICH THE CLAIM IS MADE. I-anie and Situation of Nature of Licence. License*: Registered Owners. Premises, j (Signatefe of Cleirnant,) D*W. e452 MERIONETH WAR AGRICCLTURE ) EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE. THE above Committee befr to announce th it 'their office is now cpened at St. I Ann's Chambers. Barmouth, w-heie all co n- mIQni-catioms -should be sent to R. ROBERTS JOKES. «461 Executive Officer. ——————————————————————————————— OInE CARDIGANSHIRE FARRIERS UNION. A' LARGELY-ATTENDED Meeting cf the above I nion was held s.t the Albion Inn. Aberystwyth, last Saturday. Owing to the great advance in material, etc.. it was •decided w make an advance on the Price List, made October. 1916. The new Price List will lie seen 'at all the Smithies in the Union, and ao takf ,ect from 1st July 1917. By Order, Chairman and Secretarv of the above Union. s664 CARDIGANSHIRE AGRICULTURAL 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. I 'NOTICE TO TRADESMEN. p VIEW OF IMPORTANCE of securing. storing, and distributing agricultural supplies, especially manures, during the coming year it is intended to hold a meeting of the principal merchants and dealers and representa- tives of Co-operative Societies at the Town Hall, Lampeter, on Wednesday, August 15th. 1917. at 11 p.m. Those interested should make every effort to, attend, as matters pertaining to the welfare of both Agriculturists and Tradesmen will be dealt! with. No other notice will be served. D. J. MORGAN, Secretary, sl56 Executive Offi^s. Larripeier. The Pavilion, Barmouth. TONIGHT. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. At 7 o'clock, continuouslv from 7 till 10 30. MATINEE at 3 o'clock. RAND DISPLAY OF PICTURES, including the Great Star Film LOLA." MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. Daily at 3, 7 & i), Miss Mflrie Correlli's Greatest Wnrk Picfor* iallv TMsp^ved on the Screen, "TEMPORAL POWFR." The most striking film of the year Prices-Is., 7d., and 4d. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY. i%fes-r,; Dallas & Carson's No. 1 Company in the Great Daly Theatre Succe-t-, "THE MARRIACE MARKET," Full Company and Chorus of 50 Artistes. Prices—3s 2s.. JOI.. nd Tax. Sealt6 can now be booked at the Pavilion. THE NEW CONCERT PAVILIN < Nightly at 8. Bert H. Welmsn's FAMOUS CONCERT PARTY. Prices-19. 6d., Is., and 6d. N463 THE "NELSON" PAY (Under the auspices of the Navy League). NORTH WALES DISTRICT APPEAL. AUGUST 4th to SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1917. Officers: Chairman: Major DAVID DAVIES. M.P. Vice-Chairmen. Ladv WEBLEY-PARRY- PRYSE: ADMIRAL BURR. Hon. Treasurer; ARTHUR JONES, Esq., London City and Midland Bank, Aberystwyth. Han. Auditor: GARBETT EDWARDS Esq., Llajadinain. Hon. Secretary E. W. WYXXE, Esq. Organizing Secretary: ERNEST C. THOMAS, 28. Terrace Road. Aberystwyth. Appeal for the following objects :— I.-To assist the education of children of Officers and Men of the Navy and the Mercan- tile Marine who have lost their lives or have been seriously wounded in the War. 2.—To extend the Navy League Scheme for the tra-ining of boys for a sea career, both for the Navy and the Mercantile Service. Donations will be greatly welcomed by the Hon. Treasurer or the Organising Secretary. THE POPULAR LLANRWST SHOW AND SHEEP DOG TRIALS iii lw- held at Llanrwst on Thursday, August 30, 1917 THE dNLY SHOW IN WALES. Grand Exhibitions. Best Judges. Horse Racing and Leaping Lamb Shearing Competitions. Etc. Partier requiring tickets in advance apply Secretary, enclosing stamps. Motor cars accom- modated in the Park For Schedules ISLôte section required!. apply to the Secretarv, J. R. CHAMBERS. Llanrwst. l