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.a fTlrrw u°A"iS>eVTi^8trated?24PP- price 2d. Kramat? —^iglx c^ass> Literary, Hew teauM lr ^° !fi<!al,0U1T*L Every Wednesday. Under Week*os 'CT' -li o .smartest and brightest oi all the Newsagents GSB ^ot:c' 3- ^4' be ordered through SPEOIAL NOTIOE. "T U „ On the Ist May was "sued GRATIS with THE LITTLE (i I 1, b' TREASURE, A bPLEISDLD OLEO GRAPH USTITLSV "THE CLAIMANTS," iesnlpnvi rv OR» Gnosis Puppy JS ujr" qumite?v ri^?,Le?graph' or l,eaut:fuily-coloured picture, 8 80 lie oi the first lo °? scarcely recognised fiom a picture by d* the di>T painted on canvas in oil. Toe delineation ^florts. ° r little one reminds one of Laudseer*3 beat Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 now ready, price Sixpence. LITTLE GIRLS' TREASURE. FILLED W*TH BEAUTIFUL COLOURED PICTURES. r A most charming present ior Little Girls. T]IIE LITTLE GIRLS' TREASURE. ilUoiC LEiSSUA'S, -NEEDLEWORK ONS> l'OETR\ ]-\UilSha,i -t,a?hSTTLE GIRLS' TREASURE, lias tJ1'a2mu ia one oi tlie very best lor Little Girls that lmU) eu published.—Containing instructive as well aa chi dri.i fUerature. Its tone is chaste, and suitable lor SlupBiv m a" class«3- Illustrated in colours. London lia.u »i ^mhall, and Co. A Specimen Copy can be Beren stamp tasket 0ttiee> 25> fetter-lane, E.C., for Now ready, the SEPTEMBER PART of X. BASKET.—An Illuminated Magazine for —. Indies. L'nc. ONE SHILLING. X/^i —Tales, Poetry, Fine Arts, Kepriii a'nt'llg, Illuminating, Wax Modelling, Fashions, Fr °.rk- &0- &c.-Edited by Madame EHE. '^LED WITH COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. —No Lady's Boudoircan be con- Colour. C0.P'et€ without it.—Splendidly Illustrated in MAtUhA?, Illuminated Wrapper. London: SIMPKIN, Stamna y a,ld (JU* A Specimen Number sent for li w dire-if' Vu*rl>' aubscr ption, 13s; Half-yearly, 6s 6d 'e;t fromjrHE CAKJ' Ottice, to, Fetter-lane. 130 ill L A R G E M E NT 01' TIlE CARDIFF TIMES AJD SOUTE: WALES^ WEEKLY NEWS TO t SiXiY-iOUii. COLUMNS "^ARflpcjrn KEN'DKKINO IT THE ^ST NEWS-SHEET IN THE KINGDOM. oi th, CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH 1 lke CnrtlilrTi' has the pleasure of annnou.icicg ^Wdxff £ %mes is now ENLARuEU io 04 LONG COLUMNS 8,9* Euiar„f.,„ oI new spaper width. •iH? lite is equal toan ADDITION of 13 COLUMNS 4Z £ S w £ £ <U*p<l the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH vF SEWS in its enlarged form is the *hi £ E^*r*ti *S:SWKJET ™ THK UNITED KINGDOM. »h, 1n«t Kap,-ria printed upom he Victory Web Machinery, *<* has erecte'l io the Cardiff Times Offices, and j~Metely nriti?01i18truote'110 produce 10,000 papers nmr, 'aan -^iierar n°n s'^es a»dfaided ready for despatch. ma«ihe Wsiiin/ ^Partment no eff.'rta will be spared io main- UfcA>e "8 as the^ tl-,e Cardiff Times has occupied for so &!ct- LIKAGrliVKEKLY PAP £ li in Wales and the Western Dia- & Qu(4kiNG/f?fnCLES ,Upon the V'incipal Political and v^Ure;wil1 co,ltlnue 10 f'oi a prominent .l«Sian8tiv^ ACS o £ e7ery description will be fully L( 6 £ ula/ v t)J8cn86fwi Viii:Aj^audKnIfo;1 wU1 Penttlt mer^asttd spa^e beins{ devoted to DeiT<fej0 8o.iti »KJCi isiivvi'- and admit of every Town and ij3<iUiv "utJl W ales, Monmouihshue.and the Forest of Dean teEr1 in 1116 columns oi the Cardiff Times A I?''jjiveii „f ^ekly News. It will also allow of fuller reports re»^3e cbief Loaal Kveutsof tho Week. *1i1kI FORcIGN NEWS Departments, the e» and aii. l complet* than has hitherto been 4br^8 of ?,Ver^ exertion will be made to secure a complete Sb?4, events of importance occurring: at Home and ily lt CORRESPONDENCE of the Cardiff Times is will 'utioTrr 10 lie of the most important u.ud valuable reli v Pu^ljshed m the Provincial Press, and every etfort »nd the Correspondent to render the Lelter equally CI suce«!o active m future. kj„SS St,'i??.w'1,ch has atttndsd the publication of FIRST- jy ^<lersf ijLi STORIES by Miss Braddoli, Mr John Iji *^eliate* if Bianchard Jerrold, and ether eminent jvm,, induced the Proprietor to make fur- oi jo-)7 Author ntfl> at considerable expense, with the ini ^ion oi ti. Sv?.' (he day, so as to ensure a succession of Work:/ jji^ting highest merit, wTitten in the most popular atid t object will be to reudei tha CARDIFF TTluKt SS2^«%^ wff" "1SS ™k«?.Th™ *>> *»a "f1™ Tht ^W^^RCIAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER ^et0* as the ta°es of tlle Cardiff Times and South Walet WulUy iC'rSou*h \v ,GHEax ADVERT.a.NG JUED1UM ^tit. TKJI S and Mciunoutushire, will be still further *'tleir g ^.rgely increased circulation, and the new anil^a" which will follow the frntL0* i Td South Wales Weekl» N Of Ari L' aa General Aaycrtiaiog Journal for every dicri^ incr^e ite P^miTn'S g j -;urnals, as the )t» BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM "^Itn Wales, Monmouthshire, and the Western District THE CARDIFF TIMES 8°tTTH WALES^WEEKL Y NEWS tlJia ENLARGED TO 64 COLUMNS. WMON FRIDAY MORNIITG. ftoft EDITION SATURDAY MORNIKO. LARGEST VVliliKLY PAPER. ^HE LEAUIKG lOLltiCAL JOURNAL CH1Eb' COMMERCIAL ORGAN TW £ 5E,Si' FAMILY NEWSPAPER. GREAT ADVERTISING MEDIUM. COSTBSTS: LEADING ARTICLES CfilEp ON TUB POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND LOCAL TOPICS Art rr,» OF THE DAV. ALr ??E lOcAL NEWS OF THE WEEK. 1UE DIS'iRiCT xvEWi, OF THE WEEK. IHE GENERAL NEWS OF THE WEKK. I THE FOREIGN N. ws ot" THK we^K. LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. SERIAL STORIES, XtAcm BY TI1E EMINENT AUTHORS OF THE DAT. PRICE TWOPENCE.! ^hr0tn,v. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAuENTS "snout South Wales, Monmouthahiie and th« West of ^t Poat JBnglaud. 5j] ^harte °e 10 *By »idress in tho United Kingdom for 2s. 9dL P*ris 0I' Pfepuid, and to the Colonies, the United States, and Of Europe. -or !,& IXI. per quarter, prepaid. CHIEP OFFICES CARDIFF. P41u:>IFF SHIPPING AND MEROANTHiB ^^liahed ev»-. GAZbTTE, ye<7 Monday price l&g per annum, or by iOUti6 "Ciun, post, £ Is. a^4ulFF SHJPPJNG AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE," llhT/Sta a ?"'Plete lecord o £ the Shipping busineES of Carditf, {•or, => all ewP°rt» ftnd the Bristol Channel, and circulates end Werchants and Pr, keri of the Bristol Channel J1cra"y throughout the various pt.rts of the United ^OttT^aof rat Lloyds, the Lombard, and m st of the o!?- Commerce, and is also sent to the leading Foreign *htp r> Wicsa—76 and 76, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 654 XTOT'n?y?RTrelN(J PAPER IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 3 \?GflAM DAILY GUARDIAN. *hii?s ^'e f'Class Dady Newspapej, price One Penny. Uto? ahd W circa atio'^of a'iy D.tity Paper in Nottingham- IR1' Va,Ha' i counties. Saturday's issue over 20,000. The tic1 *8 of V? ,,iedium ior ftdvertieers. "Stothl ?.haives atjd copies of the paper sent free on applies ^W^"rut"p ^OTT] NQBAMSHTRE GUARDIAN, Pubtisned every FRIDAY. trice (vritn supplement), TWOPENCE, fjit aritl high-class circulation, and is acknowledged Mie lt!egti(!t.X:.rt'*sing medium for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, 0^ UncoinshiTi?, and neighbouring counties. to.:S: SHERW OOD-STREt: i, NOTTINGHAM. 333); QkOItGES PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS 1 ^Toveri.Viow recogiiiat'i) hy all as Uelng the best Medicine et {*!»>«, *< r PILE AND GRAVEL, as well as for the following S**im » 'n cases out of every 100, are caused by tliese ^ihu. ks:~ the p^ack* ^•tulency, Griping, Colic, a Sense of Weigh the r*0*1 wd Loins, Darting Pains in the region of in ij^Ter a"d Kidneys; Constipation, Pains II 'he Thighs, sometimes shooti down to the "if of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of Urine; Pains in the rjStomach I &r|d all Liver Complaints. prono ave been cured by these Pills, and many who have ■ th 'W* by thU"ce<^ hopeless have b«en thoroughly restored to Use" 6 'ttox convince the most sceptical of wbo may be suffering from ONE Or BOTH *Woi,'„r,e the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy •lowing form U. 1-GEOKGE-S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. £ o. 2^GKORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. iJ^Poru 3"TaECiK«E'S PILLS FOR THE PILKS. testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalid* ^eeeint c8 of country, will be forwarded to any address in n a stuped envelope. fvpost Is ldi and -2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists. Uie and 8s in Pottage Stamps. Every box it protected Stamp- e 'lit,e riLE AND GRAVEL PILLS" is Copy, ^■"opriot at Stationers' Hall. M<ly hf ir~T GRORGE, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, Glamorgan. 6e d W20LK8ALB!rom most Patent Medicine Ware- n ''oruion. Bristol. Livervool. <<; Manchem^r. 3287 J°N»S BROTHERS, PRIN CI PAL BUJ*> m aiGW C^°STE«S AMD DELIVEt.ERS, Nt. ATH, and BRITON FKRR^ uui S86! ""i delivered, BUr Posters to the Gre» Neath and Brecon Railways, and the principal rriaM»iPo«tUrriMM. M 6- JQBNTAL NOTICE PAINLESS DENTISTRY. M. It. G. H. JONES, DENTAL SURGEON, or 67, GT. RUSSELL STREET, LONDON By Appointment Surgeon Dentist to THE LONDON INFIRMARY, AND ST. JAMES' DISPENSARY, ADD THE BRITISH ASYLUM FOR DEAF & DUMB, &c. (Under Roval Patronage.) Begs to inform the inhabitants of CARDIFF and its neigh- bourhood that on account of greatly increased practice i" THE undermentioned towns he will be unable to continue his usual visits to Cardiff, except on the 18th December and 1st Jacuary next: -AB FJtGAV)i,N NY, Mr 18, High-street, alternate Tuesdays; fiL, ITFFORD 143, St Owen-street, alternate Wednes- days; GLOUCESTER, Mr Matthews, 86, Northsrate street, every Thursday; BRISTOL, Mr S. H. La Trobe, WATCHMAKER and jeweller. ISS, College Green, every Friday. Mr. G. H. JONES guarantees entire freedom from pain in the extraction of teeth, which seldom exceeds twenty seconds. IJY the improved self-adhesive system of ADAPTING artificial TEE^TN,, as invented and patented by iir. G. H. Jones, extraction of loose teeth or stumps is unnecessary, and PRIZE MTDAL IET.III (London and Paris) can be adjusted without pain M the M^ SI diliicult and delicate cases, so as TO defy detection, in conBeque ice •f the natural apjiearance of the teeth and their closeadjustm to the gums. By this patented method of construction, ima cation, extreme lightness combined with strength and AURAO Y> is ensured useless bulk being obviated, articulation is oota better on this than any other principle.. MFT Terms as moderate as the employment of the WF ^-ma- terials and scientific workmanship will permit. Every tion given on consultation without charge. »N>M W" Mr, G. H.JONES wil! be glad to FORWARD A Gratis and Post Free, which explains his unique GYSTENVI^« only LONDON ADDRESS, 57, Great Russell-street, opposite British Museum. (TESTIMONIAL) „ 1BT, October 18, 187F* My dear Doctor—I request you to aecept my grateful thauic your great professional assistance, which enables ME to IU»S my food, and wherever 1 go I shall show your profeesio: as I think the public ought to know wliere such great P BMBt» in dentistry and mechauieal skill can be obtained. lam, dear doctor, yours truly, HUTCMNS) By appointment Surgeon DENTF8* ^U6EN H. Jones. ESQ.. D. D. MR. TENNANT, Geologist, 149, Strand, W.C., can supply ELEMENTARY GEOLOGICAL COL- LECTIONS of micerals, rocks, and fo?si's (to i! MIST rite the works of Ansted, Geikie, Lrell, Jukes, Page, and others), ontne following terms 100 specimens, in cabinet, with 3 trays- £ 2 2 0 200 specimens, larger, in cabinet with 5 trays., £ » O 300 speciuiene, larger, in cabinet with 9 drawersLlO Ii) 0 400specimens, larger, in cabinet with lSdrawerst^l 0 More extensive collections, either TO illustrate Mineralogy or Geology, at50 t > 6090 guineas each, with eveiy iequisite to assiat those commencing the study of these interesting brancnes or science, a knowiedve of which affords as much pleasure to the traveller in all parts of the world. EDB* w E. VAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS. LLANDAFF-ItOAl), CARDIFF. SRAMCH JSSTABUSHMKSTS 77, CROCKHiSRBTOWN, I PARDIF F 24ii, BL TE-STiiEET, | CARD Lr R. ó, COMMERCIAL-STBEET, NEWPORT. &3, LIGH-STREET, MEKTHYK. J LOW ER GOAT-STIIEET, TWANSEA. Orders received, and Parcels forwarded to Works carriage free. by the following AGENTS Aberavon G. H. Cotton, Ty-mawr-strcet Aberf. are 31r. Eschits, cownerei-A-place. .blaeoavon Mr. J. Harrii, London House. Br;dgt:Dd_ OJ Mrs. Thomas, grocer, Nolton-street. Brecon. Mr. Bodwine, AVeilmgton House, tiulwark. BI J UM»wr „ „ Mr. Hicks, Beauiort street. Biaina Mrs. Collins, High.stieet Biiton iiiry Mr. 1). L. JoutS, Bookseller. 2, Villiers- street. Cowbridge «. Mr. Rogers, Fancy Repository'. Chepstow MISI RO^E. WE sh-strect. Cricknoviell Mr. Beavis, iJigh-street. Haverfordwest. Mr. Harries, 3, Hi^h-sreet. Llanelly Messrs. Ace, Meyrick street Liaridite Air. Locky<r, County Preh«. Neath >lr. ilatti cws, at (^urit ns Hotel. Pembroke Dock Mr. Narberth, stationer, Diuioiid-street. 'I'enby M". Brice, 4, Juiian-street. "hcrbert Mr. Reetiiig-, Moumouttl tiouse Usk MS8rs. Jones & oweli, drapers, &e. %Ixtchet 86 STUBB'S MERCANTILE OFFICE TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED), Ij, GRESHAM-STREET, LONDON, E.C., With Offices m Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Brighton, Manchester, Southampton, Sheffield, Norwich, Newcastle, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE (indispensable to all traders giving credit) coiittiiisa list (if al. Bankruptcies, Liquidations, Arrangements, Trusteeships, Bills of Sale, and all Preferential Securities, County Court Judgments, &c. DEBT RECOVERY.—Debts recovered upon a simpla and com- prehensive system. Full particulars in Prospectus. TERMS, 41 Ito, Z2 2s, £ 3 3s, £5 6s, according to requirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the Secretary, StubbB' Mereantile Offices, 12, Gresham-atreet, London E.C. C ACTION. No Office using the'name of Stubbs in the City of London, is in any way connected with the establishment at No. 12, Gresham- street, corner of lving-atreet, close to Guildhall. 4169 MERTHYR AGENCY FOR THK "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" AND "CARDIFF TIMES." MrsJONKS, News v;ent, &c., 187, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, Wholesale and Retail Agent for the South Wales Daily Newp" and CIRIJIS Time- The papers promptly and regularly supplied to any adjress. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Six o'clock each evening for insertion in the next morning's issue. THE COAL TAR PILL (Wright's Pilula Carbonis Detergens.) Kiikenny, January 1st, 1 £ 74. "Please send me two boxes of your valuable Tar Pills, for which 1 ENCIOSE 2I. YD. I AM bound to coniess that I have de- rived more benefit, from them than from any other pills. Jcus RYAN, Staff Sergeant."—They act Upon the Stomach, the Liver, and the Kidneys, are aperient, tonic, and purdying. They sweeten the breath, are the best female pLl known, and a sure remedy for those painful affections, Hemorrhoids (t iles). By all Chemists, in Boxed, Is. lid. and IJ. 9J.—W. V. WRIGHT & CO Southwark Street. London, proprietors ot the celebrated CoaJ Tar Soap (Wright's Sapo Carbonis Detergens). 6430 JOHN GOSNELL AND CO.'M CHERRY TOuTH PASTW Is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder gives the Teeth a peail-like wliiUneHis, protects the enainei from decay, and imparts a pleasing Iragrante to the breath. P, ice la fed per pot. OHN GOSNELL AND C O.'S tf TOILET AND NURSERY POWDER. Beautifully perfumed, and Guaranteed Pure. To be BAD of all respectable Chemists and Perfumers, Wholesale: ANGEL PASSAGE, 93, UFPKST THAMES-STREET, LONDON. 5212 £ «ORNS! CORNS!! CORNS!! |YR. PAYEY'S SOLVENT (PATENTED) is the only remedy yet discovered that will entirely eradioate corns. DR. PAYEYS' SOLVENT is the most won- derful prouuutiou of theatre it, relieves the pain instantly. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT will cure hard Corns in three days DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT is a never failing and permanent cure. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT has been tried by thousand* an i all recommend it. DR. PAVEY'S SOLVENT can be had of all respectable Chemists, or from the wholesale agents, Messrs Barclay, Edwards, Tidman, aud Co. Prico. Is HD. By Post, JN 3d. To be obtained of the following Chem ists:-Willisins, Bute- street, Cardiif; Davie#, High-street, Swansea; Hibbert and Hay- man, Neath; White Bros., Carmarthen: Phillips, Newport; Trewceks, Pembroke. 2SIS The Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, RoarseiDess, Asthma P Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Chest Affections. EG TOR I NE. Sold by all Chemists, in bottles, at Is. Is. l*d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 0d., and lis. each. Sent by the proprietors upoa receiptof stamps. r From Rev. J. Stonehouse, St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. Dear SIR,—-I ^ONGLY recommend your Pectorin'e as an inva uable Cough REMEDY 1 ]LAVe ^IVEN it a fair trial in my own family, and have also supplied it to persons suffering from Cough in my PARISH, and in every instance it has given immediate rehef. In .ome cases, afwr passing SI^QPI^G NIGHTS) one or two doses of the Pectorine have had such a good effect that persons have got a good nights rest, and tha Cough has speedily disap- ^CTORINE cures the worst forms of coughs and colds. PECTV'KINE cures hearseness. PECTORINE gives immediate reli fin bronchitis PECTOHCFE is the bett medicine for asUima PECTORINE cures whooping cough. PECTORINE WILL cure a troublesome tickling cough. PECTORINE is invaluable in the -.riv IItage of consumption. pp,CTORINE relievei all Affecti(" A of ttie chest.,Iutigs,and throat. pTeptired only by L CLARIV T, Manufacturin. Chem- 3ST», Park-street, Lwcoki. VIWJ Chancellor Sir C. Hall granted a perpetual injunction, with cos.s, against F. Mason, chemist, Rolherham, FORUWM? PWET-MNE. Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. Sold in Cardiff by D. Anthony, Coleman, Treharne (Bute DoclD), B. P. Kernlcb, Yorath (281, Bute-street), and J. V. Yorath (Canton and Stuart-street, Docks), Chemists Newport, E. Thomas, 121, Commeraal-stieet Pontypool, E. Stephens, Claret!ce-street; Ebbv Vale, L. P. Jones; R P. Morg-sn, chemist, Maevteg O. Price, 127, Commercial-street, Newport, (Mon.) 3830 OOTH ACHE7" TIC DOLOREUX, NEU. RALGIA, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, and GUMS. These distressing complaints W-E ^^YNEDIATELY relieved BY RKADE'S TOOTH-ACHE and TIC DOLOREAUX PILLS. The safest, quickest, and most certain remedy. They cure by at once soothing the nerves *Dd m? syatem, g* ^3 /prevent a recurrence of the complaint. These Pills procure a refreshing night's rest where sleep has departed from the sufferer for days, and prevent the necessity of extraction. Whether the complaint is brought on by taking oold, by a weak state of the nerves, or by a disordered stomach, these Pills prove effectual. Sold by Anthony Joy and Williams, Chemist, Bute-street, Car diff, in boxes at 13*d. and 2s. 0d. each, and sent per poat on re* ceipt of 16 or 86 stamps, by the makers, Reade BROTHERS I Chemist*. Wolverhampton London Anat SANGER ^9 VISITORS TO PARIS V Will Meet with Comfort and Moderate Charges, at the HOTEL DE LONDRES E L1 DE MILAN, BERETTA, PROPRIETOR, Rue Saint Hyacintm—Saiut Honore, near the TuiterieS, Rooms from 2s. per day with board and wine included, from 7s. Arrangements made with families. Air Cook's Hotel Coupons ave received in this Hotel. Post free, Price 1H. 6d. LA VRAIE PRONONCIATION FRANCAISE JU By Professor A. (JA UVET. AddnSB the Author 8. RUE CASTj'GLIONE, PARIS. mUNMER'S ENGLISH AND AMERICAN I aueisCT. 65, Rue Neuve St-AUGUSTIN, PARIS. Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments, Hotels, Boarding- Houses, Schools, Business-Esstabkehcents, Couriers, Interpre- ters Professors, Governesaes, etc., recommended. ALL INFORMATION GRATIS. Revised Annually. FLAL IG N A N I'S PARIS GUIDE, G With Coloured MAP Price 6s.; or with Sixty Steel iiigravings, 7s. London Simpkin. Marshall, and Co., and all booksellers, m ALESJ:IERBEIS WINE SHADES. Medal, 1S13. II. LARGIER & CO., Diplome d'Honneur. 32, Boulevard Malesherbes, PARIs. Houses in BORDEAUX, 49, Pave des Chartrons, LONDON, and MALAGA. FURNISUKD APARTMKNTS. — L.1HT* AND ISPORMATIOL* GRATIS. DUO A TION OF PARI S." -— BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN FODHDKD IS 1834. M. LOUBENS, Principal, 48, RUiS DU ROCHER. TLWRMS ON API'LICATIOS. 1588 MESSRS. W. H. SMITH & SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS at an Early Hour each ivfoniliiif in all parts of hue following Towns CARDIFF S W AN S jl A NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR PO.TSKEWETT C\NT< >N ABKHDARE BRISTOL BUTE DOCKS PONTYPOOL ROAD HEREFORD BRIDGEND >W MILFORD GLOUCK^TER NEATH PEMBROKE DOCK LAMPETER LLANELLY TENBY ABERYSTWITH HAVERFORDWEST CARMARTHEN The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any address in the above-named Towns. ORDERS to be sent to the Managers of the various Bookstalls RUPTURES.-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Perfected and Exhibited in the Ureat Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 600 Aieuical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HEKNIA. The use of a steei spriner, so hurtful in its effects, s here avoided; a soft bandage being worn rouud the bojv, while the requisite resisting power is tup plied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER, fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, rail may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss (which cannot fail to f t) for- ward by post, on the circumf jrenoe of the lindy, two inches below the hips, being sent to the .Manufacturer. Mr JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 10s, 21c, 2tis (k, and 31s 6d. Postage free. Double Truss, His (jd, its, ai d 6*3 6d. Posiage free. An Umbilical Truss, 42s, and 52s 6d. Postage free. Post-office Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post- offi.e, Piccadilly. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c. The material of whicti these are made is recommended by the Faculty as being peculiarly elastic and compressible, and the best invention for giving etticient and permanent support ill all cases of Weakness, and Sivel ing of the Leg, Varicose Veins, Sm ains, icc. It is porous, light ,n texture, and inexpensive, and b drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices, 4s 8d, 7s 6d, 10s, and 16s each; postage free, MANUFACTURER: JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 6929 HOW to MAKE MONEY by PATENTS. By CHARLES BARLOW. Third Edition. Enlar^ d 14i pages, Svo. Illustrated Cover. Coiiteiits:-Hiiiti and suAges- ti us as to procuring patents, value ef P Ite,t! selhng patents, granting licenc s, a-siifnments, sa'o to limited liability com- panies, value of foreign patents, sug.estions for the iim diuent of the law of patents, verbatim copy of lett re Pal.cnt Iff¡m the Crown, the Act (in full) reltive to fraudulent marking of mer- chandise, and the use of the wovus "patent" and" registered," synopsis of patent laws of Great Britain, and (If the priiietpai foreign states, America, &c. Frea bi, post 14 stamps.-BARLOW and Co., 23, Southampton Buildings, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. 3839 DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. Ask your Chemist or a copy (GRATIS) of the last edition, containing 158 pages. R, ROOKE'S ANTI-LANOBT. All Invalids should read the Chapter on the functions of Digestion, showing by what process food is con- verted into Blood—How blood sustains the whole system—How Nervous Power intluences ail the bodily organs to perform their allotted functions- Principles of Life and Death unfolded—Dying seldom accompanied with pain—Mental vision amplified prior to the death of tho body—Immortality of the ntelligent principle. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. The Nervous, the Dyspeptic, or the Hypochondriac, should read the Chaper on the Origin oi all Diseases from Depression of Nervous or ViUil Power-How explained—Producing-or exciting causes of Nervous Jjepression-Efieets of the Mind on the Body- Effects of Excessive Joy-Anger-Grieiand Suspense -Sudden Surprise and Fright—Hard Study-Hot Relaxing Fluids—Intemperance in Elating and.Drink. iug-Spirituous Liquors-Low of Blood-Impure Air RT~ROOKE'S ANT I-LANCET. Read the Chapter on the Destructive Practice of uleeding, illustrated by the cases of Lord Byron, .Sir Walter Scott, Madame Malibrau, Count Cavour, General "Stonewall" Jackson, and other publio characters. R. R O O KE'SANTT-L ANCE T A Clergyman writing to Dr. Rooke, under date July 16th. US14, speaking- 01 the" A.NTi-LA-iCE, T,"s,,ys: Ot its style and matter I can u-ige, for l have been an author on other themes for hirty years. None but a master-mind among men could have conceived or written your introduction. It is the most perfect do. lineation 1 ever read of the human frame aud the links between the material fabric and the spiritual unison of body and soul. ^ROOKE'S ANT I-LANCET' OR, HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIO MEDICINE. Can be had GRATIS of all Chemists, or POST FREE from JDr. Hooks» fac&rbro I)P, ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET. What is it? A Handy Guide to Domestic Medicine Everv Household should possess a co ,v. c ROSBY'S BALSAMIC, JOUGH ELIXIR. ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. c Opiates, Narcotics, and Squills, are too often invoked to give relief in Cou^his, Colds, and all Pulmonary Diseases- Instead of such fallacious remedies, which yield momentary relief at tiit) expanse of enfeebling the digestive organs, and thus increasing that de bility which lies at the root of the malady, modern Bcience points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIO COUUH ELIXIR as the true remedy. T> R. R OOKE'S A N T I-L A N C E T. JL~r All who wish to preserve health, and thus prolong life, should read DR. ROOKE'S ANTI-LANCET, or HANDY GUIDE TO DOMESTIC MEDICINE, which can be had GRATIS from any Chemist, or Post Free from Dr. ROOKE, Scarborough. Concerning th.s book, the late eminent author, Sheridan Knowle, observed :—" It will be an incalculable boon to every Dei son who can read and think." CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. Dr. ROOKK'S I KSTIMOSIAJU. Dr. ROOKE, Scarborough, Author of the" Anti. lancet," says:—"1 have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough, Pain and Irritation of the Chest, in cases of Pulmonary Consumption; and I can, with the greatest confidence, recommend it as a iost valuable adjunct to an other. wise strengthening treatment for this d^ease." .mu. ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH KT/NRM CLERGYMEN, SINGERS, and PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find it the most effectual safeguard against Hoarseness, Chronic Bronchitis, and all affections of the vocal organs. -=: CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. 1/ TRAVELLERS, SPORTSMEN, EMIGRANTS, and others, exposed to sudden changes of temperature, easterly winds, fog, wet clothing, &c., may, by a few timely doses of this medicine, ward off all unpleasant consequences. v ROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR, PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. To those who re suffering under this malady the medicine will be ound of inestimable service as it Kimost instantly relieves the most distressing Cowrh. Pain lii the Chest, D> iiculty of Breathing, &c. For the Night Sweats, so fearfully weakening in this disease, it acts as a specific, invariably cheskinz them in the course of a few days. CROSBYS BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. This medicine, wich is free from opium and squills, not only allays the lucal irritation, but mprovea digestion and strengthens the constitution. Hence it is used with the most siguai success in ASTHMA. T_ CONSUMPTIVE NIGHT SSoNCHlTIS, SWEATS, COUGHS AND COLDS, PAIN IN THE CHEST, CONSULLPTION, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. COUGHS AND COLDS, PAIN IN THE CHEST, INFLUENZA, WINTER COUGH And all Affections of the Throat and Chest. /CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR- • J Is sold in bottles at la. 9d., 4s. 6d., and II». each, by v ail respectaole Chemists, and wholesale by J AS. M. CROSBY, Chemist, Scarborough. j3y,S BALSAMIC COUGH BLIXM. CROS Ask your Chemist for the New Edition (GRATIS) of Crosby's Prize Treatise on "DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS,M containing full and plain instructions for the relief and cure of these diseases, or Post Free from JAMES M. CROSBY, Scarbomugh. I-CROSBVS BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Oan be obtained of all Cbamirta. 2230 3233 MERICA.-100,000 ACRES of the FINEST F.U.MiNG LAND in AMEtUuA for SALE, in Low to suit Purchasers, AT FROM £3 TO £ 4 PER ACRE. The Land is situated in Snlth- W csrn Minnesota, and is open, rolling Prairie of unsurpassed fertility, and all ready for the plough. The climate is us healthy as any known, so much so aa to have made the State a resort for invalids. Very unnsual opportunities are now presented for profitable Farming and Investment in this portion ot the State. Droughts, which are such a frequent cause of iosa to farmers in theWeot, have never been known in this region. The ccmury is interspersed with beautiful Lakes, whichabound in Fish, wid Wild Fowl are plentifu The Land can be made to pay from L8 to jE12 per acre, with certain crops recently introduced, or say a profit oflrom ONE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER CENT. ON THE TOTAL OUTLAY, SO THAT WITH -01,000 CAPITAL, PROPERLY MANAGED, FROM £ 1,000 TO £2,000 PER YEAR CAN BE REALISED, And proportionately for larger amounts of capital; as to which full particulars, giving details oithefatining, etc., will be furnished to applicants but no one is adfised to attempt the business with less than £500 capital. Concerning the Land, &c, applicants will be referred to His EKceheney the Governor of the State, and to prominent Bankers, Merchants, and others, in London, Liverpool, New York, Saint Paul, and elsewhere, and as to the profitableness of farming there, to parties who have purchased Land, aud are now work- ing their Farms. For full particulars call upon, or address, THE AMERICAN LAND COMPANY, 1S8, FLEET-STREET, LONDON. 2059 GE O R G E B U R R, SHEET LEAD, RED AND WHIT LEAD, LtiAD WuitKh, SHREWSBURY. 3463 J^AYBBTON AND 0# UPHOLSTERERS, f MARY-LE-PORT-STREET, I BRISTOL. MANY THOUSAND YARDS CARPET, Beautiful in Design, Low in Price, AT LAVERTON & CO. S SHOWROOMS, MABT-LE-PORT STREET, BRISTOL. MANY THOUSAND YARDS CARPET, Every Quality and Colouring, Low in Price, AT LAVERTON & CO.'S SHOWROOMS. MARY-LE-PORT-STREET, 's BRISTOL. MANY THOUSAND YARDS CARPET ON SHOW. LAVERTON & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS MARYLE-PORT-STREET, 31 BRISTOL. 54 EETHL TEETH 11 TEETH! — 14 R*. HOLLAND, Dentist, 11, Nelson-street, Swansea, SUP- pl es exquisitely euame.led Artificial Teeth, made only of the best and finest materials, of good andsound wo kmansliip, at prices that will defy compet tion. 1. T. 1.1. will guarantee perfect fit, com- fort, satisfaction, and articulation in all cases, however difficult. Teeth, from 6s.: Sets, from 4. N.B.-AttendtLiiee the second and lourth Thursday in every month at Mr. A. Allan's, Medical Herbalist Market-stireet, Abcrdare. 2118 PAINS in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, JL RHEUMATISM, GOUT. DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER, STRICTURE. &c. DE. DE ROWS' COMPOUND BENAL PILLS Are celebrated al over the werkl as the mo:t safe and speedy remedy for the a iove danirerons c,iiiplants, Discharges 01 any kind. Stone in the B r.d ler, and Diseases of the Ki'ineys and t rinary Organs treneraily. P ssessing tonic propeities, they agree; with the most do-lieae stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, improve the gi neral he dth, and in tlneeda s wi.l effect a cure, wlien copaibi, cubebs, a'.d all dangerous medicines of that class have utterly failed. Is Ijd, is 9d, 4s 6d. lis, and 33i per box. These celebrated Pills ore un infallible remedy in the most obitina e cases. By their use alone many thousands have been onnually restored to health when every o her medicine has 1 failed. Their vast superiority over everything else in the eure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, and the extraordinary demand lor them ever since their fir si introduc- tion is without precedent. In no instance have they ever been known to fail or produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from eopaiba, cubebs, turpentine, and other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither confinement nor change O' diet, and may justly be considered the only safe, efficacious remedy for all stages of those disurders for which they are lecommended. THE MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WORLD. DR DE ROCS' PILULE VITÆ, OR VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. All sufferers from general n.rvoasncss and morbid fee ings, low spirits, loss of sleeji, harasa-ig dreams, unnecessary fears, i ental irritability, lailure of the mental and bodily J) -wtrg, weakness of the nerves, headache, n015P, in the head, Kldd indigestion, and other symptoms of chrobic disease, will hail with joy tha discovery of i,r De Roos' Life Pi ls, wli „h speedily am: almost magically remove pain and disease, whatever nature, restore cheerfulness to the ,-pirits vigour to the body, and strength, n all the organs on which liie and health depend. 'Ih'y do not contain a particle of mercury, but a-u purely vege- table, a d tor affections of the liver. flatulency, bile, siek head- aehf", dizzi e38 loss of ai pstite, lownes3 of spirits, 8ens»tions of fulness at the pit of the suiiiach, pam netwem the shoulders, and tne nistress arisjll frem ii.digtst n and general dt bm, y, they will be fuunU of unexampled efUcac. and it is no small a • vantage that they can oe taken at anytime without, danger e the from wet or co d, (:I" necessity for restraint from busin as, or pleasure. They act mildly on the bowels, without pain or griping, impart strength to the stomach, provide a lieaithv action to the liver, thus preventing or, when present, curing ttie jaundice or dropsy, clearing i, e skill, removing the sallowness and pimples, purifying the blood, b. acinic tho nerves, an marve lou ly invigor-ttinir the wiiole system Females nf all ages will find tliem invaluab e, aud Should never be without them. Price Is. lAd., 2s 9d., 4s. !iù lis., and 33s. per box. THE MOST ASTOUNDING CURES are daily being effected in <>f Nervous D jb litv, Im- purIty o the Blood, Defective Circulation, Lamfnnr, Lassitude, Depression of Sp rits. Indigesiion, Pain ana Palpitation in the Side, Harassing Dreams, &c. &c., by means of DR. DE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTÆ VITÆ OR VEGETABLE LIFE DKOPS, whose effe is a ereall misrical in rtstoriiig lost tone in the system (arising from whatever cause), re-in\uorating and en- livviung the whole corporeal frame, and gradually, but effec- tively, buiMing up tho most shattered const,tut.'on." *lthou»h ttiig trnlv wonderful recuperative toDicis not put forward as lmp. rtmg immortality, it is not too much to say that by its malJS New Life i", as it were, imparted to the nervous and debilitat d, ho .vere eviu<ntly sinking into an early «rave whilst to heBe of maturery<ars it willgent.'y .nd serenely pro- tract the close of life. Thousands of apparently hopeless case-, givsu up b the facuity, are now in the enjoyment of hralth (liie's greatest blessing), i living testimony to the un- speakable value of this remai kable medicine. Hundreds Lf testi- monia s. too num. rous to publi.h may be seen by any one. The P eparatiou is extremely i:lea^ant to take, and nOD" need suffer N" hil,,t u,h a mi,actilous medicament ia in existence. Persons ) of studious habits, debilitated feuiales, and those on whom the Wear and tear of life is beginning to tell, should persevere steadily with this Life-reviving Topic for one month, and they will be*astonished at its results. All those who have tried o her mean- galvanic and electric appliances, &c., without any bene- ficial result, are earnestly recommended to make fair trial of this medicine, which, being concocted on the highest scientific principles, inva i bly succeeds. The greatest success attendant on this wonderful discovery has I, d to a host of humhle and worthless imitations. Price lis. and 33s. per Bottle. The large size contain sufficient for loar weeks. I,NIP )RIANT NOTICE TO THK PUBLD'Every package of Dr DE KOOB' preparations bears the Government Stamp with the w, rds WALTER DE ROOS, London," in White Letters on a Hed Ground, by order of Her Majesty's Honourable Com- missioners, without which none can possibly be genuine Dr; DE Roos'world-famed medicines are sold by Mr Anthony, Mr Joy, and Mr Coleman, chemists, C .rdiff Mr Burridge, chemist, 3', High-street, Bri-tol; and they maybe obtained of every Patent Medicine Vendor in the world, of most Chemists, or should the least difficulty occur, will be forwarded to any part of tho Umted Kingdom (Carriage Free) per retnrn, on receipt of the amount, by Dr Dr: Roos 43, Holford Square, London, W.a Debilitated and nervous suflereri should read the Medical Adviser." by Dr DE HODS. un the secret causes of nervous de- bility, unhappy an i unfruitful marriages, impotency, depres- sion of spirits, and confirmed melancholy, too frequently traceable to certain pernicious habits acquired in early life. Sent post free on receipt of twelve s'mps ny Mr LAWES, Medi- cal Publisher, 14, Hand-court, Holborn, London, W.C. A small r edition may be had post fee for two stamps. 6553 AND THE PRAISE THEREOF SHALL BE IN EVERY UOUTd COPP, SON, & CO.'S Peerless Vegetable Antiseptic Dental SCALING POWDER, subtle and power- ful, luxurious, and aromatic, has established itself with unex- ampled rap dity a sine qua non of the toilet-table. Going-difect to the root of disease, and eradicating the very germ of decay, it obviates, and has euu-«ly superseded the impairing and trouble- some process of mechanical eeatiner. It acts beneffcially on the enamel, irresistibly removes tartar, preserves, strengthens, and gives to teeth a dazzling pearly whiteness. Continued applica- tion absolutely insures to them a lasting, healthful, and health- givintr vigour. AltQough not artificially scented, it imparts a delightful fragrance to the breath. mu.- Examined and recommended by Dr. Eascn Wiltenfon, gg Mosiey-gtreet, Manchester; and Dr. Henry Ramsbotham, lg* Park-lane, Leeds. Price, Is 6d, Ss 6d, and 68 per box. Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, or sent,, Post Free, by the Inventor and Sole Pro- prietors, COPP, SON, & CO., 2675 DENTISTS. 6. WATERLOO-ROAD. MANCHESTER, oaa CHA INBI CHAINS! CHAINS! 1 CHARLES YARDLEY, CRADLEY HEATH, NEAR BRIERLEY HILL, SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE. ESTABLISHED, 1844- MANUFACTURER OF BEST, BEST BEST, & TREBLE BEST TESTED COLLIERY, INCLINE, AND CRANE CHAINS OF WARRANTED QUALITY. PLATE NAILS, SPIKES, TRAMWAY DOGS, RIVETS, &c. WESTON'S PATENT DIFFERENTIAL PULLEY BLOCKS, li-OnT- JIOTHE R Q I L L'S CIGARS. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WBOLESALE.-4. STUART-HALL, CARDIFF tTsEONLY JJIOTHERGILL'S TOBAUUO. SOLD EVERYWHERE WHOLESALE—4 STUART-HALb CARDfFF. 124 dTI RIFFIT3S —There la but one GRIFFITHS IJ tiECOyi>HAND FIREPROOF SAFE DSALSft in the world, who has always the most extenmve aasonment of Safes by Chatwood, Milner, and the eminent maken, at about half the price of new. A Guarantee with each. Illustrated Price Uso Post Free, GRIFFITHS, the SAFE MAN 48, CANNON-STREET. E.C. 29 "EFFECTUAL CURE FOR SMOKY CHIMNEYS. PATENT NOISELESS REVOLVING CHIMNEY COWL, CONTRACTORS, No. 1, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. Carriage paid within a radius of 12 miles from Cardiff. 6632 THE RIGHT THLN G IN THERIGHT PLAO.'t. BEECHA M'S PILLS. Are admitted by thousands to be wor h above a guinea a box lot BJious and Nervou* Disorders, tuch as Wind and pain iu the ;tuiusch, sick headache, giddiuesi, fullness, arid swelling after «neaii, d aziness and drowbinesa, cold chills, flushin r of heat, loss o; appetite, shortness of breath, eosliveness. scurvy aiici blotches of the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and a 1 nervous ana tremclintr sensations, etc., etc. The first dose will sive relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for the,- have done it in thousands of cases. The Proprietor ot these Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patent for them, he challenges the whole norld to produce a medicine to equal them for the above-named complaints, ano restoring the patient to saund and lasting health. Every suffered is earnestly invited to try one box ( f these Pills and they will bt Lcknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of ail ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few dose4 ef them carry off ali gross humours, and open all obstructions, lnd bring about all that is required. N (J ieraale should be without them, ihere is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PiLLS for removing iny tbstruction er irre.ularities of the sjt- Sem. If taken according to tee diiections niven with each box. 'il¡¡y will soon restore females of all ages to sound aud robuet iesith. For a weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important oigaus in the human machine. They st»enthen the whole mU'cuia: system, restore the lorn; lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD of health, tt,e whole physical energy of the human frame. These &re FAlirS admitted by > bousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to ihe Nervous and debilitated is B EEC HAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medi- cine in the world. .b LECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Difficulty in breathing, fehortnets ot Breath, Tightness and Oppression ot the Chest, Wheezing, etc., thete Pule stands led and any onii labouring under the above complaints need only tr, ON a BOX to prove that they are the Best ever offered to th public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and oppre.-SJon of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense ol Oppression and Difficulty of Breathing which nigbtiy deprivt the patient of rest. They will give almost instant reLef anu comfort to those afflicted wth the above distressing and, W¡,.e¡¡ neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any persou troubled with any of the above complaints give BEECHAM'S COUGH 1'ILLfc a trial, and they will act like Magic. The most violent Cough wil in a shjit time be removed. h. Public are requested to notice that the words Beecham's Pi Is, St Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixeu to Box ol the Pills, if not on, they are a t org ery. Piepaiea only, and old Wholesale and Retail, by the Pro- prietor. THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helell, Lancashire, in Boxet, is iju ana ia 9d each. Sent Post Free for 15 or 36 Sumps. bold by all Druggists and Patent ileuicine Dealer; in tli United Kingdom. :¿4i1:J ^.B.—FULL DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN WITH EACH f"\J. JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT. (Trade if art-—Registered,) OR EVtKY MANS i ND? THE BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for Baiinjij SId8 Diseases, and tores of all kinds. It CweII Old bores, Ulcerated Sore Legs. It cures UlcerMeu Sores on the head mnd Neck. It cures Blackheais, or Pimp e: on the Face. It cures scurvy Soiee. Casoerous Ulcers. It cures Burns a <d Scalds, Kingwera, Itch, PIJa It cures Weak and WVerv Eyes. It cures lied and nore EyeJids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving Specs or Floating Bodies beion the SyeI. It cures Cataracts and Partial Blindni ss. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures Children's Sore Eyes left after Measlea J allays Inflammation in a few tours, and soothes pain vert nuickly. Sola in pois b. It., 18. 9d., ano 4s. tid. THE WONLERFUL BLOOD PURIl IER. JONES & CO.'S UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark—"Purifying Mixture," For purifying, cleansing, anu clearing the blood from all in-purities, arising from wnalevel cause, and guaranteed to t e i he best preparation in the wo r.d for all erup. ions of the akin, blotches, spots, pimples, blockheads, pustules, boils, carbunclts, iingworms, scad heads, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch scurf, scrofula, scurv. glandular swellings, can.erous ulcers, bad legs, piles, syphiii secondary sjmpt ii.e, and for al, blood and skin diseases. For rheumat sm also it is unequalled for relieving pans and subduing iuBammumiQu. and speedily effect ing a perfect cure. It is agreeable, paatvble, and safe, and may be taken at all seaso. s and under au.> circumstances. Sold in bottles at 3d. and 4s. 6d. e*. h, and in eases (containing six times the quantity). I s aJi; b) ..11 Cneu is s and fatr-nt Medicine Venders thr, ughout the Unitea Kingdom, or sent to any address on leceipt ot 27, 66, or 182 stamps. COCGttS! C'lUGHS! JC.N&VS I&AYSL OF HOREtlOUNt), TOLD, AND LINSEED (Rcgtsu-reu). rpHE MOST AGREEABLE and EFFECTUAL Jt. remeuy for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis winter coughs, difficult Breathing, whoop ag- cough, boarae- ntss, Iosd <3 voks, au » ali attecMonsoi Ute chest and lungs One brittle in most casea eft eels a ctue. trice Is. Tja.' 2s. M., and 4s 6d. per bottle. J uN E S'S PATENT VFCETABLS PILLS FOR WIND (Revistereri^ ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad digestion, wind ena pain in tho stomach, hvei complaints, Jaundice, siek heada he, pains *i th« lO*> oi appethe, pain in the bu k, flatujencv cTia'n^ a sen« of weuht u. the Oack a#d he regions of the heart, liver and kidneyiL^iMUL^io, pains in the thighs, sometimes Shoot; downwthecai and feet, suppression and retention n t stomach, aad ail liver corapl^nts. l v cuied by tliese Wis, and K'tSL Uorou«hl>' r«WRE^ their use. BOX WILL ^NVl^E^MOST SCEPTICAL OF T1iUR Sold iJI DeDI at li. it", iø. iiL Md AL Id. each. Sent post f' lor 16 or 3;¡ 8tawpø. Sole mabuf&ctunn W JOllfl aad Us., 161, lJerL « ^^RKABI* cuses. TWr Qira _Tt ^^wpool, 20th March, 1874. the good effects year PL' ^NQ ALL OCvTMEM hi done i i dEAL- biuien on the leg by a venoL^ i- yearB 1 WM life anu I oow deciin cost me my £ 150 in doctors' bill^, #P,ndlnK OV" healed after 1 18 D*w OiN MKNT anri f« ?. poU > ^ORLP-FAMED MIXTURE. Ti « t .v C8*eB of yonr universal PURIFYING whshee may lhe any person who Your very mernmt, Mellira. J0De8 00. JAXBB hma. T 13, low. 1071. Mr.. Jones &'i G) I —Teimlaf lawer o hjfrydwch wrth ddwyn tystio- nnrif^i r, effeithiolrwydd eich Bairn Peswch. Y mae yn oaeaig, c,i.nyg darfu i un gestrelaid fechan lwyr wei'a fy n?wriig t crygni,»Uwyr golliad ei lais. Argymheilwn ef i uc a boonydir gaa yr anwyd. Yr elddoch yn ufudd, „ ——— J. MWCK. CrOll yma CoUago, Llanfair Oajrsinioa, Welsl pool, lonawr 13,1873 roneddigion,—Oyda pWeser ayfiydwcb yr ydwyf yn ytgrifenn actoch ich hysbysu fod eich—Peleni gwyn—gwerthfawr weci fv hgweilayn bolJel- Sf oecld amaf chwant bwyd yn fy nK" dy v noson yotiil ar 01 11 cymeryd,—ac yr oeddwn sn meddwl lawe'i I- wrth fyned i'tiu gwely na baaswn byth codi o bono, ond jit |>wr yr w_\ f yn meddu ar yspryd a chalon newydd, fe hoffwn it byd W) bod am danynt.- Y r eiddoch yn ddiolchpr, Meistri Jones and Co. Jour MOBSAX. S«ld by all CheBiiats. Aamrrs roa CAEMFT AND Disrwor. Newport, Mr. E. Thomas, Llanelly, Mr. Hughes chemist, Commercial-street, Ccraigan, Mr. Jones. and Us. 8. Youug. ISerthyr, Mr. Grif&tbs. v-ardiff, Mr. Williams, Bute- Carmarthen, -Smith & Co. street, Joy, and Colsnan. Dow lais, iht. Evans. I Pontypool, Stephens. Aberdare, Mr. Thotnas IJrit'gend, Mr. Price. Llaneny, ih. Brown. NeLtti, r. n a m ioatypridd, J. DavieL Swa. sta Mr. WiliiamS, 4, Ol- Monmonth, Dawe SOD. ford-street. Bristol, flniln.ll>" NEWPORT.—T. Edmonds, 6, HlJlt-ltree PAIS* S, CoaUnSreza)-BUWL And dealers in patent rofjMn* «-«— WBOLBSAU AOSNTS—Means. Sanger and toss, Ms«trs. Baraaj butsoil and (;o., LOD I •nd Sons, and suttoa and Co., London} Or direet from the Propreton (for 3 WILLIAM JONES FT CO-, I 111. Qnat .Ii UVØPOOL. 2538-223* 1 fJlHB STUDIO ROY A L HERR GOLDMAN, A RUST AND PH WlOG R APliKR, 46, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. The only PATENTEE for the PATH T VANDEP-WEYK PROCESS. 7. CARTES taken from 78 per down. OIL PAINTINGS and WATER-COLOURED PICTURES all dose on the Premises at VERY MODERATE PRICES. 102 A visit is respectfully invited. Open from Eight am, to Ten p.m. li. JtflLL POSTER, • A'7- .(I)IVE^'f]S'IXG CONTRACTOR, o pAif,?»S;S^REET, CARDIFF, AND D,fR?IFF STREET, ABERDARE, TIONS in rve,!i,Tr;r':i|i Wul !n"st Prominent POSTING STA- TIONS >n CaidHU.f-ton.j ,.V,er f-» .i^rdare J)ATT0-S PODOPHTLLIN PILLS. thellTtr_ 4 J"" tOTtt. FACULTY. INDIGESTION CURED BY DAVID'S DIGESTIVE POWDERS: In Boxes atls: dd. ft 2s. Sd. each. Pleasant to take Sold by an Chemists. RIFARIO ONLY BY 1597 JOHN DAVID, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 76, oXt'ORD-Si'REET, SWANSEA. gTLFF'S STARCH. 0 TIFF'S STARCH. Trade Mark—" Queen Bess.' STIFFS STARCH. One Trial of this Beautiful Starch will prove its Superiority. STIFF'S STARCH. Sold by Grocers, Druggists, and Oilmen; and Wholesale at 19, REDCLIFF-STREET, BRISTOL. 2771 To the Young Men of England who suue, UIMm Nervous DrfHlitv. Just Publi^jied. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID; designed as a Warnint and a Caution tootners; suppiyiu- it th-mme tune,u a 5» L g of Selt-cure, b* one who has cured bimseti, after undergoing the usual amount c Medical Imposit on and Quackery. Single copies mav be hai (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to th< Author, ARTOT- DIXON, Esq., Hounslow, near London. on THE UiiEAi BLUOii PliKlEilfK mHOMPSON-8 BURDOCK PN.RFA overoom. tuc woretionnso .diseassi. ana uhe iouiest State ,f th« L,oOIl, stomacn, uver, and kiuueye; they go to tne core o! ever disease where no otner medicines have power to reach The GREAT BLOOD PURiJ'LER cures the following COBS wn,.d in the stomach or bowels, riddi < neas in the head, annness of sight, weak or sore eyes, loss of memory, palpitation U the heart, Uver. and bilioui abi'xuctiona, asthma, or tiehtneBs in tj,e cbest, rheu matics, lumva.g-o, piles, gravel, pains the back eenrvy, bad lejre, bad-breast, sore throat, tore heads, and sores 0 aLKiescriptions, burns, wounds, o: white swekiuga, scrofula, oi king's evil, gatherings, tumoure or cancers, pimples and blotehe. DID the face and body, swelled feet or legs, scabs Miditeb Sryspelae, jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In Doxec at 18.. and SR. va. each, sold by most Chemists, the Burdock Pill Manufactory. 44. iq THE UUAL iar o ii.x' (W right's Sapo CaP- bonis Detergens). It purifies, cleanses, and saeetens tber akin, taking away all pimples, biotebes, and rou^hneac. By its antiseptic qualities it wards off ail infectious diseases. Such as Smalipox, Scarlatina, Fever, <fcc., and thoroughU puri- fies the body after an attack, so neeessary for the prevention ol the graver secondary complications. its mild and healthful action makes it partienlarly useful foe children, preventing and curing the many forms of skin disess" to which they are subject. It is the oniy true antiseptic soap. "-Britiah Mediaoi Journal. In our bands it has been most effective in JU— ■ —The- Lancet. An unfailing remedy for foul breath (when usel as a dnrta. friee), and an unpleasant odour from thenerson.—; <r. In Tablets, 6J. anu Is. W. V. WRIGHT & CO., Southwark-street, London. CAUTIOH.—This is the only Coal Tar Soap that is recoBMBMd^ by the medical profession. We caution the public against ttui anurious Coal Tar Soaps with which the market is flooded. 6= DAVIES S (cwmavoa) TONIC, APERIENT. AND edVER PiLLS, are a most efficKnt rrmndy or persona suffering tromm indigestion, liver oommaints, costive. Bee" sickness, wind in the stosaaeb, lowness of spirits, singing noises in the ears{ nervourtness, palpitation of the heart, giddi- ness, headache, pilesgruvel, tic doioreux, &c. They may be taken with safety at any season of the vear, and require no eon- Anement to the neuse; on the contrary, moderate exercise pro- motes their gooa effects. One trial wiil ensure their being rokio. tered as The Family Pills," so ten tie is their action, so certain their cure. Sold in boxes at It. 1 and 2s. 9d. each, preparwi and sold by the sole proprietor, Thomas Howell, Pharmaceutical Chemist, ftt-sti-t, Cardiff and may be had of all respectable cbemi-W Sent direct 111 BANNER'S PATENT FEMALE pn"- i On, invaluable Meu.cuie has relieved thousands ina the xwiitte, u,t tn^ re4u st of many ol th^se beneLtea. tUis opportunity of making puoJcto the woliU this edmirio v aeUcate a ^rever la"Unt; reru-u-1» has fla teringl been uescnt>ed by tin recipent of its virtues "the maiden's companion, the wue s friend, anu tue Sway and support of hale health inofcTaee • not wo; th a Guiuea a Box but a Guinea a PiiL" This trnJhy ren U fiie-nd can es no suaaeu revolutions in the system, but slowly, sUentl,, a. d surely in expeXig th^s^Sn^8 Zflte t>ody, aBd leaving the pure principle of life uofeiteredby di^. securuiy the dear complexion and placi mind insepaible healih, in short, af once alleviating the sufferings of the afflw^f B»nd^atelV acnr*in evef7 instance of howeveTl^ The w Isxthroughout the land long lelt by the Faculty and their patients is u«w recognised in this latent Mediane • the faS« delicacy surrounding thecritical Situations cf me nwdeu tnewii7 and matron is now at once removed, a.,d not u. limit the ime of th s invaluac le discovery to any cias* the price 'is purpo,elv fixed so ai to be accessible teatt. Theooject of me isto^ve this wholes jme, natural,and life-invigoratinKmedicme from bein^ co.foundeu with the extortionate empiricism ofthe day as hedoS n t ridiculously vau u it apauaoeafor "all the ills that nbah]. heir to." but .-imply for wnat hiS mtrudrd ss a purely thera" peutical a^em in preventing a d curing co nplamts in"women BubsecuWe t their position in life. The Patentee is "ratified 11) recHViiigdaily thankful acknowledgments from grateful recinienti trom all parta. Copy of Medical Certificates and Testimonials. Liverpool, Aovember 12th, 181" "Havir^ carefully examined Mr &KNt:-JL'. FKBALB Piub wttfc reference to their ingredients and properties, and having hat gatisfac ory experience of their etiicac I am of opinion that while perfectly safe and exempt from injurious substances, thej 9J well calculated to be very benefic al as a hotisehold medieint in he numerous d ies of diaor ers and ailments to wh ch tht female constitution is more pecu iar1 liable. "A. McLkli^AS, L R C.S, Edinburgh, and L.S.A., London: eight ears hou-osurgeon Soutn»rn Dispensary, Public Vacci. nator, a.<d t arisJ. Doctor for Liverpool." copy of a certificate iroui .> and Surgeon. "I have examined the composition and properties at III BAsNaRls FbjiaLiK PILLS, and I am satisfied in, aole to certif v that they are of desirable ingredients, and likely to be t»ei><&cial in many cases. The e i nothing deleterious m the properties of the composition, and they LLaygbe safely use J by delicate femalea u 'JOHS Db OOPRCT YOUNO, r- Coll. Pht^, Edin.. &c 144, Phythian-street, Liverpooh "l7h September, Marvellous Cure of a Hopeless Case, given itp by foar rxjirisiij Physicians anu burgeons. Copy f the graceful Mutatr's Testimonial. "My daughter, ELULN WOODS, Ma -lane, West Derby Suffered five months, and Wis attended by four different Surgeonl and Fhys c:ans without any benefit, »h n we tried BAKITRK'i Suffered five months, and Wis attended by four different Surgeonl and ehysullas without any benefit, uh-n we tried BAKITRK'i PATBKT FbhaIiB Pus. The first box relieved, and th sixth bo) completely restored her to health, to the great happiness of he. family." To prevent imposture, and to save the public from having worth ess cpurious imitations foisted upon them, the Pills an Bold only ,1.1 Government stamped boxes, at Is lid and 2s 9d each. ando,, receipt oi either sum, with Id for postage, a b x can 1M foi warded to an) address direct from the Patent Fill Manufactory, 66, Boaler-street, Liverpool. S .ouid yo«r ubewwt not have them IB stock, he wi pocure them it teqilegte& m AND Co., toveatry, Wholesale Aeelktsfor the idegam W- Midimati Llistriet. 26L2 ONE BOX ofCLARKE'B B 41 PILLS U Vsl ranted to cwe-all disxLai^m from "lle urinary organs is eii.uerc.ex, acqurrea oc Constitutional, gravel, and pains in tiu back. Sold in boxes. 4& 6a eaoh, by all chemists and patent median e vendors; or aentto anyeddneas for SO oy the maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High-street, umcofen. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and aL the whole, sale houaaa. SOWU1 Oaraifi by Joy and GolonVU4 OicasMs Mew port, E. M. Thoma«, 121, Commerolal-street; Pontypool, K Stephens, Clarence-sttreet L. P. Jones, Ebbw Vale; A. J. Price Bridgen" Oaroiff II. mbony. Roval Arcade, and 80, Mary Street. So P. Kemick. Wholesale, S8, Dake-street. R-moft j. me@ Huoties, go. t G, Price, 127, Commercial-ertreot Newport, (Mon.) f Q EAD DR. BARNES'NEW WORK, entitled, IA; •' now T.) E-v?frCOiNFlDE1s IA? F tiJSN i un t e LA s GOv ERivIfiG LIFE, and the CAUSER SVMPTOliS, and TR&AJMBNT of all diseases dependin? M hwsfconof Nervons V«t»htv, 8ueh as Nerv0,|, «J* and Pi \sical DeptessioB, P«lpi atKm of the Heart Noisss in tlJi H^ad al d Eais, lnutoition, Impaired St^ht and Mpmn r i Sfo" ration, d. Depr^on T Solitude, OwuiSS'FiSidSl Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Rhuem&t.i8m, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and Kervous and Alimentary System. diseases of the ll'u trated by numerous tea imonials fiom rritir .1 ■ who to hea1Ul throggh the ILUME, futna" Sent post free for 2 fftlinpg .or by letter post S o2fmw: or bJ lMKr p«t S BUBin The FE^AUi S FRIE1ND and A 'VISE R will be seat ATlfl to any address on RECEIPT of TAMPED ENVELOPE. Adar- Dr. J. A. BARNES, 48, Lotiodale Square, Bansbmr, N. D Important to Country Patients. R. BARNES may be consulted personally oi by letter, in all private and confidential cases and or the benefit of Nervous !-uffere » who cannot visit him, he will on re- ceiving a description of their case, enclosing a s amped envelop* for repHy, beroady'ogive his opinion upon the nature ol caM, and the principles of treatment neeessary to effect a perfect cure. Addr* J. BARNES, 4S, Lonsdale Barasbwry, London. Jf,