Papurau Newydd Cymru

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At St. Helens, Mr. J. Merrill, mllkdealer Bickftntaffe Street bnsbeen summoned for ee'ling milk which was certified by Dr. Campbell Brown to contain thirteen parts of water. Mr. Merrill said he sold it in exactly the same state as he re- ceived it from the farmers.—He was fined 10s. and costa. At Leeds Assizes, Arthur Oldfield, thirty-one, collier, has been found guilty of outraging & young woman named Fish, whose jaw was broken in two places and her eye injured. He had been pre- viously convicted, and had been in penal servitude. He was sentenced to receive twenty strokes with the eat, and to be kept in penal emifrude for threj lear1.. MYNYDDISLWYN SCHOOL BOUT. The ordinary meeting of tile Board • .••• held at N^wl.ridge on Thursday week. Mr. V. Bowen prw.i1,g, There wer-a-so Rev. S. Jacks.m, the Rev. W James, Mr. H. Phillips. Mr. C. H. Scott, Mr. W. Adams, and the Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were 1 «, nd adopted. FINANCIAL. The Clerk stated that since the last met" mg I they had receiTedf 500 from t e overseers, and other payments, making a total of £67'" 1,5,. Amongst the payments that day was one of 23 9s 4d, the expenses of the deputation whii ] w.-ist to London relative to the West Monmouth School. The Board had agreed to pay the rtvi- sonable expenses of the deputation, which -.vas composed of three members and the clerk. Tbt:: teachers' salaries for the quarter amounted to 94 1,3s 3d, ar,(] here was a!so £ 193 1^ .j.,£ cue to the Bank of England. After Dayman r' a' lay, there would be a balance overdrawn < i.302 14s lid. It was resohed that cheques lv- drawn iur h" amounts indicated. CONG KATULATORV. The Chairman at this point said he was p;i:,t,d to see with ih that day the Rcy. W. Jeut s who had bee i. unwell and unai to attend >< r Rome tmie. ilst he welcomed him bark. 1 e regretted that they were going to ;ose the genial company of the Rev. S. Jackson, who had been appointed to an important living. At the swe time, he was proud to think tiiat Mr. Jack-on was considered worthy of such a very important advance and from the knowledge which he bad had of him for the past ten or eleven years, he did not think the bishop could have made a better appointment to the parish of Maesteg, where they were unanimous in expressing the hope that their friend would spend a very happy period. Mr. Phillips had pleasure in endorsing the re- marks of the chairman. Mr. James said that for his own part he had to thank the Board for their good wishes upon his recovery. As far as Mr. Jackson was con- cerned, he endorsed every word tiiat had been said, and felt that the bishop could not have made a better appoint- ment. Mr. Jackson had been a hard worker in the church, and deserved the promotion that bad fallen to his lot. He was certain also that the testimony which the chairman, as a Nonconfor- mist, had borne to Mr. Jackson, would go very far in his favour. Mr. Scott also endorsed the remarks of the previous speakers. For himself he was losing a thoroughly good personal frier d. He would be much missed at the Board and in the parish; and he was sorry Mr. Jackson was going away. Mr. Adams also added his testimony to Mr. Jackson's worth. Mr. Jackson thanked the members for thidr kind, and, he believed, sincere expressions in re- lation to himself as a member of the Local Board, and also as a friend. What he hoped was this, that in leaving them he should not be leaving them for good, as it were, but that the friend- ship which bad been begun would be continued. Their friendship had been sincere from the very moment he entered into that parish. He should never forget their kindness and the respect they had shewn him at all times and though he was leaving, he hoped he should have opportunities of meeting them again. (Hear, hear.) ABEKCARN SCHOOL. The next item on the agenda was to consider an application from Mr. J. Hughes, of the Aber- earn Boys' School, for an additional teacher, and to make the appointment if deemed desirable. Mr. Jackson said it was probable that on the 26th they would be receiving the resignation of Mr. Lewis, an assistant, who had decided upon eoing to college, and that there was no time to be lost. He would suggest that Mr. Lewis be written to on the matter, and, subject to his re- signation, an extra teacher should be advertised for. This was agreed to. Mr. Jacksonjladded" that as Mrs. Hughes would terminate her engagement in May, perhaps it would be as well at the same time to advertise for two teachers. He would propose that. Mr. Scott seconded, and the proposition was carried. CROSS ROADS SCHOOL STAFF. This matter came up for discussion, and was relegated to the visitors for consideration with the head teacher. THE STORM. A report as to the damage done to the building by the late gale was also referred to the visitors. Mr. James said the storm had played havoc with the school at Pontllanfraith. Some of the chimney-pots had been blown off, and others were in danger. The matter was one of immedi- ate attention. This was also referred to the visitors. TRIXANT SCHOOL. Mr. Roberts (assistant to Mr. G. Rosser, the architect) attended the Board with particulars of the furniture required for the above school, and was instructed to obtain tenders from local tradesmen, IRREGULAR ATTEDANCE AT THE NEWBRIDGE SCHOOLS. A letter was read from the head teachers of the Newbridge Schools, calling attention to the very low average attendance at the schools, which for the quarter was 69, 66, and 62 in the three departments respectively. Such a state of things was disastrous to progress, and, as H.M. Inspector remarked last year, a serious blot upon the school. They did not think that the name of having a non-efficient school should rest alto- gether upon their shoulders, and therefore sought the advice of the Board to remedy the evil. Mr. Jackson Is there any epidemic here ? Mr. Phillips No epidemic whatever. One day I went into the school, and was told that in one department there were only 80 present out of 160 children. Williams, the attendance officer, was called in, and said the epidemic of measles was very bad at Crumlm and PontUanfraith. He could not account for the low attendance at Newbridge except that it was impossible to get the children to go to school. Mr. Jackson said things had some to an abomi- nable pass. It was discreditable and disgraceful. Parents did net care for free education or the attendance officer. The Chairman I hope the reporters will not put those remarks down, or the people at Maes- teg will think you have come from the back- woods of America. ( Laughter.) Mr. Jackson I judge the district according to the children. Mr. Adams: I think it is father a reflection upon the parents, but«the officer says the children are sent to school. Mr. Jackson If I had a child, I'd see that he went to school. The attendance at Newbridge is, I am sorry to say, a reflection upon the whole Board. Mr. Adams thought there was something de- trimental in other quarters as to why the child- ren did not attend school. Mr. Jackson It must lie at the door of the parents, the attendance officer, or the Board. Evidently, there is something wrong ip the whole educational machinery here at Newbridge. Mr. Adams suggested that a meeting should be held which the parents of defaulters should be asked to attend. Mr. Phillips thought that as the Abercarn Schools were closed at present, both the officers should devote themselves exclusively to New- bridge for a time. He did not like to be W9rried every day he went out by seeing a lot of children -20 or 30—playing about who ought to be in the school, and would like somebody else to be wor- ried as well as himself. This suggestion was adopted, and it was also decided to have a special meeting for the attend- ance of parents at an early date the chairman remarking that they were determined to have better attendance. RESIGNATIONS. Mr. W. G. Stocker's resignation was accepted, as also was that of Mr. A. Pugh, the latter of whom is going to college and it was decided to write him a letter wishing him every success. APPLICATION. A letter was read from the cleaner of the Abercarn Schools, asking for an increase of wages on account of increased work through the technical instruction classes. The matter was left to the visitors. APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS. Misses E. J. Jones and E. A, Arthan were re- appointed assistants at Newbridge and Crumlin respectively. YNISDDU SCHOOL. The clerk was instructed to advertise for a teacher in the place of Miss Edwards, who had sent in her resignation. This was all the business.





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