Sale by Mr. William Freeman. GIIOWING CROPS AT BRYNGWYN BACH FARNI, CAERWYS, situate about 1 mile from the Traveller's Inn, on the St. Asaph Road. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN RESPECTFULLY announces that he is favored with instructions from MR SANDBACH, to fell by AUCTION, on TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13tb, 1878, at Six o'clock prompt, at the TRAVELLER'S INN,, CAERWYS, Subject to such conditions as shall then be named, all his share as out going Tenant of 14 Acres of very /N promising Wheat, and of Eight Acres of splendid Winter Oats. Two Months' Credit will be given (if required), on approved Security, or discount for cash. To view the game, apply to Mr Sandbacb, to the present tenant on the farmer to the AUCTIONEER. BTRLW To Go ollp. Auction Office, Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. Eligible Freehold and Leasehold I'ropertiei- situate at Greenfield, in the parish of Holy- well in the County ot Fhnt. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN AT the RED LION HOTEL, HOLYWBM-, on WEDNES- DAY, the 21st day of AUGUST, 1878, at 3 p.m., subject to such conditions as shall be then and the", produced, LOT 1- All those valuable Leasehold Premises, licensed for the out- <loi.r sale of Wine. Beer, &c., and known as the Victoria Stores," with the Messuage or D-wellrag-house, & public ttake- hou-te attached, situate at Greenfield aforesaid, and now in the- occunation of Mrs Jane Owens. An excellent business is done in the out-door Beer trade, and also in the public oakery trade. This lot, which would be very suitable for Brewery, w Grain or Grocery Stores, is held under lease of bir Pyers Mostyn, Batt., for a term of which 30 years is unexpired, at the nominal annual rent of £ 5. LOT 2. All that Messuage, Tenement, or Dwelling-house near to the last mentioned lot (with the Garden thereto belonging f Victoria Stores,") now in the occupation' "?«hew-.7- m wsGardener This lot is also hold under of Mr■ WiUiam JoncEGardener. fL q{ 40 fuLxpi edflt the annual rent of £ 5 10s. Od. The Garden a fiords an excellent site for building purposes The above will be first offered in one lot. LOT 3. All that Leasehold DWELLING HOUSE and Out-Office, with the Garden thereto, containing about 2 roods 12 Pl rches, BiiintP at lGreenfield aforesaid, and on the north-east side of the road leading from Holywell to Grecnfield and known as Sea View House," in the occupation of Mr Lowe, Ihe f house, which commands excellent views, contains on the ground floor two parlours, excellent kitchen, back kitchen, V-/ pantry and good cellar, and on the second floor, four airy *Wm bedrooms, and an attic.. 3F The GARDEN contains greenhouse, and vinery, and is well stocked with excellent fruit trees, and choice plants. This nroDertv is alBo held under lease of Sir Pyers Mostyn, Bart., for a term of which 54 years are unexpired, at tjie annual rewUh1be° abo've will be sold the tenant's interest of and in „arden ill front of the house, whicb is held under &r Pyers Mostyn, Bart., at a nominal rent of three shillings P<Early possession may be had, the crops, &c., being taken at a valuation. All those three Freehold Messuages or Dwelling Houses situate at Greenfield, aforesaid, and on the south-east side o Station-road, now in the respective occupations of Mrs Pany, Mr Davies, and Mr Leaning. This property is most substantially built with excellent materials, has good cellars, and being on the direct road to the Railway Station, is most favourably situated for business purposes. The corner house; is well adapted for and would be easily converted into a Public House °rTheUminerals under the whole of the lots are reserved. To view the respective lots, apply to the Tenants on the premises. For further particulars as to lots 1 and 2, apply to Mr H. A. Cope, solicitor, Holywell; as to lots 3 and 4, to Messrs. Finchett, Maddock & Co., solicitors, Chester; and as to the whole, to the Auctioneer, at his offices, Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. AUGUST, 1878. LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. Tke fast-sailing steamer W I F TSUBE" ROBERT LOWE, Master; Fitted up specially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN, leaving North end of the Prince's landing Stage, and Mostyn, (weather permitting) with liberty to tow, asunder DATE. From LIVERPOOL, From MOSTYN. 9 Friday 9 0 a. m )0 Saturday 4 0 p.m. 8 86 p.m 12 Monday 6 46 p.m 8 30 a.m 13 Tuesday. 10 45 am 14 Wednesday 8 SO a.m 1 0 p.m 15 Thursday 9 0 a-m 1 80 P.m 16 Fridav 9 a.m 2 0 p.m 17 Saturday 9 0 a.m 2 30 p.m 1Q Mrmdav W 0 p.m 20 Tuesday 30 a.m 4 0 p.m 21 Wednesday 11 0 a.m 4 30 p.m 22 Thursday 12 80 p.m 5 35 p.m OQ Friday 1 45 P.M « P-M SLuJw g i5a^ $. w 30 am 28 Wednesday 8 0 a.m 12 20 p.m ;9 Thursday 8 0 a.m 1 0 p.m 30 Friday 8 30 a.m 1 80 p.m 81 Saturday 9 0 a.m 2 0 p.m 12;h-Excursion—Mostyn to Liverpool and back, Fare, Fore Cabin 2B, Bridge 2s 6d. 26th— Excursion—Mostyn to Liverpool and back, Fare, Fore Cabin 2s, Bridge 2s 6d. Heavy Goods received at the Chester Basin, near St. George's Baths, for Mostyn, as under August 1st, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p.m 2nd, 4 0 p.m: to B 0 p.m 6th 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p.m.; 9th, 11 80 a.m. to 1 80 p.m.; 13th, J o'p.m- to 3 0 p.m.; 15th, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 pm.; 19th, 4 0 T) m. to 6 0 p.m.; 22nd, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p.m.; 27th, I 0 p.m. to 3 0 p.m.; 29th, 3 <» p.m to 5 p.m. Light Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an hour before the time of sailing. The Steamer not to be-held responsible for non-sailings. Steamer not accountable for damage or injury to Horses, Carriages, or any Live Stock. Goods, when landed are entirely at tbe risk of the r onsigfiees. Passengers taken on board and landed at New Brighton on notice being given to the Pier Master there. „. FAKES FORE CABIN, Is. 6d. AFTER CABIN 2s. 6d. It U ItN same day, FOKK CABIN, 2s. „ 38. Tickets not transferable. Children under Twelve, half-fare Special arrangements for Pic-nic, School parties, &o. L L A N L I N E, SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO H MERICA. CANADIAN. AND UNITED STATES MAIL. STBÁ1I.1\1I. £ T."™"i.IVERPOOL, ™FR^Ti.»y t LONDONDERRY every FRIDAY, for HALIFAX, V QUEBEC PORTLAND, and BALTIMORE. Through Tickets to BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, and to all points in CANADA and tb. STATES.. Low Fares and excellent Accommodation. T>-ggengere who secure their Tickets before leaving re met at the Railway Station in Liverpool by „;nted Agent of the Company, who takes chargc until they go on board the Steamc The Canadia" Goveromentgrams ASSISTED PASSAGES hy^ Wrl^for the Pamphlet" LORD DUFFERIN B»OTH*B. k Co., Liverpool or I.to°BBRxCrBtA0GlLLT STREET, HOLYWELL. iT Sale by Messrs. William Dew 8c Son. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. COUNTY OF FLINT PARISHES OF CILCEN AND HALKIN. Sale of Valuable Freehold Farms, known as 8IAMBKR WEN, LLYN and LLET- TY'R EOS. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY Messrs. WM. DEW AND SON, AT the LION HOTEL, MOLD, during the Month of AUGUST, 1878, the above very desirable Free- hold Farms, viz:- IN THE PARISH OF CILCEN. Siamber Wen, containing. 32a. 2r. 28p. This is a compact and convenient Farm, having a southern aspect, with commodious Dwelling-house and Out-buildings. It is composed of excellent and well-farmed Land, with large dwelling-house and out-buildings in good repair, situate within half a mile from the Mold and Denbigh Turnpike Road. IN THE PARISH OF HALIKYLW. Llyn Farm, containing. 47a. Or. 2p. Letty'r Eos 91 130a. Or. lop. The land is rich, having great depth of Soil, with a right of Sheep Walk on Halkio Mountain. Full particulars, with Lithographed Plans, will shortly be issued, in the meantime all further infor- mation may be obtained of Messrs PEARS, LOGAN & GIBBONS, Solicitors, Harrington-street, Liverpool; and the Auctioneers, Wellfield House, Bangor, and Town Hall, Rhyl. f TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, STONE MASONS, &c. THE TALACRE STONE COMPANY, near Mostyn, have now these celebrated Quarries in full work, and are prepared to supply the best qualitr of Freestone, sawn or tooled, to any dimension—Steps, Sills, Heads, Flags, Curbing and Channelling, &o. kept in Stock. Special Stone for Monumental pur. poses.—Apply at the Works, Mostyn, or the Offieo oLthe Company, No. 15, Newgate-street, Chester. T)ENS0N'S WATCHES. Watch and Clock Maker ij to the Queen and Royal Family, and by special appointment to the Prince of Wales and Emperor of Russia. Old Bond-street, and (Steam Factory) Ludgate-hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHES of every description, JD suitable for all climates, fromt2 to 200 guineas. Chronographs, Chronometers, Keyless, Levers. Pre- sentation, Repeaters, Railway Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches of extra strength- BENSON'S ARTISTIC ENGLISH CLOCKS, decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of architecture or furniture also, as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson, From L5 5s. ENSON'S PAMPHLETS on TURRET CLOCKS, Watches, Clocks, Plate and Jewellery, Illustrated, sent post free each for two stamps. Watches sent safe by post. Benson's new works, Time and Time sellers," 2s. 6d. I PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862; PARIS, 1867; PHILADELPHIA, 1876. WWBm IF YOU WANT A GOOD WATCH, Warranted TO KEEP CORRECT TIME, SEND A POST OFFICE ORDER TO J. SEWILI, WATCH MANUFACTURER, 61, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, AND SO. CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, And you will receive by return of post, securely pacl-ed, a first class LEVER WATCH, Warranted to keep correct time, and suitable for a Lady o Gentleman. Sewill's SILVER LEVER To wind ana set hands from the back In all WatcheS sizes, suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths, nd Mechanics. „ £2 2s. £2 10s. jS3 3s. The same in Hunting Cases. A2 10s. E3 Ss. 10s. Sewull-s ENGLISH SILVER PATENT DETACHED LEVER Capped, Jewelled and Warranted. All the "]XTQ f r>Tl gS latest improvements, in sizes, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths, and Mechanics. 24 4s. 1;5 os. X6 6s. The same in Hunting Cases, jE5 5s. t6 6s. JE7 7s. Sewill's GOLD LEVER To -wind up and set hands from the back; \\J ofrVkoa In all sizes, .suitablefor Ladies, Gentlemen and dLCUeS Youths. B5 6g LO 6s. £ 7 7s. Sewill's ENGLISH PATENT DETACHED 18-CARAT FINE GOLD LEVER Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted. All the \\f Q+pLpq latest improvements, in Sizes, for Ladies and Gentlemen. As 8s: £10 10s. JE12 12s. Same as those for -which Prize Medals of It ternational Exhibitions, London, 1862, and Paris, 1867. were awarded. All the above may be had keyless, that is to wind up and art bands from the pendant without a key, at an extra cost J 92 2s. in rlis er Cases, and 98 IOS. in Gold. SewiU'S 0 Watches design with perfectlOn of workni iisbip. From 92 2s. to 100 Guineas. Sewill's WORKMEN'S LEVER Are everlasting, will bear any amount of hard W dtches US:.l!Zp. usage. £2 2s. each, free and safe by post. Sewill's MARPLE, BRONZE. AND GILT our Show Rooms are to be found the finest n/Vt-c ock in the, kingdom suitable for Ilall, Library, Boudoir, Drawing and Dining Rooms. Estimates given for Clocks for Churchcs, Turrets, and Public Buildings. LARGEST STOCK IN ENGi AND TO SELECT FROM. CHRONOMETER MAKERS TO THE RIGII1 vSn*rnTTR\BLE T,HB LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, HER^IAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY, U" Money orders to be made payable to J SEWILL, It, SOUTH CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL, o* SO coltNHILL, IJOYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. Illustrated catalogues post free on application. K Sale by Messrs. Ainsworth 8S Wedgwood. NEWMARKET, FLINTSHIRE. (By order of the Trustees.) Important .Sale of Growing Crops, Wheat. Barley, Oats, and Turnips, about 10 Tons of Prime Hay, upwards of 36 Hobbets of Wheat, Live Stock, Farming Implements, and Furniture, AT PENTREFFUDAN FARM, On the south side of the road from Holywell to New- market, near to Newmarket, about 6 miles from Holywell, 4 from Mostyn, 3 from Prestatyn, 4 Rhuddlan, and 6 from Rhyl. Messrs AINSWORTH & WEDGWOOD HAYE been favoured with instructions from Qie Trustees of the late John Davies, to Sell i V. AUCTION, upon thepremisesatPENTREFFUDA, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1878, at J o'clock, the undermentinned GROWING WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, and TURNIPS (straw to go off), Right of Pasture, till next November, LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, Farming Implements, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o.viz WHEAT. A. R. P. Coitia, wrth y Ty 2 1 0 Cadlisydd (part of) 1 3 0 Coitia Pwll (part of) 1 0 0 BARLEY. Pen-y-cae (part of) 3 3 2 Cae Pentreffudan 4 2 0 Cadlesydd (part of) 1 1 0 Marian 4 1 4 OATS. Penry-cae (part of). 1 2 0 Gylchen 1 2 31 Gwydir Pant. 1 1 0 ■ Croft 1 1 0 TURNIPS. Cae Pentreffuddan 1 1 9 PASTURE. Coitia Stabla (clover) 2 0 0 Ucha (grass) 2 2 0 Pwll (part of) o. 2 2 0 Pant o 2 2 0 Croft 1 0 0 Purchaser required to out and harvest the whole of the crops. Upwards of 36 hobbets of wheat, stack of prime well-harvested HAY, growth of 1877, about 10 Tons. Clover, about 3 Tons. Part of stacks of Straw, and about 80 loads of excellent Manure. Three PRIME MILCH COWS, 2 red and white yearling Heifers, 2 Calves, Sow, 2 Store Pigs, 7 Porklings. A FINE DARK BAY MARE, and Colt (4 months old), ditto BLACK MARE and Colt (2 monihs old, sire, a prizetaker at several shows.) An EXCELLENT DONKEY-CART & GEARS, Sundry Implements, and Household Furniture. Luncheon at 11. 30. ,Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Catalogues to be had of the Auctioneer, 5, Bodfor- street, Rhyl, the principal Inns in the neighbourhood, an the place of Sale. Sn Sox OF o SHILLING JD OF STATIONERY Containing Forty-eight Sheets Superfine Notepaper, Forty-eight Good Envelopes, Black lead Pencil, One Pen and Holder, One atiik 01 Wax and One Sheet of Blotting Papec, m in neat Box, to be had AT THB AT THB OBSERVER' OFFICE, HOLYWELL. Sales by Messrs Churton, Elphick, SS Co. FLINTSHIRE. Sale of an important Freehold Property, known as the "CEFN MAWR" ESTATE, situate in the parishes of Mold and Cilcain, and within 2t miles of the Town of Mold, comprehending 378 statute acres, or- there- abouts. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK & CO. WILL Sell by AUCTION, at the BLACK LION HOTEL, MOLD, on WEDNESDAT, the 14th day AUGUST, 1878, at Three for Half-past Three o'clock p.m. punctually, in one, or more lots, as may be determined upon at the time of sale, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced, a valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as the CEFN MAWR" ESTATR, comprising a nice residence, ocriled Cefn Maw ITati," with coach-house, stable, garden, and pleasure grounds, several farms, cottages, beer-house, plantations, and lands, pleasantly situate on the limestone range, commanding fine views ot Moel Fammau and Clwydian range of mountains, and' partly abutting on the river Alyn, containing in the whole 378 statute acres of LAND, or thereabouts, in the holding of good tenants. The whole of the pro- perty will, in the first inetance, be offered in one lot, and, if not so sold, then in the lots set forth in the printed particulars of sale. The minerals do not belong to the property. Mr Hugh Davies, at Cefn Mawr Farm, will kindly show the property. Particulars and plans, and any further information, may be obtained from GEORGE HUGHES, ESQ., Halkin, Holywell; GEORGB BELLIS, Esa., Surveyor, Mold Messrs KELLY and KEENB, Solicitors, Mold; and from the AUCTIONEERS, Chester. — < "V CAERWYS, FLINTSHIRE. Sale of Two Desirable Freehold Farms, situate about one mile from the Caerwys Station, on the Chester, Mold, and Denbigh Railway. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK, & Co. HAVE been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, at tbe Green Dragon Hotel, Cheater, on SATURDAY, the 31st ol August, 1878, at two for three o'clock p.m. punctually, in the following or such other lots as may be decided upon at the time of sale, and subject to conditions to be then produced. LOT 1. A valuable FREEHOLD FARM, situate close to the village of Caerwys, in the county of Flint, having considerable frontage to the Caerwys and Holyweil Turnpike Road, known as "Llidiart Cerrig," with the farm-house, outbuildings, and several pieces of LAND belonging thereto, containing together 38a. Ir. 12p. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr George Sandbacb. LOT 2. Another desirable FREEHOLD FARM, adjoining the above, with considerable frontage to the same road, known as Marian Pryse Farm," with an excellent Dwelling-house and Outbuildings, recently erected, and several pieces of Land, extending in the whole to 40a. Or. 18p. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr Evan Price. The tenants will kindly show the property. Particulars, with plans, and any further information may be obtained upon application toW. H. CHUKTON, Esq., Solicitor; or the Auctioneers, Messrs. CHURTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS, and RICHARDSON, all of Cheater. LONDON HOUSE, HOLYWELL. J. J. EVANS, GENERAL DRAPER AND TAILOR, BEGS to inform his customers and the public that he is now prepared to show the latest designs in the WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT consisting of WEST of ENGLAND SCOTCH and YORKSHIRE goods also a splendid range of WORSTED COATINGS, MELTONS, PILOTS &c. J. J. E. calls special attention to his'lõs. BESPOKE TROUSERS which cannot be surpassed for value in the trade. £ s d • SUITS (to order) in FANCY TWEEDS From 2 2 0 TROUSERS « 0 13 0 BLACK CLOTH SUITS. u 3 0 0 Every confidenco may be placed as to satisfaction in VALUE, STYLE, and FIT. Gentlemen can be waited upon with patterns at their own residence if desired. GENTS SHIRTI MADE TO MEASURE. r HATS, CAPS, TIE7 SCARFS, COLLARS &e. 0 "PAERY & MORRIS, MANUFACTURING AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, H 0 L" T W ELL. "'f"l-O- HAVE a large and well-assortr Stock of every article in the Trade KITCHEN RANGES, REGISTER SVES, SHAMS, LAUNDERS, PIPES, &c. BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, WASHING, WRINGING AND MANGLING MACHINES, JOINERS' TOOLS AND BUILDERSR IRONMONGERY AT SPECIAL PRICES, 1 GAS AND WATER TUBES ANO FITTINGS IN BRASS AND IReN, BAR IRON AND STEEL, PLATER SHEETS, AND GALVANIZED DITTO, ASPHALTE ROOFING, AND CORRUGATED IRON DITTO, Colliery and Lead Mines requisites, Oils, Ropes, Chains. Kibbles, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Hammers. Red and White Lead, Jnjclia Rubber Sheets, Washers, Packing, &c. CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS Op: WROUGHT IRON FENCING, CONTINUOUS BAR DITTO, HURDLE# AND TOMB RAILING. AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL MAKERS, SPECIAL ADVANTAGES GIVEN FOR CASH. BEST MIXED PAINTS READY FO^TJSE IN t, 2, 4 AND 7 lb. SEALED TINS> Before purchasing SEWING ^MACHINES enquire of PARRY & MORRIS for the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, and beware of the old fashioned makes offered at reduced prices and easy terms. L ELSERTQN BREWERY COMPANY. EXCELLENT HARVEST OR L I G H T D 1 ilz N B H. A. L E ONE SHILLING PER GALLON, Supplied in 9 18, or 36 Gallon Casks, and deliv4ed free by °wn drays within a cortain radius, or een carriage paid to any Station on the Chester and Holyhead Rtulway and Branches.—ORDERS AUDHESSFT —KEWTEIITON BREWERY Co., FLINT, WlLL UBCEHE CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. J FLINT MECHANICS' INSTITUTE A FEST In aid of the above Institute, will be held by the kind permission of the Mayor, (Richard Muspratt, Esq.,) in CORNIST HALL PARK, FLINT, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1878. TEA ON THE TABLE AT FOUR O'CLOCK. THE BATTALION BAND OF THE FLINTS HIRE VOLUNTEERS "WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE. TICKETS :-For Tea and admission to the Park, Is. 6d. each; for admission to the Park only, Is. each. Tickets to be had from the Secretary, Mr J. W. M. Evans, M r Robert Jones, Mr Cornforth (Ship Hotel), and at the Borough Printing Offie- Hon. Secretary, MR. C. E. DYSON /THE LLANASA FESTIVAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 1878. Under the distinguished patronage of T. H. JACKSON, ESQ., Gyrn Castle. TEA IN SCHOOLROOM AT FOUR O'CLOCK ATHLETIC SPORTS IN THE EVENING IN AN ADJOINING FIELD. BRASS BAND IN ATTENDANCE. ADMISSIONTEA AND SPORTS, Is.; SPORTS ONLY, 6D. The Gyrn Castle grounds will be open for ticket- hol s from 4 to 8 o'clock. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. EARLY IN JANUARY, 1879, A B .A. Z A. A R Will be held in connection with the WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, HOLYWELL. A Further details will duly be published. HYL WINTER G ARDENS. OPEN DAILY, Flowers in grfat perfection Waterfall and Lake, Rustic Bridges, Houses, &o., Lawns for Tennis, Badmintos, Croqairt and Bowls, Archery and Quoiting Grounds. In-side and out-side Rink for Skaters with Plimpton's Skates. ENTERTAINMENTS. AUGUST 6th-Por 12 nights—Dr. Lynn's celebrated LIVING MARIONETTES, from London, and the chief cities of the world, four entertainments daily, and MONS. KING and MADA-ME ISIDORA in thpir Unique Entertainment and for six nights only Mr and Mrs MARK JOHNSON and Miss MITCHELL in their entertainment entitled The Studio." AUGUST 12th-The SECOND ANNUAL GRAND BRASS BAND CONTEST, open to all Comers. Prizes. £ 70. Ten Bands entered. AUGUST 12th-For 6 nights only, AYLMER, in his marvellous dive from ceiling to the floor. Afternoon and evening performances. 19th-For 12 nights-James Fullers' TALENTED COMPANY, who give a two hours entertainment of Magic, Negro-minstrelsy &c. &c. Are now appearing at London before crowded audiences. 26th—"TELL & TELL." for 12 nights, and TOM BARGER, in his wonderful Ventriloquial entertainment. During the Season the Grounds will be Illuminated, Firework Displays, Musical Promenades, PERFORM- ING FLEAS, HINDOO SNAKE CHARMERS," &c. Refreshments of the choicest kind, Luncheons, Teas, &o. By Order » JOHN DEVINE, SECRETARY. S/K. L U iH R T 0 TESTIMONIAL. MR. JONES has for some years discharged the duties of Accountant at the Holywell Branch of the National Provincial Bank of England. He is now promoted to the important position of Accountant at tie Bangor Branch. Some of his friends are desirous of toarkiog their appreciation of his acknowledged courtesy in the discharge of his official duties whilst in Holywell, and of testifying to the high respect in which he he has been held aa a townsman, and the affection they cherish towards him personally ia his more private capacity. To do this they propose presenting him with a Testimonial. They believe that many others will esteem it a privilege and a pleasure to join them. Subscriptions will be received and acknowledged by any of the undersigned. DAVID OWEN, Brynhvfryd, Bagillt. ) Joint HENRY JUDD, Well-street, HolywelI. ) Secretaries. JOSEPH GARNER, Draper, Holywell. ) Joint JOHN BRITTAIN, Confectioner, Holywelli. 1 Treasurers.' Subscriptions will also be received at the North and South Wales Bank, Holywell. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY RECEIVED ;C a. d. Amount previously advertised 20 3 0 Mr E. H. Williamson, Plae-yn-morfa 110 Mr C. D, Williamson, Plas-yn-morfa 1 1 0 Dr. Pierce, Denbigh I 1 0 Mr Edward Jones, Tower Gardens 1 1 0 Mr David Roberts, Currier 0 10 6 Mr John Jones, Chapel-street 0 5 0 ydSlgust 8th. 1878. "SIGHTI SIGHTI SIGHT!! W. HERBERT & GODFREY (LONDON) Beg to introduce their improved AQUA CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, TRIAL of which they feel confident will insure unqualified approbation, for the protection they afford to the eye from the heat, light, gas, and variations of the atmosphere. In their long experience W. H. & G. have met with numerous cases of ruined sight, causey cbiifly by the use of defective Spectacles purchased at å low rate, but whieh eventually have proved tn have been dearly bought, even at the saeriffce of sight, when too late to remedy the evil. SOLD by J. CARMAN, CHEMIST, Y^TPOTHECARIES' HALL, HOLYWELL. U NFl REO F FIe E, LONDON, ESTABLISHED, 1710. HENRY F. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RKLTON, Esq., Secretary. Total Sum Insured in 1877 £ 2-54,303,817. Claims paid during the la^t Ten Years, upwards of TWO MILLIONS Sterling. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Ageott filii the Society: — AGENTS. Rolyweli. M r Robert Thomas. Niold -X,srg Kelly & Kt-ene. Rhyl Mr William E. Sowltay. St. AsanhMr ha Jones. < THE LATE ELECTION. CONSERVATIVES OF FLINTSHIRE.—^ yOU heroically came to the front, and although beaten, you achieved a great victory. That single-handed; you should have polled 1511 votes for Mr. PENNANT at once proves that there is, in your Boroughs, a thorough Conservative re-action. It now becomes your duty to see that no Voter's name is omitted from the List of Voters; and all should do what they can to make the Register complete. Any Conservative occupier qualified to vote, whose name does not appear in the List of Voters for the Boroughs or County, which will be placed on the Church and Chapel doors on the 1st of AUGUST, will please at once communicate with Mr. COPE, Solicitor, Holy- well; Mr H. G. ROBERTS, Solicitor, Mold; Mr. M. R. PARTINGTON, St. Asaph; who will in their resftpctive districts, 666 that 6u new claims are duty attended to. NOTICE. Conservative voters whose names have been omitted, as inhabitant occupiers in the County and Borough Lists, are requested to attend a meeting of the Conservative Working Men's Club, to be held at the Bell and Antelope Inn, Holywell. on Monday next, August 12th, at Eight o'clock in the evening. To the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Flint, in the Borough of Flint, and to the Superintendent of Police. of the Borough of Flint. I THOMAS HUGHES, of Allt Vois, in the said 3 Borough, beerhouse-keeper, do hereby give Notice that it is my intention to apply at the General Annual Licensing Meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Flint, in the said Borough, on MONDAY, the second day of September, 1878, for a License to sell by retail under the Intoxicating Liquors Licensing Act, 1828, all Intoxicating Liquors to be consumed in the house or premises situate at Allt Vois aforesaid, the said house and premises belonging to THOMAS BATE, of Kelsterton, Flint, but now occupied by me as beer b ouse- kepper aforesaid. Given under my hand this 1st day of Ausvst, 1878. THOMAS HUGHES. SPRING VALE HOUSE, HOLYWELL. DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. M I S S "W H I D B O-R N E 1 BEGS to intimate that School Duties will be RESUMED (D.V.) SEPTEMBER 2ND/ 1878. Boarders return SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st. Pupils prepared for Oxford and Cambridge examinations. • JAMES BENISON, FOR MANY YEARS AN ORGAN BUILDER, IS prepared to tune and repair ORGAN, HAR- » MONIUM and PIANOFORTE, on the most reasonable terms. Country orders attended to and estimates given.—Address, Holway, Holywell. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY, 62, TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. N. S. HART, BOLE PROPRIETOR. ro ALL IN WANT OF MONEY.—Time and unnecessary expense can be saved by applying, either personally or by letter, to the above address, where Cash Advances are made from £10 to £ 1,000 » (without sureties) on the shortest possible notice, with the strictest privacy, and on the most reasonable terms. Repayments, by easy instalments to suit borrowers, can be made either personally or remitted by post-office order, or in postage stamps, thereby affording every facility t. parties whose time is an object to them. Please note the address, as above. N.B.—No communication with any other ofice. TO BE SOLD, TWO DONKEYS, CART AND HARNESS, > IN Goon ORDER.—A GOOD TEAM. Apply to P.G. "Observer" Office, Holywell. PENTRE, HALKYN. TO BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, a HOUSE, containing Four Bedrooms, Parlour, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, both of which are well fitted up with every convenience, and Coach House if required. A plentiful supply of good water close by. The VIBW is fine, and the situation open.—Enquire of Mr Chesters, Pentre, Halkyn, near Holywell. A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK showing sufferers how they may be oured and recover Health end Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for I purifying the Blood and removing 'Skin Affections. Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS. Free Edition, 152 pages, pest free,in Envelope, two stamps The WARNING VOICE. A Medical Book for Younir Men on the Cause, Consequences, and Treatment of certain forms of Debility and Nervousness, resulting from Youthful Indis- cretion. Gives ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS (The Result of THIRTY YEARS' Special Practice) by which Thousando have been cure. Illustrated by CASKS and TBSTIMOKIALB, with means of cure used in each case. Free by post, in Envelope, Six Stamps. DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN, Gives the Cause, Symptoms and Cure. This book is published for the special use of Females, and is a Private Guide to the Treatment of a class of ailments peculiar to the Female Constitution. Every Woman should possess this book. Free by Post, 12 stamps, in Envelope. WOMAN AS A MAIDEN, WIFE, AND MOTHER, Illustrated with ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. Olotli 8'\1;. This is a Book of great importance to Woman. Fiftv-seven Engravings on W08d, Fost Free for Seven Stamps. PHYSICAL EDUCATION OR THE ,E()LE GUIDE I- TO HCALTIT. ON THE CULTUKR OF THE HEALTHFUL AND BEAUTIFUL IN HUMANITY. Fifty- seven Engravings, DR. HENKY SMITH, 8, BMTO* CBJSSCBNT, LONDON, \R C. BEAUTIFUL & STRIKING PHOTOGRAPHS OF ST. WINEFRED'S WELL. THE PARISH CHURCH 1 PANTASAPH MONASTERY CHURCH, & CONVENT. And other Views in the neighbourhood of Holywell got up ia the highest style ot art IN VARIOUS SIZES AT THE "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL.