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Sales by Mr. William Freeman. AT GWIBNANT FARM. MOSTYN, ON MONDAY, THE 23TH DAY OF OCTOBER, IE94, IMPORTANT SALE of 14 Head of valuable C ATTLE, powerful Cart MARE, a large assortment of strong IMPLE- MENTS and SADDLERY, Two Stacks of prime MEADOW HAY, BARLEY STRAW, MANURE, AFTERGRASS, &c. MR. WM. FREEMAN 19 favoured with instructions frum Mr. WILLIAM ROBKRTS (who is retiring from FartniDg), to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, in a Field near to Gwibuant Mill Farm, the whole of his valuable FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &e. COMPRISING:—Six strong and very healthy large- breed cows, all noted milkers, two now due to calve, others due in January and April next, a very hfavy- Wiight fat cow, nlso a four-year-old fat heifer, two strong barrens, two two-year-old heifers, and two yearlings, a powerful bay cart horse, very quiet, good worker, and in excellent condition. THE IMPLEMENTS, C-MPEISK Two horse-Rowers, two strong chaff cutters, for power, twj 4 inch wbedcart. w:th thrippers, Williams and Son, patent the enclosed gear mowing maohine, nearly new steam engine and boiler, large iron boiler, sowing box, corn and chaff ditto, five strong stone pig troughs, grindstone, pikels, cow chains, various tools, &c., two sets of excellent shaft gears, three leading ditto, double plough ditto, and other saddlery. Also, two large and well-harvested stacks of meadow hay, three ricks of clean barley traw, three lots of manure, and six acres of good aftergrass, until 29th November next. Al o, a large assortment of strong and valuable IMPLEMENTS SADDLERY, &o., the property of A. EYTON, E q. (who has given up the Marsh Land Farm), COMPRISING :-The Victoria reaping machine, a five-row corn drill, capital Cambridge land roller, double cylinder iron, and stone rollers, a nearly new 12 tined iron cultivator, a heavy iron ditto, Nor- wegian harrow, patent regulating-tine drag, hay tedding machine, sets of iron and wood harrows, chain ditto, swingl*. trees, exoellent wheel plough, four swing ploughs, ridging plough and marker, iron scufflers, patent hay hoist, two strong donkey carts, with cratches, the complete fit tings of a stationary thrashing machine, strong beams and scales, about 150 cart fellies, oak spokes, swingtrees, shafts, riddlos, &c., two strong sets of shaft gears, two leading and plough gears, odd saddlery, &o., &c. SALE AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK PROMPT. Catalogues may be had of Mr. ROBSBTS, Glany- don House. and of the AUCTIONEER, Perthytcrfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE. ON THURSDAY, THE 8th NOVEMBER, 1894, BY IR. WM. FREEMAN AT GATE HOUSE FARM, CALCOT By instructions from Mr. EDW. EDWABDS, who is giving up farming. THE whole of his valuable farm produoe, light JL cart, horse, piga and implements. Further particulars in posters, &c; Auction Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Sale by lJfr. Frank Lloyd. THURSDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 25TH, AT 1-15 O'CLOCK. ST. ASAPH SMITHFIELD SALE. IR. FRANK LLOYD HA S a good Entry for THUBSDAY NEXT, in- cluding :— 100 to 120 FAT AND STORE CATTLE. 600 FAT SHEEP, LAMBS AND CALVES. Contributed by the leading Breeders and Feeders for 10 miles round the Sale. More Entries invited, a large attendance of Buyers expected from the Midlands. Stook owners will do well to enter for this Sale. Entries will be taken up to 12.30 on Sale day. Capt. Conwy has entered 30 grand three-year-old Store Bullock", 2 Dairy Cows and 6 Fat Bullocks and Heifers. The GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE will be held on THUBSDAY, IDKCEMBEB 6th or 13th, when the usual Prizes will be given. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION COMMITEEE. WHITFORD CENTRE. THE- ART CLASS in connection with the above, will be held at the CONVENT, PANTASAPH, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT, THE 20TH INST., WHEN iH. J. HANMER HUTCHINGS, Art Master, S.K., and Queen's Prizeman, WILL TAKE THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS — FREEHAND-LIGHT AND SHADE- 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon. MODEL- 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING AND SCIENCE SUBJECT I.— 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Classes in Painting and Technical Subjects may be formed, should sufficient number of candidates apply. Applications should be made to the SECRETARY, PANTASAPH. T)ISK LIMITED. PROFIT UNLIMITED. Jtv SPECULATION BY OPTIONS. "Speculation by Options is ot all methods of spcculaion the most prudent -Arthur Crump (late Financial Editor of the Times). Stock and Shares says Large profits, averaging £ SS 13s. foi every £ 11 5s. invested, have accrued Stock Exchange Times says In 17 days, each subscriber of £5 12s. Gd. received a profit of L44 7s. 6d. Messrs Smith and Beresford have an ample capital for the conduct of a very large business. The firm is the largest in Option Dealing in England Birmingham Daily Gazette says Large profits, averaging £ SH 15s. for every jC 11 5s. invested, have accured to those who have acted on their advice Capita'ist says Messrs Smith and Beresford give some very sensible ad vice about Options. which they recommend, may be consulted to advantage," tock Exchanye says Messrs. Smith and Beresford have been very fortunate in recent transactions." Financial World says Messrs. Smith atid Beresford have a thorough grasp of the subject, and a careful persual of their work will well repay speculators." Civil Service Gazette says:—" Our readers cannot do better than tike Messrs. Smith and Beresford as their financial guides, philosophers, and friend-; Citizen says :• -1, The only afe way of making money on the London Stock Exchange." UNITED OFTION3—Opened every Monday and Thursdav on the System advocated above. Any number of Shares tt t5 12s, (id. each, WITHOUT ANY FURTHER LIABILITY WHATEVER, may be secured by letter or telegram. SOLE CONTROL of all United Options taken on behalf of Subsoibers, thereby securing a man; test advance. Stamped contract forwarded Send for revised pamphlet and full particulars of our next United Option to SMITH & BKRESI'oii D, stm.-lc and Sh ire Dealers, [,3 alld •> I, < hiino ry I ,"¡¡J. Lo¡¡ùuu. ESTABLISHES TelejftauJi?; Clerkship, London." Toleplionc. No, 2j^, Agents Wanted cyery where. W H I T F 0 R D I THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH WILL PREACH IN ENGLISH I AT THE PARISH CHURCH, ON SUNDAY NEXT, THE 21ST INSTANT. The Service will commence at ELEVEN o'clock. "BRYNFORD CHURCH. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1894, (THREE O'CLOCK P.M.) THE OPENING OF THE CHURCH MISSION ROOM, ON LORD MOSTYN'S DDERWEN FAWR FARM, AT Is/L I XJ "W Pt SHORTENED SERVICE. ADDRESS BY THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. Liberal Offertories are requested for the Room. TOWN HALL, FLINT. A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1094. "CANARIES AND BLACKBIRDS" PBEOEDED BY A FARCE "NEVER RECKON YOUR CHICKENS." DANCES. Doors open at 7 to commence 7.30. ADMISSION Front Seats, 2s.; Second Seats, Is. Back Seats, 6d. PBOCEEDS IN AID OF SCHOOLS. NEW POST CARDS. 50 MEMORANDUM POST CARDS FOR FOURPENCE. 50 ORDER POST OARDS FOR FOURPENCE. 50 N9TICE OF MEETING POST CARDS FOR FOURPENCE. BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE MEMORANDUM POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS. BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE ORDER POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS. THE NEWEST AND CHEAPEST POST CARDS NOW TO BE HAD AT THE "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT (WELSBACH SYSTEM) SAVES SO' IN GAS, SIX VALID REASONS FOR ITS ADOPTION. 1. It saves half your gas bill. 2. It gives you treble the present light. 3. It can be attached to exiting gas fittings. 4. The light is clean, cool, steady, and brilliant. 5. It does away with the impurities of gas. 6. It is pleasant, simple, and eoonomical, THE MOST PERFECT LIGHT. SUPERIOR TO ELECTRIC LIGHT, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST. Prices and full particulars on application to the Agents for- HOLYWELL—Parry and Morris, High-street, Holywell. RHYL—J. Williams, Gas Office, Bodfor-street, Rhyl. MOLD—Wm. P. Jones, Wrexham-atreet, Mold. NOVELTY IN NOTEPAPER. THE NEW ST. WINEFRIDE NOTEPAPER MANUFACTTJBED ON ST. WINEFRIDE'S STREAM, HOLYWELL. In ooloured wrapper with view of St. Winefride's Well. In One lb. Packets-Prioe 7d. To be had only at the OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. CHAMBERS'S These Pilla are K M ■. v t t • the choicest ever T 0 NIC PILLS, compounded for strengthening the vital forces, and bracing up the whole system. They really impart new life and strength. Eve?y person suffering from any form of weakness, &c., should send at once for a box 3s., post free, Recommended by Thousands. Thomas Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. DEAFNESS a All sufferers from these AND distressing complaints may HEAD-NOISES learn of a new simple PTTRPTl remedy, which cured a liUiVLUi gentleman after suffering 14 years. Has cured numerous other equally long cases, which were considered quite hopeless. Full particulars with testimonials and press notices, post free. G. Clifton, 39, Albany Mansions, Victoria Street, London. MEXICAN PILLS These famous pills FOR are well known in T ATITPQ Awrv England, and are re- JjAVJ-XjO gularly taken by hun- dreds of Ladies. They are safe, effectual and speedy in their action. The most obstinate cases are quickly overcome. Particulars free, or a box of pills with full directions, sent post free 4. 6d. Lady Manager, Room 10], Victoria Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. FRENCH LOTION CURES DEAFNESS. This remarkable lotion just introduced into this country is doing a deal of good in all cases of Deaf- ness, &c. Numerous testimonials and full parti- culars sent post free. Price is 2s. 9d. and 4s. 61 per bottle. Chambers & Co., 19, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. E. P. LYONS., RILL POSTER & DELIVERER, ST. WINE Fit IDS' S TERRACE, U ) L Y W ELL. bpociallyroservodPOSTING STATIO: Sin Town unaOouutry, Immediate attention giyen A. M. D. G. THE FEAST OF J ST. WINEFRIDE, VM„ WILL BE SOLEMNLY KEPT AT HOLYWELL, HOLYWELL, On SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1894. HIGH MASS AT 10.30 A.M. (IN THE PRESENCE OF His Lordship the Bishop of Shrewsbury), SERMON BY THE REV. CHARLES GALTON, S.J. IN THE EVENING A SPECIAL ADDRESS WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE Pilgrims in St. Winefride's New Hall BY THE REV. BER. VAUGHAN, S.J., Of the Church of the Holy Name, Manchester, St. Winefride, most admirable Virgin, even in this unbelieving generation still miraculous.—Pray for us. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, in a small family; a strong, active and clean young woman as PLAIN COOK. Also a respectable young woman as HOUSEMAID.—Apply at the "Observer" Office. RABBITS. RABBITS. RABBITS. WANTED 200 Couples daily, taken in small or large Lots. Also, 100 Couploof FOWLS, in small or large Lots. Good price given.—Apply to WILLIAM WILLIAMS, New Brighton, Bagillt. rri 0 BE LET, THE ALKALI TAVERN, 1 FLINT, adjoining the Chemical Works. The ALBION VAULTS, BAGILLT. Apply to the KBLSTEBTON BBBWBEY Co., LTD. TO BE SOLD—150,000 OLD BRICKS, including Common and Fire Bricks. Loaded in trucks at Flint Station.—Apply, M. CUDDY, Holywell. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINEFBIDE'S CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number received.—For Terms, apply to the SUPEBIOEESS. CONNAII'S QUAY.-GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS, also PRESS BRICKS. —Apply to JAMES PRINCE, Biticy-Woitice, CONNAH'S QUAY.

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