Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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I GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL A V Tr PILLS. x<h)) < Geliir oa-1 > F.ddygim.eth ton mewn Tw 0 DdolIiau Gwabanol fel y eanlyn r- j t.. í ,:) iBARN MEDDYGON AM GEORGE'S Arwyddion r GOCHELWCH DWYLBWYR. BILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. CyiTredin «, „• y Piles a'r Twylhr y claf yn fynycb i gredu ei fod v X mae^Meddygon y Wiad boo «.'r America Gravel. yn cael Peleni gwirioneddol George, pan yn eu oymeradwyo a'n cefnopi, ac y fflaae yn Poen yn ? Cefn mewn gwirionedd ni fydd yn caei ond meddiaitfc y Perchenog luaws o dystiolaetbau rhyw eyooyseedd diwertb a pberyRlos o !.Pwysig oddiwrth Feddypon Enwog tg ydynt Dwfr Poeth wijeutblriad arall yn eu lie. Byddenwan Wedi rnoddi prawf trwyud1. arsjynt. Dwfr-ataliad. y darpariaetbtu ffugiol hyn yn fynych r'e«?ren vn cael euelytioi fvnyoeirisullcyffelyb" i BARN PPERYLLWYR. AM GEO&GE'S aphoenus," Registered Title Fills Georpe, eyda'r, PILLS. 'Khwyaiiedd unit; amcan o dwyllo vr anwyliadwrus. -Mao rhan twyaf o Fferyliwyr em Gw?ad Teimlaf r*vmedif>aeth I ddynoethi y wedi bod yn goheou a £ awdwr y Peleni-byn Clrwyddo, cyj'ryw dwyllwaith, ac i rybuddio y mewn pertbvnaa i'w rhmweddau rbyfed dol, jTeiml&d cyboedd fel na byddo iddynt drwy an- a'r gwelliaati/.i byaod y roaenb wedi dd wy » a ,Wy ^?^aeth eyrthlp 1 f^lfl *r ^ychwyr '«Mi«mayJoh yoeacymydotfa«tfaau, a'ufcarn .Surrti yn yr • daroatynfiol byn. *-Qn ao oil ydvw ei bod yn feddyfcjiuiaeth u heb cYstumo^, Gofvnwohyn eglur am 1 George s rile ei bath." Cwg Anes- and Gravel PilIR." edffychwch aydyw -—-— mw yth, non yr 11 Eryr 11 ar y papyran sydd 0 IACSAU YR ANOBEITRIOL. (Av;aew GA,ynt, I umgy colic, Ich y blwch, ae os yw enw y;Percli- Dos, gwellhawyd roiloadd, liiciarvvyd po<;n- Gwe>diad Pwl J. E. George." yn yg-rifenedí au 4iegau o fitoedi, ac a iierwyd <auoedd -a ac Aneglur. ar stamp v Llywodraethtfydd o'i amgylch ddwganid gaa y Meddygoa yn anobeitbioV' ynSy G&nau daw blycbiad o Pile and Gravei PilU "*w hechyi oyee'fiaol drwy y Pe>!em pwerth- j flPelder Ysbryd. *'ch meddiant, nad ydyw yn dai yr oil o'r !fawr hyn. G-wna y TystioUettean a dder- Ohwyddiant prswfion hyn gwybyddwob eich bod wedi Hbyniwyd gan ddf'foisydd y P^leoi hyn gyfrol °Se' e'C^ twy"°- Sro %ziwya c dudalanao o bJyg oyff- Llyanafedd TYSTIOLAETH YNAD HEDDWCH. 'edin- 'Llewygon, „ Y'Betniro, Yr ydwyf wedi edrycb tiros ganoedd o SMfW-OGRWYDC!) T GEORGE't> PILLB Anmh\iredd 'aw ytgrifan gwreiddiol a <iferbyniwyd gan WEIH AMGYLGHU Y Byl). y Gweed, Mr J..R George. Hirwain. yn dwyn tystior G wend id aerh o berthynas i r gwelliantau a ddygwyd Y maej enwa^rwydd y Peleni hyn wed< Cyffredinol, oddiamgylch drwy ofFerynoiiaeth ei Pills ittyBed'flEos gyfaobiroedd a naoroa<i<i, ac wed; Nychdjd, C;n^l Crra^l Pills. Y nia« jsgrifenwyr y cyrb»«dd, gwladydd peiienig y ddaear. Nid am rytoddo^rinwedda^ pelw*! ^Georg^ Ob8 geatfdl V7»r«iddi3dia dan baul y JNefoeda y Lly^arid, Ystyriwyf y bw ndel tystiolaetihau a osodwyd Had ..vdvw vn brc5adol o'a rhiijwecdftu Diffyg Ana-dl, gerfy mron yn brawf hollol foddhaol fod ianhani Y am chwtfter oaDrif Curiad y G/iIon Mr George drwy ei ddarganfydfiiad wed i bod lacoaoi. I m#est • lu Marweidd^ca J"n foddlon 1 liaiaru poenau tyrfa luoaog o weti bod aP y blaat yn mhhth darpartaefchan yrafu ar ddioadefwyr.—D. E. WILLIAMS, f.P., for totodiljEginiaethoi doiuriau ponaas hyn. Arenan. the Counties of Brecon and Glamorgan. Mewn Bifchau, Is. lic. a 2s. Do yr ur Drwy y Post, Is. 3c. a 3s. yr un. PERCHENOS y-y G. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIR wain, ABEROABB & DANNEDD i OEDWR yorweled a DR. JONES, Bangor, bob d^d-d-Iau yn No. 16, Lledwigan-road, Llein- gefni. Yn :Mangor bob dydd, ond dyddiau Mawrth a Iau. Yn Llanercbymedd o 10 tan 1, ao Amlwch o 2 tan 5, gyda Mr Hughes, Stationer, 8, Market-street, Mehefin 14, Gorphenaf 14, Awst 10, Medi 7, Hydref 6, Tachwedd 2 a 30, Rhagfyr 28. Yn Bsthesda, Llan- beris, ac Ebenezer ar ol Sadwrn tal. »•••«•0IOtg|«O9tC( « A Wonderful Metllolae. For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind O A and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddi- A aess, Fulness ^uid Swelling after meals, Dizziness • it .and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, « J-oss of Appetite, She rtness of Breath, Costive- V grjss, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, 9 a Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous a»d Trembling v Sensations, THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE 9 .8 RIUEF IN TWENTYMIHtlTES. Thitis ao fiction, a Every sufferer is earnestly invited to^ry one Box 9 of <these Pills, &ad fefaey will be OcKnow- le^ed to be Worth a Guinea a Box e WCHAM'S PILLS taken as directed, A will qsutrkly restore Females to complete health. • They promptly r-2mwe any obstruction or.irregu- A 0 larity or, the system. For a J AD Visak Stomach, ^paired ingestion, J Disordered Liver, (I they act like mzxgic-a few .doses will work 9 •jQ wonders upon the Vital Organs Strengthening ogk I the muscular Systeuu, restoring: the long-lost. Qr Complexion, btiEging back the keen edge of 0 I A appetite, and arousing- with the Hosebud of '7 Health the whole pliysloai giaergy of the w human frame. These are fccis admitted fay a I thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the VP aest guarantees tx> the Nervous and Debilitated is A m taat BEEGHAWS PILLS have tho i Patosat i&Gdlctno 9 j Un A Prepjtr&d only by m 1! TH^»AS BEECKAM, ST. HELENS, 1ANCS. w # Sold e.verywhet e in Boxes & %jQ eacjj go to 0 0 42 o 0 ID, ACCIDENT ASSURANCE. ACCIDENT AND DLSi.ASE ASSURANCE. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE. FIDELITY GUARANl^E. railway Passengers Assur-, ance Company. ESTABLISHED 1849. daima Paid £ 3,850,000. A. VIAN, 6t, Ooyahill, London. Secretary. I 2747 ESTABLISHED IN J.836. r FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE S T U~J B S MSaOANTILjS OFFICE (Stabba* Std.), 48, GSESUAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. BOBaossiEKSa, BY OBTAINING CIHKLT IN70BKATT0S TBBUGK THE STATES ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT YAY. AVOID MAKING iJAD DEBTS. PYR.1,7 TRAPXls aHOCI;I> ItBAD STUBBS' Wm:KLY GAZBTTE, r With wbkils ia,iasaed a Supplejtient containing LISTS OF CREDITORS vyusa AlJj THE IHPOBTANt FAILIGRZII. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS oontain mere tharj S3r NllsilS M ILLION Entries DEBTS HEOOfiiRED PROMPTLY í ANDREMITTE TO SUBSCRIBERS ON TUEbOiY and FRIDAY in eaah wees Head Offioe :-92, Cheapside, London. Liverpool Branch :-1, Tithebarn Streec. O C/E&is st Charlea-8t. Chambers, CARDIFF Swanscu Arcade, SWANSEA Aberdeen, Bir ham I'iftclsburD, Bradford, Bristht'n.Bi'iBtol Belfast, Cork, Croydon, Dublin, Dnadee, Edin* burgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Leeds, Leicester" Liverpool, London (West End), Manoheetar, New. aastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth. Ports month" Sheffield, Southampton. Bcs-OFyioaa. — Higk-et., NEWPORT (MON.) HuxtoF, Cambridge, Derby, Dumfries, Gloucester, (4reenock, Grimsby, Halifax, Hanley, Huddexsfield, In-wernesi4 Ipswich, Limerick, Londonderry, Midd. Northampton, Oxford, Perth, Preston, Reading, Etookton.on-Teea, Sender land, Torquay, Walsall, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Worcester. • York. Tji,xies-RI ;a, 3 2s, £3 3s. Z 5a, according to. x' >jriiretaentj. PnoepBOXDti forwarded on application to any A .cbo above Orlifios. JOHN LLOYD & 8UNS TOWS CRIEEig, Billposters & Distributors, 18., SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAVE the largest nuwber of most prominent Post- ing Stations in all parts of AJbeiysbwyth and ¡ District. Having lately purchased the business and stations at Aberystwyth Advertising and General Bill Postiag Stations, they axe able to take large contracts of every description. Over 300 Stations in the Town and District. Official Riiiposters to the Town and County Ooun- cils, G. W. R. Co., Cambriaa Railway Co., all the Auctioneers of the Town and District, and other public bodies. EVAN DAVJBS. ILL PC) STE.R & TOWN C^I £ !rv 2, HughoDdaD Cottage, ir'OFTIifi It DOC BdJ .• S to inform the ftzblic that he Jtflnea all '••lie \cDSt.ipf Rations ia Porwadoo pud litit. liO n AMBRIAN RAILWAYS. STANLEY AND I \J NATIONAL CYCLE SHOWS, Novemoor.18th to 26th.—On MONDAY, November 21st, 1893, Cheap Excursion Tickets will be issued to LONDON as under:— Times of Third Class Fares for the FROM Starting. Double Journey. ) p.m. Two DAYS' FIVE DAYSI Pwllheli 10 30. TICKETS. TICKETS. Afon Wen 10 45\ I Criccieth .10 56 L IQ/fi Portmadoc .1110 f Minffbrdd 11 15 j Penchyndeudraeth 11 21 Talsarnau 11 26 17/A Penchyndeudraeth 11 21 Talsarnau 11 26 17/A Harlech ..1133 A' ..Llanoedr & Ponsarn 11 43 1 T! J Dyffryn .1154 > Ai/" 17/- Barmoutn 12 10 Barmouth Junction 1220 Dolgelley 11 50 ) Penniaenpool. 11 55 I Arthog 12 5 L 16/6 Llwyngwril .12 33 Towyn .1246 Aberdovey 1266 J Children under Three years of age, Free; above Tliree and under Twelve, Half-fare. Passengers re- turn as under-Two Days' Passengers return from London ( at 9.45 p.m., on TUESDAY, N ovember 22:1d. Five Days' Passengers return from, London (Euston) at 9.45 p.m., on FRIDAY, No- II vember 25th. Further information regarding Ex- cursion Tains and Tourist Arrangements Ion the Cambria,n Railways can be obtained from Mr W. H. GOUGH, Superintendent of the Line, Oswestry.— O;Iem C. S. DENi^IS'.>, General Manager, Oswestry,Novem- ber, 1898. 2867 WuujUL^Y^ CENTRAL LI BRAKY (in connection with Mudie's), UPPER MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO. Reduced Terms of Subscriptions. I The following are a few of the books now in circulation:— Roden's Corner By S. MerriHaan. Wild Eclin W. Aiiaok. Why Did She Love Him? Florence Marryat. Phantom Army Max Pemberton. Mollie's Prince Rosa Carey. Master of Mysteries L. S. Meade. Doinitia S. Baring Gould. Fatal Gift Frankfort Moore. Miss Raburn's Diamonds Mrs Jocelyn. Pathway of the Gods Mona Caird. Widower W. E. Norris. Town Traveller George Gissing. Corleone Marion Crawford. An Hungarian Nabob Manrus Jokai. Children of the Mist.Eden Phillpotts. At Sea under Drake Charles n. Corrageen in '98.Mrs Orpen. Owd Bob Alfred Ollivant. Romance of the First Consul M. Mailing. In High Places Miss Braddon. .Valuable Life Adeline Sergeant. Peggy of the Bart-ous B. M. Croker. Rupert of-Hentzan Anthony Hope. Ways of a Widow Mrs Lovett Cameron. Dicky Monteith Tom Gallon. Belnnd a Mask Theo. Douglas. Via Lucis Vivaria. To Arms Andrew Balfour. The Actor Manager Leonard Merrick. The Te-ror Felix Gras. New Wines, New Bottles Battie Hawkins. Life's Fitful Fever Eleanor Holmes. Meg of the Scarlet Foot Edwards Tirebuck. Concert Director Nellie Blissett. Personal Forces of the Period Escott. Bam Wildfire Helen Mathers. Evelyn Innes George Moore. Christian Hall Caine. House of Hidden Treasure. Maxwell Gray. Love of a Former life Charles HaJcoTTibe. Aunt Judith's Island F. C. Constable. The Wheel of God .George Egerton. Hebbeck of Bannisdale Mrs Humphrey Ward. Master Key Florence Warden. Clive Roscoe Everette Green. Through Russian Snows.Henty. For Life and Liberty. Gordon Stables. The Sun by the Shore.Florence Warden. Dr. Nikola Guy Boothby. Dream that Stayed.Florence Marryat. The Miatress of Brae Farm.R. N. Carey. Lad's Love Crockett. Murder of Delicia.Marie Corelli. On the face of the Waters. Flora Steele. Tho: Sowers Merriman. In Kedar's Tents. Merriman. Mv Run Home Rolf Boldrewood. Wayfaring Men Edna LyalL Rough .Fustice Miss Braddon. Dr. Lu'btrell'S' First Patient Rosa Carey. Miss Balmaino's Past B. M. Croker. Jessamy Bride Frankfort Moore. At the Cross Roads Montresor. Paris ZoJa. Fascination of the Kirg.Guy Boothby. Lovice Mis Hungerford. PIANOFORTES ON SALE AND HIRE. Wy's New Man of Llandudno and District Mounted on Cloth. Published at 11. ],% MR GORDON LEWIS, Tèacher of the MANDOLINJi1 and MANDOLA (Italian Method), Visits and lteoeives Pupils. Address—HUBCOTT HOUSE, Mostyn Avenue, Llandudn*. 4 SELECT CLASS being formed for the Winter I Months, for terms of membership address as above. 8416—17421 JOHN DAVIES, BAHDMASTEBy U/AJTDDDNO, TEACHES all kinds of Wind and String Instru- -L ments, including j GUITAR, MANDOLINE, and BANJO. 8351 EVERY VISITOR TO LLANDUDNO SHOULD BUY WILLIAMS' ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO .1-LIAN D UD."i-4 0. CONTAINING a, history and description of Con- c way Castle, the Vale of Conway, Llanrwst, Bettwsycoed, Capel Curig, Swallow Waterfalls, and other places of interest in the Snowdonian district; Colwyn Bay, Penmaenmawr, Llanfairfechan, Aber, etc., with directions how to see them at the least possible expense and loss of time. The New Edition contains 100 pages of reading matter, and gives much valuable information to the Residents as well as Visitors, such ac the Authorised Hadkney Carriage, Boating, and Bathing Fares, Powtal Information, Railway Fares, Town Porters' charges, etc., etc., Walks, Brake Drives, Steamboat Communication, etc. Oown Svo., 100 pages, contains map of district and numerous Illustrations. "The work is very comprehensive. A num- ber of historical facts not generally known are intro- duced, and to the traveller will increase the interest he must naturally take in making a tour of this ro- mantic neighbourhood."—"Liverpool Mercury/' "The book is full of a, mass of really usefui and practical information. There are directions to the tourist where to go and how to go at the least possSjfe expense and lows of <i«ie."—"Liverpool Courier." IOW.Vill be found as uiwful as it is cheap.Liverpod Daily Post." To be had (by post, 7, of the Publisher, EVAN WILLIAMS, Harket-pl?.c«>, Bangor, and of all Book- setters. Y PEIRIANAU MWFAF POBLOGAIDD YN NGRYMR0 Wedi en ffitio gyda Dunlop T-Tes Dunlop-Welch Bims,3Brook's addles, a Reynold's Chains. Mae y PEIRIANAU i fyny a'r amser yn hollol, wedi eu vneud o'r Ddefnyddiu Goren, a'u Gorphen yn Tsplenycd. MONA CYCLES Hefyd. Stock Fawr o BEIRfANAU AIL LAW Rhagorol am brisiau hynod isel. Mae Peirianau yn oael eu Hadgyweirio,|eu"Re-enanieIlio, a'u Re-platio, yn y style goreu posibl gan weithwyr celfydd a medrus. Y mae Electro-Silver Plating a Gilding o bob^desgrjfiadjyn cael ei wneuthur ar v lie gan Sheffield Pi ater ti wyadl gymhwys i'r gwaith. M, AE Y WELSH (T-'CLE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., yn awr wedi introdiwsio L patrwm newydd Juvenile Safety sydd yn cymeryd i mewn yr oil o'r diwygiadau diweddaraf mewn gwnentburiad Cycles, ac wedi eu gorphen mewn dull mor ddifai ag ydyw eu Mona Bicycles adnabyc ias. Felly peidiwoh rhoddi eich archeb;on hyd y gwelwch y Peirianau tlysion hyn. Y Welsh Cycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., r CARNARVON. 2789 WHERE THE POUND GOES FARTHEST. VISIT THE Pioneer Complete Furnishing Stores, 9 to 19, Bold Street, Liverpool. BEST VALUE IN THE KINGDOM IN CABINET FURNITURE, CARPERS AND UNOLEUMS, BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING, FURNISHING DRAPESRIS3S, maNTtfONGFJlY. f;T ASN A XT) mn-NrA. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. ALL PURCHASES OVER 40a DELIVERED FREE. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST FREE, OR, BETTER STILL, CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. 17100 BENSONSW A TCHES Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, and Strength, at Maker's Cash Prices. In Silver Cases. In 13-ct-Gold Case«. worn ey everybody. <SLt (Tvjt BENSON'S LUDGATE" CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, and BEST London made Mi 7 mj_ soldToH £ 5 6"QUARTEa PLATE EnElish Lever Watch ever U9 Jr Thirteen Jewels, Chronometer Balance, Patent l £ ,rge Barrel fWH m iriV I iJl iilW anc^ Damp and Dust Proof Rrog Band, Massive Silver Cases IH ttwd TBr ft with unbreakable Crystal Glass, double the Strength and S 1 'JMSj^mK Value of any other £ 6 6c. Watch. liu 1 ir r\ k. Made in Four Sizes, at one Price. £ 6 6s.No. 1. Gentlemen's 1 I ft f\ €WllmMm fas illustrated); No. 2. Working Men's; No. 3, Railway Men | lyy j_ 1 a and Miners; No 4, Ladies'. DruoAtM* \Vi ) 1 /wJmlUB In massive 18 ct. Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, Gentlemen's BOOK ^^4 l*r JwQwMB £ '2 l2s- Lady's, £ 10 IOs. MSf fREB. Thousands of Testimonials from Wearers all the World over. nsr FREE- 's o SENT FREE at our rigif, to all parts of the World for P.O.O., payable at SEND FOR BENSOR'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT HD'GS," BROOCHES, PLATE, &o &c. Post free on application. "r/Dm A BENSON'S lirm f|k KEYLESS ENGLISH LEVER JW "BAN K." wl'* -A- good Knockabout Watch for rough wear at a low price. K/m. ■ a\ rfL Best London made, Three-Quarter Plate English Lever, > W 'i I 1ft w| Chronometer Balance, fully Jewelled, Keyless Action, in 63[j y l\ »\ Sterlinc Silver, Crystal Glass Cases. Post free at my risk, L "jTtiL M )HB ^or Note, or P.O.O., or in strong 18-ct. Gold Cases, £ 15. Jj| y v In M JB Selections of Watches or Jewellery sent free on receipt of WATCHES AND JEWELLERY TAKEN IN EXCIIANGE. In ls-ct. MAKER TO GOLD CASES. H.M. G0LD^&SE3- BENSON. ,M MAIH.M.T0 C/Qy Wr 4s"* 1 mHi v w Lta., the queen. ill XilH THE STEAM FACTORY, fwifw lliMy 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. And at 28, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E C.; and 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, W. CLOCKS, for Churches, Schools, and Public Buildings, from £ 5. Estimates Free. ESTABLISHED 1812. Proctor and Ryland's PREPARED BONE MANURES. i^orks SALTNEY, CHESTER. Offlcrs CARRS LANE, BIRMINGHAM. REVISED LIST WITH PARTICULARS OFjPRlZES FOR ROOTS OFFERED IX1398, Pos FREE AGENTS :— Mr John Jones, Llwvnon, Llanfair, Anglesey. |Mr H. Edwards, Sirior Hir, Abergele, Mr Jos. Lloyd, Miller. Sc. Asarh. Mr Robert Vaughan, Llansannan. Abercele. ilesars J. Davies and Son, Eajr House, Ruthin. LMr W Grifiiths, Cross Keys, Chirk Mr T. JRoberte, Bryn^wran, Valley. t 'Jolin Humphreys, Railway Station, Towyn Mr W. P. Jones, The Cross, ^V rcxham-streew itold. |Mr Owen Roberts, Post office, Penytirof s rL»rv,™ v r Richard Jones, Nenodd Ucha, Llanfair. Mr Hugh Koberts, Hendrewen Rh vdyclaW -f PwlUiili Mr Godfrey Parry, Carrog, Corwen. J r,umfcu- The 1 Gardeners Chronicle,' one lusrjy hortiomturat journals of the m )rid cet-í atea the fifrretb anniversary of its foundation,"—Rsvom Hobticolr, Paris, January 16th, 1891' «.t is one of those gardening journals that have become a necessity."—Tn* Botaxicat. o17i„ America), February. 1891 The Gardeners' Chronicle' has faithfully held to its promises. It is stiil, to-day. the best PRr^ mgjournal, bemj? indispensable equally to the practical gardener and the man of science bpo*n«B find in it something useful. We wish the journal still further success."—Gabiks Floba, Berlin Januar 15tb. T E G A il -D E"-Nl R CHRONICLE THE TIMES OF HORTICULTURE 11). 3d. WEEKLY IJUJL.USTRATED JOURNAIj 3d (EpTABusHan 1841,) EVERY FRIDAY. THE OLDEST HORTICULTURAL NEWSPAPER T*« CMOWOUf tobwnfor v„ y,lr. ?Ss JC>«S of It, K.« X It hfts achiaved this position because while specialiv d*»voT.irc itawH' to fciinnjf-ir.o <•>,«. U1*B* •w«» 1 ftimm Of «11 Sum, mcch of the U V!ZCm Q"aram' &»<»»*» « K»*»i «P «« .«»«■itv on tv trailts. CIRCULATION It8 relations with amateur and profession*! card«r-ei- m- with the Hort^oltura Trade OfaU countries, are of « gpedally extensive cbaraator, nnti <i cirWl»fir:v is coosthntfy incre^sinc Since the reduction in price be circulation has increased to 'he txten) of over 90 oer cent CO TB.IBUTOR6 Its ec jtributorfi comprise tho I"J¡l rd;fit' un- «r<l aam of the most eminent men of soience at hf iie and -troad. ILLUSTRATIONS The I Chrokiclk" ha obtjtii^d »m*.n.*rio»*l rputetion foi tho cnrancy, permanent utility,4;u] artistic efiect of its illustration ol nix tits. Thl"! illustrations together with the original articles and mon.,);r%Tj I. rt'Ddt'Y the Gardeners <:r:Ton*cl« an indispensable work of referece in all garden read ing-roo-cas am: botanical libraries. SUPPLEMENTS: Double-page EugraviiiRB.Lithosrapbs.and other 1li.ostiutio*b o* Laso* S»a an ffsquently given as Supplements without e^tra charge. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE.—The United Kingdom: Twelve Months I5s; mU"L8' 6d,i Thr66 Mor'tfcB. 5e9ri 5 Free. AH Foreign Subscriptions Including Post «ge, 17s 6d for Twelve Months. P.O.O. to be -a ide o*v*Me at the Poet Office, Gbbai Qcxeh-btbbsi LoiiiDon, Jo H. < CÓVK. Chequee should be crossed 1 Telegra-hi" AddressGARDCHRON, LONDON. OFFICE 41, Waiju/saacN STJINXT, STSASD, LOSDOS, W.O. May be ordered of All Bo *ktnlies:s and Ntwsagcnta, and at the Railway ijookstall* I J W BILE E PELENAU JONES, TREMADOfJ 'JONES' TREMAT »OG"PILLS). UEP YRHEN FEDDYGINIAETH GYMREIG ADNABYDDUS, ac sydd SEFYLli S PRAWF droa HANER CAN' MLYNEDD gan y Deyrnaa hon a Chyfan WroiJ fel nad oes braidd Deulu yn Nghymru na chlyweant eu I odau t'u Teidiau YIt son aia an rhtn weddau at wellhau pob afiechyd sydd a'i dueddiad o'r jta.jog a'r Afu ac Anrahuradd y Gwaed a chyndyn hwnw y Crydcymalau. jrwertiiir <jan yr boil Whole*aleHous«i a Manwerthir gan bob Chemist drwy y byd gwared»euig a^wa blychau Is ljc, 2s 6c, a 4s f 1 yr un. Os methir eu cael yn yr ardal, anfoner eu gwertU mewn ataaipe i'r CAMBRIAN PILL DEPOT orth Wa:iagl D.8.-Nid oes llai na Box cvftn « Pil?-, In. cxi flOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT"" A- MEDDYCJlNlAiii'HAU HYFEDùOL y lLENAU A bnrant y Qwied. a gy wirsnt bob n,n'y' yn yr AFU. YR1 FTSTUMOcK YR AEBNAtJ. A'R PERFEDDION. maent yn cryfhau ac yn adferu Cyfansoddiadau Llosg a NychM, ac yn anmhriniidwy Anhwyldermu sydd yn dueddol i ymosod ar Feaywod 0 bob jedran. I "olant a phabi meira Helyd j maent yn dra gwerthfawr. YR "Oiy^SfE.VT" ydd feddyginiaeth aoffaeledi? < Goesau Drwg Brestiau Orw^, flai krchoUion, 3n ris-it ydd. Y am feddyginiaecbu y Tr%edwst a'r Ctyd ffID OES XI GYFAB AM ANHWYLDEBAL YN Y fiiE^T, AT OOOUR YN Y .'}WDD CAETHDRA, PESWOH, ANWYD, CSWY D01A.DA.0 y Y aWDDF,? v phob math o Anhwyderau ya y Croon, nid oes ei gyffelyb: ac *r ,-fymalau anyat srjtn a d y mae yn gweithredu fel awyn.-Gwneathuredigvia uuig !,a iefF iiiai rz,,)!&&s 7S. ,'i OXFOKD STREET (diweddar 533, OXFORD-STREET), LLUYDAIff, ao ar we rib istj, is) 4360, lis, 229a 33 y bocs neu flwen, a geliir eu cael gan bob Fferyilydd drwy yr Lioil fyd bob dyctd yn y cyfeiriad a,aod -hvrag ll va. y boraa Important Shows OF £ Exquisite Autumn & Winter I t. N avel lS, Commencing THURSDAY, OCT. 13th. CD LONDON HOUSE, THOMAS'S BANGOR. 16359 BANGO t-t Ironmongery Warehouse, 224, 226, and 228, HIGH-31REET, BANGOR. l, ROBT. WILLIAMS & Co., (Late W. Francis Williams and Compy.), Beg to inform the Public that they hold an Enorn-ious and oi Carefully bought Stock of Table, Suspension, and Hand Lamps, BY THE BEST MAKERS. LEA AND Observe that the ID |71> 531 \T v' Signature £ U U III ,1 5 I ( Printed in Blue Ink diagonally across the OUTSIDE WRAPPER ot every Boi tie of the ORIGINAL WORCJEBTEIRSHIRB AT0ID «h«P SATTCF IMITATIONS. r "NOItTH WAI,Ks CHH()NH LbJ.' fel EAM PRINTING EBTABLIBHMENT T NORTH WALES CHRONIClE COMPANY, LIMITED Execute, on retsour.ble terais, IBOGRAPfilO, COPPERPLATE, LETTRR, iFBS PRINTING aks At their spaciouo estal'lishmcnte, CAXTOrt HOUSE, HIGLf STiiEET, BAN^Ois, AJVD CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN SIREET-, LLANDUDNO. PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTION kera, nsarance Companies, Fablic Companies SoHcitersj ^nclio&ee executed with j-.OTiptitune. Prospective* s 1'iventorie | Piacaida Articles of Assecia riirculars j ulc-gnea Bosinew h Aidiew Car-is ] 3; &o