Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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WONDERFUL RE SULTf OF USING HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, > Are constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The most obstinate diseases caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE REMEDY. HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as an effective REMEDY for an those DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLOOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world have been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases :— SCURVY, SCROFULA, BOILS, I NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, J COSTIVENESS, WOUNDS SKIN RASH, HEADACHE, I FITS. RHEUMATISM, I ULCERS, BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, I &c., &o., &c., HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. The MARVELLOUS CUBES wrought continually, viz HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Eave been so numerous ard complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a proof:- HUGHES' BLOOD FILLS for the manifold ills That assail the human frame,- Have been tested at large through valleys and hills, And have earned a world wide fame They're potent in vanishing every disease, That affects the vital Blood; Restoring the patient to weal and ease, And make his condition gcod. No man whose Blood ue infected with corruption, Can ne'er enjoy a healthy constitution But must be in pain, and restless night and day, Till the foul malady is driven away HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will this great boon effect. And from the system seeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many a foreign land, And is admitted now on every band; From cot to mansion do their praises sound And testimonials reach us from all round HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So important duty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,- That I would fain advise the sore afflioted, To guard against its further being neglected; HCGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effect its cure, Of this to all concerned I can assure. HUGHE,V BLOOD PILLS. This noted medicine acts directly upon the Blood and Juices of the human system which they Strengthen and Purify. By so doing the Liver, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Brain, and Nerves are renewed and toned to such a degree that their functions are perfectly performed, securing to the man healthy days. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. By Post Is 3d. 2s lid and 4s 9d, from the PROPRIETOR and DISCOVERER, JACOB IITJGIIKS, I MANUFACTUBING CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you. ■ L — — ■ HUGH DAVI | pjhcQUGH MIXTURE | AT WELS C 0 LD -ASTHMA E 0 'iT6 -i.h 'SOL EMI'STS NO MORE M f tt ? emu. DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac., Aber- ys with, says:- Having suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas, I took a Bottle of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free r ollow my public engagement. January 10th, 1888. D. JENKINS." DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally to be a most speedy and efficacious remedy for Chest Complaints and general Coldp. Having been before the public for many years, it bas gained uni- versal reputation. Tbou- nmds testify to its mar- vellous effect in immedi- ately Allaying Tickling Coughs, Dissolving the Phlegm, and relieving the distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothing Qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the ordinary Cough Balsams, ma ny of which are com pounds of Oi-ium, &c. It acts by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, causing free expectora- tion, relieving the sense of weigbt and oppression, Tickling in the Throat, and frequent desir6 to Cough, that is so trouble- some to the Patient. Singeis and Public Speakers will find Davies's Cough Mixture A great Boon, being a perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Vocal Organs. One dose will cause any huskines* to disappear. For Children's Cough, Whooping Cougb, &c., it will be found invaluable, having a soothing effect, assisting expectoration, and preventing the ac- cumulating of Pfclegm, Slight Colds, Boarse- ness, Sore Throat,which m i gh t easily be checked with a few doses of Dayies's Cough Mixture if neglected, often ter- minate serioubly. For ordinary Coughs, Colds, and Difficulty of Breathing, Davies's Cough Mixture will be found to accom- plish its healing effect almost imperceptibly. Have you a Cough P TRY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Have you a Cold ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from asthma ? USE DA NIBS'S COUGH MIXTURE Have you a Sore Throat ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. An Attack of Bronchitis? TAFtf f>AV! BS'S COUGH MIXTURE. Has yrar C-h:lcl the Whooping Cough ? GUVB Efild DAVLES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. Enormous Sale. One dose will relieve. One bottle will cure. Sold by all chemists and patent medicine dealers at Pontypridd and up the Rbondda. DIVIES'S TONIC IN-TIBILIOUS PILLS. DAVIES'S TONIC ANTIBILIOUS JFLLLS, i P. tia pel Box by all Cbfttewta The Cure for Indigestion. The Cure for Liver Complaints. The Cure for Headache. The Cure for Toothache. The Cure for Wind in the Stomach. I The Cure for Costiveness. The Cure for Skin Disease* The Best Medicine for Females. The Cure for Nervous Debility. The Cure for Loss of Appetite. i I I j IMMENSE S- A- L E OF t HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ONE MONTH (PREVIOUS TO THE ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING.) MESSRS BEVAN & CO. RESPECTFULLY announce that their GREAT ANNUAL STOCK TAKING SALE will Commence on SATUllDA y, APRIL 6th, 1889, and continue for ONE MONTH, during which period the whole of their immense Stock (by far the largest in the Principality) will be offered at despe- rately Low Prices in order to effect a Clearance for Stocktaking. Delivery Free within One Hundred Miles. BEV AN & CO., REGISTERED AS "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21, DUKE STREET, AND 76, ST. MARY STREET, O A. R D I F F- < I.. i GEOBGEB PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO! R II more than Gold to me,—it sayed my Life." WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT BO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO t WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WD\T WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO f WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf VHAT WILL IT DO f .'YnAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT ^ILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT vVILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO » WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? VHAT VVILL IT OOP If 11 AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT Dop WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT 001 WHAT WILL IT POP WHAT WILL IT DOí WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOf W3AT WILL IT DO f WHAT WILL IT DO, •VHAT WILL IT DO A HAT WILL IT DO? VV J >\T WiLL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOf W d A T WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WH AT WILL IT DOf iY fiAT WILL IT DO, WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT Df-p WHAT WILL IT lJO, WHAT WILL IT DOy WHAT WILL IT OOw WHAT WILL IT DO If you mffer PAIN in the BACK and Lours, or betwom the SHOULDSaa, this remedy will effectually remove them. If you are trembled with IRKITATION of the BLKDDZR, SupfnMaot and RBTENTJON of the water, STOWS or GIUVBL, the ONLY Satw ui effectual Remedy KVCB OF/KRED TO THR WORLD is GKS&OE'S PT and GEATBL PILLS. If the w%ter is Hlell COLOURED, THICK, and dapesiting mneb Scoikbnt, lose no time, procure a box of GEO SAC's PILLS, and yot will soon be RIGHT again. If your Kidneys and Stiver are slnggiak and eut a: order, this Remedy will gently 8tl ulute these important organs, open ap their CLOQGBD PAIIUOSi. ADd promote the secrafcion of health; bile and other vital tula If yoa are a martyr to Indigresfionr, CIBe usue. and Constipation, you have a SURE Remedy io G-KOSGS'S PILLS. If yoa saffer from any Bowel disorder, such as Plies, Con- •tpaton, flatulence, Colic, you have here a Remedy yoa can always rely apon. If you saffer from Palpitation, and are afraid that your HXABT is affected, yon will And these Pill* an EFFICACIOUS ESMSOI. If you saffer from Meadstefce and Giddiness, George's Pills will remove these PAINS sooner than any other know D merticire. If yea hare Pain after Katingr, and feel Orowtt.t -to Listless, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food tarns Sour and rises into the mouth, a few doses of this Remedy will make yoar troubles a thing of the past. If you feel ferrous, Kxcitatolc, and Low Spirite *• a porfect ANTIDOTK will be found in Gauge's I'LLIA. If you hare a Disagreeable 'iF.JSte in the orvith. s SINSLB Dosx of George's Pile and Graval Pills at hed-ti-ae ^vill c;e»* the tongue before the dawn of another day. If aHeep ails to give yoa Rest. Try George's Pills. TLAJ vei. I make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, and REVIVB your Sr^ExsTa If you feel unfit for Exertion, and ]Li oA!,i, t'h Remedy will restore your ENEBOT and STRENGTH, and will MA L> abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. If you are troubled with IVans ea a I Vowiilrt^ at th bhoYfbt- of eating, a box of George's Pilla vill make your meat ar.c drink tctfc SUVOVKX and PLIASAMT. It your Jllood is impure, it will keep open all the imperii outlets of the body, and thus give free exit to all Gsoss KOSOI and no more Itlood Impurities will be seen ba g through the Skin in Pimples, JBiotches, soiei, Boils. In thousands of eases it has removed from the Blood, root .u branch, Rheumatic, Acorbatic, Scrofulous i u that had defied all ether Bemedies. If you have a tendency to Dropsical SWELLINGS tuis Remedy, by its aotion upon the KIOKKTS and Sum, will soon bring Relief. If yea have Difficulty of Breathinf, this remedy will prove a friend to yoa in the hour of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the aallow complexion to the bloom of health. It will change your sicklinea to vigour; your languor to activity and yonr general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is Aperient, and therefore will remove Co." tl., pation. It is AatlbiliOHS, aad will, therefore, correct iJ. rregalaritiee of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefo) keep open the water paaoagee. It ia Tonic, and will, therefore, RIVE tone aad vigour to the Diownrn OOOAHI. It is 15loo a rarifylnv and 91 orvo-Strencthenlngr: it ia, therefore ALL YOU WANT. Then World-wnowaed Pills are sold mmrUrt. in lim lHi ami 2/P each. B EECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. B Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. B For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Nervous Disoiders. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM' PILLS B For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'> PILDS B Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Giddiness. BEECHA M'd PILLS B For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS JJ A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Are adopted for Old and Young. BEECHAMJS PILLS B For Dizziness and Drowsiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Colds, Ohills, Flushings of Heat. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Will restore the Rosebud of Health to all who use tbem. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Cosriveness and 8curvy. BEECHAM'S PILLS D For Blotches on the Skin. DEECHA'MS PILLS -0 For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreams. BEECHAM'3 PILLS Are the Best Medicine for Femala Complaints. T>EECHAM'S PILLS B The First Dose gives Relief in Twenty Minutes. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Finest Medio:ne in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Sick Headache. BEECHAM* T PILLS Are re commended by Medical Men. B EECHAMIS PILLS Have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. jgEECHAM'S PILLS B EECHAM'S PILLS I WOOL I iu A J. mawkaghtoet WOOLLEN HARUfMTUREIIS, » Pitlochry. Perthshire, Hftve been AWARDED a PBIq MBDAIi for thett Woollen Manufactures ia the JBBIHBUBQH DfTXB. RATIONAL MHIBITMN, 181. They pay ow*ago at wod mat be tabmiw Asafteluft t tftiO llmT orifinfllod PITLOOHRY TWEED8, DRESS TWEEDS, BLANKETS* t RU68. At. Hlyhert enloflnnM fco? «• ik*rto», and tall M^te tow nvd>«4t 4trJool, *c., OB »ppUo *?.. Paiv. wiihipg to bnvour yweeeiiynUewSi —■»— **r ritlami |j|| ■■ ■ CfMt Redity IV*T", MtntiU Onit tnf."n. oucnyM follows the 018 of Pepper a Qainjoe and iron Ionic by infaeiDR new life to the nerves, enriching the (Modi and strengthening the maacolar system. rymptoma of weakness disappear, appetite retorns, fatigue ceases, and recruited health results. Insist to having Pepper's Tonio. It can new be obtained we 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It ooets about .61. each dose. Taraxacum and F»dot\yUin.-—\ liver meStcine with- out mercury, is a mixture of jaiees of the mandrake and dandelion plants, good for headache, terpidity, costivenass, flatalence, heartburn, indigestion, biliousness, repuguance to food, general discomfort depression, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podophyllic, by stimalating the liver with a most gentle action oa the stomach, is the safest, most reliable medicine Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insist on havi-p Pepper's. To Darken Qrty Reur.—Loekyer's Sulphur D'lr Restorer produces a perfectly nataral shade is a fa* chys. No hair restorer offered is eflual to Loekyer's Solpbnr for its beautifying cleansing action on tLi hwr, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. la S:lj everywhere. Detfness, noiset in the ear, Ae.—Dollar's Bssenst fer Deafness is still the only remedy of any real worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages an., oftea lelieving eld cases has been proved dtmng a quarter of a century. Applied on eotton wool Bettlcs Is. lid. Sold everywhere. A Delightful Flavour.—&r aero ft't Areca Nut Toeth Paste.—By using this delicious Aromatic Dentinnce the enamel of the teeth becomes white sound and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially used for removing incrustation of tartar or neglected teeth- Sold by all chemists. Pots, Is. anc 2s. eacb. Get Cracroft s. Liver Complaint.—Three fourths of our functioca derangements are caused by interruptions of tbf liver's action. A few doses King's Dandelion ant Quinine Pills," without mercory, are a potent remedy They perform all the benefits of mercury without au) .1 its disadvantages and dangers. Dr King's Pil r move all liver and stomach complaints, biliousness headaches, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, indi estion, constipation, so ensuring perfect health These old fashioned Pills still keep aheaa ef all othei jjia great liver remedy; Sold everywhere. i. Kite's Liver Pills, containing dandeiiov i n. witbout mercury, are far abovo all rtrf;r n ""3t, milieus means of rcmovi'ig ij:a.tciiior zlic-ILI, headache, dy«»p<js8iA, cbiuacticu^ ant ties of the liver and stumach. so en £ U<- i.rct health. Dr King's Pilia are sold c-vei.. "bple. To Stop Coughing, a few doses ot reaper's Wiii: ()tip fi < ongh Mixture arrests the most tu-ablcecrne fit o .•oiii'hine:. restoring relief and tr<%ut_iiiisJity to 'It, uiitated membranes and air passages bootbinn .rufortint; aud demulcent, its action is quite differei (.!ii r'viiuary Cough xtemeuies. t><». Sold ever) gargling tbe ihrc*t aud mcitk nse Pepper't i'tioutjg Throat Garg^o. Au explication ot grc-a- imice for sore throat, whether iiilliarmation, relasec or ulcerated Tauinu Oar pie is strcngiy recommeodec to spt^kors, iYc., gresilly prebcrvative anc it is also a puiificr as a month wash ueing ainpnJarly agreeable, aatringeat and cleansing JBottles. Sold b\erywheie. /Bulpholine Soap is a Scap containing Sulpholine.- It is a deii:ateiy refined, chemically pure Soap, intended for general use, and ii free from the injurious acrid oils, peculiar to common, impsrfectly prepared soaps. Selpioline Seap is excellent for waehiug at all times, and rendering the skin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets. 6d each. Sold everywhere. To ensure a clear skin.—Salpholine Lotion cleans off all imparities in a few days. 8pots, Blemishes, Irritating Objectioaable Appearances, Redness, Roughness, Tan, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigurements Ac., however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving the skin smooth, transparent, supple, natural aso healthy. Perfectly harmless. Salpholine is delight- fully fragrant, cooliog and refreshing; counteracts the effects of weather, softens end preserves. Bottles 2s. 9d Sold everywhere. Corns, Bunions, auil Enlarged Toe Joints.—Dollar's Cora anil Bunion Piasters are the only remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields or compositions ever invented. By instantly softening the carious sar. rounding the pain goes at once, the corn soon follow- ing. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time for perfect eure, but the actios is certain. Boxes Sold by afiChemists, Ae. MerywheM. WORK! WOBK WORK! Very iittJe work you can do while your blood ie impure, fÜT disease in some foim or other is gain. ing a firmer held on your constitution daily. Purify your blood without deliy by usicie Huohke' BLOOD PILLS," wbioh far surpass all other rewe- dies for the blood. Prio. Is. lid., 28. 9d., and 4r, 6 i.1 of all medicine vendors. TOTAL EOLIPSE. 'Tis not a vain boast, or idle assertion, that from 1874 to 1889 the Tides of Trade have risen higher and higher each year, and the Flood Tide of Pat. ronage is now reaching an enormous height at N.BERRY & GO'S ESTABLISHMENT, due to the value they give, which Totally Eclipses that given by acy Cardiff Furnishing Firms. Many Families negligently irjure themselves, Many persons carelessly wrong themselves, Many newly-married thoughtles: ly rob tbemtelves, I hey neglect to see N. Beiry & Co's Goods, Tbey omit to learn N. Berry and Co's Prices. Buyers are asked not to lepeat this great mistake. Buyers are asked not to commit this great ei ror. Look close after mnco money pavicg. Look close after b.-st value getting. Count the Cofct, Consider the prices, Compare the qua ities, Conceive the differecce, Compute the positive saving, Calculate the decided abvantages, Those who do are sure to trade with N. Berry & Co., N. Berry & Co., 34, QUEEN STREET, AIT) TMT?T? 34, QUIEN 8TBEET, L-AllJJlr JJ The Town's bert Value Furnishers. N. Berry and Co. Supply a complete Drawing Rcem Suite in Vigurea Velvet, from t4 15 ( N. Berry ard Co. E-u ply a complete Diuiu g Room Suite in Leather Clotb, from £3 10 0 1". Berry ard Co. supply a superior Din:ng Room Suite, with Stoffed back small chairp, from £ 5 0 0 N. Beny and Co. supply a complete Bed- room Suite, in enamelled flire from X3 17 6 N. Berry end Co. sepply full size SpriDg Mattresses, own make from 17 6 N. Berry and Co. supply Walnut Inlaid Oval Loo Tables from £ 17 6 N. Berry and Co. supply Linoleum, in all the latest designs, from 1/3 per yd. N. Berry and Co. aie publicly registered, N. Berry and Co. are puiliciy rtputtd, N. Berry and Co. aie publicly regaroed, by far the best value givers in these Dijtioot Departments. Dining, Drawing, ana Bed- cl room Furniture, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Hearth Rugs, Fp:ing, Wire, Hair, Wool, and Straw iiattresaes, Feeders, Fire Irors, Ash Pars ald Metal goods, Electro Plate, Cutlery, Tea and Coffee Pots, Cnlinury, Kitchen and requisite UteDsil?, Pictures, Mirrors, Orna.. ments, Vases, Glass, China, aLd Earthe1..ware,. Toilet Services, Hafcce, ^Haimeniums, ^Musio Stools, &c. THL LARGEST HOUSES LUXURIOUSLY FURNISED. THE. SMA1LEST EOUtES PLAINLY FURBISHED. Dcn't go e gainst Actual Facts aLd tl'ufcl:c Opinion Buy of ]N .[Perry andaCo. L Dcn't go pre vf d t, uif t and Public Judg- ment^bny <.f N. BERRY & COMPANY Don't go against Furse Interests and Public Example, buy of N. Berry and Company. All classes seived vell t,iikp,prov:.eecl fer alike, Jfu'ttd alikp,ai.d alike atiifiid,&li alike benefitted. Trot tic cid Time aie»-a\fdin prij <• diifit to y. Berry & Co. yen can get anythiig aitd all h ngs fr, m thtm. Tie tenet t r.d ctuse (f tbeir Cheapiess are, they Buy Mateiiels wi b Cash, they Buy all Articles with Ready A.(ney, they Sell only to Payuent down Cnstcmeie, tbey charge as near as potsiblsto Prcducir.g Ctet. They pBcl trrep, aid fa) Cerricge on ail Fuxiish- ing ( rd-rs. Tlt-ydcliier in lovir) szd d:tir;ct immtdiote'y they contract to fumieh any zed i ou.- e, II ey txchdngean^- A. ticle not Suitable. N. BERKY ana Co. Thank Patrons for such hn ^xtensivo and Ccn- fidential Bueiuses, wbitbtbey mean to expand to enoimous dimersiocs with Value and Variety of Goods much beyond pa&t lin iir, nd will further prove that tt »y give TWENTY TO THIRTY PER CENT. bettor value than any o her House in Cardiff, Estimates Post Free on application to N. BERRY & CO., GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, OARDIf if