Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Hotels t: ABERYSTWYTH'S NEW HYDRO (WATERLOO PRIVATE HOTEL), FACING THE SEA. CENTRE OF PROMENADE. EXCELLENT CUISINE. HEATED THROUGHOUT BY PATENT RADIATORS MOST COMFORTABLE FOR INVALIDS ITAL!, LOUNGE. LARGE RECREATION ROOM. THE SEA BATHS Which are open to non-residents, include Hot, Cold, Siiowei, Needle, Spray, Douche, Plunge, Sitz, SEA WATER FRESH TWICE DAILY. DOWSINGS' RADIANT HEAT AND LIGHT BATHS, ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS. Thor, ugh Treatment under care of Certificated Nurses for Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Stiff Joints Neuralgia, and Kidney Diseases. MASSAGE— NAUHEIM & ELECTRO THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT. RONTGEN RAYS. INCLUSIVE RESIDENTAL TERMS FROM 42s. WEEKLY. 654a Full Printed Particulars on application to MANAGER. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. Table D'Hote. 7.30, Boarding Terms from 3 Guineas per Week, or 12s 6d. per day. TTTHu- -plete with every modern appliance and contains Coffee and Dining Rooms, Ladie JL Drawing iioor: Recreation Room, Library, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms, and about one hundred Bedrooms. Having a front-ege of 150 fees all the Public and Private Sitting Rooms face the sea and are Slighted bj Electricity. W. H. PALMER. Proprietor BELLE VUE HOTEL ABERYSTWYTH. (Facing the Sea and close to the Pier.) The one of t.he most reasonable and comfortable Family and Commercial Hotels in WaleI'< TABLE r-'Motc, 6-30. Boarding Terms from 2-j Guineas per week, or 9.3. per day. 'Bus meets Trair farir: on Application to the Manageress. W H. PALMEPw. Proprietor, T- US HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH THE Hotel is now under new management. It is situate close to the Station and is the most convaniet Hotel in Town for Travellers and others. It has recently been enlarged and is now replete witl &ery modern convenience and is lighted throughout with the Electric Light. SALMON. PROPRIETOR. HAFOD ARMS HOTEL, DEVIL'S BRIDGE, R.S.O THE MANAGEMENT of the above Hotel have decided to adopt a Special, Cheap, IrclusiveFates VISITS DURlG THE WINTER MONTHS TO COMMENCE FROM SAT [f R D A I-, SEPTEMBER 30th. This is especially to Meet the Convenience of Residents in Aberystwyth who are unable to get away during the Summer. Inculsive terms Satuf day to Monday 16s. Special terms quoted for longer period. Apply to 612a THE MANAGER. Business Notices. A fact proved during the last 23 years THA J. Walter Evans rf J I \CAN- NOT BE BEATEN FOR f STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE M i ImP READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Ui|j | | '"Jr CLOTHING TO MEASURE. • Wi I■ New Season's Goods in every description of ||| 11 ll Boys'. Youths' and Men's fl I OVERCOATS. It I 1* PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES, g |f | >;■ An immense Stock always kept to select from. I PlfL^ MEN'S SUITS TO f MEASURE I f I/Si L (NOT READY-MADE) From 25s. Upwards. The Best Place to Buy FURNITURE EDWARD ELLIS, Complete House Furnishers and Upholsterers, HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Dining, Drawing and Bedroom Suites, Also, Bedstead, Beddings, Welsh Oak Dressers, and Chests of Drawers- A SPECIALITY. PURIFIED FEATHERS from 6d. per lb. 28, Little Darkgate-st., Aberystwyth. ncourage Home i ndustries! WHY BUY RAZORS MADE IN GERMANY WHEN M. H. DAVIS & SONS SUPPLY THEIR CELEBRATED "GYMRO" RAZORS, Made of the Finest British Steel by British Workmen. PRICE, 3s. 6d. EACH. t SOLD ONLY BY M. H. DAVIS & SONS, 4. BRIDGE STREET. ABERYSTWYTH. Forwarded Post tree to any Town ic Great Britain, Canada, South Africa, atid Australia. ESTATU 334. < 7 MRST-CASS T'J!JC03 AN'F> CIGARETTES, AXD EVERY DESCRIPTION* OF SMOKER'S,REQUISITES GSNTLKMKN'S HAIKDBESSINQ Dbpabtmkkt, THE "VARSITY" TOILET ALOON. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KINq. DAY, SON, AND HEWITTS LAMBING & CALVING REMEDIES. THE CASEOUS FLUID. < THE GASEODYNE. For prustmteri Ccws and Ewes, Scour, For paining or heaving. and soothing the Diarrhoea, Debility, Hoven, Colic. &c. Nervous System, also fii- Dysentery or Flux. i o 20s. per doz. I Price 3s. 6d. per bottle. THE CH—i.iiCAL EXTRACT, j THE RED DRENCH. fot at. minting Parturition, Straining, and For cleansing Cows and Ewes, Fevers, Chills, preventing G-rvr-ene. For wounds, swollen j Red Water, Hide-bound, See., prevents Udaers, and Sore Teats. I Milk Fever ,.r Dropping. Price 2s. 6d.. 3- 6d., and 7s. per bottle. Price (Cows; 13". (Ewes) 3s. 6d. per Doz. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THE 6b -AMBING AND CALVING CHESTSJ Prices complete, 30s. and F,3 3s. (Carriage Paid). Address 22, DORSET ST., LONDON, W. Est. 1833. .nT- Public Notices. MILD & BIT TER BEERS OF THE FINEST QUALITY ARE SUPPLIED BY Daoid Roberts$Sons, LIMITED, THE BKEWERY, ABERYSTWYTH Price List on Application. The Brewing Waters are of exceptional purity, and only the Finest Materials obtainable are used. CLEARANCE SALE OF GENERAL DRAPERY GOODS, I READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C. DANIEL THOMAS Wishes to inform his Customers and the Public generally that his 28th Annual Sale of DRAPERY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ETC., Will Commence on MONDAY,. MARCH 5th, and will be continued to the 26th instant, When all his EXTENSIVE STOCK will be greatly reduced to effect a speedy clearance and in order to make room for Spring Goods. The Public aie cordially invited to inspect the Goods. Every Article marked in plain figures. TERMS:—ONE PRICE AND STRICTLY READY MONEY. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS- DANIEL THOMAS, 22 & 24, Little Darkgate Street. Aberystwyth. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS t NoNcoN.If you have such a misgiving, you should take steps to petition the Member for the County. He is quite healthy on the question of Disestablishment; and is, we believe, in favour of immediate action. "RUSTICIJS. "-Many people look upon the University as a luxury and a school as a necessity. But that is a false view; for, rightly considered, the university is no more a luxury and no less a ne- cessity than a school training. "MEMBER R.S.P.C.A."—You are sadly mistaken. It is on record that clergy and ministers in this district took a practical interest in ttas prevention of cruetly to animals over half a century ago; and kindness to dumb animals furnished a theme to a local bard, of no mean order, over seventy years since. "WELSH GAZETTE" IS THE RECOGNISED county paper FOR CARDIGANSHIRE. Acknowledged to be the best in the district for its complete service ef news.