Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

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spfiEca Pronounced by hn Evcvtleney Prints Repnin, at itii lllst audicn. e at JJresdcn, Sov. 8, 1814, A compact entered into hy Russia and Prits sia, and to-which Austria and England have ac ceded, places the future administration of Haxonj ill the hands of his Majesty the King ot, Prussia. It is therefore the last time, Gentlemen, thaf t appear among youas the deputy of Alexander, over your welfare, and to direct, yuur tiforts in the sacred cause of the emancipation ot cmrop^. •' For all the rood (hat I have had it in my i),vet- f(i do, while performing this honorable -s k 1 a in indebted io you, brave Saxons. 1 found 3,50(1 troops; burynur enthusiasm, >our iruiy German hearts impelled yon to fly to arms at. the first, summons, and in the short space ot three months 43,0(;0 men had either JOIned he victurious iegions of Alexander and Frede- u:k Wiitiam, or were iu full march to do so. There was no longer h public exchequer i)ut thanks to the disinterested patriotism of the .-acs-'chanis, who several tunes came iorivard wiih continence to the assistance of the Government i. nave been enabled to begin and support the uiiuiimsi'ralion «»f a country laid wa-fe by war, and to preserve public credit.tod private pro- perty from ruin by liol, i-iiiy keeping up the go veminent papei, but b^- raising the course of it almost to its nominal value, aftet it had fallen nearly one half. It was to the zeal and indefatigable .telltion of the Governors ot the Provinces, • hat, in.the short space of six weeks, numerous magazines insured supplies'for400,000 returning to their country, and prevented me. necessity oi partial requisitions, so disastrous to a count y, and so prejudicial to military discipline. To you also, worthy inhabitants of the country. 1 must address my thanks; your active in iusfry and indefatigable exertions have already erased most of the frightful traces of war; i: is by you that the fields are once more cultivatc,d- that the villages rise again from their ashes. I cannot, remain cold, while calling to mind these circulIlstances; and I shall nlcss (he Al- mighty and uiy Sovereign, for having placed me during this memorable year, at the head of such a nation as yours. Clouds have nevertheless sometimes obscur- ed our mutual relation On this subject tshait speak to you with that frankness upon which I pride myself Men truly patriotic surrounded me from the of my administration. Strong in iteir conscience and in their conviction, they co operated in various reforms we braved together !»ume opinions, sonie private interests; they as i, ia(i (lie -I; >axons, had the greater merit the destiny Of your country was not tben decided. II JS in the calm of Illfurítv that )low will pronounce upon my conduct, and that of my worthy colleagues: I appeal on this head to your loyally. At a time when Saxony, exhausted by a long scries of calamities, and by the sacrifices which -she had already made for the common cause, bad to unite her efforts to those of the other Ge. uiaii nations, to supply the extraordinary expences occasioned by the war, to provide for'the nume- rous hospitals, and to furmsU arms and necessa- ries for the troops, there were but two uoethodsi either todemaud a war contrihution of one class of your fellow citizens, of the merchants and ma- nufactures, or to divide this charge among per- sons of all classes. This was the origin .of 'he Central Stewer. Judge whether this latter mode ought not to have been adopted. Four millions and a half of public effects, and the diamonds of the crown, had been carried out of Saxony: these were so many means of cir- culation, and pledges taken out of the hands of the Government. My representations were ineffectual the cessation of some pensions, the diminution of pothers, wereth results painful to my heart, but required by my duty and the necessities of the State. I am now come, Gentlemen, to the subject which has most deeply affected your souls, I mean the uncertainty respecting the fate of your country, and the attachment which you bear to a Sovereign, who, for lialf a century, has presided over your destinies. It was worthy of you to forger the calamities of these latter times in the remembrance of a calm and tranquil reign of for;y-five years, during which old wounds were healed. The misfortune of an individual interests I every tender heart, but that of a Sovereign has in it something religious, which iriesistibly seizes upon Ihe feelinps, and excites enthusiasm. Far be it from me then to censure the sentiments which you have displayed antI if you have seen me employ restrictive measures against some proceedings into which you were hurried, attri- bute them solely io my certai'i convicrion, that nothing bu: implicit confidence, and unlimited submission to the designs of the High Allied Powers, could insure your future happiness, and preserv- Saxon,) from the calamity of being par- titioned. A happy futurity opens before you. Saxony will continue Saxony—her froll1 iers will remain untouched. A liberal constitution will ensure her political existence and individual prosperity; and under the powerful and paternal protection of Frederick Wiitiam and his descendants, she wilt pot be, as heretofore, exposed every hall century to the ravages of war. With this cheering conviction, I resign the Government of your county into the hands or the Governor-Generals appointed by his Majesty the King of Ptussia. Frederick William, a just and generous So- vereign, great in adversity, magnanimous .n pros- perity, wi" superintend your destinies. His pow- erful hand will protect you he has a to your love, and to a sincere and unbounded -illbmission. To-i will never be indifferent to my august Sovereign: by resigning you into the hands of his friend, he is certain of assuring your felicity. From this moment t cease to be connected with you by official relations: but those of friendship will last as Jons' as 1 live. -1 It qhall be ny boast and my happiness to have deserved your esteem, and henceforward to find friends in the midst of you. Saxons! sometimes recollect him who for a year has identified hi nseK with <


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