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HOUSE OF CO:vl \iU:NS, Wednesday, Nov. 28.-The Malt. Duty Bill and the Exchequer Bids Hill were passed. IMPRISONMENT FOR LIBEL. Mr Whilbread said, he bad a Petition to pre sent from a Mr. Lovell, who had been upwards ¡ of three years imprisoned for publishing several I libels. But lie was likely to remain in that state during his life, as he was unable to pay the fine imposed on bun, or to find the sureties required. He did not then mean to make any other motion than'I hat it should lie on the table. j The Petition was then read. It set forth that | the Petitioner being Proprietor of she Statesman j Newspaper, had been conv cted of, and allowed judgment tn go by default, on lour different li- 'eis, for which he had been sentenced to three years and a half's imprisonment. The last sen- lentc was IS months imprisonment, to pay a Sine of ,n,l ;0 find to", stjtvties in £500. each .or his good behaviour during three years that he was unable to pay the tiil" or find the sure- ties; that his health was reduced by a pulmonary complaint and that he had suffered more than four mouths imprisonment over the tenny of hi s various sentences. VI r. Whit bread then expatiated on the extreme hardship of this case, which he was convinced every one would see, however their optuio; might differ as to the geneial law of libel; and he conceived, that three years and a half's impl" -oilmen' was a sufficient expiation for any libels whatever After some conversation, in which 'h" Peti- tioners case was advocated by several members, ■ he Petition was 0: dered to lie on ihe. table. Mr. IV hit bread biougin III a Bill for extending the provisions of 'he 35th and 37'h of the King, j respecting False Weights, to Measures also.— | Read a first vime. MESSAOE FROM THE PRIXCE REGENT. I Mr. Fansitta-t biongh' up a similar message to that III the Lord- recommending the grant of I an Annuity of = £ ->000 to Lord Walg;ngliatti.- Referred to aCoffiilitlee of the House tomorrow. Thursday^ Nov. 24.—Mr. Serjeant Onslow pre- a Petition from certain bakers, praying tnat the trade might be thrown open, or a greater allowance made to thein for the baking of bread. Ordered to lie on the table. The Promissory Note Bill was passed. A-Bill to secure the purity of election in the Borough of ileistone, was read a first lime. A Bill for the better Regulation of Hackney t'oaches was read a first time. I. The Wool Importation, Neutral Ships, Fo- reign Ships, ajul East India Goods Bills, were passed. THE SLAVE TR DE, Mr. Horner wished to ask ihe Riht Hon. Gent, opposite, for some information respecting; she abolition of the Slave Trade. It appeared I from he publication of the A mcricaf; negotiations .,1 (thent. as published by the American Govern- inent,that a number of negroes who had delivered 'hemsetves u,' to the British officers in'the southern Stqtcg, bad been taken to the West In lies and soullor slaves. This was a question which lie wished much to have answered. The honour of the nation was concerned in an expla lion, more especially af Mr. Monroe had derfared he could produce proofs of the iruth of this statement. The (leXI question he wished to put ielated to A n^aty of Amity said to have been concluded with Spain. from our situation with that country any object which we had warmly contended for he was of opinion the Spanish Go- vernme-it would not refuse: under this advantage of siiiiation he trusted the abolition of the Slave Trade by that Government had been contended for. Mr. Vunsiltart was ready to answer these ques- tions immediately, and had only to regret that any doubts should be entertained of the sincerity of this Government in its wishes to put an end to the Slave Trade. For his own part, he could say, in justice 10 his colleagues, that he was oilly one of many "tio wished earnestly to see that horrid traffic put an end to, and no one, he was convinced, felt that desire more earnestly than his Noble Fiiend, Lord Castlereagh, did Wiih respect to the first question of the Hon. Gentle-i PlaD, be could only say > that Government bad no iaformalidft on the subject* Ile (lid-nof, how- e that any Bril ish Officer would have dared to n.n the risk of incurring the heavy pe- nCilties which such a conduct illipufed 10 hnn by the Americans, would have subjected Inn to. He rather believed that it was a report invented by the A.meriaans to deter their Negroes from coming over to us. The Hon. Gentleman might rest assured, however, that Government wou!d not lose sight of the subject, or give up its en- quiries, till fully satisfied on what foundation it rested. With respect to the second question, he was sorry he was not able to answer it in the manner he could wish. He regretted much to say, that no actual stipulation was introduced into the Treaty with Spain for the abolition of the Slave Trade, although every possible exer- tiOn had been made and would still continue to be made, by his Majesty's Government, to induce the Government of Spain to adopt steps for doing away that abominable traffic. Tiir, pRI.NCr,'S IVIESSAGR. The House went into a Comm.'tee on the Pi ince's Message, recommending a provision to be made for Lord Walsingham and on the mo- tion, of Mr. Vansiltart a Resolution was agreed to for securing an aunuity of £ 2,000 to him for his natural iife. The Irish Arms Bill was withdrawn, on account of informality. COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. Fiiday, Not). i,hc. motion of Mr. Van" sittart, ioi the Mouse going into a Committee of Supply on the Miscellaneous Estimates. Air. hitbread said, it was probable that the Right Hon. Genttemeo would, about the end of nexf week, propose a long adjournment; and, if i the I-lotise should adjourn to the la, ter eii,i )f January,or oeginlwlg 01 February, I I he but little time left to consider of any altera- tion that might be proposed to be made In the Piopeny Tax Act. But the Commissioners under that. Act had proceeded already, as if they wli-c confident they would be able to prevail on that House to continue this oppressive Itix be- yond the period fixett for its expiration by Par liament. TIley had issued notices throughout 'he kingdom tha- theassessHlcnt wis to he made tip io April, 18if) What authority they had for that, he did not know but they should tie told that they have none, as tiie Act would die a na- tural dealll on the 6th of April next, unless it should be again revived. Mr. Vansittart trusted that business would he so forwarded as to allow of a temporary adjourn- ment without inconvenience. One of ihe great subjects to he brought forward after the adjourn .10 u ment would be, the continuation of the Property- Tax. With respect to the notice issued by the Commissioners, if the Hon. Gentleman had turned to the Act, he would have found thai, avoid the trouble of giving frequent notices, they were made from two.years to two jears. The House then went into it Committee and several sums for defraying the expecces.of the Civil List. &c. were voted. A Petion was presented by Mr. P. Moore, pray ing for leave to bring in a Bill for making Canal, to be called the Royal Clarence, JYoErith to Gravesend. The Petition was laid on the table. No particular business on Saturday. ..&.

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