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ALTERATION OF LOCAL AREAS. » LIVELY MEETINGS AT BRIDGEND. RATEPAYERS AND LOCAL BOARD. MEMBERS AT BAY. HOWLING AND DERISIVE LAUGHTER. THE COUNTY COUNCIL INQUIRY. PENT-UP FEELING REFUSED AN OUTLET Preceding Saturday's inquiry the scheme formed the subject of discussion at a vestry meeting of Coity Lower at the Town Hall on Thursday evening, and of a general meeting of ratepayers of the town the following evening. There was a large attendance on both occasions, and the proceedings were marked by considerable animation. COITY LOWER VESTRY. The vestry meeting of Coity Lower on Thursday evening last week was presided over at the com- mencement by the Rev F. W. Edmondes, as rector, and the attendance included a fair sprinkling of inhabitants from the rural portion of the parish. Amongst those present were Messrs C. Sheppard, tV McGaul, 0 Sheppard, Mbhael Davies, W H Morgan, W Buckley, R C Griffiths, T J Hughes, W Wellington, Lewis Nicholl, W Hopkin (Island Farm), J Rees (Newbridge Farm), T. Rees (Water- ton Court), T Hopkin (Ewenny), W M Richards, Robert Evans, J Williams (Mcrtbyrmawr), W Francis, T Williams (Bear Hotel), M Williams (sur- veyor), the Rev W John, Morgan David, D R Phillips, D Jenkins (chemist), Ll Wallington, J Sankey, W House, P J Thomas, T Edwards (draper), W Williams (ironmonger), J P Williams, D Wil- liams (Caroline-street), R Roberts (Messrs Pritchard and Roberts), R Lucas, W Williams, W Rogers, G ^The Chairman, while disapproving of the scheme as a whole, thought some change was inevitable on account of the present unsatisfactory condition of Tondu and Aberkenfig. Shortly afterwards the Chairman left the meeting, and Mr McGaul was voted to the chair. Mr Buckley strongly opposed the inclusion of Tondu and Aberkeniig, and condemned the Local Board for not having consulted the ratepayers before they formulated their proposals (applause). As an elected body they .should obey the expressed wishes of their constituents. He believed, however, they would heartily welcome the rural parts of Newcastle Lower and Coity Lower into their midst (laughter), and he moved 4 That in the opinion of this vestry the Local Board District ought to be composed of the parishes of Coity Lower and Newcastle Lower.' Mr Robert Evans as a large ratepayer both in that parish and at Aberkenfig, seconded the motion. The rateable value of Tondu and Aberkenfig was most unreliable on account of the uncertain pros- pects of the works there, and he said it was best for them to remain as they were, let the consequences be what they may. Mr W Hopkin (Island Farm) held it would be most unfair to include the rural portions of Coity Lower and Newcastle Lower, which were nearly 1,300 acres in extent and had a rateable value of about £ 3,000. He moved as an amendment that the Local Board District remain as it is. Mr J Williams (Merthyrmawr) seconded the amendment. Mr Buckley would be quite prepared to accept the amendment if he thought the proposal was likely to be approved by the Commissioners. The Chairman That is the only reason why the Local Board moved in the matter. Mr D R Phillips supported the proposition. The farmers below Bridgend would benefit by the sewerage scheme, and the rural portions of the parishes would help them to pay their rates (laugh- ter). Mr it C Griffiths differed from some Qf the speakers in thinking that the County Council would » be so devoid of common sense and common honesty in inflicting upon the district what everybody was opposed to. He took j it that the only object of the Council in making! this monstrous proposal was to provide for the better sanitation of the district north of Brdgend, and on what principle the fifteen farms in the rural portions of Coity Lower were to be rated for the purpose passed his comprehension. Mr Buckley said as the supporters of both the motion and amendment were at one in their opposi- tion to the inclusion of Tondu and Aberkenfig, he would accept the amendment in this form, I That in the opinion of this meeting the Local Board District of Bridgend remain as it is.' This having been agreed to, Mr Michael Davies moved as an amendment that the recommendation of the Local Board DO adopted. It was very desirable that Tondu and Aberkenfig should be united to Bridgend (' No, no '). Well, he said that it was. and he claimed that his contention "was borne out by facts and figures. Several of those who opposed the proposal had their own axes to grind. Of course, if he built a house outside the boundary of the board's district he would be opposed to the scheme (laughter). He claimed for the scheme that it would facilitate the execution and management of the sewerage scheme, and would relieve the rates at Bridgend, which the sewerage scheme loan would probably; raise from Is lOd to half -a-crown. A considerable pause elapsed, but no one seconded the amendment. Mr Davies expressed surprise that no member of the Local Board could be tound to second him, if it Was only for the purpose of taking the voice of the meeting on the question. Mr D R Phillips: No if you don't believe in it don't second it. The motion was then put and carried with only two dissentients. Mr Buckley then moved, That in the opinion of this vestry no extension of the Bridgend Local Board District beyoud the boundaries of Newcastle Lower and Coity Lower will be accepted willingly.' The Rev W John seconded the motion. He was sceptical, he remarked, of a good deal Mr Davies had told them, and he hoped Mr Davies did not expect them as sensible men to accept it (laughter). Mr Davies: I gave figures. It was no mere assertion. The Rev W John, proceeding, said the present sanitary state of Tondu and Aberkeufig was a scandal to a civilised community, and before the place could be put into a proper state some thou- sands of pounds would have to be expended on it (applause). Their rates were increasing fast enough as it was, a fact he largely attributed to toe spirit of speculation which was going on among the board. Mr Davies replied that the state of Bridgend was quite as bad as that of Tondu and Aberkenfig. The Rev W John: Thea it is all the more shame to you (applause and laughter). Mr Davies rose to reply, but The Chairman ruled him out of order. There was no doubt, he said, that Aberkenfig was in a worse state than Bridgend, but the property owners would have to bear the bulk of the expense in putting things in order. Mr J R Lewis doubted the latter assertion. The proposition on being put was^rejected by a considerable majority, and Mr R C Griffiths was appointed in his legal capacity to appear at the inquiry in support of the resolutions already passed. The meeting then terminated. A LIVELY MEETING. On Friday evening there was again a good attendance at the Hall when the scheme came before a general meeting of the ratepayers of the town, summoned during the day by handbill and crier. Nearly all the Local Board members were present, together with the clerk. Mr Buckley was voted to the chair. Mr T J Hughes read the resolution as altered by the Local Board after their meeting on Friday evening last, and which appeared in its original form in our last issue. Mr D H Lloyd in a vigorous speech condemning the proposal of the Local Board,to assent to the inclusion of Tondu and Aberkenfig, said it was a eca 3us thing for the members to pretend that tfy •• 1 the interests of the town at heart. It was Do mag' of the kind. Nothing but self-interest had promoted the whole business (loud cries of question' from the Local Board members). The scheme bad been previously brought forward by some ingenious mind and had now been revived when the district in question would require an expenditure of some- thing like from X5000 to £8000. The proposal would have the effect of depriving Tondu and Aberkenfig of the right of managing their own affairs, while at the same time he was of the opinion Bridgend would be in a minority on the governing body. He moved a resolution expressing disagree- ment with the resolution passed by the Local Board in favour of adding Newcastle Higher and Ynisawdre to the district. Mr Francis thought it would have been an advantage to Mr Lloyd if he had seen the board's resolution before he made his speech. Mr George Bevan seconded the resolution, and said he thought the Local Board were T2ry much to blame for the course they had taken (Mr McGaul: No). They had openly disregarded the emphatic declaration of the ratepayers made 12 months ago, and had acted in direct opposition to their wishes. Mr Michael Davies objected that the resolution mitrepresented the facts by implying that the board desired the inclusion of Tondu and Aberkenfig. Mr Powell had expected that some of his colleagues would have replied to the pertinent or impertinent remarks that had been made. Everyone seemed to be competent to criticise and condemn the members of the Local Board whatever their actions or decisions might be. The Local Board members, he stated, would really prefer the district remaining as it was, and they had only passed the recom- mendation to include Tondu and Aberkenfig on the distinct understanding that an extension of the district was inevitable. He asked them not to be quite so free with their criticism of the Local Board as they were. He thought they were serving them (the members) badly. They were gentlemen who gave considerable time to their duties and who did their best. If they were dissatisfied with them why did they not change 'e them ? He did protest against every dog as it were rising up against the local board, who had done their best to serve the town (Hear, hear' from local board members). Mr McGaul thought speakers would do well to confine their attention to the question at issue and not to drag in the Local Board so much. They had had an opportunity of showing their cleverness in the management of the town. If they went and told the commissioners at the inquiry that they blamed the Local Board for the whole business they could simply laugh at them. The scheme had been reluctantly formulated by the board—they might believe it or not—as they regarded an extension of the district inevitable under the Act, and formulated in the best interests of the town in order to avoid a scheme which would be still more unacceptable to the town. With regard to Mr Lloyd he had always found him grinding his axe whenever he could get to the grindstone. He was as ready as anybody to serve his own interests, and it was a very poor argument to traduce people who were doing their best (hear, hear). He warned them that it would be useless going before the commissioners without a scheme. Mr W R Randall did not wish to enter into a discussion as to the merits of the schemes, but Mr McGaul and Mr Powell seemed to be under a mis- apprehension, for he saw nothing in the Act which made the scheme inevitable If they were united in saying they were not going to have an alteration in the district then if the County Council did push it down their throats they would have an appeal to the Local Government Board (applause). Mr Michael Davies said having had his say the previous evining he would not make a long speech. Mr D. H. Lloyd You were in the wrong parish. Mr Davies said he stood alone on the Board in strongly advocating the inclusion of Tondu and Aberkenfig, and he would stand or fall by that opinion. In justice to the Board it should be said it was only on advice they reluctantly favoured the scheme. They were led to believe that the scheme would be inevitable. Mr W. R. RandallThat goes to the root of the whole matter, whether it is inevitable or not. Mr Davies: I cannot help it. We understood that, and we are governed by it. He went on to say he thought it very unfair that Mr Lloyd should have spoken as hi had done. It seemed to him that any stick was good enough to beat the Local Board with. He could understand Mr Lloyd's position in this matter, and that of the other opponents whose reasons were personal and not public. (Cries of name them.') Mr Davies: I can prove it without any diffi- culty. Our surveyor The Chairman, interposing, reminded Mr Davies that he must confine himself to the subject of dis- cussion. Mr McGaul; I think the Chairman ought to call other speakers to order too. Mr Davies I think we should find out the motive which prompted these gentlemen to oppose the Local Board, and not the scheme. Don't let them oOPie there with a resolution blaming the Local Board. As men, and as ratepayers, ho thought it debasing they could u9t pass a better resolution. The fcoar3 \Va9 doing its duty, and could Rpt do better. He did not think it could be said a single member of the Board had hankered after office. If they were not pleased with them, let them take their places. They gave their time for nothing in the public service, and got no thanks. Mr D. H. Lloyd said his name had been so fre- quently mentioned that he wished to explain why he had spoken in the manner he had. The scheme was not a new one, having b?en started some time before. Mr McGaul: Question. Mr Lloyd There is no question about it. They (the Local Board), knew vtry well what they were doiug when th,y passed the resolution. It would have been well tor them to have consulted the rate- payers before attempting to pass such a resolution. Mr Powell: I must protest against Mr Lloyd's remark that the Local Board formulated the whole thing, and he ought to withdraw it. The Chairman said Mr Lloyd's remarks evidently referred to the scheme previously submitted to the ratepayers by the Board, and disapproved of by them. Mr Lloyd assented. Mr Powell: That is very kind of you, Mr Chair- man. The Chairman supposed they were all desirous of having the matter plainly before the meeting. Personalities had nothing to do with this question. That meeting had been called because it was felt that in common fairness befor.3 such a momentous question was resolve 1 upon by the Local Board the feelings of the inhabitants and ratepayers of the town should have been consulted. (Hear, hear). They must also recollect that every member of the Local Board stood for criticism when he stood for office, and that the inhabitants were their con- stituents consequently that unless they represented the feeliugs of Lhe town in the matter, they must not pass resolutions on it in their public capacity. It was misrepresenting the ratepayers. If the Board's resolution was condemned, then be thought they might ask the Board to withdraw it. and, in common honesty, not to present it to the com- missioners as representing the feelings of the rate- payers. (Applause). Mr McGaul admitted that the Board had dealt with the question knowing that the ratepayers were I dead' against the scheme, and said he had strongly suggested the calling of a public meeting. Mr o. Sheppard said the fault was Thtt the Local Board had jumped to the foregone conclusion that the District would have to be extended. Their hands would have been greatly strengthened at the inquiry if they presented a resolution which was endorsed by tke townspeople. Mr Edgar Davies asked whether Mr Sheppard paid Local Board rates in respect of his residence. If not, he could understand his opposition to the scheme. Mr Sheppard My private house has nothing to do with it, I am a ratepayer in this town. Mr Davies repeated his question. Mr Sheppard: With regard to my house, I have done what I think any other person would do. Mr Davies again put the question. The Chairman 1 think this query is a little out of place, because Mr Sheppard has a perfect right to speak as a ratepayer. Mr Sheppard laughingly observed that as several of the Bridgend tradesmen largely used the district roads, to the cost of which they did not contribute, he saw no reason why the farmers should not also use the town roads. Mr T. J. Hughes wished to say that be never at any time advised the Board that the scheme became neceasary undsr the Act. He also wished as an official of the Board, to repudiate with the utmost contempt the suggestion made by Mr Lloyd as to there being any motive of self-interest in this matter and he challenged him to put that ex- pression into plain English. The Chairman said they had had quite enough of personalities. Mr Davies: Well, they should not have been made. Mr McGaul They are far too ready with them. Mr Lloyd thought Mr Hughes must have misunderstood what he said. ('No,' and Order.') He could not himself see that there was any other motive than that of self-interest. Mr McGaul: You are dense. Mr Lloyd What could they mean by it ? Mr McGaul: Self-interest. Mr Lloyd Well then, I may use your words. Mr McGaul further replied, and The Chairman called for order. Mr McGaul: Well, he still continues. The resolution, on being put, was carried, the Local Board members and one or two others dissen- ting, the resolution being declared carried by about 35 to 9. Mr Francis said he regarded the resolution as one of censure on the Local Board. On the motion of Mr Lloyd, seconded by Mr Francis, a resolution was carried in favour of the inclusion of the rural portions of Coity Lower and Newcastle Lower within the Board's district. A deputation consisting of Messrs D. H. Lloyd, G. Bevan, P. J. Thomas, and J. Sankey, was appointed to present the resolution at the inquiry. A vote of thanks to the chairman brought the meeting to a close. THE INQUIRY AT BRIDGEND. The County Council inquiry imto the proposed alterations in the districts of the Bridgend Local Board and the Bridgend and Cowbridge Rural Sanitary Authority, was held at the Town Hall, Bridgend. on Saturday afternoon, by Mr Alderman W. H. Morgan and Mr Councillor Morgan Thomas. r, z;1 The Commissioners took their seats punctually at half-past two, when there was a large attendance of parochial representatives and of others interested in the proceedings from all parts of the district. Their appearance was the bignal for applause, which was, however, promptly stopped by the Chairman (Alderman Morgan) with the reminder that it was not a political meeting. Among those present were Messrs J Blandy Jenkins, R K Prichard, the Rev F W Edmondes, the Rev S Nicholl, Messrs E Knox, W R Randali, L Nicholl, J Randall, W Llewellyn, Court Colman, Tamplin Lewis, J Barrow, W Llewellyn, Tynewydd, T Stockwood, R H Cox, T J Hughes, R Scale, E David, R C Griffiths, the Rev D Davies, Mr J B Harvey, Tondu, the Rev W Jones, Porthcawl, Alderman E John, Cowbridge, Messrs Evan Evans, C.C., Griffith Thomas, 0 J Davies, Brecknock Villa, Rees Jones and T Rees (Coychurch), D Thomas, M Maddock, and T Davies (Llangynwyd Lower), J G Loveluck, Rees John. and W Jones (Laleston), W Howell (Pencoed), D Cule, Rees Davies (Whitney), E Williams (Bettws), W Street (Ynisawdre), J Edwards and Daniel Thomas (Colwinstone), Robert Thomas (Llandow), W Jones, Griffith Edwards, T John (Llanharry), Isaiah Johu, Rev Stephen Jones. W Cooke (Bridgend), Evan Matthews, D H Lloyd, George Bevan, Richard Williams (Gellyseron), D Phillips, J Rees and Evan Rees (Coity), Thomas Richards (Llanharran), Dr Davies (Maesteg), Rober; Evans, W McGaul, J Sanl<ey, Edgar Davies, D Lewis, W Howells (Wick), LI. Wallington, E Rich, Michael Davies, G F Lambert, W Hopkin, J R Lewis. Morgan Williams (surveyor), W Francis, J Williams (Merthyrmawr), Mountford, Edward Jenkins, J W Edwards, R Thomas (Pyle), oN C Edwards, E Wilde, J Boards, W Richards (Tondu), Edmund Lewis, J H Thomas, W Jenkins (Llanmi- hansrel), &c. The inquiry was opened by the Clerk to the Council (Mr T. M. Franklen) reading the notice containing the proposed alterations, which have already been published in detail in these columns. '1 he Chairman making a statement as to the pro- cedure of the inquiry, announced that they would first receive evidence against the scheme, and afterwards if they thought necessary would call upon the promoters of any modification of it, but they would hear no evidence as to alternative schemes. They would have no speeches—he was sorry to disappoint his legal friends—and no cress- examination, but if any one made a wrong state- ment, their attention might be called to it. 0 EXTENSION OF THE LOCAL BOARD DISTRICT. The proposal for the extension of the Bridgend Local Board District was first taken, the following representing the various interests objecting to the scheme Mr R. H. Cox, Bridgend and Cowbridge Rural Sanitary Authority. Mr T. J. Hughes, Bridgend Local Board and Laleston parish. Mr R. Scale, vestries of Newcastle Lower, Llan- gynwyd Lower and Middle, ratepayers of Ynis- awdre, wnd Maesteg Local Board. Mr R. C. Griffiths, Coity Lower Vestry. Mr W. R. Randall, for Mr J. Nicholl, Merthyr- mawr, and Mr R. K. Prichard as ratepayers and landowners in Newcastle Lower and Coity Lower, and for ratepayers in Coity Lower. Mr D. H. Lloyd and two others for Coity Lower ratepayers. Rev D. Davies and one other, Newcastle Lower Vestry. Mr E Knox, for Miss Talbot, of Margam. Rev F W Edmondes, Bridgend and Cowbridge Guardians. Mr E T David (Messrs Scale and David), Ivenfig, Pyle, and Upper Tythegston School Boatd, and Porthcawl Local Board. Mr Price, Tythegston Higher. RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. The Rev F. W. Edmondes, chairman oftheHuM: Sanitary Authority, the first witness, handed in the resolution of that body, disagreeing -with the whole of the scheme, and suggesting a separate Urban Authority for Newcastle Higher and Ynisawdre. He was proceeding to explain that the principal reason for the objection was that of taking in a large agricultural area into an urban district, when The Chairman interposed with the remark that they might take the objection for granted. Witness said as far as ho understood the course of proceeding then be did not think he had anything to say. BEIDGEND LOCAL DOAED. Mr T. J. Hughes read a resolution of the Local Board assenting to the inclusion of the portions of Coity Lower and Newcastle Lower at present in the Rural Sanitary District, and with reference to the remainder of the scheme reluctantly agreeing to the addition of Newcastle Higher and Ynisawdre, with the further recommendation that the district should be divided into two wards with 1:5 councillors, of which the Bridgend ward should be entitled to 0. There were also recommendations as to the disposal of the other parishes mentioned in the Councils scheme. Mr W. McGaul, chairman of the Board, in answer to Mr Hughes, said he did not consider Llangynwyd Lower and Middle could be properly worked from Bridgend. Neither could Tythegstone Higher nor Pyle, which would require an absolutely different system of sewage. ME E. K. PEICHA'SD. Mr R. K. Prichard, the next witness, called by Mr W. R- Randall, gave evidence against the in- clusion of the rural part of Newcastle Lowor. His residence, Bryntirion was a mile and a half outside Bridgend, and was built just on the boundary between Newcastle Lower and Laleston. Mr Randall: This is an argument in favour of his being joined to Laleston. The Chairman If you chose to build your house an a boundary you must take the consequences. Witness in answer to further questions said New- castle Lower was distinctly agricultural, and there were only a few houses in it beyond the urban boundary. He held his residence on a lease of which there was 25 years to run. and he had land along the turnpike road for half-a-mile where no one could build. The Chairman What a desirable place—Witness Yes, it may be. Witness added there was no lighting or sewerage within A mile of his house. Re thought the rural portion of the parish ought to be joined to Lales- ton. The Chairman asked whether there was not a good deal of building land in the parish advertised to be let.-Witness, Yes; and has been for twenty years. You might reasonably expect them to commence bnilding on that road ?—No, I dont think so. There is a considerable portion in the urban district to be built on first. Oue would think Bridgend would extend in that direction "-It has extended one house in tivontv years. But you are only starting now ? Witness said there were 260 yards to be built on on the Laleston road inside the board's district before the boundary was reached. The population of the rural portion c.f the parish was 22. There ware 18 persons in his own house, and occasionally 24 (laughter). The Chairman Do you ever have a vestry there ? (laughter). Witness, touching the question of drainage, said it was impossible to drain that part af the parish to Bridgend. The Chairman: There is no place in the world that cannot be drained. Someone will invent a system. ME >T. THOENE. Mr W. Thorne, next called by Mr Randall, said he held a farm partly in the rural portion of New- castle Lower, and he was strongly opposed to its being joined to the Bridgend Urban District. MR LEWIS NICHOLL. Mr Lewis Nicholl also gave evidence with reference to Newcastle Lower and Coity Lower. In answer to Mr Randall, he said lie managed the Merthyrmawr estate for his brother, and he con- sidered the inclusion of those districts would be absolutely unjust. They would get no advantage whatever from being joined. With regard to the portion of the estate within Newcastle Lower it was impossible to develop it for building purposes except within the next hundred years or so. Witness then proceeded to show in detail that there was no pros- pect of the town growing beyond the present boun- daries for a considerable time to come. There was room within the present urban district for a popula- tion of 12,000. The Chairman, with reference to the absence of sewerage, of which complaint had been made, asked whether witness did not think that the existence of a Local Board before houses were built would probably lead to the immediate provision of sewerage. Witness referred by way of answer to the town of Bridgend itself. The Chairman Then the board was neglectful; but, he added, They are improving now. 0 Witness, in answer to a question put by Mr Hughes, said he believed about two houses had been built on the Mettbyrmawr road outside the urban boundary since 1876. He was not prepared to con- tradict the statement that since last year 102 new houses had been built in the Bridgend district, that 34 more were in course of erection, and that plans of 16 houses were passed at the last board meeting. COUNTY COUNCILLOR EVAN EVANS. Mr Evans said he proposed to give evidence on behalf of the rural part of Newcastle Lower which he represented on the County Council. He did not livt) in the district affected bv the scheme. The Chairman said he could not attach much importance to the evidence of an outside witness. Mr Evans said he was strongly opposed to the principle of including rural in urban districts, a principle he thought most unfair. The district in question was likely to remain rural for some time to come. He was in favour of Newcastle Lower being joined to Laleston In answer to a question by Mr T J Hughes, he said he did not think it necessary that West House shouid be drained through Biidgend. MR W. HOPKIN. Mr W Hopkin (Island Farm), called by Mr R C Griffiths, stated his objections to the scheme, but had not gone far when ne was pulled up by The Chairman,who stated he would take personal objections for granted. MR D H LLOYD. Mr D H Lloyd next submitted the resolution from the town ratepayers' meeting, disagreeing with the resolution passed by the Local Board as to the inclusion of Newcastle Higher and Ynisawdre. In answer to the Chairman, witness sail there were 200 or 300 at the meeting, and the resolutions were carried by about 3 to 1. Mr T J Hughes would ask Mr Lloyd whether a motion was not passed in favour of the extension of the Local Board District, and bv about 35 to 10 1, Mr Grimths Would you ask Mr Lloyd by what majority the second resolution was carried. the c hairman I cannot go into this. Mr Griffiths It is rather important. Mr Lloyd Nine out of the ten who voted against this were members of the Board of Health. The Chairman: Well, they are so inconsistent that I cannot pay any attention to either (laugh- ter) ME W. J. RICHARDS. TONDU. Mr W J Richards, Tondu, examined by Mr Scale, said lie was a ratepayer at Ynisawdre. The feeling of the parish was strong against the scheme. Mr Scale Can you say why ? Because they object to being tasrsred on to a Ward which has proved a practical failure for the last thirty years. This statement evoked loud applause. The Chairman Order, order. I must clear the room if you do this any more, and then you cannot give evidence at all. Witness in answer to the chairman, said he had no resolution from the vestry. ME. BOYD HARVEY. Mr J Boyd Harvey, general manager of North's Navigation Collieries and Ironworks, called by Mr Scale on behalf of Newcastle Higher, said be had lived in the district for about two years, and was thoroughly acquainted with its requirements. He handed in a resolution of a vestry meeting objecting to the proposed addition of the whole of the parishes named in the scheme. <: • The Chairman They seem to pass a lot in that parish. They seem to pass all the other parishes. A very useful parish I should say. Witness said one of the reasons for their opposi- tion was that they considered there was nothing in common between that district and Bridgend, the latter being commercial, while Tondu and Aber- kenfig were essentially industrial. They were a large hamlet with a large population. In answer to the Chairman, witness said there were about 50 at the vestry out of a population of 3,000. LLANGYNWYD MIDDLE;. Mr Scale handed in an adverse memoriai from Llangynwyd Middle; but The Chairman declined to receive memorials. Mr Richard Williams, Gellyseron. then submitted a resolution passed at the parish vestry which be said was attended by about 100 persons out of a population of 669. The resolution was unanimous, and he believed there was not one person in the hamlet in favour of the scheme. 1\ffi. J. BARROW. Mr J. Barrow, giving evidence as one very largely interested in the hamlet, said personally he was decidedly against the scheme. Three-fourths of the population were within 100 yards of the boundary of the Maesteg Local Board District. He con- sidered the proposal both most absurd and rnjust. The Chairman Are you against it being joined to an urban district at all ?—I would prefer its being left in the district of the Rural Authority. Mr Scale But if it is joined f-If joined anywhere, it ought to be joined to Maesteg. LLANGYNWYD LOWER. Mr Maddock presented a vestry resolution from Llangyawyd Lower. ^The meeting was attended by about twelve persons. The following also gave evidence against the scheme—Messrs D. Thomas, Llangynwyd Middle, Mr J G Loveluck, Laleston, and Price, Tythegston Higher, the resolution presented by the last named declaring that the parishioners protested against being joined to Bridgend or any other Local Government District.' The Chairman That is a good resolution (laughter). ME E. KNOX. Mr E. Knox, agent to Miss Talbot. considered Llangynwyd Middle should be joined to Maesteg Local Board if to any. According to the scheme, Pyle would be cut in two, nearly the whole of the rateable value going to Bridgend. The church would also be separated- The Chairman: The church would not be rated. Mr Knox That is a matter of sentiment. Per- haps you have nothing to do with that. The Chairman As a commissioner I have not. v- Witness considered that if the Rural Sanitary district were divided the authority would be quite competent to look after Tythegstone Higher and Kenfig Hill. LALESTON VILLAGE. The Rev D Davies submitted a recommendation from Laleston to the effect that if the parish was included the village should be left. The Chairman then declared the inquiry as to the extension of the Bridgend Local Board district closed. DIVISION OF THE RURAL ]DISTRICT. On the scheme for the division into two of the remainder of the district of the Bridgend and Cowbridge Rural Sanitary Authority, Mr Blandy Jenkins gave evidence in favour of the alternative, proposal of transferring LIanharran and Peterstone- super-Montem to the Bridgend Highway district, r which was opposed by the Rev F W Edmondes and Mr Rees Thomas (Boverton), as it would deprive the Cowbridge highway district of a ratable value of about £ 14,000. The inquiry shortly afterwards closed, the com- missioners intimating they would duly report their conclusion to the council.









